Music Perception and Cognition

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Advanced Review

Music perception and cognition:

development, neural basis, and
rehabilitative use of music
Teppo Särkämö,1,2∗ Mari Tervaniemi1,2,3 and Minna Huotilainen1,2,4

Music is a highly versatile form of art and communication that has been an
essential part of human society since its early days. Neuroimaging studies indicate
that music is a powerful stimulus also for the human brain, engaging not just
the auditory cortex but also a vast, bilateral network of temporal, frontal, parietal,
cerebellar, and limbic brain areas that govern auditory perception, syntactic and
semantic processing, attention and memory, emotion and mood control, and motor
skills. Studies of amusia, a severe form of musical impairment, highlight the right
temporal and frontal cortices as the core neural substrates for adequate perception
and production of music. Many of the basic auditory and musical skills, such
as pitch and timbre perception, start developing already in utero, and babies are
born with a natural preference for music and singing. Music has many important
roles and functions throughout life, ranging from emotional self-regulation, mood
enhancement, and identity formation to promoting the development of verbal,
motor, cognitive, and social skills and maintaining their healthy functioning in
old age. Music is also used clinically as a part of treatment in many illnesses,
which involve affective, attention, memory, communication, or motor deficits.
Although more research is still needed, current evidence suggests that music-
based rehabilitation can be effective in many developmental, psychiatric, and
neurological disorders, such as autism, depression, schizophrenia, and stroke, as
well as in many chronic somatic illnesses that cause pain and anxiety. © 2013 John
Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

How to cite this article:

WIREs Cogn Sci 2013, 4:441–451. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1237

INTRODUCTION Thus far, the oldest concrete evidence regarding the

early existence of music was obtained a few years
A s the French poet Victor Hugo (1802–1885) put
it, ‘music expresses that which cannot be said and
on which it is impossible to be silent’. Just like spoken
ago from southern Germany, where archaeological
excavations revealed a 40,000-year-old flute made
of bone.1 Some scholars believe that a singing-based
language, music has been an essential part of every
form of communication, a protolanguage, could be
known human culture and therefore has roots that
even older, possibly dating back over 200,000 years,
reach deep into our very selves and into our brains.
and could have formed a basis for the development

Correspondence to:
of modern spoken language.2 More recently, various
1 CognitiveBrain Research Unit, Cognitive Science, Institute of
cultural trends and technological innovations, such
Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland as the karaoke and the choir singing boom, MP3
2 FinnishCentre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research, players, and digital streaming services and players
University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland (e.g., Spotify and iTunes), have made music more
3 Department of Psychology, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, available and easily accessible than ever before. In
Finland its many forms, music has become a popular leisure
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland activity and hobby through which many of us mediate
The authors have declared no conflicts of interest for this article. our emotional and arousal state, experience creativity

Volume 4, July/August 2013 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 441
Advanced Review

and aesthetic pleasure, and interact with others. extremely complex and wide-spread, bilateral network
Thanks to modern brain imaging methods, such of cortical and subcortical areas that control many
as electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography auditory, cognitive, sensory-motor, and emotional
(MEG), functional magnetic resonance imaging functions (see Figure 1).
(fMRI), and positron emission tomography (PET), and The processing of music begins in the inner ears
behavioral and clinical studies, we are now starting where acoustic information is converted to an electric
to better understand how music affects us and how impulse or signal. The signal then travels along the
it can be used to promote well-being and facilitate auditory nerve to the brain stem (especially to the
recovery and rehabilitation. In this article, we aim inferior colliculus) where certain basic features of
to provide a brief review of the neural basis of the sound, such as periodicity and intensity, are first
music in both the healthy and the damaged brain, processed. Interestingly, the earliest signs of musical
the development of musical skills and the meaning of training can be seen as immediately as 10 milliseconds
music in different ages, and the effectiveness of music- after sound onset in the auditory brain stem, which
based interventions in various somatic, psychiatric, in musicians can represent the frequency of the sound
and neurological illnesses. with more fidelity than in nonmusicians.3 From the
brain stem, the auditory information is conveyed
NEURAL BASIS OF MUSIC to the thalamus and from there primarily to the
auditory cortex (AC), but also directly to limbic areas,
Music Processing in the Healthy Brain such as the amygdala and the medial orbitofrontal
Neuroscience of music is a relatively new, fast- cortex.4 The primary AC and its neighboring superior
developing field of science, which has during the past temporal areas analyze the basic acoustic cues of
20 years provided a lot of novel information on how the sound, including frequency, pitch, sound level,
music is processed in the brain, how musical activities temporal variation, motion, and spatial location.5 The
can shape the brain, and what neural mechanisms left AC has a better temporal resolution and the right
underlie the therapeutic effect of music. To date, AC has a better spectral resolution, which is thought
converging evidence suggests that music activates an to form one crucial premise for the lateralization of

Somatosensory cortex Motor cortex

Insula Thalamus
Inferior parietal lobe Premotor cortex
Precuneus Cingulate gyrus
Angular gyrus
prefrontal Medial
cortex prefrontal

temporale Hippocampus
Orbitofrontal cortex
Inferior frontal gyrus
Ventral Nucleus accumbens
Cerebellum Superior temporal gyrus tegmental
area Amygdala Striatum
Middle temporal gyrus
Auditory cortex Inferior colliculus

Perceiving the basic acoustic features of music (e.g., frequency, duration, loudness)

Perceiving higher-order musical features (e.g., harmony, intervals, rhythm)

Focusing and keeping track of music in time (attention, working memory)

Recognizing music and recalling associated memories (episodic memory)

Playing, singing and moving to the beat of music (motor functions)

Music-evoked emotions and experiencing pleasure and reward

FIGURE 1 | Schematic illustration of key brain areas associated with music processing-based neuroimaging studies of healthy subjects. Note that
although the image displays the lateral and medial parts of the right hemisphere, many musical subfunctions are actually largely bilateral (with the
exception of pitch and melody processing, which is more lateralized to the right hemisphere).

442 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 4, July/August 2013
WIREs Cognitive Science Music perception and cognition

speech to the left hemisphere and music to the right Music Processing in the Damaged or
hemisphere.6 Abnormal Brain: Amusia
Music is, however, much more than just the sum Our ability to perceive, process, and appreciate
of its basic acoustic features. Upon its initial encoding music may become impaired in many neurological
and perception, music triggers a sequence of cognitive, illnesses. The most well-known disorder is amusia,
motor, and emotional processes in the brain that are which can be either innate (congenital amusia) or
governed by numerous cortical and subcortical areas. result from a brain lesion (acquired amusia). The
Next, we outline five such processes. term amusia refers to an inability to perceive and/or
produce music, which is not caused by a disorder
1. The perception of higher order musical features, in another domain, such as hearing, motor, or
such as chords, harmonies, intervals, and cognitive functions.18,19 Amusia can be observed in
rhythms, calls for a rule-based syntactic analysis the majority of musical features (perceiving pitch,
of complex patterns of spectral and temporal timbre, or rhythm or recognizing musical emotions
fluctuations within the sound stream. According or musical pieces) or be specific to one or some of
to neuroimaging studies, this takes place in a them. The most commonly reported deficit is that
network comprising the inferior and medial of poor pitch discrimination: amusic individuals are
prefrontal cortex, the premotor cortex, the typically not able to perceive pitch changes smaller
anterior and posterior parts of the superior than a semitone.20 As a result, they often have great
temporal gyrus, and the inferior parietal lobe.7,8 difficulties in perceiving sequential notes (or tones)
2. Continually keeping track of the music, and, therefore, in recognizing melodies—for some rare
which always unfolds over time, requires the individuals, music may sound more like noise.
engagement of the attention and working It has been estimated that the prevalence of con-
memory system, which is spread over many genital amusia is approximately 2–4% in the general
prefrontal areas (especially the dorsolateral population.21 Genetic studies of congenital amusia
prefrontal cortex), the cingulate cortex, and suggest that the disorder is heritable: in amusic fami-
inferior parietal areas.9,10 lies, 39% of first-degree relatives have the same deficit,
whereas only 3% have it in the control families.22
3. Hearing music that is familiar to the
Furthermore, dizygotic (identical) twins have more
listener from past experience triggers processing
uniform performance in a musical pitch perception
especially in the hippocampus as well as in
test than monozygotic (fraternal) twins.23 Compared
medial temporal and parietal areas, which are
to congenital amusia, acquired amusia seems to be
involved in episodic memory.11,12
a lot more common deficit, at least after a cere-
4. Hearing music that touches us emotionally brovascular accident such as stroke. In studies of
engages a network of many deep limbic and par- stroke patients, the reported incidence of amusia
alimbic areas, including various midbrain areas, is 60% in the acute stage (about 1 week poston-
striatal areas (especially nucleus accumbens), set) and around 40% in the subacute/chronic stage
the amygdala, the hippocampus, the cingulate (>3 months postlesion).24,25 On the basis of structural
cortex, and the orbitofrontal cortex.13,14 This and functional MRI studies, the crucial neuroanatom-
dopaminergic network is known as the mesolim- ical correlate of congenical amusia appears to be the
bic or reward system of the brain and it has superior temporal gyrus (AC) and the inferior frontal
been implicated in the experiencing of emo- gyrus in the right hemisphere as well as the subcorti-
tions, pleasure, and reward and in regulating cal white matter tracts (arquate fasciculus) connecting
the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the these areas.26–28 Correspondingly, acquired amusia is
endocrine (or hormone) system. Recently, the most typically caused by damage to the AC and its
direct involvement of striatal dopamine in the surrounding cortical and subcortical areas (anterior
emotional reaction to music was demonstrated and posterior superior temporal gyrus and insula) or
in a combined psychophysiological, PET and to temporoparietal or inferior frontal areas, especially
fMRI study.15 in the right hemisphere19 (see Figure 2).
5. Perceiving the rhythm of music, moving to the Interestingly, amusia can occur independently
beat of music, or producing music (by singing of or in parallel with linguistic disorders, thereby
or playing an instrument) involves the sensory- raising an intriguing question of whether the neural
motor networks of the brain, including areas in mechanisms of music and speech processing are
the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, and the motor separate or shared. In studies of brain-damaged
and somatosensory cortices.16,17 patients, approximately half of the patients with

