ProfEd 110 Module 8 Learning Activities

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Student: Ronald Soriano Instructor: Ms.

Mary Ann Soberano

Module 8: Critical Literacy Course Code: ProfEd 110

Read the questions and instructions carefully.

1. 1. Assess your critical literacy skills by answering the following questions with YES or NO.
a. Do you evaluate your scores before using them in you essays? Yes
b. Do you support your opinions and claims with experts’ ideas? Yes
c. Do you read with critical eye? Yes
d. Do you manage the vast amount of information you need to read? Yes
e. Do you verify data and information before accepting them? Yes

2. Let us explore your personal literacy histories by recalling and writing below your answers to
the following:
a. Your first memories of reading (what, where, with whom?)
I could not remember much of the stories or texts in my elementary school days, but I remember vividly the
texts of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo sometime in 1997 during my second year at Santo Tomas High
School with my teacher in Filipino, Mrs. Elizabeth Ramos. I also remember the contexts of the poem Invictus
by William Ernest Henley (probably my all-time favorite poem) and the story God Sees The Truth But Waits by
Leo Tolstoy (which made an emotional and political impact on me) with my teacher in English, Mr. Joseph Joel
Monje, in the same school and year level.

b. Favorite reading as a child and as an adult.

My favorite reading materials as a child were the sidewalk comics. I remember and could still smell the comic
books my mother would buy from the newspaper stands near the wet market in Mangaldan, Pangasinan. Once
I get hold of these comic books (5 pesos for one book), I would spend the next hours reading all the pages.

As an adult, I keep coming back to reading the stories and poems I enjoyed during my high school days, such
as any stories authored by Leo Tolstoy. I believe these classic stories are purely authentic and timeless.

c. The most important book/s or author/s in your life

The most important authors in my life are Leo Tolstoy, William Ernest Henley, Robert Frost, and J.R.R. Tolkien

d. The main roles and purpose of reading in your life (as a parent, professional, for pleasure, religious
purposes, etc.)
As an adult, I enjoy reading to create a balance in my life and to be spiritually awake. I do not like preaching
sermons to people, but I love expressing my free-spirited views to anyone open-minded. I also read to improve
my relationship and understanding of other people around me. For me, less words spoken means less mistakes.

3. List down the skills related to critical literacy

a. Analytical thinking
b. Good communication
c. Creative thinking
d. Open-mindedness
e. Ability to solve problems
f. Asking thoughtful questions

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