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Compiled to Fullfill One of Academic Terms

In Order to Complete Study in Civil Engineering Program
Faculty of Engineering
University of Swadaya Gunung Jati

By :
NPM. 115130111






The Rusunawa Building is a building that was established by the
PUPR Service and is located on Jl. Islamic Center Sigempol,
Limbangan Wetan village, Brebes District, Brebes Regency, Central
Java. Rusunawa are expected to be able to provide a comfortable
place to live and live in, as well as to meet the needs of decent
housing for the lower middle class.
Therefore, Rusunawa Building is a multi-storey building that
is public and has the main function as a residence. The Rusunawa
Building must meet the administrative requirements and technical
requirements, so that the building is functional. In addition, the
condition of the rusunawa building must be very carefully
considered, both in terms of architecture, structure, utility,
accessibility, mechanical and electrical, building layout and the
environment as well as the reliability of the building that ensures
safety, health, comfort and convenience for its occupants.
On the basis of safety criteria and excellent service, the
loading planning process must comply with SNI 1727 - 2013 and
the design of this building structure must refer to SNI - 2847-2013
reinforced concrete, the latest regulations are adapted to the latest
developments in material technology with reference to AISC, in
addition to calculations earthquake engineering must also refer to
SNI 1726-2012.
In this study, the focus is on analyzing high-rise flats for the
lower middle class.


1.3.1 Formulation of the problem
1. How to design Rusunawa flats using a concrete
2. What are the design dimensions of slabs, beams and
3. How to plan the use of ETABS?
4. What is the design foundation of Rusunawa?

1.3.2 Identification Problem

Problem identification is focused on Analyzing the
building structure Rusunawa flats, whether the structure is
safe or not.


1.4.1 Mean
The thesis proposal, entitled " STRUCTURE
WETAN BREBES" will explain the problems that exist in the
research area, so that solutions are sought for these
1.4.2 Objectives
1. To Analyze Rusunawa buildings using concrete
2. For details of dimensions, plates, beams, columns and
foundations accordingly.
Jl. Islamic Center Sigempol, Limbangan Wetan village, Brebes
District, Brebes Regency, Central Java.

Figure 1.1 research location



2.1.1 Building structure
Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 28 of
2002 Article 1 paragraph 1 concerning buildings. Building is a
physical form resulting from construction work that is integrated with
its domicile, partly or wholly located on or on the ground which
functions as a place for human activities, either for residence or
residence, religious activities, business activities, social and cultural
activities. , as well as special activities.
Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 of
2002 Article 5 paragraph 1, the function of the building includes the
function of residence, religious, business, social and cultural
functions, as well as special functions. Based on the business
function of the building, it includes office buildings, trade, industry,
tourism and recreation, terminals and warehouses.


2.2.1 Imposition
Loading is an important factor in designing building
structures. Therefore, in designing the structure, it is
necessary to identify the loads acting on the structural
system. The loads acting on a structure are caused directly
by natural and man-made forces (Schueller, 2001).
The structure is made of a material that has mass, the
structure will be affected by its own weight. The self weight of
the structure and structural elements is referred to as dead
load. In addition to dead loads, the structure is also affected
by the loads that occur due to the use of space. This load is
referred to as a live load. In addition, the structure is also
affected by external influences due to natural conditions
such as the influence of wind, snow, earthquakes, or is
affected by temperature differences, as well as damaging
environmental conditions (for example, the influence of
chemicals, humidity, or corrosion).
In reviewing a load, we must not only determine its
amount or intensity, but also need to consider under what
conditions the load is applied to the structure.
Due to the elastic properties of the material structure,
each system or structural element will deform when loaded,
and will return to its original shape when the workload is
removed. Therefore the structure has a tendency to sway
sideways (slideway), or bend (deflection) when loaded.

