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Hooked on TOEFL Vocab

Chapter 8: Classifying, Categorizing and Organizing

- Vocabulary
+ Repress (v) kìm nén
Ex: He repressed a sudden desire to cry.
+ Esteem (n) sự quý trọng
Ex: She has long been held in high esteem by the
bankers who know her
+ Surge (n) sự dâng trào
Ex: There has been a surge in house prices recently.
+ Manifest (v) biểu lộ
Ex: The illness first manifested itself in severe stomach
+ Hunch (n) linh cảm
Ex: I had a hunch that he’ll be here.
+ Deviate (v) đi lệch hướng
Ex: The recent pattern of weather deviates from the
norm for this time of year.
+ Inanity (n) sự suy nhược
Ex: I was amazed by the inanity of her comments.
- Exercise 1
+ Scattered (adj) rải rác
Ex: Toys were scattered around the room.
+ Enclosed (adj) bị bao kín
Ex: He doesn’t like enclosed spaces.
+ Sediment (n) cặn
Ex: There was a brown sediment in the bottom of the
+ Rebound (v) nảy lại
Ex: Cotton rebounded from declines early in the day to
end at a higher place.
+ Susceptible (adj) nhạy cảm
Ex: She isn’t very susceptible to flattery.
+ Estuary (n) cửa sông
Ex: the Thames estuary
+ salinity (n) độ mặn
Ex: You should test the salinity of the water.
- Exercise 2
+ instinctual (adj) thuộc về bản năng
Ex: He said his decisions that day were instinctual.
+ archetype (n) nguyên mẫu
Ex: The US is the archetype of a federal society.
+ impulse (n) sự thúc đẩy
Ex: I had this sudden impulse to shout out
“Nonsense!” in the middle of the speech.
- Exercise 3
+ gill (n) mang cá
Ex: The gill is where fish and other water creatures
breathe through.
+ intuition (n) trực giác
Ex: Often there’s no clear evidence and you just have
to base your judgement on intuition.
- More practice
+ large/small-scale (adj) cỡ nhỏ/lớn
Ex: The house is like a small-scale castle.
+ exposition (n) cuộc triển lãm
Ex: the San Francisco exposition
+ fair (n) hội chợ
Ex: I bought a wooden salad bowl at the local craft fair.
+ hierarchy (n) giai cấp
Ex: Some monkeys have every complex social
- Mini Test
+ unified (adj) thống nhất
Ex: We have to be able to speak with a unified voice in
this subject.
+ phenomena (plural n) hiện tượng -> phenomenon
(single n)
Ex: Gravity is a natural phenomenon.
+ subatomic (adj) hạ nguyên tử
Ex: Many tests of critical theory, such as finding genes
or subatomic particles were thought to be impossible
before creative science focused on the problem.
+ quantum (n) lượng tử
Ex: quantum theory
- iBT Test
+ pebble (n) đá cuội
Ex: This part of the coast has pebble beaches.
+ centrifugal (adj) ly tâm
Ex: centrifugal force
Actual test
- passage 1
+ precarious (adj) bấp bênh
Ex: The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with
its front wheels hanging over the cliff.
+ disparate (adj) khác nhau
Ex: The two cultures are utterly disparate.
+ levy (v) đánh thuế
Ex: A new tax was levied on consumers of luxury
+ feud (v) cãi nhau
Ex: We feuded with the customers due to the noise
they made.
+ regionalism (n) chủ nghĩa khu vực
Ex: a strong expression of regionalism
- Passage 2
+ porous (adj) nhiều lỗ, thấm qua được
Ex: porous soil with good drainage
+ aquifer (n) tầng chứa nước
Ex: Then the water composition approximately
oscillates at each point of the aquifer in phase with the
water velocity.
+ permeable (adj) thấm qua được
Ex: Certain types of sandstone are permeable to
- Passage 3
+ melancholia (n) chứng u uất
Ex: Rain slithered down the windows, encouraging
creeping melancholia.
+ unpalatable (adj) không mong muốn, khó chấp nhận
Ex: the unpalatable facts about the war.
+ neurotransmitter (n) chất dẫn truyền thần kinh
Ex: Other neurotransmitters affected include
acetylcholine, serotonin and noadrenaline, but the role
of these substances in the clinical syndrome is
+ bloodstream (n) dòng chảy của máu
Ex: Most medicines reach the body through
+ antidepressant (n) thuốc chống trầm cảm
Ex: She’s been on antidepressants ever since her
husband died.

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