Basic Computer Unit-3 MS Excel

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331 Page Rh Lech enurart 5 @.graciil econ . Unit-i: mas. $2B gue? Excel What are the features of Excel? A. Aspreadsheet is a computer application wi ea ereee) et pplicati ith tools that, increase the user's productivity in capturing, analyzing, and sharing tabular data sets. following are the features of Excel: 1. Ribbon: b = ‘ i s and Tabs: The menu bars and toolbars have placed on the “Ribbon”. The Ribbon contains " i ‘Tabs, and each Tab contains buttogs for various functions. The Ribbon is visual and task-oriented, ‘ Larger 7 i rget Workspace: It is possible to make large spreadsheets in Excel. In previous versions you e ould have 65,536 rows and 256 columns. In Excel 2007, you have up to 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns, i 3. Moi 7 5 il re Colors: In Excel you can choose between 16 million different colors. You can also create color transitions inside the cells. 4. Color Themes and Styles: You can use predefined color themes in Excel. This feature help you _. format your entire workbook, so everything appears smooth and harmonious. 5. Improved Pivot Tables: The “Pivot Table” function has been one of the features, and it is set up in the way, so that itis easier and more intuitive to use. 6. Improved Conditional Formatting: Using “Conditional Formatting” function there are more opportunities for highlighting of, for example, “Top 10", and it is possible to color the cells according to cell value : : 7. More and Better-Looking Charts: Formatting for charts has been improved, and you can, for example, add soft shadows behind your columns, which gives a nice effect. If you do not choose the colors ina chart yourself, the’ colors in the spreadsheet color theme will be ‘automatically applied, so everything appears harmoniously. ‘New File Format: Excel uses a new file format which is not compatible with earlier versions, In Excel 2007, 2010 the file name ends with “xlsx” extensions. 9. Where cant find the Old Buttons? New, Open, Save, Save As, Preview, Print and Close are located in the Office Button at the top left. Drawing toolbar is replaced by the Shapes and ‘SmartArt buttons under the Insert tab in the Ribbon. <- E What are parts of Excel window? ‘A. The Screen and its Elements: ‘When you start Excel, you will automatically start in a new, blank workbook. You can use it exactly as you have always done. Neverthele changes and improvements different places. K RAJENDRA PRASAD MTECH CSE 1a{ ss, there have been some 4. Workbooks and Spreadsheets: An ordinary Excel file is called a “Workbook” and can contsin | vorksheets, The Excel file is not necessarily just a spreadsheet out] a workbook that can contain nrany spreadsheets and charts. | e Ribbon replaced th Gifferent things. It can conta 2, ‘The Ribbon: The Ribbon with its Tabs and buttons is located at the top. Th menus, toolbars, functions and various dialog bores The Ribbon is far more uel and sty oriented, and it looks very nice. Office Button: In the top left corner of the screen you will find the round Office Button. If you click on the Office . button a menu pops up. This is the menu you must enter when you want to create a new blank spreadsheet, and when you need to save it. 4 4 Quick Access: The small discrete toolbar “Quick Access”, where with a single click you can save, undo, etc., is located to the right of the Office Button, “Quic' Access” fa se vii eee can be customised so that you can choose the features ex mae — icking on a buttoh and choosing Customize Quick Access Toolbar. W 5, The Workspace: The workspace is located underneath the Ribbon, and this is where you ne oT your ‘ee spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is a huge table with veotumgd | crows’. The columns are named with letters in the “column headings”, and the rows el ‘ow numbers in the “row headings”. The “Corner” is located in the top left corner, that suit you best. right’ and labeled with r the worksheet. The calls are the basic elements of the worksheet; this Is where we type in 8 data and formulas. Wherever a