Volume 4, July/August 2013 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 443
Advanced Review

Inferior frontal gyrus the melody, rhythm, stress, and intonation of speech,
Anterior superior
which are used to communicate emotions and to
temporal gyrus emphasize word meanings in speech. Intuitively, par-
ents tend to speak to their babies in a manner which
temporal gyrus utilizes this sensitivity. In fact, infant-directed speech
(or motherese) contains many musical or singing-like
elements, such as strong pitch fluctuations and repet-
Heschl’s gyrus itive melodic line, which help the infant to grasp and
(auditory cortex) acquire the essential structure of natural speech.33
Planum temporale Lullabies and play songs are also globally used to
modulate the arousal level of infants, as reflected, for
Parietal lobe example, in salivary cortisol changes.33 At the age of
6 months, babies start to babble and to ‘dance’, i.e.,
to adjust their movements with the tempo of music.34
Spectral processing
For a toddler, musical activity is a playground of sorts,
Temporal processing where parents can use reciprocal communication and
rhythmic movements to regulate the emotional and
Musical memory
attentional state of the child. At the same time, the
Emotional response to music child him/herself can practice the cognitive, motor,
and social skills needed for speech acquisition and
FIGURE 2 | Critical brain areas where damage typically leads to an communication.
amusic deficit in spectral processing (perception of pitch intervals or
At preschool age, children are often enthusiastic
patterns, tonal structure, and timbre), temporal processing (perception
of time intervals and rhythm), musical memory (recognition of familiar
in expressing music with their gestures and movements
or novel musical material), or emotional response to music. The size of and in taking part in musical activities as listeners,
each circle is scaled to the proportion of studies of the function singers, players, and dancers. In many native cul-
implicating that region. (Reprinted with permission from Ref 19. tures, music making or dancing is an integral and
Copyright 2006 Oxford University Press) natural part of the everyday life of children. For the
developing brain, repeated exposure to music in the
growing environment can be beneficial. In develop-
acquired amusia have been documented to have at
mental animal studies, an enriched auditory environ-
least minor aphasia,19 although there are also cases
ment that contains complex sounds or music has been
of clear double dissociations (amusia without aphasia
shown to improve auditory functions, learning, and
and vice versa), suggesting that there may be separate
memory as well as induce neural plasticity, as indi-
neural modules for music and speech.29 Recent
studies, however, have found that aphasic patients cated by changes in neurotransmitter (e.g., dopamine
also have difficulties in perceiving musical structures30 and glutamate) and neurotrophin (e.g., brain-derived
and, conversely, that individuals with congenital neurotrophic factor) levels, synaptic plasticity, and
amusia have difficulties in perceiving the intonation neurogenesis.35,36 According to studies on children,
and prosody of speech,31 thereby supporting the musical hobbies can improve auditory and motor
alternative view that there are commonalities between skills as well as high-level cognitive skills such as log-
speech and music perception at the neural level. ical reasoning, executive functioning, attention, and
memory.37–39 Musical skills and music training seem
to be also related to speech perception and pronuncia-
DEVELOPMENT AND UTILITY tion of foreign language.40,41 At the neural level, struc-
tural changes in the primary AC, the primary motor
OF MUSIC ACROSS LIFE SPAN cortex, and the corpus callosum have been observed
Music, especially hearing singing and producing musi- already after 15 months of individual piano lessons.37
cal sounds, appears to evoke the natural interest of During adolescence, music serves as a forum
infants and children across cultures.32 Indeed, babies for constructing the developing self-identity, forming
seem to be born with innate musical abilities: even interpersonal relationships, and experiencing agency
small infants can detect the pitch, timbre, and dura- and self-control, and in dealing with negative emotions
tion of the sounds, recognize familiar melodic and and stress.42 Furthermore, a key aspect of all musical
rhythmic patterns, and prefer consonant over disso- activity is emotional expression, which, according
nant music and singing over speech.32 Infants are also to a recent theory,43 is at least partly mediated
sensitive to prosody, in other words, to changes in by the mirror neuron system, a set of frontal and

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WIREs Cognitive Science Music perception and cognition

parietal cortical structures thought to contribute these interventions is accumulating regarding their
to understanding the actions of other people (i.e., clinical utility and applicability in the treatment and
empathy), learning new skills by imitation, and to rehabilitation of many somatic, psychiatric, and neu-
theory of mind and which continue to develop through rological illnesses. On the basis of Cochrane Reviews
adolescence and early adulthood. Musical activity, or published so far (, there are cur-
even simple music listening, can thus form a safe rently about 160 published music intervention studies
shared and dynamic platform for exploring one’s (involving a total of over 9000 patients) that meet the
emotional processes with respect to others and for strict methodological criteria of a randomized con-
forging relationships through common experiences, trolled trial (RCT). In the following sections, we will
chats, and discussions. Some evolutionary theories briefly review what is currently known about the effi-
of music postulate that joint musical activities, such cacy of music interventions regarding five domains:
as singing and dancing with others, facilitate the emotion, attention and sensory functions, memory,
release of endorphins and the experience of reward communication, and motor functions.
and pleasure, which in turn promote group cohesion
and social bonding.44
Finally, music has a lot to give also in adulthood Emotion
and in old age. In most cases, individual musical Perhaps more than any other sensory stimulus, music
preferences are formed during adolescence and early is capable of evoking a wide spectrum of deep and
adulthood—maybe because of this, music also offers powerful emotions, including, for example, joy, seren-
means to refresh and process memories and reflect ity, sadness, and nostalgia. The transient emotional
on prior experiences later in life. During adulthood, effect of music is manifested not just as a subjec-
music is strongly linked to emotional and self- tively experienced feeling or emotional state but also
conceptual processing, mood, and memories.45 Music as a physiological change, for example, in heart rate,
continues to play a vital role as well during aging. respiration, skin temperature and conductance, and
Studies suggest that regular musical activities are very hormone (e.g., cortisol, oxytocin, and β-endorphin)
important to seniors in maintaining psychological secretion,47 indicating an impact on the ANS or
well-being and in contributing to positive aging by endocrine system as well as the activity of the afore-
providing ways to maintain self-esteem, competence, mentioned limbic/paralimbic brain areas.13–15 Conse-
and independence and in reducing loneliness and quently, music interventions have often been applied
isolation.46 to the rehabilitation of persons suffering from various
affective disorders, such as depression and anxiety,
or from illnesses with more severe neuropsychiatric
symptoms, such as schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s dis-
Broadly defined, music therapy is an intervention pro- In the field of depression, a recent meta-analysis
vided by a trained music therapist where music is used of five RCTs (n = 237) found that music therapy is an
in a therapeutic interaction with the client to achieve applicable method that can improve depressed mood,
individually defined goals. The methods utilized in although more high-quality trials are still needed to
music therapy include, for example, music listening, draw more firm clinical conclusions.48 Also, another
singing, instrument playing, musical improvisation, meta-analysis, which included RCTs and other con-
and song writing. In contrast, musical interventions trolled studies of patients (n = 319) with various
that are provided by other nursing or rehabilitation severe mental disorders, found that music therapy
staff (typically music listening) are usually referred to had a significant positive effect on depression and
as music medicine. Although both music therapy and anxiety symptoms of the patients.49 One new and
music medicine utilize music as a therapeutic tool, promising therapeutic technique for treating depres-
the key difference between them is the involvement sion is improvisational psychodynamic music therapy,
of a trained music therapist and the therapeutic rela- which was recently shown to reduce depression and
tionship between the therapist and the client, which anxiety symptoms and improve general functioning
are important contributors in the efficacy of music in working-age depressed patients.50 In patients diag-
therapy. However, for simplicity, both music therapy nosed with schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like disor-
and music medicine are referred to hereafter as music der, a recent meta-analysis of eight studies (n = 483)
interventions. The scientific study of the efficacy of dif- came to a conclusion that music therapy can help
ferent music interventions has increased rapidly during to improve the global and mental state and the social
the past 20 years, and the experimental evidence for functioning of the patients and to reduce their negative