The various types of workloads are as follows:

a. Dead load

Dead load is the weight of all materials attached to

building construction, including walls, floors, roofs,
ceilings, stairs, remaining partition walls, finishing,
building cladding and architectural components as well as
other structures and other installed fittings including
faucets (SNI 1727-2013) .
For the purposes of analysis and design of
building structures, the amount of dead load must be
estimated or determined in advance. Dead loads are
loads that act downward on a structure and have building
characteristics, such as floor coverings, mechanical
equipment, and partitions. To calculate the dead load of
an element, it is done by reviewing the unit weight of the
material based on the volume of the element. The unit
weight of the material is determined empirically and many
tables are included in a number of standards or
regulatory impositions.
The unit or weight of some construction materials
and components can be determined from the building
regulations in Indonesia, the 1983 Indonesian Loading
Regulations for Buildings or the 1987 regulations.
Information on the unit weights of various construction
materials commonly used for dead load calculations is
listed below,
1) Building material
Table 2.1 Heavy Building Materials Only
No. Ingredients Heavy Specification
1. Steel 7850kg/m3
2. Natural stone 2600kg/m3
Stone side,
3. cobblestone, rock 1500 kg/m3 stack weight
4. Stone 700 kg/m3 Heavy pile
5. broken stone 1450 kg/m3
6. stone casting 7250kg/m3
7. Concrete 2200 kg/m3
8. Reinforced stone 2400 kg/m3
9. Wood 1000 kg/m3 Class 1
drying until
10. gravel, coral 1650 kg/m3 moist, without
11. A pair of red stones 1,700 kg/m3
12. Mount one side, 2200 kg/m3
cobblestone, mountain
13. stone print couple 2200 kg/m3
14. stone couple 1450 kg/m3
the air
15. Sand 1600 kg/m3 becomes moist
16. Sand 1800 kg/m3
the air
17. Gravel sand, coral 1850 kg/m3 becomes moist
Dry the air until
18. Soil, clay and silt 1700
it's moist
Source: Guidelines for Imposition of Houses and Buildings.

2) Building Components

Table 2.2 Individual Components of Building Weight

No. Ingredients Heavy Information
Digester, per cm
21 kg/m2
1. ● From cement
17 kg/m2
● of lime, red

2. Asphalt, per cm thick: 14 kg/m2

brick wall
450 kg/m2
3. ● one stone
up to 250
● half stone
brick wall pair:
● Perforated:
Wall thickness 20
200 kg/m2
cm (HB 20)
wall thickness 10 120 kg/m2
cm (HB 10)
● without holes:
Wall thickness 15 up to 300
cm kg/m2
Teal wall 10 cm 200 kg/m2
Ceiling and walls,
consisting of:
● Asbestos
including ribs,
5. (plasterboard), 11 kg/m2
suspension or
thickness 4mm
● Glass, 3-5 mm
. thick
ceiling, span
simple wooden floor
6. 40 kg/m2 up to 5 m,
with wooden beams
max live load
200 kg/m2
spans up to 5
Hanging ceiling m, credit
7. 7 kg/m2
(wood) distance min
0.80 m
with battens
8. Cover the tile roof from 50 kg/m2 and rafters /

rafters per m2
of roof area
Closing the roof with battens
9. 40 kg/m2
shingles and rafters
ata Cover p zinc
10. 10kg/m2 without rafters
wave (BJLS-25)
cement tiles,
Floor covering tile, 7
11. 24 kg/m2 terrazzo and
cm thick
without mortar
Asbestos cement
12. 11 kg/m2
Source: Guidelines for the Imposition of Houses and Buildings

b. Live load

Live load is the load that occurs as a result of the

occupancy/use of a building and its depth including loads
on the floor originating from movable items, machinery
and equipment that are part of the building and cannot be
separated from the building and can be replaced during
the life of the building. , resulting in changes to the
loading floor and roof.

Especially on the roof that is a living burden, it can

be in the form of a load that comes from rainwater, either
due to inundation or due to falling (kinetic energy) of
water droplets. The live load does not include wind load,
earthquake load and special load. From this description,
it is clearly impossible to separately review all possible
loading conditions. Therefore, a statistical approach is
used to define this live load, as a safe evenly distributed
static load equal to the maximum expected concentrated
usage weight for a given application.

