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Yan Naing Soe (James)

True Education

Education is man’s most significant possession, it is the idea through

which one's affection for learning stems and the key used to pave an
individual’s path to success. Albeit effortlessly affected by the assessments of
others, schooling is one of a handful of the ideas that neither inside nor outer
pressure can take from our being. The future of our society lies in the hands
of our educators; the values and morals instilled by such figures govern the
actions of the earth’s people. Education is the process of facilitating learning,
or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, habits, and
personal development (

True education does not solely stem from school, it comes from all
areas of your life. For instance, learning on your own from books, online,
environment and many more. Education is not limited by the school, which
means I don't end after you graduate from university and finished your
academics. Learning, acquiring wisdom, skills and improving yourself is a
lifelong process. Being an educated and intelligent person is not only who is
smart and know lots of things but it’s defined by various factors. “The true
sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination,” (Albert Einstein)

We spend most of our youth in an educational system that tests us on

our ability to do well in just a handful of things. This causes many of us to
grow up thinking that we lack the talent and the intellect to succeed in life.
When in reality, it might be because we were simply being tested on things
that we don’t have an affinity for. There’s a model called “Howard Gardner’s
Theory Of Multiple Intelligences,” that can be used to figure out where your
abilities are strongest and if you know it can be turned into a passion and
eventually into a fulfilling career. The first one is ‘musical abilities,’ anything
related to tunes (singing, playing instruments, etc). The second one is
‘Natural abilities,’ related to nature & biology (plants, animals & the
environment). The third one is ‘Movement abilities,’ related to the strong
movement of the body (dancing, sports, etc). The fourth one is ‘Interpersonal
abilities,’ related to communication (understanding in relationships, reading
body language, etc). The fifth one is Intrapersonal abilities,’ related to the
understanding of self (human psychology & the mind, etc). The sixth one is
‘logical abilities,’ related to reasoning, theories & solving problems (math,
science, entrepreneurship, etc). The seventh one is ‘linguistic abilities,’
related to language & literature (writing, speaking, storytelling, etc). The
eighth one is ‘digital abilities,’ related to digital & technology. The ninth one
is ‘visual abilities’ related to arts. The teth one is ‘teaching abilities,’
(coaching, consulting, etc). The last one is ‘philosophical abilities,’ related to
the existence of oneself and this ability is unique and different from other
abilities. (religion, philiosohy, etc).

Globally, especially in western countries more and more people are

starting to accept and admire other qualities, abilities, skills and intelligence
that are not taught in school. Nationally, in Myanmar, most people only
admire academics and view other abilities as nothing but fun hobbies.

Academics is one of the priorities but we should not neglect other

qualities in life. Academics alone can’t bring you success in life, we need to
also learn other abilities to become the best version of ourselves. All people
are different we have different abilities and skills from each other and that is
what makes us humans powerful when we come together with various
strengths. We can all contribute to the world differently and make the best
place for generations that will come after us.


● Albert Einstein

● Howard Gardner

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