Volume 4, July/August 2013 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 445
Advanced Review

symptoms, depression, and anxiety, if provided in noise-induced hearing loss or various illnesses, and
sufficient quantity.51 ultimately results in maladaptive plastic changes in
Regarding AD and other forms of dementia, an the AC. The contemporary view on tinnitus biology
updated Cochrane review of 10 studies (n = 396) holds that although tinnitus may be triggered by
reported that music therapy may be effective in injury to the inner ear, the neural generators are most
reducing neuropsychiatric and behavioral symptoms, readily found centrally in the brain. On the basis of
such as agitation and wandering, as well as an idea of music-induced neuroplasticity and lateral
in enhancing social and emotional functioning.52 inhibition in the human AC, Pantev and coworkers
However, the authors also cautioned that the have recently developed a novel treatment strategy
methodological variability between the studies for tonal tinnitus called tailor-made notched music
precludes making any robust conclusions about the training (TMNMT). By notching the music energy
clinical utility of music therapy and more high- spectrum around the individual tinnitus frequency,
quality studies are still called for. Finally, another the idea of TMNMT is to attract lateral inhibition
line of meta-analytical evidence suggests that music to auditory neurons involved in tinnitus perception.
interventions can be effective in reducing anxiety, The results of a 12-month controlled follow-up study
improving mood, and influencing ANS parameters (n = 39) found that subjective tinnitus loudness and
(heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure) also annoyance were significantly reduced after TMNMT
in patients suffering from severe chronic somatic but not in a placebo group where the notching
illnesses, including cancer (30 RCTs, n = 1891)53 and spared the tinnitus frequencies.59 Correspondingly,
coronary heart disease (23 RCTs, n = 1461).54 MEG results also showed that tinnitus-related audi-
tory evoked fields were significantly reduced after
Attention and Sensory Functions the TMNMT training.59 Given that tinnitus is highly
One attribute that is also quite unique to music is the prevalent (10–15%) in the adult population, can lead
capacity to draw and direct attention and influence to severe depression and even suicide, and currently
arousal and vigilance. Clinically, this attribute has lacks effective drug treatment, these results are highly
been effectively utilized in the alleviation of pain, important and promising.
which remains as one of the most studied ther- A third example of the attention-influencing
apeutic applications of music.55 A comprehensive effect of music is attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis-
meta-analysis (51 RCTs, n = 3663), which evaluated order (ADHD). Abikoff et al.60 performed a study
the effect of music interventions compared to controls where 20 ADHD children and 20 healthy control
on various types of pain (e.g., acute pain, chronic children worked on an arithmetic task while being
pain, neuropathic pain, cancer pain, and postsurgi- exposed to their favorite music, to background speech
cal pain), indicated that music is able to reduce the (news report), and to silence. The performance of
level of subjectively experienced pain intensity and the control children did not differ between the three
also to reduce the amount of opioids required to conditions, whereas the ADHD children performed
manage the pain, especially in the case of postsur- significantly better in the music condition than in
gical pain.56 Again, however, the effects were quite the speech and silence conditions, especially if the
modest according to the authors, and the clinical music condition was the first.60 In addition to ADHD,
importance still remains unclear. In future, the anal- music may have an attention-stimulating effect also
gesic use of music could be a viable option especially on stroke patients suffering from unilateral spatial
for children and adolescents with whom there are neglect (USN), a deficit in awareness for information
less systematic studies of the suitable dosage and presented on the side of space that is contralateral to
the potential side effects of painkillers.55 In neona- the site of the brain lesion (e.g., impaired awareness
tal units, music is increasingly used to improve the of the left side following a right hemisphere lesions).
behavioral or physiological outcomes of preterm In one study, 14 USN patients were given tactile,
infants, and currently there is preliminary evidence auditory verbal, or auditory nonverbal (white noise
that music, especially maternal singing, may reduce or classical music) stimulation or no stimulation while
pain and improve sucking and weight gain in preterm performing a visuospatial copying task.61 Only non-
infants.57,58 verbal auditory stimuli were found to decrease neglect
Another interesting and novel application of on the task.61 In another study of three USN patients,
music is the treatment of tinnitus. Tinnitus, the especially music that was emotionally pleasant to the
unpleasant and recurrent perception of a sound, often patient was found to ameliorate neglect in a visual
a ringing or a buzzing one, in the absence of cor- awareness task and also induce functional coupling
responding external sound, is most often caused by between the emotional and visual attentional brain

446 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 4, July/August 2013
WIREs Cognitive Science Music perception and cognition

areas in the right hemisphere.62 In summary, music 75 years, frequent reading, playing board games,
seems to be effective, at least temporarily, in modi- playing musical instruments, and dancing were found
fying the orientation and maintenance of attention in to be the leisure activities that were most associated
persons suffering from a neurological disorder, sug- with a lower risk of developing dementia later.71
gesting that it could potentially be utilized in their Also, in a recent randomized longitudinal study of
education and rehabilitation. elderly stroke patients (n = 55), daily music listen-
ing was found to have a positive effect on the
Memory recovery of verbal memory and focused attention
compared with patients who listened daily to audio
Hearing and perceiving music naturally entail keeping
books or received only standard care.72 The positive
track of the incoming auditory information as the
effects on memory were also coupled with reduced
music unfolds in time, analyzing the structure and
depression and confusion during the early recov-
meaning of the music, and identifying the music
and retrieving the experiences and memories that ery stage,73 suggesting that the positive effect of
are associated with it. In the brain, all this recruits music on cognition is at least partly mediated by
areas associated with auditory sensory memory, enhanced mood.
working memory, and episodic and semantic memory.
By affecting our mood and arousal state, music
can also temporarily improve cognitive performance, Communication
including memory performance,63 although this effect Both music and speech are forms of communication
is still somewhat controversial.64 However, there is that make use of the acoustic properties of sound,
some evidence suggesting that this may also occur such as pitch, timbre, and rhythm. This link is
in persons with dementia. Irish et al.65 tested the evident also in studies of musical training, which
autobiographical recall of 10 AD individuals and have shown that musical training can enhance the
10 control subjects under two conditions, music processing of the acoustic features of speech and
(exposure to Vivaldi’s ‘Spring’) and silence, and found also facilitate language skills, such as reading, speech
that the performance of the AD individuals improved segmentation, and perceiving speech in noise.3,41
considerably in the music condition. Similarly, According to the recent OPERA hypothesis,74 these
in another study, 29 elderly persons with mild beneficial effects may be related to the fact that the
or moderate dementia answered autobiographical brain networks processing the acoustic features of
memory questions from three life eras (remote, music and speech overlap anatomically; that music
medium-remote, and recent) while being exposed places higher demands on the precision of processing
to familiar music, novel music, cafeteria noise, or in these shared networks than speech; and that
quiet.66 Recall was significantly better in music the musical activities, which engage this network,
than in noise or quiet, especially regarding remote typically elicit strong positive emotions, are frequently
experiences.66 Interestingly, music may also function repeated, and require focused attention. Clinically,
as a mnemonic aid in AD. In a recent study, 13 music has been utilized in training communication
AD individuals and 14 healthy older controls were skills in various patient groups.
presented with printed lyrics of unfamiliar children’s One clinical population who often lacks proper
songs accompanied by either spoken or sung versions communication skills but in many cases has enhanced
of the songs.67 AD individuals had better recognition auditory and musical abilities, such as superior pitch
accuracy for the sung lyrics than the spoken lyrics, processing, are children with an autistic spectrum dis-
whereas the healthy controls showed no significant order (ASD). Currently, some meta-analytical (three
differences.67 RCTs, n = 24) evidence exists that music therapy may
Taken together, these results suggest that music help ASD children to improve their communicative
may have a small short-term facilitating effect on skills.75 Music may be an especially important thera-
memory performance in dementia, but currently the peutic tool for those ASD children who are nonverbal.
data are still insufficient to draw firm conclusions Recently, a novel intervention called auditory-motor
about the clinical efficacy of music in dementia, espe- mapping training (AMMT) has been developed, which
cially regarding its long-term cognitive effect.68,69 In aims to promote speech production by training the
contrast, studies of healthy seniors have found that association between sounds and articulatory actions
regular musical activities, such as playing an instru- using intonation and bimanual motor activities. In a
ment, can improve cognitive functioning, for example, small pilot study, six ASD children who had no intel-
in tasks of attention and executive functioning.70 ligible speech were given frequent sessions of AMMT
In a longitudinal study of 469 subjects older than and were all found to improve in their ability to

Volume 4, July/August 2013 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 447
Advanced Review

