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MIS207 iA1- Set1

Covers: Second Wave, Web Technology, Revenue Model, Lab#1 OrangeHRM Software
Answer all questions 4 x 5 = 20 | 15 %

● Answer objectively considering the textbook, and lectures.

● Answer within the context of a manager within an organization.
● You have to finish the assignment in a single sitting. Open book, open notes. Internet, and friends.
● Use your own words. Links: Exam & Viva process, Viva Schedule. Grading Rubric.

1. Explain five major drivers of ebusiness within the context of an organization (e.g. Agora).

Chosen Organization: Agora

Drivers Explanation

Logistics is critical for creating visibility in the e-commerce supply chains,

as well as determining customer happiness, efficiency and service delivery.
Though it is very time consuming but organization like Agora can go
Logistics through such methods but it requires a high level of skill and as well as a
complicated network of several small units

The use of Internet on phones is being a great push which is helping the
mass people to do shopping online which is now being very popular in the
Use of Internet on Phones present world and organization like Agora is taking full advantage of it.

Nowadays a lot of customers are not having bank accounts which is not
Payment Option for being a problem for payment. Organizations like Agora have payment
customers options through many ways using through platforms like Bkash and also
through taking payment during the delivery of products

Its been suggested that the Big data Expansion is being a very big part.
Big Data’s Expansion Organization like Agora are being able to surpass their client’s expectation
which is being a great boost for gaining profits and helping to win the trust
of consumer in spite of not being able to meet the customer in person.

At present the online system is being a great source of reliability for the
general people which is being a great part for the development program.
Reliability The organization Agora is being very reliable to their customers in terms of
service in spite of doing their business through online system is being a
great factor to gain more customers and grow more as an organization.

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2. Explain five different technologies used by an organization (e.g. Daraz) and a relevant business

Chosen Organization: Daraz

Technology Business activity

Daraz uses a smartphone app that helps their customers to communicate

directly with their mobile phones and computer at any time anywhere in
Smartphone App the country.

EDI EDI helps Daraz to transfer computer related data in standardized format.
It allows them to create invoices, and make payments through many
platforms such as Bkash, Nogod, Rocket, Visa/Mastercard. And through
this way the electronic funds are transferred.

Email Daraz uses email to communicate with their customers and co workers as
well as scheduling meetings. Daraz also confirms the product delivery and
tracking of products through emails.

Internet Daraz conducts their business online to satisfy their customer needs and to
enhance business activities. Internet also helps them to promote their
products and building relationship with their stakeholders

It allows Daraz potential customers to view an environment online at their

360-degree Virtual Tour comfort zone.

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3. Explain the various ways an organization (e.g. Daraz) might benchmark their web presence.

Chosen Organization: Daraz

Web presence Benchmark

Through the social platforms the organization Daraz can benchmark their
web presence. We can consider the Daraz 11 mission, they utilize web-
based media on an alternate level which helps to create more attraction to
Social Platforms their organization in general public and can benchmark their web presence

The organization Daraz can put more heed on the client input. They can do
Content Strategy and overview the clients needs and see what the client prefers which can
help Daraz to bench their webpresence through findout about the updates
a client needs.

Information Architecture The organization Daraz can use their web presence to give more
explanation and information about the products which they are offering to
their customers which can be a huge boost for them and can benchmark
their web presence

The organization Daraz through webprsence can help to satisfy their

Functionality customers by functioning properly. To take the customers needs and
complains and every feedback immediately can help to create more
customers and can be a great part to benchmark their web presence

Through proper user interface and properly functioning web presence

User Interface The customers can be more dependable to this site because of their proper
functionality which can help them to improve their business and make

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4. Explain five features available in a functional software (e.g. OrangeHRM) considering the business
use in an organization (e.g. Daraz).

Chosen Organization: Alibaba

Chosen Software: OrangeHRM

Feature Business activity

Record Employee’s Alibaba can access to its employee information like- name, employee ID
Personal Information contact address, date of birth, employee picture, educational
qualifications, relevant skills, working experience, job category, job title,
emergency contacts etc. for proper allocation of employee to eligible
tasks to extract maximum efficiency.

Post a Job Vacancy Alibaba using its administrator account can offer job vacancy mentioning
job titles and category and location through which it can avoid the hustles
of posting job vacancy on newspapers and different online sites.

Alibaba can accept candidate’s resume using OrangeHRM which will

help selecting the eligible candidate making the recruitment process
Customization of Alibaba can customize OrangeHRM system according to their unique
System needs like- a different field listing employees who are handling large
scale merchandise to contact them easily and operate other business

Alibaba can include customized themes, email notifications for

employees, new categories according to its requirement.

Performance Tracking Employee’s arriving time, their absence records categorized by month,
due assignments of an employee, recent achievements and major
contribution towards Alibaba.

Time Off / Leave HR department of Alibaba can easily know which employees are
supposed to be available at a particular period of time as they have part-
time employees working in Alibaba.

He can also know which employees are at leave by going through this
type of feature.

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