The actual live loads acting on the structure are

generally less than the planned live loads that overload
the structure. However, there is a possibility of
cooperation between the live load and the design load on
the structure. It is clear that a building structure that has
been planned for a particular use should be re-examined
when strength is to be used for another purpose. For
example, a building originally planned for apartments will
not be strong enough if it is used for buildings or markets.

The amount of equivalent live load that is evenly

calculated in the building structure can generally be
determined based on applicable standards. The
implementation of the Unswagati hall's cost of living
planning is adjusted to the planned space function, in this
case referring to the imposition of SNI - 1727-2013 for
buildings as follows:

1) on the floor of the building Cost of Living

Table 2.3 Cost of Living on the floor of the building
No. Housing area Heavy Information
Office building
- office room
1. 240kg/m2
- in the first
floor corridor at
Main Stage Meeting fixed and
2. 479 kg/m2
Floor Podium Meeting unequal seats
3. dining room and
4. Bowling points,
The gym is 359kg/m2
swimming pool
5. dance hall 479kg/m2
6. mosque, church,
Floor and balcony
479kg/m2 room/restaurant,
inside the meeting room
cinema with
fixed seating
7. corridor on the
Hospital 383 kg/m2
first floor
8. Domestic hot road and r
479kg/m2 Domestic office
9. Floor Equipment, for
living quarters
10. library 287kg/m2

1111. Retailer 479 kg/m2 Minimum
Wholesaler 600 kg/m2

12. Hotel 250 kg/m2

13. School
Classroom 192kg/m2
on the first floor 383 kg/m2

Source: SNI - 1727- 2013 Minimum building cost

c. Earthquake Load
In planning a building structure (buildings, bridges,
docks, etc.) seismic is one of the most decisive load
parameters. In real terms, this can be seen from the
amount of damage and failure of buildings due to the
earthquake. The large number of fatalities also
encourages the ulama to pay more attention to the
impact of the earthquake in their planning.
To plan good earthquake resistant buildings,
several agencies have made guidelines for earthquake
loads. In Indonesia, the current guideline for earthquake
load planning is SNI 03-1726-2012 which is a substitute
for SNI 03-1726-2002. This standard refers to ASCE
codes 7-10, FEMA P750 / 2009, and IBC 2009.
SNI 03-1726-2012 stipulates that analysis of
earthquake loads can be carried out by three procedures,
namely analysis of equivalent lateral forces, analysis of
response spectrum variance, and earthquake response
history procedures. Determination of analytical
procedures that can be used depends on the seismic
design category of the structure, structural system,
dynamic properties, and regularity. The provisions of the
allowed analytical procedures can be seen in Table 1. In
addition to the three procedures, SNI allows alternative
procedures to be carried out with the approval of the
licensor who has legal authority (SNI Article 7.6).

d. wind load
The magnitude of the wind load acting on the
building structure depends on the wind speed, air density,
geographical location, shape and height of the building,
and the stiffness of the structure. Buildings located in the
path of the wind, will cause the wind to rotate or stop. As
a result, the kinetic energy of the wind will be converted
into potential energy, in the form of pressure or suction
on the building.

