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This chapter shall cover the presentation of data gathered in tabular

form. The data are from the respondents of selected SMEs in Pasig City. The

presentation of the data and interpretation of the result is following the

statement of the problems as shown in the first chapter of this research study.

The first part of this chapter shall present the quantitative analysis of data and

the second part shall present the qualitative analysis of data gathered.

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1.1 As to the type of business

Table 1.1

Type of Business Frequency Percentage

Service 50 41.67%
Merchandising 60 50%
Manufacturing 10 8.33%
Total 120 100%
Frequency and Distribution of Respondents by Type of Business

As shown in Table 1.1, the frequency and percentage distribution of

respondents as to type business. It is shown in the table that the majority of

the respondents are a merchandising type of business with 60 out of 120

respondents (50%) followed by service type of business with 50 out of 120



respondents (41.67%) and the least is the manufacturing type of business

with 10 out of 120 respondents (8.33%).

According to the Department of Trade and Industry, in 2020 the List of

Establishments of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) recorded a total of

957,620 enterprises that are operating in our country. The 952,969 or 99.51%

of it are MSMEs, the micro-enterprise is in a total of 850,127 or 88.77% and it

is followed by small enterprises that are a total of 98,126 or 10.25%. DTI also

stated that the top 1 industry sectors according to the number of MSMEs in

2020 were wholesale and retail trade. It means that merchandising is the most

common type of business here in our country because wholesale and retail

trade is considered as merchandise.

1.2 As to Capitalization

Table 1.2

Capitalization Frequency Percentage

3,000,000-15,000,000 99 82,50%
15,000,001-100,000,000 21 17.5%
Total 120 100%
Frequency and Distribution of Respondents by Capitalization

As shown in Table 1.2, the frequency and percentage distribution of

respondents by capitalization. It shows in the data that majority of the

respondents went to 3,000,000 – 15,000,000 capitalization with 99 or 82.50%



while 15,000,001 – 100,000,000 capitalization accounted for only 21 or


According to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in the 2020 list

of establishments of the Philippine Statistics Authority or PSA, the total

recorded of the PSA is 957,620 business enterprises operating in the

Philippines. In the total of 957,620, 99.51% or 952,969 here are MSMEs and

4,651 (0.49%) are large enterprises. 88.77% or 850,127 consume by Micro

enterprises, followed by small enterprises at 10.25% or 98,126 and medium

enterprises at 0.49% or 4,716. In connection to the data gathered, small

enterprises are more than medium enterprises in the Philippines.

1.3 As to Years of Business Operations

Table 1.3

Frequency and Distribution of Respondents by Years of Business


Years of Business
Frequency Percentage
Below 5 years 74 61.67%
6 to 10 years 34 28.33%
11 years and above 12 10%
Total 120 100%
As shown in Table 1.3, the frequency and percentage distribution of the

years of operation of SMEs shows that "below 5 years" got the highest

frequency of 74 out of 120 which is 61.67% followed by 6-10 years which has


35 out of 120 and weigh 28.33% and last the 11 years and above that got 12

out of 120 respondents and 10% in the percentage.

Many businesses began their venture as MSMEs, though some sustain

this kind of market for long years. According to Investopedia (2020), MSMEs

can sustain their net assets and profit under a certain threshold, meaning

these kinds of enterprises were very accessible to establish in the early years

of business as potentially grow and maturity comes for longer years. Also,

there are indications that these MSMEs started to venture into the business

world because of the given support by the government. Moreover, The

Negosyo Center of DTI provides convenience for the businessman to be part

of MSMEs as they give more incentives and government grants. DTI also

stimulate entrepreneurship development as it gives result on how much these

businesses contribute to the country. This how much shows that if a person is

allowed to start venturing as MSME, they can receive overwhelming support

coming from the government here in the Philippines.



1.4 As to Method of Recordkeeping

Table 1.4

Frequency and Distribution of Respondents by Method of


Method of Recordkeeping Frequency Percentage

Manual Bookkeeping 71 59.17%
Software Bookkeeping 6 5%
Both 43 35.83%
Total 120 100%
As shown in Table 1.4, the frequency and percentage distribution of the

method of recordkeeping of selected small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in

Pasig City. The data shows that 71 out of 120 respondents uses manual

bookkeeping, having a percentage rate of 59.17%, which is the highest rate

among the method of recordkeeping. While 43 out of 120 respondents use

both manual and software as their method of recording and having a

percentage rate of 35.83% and lastly, only 6 out of 120 respondents use

software to record their financial transactions, it has a percentage rate of 5%.

The data shows also corresponds to the study of Yap F. (2019), wherein,

in the data it shows that manual bookkeeping system gathers the highest

percentage of 57 out of 80 respondents equal to 71.25% and 9 respondents

use computerized bookkeeping system and it is equal to 11.25% and the

remaining has no bookkeeping system.



In addition, the data of Grefalde J. (2020), in research entitled

“Bookkeeping Practices of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)”, the result

is somehow identical to the result given above. Based on the study, 45 out of

100 respondents uses a manual bookkeeping system, 2 out of 100 uses a

computerized bookkeeping system, 1 out 100 use an online bookkeeping

system, and 52 out 100 uses a combination of manual and computer

bookkeeping system. The data shows a different ranking of users of the

bookkeeping system in comparison to the data in Table 1.4 since the highest

rank is the use of manual and computerized bookkeeping system that has

52% while the second to the rank is through manual bookkeeping that has

45%. Based on Grifalde J., computerized and software bookkeeping system is

different, computerized bookkeeping means through the use of excel

application while software bookkeeping system is with the use of accounting

or bookkeeping software such as QuickBooks and Zoho Books. Hence,

manual and computer bookkeeping system is the dominant way to record,

accumulate and store financial transactions since business enterprises can

save money using this method of recording rather than software bookkeeping

alone (Grifalde J. 2020).

In addition to the reason of Pacinu A. (2020), manual bookkeeping is the

most used recordkeeping method due to various reasons such as it is easy to

use and more convenient than software recordkeeping. Manual recordkeeping



Is no need for expensive accounting software. Lastly, if the business uses

only a software system information leakage or information loss is probable

since it is recorded and in software.