articulate words and phrases, with generalization also instrument playing. Recently, a method called music-
to nonpracticed items.76 supported therapy (MST) has been developed where
Another example of a music-based rehabilitation fine and gross motor movements of the affected upper
method that emphasizes the melodic and rhythmic extremity are trained by playing progressively more
elements of speech is melodic intonation therapy difficult series of tones or simple melodies with a
(MIT), which has been developed to train speech simplified MIDI-piano keyboard or electronic drum
production in aphasic patients. The core idea of MIT set. Studies of both subacute (n = 77) and chronic
is to lead nonfluent aphasic patients from singing (n = 20) stroke patients found MST to be effective
simple, 2-3 syllable phrases to speaking longer phrases in improving both fine and gross motor skills with
by utilizing melodic intonation (intoning syllables on respect to the speed, precision, and smoothness of
different pitches), inner rehearsal (covert production movements.82,83 The fMRI results also suggest that
of the phrase), and rhythmic motor sequencing MST may have a facilitating impact on the activity
(tapping with the functioning left hand once per and functional connectivity of the auditory-motor net-
syllable). Although the efficacy of MIT has yet to works in the temporal and frontal lobes that support
be substantiated in an RCT, evidence from small case musical perception and learning.83
series suggests that an intense course of MIT can lead
to improvement in spontaneous language skills.77 Pilot
fMRI and diffusion tensor imaging data indicate that CONCLUSION
the verbal improvement may be related to functional
In this article, we have reviewed a number of stud-
and structural neuroplastic changes in the spared right
ies, which together shed light on the neural basis,
frontotemporal network.77
development, and rehabilitative use of music. Modern
neuroimaging has shown that musical activities, rang-
Motor Functions ing from simple music listening to singing and playing
Rhythm and movement are intimately connected to a musical instrument, have diverse positive effects
music. In fact, some cultures do not even differentiate on the structure and function of the brain. Musical
‘music’ and ‘dance’ in their vocabulary. Also in activities have different roles and meanings in different
the human brain, almost all musical activity, even phases of life: during infancy and early childhood, they
the passive listening of music, automatically recruits can support speech development; during school years,
motor areas, and there is rich connectivity between they can develop cognitive and attentional skills; dur-
auditory and motor brain areas.17 Clinically, our ing adolescence, they help to build self-identity and
innate tendency to sequence and entrain movements to enhance emotional self-regulation; and during adult-
the beat of music has been utilized in the rehabilitation hood and old age, they help maintain cognitive perfor-
of walking in many neurological illnesses, including mance and memory and improve mood. Clinically, the
stroke, traumatic brain injury, and Parkinson’s disease use of music therapy and other music interventions as
(PD). One method has proved to be especially useful a form of treatment and rehabilitation has received sci-
in this respect: rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS). entific support especially in somatic, psychiatric, and
In RAS, an external auditory rhythm is provided by neurological illnesses involving deficits in emotions,
a metronome or by specifically prepared music tapes attention and sensory functions, memory, communi-
and adapted to the gait cadence of the patient—the cation, and motor functions. Currently, research in
idea is that auditory rhythms entrain motor rhythms the fields of music therapy, psychology, and cognitive
via the close neural connections between the auditory and affective neuroscience is beginning to merge, and
and motor areas. A recent meta-analysis of studies now there are ongoing multidisciplinary studies in
of music therapy in acquired brain injury patients many countries aimed toward determining the clinical
(seven RCTs, n = 184) concluded that RAS may be impact of music and uncovering its underlying neural
beneficial for improving gait parameters in stroke mechanisms. In the future, especially large-scale and
patients, including gait velocity, cadence, stride length, high-quality RCTs that combine both reliable and
and gait symmetry.78 Also in PD, there is evidence that valid behavioral outcome measures and modern psy-
patients are able to stabilize and synchronize their chophysiological and neuroimaging measures would
disturbed gait with the help of an external auditory be optimal and highly valuable in this regard. Another
rhythm79,80 and that their motor coordination may topic, which is becoming more and more important
be temporarily improved by familiar and stimulating with the recent development of portable music players
music.81 and the increasing popularity of communal musical
Another way to use music in motor rehabilita- hobbies, is the long-term impact of self-directed musi-
tion is to utilize active music making in the form of cal leisure activities (such as music listening and choir

448 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 4, July/August 2013
WIREs Cognitive Science Music perception and cognition

singing) on health and well-being, especially in elderly nonpharmacological form of treatment and rehabili-
persons. In summary, although the research field is tation and, more generally, as an enriching and useful
still relatively young and more studies are still needed, hobby that can shape the development and maintain
music can be considered as a viable and promising the healthy functioning of the brain across life.

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Volume 4, July/August 2013 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 451
published: 18 February 2015
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01185

Neurobiological foundations of neurologic music therapy:

rhythmic entrainment and the motor system
Michael H. Thaut1 *, Gerald C. McIntosh 2 and Volker Hoemberg 3
Center for Biomedical Research in Music, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Department of Neurology, University of Colorado Health, Fort Collins, CO, USA
SRH Neurorehabilitation Hospital Bad Wimpfen, Bad Wimpfen, Germany

Edited by: Entrainment is defined by a temporal locking process in which one system’s motion or
Fabien Gouyon, Instituto de signal frequency entrains the frequency of another system. This process is a universal
Engenharia de Sistemas e
Computadores – Tecnologia e Ciência,
phenomenon that can be observed in physical (e.g., pendulum clocks) and biological
Portugal systems (e.g., fire flies). However, entrainment can also be observed between human
Reviewed by: sensory and motor systems. The function of rhythmic entrainment in rehabilitative training
Robert J. Ellis, Beth Israel Deaconess and learning was established for the first time by Thaut and colleagues in several research
Medical Center, USA studies in the early 1990s. It was shown that the inherent periodicity of auditory rhythmic
Jaakko Erkkilä, University of
Jyväskylä, Finland
patterns could entrain movement patterns in patients with movement disorders (see for
a review: Thaut et al., 1999). Physiological, kinematic, and behavioral movement analysis
Michael H. Thaut, Center for showed very quickly that entrainment cues not only changed the timing of movement
Biomedical Research in Music, but also improved spatial and force parameters. Mathematical models have shown that
Colorado State University, Fort anticipatory rhythmic templates as critical time constraints can result in the complete
Collins, CO, USA
specification of the dynamics of a movement over the entire movement cycle, thereby
optimizing motor planning and execution. Furthermore, temporal rhythmic entrainment
has been successfully extended into applications in cognitive rehabilitation and speech
and language rehabilitation, and thus become one of the major neurological mechanisms
linking music and rhythm to brain rehabilitation. These findings provided a scientific basis
for the development of neurologic music therapy.
Keywords: auditory rhythm, entrainment, music, neurologic music therapy, rehabilitation

PRINCIPLES OF ENTRAINMENT or movement periods when moving independently, but when

In 1666, the Dutch physicist Christian Huygens discovered that interacting they assume a common period. Incidentally, Huy-
the pendulum frequencies of two clocks mounted on the same gens’ pendulums actually assumed a common period 180◦ out
wall or board became synchronized to each other. He surmised of phase, which he called “odd sympathy.” It is now known
that the vibrations of air molecules would transmit small amounts that entrainment can occur in various phase relationships of
of energy from one pendulum to the other and synchronize the movement onsets of the oscillating bodies. A stable phase
them to a common frequency. However, when set on different relationship is achieved when both bodies start and stop their
surfaces the effect disappeared. The transmitting medium was movement period at the same time. However, this is not a nec-
actually the vibrating board or wall. For air molecule vibrations essary prerequisite for entrainment to occur. The deciding factor
there would have been too much dampening in the process of for entrainment is the common period of the oscillating move-
energy transmission, as was later discovered. The effect was sub- ments of the two bodies. The common period entrainment is of
sequently confirmed by many other experiments and was called critical importance for clinical applications of rhythmic entrain-
entrainment. In entrainment the different amounts of energy ment as a temporal cue in motor rehabilitation (Kugler and
transferred between the moving bodies due to the asynchronous Turvey, 1987; Thaut et al., 1998a). Common period entrainment
movement periods cause negative feedback. This feedback drives establishes that the rhythmic cue provides a continuous time
an adjustment process in which the different energy amounts reference during the complete duration of the movement to be
are gradually eliminated to zero until both moving bodies move regulated.
in resonant frequency or synchrony. The stronger “oscillator”
locks the weaker into its frequency. When both oscillating bod- AUDITORY SYSTEM AND TIME PERCEPTION
ies have equally strong energy, both systems move toward each The importance of the auditory system in the control of move-
other: the faster system slows down and the slower system ment was traditionally given much lesser attention in motor
speeds up until they lock into a common movement period control theory and research than the visual or propriocep-
(Pantaleone, 2002). tive system. Therefore, auditory rhythm and more complex
Technically, entrainment in physics refers to the frequency auditory time structures associated with musical patterns were
locking of two oscillating bodies, i.e., bodies that can move in sta- not give much functional value in motor learning or motor
ble periodic or rhythmic cycles. They have different frequencies rehabilitation. Consequently, application to motor therapies February 2015 | Volume 5 | Article 1185 | 1