Figure 2.1.Effect of wind on buildings

One of the important factors that affect the amount
of pressure and suction on the building when the wind
moves is wind speed. The magnitude of the wind speed
is different for each geographical location. Wind speed
plans are usually based on a 50 year period. Because
the higher the wind speed with the height above the
ground, the higher the speed of the plan. In addition, it
must also consider whether the building is located in
urban or rural areas. If the wind speed is known, the wind
pressure acting on the building can be determined and
expressed in terms of the equivalent static force.
The actual movement of wind patterns around
buildings is complex, but configurations have been
extensively studied and tabulated. Since a building
generates wind pressure and suction, there are specific
coefficients for wind pressure and suction that are
tabulated for various locations within the building.
To account for the influence of wind on structures,
the Indonesian guidelines require the following:
● wind pressure must be taken at least 25 kg/m2
● wind pressure at sea and at the edge of the sea as far as 5 km from
the coast, must be taken at least 40 kg/m2
For places where there is a wind speed that can
produce a greater blowing pressure. Wind pressure (p)
can be determined based on the empirical formula:
P = V2/16(kg/m2)
where V is the wind speed in m/s.
Because the wind load will cause pressure and
suction, based on the experiment, the coefficient of
pressure and suction shape has been determined for
various types of buildings and roofs. The purpose of
using this coefficient is to simplify the analysis. For
example a closed building, in addition to the walls of the
building, the roof structure of the building will also receive
pressure and wind suction, the amount of which depends
on the shape and slope of the roof. In closed buildings
and houses with a height of not more than 16 m, with
floors and walls that provide sufficient rigidity, the main
structure (portal) does not need to be considered against
the wind.
e. Combination Force
There are several types of loads that can act on
each structure. The important thing in determining the
design load on the structure is to ask whether all the
workloads are simultaneously or not. The dead load due
to the self-weight of the structure must always be taken
into account. While the amount of live load is always
changing depending on the use and combination of live
loads. For example, it does not make sense to design a
structure to be able to withstand the maximum load due
to earthquake and maximum wind load, and at the same
time carry the full live load. The possibility of working the
maximum load on the structure at once is very small. The
structure of the building can be designed to carry the
maximum load all acting simultaneously. However, a
structure designed in such a way will have a very real
strength that can occur during the design life of the
structure. From a structural engineering point of view, the
design of structures with loads like this is unrealistic and
very expensive, in this case many regulations
recommend reducing the design load for certain load
For loading on high-rise buildings, it is not possible
for all floors to carry the maximum age load at the same
time. Therefore, it is permissible to reduce the live load
for design, structural elements taking into account the
effect of combined loading and placement of live loads.
For certain load combinations it is often
permissible to reduce the total design force by a certain
factor. For example, instead of a combination of 1.0
(dead load + live + seismic load or wind load) is used for
the calculation, but 0.75 (dead load + live + seismic or
wind load) so it is required by many regulations. What is
meant by this expression is that not all loads will act on
the structure at the maximum value simultaneously,
considering that seismic loads or wind loads are transient
loads. Instead the structure must be designed to carry a
combination of dead load and live load acting fully
simultaneously, or expressed as 1.0 (dead load + live
load). For the design of building structures, in general
many load combinations must be considered in the

f. Combination of Imposition on Portal Structure

In Indonesia, the average design life of a building
structure is 50 years. Therefore, during the design life,
the building structure must be able to accept or carry
various load combinations that may occur. The load
acting on the building structure can be in the form of a
combination of several load cases that occur
To ensure a building structure can last for the life
of the plan, in the process of designing the structure, it is
necessary to review several combinations of loading that
may occur in the combination of loading structures that
must be considered in the design of the building
structure, namely:
1) Stay . coercion combination
Loading In this fixed combination, the load that
must be taken into account in the structural work is
(SNI 1727-2013).
2) Temporary Imposition Combination
In this temporary load combination, the load
that must be taken into account in the structural work
is (SNI 1727-2013).
D = dead load
L = live load
A = roof load
R = rain load
W = Wind Cost
E = Earthquake cost
F = Liquid pressure
T = filling foundation drop,
Loading temperature, concrete creep and
shrinkage coefficients 1.0, 1, 2, 1.6, 1.4, are load
multipliers, which are called load factors. (load factor).
While the factors 0.5 and 0.9 are reduction factors.
The structural system and structural elements must be
weighed against two combinations of loading, namely
permanent and temporary loading, bending moment
(Mu), torsional or torsional moment (Tu), shear force
(Vu), and normal force (Pu), which occur in a the
second consequence of the combination of structural
elements of the loading is reviewed, the highest cost
is selected, for further use in the design process.

For the purposes of analysis and design of a

building structure, it is necessary to calculate the
engineering mechanics of the concrete portal with two
combinations of loading, namely still loading and
temporary loading. The combination of loading on the
design of building structures that is often used in
Indonesia is (SNI 1727-2013).
In general, because the horizontal forces acting
on the system in terms of the portal structure are
earthquake loads, Indonesia has a greater earthquake
load than wind loads. Earthquake loads acting on the
structure of the system can be directed back and
forth, therefore this influence needs to be reviewed in
its calculations. Dead load and live load always tend
to decrease due to gravity load, wind load or load
during an earthquake is a horizontal direction load.