2. The Bookkeeping Practice of Selected SMEs Owners

2.1 Single-Entry Bookkeeping

Table 2.1

Respondents’ Assessment on Bookkeeping Practices in terms of

Single-Entry Bookkeeping 4 3 2 1 Wx Vi
1. The daily transaction is
94 20 0 0 3.63 SA
recorded in a book or notes.
2. Inflow and outflow of cash
86 27 0 1 3.55 SA
are recorded in a book.
3. Business always makes
87 27 0 0 3.58 SA
accurate computations.
4. Recorded cashflows
85 28 1 0 3.55 SA
accurately and consistently.
5. Businesses keep track of
94 16 2 2 3.58 SA
their revenues and expenses.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.58 SA
Single-Entry Bookkeeping
Legend: SA-Strongly Agree; A- Agree; D-Disagree;
SD-Strongly Disagree; Wx= Weigthed Mean; Vi= Verbal Interpretation.

As shown in Table 2.1, It is stated in statement number 1, the daily

transaction of the business is recorded in a book or notes. The tally shows

that 94 out of 114 respondents (82.46%), strongly agree while 20 out of 114

respondents (17.54%) only agree. Hence, most of the respondents’ answers

are strongly agree with a mean of 3.63. It means that most enterprises use a

single-entry method to record the daily transaction of the business.



According to Rahamon and Adejare (2014), single-entry bookkeeping

is an informal bookkeeping method where the user of this method makes only

one entry to record a business transaction. All transactions are usually

recorded in one journal. It records the daily transaction of the business and

this method is practical for small businesses and also for those who are just


In question number 2, business inflow and outflow of cash are recorded in

a book. The tally shows that 86 out of 114 respondents (75.44%) while 27 out

of 114 (23.68%) of them agree and only 1 strongly agree with the question.

Most of the respondents are strongly agreed with a mean of 3.55. Based on

that data the SMEs businesses have a book to record their daily transactions.

According to Amanda Cameron (2017), the single-entry is a method that

collects and record the business’s finance. Businesses can record one entry

for every transaction and this method is the foundation of cash-basis

accounting. With this method of bookkeeping, the business mostly records

cash disbursements and cash receipts. The business will record the incoming

and outgoing money in the cash book. This method usually tracks the

business assets and liabilities separately.

In question number 3, business always makes accurate computations.

The table shows that 87 out of 114 respondents (76.32%) strongly agree and

the remaining 27 (23.68%) agree. Hence, most of the respondents are



strongly agreed with a mean of 3.575. Based on that result most of the SMEs

businesses have a systemized bookkeeping system despite being manual,

software, or both. Accurate bookkeeping is the key to consistently growing as

an industry. Moreover, according to Corstvet (2010), precise bookkeeping not

only helps the enterprise to comply with the law and paid taxes but it can also

helps track the status of the enterprise and inadequate bookkeeping can be a

factor in enterprise failure. But, some of the SMEs that the researchers

surveyed said that more often errors and misstatements happen. One of the

respondents who had challenges in making accurate computation said that

"lack of manpower", "unorganized bookkeeping" and "overcomplication of

data received".

This is supported by Yadav (2016) accordingly, unorganized

bookkeeping or accounting system can produce many mistakes especially

involving the taxing organization as a consequence an entity may pay

additional penalties due to these tax errors. Moreover, heavy decisions

always rely on accounting reports or financial statements and their

correctness has a heavy impact on the management deciding factor, and as

error or misstatements commit it could result in downfall to the enterprise.

Moreover, in question number 4, the tally shows that 85 out of 114

respondents (74.56%) strongly agree, while 28 out of 114 (25.56%) agree and

1 (.88%) of the respondents disagree. Hence, the respondents that use a



single-entry bookkeeping system strongly agree that cashflows are recorded

daily and consistently with a mean of 3.55. This is backed by the study of

Abdul-Rahamon O., & Adejare A., (2014), a single-entry bookkeeping system

is using a cashbook to record the daily transaction of the business. In

addition to the cashbook, businesses also use a cash receipt journal and cash

disbursement journal to record the cash inflows received from their customers

and cash outflow to track the expenses of the business. An additional reason

for business owners on how they consistently record cash flow using a single-

entry bookkeeping system is due to, it is easy to record it using this method.

Since, in the single-entry method, there are columns to record the date,

amount of receipt or disbursement, and the total amount of cash.

Lastly, in question number 5, as shown in Table 2.1, based on the tally

of 94 out of 114 respondents (82.46%) strongly agree, 16 of the respondents

(14.04%) agree, and 2 of them (1.75%) and the remaining strongly disagree

that businesses can keep track of their revenue and expenses. The

interpretation shows that respondents strongly agree and have a mean of

3.58 with regards to this statement. A business owner can easily keep track of

these since it is only recorded in one book and one entry wherein, revenue

and expenses can be monitored thoroughly.

This statement is supported by Carlson R. (2019), as stated, businesses

using a single-entry bookkeeping system are characterized by recording one



entry in each transaction, one entry for revenue, and one entry for expenses.

Hence, businesses can also use a two-column ledger to record in one column

the revenue and in another column the expenses of the business. Moreover, it

is easy to track revenue and expenses using the single-entry method because

business owners are just like checking a passbook in which information

needed is in the face of the passbook and every single transaction is recorded

and monitored.