Thaut et al. Rhythmic entrainment in neurorehabilitation

played no role in traditional music therapy. Music was assigned of timing information in the IC may be an important function
mostly a motivational role for movement performance (Thaut, in auditory-to-motor transformations during rhythmic entrain-
2005). ment. Finally, an MEG study by Tecchio et al. (2000) showed
However, basic neurophysiology and biophysics of sensori- amplitude changes in the M100 component of auditory evoked
motor connectivity have always shown intriguing interactions field potential linearly entrained by changes in the rhythmic inter-
between the auditory and the motor system. The ability of val durations, i.e., longer intervals were associated with higher
the auditory system to rapidly construct stable temporal tem- M100 intensities and vice versa. This entrainment pattern was
plates is well known (see for a review: Thaut and Kenyon, also observable during subliminal duration changes at 2% of the
2003). The auditory system is superbly constructed to detect absolute interval duration. However, the exact neural transmis-
temporal patterns in auditory signals with extreme precision sion mechanisms from auditory to motor centers have not been
and speed, as required by the nature of sound as only exist- fully explored.
ing in temporal vibration patterns (Moore, 2003). In those Of greatest importance in the context of motor rehabilitation
tasks, the auditory system is faster and more precise than the was the finding that the injured brain can indeed access rhythmic
visual and tactile systems (Shelton and Kumar, 2010). Since entrainment mechanisms. Early studies of gait training in hemi-
sound waves that are most important for speech and music paretic stroke rehabilitation (Thaut et al., 1993, 1997), Parkinson’s
and other perceptual tasks are based on periodic motions that disease (Thaut et al., 1996; McIntosh et al., 1997), traumatic brain
repeat themselves in regularly recurring cycles, the auditory injury (Hurt et al., 1998), and cerebral palsy (Thaut et al., 1998)
system is also perceptually geared toward detecting and con- confirmed behaviorally the existence of rhythmic entrainment
structing rhythmic sound patterns. Finally, many studies have processes in clinical populations. Studies extending entrainment
now shown that auditory rhythmic cues can entrain motor to hemiparetic arm rehabilitation followed closely (Whitall et al.,
responses. For example, Thaut et al. (1998b) demonstrated that 2000; Thaut et al., 2002).
finger and arm movements instantaneously entrain to the period Rhythmic entrainment established the first testable motor the-
of a rhythmic stimulus (e.g., metronome beat) and stay locked ory for the role of auditory rhythm and music in therapy. The
to the metronome frequency even when subtle tempo changes subsequent studies led to the need to codify and standardize
are induced into the metronome that are consciously not per- rhythmic-musical application for motor rehabilitation (Thaut,
ceived. These findings have been confirmed by other studies (cf, 2005; Thaut and Hoemberg, 2014). Theses techniques became the
Large et al., 2002). initial foundation of the clinical repertoire of neurologic music
The neural basis for auditory-motor entrainment is lesser under- TIMING BASED MOVEMENT OPTIMIZATION
stood. Two early electrophysiological studies (Paltsev and Elner, The comprehensive effect of rhythmic entrainment on motor
1967; Rossignol and Melvill Jones, 1976) showed how sound control raises some important theoretical questions as to the
signals and rhythmic music can prime and time muscle acti- mechanisms modulating these changes. We know that firing rates
vation via reticulospinal pathways. It is now well-established of auditory neurons, triggered by auditory rhythm and music,
that the auditory system has richly distributed fiber connec- entrain the firing patterns of motor neurons, thus driving the
tions to motor centers from the spinal cord upward on brain motor system into different frequency levels. There are two addi-
stem, subcortical, and cortical levels (Koziol and Budding, 2009; tional mechanisms are of great clinical importance in regard to
Schmahmann and Pandya, 2009; Felix et al., 2011). Although the entrainment. The first is that auditory stimulation primes the
specific basis of neural entrainment mechanisms remains not fully motor system in a state of readiness to move. Priming increases
explored, several studies have at least been able to link neu- subsequent response quality.
ral oscillation patterns in the auditory system to the time and The second, more specific aspect of entrainment refers to
frequency dynamics of rhythmic sound stimuli. Fujioka et al. the changes in motor planning and motor execution it cre-
(2012) showed modulations in neuromagnetic beta oscillations ates. Rhythmic stimuli create stable anticipatory time scales or
related to the rhythmic stimulus frequency in auditory areas, templates. Anticipation is a critical element in improving move-
motor areas (sensorimotor cortex, supplementary motor area) ment quality. Rhythm provides precise anticipatory time cues
as well as the inferior frontal gyrus and the cerebellum. Tier- for the brain to plan ahead and be ready. Furthermore, suc-
ney and Kraus (2013) demonstrated consistent neural responses cessful movement anticipation is based on foreknowledge of the
in the inferior colliculus (IC) synchronized to a rhythmic audi- duration of the cue period. During entrainment two movement
tory stimulus (the syllable “da”). The IC is an early auditory oscillators – in our case neurally based – of different peri-
pathway nucleus in the brain stem with rich projections to the ods entrain to a common period. In auditory entrainment the
cerebellum via the dorsolateral pontine nuclei. Since the cere- motor period entrains to the period of the auditory rhythm.
bellum is activated in sensorimotor synchronization tasks (cf. Entrainment is always driven by frequency or period entrain-
Stephan et al., 2002; Grahn et al., 2011) and activations in dis- ment – that is, the common periods may or may not be in
tinct cerebellar regions correspond to different aspects of the perfect phase lock (i.e., the onset of the motor response would
temporal dynamics of rhythmic synchronization (Thaut et al., be perfectly synchronized to the auditory beat). Beat entrain-
2009b; Konoike et al., 2012) – such as pattern detection or track- ment is a commonly misunderstood concept. Entrainment is
ing changes in rhythmic interval duration – the representation not defined by beat or phase entrainment – it is defined by

Frontiers in Psychology | Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience February 2015 | Volume 5 | Article 1185 | 2
Thaut et al. Rhythmic entrainment in neurorehabilitation

period entrainment (Large et al., 2002; Thaut and Kenyon, 2003; physiological period entrainment of the motor system, acts as
Nozaradan et al., 2011). a forcing function to optimize all aspects of motor control.
Period entrainment offers the solution to why auditory rhythm Rhythm not only influences movement timing – time as the
also changes the spatial kinematic and dynamic force measures central coordinative unit of motor control – but also modu-
of muscle activation, e.g., as evidenced by smoothing of velocity lates patterns of muscle activation and control of movement in
and acceleration profiles. Foreknowledge of the duration of the space (Thaut et al., 1999). Rhythmic cues provide comprehen-
movement period changes computationally everything in motor sive optimization information to the brain for re-programming
planning for the brain. Velocity and acceleration are mathematical movement.
time derivatives of movement position. Consider that a move- With this understanding of the underlying mechanisms of
ment cycle, e.g., of the wrist joint in reaching movements, consists entrainment it is clinically less important if the patients synchro-
of a finite number of position coordinates (x,y,z) each associated nize their motor response exactly to the beat – it is important
with a particular time (t) value during the movement period. If we that they entrain to the rhythmic period because the period tem-
consider, for simplification, the position coordinate x (t) to be con- plate contains the critical information to optimize motor planning
tinuous rather than a discrete function of the following statements and motor execution. Research has indeed shown that the timing
can describe mathematically the relationship between position, of the motor response relative to the beat can fluctuate whereas
velocity, and acceleration without going into the mathematical the movement period entrains very quickly and precisely to the
equation detail: rhythmic period and the period entrainment is maintained dur-
ing frequency changes in the rhythmic stimulus interval (Thaut
• The velocity v(t) at any time t is the first time derivative of
et al., 1998b).
position x(t) and is equal to the numerical value of the slope of
the position curve at the time t.
• The acceleration a(t) at any time t is the second time derivative
The insights from rhythmic auditory-motor studies led to a
of position x(t), the first time derivative of velocity v(t), and is
complete re-conceptualization of the role of complex auditory
equal to the numerical value of the slope of the velocity curve
stimuli such as music for therapy and rehabilitation. Tradition-
at time t.
ally, the role of music in therapy had been considered from
• The position x at any time t is numerically equal to the area
social science models as a stimulus for personal interpretation
under the velocity-time curve between zero and t.
in regard to well-being, emotional response, and social relation-
• The velocity v at any time t is numerically equal to the area
ship. Although these properties of music are also important for
under the acceleration-time curve between zero and t.
therapeutic functions the new discoveries re-focused the role of
Given this background information and using an optimiza- music as therapeutic stimulus on its structural properties shap-
tion criterion, e.g., such as minimization of peak acceleration, ing sensory perception linked to motor function (de l’Etoile, 2010;
we can now show that the movement trajectory as a function of Altenmueller and Schlaug, 2013).
time in three-dimensional space is completely determined as a The early clinical findings have been replicated and extended
consequence of the optimization condition, i.e., the entire move- by a number of other research groups substantiating the existence
ment cycle is fixed in time due to period entrainment. The fact of rhythmic auditory-motor circuitry for entrainment in hemi-
that an anticipatory temporal constraint on the movement period paretic gait rehabilitation (Ford et al., 2007; Roerdink et al., 2007,
(given by the stimulus period) results in a kinematically well- 2011; Thaut et al., 2007; Spaulding et al., 2013). A large num-
defined optimization problem allows for a mathematical analysis ber of RAS-Studies have replicated and extended the beneficial
showing a complete specification of the three-dimensional coordi- use of RAS for mobility in Parkinson’s disease (see for review:
nates of a limb trajectory. In other words, reduction in trajectory deDreu et al., 2012).
variability of the arm during a reaching movement or the knee After successful experiments entraining endogenous biologi-
during a step cycle is a natural outcome of the rhythmic time cal rhythms of neural gait oscillators a new question emerged.
constraint. Can rhythmic entrainment also be applied to entrain whole body
In clinical language, by fixating movement time through a movements, especially arm and hand movements that are not
rhythmic interval the brain’s internal timekeeper now has an driven by underlying biological rhythms? The answer was found
additional externally triggered timekeeper with a precise refer- by turning functional upper extremity movements, which are usu-
ence interval, a continuous time reference (CTR). This time ally discrete and non-rhythmic, into repetitive cyclical movement
period presents time information to the brain at any stage of units which now could be matched to rhythmic time cues. Several
the movement. The brain knows at any point of the move- clinical research studies have successfully investigated rhythmic
ment how much time has elapsed and how much time is cuing for upper extremity for full body coordination, especially
left, enabling enhanced anticipatory mapping and scaling of in hemiparetic stroke rehabilitation (Luft et al., 2004; McCombe-
optimal velocity and acceleration parameters across the move- Waller et al., 2006; Schneider et al., 2007; Altenmueller et al., 2009;
ment interval. The brain tries to optimize the movement Malcolm et al., 2009; Grau-Sanchez et al., 2013) and in children
now by matching it to the given template. This process will with cerebral palsy (Peng et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2013).
result not only in changes in movement speed but also in The improvements in stroke arm rehabilitation were compa-
smoother and less variable movement trajectories and mus- rable in size to data from research in constraint induced therapy
cle recruitment. One can conclude that auditory rhythm, via (CIT; Massie et al., 2009). February 2015 | Volume 5 | Article 1185 | 3

