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AYADH WIDAD Marrakech , 16 November 2018

Amerchich Street FAKAR 11 app 8

Morocco Marrakech
European School of Materials
Saarland University
Campus D33,R.319
66123 Saarbrûcken
PO Box 15 11 50


Madam , Sir ,

My name is AYADH WIDAD ,I am 22 years old ,and I am a young student engineer .I am Majoring in :
Materials and Processes at the Faculty of Science and Technology ,Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech.

After obtaining my Bachelor's degree in Mathematical Science and the Diploma of University Studies
in Science and Technology : Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science, I chose to
further my studies and my interests in the field of Materials which justifies my choice of the cycle of
Materials and Process Engineering (GMP) in which I could gain knowledge and more skills in the
classification, characterization, analysis and production process from the different materials that
surround us. Our training aims to form a versatile and innovative profile in terms of development,
quality, research and environmental ecology.

In this interest, I would like to deepen my knowledge in Advanced Materials that the AMASE training
offers, as well as to develop my potential for innovation which, without doubt, with its rich and
substantial program will provide me with such an opportunity, without forgetting the cultural
openness enjoyed by each student admitted to this training, as it offers an enriching linguistic and
cultural experience since it combines the research activities of the four partner universities. With
immense motivation I would like to access the Master AMASE that I see personally and also
according to former Laureates as one of the best trainings in the field in question.

Looking forward to an answer that I hope favorable. You will find enclosed my Curriculum Vitae, so I
remain at your disposal for additional information or an appointment. So, I beg you to believe, Sir,
my respectful greetings.


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