2.2 Double-Entry Bookkeeping

Table 2.2

Double-Entry Bookkeeping 4 3 2 1 Wx Vi
1. The separation of cash and credit 3 3.6
83 4 0 SA
sales and purchases is important. 3 6
2. Maintains records and other 3 3.7
85 0 0 SA
operating expenses. 5 1
3. Errors in recording can be 4 1 3.4
66 1 A
determined easily. 1 2 3
4. The business keep track of
4 3.5
assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, 70 3 1 SA
6 4
and expenses.
5. The business owner is using the
3 3.4
debit and credit format for recording 71 5 9 A
5 0
Overall Weighted Mean 3.5 S
8 A
Respondent’s Assessment on Bookkeeping Practices In Terms of
Double-Entry Bookkeeping
Legend: SA-Strongly Agree; A- Agree; D-Disagree; SD- Strongly
Disagree; Wx= Weigthed Mean; Vi= Verbal Interpretation.
As shown in Table 2.2, in question 1 if the separation of cash and

credit sales and purchase is important. Most of the respondents strongly



agreed with the tally that shows 83 out of 120 respondents having (69.17%)

strongly agree that using the double-entry bookkeeping method that the

separation of cash and credit sales and purchases is important. While 33 out

of 120 respondents had (27.5%) agree to the questions. Lastly, 4 out 120

which have (3.333%) disagree that separating the cash, credit sales, and

purchase is important. Thus, most of the respondents strongly agree that

having a double-entry method to separate the cash, credit ales and

purchase is important which has a mean of 3.66.

According to Chelimo and Sopia (2014), the double-entry bookkeeping

method is the standard method used by businesses and enterprises to record

the transactions in the business. Double-entry bookkeeping uses debits and

credits, this device provides the ability to record the entries twice. The

separation of the cash, sales, purchases, and expenses is shown in the debit

and credit values. Due to debit and credit values, the double-entry method is

also self-balancing. The total of the debit values record must be equal to the

total of the credit values record.

In the number 3 question, errors in recording can be determined easily.

The tally shows that 66 out of 120 respondents (55%) strongly agree, 41 out

of 120 respondents (34.17%) agree, while 12 of the respondents (10%)

disagree and only 1 of them strongly disagree that errors in the record can

find easily. Hence, most of the respondents agreed with a 3.43 mean. It


means that MSME with their organized bookkeeping system can keep up for

reporting accurately. But there are instances that the respondents see some

challenges in avoiding error and misstatements. They said that the reason

that errors exist is because of a lack of manpower or professionals to facilitate

the recordings and reporting. They also experience overcomplication of the

data and documents, that is why they are having hard times in presenting the

report with no error. SMEs business trying hard to make accurate statements

because this is very critical for the future decision of business. According to

Chepmokoi (2013) keeping accurate records can help the management to

track and forecast what is happening on its assets and operation of the

business. Accurate reporting is one of the critical success factors for the

business to obtain growth. Moreover, as they establish their bookkeeping

system it secures the business from internal thieves and dishonest


In the number 4 question if the business keeps track of assets,

liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses most of the respondents strongly

agreed with the mean of 3.54. This could be mean that SMEs that have a

bookkeeping system does not have a very complicated statement of financial

position and its profit and loss report. According to CPBRD Philippines (2018)

Micro, small and medium enterprises which are considered the backbone of

many economies have only a size of fewer than 200 employees and less than


100 million assets. Their net assets is ranging from 3,000,0001 to 15,000,000

(PCW, 2019). Same for their operation their transaction of business is ranging

from 30,000-300,000 a day. This explains how simple for the manager or

bookkeepers to track their net assets and their operation.

Table 2.1, question number 5 provides information regarding the

respondent’s assessment in using double-entry bookkeeping whether the

respondents are using debit and credit format in recording transactions.

Based on the tally, 71 out of 120 respondents strongly agree (59.17%) that

double-entry bookkeeping is with the use of debit and credit format. While 35

out of 120 respondents agree (29.17%), 5 out of 120 disagree (4.17%) and 9

out of 120 strongly disagree (7.5%). The data shows that the mean is 3.40

and based on interpretation, the respondents agree with the use of debit and

credit format in recording transactions.

According to Adejare & Abdul-Rahamon (2014), double-entry

bookkeeping is another way of recording financial transactions. The person

who records it will have an entry on the left side which is the debit and the

right side which is the credit in recording the transactions. The amount on the

debit side must be equal to the amount on the credit side. Hence, the table

only shows that respondents agree with this format of recording. As the

researchers conducting the survey, most of the respondents coming from

small enterprises are not knowledgeable of double-entry bookkeeping.



The statement is supported by Tripathi P. (2021), who stated that most

of the small enterprise owners nearly 60% of them do not have adequate

knowledge regarding accounting systems. This lack of knowledge of the

owner leads them to use single-entry rather than double-entry bookkeeping.

3. Effect of Bookkeeping Practices on Business Growth in terms of;

3.1 Monitoring Business

Table 3.1

Respondents’ Assessment on The Effect Of Bookkeeping Practices on

Business Growth In Terms of Monitoring Business

Monitoring Business 4 3 2 1 Wx Vi
1. Businesses create good
recordkeeping of their daily 96 20 3 1 3.76 SA
business transaction.
2. Businesses can oversee
the cash receipts and
78 40 2 0 3.63 SA
disbursements of the
3. Businesses can
accomplish their timely
78 39 2 1 3.62 SA
financial statement or
4. Businesses can keep track
of inventory inflow and 86 31 68 1 3.68 SA
outflow of the business.
5. Records keeping provides
information to enable the
91 28 1 0 3.75 SA
control of cash in the
Overall Weighted Mean 3.69 SA
Legend: SA-Strongly Agree; A- Agree; D-Disagree; SD- Strongly
Disagree; Wx= Weighted Mean; Vi= Verbal Interpretation.


As shown in Table 3.1, In question 1 it is asked if businesses create

good recordkeeping of their daily business transaction. Most of the

respondents strongly agree with 96 out of 120 respondents having (80%) of

the tally, 20 out of 120 respondents agree to have (16.67%) shown in the tally.

While 3 out of 120 respondents disagree which have (2.5%) of the total tally.

Lastly, the remaining 1 respondent strongly disagree that businesses create

good recordkeeping of their daily business transaction. Hence, most of the

respondents strongly agree with the questions that have a mean of 3.76.