Thaut et al. Rhythmic entrainment in neurorehabilitation

MORE CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF ENTRAINMENT be applied to train sustained, selective, divided, focused, and
Rhythmic entrainment extends beyond motor control. Emerg- alternating attention in clinical settings (Gardiner and Thaut,
ing research shows that speech rate control affecting intelli- 2014). Music as a complex auditory language has been applied
gibility, oral motor control, articulation, voice quality, and to re-training auditory perception deficits and enhance speech
respiratory strength may greatly benefit from rhythmic entrain- perception (Tierney and Kraus, 2013; Mertel, 2014). Special appli-
ment using rhythm and music (Pilon et al., 1998; Wambaugh cations of music-based auditory perception training have been
and Martinez, 2000; Thaut et al., 2001; Natke et al., 2003; used with cochlear-implant users (Mertel, 2014). In patients
Lim et al., 2013). Recent findings in aphasia rehabilitation with hemi-spatial visual neglect therapeutic exercises using music
suggest that the rhythmic component in melodic intona- listening and instrument playing that emphasize auditory and
tion therapy may be equally as important as the activation visual focus on the neglect side have been shown to be success-
of intact right hemispheric speech circuitry through singing ful in reducing neglect (Hommel et al., 1990; Abiru et al., 2007;
(Stahl et al., 2011). Soto et al., 2009; Bodak et al., 2014). Finally, guided elementary
Lastly, the potential of temporal entrainment of cognitive composition and improvisation exercises in music emphasizing
function has only recently emerged as an important driver of complexity thinking, decision making, problem solving, reason-
therapeutic change. The recognition that timing and sequenc- ing, affective evaluation, self-organization, comprehension, etc.
ing also have a critical function in cognitive abilities (Conway have been shown to be successful in improving executive func-
et al., 2009) has led to research investigating the potential role of tion in persons with traumatic brain injury (Thaut et al., 2009b;
music and rhythm as cognitive rehabilitation technique. Sound Hegde, 2014).
in music is inherently temporal and sequential and may serve as
a “scaffold” to bootstrap the representation of temporal sequen- FRONTIERS FOR NEUROLOGIC MUSIC THERAPY
tial patterns in cognitive functions such as memory (Conway The discovery of entrainment for therapeutic purposes in the
et al., 2009). Bootstrapping non-musical information to the early 1990s has led to a strong body of research evidence that
rhythmic-melodic patterns of a musical “scaffold” may offer sev- the periodicity of auditory rhythmic patterns could improve
eral advantages to enhance deep encoding during acquisition movement patterns in patients with movement disorders. Motor
and retrieval in memory training. Music may cue the tempo- control theory and motor neurophysiology propose that changes
ral order and sequencing of information. The rhythmic-melodic in motor patterns are due to priming of the motor system
contour may create a pattern structure unto which information and anticipatory rhythmic templates in the brain that allow for
units can be mapped. The phrase structure of music patterns optimal anticipation, motor planning, and execution with an
may segment the total information units into a smaller set of external rhythmic cue. The ability for the brain to use entrain-
large chunks or overarching units thus reducing memory load ment to re-program the execution of a motor pattern has made
(Wallace, 1994). This last point may constitute a particular rhythmic entrainment an important tool in motor rehabilita-
advantage in music since musical mnemonics, such as short tion (Thaut and Abiru, 2010; Thaut and McIntosh, 2014). More
songs, are usually composed by a small alphabet of pitches and recently, temporal rhythmic entrainment has been extended
rhythmic motifs (Snyder, 2000). Large information units con- into applications in cognitive rehabilitation and speech and lan-
structed of large alphabets (e.g., word lists, number tables) can guage rehabilitation, with emerging evidence that mechanisms
be mapped on a small pitch and rhythm alphabet which is of rhythmic entrainment may be an essential tool for reha-
organized into redundant, repetitive, and anticipatory “mem- bilitation in all domains of neurologic music therapy (Thaut,
ory units” reducing memory load and increasing deep encoding 2010; Thaut and Hoemberg, 2014). The temporal structure
(Thaut et al., 2009a). of music remains a central element in therapy and rehabilita-
tion. However, the discovery of rhythmic entrainment has also
FROM ENTRAINMENT TO COMPLEXITY opened the door to exploring the therapeutic mechanisms in
Neurologic music therapy techniques in cognitive and other elements of music such as melody and harmony, and
speech/language rehabilitation are relying to a large extent on finally in the pattern structure of music as a complex audi-
the role of timing in music and rhythm. However, the dis- tory language to stimulate and (re)-train complex cognitive
covery that a musical element such as rhythm can be a very functions. Neurologic music therapy as a codified and stan-
effective driver of therapeutic learning and training, has led to dardized treatment model, currently comprising 20 techniques
a new look to consider the therapeutic potential of all musical in motor, speech/language, and cognitive rehabilitation, has
elements within a framework of music perception and music emerged and has been medically been accepted quite rapidly
playing. In other words, rhythmic entrainment opened the over the past 15 years. However, since NMT was built on exist-
doors to shifting from predominantly interpretative models of ing research data, the future shape of NMT will be dynamically
music in therapy to perceptual based models. Interpretative driven by continued research. One of the largest areas of ther-
applications of music in therapy remain important, especially apeutic need is in psychiatric rehabilitation. Emerging views
when psychosocial, affective/expressive, or associative long-term on the nature of mental illness, driven by new insights from
memory goals become a functional focus of therapy. However, neuropsychiatric research, may allow a more focused exten-
research has now shown how the whole complexity of musi- sion of NMT techniques in the areas executive and psychosocial
cal elements can be shaped into functional therapy. Perceptual function, attention, and memory to contribute to psychiatric
exercises built on melodic and harmonic patterns in music may treatment.

Frontiers in Psychology | Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience February 2015 | Volume 5 | Article 1185 | 4
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Thaut, M. H., Kenyon, G. P., Schauer, M. L., and McIntosh, G. C. (1999). The Citation: Thaut MH, McIntosh GC and Hoemberg V (2015) Neurobiological founda-
connection between rhythmicity and brain function. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. 18, tions of neurologic music therapy: rhythmic entrainment and the motor system. Front.
101–108. doi: 10.1109/51.752991 Psychol. 5:1185. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01185
Thaut, M. H., Leins, A., Rice, R. R., Kenyon, G. P., Argstatter, H., Fetter, This article was submitted to Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, a section of the journal
M., et al. (2007). Rhythmic auditory stimulation improves gait more than Frontiers in Psychology.
NDT/Bobath training in near ambulatory patients early post stroke: a single- Copyright © 2015 Thaut, McIntosh and Hoemberg. This is an open-access article
blind randomized control trial. Neurorehabil. Neural Repair 21, 455–459. doi: distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).
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Thaut, M. H., and McIntosh, G. C. (2014). Neurologic music therapy in stroke author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited,
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Frontiers in Psychology | Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience February 2015 | Volume 5 | Article 1185 | 6
published: 31 August 2015
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00185

Music therapy interventions

in Parkinson’s disease: the
Alfredo Raglio *

Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

Keywords: relational music therapy, neurological music therapy, rehabilitation, rhythm, motor symptoms, non-
motor symptoms

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurological disorder involving the progressive degeneration of the
dopaminergic system, which gives rise to movement-related dysfunctions (such as bradykinesia,
tremor, and rigidity) as well as other symptoms, mainly of cognitive and psychological nature. In
the latter case, mood disorders prevails frequently causing anxiety and depression in all phases of
the disease, sometimes even before the motor symptoms occur.
Aarsland and colleagues (1) report that 35% of the patients affected by PD present depression,
whereas Richard (2) states that anxiety is to be found in 40% of the cases.
The literature shows that playing and listening to music may modulate emotions, behaviors,
movements, communication, and cognitive factors, modifying the activity of the brain areas involved
in the perception and regulation of these aspects (3, 4).
Music can produce substantial effects on movement-related symptoms as well as psychological
ones in PD treatment. Concerning the first aspect, rhythm has a crucial role in rehabilitation,
Edited by: enhancing connections between the motor and auditory systems (5).
Marta Bienkiewicz,
Literature showed how a rhythmic auditory cues-based training can produce a compensation of
Aix-Marseille University, France
the cerebello-thalamo-cortical network leading to beneficial effects, for example, improving not only
Reviewed by: speed and step length but also perceptual and motor timing abilities (6, 7).
Yi-Huang Su, Areas involving rhythm perception are closely related to those that regulate movement (such as
Technical University of Munich,
the premotor cortex, supplementary motor area, cerebellum, and basal ganglia – especially putamen)
Madeleine Hackney,
(8–18). A study conducted with fMRI (19) shows that whereas a regular pulse (in contrast to an
Atlanta VA Medical Center, USA; irregular one) generally activates basal ganglia in a significant way, this is not the case in PD. Other
Emory University, USA studies (7, 20) support the idea that external cues (in particular rhythmical cues) can modulate the
*Correspondence: activity within the impaired timing system. This may mean that a regular rhythmic pulse stimulates
Alfredo Raglio the putamen activity, facilitating movement and providing an input for sequential movements and impaired automatized processes. Moreover, this could compensate for the lack of dopaminergic
Specialty section: Rhythm can be also perceived visually and through the tactile sense, but the reaction time of
This article was submitted to the human auditory system is shorter by 20–50 ms, when compared to visual and tactile stimuli;
Movement Disorders, a section of the moreover, it has a stronger capacity of perceiving rhythm periodicity and structure (6). Therefore,
journal Frontiers in Neurology
rhythm influences the kinetic system (through synchronization and adjustment of muscles to
Received: 07 June 2015 auditory stimuli), facilitates movement synchronization, coordination, and regularization, and may
Accepted: 10 August 2015
even produce an internal rhythm that persists in the absence of stimuli (21–23).
Published: 31 August 2015
Many studies report that musical rhythm in PD treatment can improve gait (speed, frequency,
and step length), limbs coordination, postural control, and balance (7, 18, 24–36). In view of the
Raglio A (2015) Music therapy
interventions in Parkinson’s disease:
above, Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) – especially Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation, one of its
the state-of-the-art. techniques – characterizes this approach to the disease: NMT aims at enhancing sensory, cognitive,
Front. Neurol. 6:185. and motor functions (as in PD treatment, in which specific rhythmic techniques can strengthen and
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2015.00185 improve the rehabilitative process).