The basic structure is one part of the overall planning and
development process. The design process is a combination of
elements of art and science that requires expertise in the process.
This process is divided into two multi-story:
➢ The first phase of
The general design overview outlines the decision
area. The type of structure selected from various alternatives
is possible. The layout of the structure, the geometry or
shape of the building, the distance between the columns, the
height of the floors and the building materials have been
determined with certainty at this stage.
➢ Smallest design.
The smallest design, among others, reviews the
determination of the cross-section of beams, columns, slab
thickness and other structural elements. The two design
processes are interrelated.

2.3.1 Upper Structural Type

Generally, the types of structures in buildings that are
commonly used are as follows:

❖ Structural steel (steel structure)

Steel structures are very suitable for use in high-
rise buildings, because steel materials have high strength
and ductility when compared to other structural materials.
❖ Composite structure
Composite structure is a composite structure
consisting of two or more types of materials. In general,
the composite structure that is often used is a
combination of steel structure with reinforced concrete. It
has a composite structural behavior between steel
structure and reinforced concrete structure. Composite
structures are widely used for medium to high-rise
building structures.

❖ Reinforced concrete structure

Reinforced concrete structures are widely used for
high-rise building structures. This structure is the most
widely used when compared to other structures because
it is more monolithic reinforced concrete structure when
compared to steel and composite structures.
A. Over Structure Parts
The superstructure or superstructure is a
building element that is above ground level. In the
planning process includes: roofs, floor slabs, columns,
beams, portals.
1) Roof
The roof is a structural element that serves
to protect the building and what is in it from the
effects of heat and rain.

2) Plate
The slab is a floor that is not located directly
above the ground level, which is a flat floor barrier
between one level and another. The floor slabs are
supported by beams that rest on the columns of
the building. Slabs are reinforced concrete panels
that can be reinforced both ways or one way,
depending on the structure of the system.
Continuous reinforcement plates are passed to the
beams and forwarded to the columns. Thus the
entire slab system becomes a single unit forming a
very complex statically indeterminate rigid frame
structure. The behavior of each member of the
structure is influenced by a rigid relationship with
other components. Loads not only cause
moments, shear forces and direct deflections on
the structural members that support them,

❖ One-way plate
One-way slab is a plate that is supported
on two opposite sides only so that the
deflection occurs only in one direction, namely
in a direction perpendicular to the direction of
the support on that side. In other words, a one-
way slab is a plate that has a ratio of the long
side to the short side perpendicular to the
magnitude of the two main deflections on the
shorter side.

❖ Two way slab

Two-way slab is a plate that is supported
on all four sides with bends that will occur in
two mutually perpendicular directions or the
ratio between the long and short sides that are
perpendicular to each other is not more than

The designed floor slabs are

bidirectional slabs supported on four sides. To
facilitate the design, a reinforced concrete chart
and calculation table will be used based on
➢ Determining the Minimum Plate Thickness (h)
1. For lm 0.2 greater but not more than 2.0, h
must not be more than
ln ⁡(0,8+ )
36 +5 β( αm−0,2)

and should not be less than 125 mm

2. For lm greater than 2.0, the minimum plate

thickness shall not be less than

h=ln ⁡¿ ¿

and can't be 90 mm
h = plate thickness
ln = length of clear span in transverse
= the ratio of the net span in the transverse
longitudinal direction to the two directions
m = mean value of
Ecb . Lb
Ecs . Ls

Ecb = modulus of elasticity of concrete

Ecs = modulus of elasticity of the plate.