According to Yap (2019), bookkeeping knowledge helped entrepreneurs

to be successful. It is a compilation of business daily transactions in a precise

and coherent way. It is important to keep records on every business

transaction to know how to break even or to know if each different product is

making a profit. In addition to that, bookkeeping practices are one thing that a

business owner or an entrepreneur should not set aside and ignore because it

helps decision-makers to come up with a good decision-making idea for the

growth of the business.

In question number 2, if businesses can oversee the cash receipts and

disbursements of the business. The tally for this question shows that 78 out

of 120 respondents strongly agree with the percentage rate of (65%), while

40 out of 120 respondents agree to the question with a percentage rate of

(33.33%). Lastly, the 2 remaining respondents disagree with this question with


a percentage of (16.67%). Hence, most of the respondents are strongly

agreed with the mean of 3.63. Based on that result most of the businesses

have a cash receipt and their disbursement of the business.

According to Rosemary Carlson (2022), Keeping track of the business’s

cash receipts in an up-to-date is necessary for efficient financial management.

Appropriate accounting procedures for the cash receipts allow the business to

maintain adequate records for financial statement development and income

tax preparation.

In the number 3 question, the tally shows that 66 out of 120 respondents

having a percentage of ( 55%) strongly agree with the question, 41 out of 120

of the respondents (34.17%) agree while 12 of the respondents (10%)

disagree and only one of the respondents strongly disagree that through

bookkeeping they can accomplish their timely financial statement or records.

Hence, the data shows that most of the respondents strongly agreed with a

mean of 3.62. It means that most SMEs can create a timely report of their

financial statements in a certain period. SMEs business design is seeking

potential growths in the future, that is why opportunities or threats may come

after a period of the business.

According to Perez Goree and Associates (2015), When properly used,

bookkeeping and financial reporting provide valuable information to assist in

making key day-to-day operational decisions such as whether the company is



overpaying for supplies, whether the company should repair or replace critical

business assets, whether the company can afford to hire new employees and

many other important decisions. Leadership has just partial information to

make key decisions without this financial data. The added benefit of current

and accurate financial data can assist management in making the best

decisions possible.

In question number 4, if the businesses can keep track of inventory inflow

and outflow of the business. The tally shows that 74 out of 120 respondents

strongly agree with the question with a percentage of (61.67%), while 42 out

of 120 respondents agree with the percentage of (35%). Lastly, the 4

remaining respondents disagree with this question with a percentage of

(3.33%). Hence, most of the respondents strongly agree with the question that

businesses can keep track of inventory inflow and outflow of the business.

Every entrepreneur should not set aside and must maintain a proper

record of his or her daily business transaction and keep track of the inventory

inflow and outflow of the business. According to Chelimo and Sopia (2014),

having proper record keeping and keeping track of every transaction of the

business is important in sustaining and expanding their business. The

purpose of having proper bookkeeping practices is that it helps in managing

the business properly. It is also important to keep track of the records to

prevent theft and keep things organized. Effective and efficient record-keeping


practices secure businesses from internal thieves and dishonest customers.

Thus, keeping accurate records is highly fundamental for a successful

business to stay organized and profitable.

In question number 5, the respondents strongly agree that bookkeeping

practices have a direct effect on business growth in terms of monitoring the

control of cash of the business. The tally shows that 91 out of 120

respondents strongly agree (75.84%) that recordkeeping provides information

to enable the control of cash in the business. While, 28 out of 120

respondents (23.33%), agree to this question. Lastly, the remaining 1

respondent disagree (0.83%) that recordkeeping provides information for cash

control. Hence, most of them strongly agree that bookkeeping enables them

to control and monitor the cash of the business and has a mean of 3.75.

The bookkeeping practices enable the business owners and

bookkeepers to facilitate the monitoring of the cash inflows and cash outflows

of the business as well as monitoring the cash balance of the company.

According to Saurabh A. (2021), a business that prevents the inadequacy of

cash must accurately monitor the flow of the company’s cash. Based on

Saurabh, it can only be kept track of by using bookkeeping. A business owner

must know the significance of it. The business may also monitor the cash

receipts from customers and cash expenses as well as provide sound

financial judgment.


According to the Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago, the record-keeping

for cash used by the businesses are cash book, cash receipts journal, and

cash disbursement journal. The reason for controlling cash for the business

growth of the business is that cash is the most used asset of the business, it

serves as a payment for any expenses and acquiring other assets like

inventory. Proper monitoring of cash may help businesses to survive and

grow. Cash flow serves as the lifeline of the business, if the company has a

positive cash balance, then the business is in a good position (Gateway

Commercial Finance, 2021).

3. Effect of Bookkeeping Practices on Business Growth in terms of;

3.2 Decision-making

Table 3.2

Decision-making 4 3 2 1 Wx Vi
1. Record keeping is essential
for decision-making and 86 33 1 0 3.71 SA
business adjustment.
2. Businesses can decide
quickly on the trend and 60 55 5 0 3.50 SA
changes in the business.
3. Business decision-making
is based on company 78 39 3 0 3.625 SA
recorded data.
4. Recordkeeping can project
74 42 4 0 3.58 SA
future judgment of a business.
5. Records keeping provides
information to enable the
78 42 0 0 3.65 SA
control of cash in the
Overall Weighted Mean 3.613 SA


Respondents’ Assessment on The Effect of Bookkeeping Practices on

Business Growth In Terms of Decision-Making
Legend: SA-Strongly Agree; A- Agree; D-Disagree; SD- Strongly
Disagree; Wx= Weighted Mean; Vi= Verbal Interpretation.
As shown in Table 3.2., In question 1, it is asked if record-keeping is

essential for decision-making and business adjustment. Most of the

respondents strongly agree with 86 out of 120 which is (71.67%) in the tally.

While 33 out of 120 respondents which are (27.5%) in the tally. Lastly, the

remaining 1 respondent disagree that record-keeping is essential for decision-

making and business adjustment. Thus, most of the respondents strongly

agree with the question which has a 3.71 mean.