row and a column meet, we have a “cell”, Each cell in Sth worksheet has a unique name. For example, the cell located where column C and row. 4 me called “C4”, A cell can contain numbers, words and formulas. ae Formulas: Formulas area kind of commands that you type into a cell, which make the cell sig the rebult ofa calculation. T her a 7, Sheet Tabs: The “Sheet Tabs” are located Just below the worksheet, on the left side. my because you can work with multiple worksheets at once. An Excel file is therefore also callc) ) norkbook”, because it is similar to a folder containing a umber of spreadsheets. The Sheet Tabs are by default named “sheet”, “Sheet2” etc, K RAIENORA PRASAD MTECH GSE 612@emnall SSlPage AS 3. Explain editing worksheets in the Excel? Is: To select a single cell, just move the cell pointer to it so that it becomes the active cell. Ifyou want to select multiple cells, there are. two ways to doit. * Point to a cell with the mouse, press the left mouse button down and drag the mouse, by which an area will be selected. Be Release the left mouse button when you pve selected the area you wanted. The cell you clicked on first will be the active cell. Move the cursor to the corner of the area YQy want to select, Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard ad press the arrow keys. As long as you hold down the shift the selectjon will be adjusted. Release the Shift key when you are done selacting a Ealting the cells: ‘Type some numbers and text in different cells.: When you finish typing something into a cell, press the ENTER key on the keyboard. The cell below the cell you just typed in will become the active cell. & IF you write text ina cell, the text will be allgned to-the left. If you type numbers, it will be adjusted to the right, a If you want to change something in a call, you an double-click on it, which enables you to change the content. Ifitis the active cell you want to change, you can also press F2 on your keyboard. The “Formula Bar’, currently shows what-you type jnto the cells, and will show what kind of formula that is usedin the active cell, while the active cell dlgplays the result (Goansing Column widths & Row helahts) excel : displays a series of signs Hit when the results of calculations won't fit to the cell. It offers several ways to adjust the column width and row heights, ‘The following are various steps: > Double click on column or.row separator, to change the size automatically, based on the size of the data entered in it, This is called K RAJENDRA PRASAD MTECH CSE ¥a{ 36|Page ee Sel Autofit or Bestfit, > Place the mousé pointer on column or row separator and drag to desired size. > Select desired column or row and go to Home Ribbon-> Cells>Format >Row/Column DHelght/width. Enter the new size and click on OK. Using Styles: Styles are also a collection of formatting options. The following are the steps to apply styles: Select célls that are to be formatted. > > Choose Format>style. > Astyle dialog box will be displayed. > Select desired style from thelist, by selecting the style name: > Then dlick OK. 4 ie Changing font sizes and attributes: Formatting tool bar can be used to change ‘the font, font sizeS"ar other font features. The buttons bold, Itallc, uriterline etc can be used. For the most advanced 2 formatting options format menu can bé used. User can set advanced formatting like superscript, 6) subscript, strike through etc., : * Adaptation of Cell Size: | ca " ( = You can change the cell size by cHfanging the row height and ‘column width. Try mgyj "= your mouse over the colurnn headérs (A, 8, C, etc.). Then the mouse cursor ee can press the left mouse buttori down while moving the mouse to adjust tt width, The same method can be usd to change the row height. A rt «Instead of clicking and dragging with your mouse, you can double-click it. This will Say the column width so that itis just wide enough to show the largest cell in the anit ei # Point to a cell with the mouse, press the left mouse button down and drag the nis which an aréa will be selected, Releasd the left mouse button when you have selected ti you