3. The bending moment of the plate

determines what happens
Planning and analysis is carried out
using the load envelope concept by using
the bending moment coefficient, namely:
Mlx = 0.001.qu.Lx2.Clx
Mtx = 0.001.qu.Lx2.Clx
Mly = 0.001.qu .Lx2.Cly
Mty = 0.001.qu.Lx2.Cly
qu= Total Load
Lx = short span length
CTX = coefficient x direction of moment of
CLX = field direction moment coefficient x
city= coefficient of direction of moment
support y
Cly= torque field coefficient y direction

4. Determine the gain (As) x and y

b d2

Steel reinforcement ratio must meet min no

• If there is <ρ min, then use = min and As =
• If there is > max, the thickness of the plate is
increased after the necessary value is
obtained, then:
Like need =
Staple reinforcement distance (taken b = 1
(Tul distance = 1000 / (as / (1/4 s2))

3) Beam
Beams are structural elements that support
vertical and horizontal loads. Vertical loads in the
form of dead loads and live loads received floor
slabs, their own weight and the weight of the wall
insulation block above it. While horizontal loads
such as wind loads and earthquake loads. Beams
are an important part of the building structure and
aim to carry loads that can be in the form of
transverse bending, shearing and torsional loads.
Therefore, efficient, economical and safe beam
planning is very important for a building structure,
especially multi-story structures or large-scale
structures. Step beam planning:

➢ Determine the quality of the concrete

30 MPa f'c then 1 = 0.85 MPa
f'c 30 MPa then 1 = 0.65 MPa
➢ Determine the value of the reinforcement ratio:

√ ( )( )
2 fy mu
0,8 fy ( 0,8 fy ) −4 0,4704 ' 2
f c bd

( )
2 X 0.4704 X '
f c
ρmin =

0,75 fc β 600
ρmaks =0,75( )( )
fy 600+fy

Prerequisite: minutes <ρ < max

️ = ratio of reinforcement to effective concrete

span under balanced conditions
max = maximum reinforcement ratio
min = minimum reinforcement ratio

➢ Specifies the effective height (d) and width (b)

concrete cross section
d = h - dc - reinforcement - stirrup
4) column
The definition of a column is a member
structure that supports the main tasks of vertical
axial loads demanded by the height and is not
supported at least three times the smallest lateral
dimension. Columns are vertical compression
members of the frame of a beam or beam load
bearing structure. Columns transmit elevation
loads to lower elevations until they reach the
ground through the foundation. Collapse in the
column is a critical condition that can result in the
collapse of the floor in question and also the total
collapse of the entire structure. Columns are
structures that support the load of the roof, beams
and only the weight that is transmitted to the
foundation. The column structure receives a large
vertical load, but must be able to withstand
horizontal loads and even moments or torsion due
to the influence of the eccentricity of the loading.

Pu <Pn Pn = 0.1.Ag.Fc
pu = Load In column
Pn = Column strength
Fc' = Quality of concrete used
Ag = Column dimension (Column area)
0.1 = Reduction Factor
If Pu > Pn then the cross section of the
column must be increased or the quality of the
concrete must be increased.
5) Gate
It is a building frame structure that must be
able to withstand working loads, both dead loads,
live loads, and temporary loads.

❖ Portal does not sway (reinforced frame)

Steady portals are defined as portals in
which flexural oscillations are prevented by the
strut elements of the structure and not by the
portal itself. The non-swaying portal has the
following properties:
● Symmetrical portals and symmetrical
● Portals related to other constructions that
don't sway
❖ Portal Sway
A portal is said to be swaying if:
● Asymmetrical costs of working on
symmetrical or asymmetrical portals
● Symmetrical loads acting on symmetrical or
asymmetrical frames.

2.3.2 Sub-structure
The sub-structure is the part of the building that lies
below the surface. The foundation is a construction that
serves to continue the loads of the building on the ground
that is able to support it. The foundation generally acts as a
component of the supporting structure of the building and the
foot of the foundation serves as the final element that
transmits the load to the soil, so a single foundation must
meet the requirements to be able to safely spread the
existing load. transmitted in such a way that the capacity or
bearing capacity of the soil is not exceeded. It should be
noted that in planning the foundation must take into account
the conditions associated with the soil is quite strong in
certain circumstances.

a. Sectional Foundation Planning

Figure 2.2 Cut Foundation

σ nettotanah=σ tanah−Σ(h . γ beton )−Σ( h. γ tanah )
P My Mx
σ nettotanah= + +
A perlu 1 1
6. Bx . B y 6. B y 2 . B x

(SNI 03-2847-2002)

Then by trial and error in capturing the value of Lp

(foundation width) and Pp (foundation length) so that the
value of A No = Lp x Pp > A is required.

