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Name: Jayson C.

Dapiton Subject: The Life and Works of Rizal

Course and Year: BSED Social Studies 3 Instructor: Prof. May C. Pascual
Learning Tasks/Activities
1. Create a brief timeline of Rizal’s childhood. The creation of a timeline of events and
happenings should be done in a positive and sequential order that reflects the direction of your
final draft.

 Timeline of Events and Happenings of Rizal’s Childhood

1870 1872 1876

1861 1871 1875 1877

2. Write a short biographical essay in just a paragraph with 5 sentences only that compare
your early childhood with that of Rizal's. (Probably in your Elementary years).
My childhood is not that like of Rizal. I’m just an ordinary kid that only want is to play
and make fun. Well, Rizal also is an ordinary kid but he has this kind of a genius mind. He had
this goal and dreams that he wants to fulfill at the very young age. Even at his age of 15, he
already received the highest honor and awardee at the same time in one of the most prestigious
university in the country. But me, at that age I don’t know what to, can’t make decision on my
own, and relying only to someone in order to guide me where I should go.
But there is one in common between me and Rizal. Before I started schooling, my mother
is my teacher just like Rizal. She taught me to write, read and lots of things that is essential for
me to know. She teaches me everything, if she finished all her works and there’s nothing to do.
I’m always thankful that with my mother’s care, love and guidance, I have grown to be more
responsible, a good citizen of this country just like Rizal.

3. Search also on the internet the influence of Rizal’s family in his life.
Rizal was affected in what his family and the environment influence and teach him to be
a good son and develop his talent and ability. Teodora Alonso, Rizal's mum, was the person who
had the greatest impact on his growth as a person. She was the one who first opened his eyes and
heart to the world around him, with all of its soul and music as well as its bigotry and inequality.
Rizal proved to be his mother's son, a chip off the old block, in his brief life, as he continually
strived to keep faith in the lessons, she taught him.

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