Frontiers in Neurology | 1 August 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 185

Raglio Music therapy in Parkinson’s rehabilitation

Studies pertaining to non-motor symptoms (e.g., psychological to improve motor, cognitive, and sensory functions, generally
aspects, such as anxiety or depression) are fewer in number, and impaired by neurological damage. Although the two methods
therefore results are less certain (24, 36–41). From this point are often mutually influenced, there is a substantial difference
of view, music therapy approaches focused on the relationship in terms of goals, intervention models, techniques, and music
between music therapist and patient serve as interventions that therapy training. From this perspective, I believe that research
can produce substantial psychological improvements, creating should take these aspects into account, in order to focus on goals
moments of empathetic relationship and emotional connection. more accurately, while maintaining the possibility of overlapping
Sound is indeed an important means of communication, espe- the two approaches – making them complementary rather than
cially in a non-verbal context, promoting emotional expression antithetical. Often literature does not consider the distinction
and regulation. In PD treatment, the music therapeutic approach among these different music therapy approaches, defining every
described above, based on free improvisation, is most assuredly experience as “music therapy.” In contrast to this, I believe that
less used, or maybe less documented. Sound/music improvisation the achievement of an adequate definition regarding different
can be considered as the main technique in the active music ther- types of intervention is necessary; it should also highlight different
apy approaches (42). During the improvisation, music therapist theoretical and methodological bases and their different areas
and patient interact freely using musical instruments, generally of application. To this end, a recent article by Raglio and Oasi
without musical rules or themes. (45) reports the main characteristics of music-based interventions,
Moreover, making, and listening to, music can be considered as deriving from an in-depth analysis of their related contents and of
strong stimuli from the emotional point of view, playing an impor- literature.
tant role in the activation of the limbic system and neuro-chemical Table 1 shows how clinical studies characterized by strong sci-
circuits (i.e., of the reward system) (43, 44). entific implications (Randomized Controlled Trials and Clinical
A distinction between the relational and rehabilitative approach Controlled Trials) and based on rehabilitative treatments (not
is extremely important, not only to determine the type of inter- on evaluating tasks in the presence of a musical stimulus) are
vention but also to define the specific identity of the music lacking in literature. The table summarizes the main effects pro-
therapy approach. In the former, the music therapist aims at duced on motor and non-motor symptoms and distinguishes the
building a relationship with the patient by means of inter- various interventions in terms of different musical contents and
action with melodic and rhythmical instruments and singing techniques.
(improvisation). This facilitates the expression and modulation In PD treatment based on NMT, it is important to understand
of patients’ emotions and promotes communication and empa- what specifically acts on the disease: it is unclear, for example,
thetic relationships. In the latter, the music therapist proposes whether the beat produces an effect by itself in neuromotor
music-based exercises (in particular using rhythmical patterns) rehabilitation or, in contrast, the effects are produced by music

TABLE 1 | Randomized Controlled Trials and Controlled Clinical Trials from PubMed database regarding Parkinson’s disease, including clinical studies
(based on rehabilitative treatments) in English.

Reference Motor outcomes Non-motor outcomes Subjects Interventions/duration Follow-up

n experimental
group + n
control group

(7) Improving in perceptual and Not evaluated 15 + 20 Rhythmic auditory cueing (beat + superimposed Yes
motor timing familiar songs)/4 weeks (30 min/session,
3 sessions/week)
(24) Improving over time in motor Slight improvement over time 12 + 6 Ronnie Gardiner rhythm and music (music None
function, cognitive function quality of life method uses music, rhythm, movements and
(verbal memory, language, and speech)/6 weeks (1 h/session, 2 sessions/week)
executive function and attention)
(25) Improving in functional gait, Not evaluated 8+8 Rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS)/6 weeks Yes
balance, and freezing (45–60 min/session, 3 sessions/week)
(40) Slight improvement over time in Improving over time in mood 18 + 18 Music relaxation/4 weeks (45 min/session, Yes
tremor and anxiety; modest 2 sessions/week)
improvement on quality of life
(41) Significant improvement in Improving over time in 16 + 16 Music therapy sessions (choral singing, voice Yes
bradykinesia emotional functions, activities exercise, rhythmic and free body movements, and
of daily living and quality of life improvisational music therapy techniques)/
3 months (2 h/session, weekly sessions)
(34) Improving in gait parameters Not evaluated 15 + 11 Rhythmic auditory stimulation (RAS) None
(velocity, stride length and step (beat + superimposed music)/3 weeks
cadence) (30 min/session, daily)

Search criteria: (“music” OR “music therapy” OR “rhythmic auditory stimulation”) AND “Parkinson.”

Frontiers in Neurology | 2 August 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 185

Raglio Music therapy in Parkinson’s rehabilitation

(that we can consider the sum and combination of rhythm, positively influence the patient’s sound/music production. The
melody, harmony, and other parameters) with a marked pulse (6). music therapy relational approach in PD treatment is, therefore,
In fact, if music is excluded from interventions as described in less usual but equally as important; it is, in fact, less performance-
many studies, we have to ask ourselves what then is the role of centered and takes the patient’s personal expression into account,
music therapists; furthermore, should such rhythm-based inter- thus allowing a dynamic calibration of the stimulus, through a
ventions be considered as part of music therapy programs, or process of continuous regulation, combining and integrating the
rather simply as rehabilitative methods supported by rhythm, physical and psychological components. Considerations emerg-
given that music does not assume a crucial role. ing from the relational music therapeutic experience in PD treat-
Additional weak points of NMT studies are given by the small ment emphasize the rhythmic component of improvisation, lead-
sample size, the short duration of treatments and by the frequent ing the patient into synchronization, at the same time maintaining
lack of medium and long-term assessment (follow-up). freedom of expression and a non-prescriptive approach based
Another consideration is connected with the possibility to on the free sonorous-music improvisation. This facilitates the
prove whether an effect produced during rehabilitation can persist integration of psychological aspects (the empathetic relationship,
also in the absence of stimuli. In this sense, the aforementioned the regulation, and modulation of emotional expressions) with
studies conducted by Benjamin (21), Jackendoff (22), and Palmer motor functions (speed and fluency of movement, in particular
and Krumhansl (23) offer various starting points that should be of the upper limbs).
discussed in-depth, concerning the potential of the retrieval of Therefore, interventions that involve music can offer important
imagined rhythm/music components, even after the stimuli have starting points in PD rehabilitation, effectively acting on motor,
ceased or are absent (46). as well as non-motor symptoms. In this sense, research should
A limited number of studies take the psychological outcome increase the number of studies based on strong methodological
into account; these studies propose techniques based on a rela- criteria, also including a clear description of the intervention –
tional approach, which aims to develop an empathetic communi- whether it be relational or rehabilitating – a consistent and numer-
cation with the patient through the medium of sound. In music ically significant sample, in addition to more sensitive tools to
therapy, the active relational approach is based mainly on impro- evaluate motor and psychological outcomes. In conclusion, a
visation (42), and, from a practical standpoint, emphasizes the stronger research methodology and a clearer definition of the
chances of enhancing and synchronizing the patient’s movements. exact medium or parameter in music related to specific output
When reviewing videotapes of the therapeutic sessions based on of rehabilitation are needed. This will allow the development of
this approach, it becomes clear that there are significant changes adequate, and increasingly specific and effective music therapy
in regularity and fluency of movement of the upper limbs that also approaches.