Control of contact stress occurring at the base of the


P My Mx
σ nettotanah= + + <σ netto tanah
Aada a 1
2 2
6. P . L 6. L . P

(SNI 03-2847-2002)

Distance to center of tension of reinforcement into concrete


d=h−Pb – ½ ν tulangan pokok ....... (SNI 03-2847-2002)

description: P, Mx, My . value

soil = soil volume weight (kN/m3)

b. Land Data
In planning the construction of flats in Limbangan
Wetan, research or soil testing has been carried out,
namely sondir and drill tests.

2.3.3 Structural System Selection

The selection of the above structural system (upper
structure) has a close relationship with the functional system
of the building. The design of the structure will affect the
overall design of the building. The factors that determine the
selection of the structural system are as follows:
a. Architectural Aspect
This relates to the plans and structures chosen,
from an architectural point of view.
b. functional aspect
This relates to the use of space. Usually will affect
the use of span structure elements used.
c. Aspects of strength and stability of the structure
From this aspect it relates to the ability of the
structure to accept work loads, both vertical and lateral
loads, and the stability of the structure in both directions.
d. Economic aspects and ease of implementation
Usually in a building, several types of structures
can be used. Therefore, economic factors and ease of
implementation are factors that affect the structure of the
execution system that will be chosen.
e. The factor of the ability of the structure to accommodate
the building service system.
The selection of the structural system must also
accommodate consider abilitystructure in the existing
service system, which involves work. mechanical and
electrical As for choosing the type of lower structure
(lower structure), namely the foundation, it must carry out
the following steps:
➢ Get the closest information regarding state of the
building and the load is transferred to the foundation.
➢ Determine general underground conditions.
➢ Consider immediately the general shape of the
foundation, for decide whetherfoundation can be
made with the existing conditions. In the first step,
those that do not match the shape are removed.
➢ Make a more detailed study and initial design of the
most appropriate foundation form.
➢ Estimated cost of each form of foundation.


1. Autocad Software
Autocad is software that functions for graphic design,
which can produce images in 2D form. In addition, this software
is very light compared to other software. Although it looks
simple, Autocad allows us to draw faster and more accurately.
This program is a 2D modeling application program that is
flexible, fast and practical. Autocad is also usually used to
design buildings and details with an easy-to-read 2D view.
2. Etabs (Structural Analysis Program)
Etabs is a program to calculate the final result of loading
moments, and forces that occur in the planned structure. This
program is designed to be very interactive, so that several
things can be done, such as controlling the stress conditions on
structural elements, changing the dimensions of the bars and
(the code) without having to repeat the design analysis.


The research method used is a qualitative method by means
of surveys and direct observation to the object of research, namely
at the Department of Public Works and Public Housing, Brebes


The planning method begins with collecting and studying
literature related to management. Fields collect data to be used as
data in objects. The method used in this paper is as follows:
1. literature study by collecting references and methods needed as
a reference Review of books and other media (internet).
2. Processing and analysis of the data obtained.
3. Conclusions and recommendations of research results.


The various types and sources of data are as follows:

1. Main Data In this study, primary data was collected by

conducting a field survey, the object of research was in the
Building, PUPR Kabupaten Brebes.
2. Secondary data
a. Literature Review Method The process of collecting data
from reference books, journals on the internet and related
agencies in the form of regional data to be analyzed by
management, and data such as building drawings to develop
data. The data will be used for the preparation of this final
b. Documentation method Data collection includes pictures or
documentation planned by the author on the object under
study. documentation obtained from the camera used to
assist in making the thesis.

This thesis proposal is made as a description of the thesis that will

be planned. It is my hope that this thesis proposal can be approved,
considering that this proposal is one of the academic requirements of the
Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
Gunung Jati Cirebon.

Cirebon, December 2021

Muhammad Nur Arifin


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Wiley Eastern Private Limited. New Delhi.

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