wanted. The cel you clicked on first. will be the active'cell, “aT «Move the cursor to the corner of the area you want to select. Hold down the Shift key o} keyboard and press the arrow keys. As long as you hold down the Shift the selection ‘wx: adjusted, Release the Shift key when you are done selecting. Selecting Cells: To select a single cell, just move the cell pointet to it so that it becomes the active cell. If you select multiple cells, there are two ways to do tt. ‘¢ Select the cell to be copied. & RAJENDRA'PRASAD MTECH CSE S7|Page | _ * Press Ctri+€ or click Copy button on the Home tab. + Place the cursor where the data to be copled. * Press CtrleV or cllek Paste buttorvon the Home tab. Moving Celts: F + Select thie cei to be moved. : * Press Ctrl+X or click Cut button on the Home tal * Place the cursor where thie data to be moved, * Press CtrleV or click Paste button on the Home: pe Insert a Row or Column To insert a row, follow the steps below. > Selecta row by licking on the row number (the numbers on the left-side of the (spreadsheet). > Click on the Insert button on the Home tab > Click on the Insert Cells button in, the dropdayn menu that appears 4, The new row appears and all the rows that fol on shift downward To Insert a Column, follow the steps below. 1. Click on the column letter (the letters agross the top of the spreadsheet). 2. Click on the Insert button on the Home fab. 3. Click cn the Insert Cells button in the drop-down menu that appears. Delete a Row or Column To delete a Row, follow the steps below. 1. Select the row that you want to delete by clicking on the row number (the numbers on the i left-side of the spreadsheet). 2. Click the Delete button on the Home tab 3. Click the Delete Cells button that appears in the menu. 4, The row will disappear and all the rows that follow will shift upward K RAJENDRA PRASAD MTECH CSE v mall eee Oe To Delete a Column follow the steps below: = a. Select the column that you want to delete by clicking on the column letter (the letters across as the top of the spreadsheet). b. Click on the Delete button on the Home tab. . Click the Delete Cells button in the menu that appears. | “a 4, Define Formula? How they are Used In Excel? A. Formulas are one of the most commonly Used features-of Excel. They can be used to carry simple addition and subtraction or far more cothplex mathematical calculations. Entering Formuld You can enter'a formula int® any cell in your worksheet. Follow these steps: a) Click the cell where you want to entef b formula b) Type an equal sigh (=) to begin the forthula c) Type the formula and press the Ent&r Key. The result of the formula is stored in the, where the formula is written. ¢ d), To view the formula you entered, clitk the cell containing the formula. The formula fom cell appears in the formula bar. 2 Rule: . + Calculatioris must be done from left to Fight. Z Q Calculations in brackets are done first When you have more than one set of brackets, doy inner brackets first. Exponents must be done next. foto TOTOTOMo Pot i Multiply and divide in the order the opérations occur. ‘Add and subtract in the order of the operations occur. . 2 5. Explain different types of functlons In Excel? has hundreds of functions that facilitate engineering computations, manipulate text ete. The foll 'A. Exeel’s worksheet functions afe power tools that help you pérform complex ae are different types of functions g 1 Financial Functions 6 __| Statistical Functions -2. 2 Date and Time Functions 7 Mathematical and Trigonometric Functions & 3 Taformation Functions & Text Functions SA. 4 | Logical Functions 9__| Engineering Functions - 5 Lookup and Reference Functions | 10 | Database Functions oO P= Qo e K RAJENDRA PRASAD MTECH CSE rai76: > y a ee EG OG OS CLOCOC ECG € + Goto Formulas Ribbon-> To Select any function category 1. Financial Functions: These functio i‘ ns are used tq:calculate cash flows, d iatic serene 4 Is, lepreciation, loans, rate of WT Function Syntax ‘Example R ‘0: It retums feature value of investment FVGatg, pat, nper, pv, type) | FV(6WI2, 10, -200,500,1) ased on the periodic constant payment and: f 2581.40 Constant interest rate based on constant payments and a constant interest rate 4 PMTO; It calculates the payment for a loan PMT (ate, nper, py, fy, type) PMI(GWI12, 10, 10000, 0, 1)91,030.16 investment the total amount that a series of, PVO: It retums. the present value of Pula nes Fk 6, 9) PY@W12, — 1220,500, 959,777.15 feature payment Rate(): It retums the interest per period of a Relies ‘pmt, py,fv, type, | Rate(4*12,-200,8000)> Joan guess}? 