Proper record-keeping is important in sustaining, maintaining, and

expanding the business. According to Chelimo and Sopia (2014), without

proper record-keeping practices, an entrepreneur runs the risk of hitting cash

flow crunches, wasting money, and missing out on an opportunity to expand

the business. Hence, bookkeeping is the one thing that an entrepreneur

should not ignore because it helps entrepreneurs to make good decisions for

maintaining and expanding their business.

In question number 2, if the business can decide quickly on the trend

and changes in the business. The table shows that 65 out of 120 respondents

strongly agree with a percentage of (54.17%), while 50 out of 120 of the

respondents agree to the question with a percentage of (41.67%). Lastly, the



remaining 5 respondents disagree with the question with a percentage of

(4.17%). Hence, most of the respondents strongly agree that bookkeeping

practices enable them to decide quickly on the trend and changes in the

business with a mean of 3.5.

Quick decision-making is possibly the most important ability for the

business today. The reason for quick decision-making is a rapid change in the

business world, it’s the quick decision-making that can let your business get

ahead of your competitors. It was supported by Brand Tracking (2020), which

found that high-performing businesses were making a decision fast, with less

effort, and executing them more frequently than their worse-performing

counterparts. On the other side, the businesses that considered the decision

for almost a month saw a growth stagnate, while the competitors overtook it.

In question number 3 if business decision-making is based on company

recorded data, most of the respondents answered strongly agree and the tally

shows that 78 out of 120 (65%) answer it, then 39 out of 120 respondents

(32.5%) answered agree and only 3 of them (3.33%) disagree. Moreover, it

shows a mean of 3.62 meaning most of the MSMEs respondents rely on the

data for making decisions.

The reason for the data is supported by Jason L. (2020) accordingly,

financial data or specifically financial statements assists the mind of the

management for running the business, it gives more clear insight enabling for


the best decision on the business. Having reliable and rational data lower the

chance of failure of the business, this could also help to compare data from

the past activities or the other business or competitors or benchmarking.

Furthermore, according to Abdulshakour (2019), financial data or statements

act as a form of communication wherein these quantitative or qualitative data

on these financial statements is being absorbed by the management to

conduct studies or forecast opportunities and threats for decision making.

In Table 3.2, the respondents strongly agree with the weighted mean of

3.61 that recordkeeping can project future judgment of business, the tally

shows 74 out of 120 respondents (61.67%) respond strongly agree with this

question, while 42 out of 120 respondents (35%) only agree, and 4 out of 120

respondents (3.33%) disagree that recordkeeping will help them to project

future judgment of their business. Hence, most of the businesses, with the

use of bookkeeping guide them to project future judgment.

According to Neil Marshall Tax and Business Advice, recordkeeping can

help businesses significantly. Bookkeeping is essential to businesses since,

with the use of recorded data the business can assess the current situation of

the entity and provide sound judgment regarding the future operations of the

business. In addition, through recordkeeping business owner or manager can

provide future decisions on whether there is a need for improvement or re-

invention for the company.



Moreover, the question is also in conformity to Accountant and Business

Advisors that once the business has precisely recorded data of their financial

transactions, businesses can ease the planning and predicting the future of

the company. Since businesses have present financial information of the

business and with this data, a company can forecast judgment. Lastly as cited

by Accountant and Business Advisors, for a better plan and judgment, the

company must have past recorded financial data.

Further discussion, in question number 4, there are 78 out of 120

respondents (65%) who strongly agree, while the remaining 42 respondents

(35%) respond agree with the question. Overall, most of the respondents

strongly agree with the statement that recordkeeping can help to improve the

operations and productivity of the business.

The data is from the study of Abdul-Rahamon A. & Adejare A. (2014)

entitled “Analysis of the Impact of the Accounting Records Keeping on the

Performance of Small-Scale Enterprises”, that recordkeeping serves as a

pathway for the business wealth information. This information can be used by

customers, regulators, and most especially managers and owners who are

responsible for making decisions for the business. Through analysis of the

financial statement with the primary tool bookkeeping, the managers and

owners can determine the strengths and weaknesses of the business, thus it

will help for corrections and improvement. Ultimately, these records can help


the managers and owners to improve the performance of the business

operations and productivity. Hence, in connection to their study, only 25 out

of 113 respondents (22%) strongly agree that recordkeeping improves

efficiency and productivity while 51 out of 113 (45%) of the respondents agree

regarding this statement and the remaining disagree and strongly disagree.

However, the data will support the claim that recordkeeping will help to

improve the business operations and productivity of the entity and most of the

managers and owners used these records to evaluate the performance of the


3. Effect of Bookkeeping Practices on Business Growth in terms of;

3.3. Budgeting

Table 3.3

Respondents’ Assessment on The Effect Of Bookkeeping Practices on

Business Growth In Terms of Budgeting
Budgeting 4 3 2 1 Wx Vi
1. Accounting records assist in
resource allocation and 94 24 2 0 3.76 SA
performance planning.
2. Recordkeeping increases
the chance of the business 88 31 1 0 SA
achieving success
3. Recordkeeping can forecast
the income and expenses of 91 26 3 0 SA
the business.


4. Businesses with record-

keeping can minimize 91 26 3 0 3.73 SA
unfavorable budgeting.
5. Recordkeeping creates the 3.77
94 25 1 0 SA
pattern of business budgeting. 5
Overall Weighted Mean 3.75 S
3 A
Legend: SA-Strongly Agree; A- Agree; D-Disagree; SD- Strongly
Disagree; Wx= Weigthed Mean; Vi= Verbal Interpretation.
As shown in Table 3.3., question number 1, is asked if accounting

records assist in resource allocation and performance planning. 94 out of 120

respondents strongly agree to the question having a percentage of (78.33%)

recorded in the tally. While 24 out of 120 respondents agree to it having

percentage of (20%) recorded in the tally. Lastly, the 2 remaining respondents

which are (1.67%) disagree that accounting records assist in resource

allocation and performance planning. Hence, most of the respondents

strongly agree with the question having a mean of 3.76

Bookkeeping is the compilation of business transactions and events in

a precise and coherent way with the goal that the financial condition and

performance of the company are communicated or can be tracked anytime. It

is supported by Yap (2019), according to him accounting record-keeping skills

and knowledge helped entrepreneurs to make their businesses sustainable

and successful. It is said that if a business transaction is recorded properly,

the decision-making process and planning would be easy for SMEs and

MSMEs businesses to reflect the changes on the records. The recorded

transaction can easily reflect the changes in the wealth of entrepreneurs and


this can also explain why major economic decisions in businesses are


In question number 2 if recordkeeping increases the chances of the

business achieving success, the data shows that most of the respondents

strongly agree to this question with the mean of 3.725. The tally shows 88 out

of 120 strongly agree with a percentage of (73.33%), while 31 out of 120 of

the respondents agree to the question with a percentage of (25.83%). Lastly,

the remaining 1 respondent disagrees with the question gaining percentage is


For small business owners everywhere, recordkeeping is a necessary

and sometimes tricky part of making sure a business runs smoothly. Keeping

clear records of income, expenses, employees, tax documents and accounts

isn’t just good business. It helps you monitor progress toward goals and save

you time and money. The implementation of a records management plan is a

best practice to ensure small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are

assisted and continue the business to expand into large and multi-national

businesses (Mintah et. al. 2022).

In question number 3 if recordkeeping can forecast the income and

expenses of the business, most of the SMEs respondents strongly agreed

with 91 out of 120 respondents (75.83%) strongly agree, then 26 out of 120 of

the respondents (21.67%) only agreed and 3 of the respondents (2.50%)



disagreed. The mean in question number 3 is 3.775, meaning most of the

respondents use bookkeeping as a tool for planning and budgeting in terms of

income and expenses of the business. According to Stevens (2021) apart

from the current data made with the use of bookkeeping historical recordings

also helps analyze the future of the business and these are used by

successful CEOs and entrepreneurs around the world because of their

accuracy. With their established bookkeeping system financial forecasting for

sales and expenses become at ease. The respondents also said that it helps

them to make new standards for the business as a guide for the future

activities of the company.

In the number 4 question if businesses with record-keeping can minimize

unfavorable budgeting, most of the respondents answered strongly agree with

91 out of 120 respondents (75.83%), then 26 of them (21.67%) only agreed

and 3 of the respondents (2.50%) disagreed with a mean of 3.733. It means

that bookkeeping helps the SMEs respondents having a shortage for their

annual budget, it could also infer that because of this they made many wise

decisions when it comes to managing their resources. According to Controller

(2020), effective budgeting refers to the best allocation of resources to run the

business, bookkeeping helps the management to carry out practical budgeting

tasks because as they record transactions, they also identify strengths,

weaknesses, and also the saving.



In question number 5, the respondents strongly agree with a weighted

mean of 3.775 that recordkeeping creates the pattern of business budgeting.

The tally shows that 94 out of 120 respondents (78.34%) strongly agree, 25

out of 120 (20.84%) agree, while there is 1 out of 120 (0.82%) disagree.

Hence, most SMEs strongly agree that recordkeeping is a tool to create

patterns for their company’s budget. In accordance with,

the efficient way to create an accurate budget, the business must have a tool

that will serve as the preparer of this budget pattern. It happened with the use

of bookkeeping. Since with the use of recordkeeping the business can track

the expenses and revenues of the entity that will be used for creating a

budget for succeeding years of operation and essential for the profitability of

the business. The pattern for budgeting shall be accurately determined if the

business has written documentation of every transaction of the business.

4. Significant Relationship Between the Bookkeeping Practices in terms


4.1 Type of Business

Table 4.1

Relationship Between The Bookkeeping Practices of the Respondents’

as to Type of Business
X p- α Decision Remark
Type of Variables valu
Busines e
Single-Entry 6.315 0.097 0.0 Fail to Not


Bookkeeping 5 Reject Ho
Double-Entry 10.46 0.0 Significan
0.015 Reject Ho
Bookkeeping 8 5 t

As shown in Table 4.1, the single-entry bookkeeping variable about

bookkeeping practices in the type of business is greater than a 5% level of

significance which means that it fails to reject the null hypothesis with a

remark not significant. On the other hand, the double-entry bookkeeping in the

relation between bookkeeping practices in the type of business is less than

5% level of significance which means reject the null hypothesis with the

remark significant. Hence, it means that double-entry bookkeeping has a

significant relationship to the type of business.

The reason for that is, double-entry bookkeeping is an accounting way

to record debit and credit for each financial transaction that occurs in the

business. In every business, it is important to maintain accurate financial

record keeping. Furthermore, double-entry bookkeeping practices help

businesses to avoid fraud by leaving an audit trail which an audit trail means

allows an entrepreneur to trace the transactions from the journal entries that

were posted to the general ledger. Double-entry bookkeeping can also help a

company to easily prepared financial statements because the information is

gathered directly from the double-entry bookkeeping transaction (Johnson R.



4.2 Years of Business Operation

Table 4.2

Relationship Between Bookkeeping Practices of the Respondents’

as to Years of Business Operation
X p- α Decisio Remark
Variables valu n
Years of e
Business Fail to
Single-Entry Not
Operatio 6.053 0.109 0.05 Reject
Bookkeeping Significant
n Ho
Double-Entry Reject
78.653 0.000 0.05 Significant
Bookkeeping Ho

As shown in Table 4.2, the single-entry bookkeeping variable concerning

bookkeeping practices to years of business operation is greater than 5

percent level of significance where it fails to reject the null hypothesis with the

remarks of not significant. The double-entry bookkeeping in the relation

between bookkeeping practices to the years of business operation is less than

5% level of significance where it rejects the null hypothesis with remarks of

significance. It means double-entry bookkeeping has a significant relationship

to the years of business operation.

The data implies that as Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) keep

longer on their operation and also those businesses that are starting in the

business sector use double-entry bookkeeping as their method of

recordkeeping. Thus, double-entry bookkeeping has a significant relationship

to years of business operation of the SMEs respondents, since, to maintain a

business for a longer period there is a need for accurate and complete


information. In addition, it is important in maintaining an accurate financial

system. Businesses benefit greatly from using double-entry bookkeeping

because it helps to aim at accurate financial reporting and reduces errors.