9.248% investment based on periodic constant Sp) 2 | payment and a constant interest rate NPERO: It returns the no’of periods: for an NPER(pte; Pmt, pv, 4%, NPER( 1000,10000,1)>60 3%4112,-100,- * calculations on numeric data. 2. Mathematical and Trigonometrle Functions: Syeh functions perform general and trigonometric Function Syntax Example ‘AbsO: It returns absolute value of numbers Abs(wste) | AbsG-10)35 Ceiling(? It rounds a number up to the nearest integer ceiling (ede) | ceiling (2.8)>3 Even(): It retums number rounded up to the nearést even | Even(aabe) | Even(1.5)>2 Fact(ounter) | Fact(4)924 Mod(ante) | Mod@,2)>1 divided by deviser ‘Sumo: It retums the sum value of range'of data Sum(asse) __ | Sum(A1:A10)>550 Tetums the square root value ofgiven number | Sqrt(aute) | Sqrt(25)>5 SinO: It returns sin of an angle ‘Sin(30* pid/180)>0.5 ‘Cos0; It retums cos of an angle Cos(60*pi0/180)>0.5 ‘TanQ; It retums the tangent by given Gani in an angle ‘Tan(45*pi0/180)>1 3, Statistical Functions; These functions can be used statistical calculations an a list of values. K RAJENDRA PRASAD MTECH CSE | 40|Page — = ce et —_—_—-— e Tunetion ‘Syntax Example oe ‘Averages Itretus arrange of ts arguments | Average(meam) | Average(A1:A10)255| Count: Te count the number of cells that |Counl(e-mm) | Count{AHALO)>10 | & contain the argument list < Miax(: It returns the maximum value within the | Max(=emm) | Max(A1:A5)>100 & list of arguments . < Min0: It returns the minimum value within the [Min(a=am) | Min(A1:A10)>10 list of arguments Mode: It retums the mode value, The most|Mode(weam im) | Mode(A1:A10) frequently occurring values in arange of data These functions are used to manipulate the text dat ita entered in the worksheet. 6. Date & Time Functions: These functions relate to the dates, months, year and different ti Function Syntax Example _e) Char(: It retums the character specify by the, | Char(number) char(65)>A 2! number ; a] ‘Code(): It retums a numeric code for the first, | Code(text) code(“A") 65 oO character in a text string iJ Concatenate(): It join several test in to ond | concatenate(Textl, concatenate Ravi Kame text string | Text2) Ravikumar ~O ] Left: It retums the specified number of |Tef(text no of | left(“Ravikumar”4)>Rar— characters from the start of the text ‘| character) 2 Right: It retums the number of specified | Right(text, no of | Right(‘RaviKumar”,5)-> "~~ number of character from the right side of thd’ character) Kumar 2 text é Len0; Itretumns length of the given string | len(text) Len(“Ravi) 4 2 5, Logical Functions; These functions allow you to perform logical test on data. 2 ” Funetion : Syntax Example a TO: Tt has three parameters. If the |U(Condition, True |1N10>5, “10 is big”, condition is true, it displays tre value. | value, False value) big”) > 10 is big é Otherwise it displays false value & — ANDO: It retums true, if all the|Aut(Stt 1, Stat And(lOs5, AES, SID statements in the function are true 2,5. s.seon Stat n) oO” ORO: It retums false, if all the[OxStat 1, — Stat | Ox(10>5, 415, 8522) > Te — statements in the function are false 2, Statn) eo = Mo, five imi AF Function Syntax and Examp! oF Today0s It gives the current date Today) Current date Now0: It gives the current time Now()>Current Time Day(: It gives the day of a month from the given date Day(05/03/2013)>5 year, month, day DateQ: If you want a specific date in a cell in the format of Date(2013/03/05)>05/03/2 ‘MonthO: It gives the month ofa given date Month(0s/0370 "Year(): This function retums the yeat of the date Yeats i ae K RAJENDRA PRASAD MTECH CSE Zoho Roba Sig of Mea iar

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