The claim is supported by Rose Johnson (2019), Double-entry

bookkeeping provides a more accurate look at a business’s financial

position than single-entry bookkeeping. The key reason for this is that

double-entry bookkeeping implements the T-account or accounting

equation. Recording both revenue and expenses provide an accurate

calculation of profits and losses since double-entry bookkeeping provides

information on both cash and credit transaction of the business. Lastly,

human errors can cause a misrepresentation of a business’s financial

position. Double-entry bookkeeping reduces errors because it provides

checks and balances. 

4.3. Capitalization

Table 4.3

Relationship Between Bookkeeping Practices of the Respondents’

as to Capitalization
Capitalizatio Variables X p- α Decision Remark
n value


Single-Entry Fail to Not

25.246 0.713 0.05
Bookkeeping Reject Ho Significant
Double-Entry Fail to Not
14.336 0.993 0.05
Bookkeeping Reject Ho Significant

As shown in Table 4.3, In the part of the capitalization, both single-entry

and double-entry bookkeeping has a p-value greater than 5 percent level of

significance alpha (α=0.05). It means that both of this bookkeeping system

has no significant relationship as to its capitalization of the business.

This could imply that SMEs do not invest heavily or importantly in their

bookkeeping system as they start their business and while on its growth. They

are more focused on the operation of business than its internal control, as

they believe it is much better for the sustainable development of their


According to the studies of Ranko (2018) small and medium businesses

heavily rely on outsourced staff to manage their finances as the data exposed

that these businesses do not happily invest in permanent internal control. This

study shows that 45 percent of medium and small businesses do not employ

either an accountant or a bookkeeper, for the companies who hired

bookkeeping and accounting staff, it shows that it has only 22 percent

regardless if it is full or part-time. For the three-quarters of the business 72%

of this business shows that only one person handles the responsibility in

accounting and human resource management, that is why it becomes more



hustle to comply the technicality of its financial statement. In this part, it could

infer that when it comes to investing priorities of small and medium

enterprises, the bookkeeping system or its internal control comes last to their

list. They much prioritize the growth of its operation, while not adding security

and monitoring on their finances and activities.

4.4. Method of Recordkeeping

Table 4.4.

Relationship Between Bookkeeping Practices of the Respondents’

X p- α Decision Remark
Method of Single-Entry
56.512 0.002 0.05 Reject Ho Significant
Recordkeeping Bookkeeping
Double-Entry Fail to Not
21.832 0.86 0.05
Bookkeeping Reject Ho Significant
as to Method of Recordkeeping

As shown in Table 4.4, the two methods of recordkeeping have a

different remark to its relationship between the bookkeeping practices of the

respondents when sorted according to the method of recordkeeping. The

single-entry bookkeeping has a p-value of 0.002 and it is lower than the 5

percent level of significance alpha (α=o.05). Therefore, single-entry

bookkeeping has a significant relationship between the bookkeeping practices

of the respondents and the method of recordkeeping. On the other hand,

double-entry bookkeeping has a p-value of 0.86 which is above the 0.05

percent level of significance alpha (α=0.05), thus double-entry bookkeeping



has no significant relationship between the bookkeeping practices of the

respondents and the method of recordkeeping.

The reason that single-entry bookkeeping system has a significant

relationship for the reason that single-entry is easy to apply and it has limited

to no cost in implementing this method, on the contrary, the double-entry

bookkeeping can provide accurate information, hence the implementation of it

needs bookkeeper or accountant and costly to the respondents.

This claim is supported by Commerce Mates (2021), accordingly, single-

entry bookkeeping is easy to be implemented by the owner of the business, it

is also cost-effective since there is no need to hire a chartered accountant and

it is also time-saving for the business because there is no need for a dual

entry in the books. Hence, double-entry shall not be omitted since it provides

accurate and complete information of the transaction of the entity’s operations

(Tamplin T. 2021).

5. Significant Difference in the Effects of Bookkeeping Practices when

group in terms of;



5.1. Type of Business

Table 5.1.
Difference in the Effects of Bookkeeping Practices of the Respondents’
As to Type of Business

Variables X p-value α Decision Remark

Monitoring Fail to
0.451 0.93 0.05 Significan
Business Reject H1
Type of
Decision- 16.50 Significan
Business 0.001 0.05 Reject H1
Making 9 t
Fail to
Budgeting 0.554 0.907 0.05 Significan
Reject H1

As shown in Table 5.1, monitoring business variable in the effects

of bookkeeping practices to the type of business is greater than 5% level of

significance which means that it fails to reject the null hypothesis with a

remark not significant. While the decision-making variable is less than a 5%

level of significance which means that it rejects the null hypothesis with a

remark significant. Lastly, the budgeting variable in the effects of bookkeeping

practices on the type of business is greater than 5% to the level of

significance which means that it fails to reject the null hypothesis with a

remark not significant. Thus, decision-making in the effects of bookkeeping

practices is significant to the type of business.



Accordingly, bookkeeping practices are a tool for financial control that

enables managers to know the financial status and the financial position of the

enterprise. It also enables them to measure and improve the performance of

the company. Furthermore, keeping a proper record of the day-to-day

transaction of the business is crucial for the successful performance of the

business. A comprehensive record-keeping system makes it possible for

entrepreneurs to develop accurate plan and decision that shows the progress

and the current condition of the business. Hence, having an accurate and

timely financial record can help entrepreneurs to have a strong plan and a

good decision for maintaining and growth of the company (Adejare, 2014).

5.2. Years of Business Operation

Table 5.2

Difference in the Effects of Bookkeeping Practices of the Respondents’

As to Years of Business Operation
X p- α Decision Remark
0.0 Fail to Not
Years of Monitoring Business 0.348 0.951
5 Reject H1 Significant
Operation 0.0
Decision-Making 12.002 0.007 Reject H1 Significant
0.0 Fail to Not
Budgeting 3.731 0.292
5 Reject H1 Significant

As shown in Table 5.2, in terms of years of business operation,

monitoring business and budgeting have a p-value higher than 5 percent level

of significance alpha and it fails to reject the null hypothesis. It means that the

two variables have no significant difference as regards the years of business



operation. Decision-making has a p-value lower than 5 percent level

significance alpha which means that it rejects the null hypothesis with a

remark of significance.

Decision-making is a vital component of small business success.

According to Kate Eby (2018), making decisions – both small and large – is a

key to the success of a business. All decisions are taken from the need to

solve a problem or the need for a potential opportunity. Collecting more right

information and input from key stakeholders is necessary for making informed

decisions. Good decisions get the decision-maker, department, and company

closer to their goal, and solve the initial problem.

Moreover, according to Eric Bolland and Carlos Lopez (2016), when it

comes to strategic decisions, time and years are crucial. It matters because

the strategic decision and its consequence are separated. The period

between decision formation and complete execution allows the observer to

see the decision in action and for the organization and its personnel to adjust

to it. The more time and years passes, the more things can happen to

influence performance outcomes.

5.3. Capitalization


Table 5.3

Difference in the Effects of Bookkeeping Practices of the Respondents’

X p- α Decisio Remark
value n
Fail to Not
Monitoring 0.39 0.0
0.941 Reject Significan
Business 7 5
H1 t
Fail to Not
n Decision- 2.45 0.0
0.483 Reject Significan
Making 9 5
H1 t
Fail to Not
5.48 0.0
Budgeting 0.14 Reject Significan
1 5
H1 t
As to Capitalization

As shown in Table 5.3, In terms of capitalization of the business,

monitoring, decision-making budgeting has a p-value lower than 5 percent

level of significance alpha (α=0.05). It means that these three have no

significant difference in the capitalization of the business. Further results show

that monitoring, decision making, and budgeting have no impact on the

business capitalization regardless of how large or small its investment is.

Lastly, SMEs do not invest in these three despite their growing net assets,

these are like the character development of management to achieve it and not

by any monetary means.

For monitoring of business, Lee (2015) stated that monitoring of financial

performance is a very critical role in the management and it can be achieved

through accurate financial reporting or hiring a professional who can do



accounting tasks. This activity is also a key for timely basis actions and

growth plans of the business.

In the decision-making section, According to Rollings (2020), effective

decision-making requires business leaders to practice their discipline in

analyzing financial information to create critical actions for improving their

business. In a recent study by Gartner (2018), 65 percent of decisions are

more difficult than they were two years ago (including more parties or

choices). The current decision-making process is unsustainable.

Good decision-making is more connected, contextual, and ongoing to re-

engineer judgments in a way that deals with increasing complexity and


To achieve successful budgeting, according to Fowles (2021) adopting a

positive mindset and having a financial data backup on the planning will make

it more organized. Fact’s basis budgeting and not emotional planning or

creating a budget base on what the management desire will create a clearer

path for the business to achieve growth or success.



5.4. Method of Recordkeeping

Table 5.4.

Difference in the Effects of Bookkeeping Practices of the Respondents’

As to Method of Recordkeeping

X p- α Decision Remark
Monitoring Fail to Not
4.61 0.203 0.05
Method of Business Reject H1 Significant
Recordkeeping 7.52 Fail to Not
Decision-Making 0.057 0.05
8 Reject H1 Significant
7.57 Fail to Not
Budgeting 0.056 0.05
8 Reject H1 Significant

As shown in table 5.4, in terms of method of recordkeeping, the

variables, monitoring business, decision-making, and budgeting have a p-

value higher than the 0.05 percent level of significance alpha ( α=0.05). It

means that these three have no significant difference as regards the method

of recordkeeping of the SMEs.

It implies that monitoring business, decision-making, and budgeting has

no significant difference to the method of recordkeeping used by SMEs. Thus,

the respondents believe that either single-entry bookkeeping or double-entry

bookkeeping or both can provide and be used to monitor the business, utilized

for their decision-making and budgeting process. SMEs used either or both of

the two methods of recordkeeping for the reason that, using only one method

of recordkeeping may not provide complete and prompt information and other

advantages to the SMEs respondents.



According to Commerce Mates (2021), one of the reasons SMEs in

using single-entry bookkeeping is that it is cost-effective, easy to implement,

and time-saving. In addition, based on Nuramalia H. & Ratna A. et. al (2019),

54% of the SMEs used single-entry while 46% used double-entry

bookkeeping. The SMEs use single-entry bookkeeping because of the

following reasons such as it is easy to understand if the owner has no

financial or accounting background. Implementation of it can also without the

help of accountants or bookkeepers and lastly, it does not require complex

accounting software thus it is not costly for the SMEs.

Hence, using single-entry bookkeeping alone may not provide full

information for the SMEs since it only provides transaction related to cash

basis and neglect to provide information regarding accrual and dual effect of

the transaction, therefore it may affect the monitoring, decision-making, and

budgeting of the SMEs. This claim is supported by Carter R. N., (2020), who

says that one of the disadvantages of single-entry bookkeeping is that it does

not provide completeness of the transaction since there is no recording of real

and nominal accounts. Then, in consequence, no financial position is

formulated and no true measurement of profit and loss of the SMEs.

Thus, double-entry bookkeeping is also used by the SMEs respondents

to support the inefficiency of the single-entry bookkeeping method. It is by

Johnson R., (2019), said that SMEs use double-entry bookkeeping to



maintain an accurate financial system. The concept behind this is the

matching principle of accounting, which matches revenue from its related

expenses. Moreover, revenue and expenses recorded are complete and can

help in preparing the profit and loss statement of the business. Furthermore,

with the use of double-entry bookkeeping, SMEs may reduce the error of

recording since it provides information for checking the balance. Lastly, SMEs

use double-entry bookkeeping because it provides an audit trail. Wherein, if

there are fraudulent acts committed in the records. The one who maintains

the records can detect it.

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