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Frontiers in Neurology | 4 August 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 185

published: 09 March 2016
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00103

Editorial: Music, Brain, and

Rehabilitation: Emerging Therapeutic
Applications and Potential Neural
Teppo Särkämö 1*, Eckart Altenmüller 2 , Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells 3, 4, 5 and
Isabelle Peretz 6, 7
Cognitive Brain Research Unit, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2 Institute of Music
Physiology and Musicians’ Medicine, University of Music, Drama and Media Hanover, Hanover, Germany, 3 Cognition and
Brain Plasticity Unit, Bellvitge Research Biomedical Institute, Barcelona, Spain, 4 Department of Basic Psychology, University
of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 5 Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain, 6 International
Laboratory for Brain, Music, and Sound Research and Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music, Montréal, QC,
Canada, 7 Department of Psychology, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada

Keywords: music, cognition, movement, brain, neurological disorders, rehabilitation, neuroimaging

The Editorial on the research topic

Music, Brain, and Rehabilitation: Emerging Therapeutic Applications and Potential Neural

Music is an important source of enjoyment, learning, and well-being in life as well as a rich,
powerful, and versatile stimulus for the brain. With the advance of modern neuroimaging
techniques during the past decades, we are now beginning to understand better what goes on in the
healthy brain when we listen, play, think, and feel music and how the structure and function of the
brain can change as a result of musical training and expertise. In the healthy brain, there is already
mounting evidence that a large-scale bilateral network of temporal, frontal, parietal, cerebellar,
and limbic/paralimbic brain areas associated with auditory perception, language, syntactic and
Edited and reviewed by:
Hauke R. Heekeren, semantic processing, attention and working memory, semantic and episodic memory, rhythmic
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany and motor functions, and emotions and reward underlies the processing of music (Koelsch, 2011,
2014; Zatorre and Salimpoor, 2013; Janata, 2015) and to which extent this neural network could
Teppo Särkämö be shaped by musical training (Kraus and Chandrasekaran, 2010; Herholz and Zatorre, 2012; Brown et al., 2015). In the field of neurology, music has traditionally been studied in the context
of musical deficits (e.g., amusia; Peretz et al., 2003), music-related symptoms (e.g., musicogenic
Received: 17 December 2015 epilepsy; Maguire, 2015), cases of exceptional or preserved musical functions (e.g., singing in
Accepted: 25 February 2016 aphasia; Johnson and Graziano, 2015), and neurological disorders of professional musicians (e.g.,
Published: 09 March 2016 musician’s dystonia; Altenmüller et al., 2015).
Citation: During the last decade, there has been increasing interest and progress in adopting music as
Särkämö T, Altenmüller E, a therapeutic tool in neurological rehabilitation, and many novel music-based methods have been
Rodríguez-Fornells A and Peretz I developed to improve motor, cognitive, language, emotional, and social deficits in persons suffering
(2016) Editorial: Music, Brain, and
from a debilitating neurological illness, ranging from childhood and adolescence [e.g., autism
Rehabilitation: Emerging Therapeutic
Applications and Potential Neural
(Geretsegger et al., 2014), dyslexia (Flaugnacco et al., 2015)] to adulthood and old age [e.g., stroke
Mechanisms. (Särkämö et al., 2008; Bradt et al., 2010; Rodríguez-Fornells et al., 2012; Altenmüller and Schlaug,
Front. Hum. Neurosci. 10:103. 2015), Parkinson’s disease (Nombela et al., 2013; Bloem et al., 2015), and dementia (Vink et al.,
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00103 2011; Baird and Samson, 2015)]. Traditionally, the fields of music neuroscience and music therapy

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 1 March 2016 | Volume 10 | Article 103

Särkämö et al. Editorial: Music, Brain, and Rehabilitation

have progressed independently, providing separate lines of intensity, and rhythm) in a musical melodic context. Compared
evidence for how music is processed in the healthy brain and to the healthy controls, the MMN responses were smaller in CI
how it can be used therapeutically. We are now finally reaching users. Especially the MMN to pitch changes was diminished in CI
a point where these fields are starting to merge and integrate, users, whereas they showed significant MMNs to timbre, rhythm,
providing novel and important information about how music is and intensity changes. Using the same musical multi-feature
processed in the damaged or abnormal brain, how structural and paradigm and EEG, Timm et al. compared adult CI users, who
functional recovery of the brain can be enhanced by music-based were postlingually deafened and late-implanted, with normal-
rehabilitation methods, and what neural mechanisms underlie hearing controls. The adult CI users showed abolished MMNs to
the therapeutic effects of music (for a related discussion, see complex rhythmic changes as well as smaller and later MMNs
Magee and Stewart). In the future, this information is pivotal to pitch changes, whereas they elicited MMNs comparable
for increasing our understanding of how and why music works to controls for timbre and intensity changes. Together, these
in rehabilitation and for developing more effective music-based findings indicate that although both pre- and postlingually
applications that are better targeted at specific brain processes deaf CI users have clear pitch discrimination difficulties, their
and better tailored toward the individual rehabilitation needs of brains are nevertheless able to extract more musically relevant
patients. information from sound than previously thought, making music-
With these goals in mind, we launched the current Research based interventions a viable tool for CI users.
Topic, jointly hosted by Frontiers in Human Neuroscience and The impact of musical training on auditory perceptual and
Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, which aimed cognitive performance in deaf children (with CIs or hearing aids)
to bring together research across multiple disciplines with a was studied by Rochette et al. Utilizing an innovative interactive
special focus on music, brain, and neurological rehabilitation. game, they compared auditory discrimination, identification,
We invited researchers to present research addressing either scene analysis, and working memory as well as phonetic
how musical skills and attributes, such as music perception, discrimination between deaf children who had previously
experiencing music emotionally, or playing or singing, are received music lessons for 1.5–4 years and control deaf children
affected by a developmental or acquired neurological disorder who had not received music lessons. The musically trained
or what is the applicability, effectiveness, and mechanisms of children showed better performance in auditory scene analysis,
music-based rehabilitation methods in neurological patients. auditory working memory, and phonetic discrimination tasks
We were delighted that our call was met with enthusiasm than the non-trained children, suggesting that musical training
and was answered by many research groups across the world, in deaf children contributes to the development of auditory
resulting in altogether 27 papers published in Frontiers in attention and perception, which, in turn, can facilitate auditory-
Human Neuroscience (21 papers) and Frontiers in Auditory related cognitive and linguistic skills. The link between musical
Cognitive Neuroscience (six papers). Twenty-three papers were training and perception of degraded pitch was also studied by
Original Research Articles, three were Reviews, and one was Fuller et al. They compared normal hearing musicians and non-
a General Commentary. There were altogether 132 authors musicians on tasks involving speech, vocal emotion, and melodic
from 14 countries (Australia, Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, contour identification under normal and CI simulation listening
Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, conditions. Better performance in musicians was observed for
UK, and USA), providing an interesting cross-section to the vocal emotion and melodic contour identification in both
global state-of-the-art on research currently done in the field of conditions and for word identification only in the CI condition.
music, neuroscience, and neurorehabilitation. Broadly classified, Overall, this musician effect was stronger as the importance of
the papers focused on six core topics: (i) music and hearing pitch in the task increased, suggesting that musical training can
impairment; (ii) music, rhythm, and language; (iii) music, be beneficial especially for challenging pitch perception, as in the
rhythm, and movement; (iv) music, learning, and memory; (v) case of the CI.
responsiveness to music in severe neurological disorders; and (vi)
novel sound-based technological advances. Next, we will provide
a brief overview of these studies. MUSIC, RHYTHM, AND LANGUAGE
The close linkage between music, rhythm, and language,
MUSIC AND HEARING IMPAIRMENT especially in the context of reading and speech production
impairments, was explored in four papers. Flaugnacco et al.
Four papers presented novel research related to deafness and evaluated a group of dyslexic children with an extensive
cochlear implants (CIs), auditory prostheses that restore hearing battery of neuropsychological tests, phonological tasks, and
ability via electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve. Due to the psychoacoustic and musical tasks. Results indicated a strong link
spectrotemporally degraded nature of the sound transmission, CI between several temporal skills, such as meter perception and
users typically face many challenges in more complex listening rhythm reproduction, and phonological and reading abilities,
tasks, such as when perceiving music. Petersen et al. report an encouraging the use of music training, especially focused on
EEG study where they compared adolescent, prelingually deaf CI rhythm, as rehabilitative tool in dyslexic children. Zumbansen
users and normal-hearing controls for their mismatch negativity et al. performed a cross-over study in three stroke patients with
(MMN) responses to different auditory changes (pitch, timbre, Broca’s aphasia aimed at evaluating the relative contribution

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 2 March 2016 | Volume 10 | Article 103

Särkämö et al. Editorial: Music, Brain, and Rehabilitation

of rhythm and pitch on the effectiveness of melodic intonation Indeed, the training was shown to enhance patients’ performance
therapy (MIT), a structured singing-based rehabilitation protocol in both motor timing (movement synchronization, tapping) and
for aphasia. They assessed connected speech, speech accuracy in perceptual timing (duration discrimination, beat detection in
of trained and non-trained sentences, motor-speech agility, and music) tasks, supporting the idea that coupling gait to rhythmic
mood before and after receiving melodic therapy (with pitch auditory cues in PD relies on a neuronal network engaged in both
and rhythm), rhythmic therapy (with rhythm only), and normal perceptual and motor timing. In their Commentary, Mattei et al.
spoken therapy. The results showed that whereas all treatments also discuss the role of motor, cognitive, and speech networks on
improved speech accuracy in trained sentences, the melodic emotion recognition through music in PD.
therapy elicited the strongest generalization effect both to non- Music-supported training (MST) using musical instruments
trained stimuli and to connected speech, underscoring the can improve motor recovery of arm movements after stroke
importance of both rhythm and pitch components in MIT. (Rodríguez-Fornells et al., 2012; Altenmüller and Schlaug, 2015).
The roles of the different components of MIT and its Van Vugt et al. extended the application of MST to the social
underlying mechanisms were also discussed by Merrett et al. In domain by comparing stroke patients who played synchronously
their comprehensive review of MIT literature, they identified (together group) and who played one after the other (in-turn
four mechanisms potentially underlying the efficacy of MIT: group). Both groups showed improvements in fine motor control
neuroplastic reorganization of language function, activation and tapping and reductions in depression and fatigue, but
of the mirror neuron system and multimodal integration, the in-turn group showed greater improvement in fine motor
utilization of shared or specific features of music and language, skills, suggesting that stroke patients may benefit from learning
and motivation and mood. These mechanisms are not mutually through observation in MST. In two stroke patients with chronic
exclusive, but reflect the neurobiological, cognitive, and unilateral spatial neglect, Bodak et al. assessed the impact of a
emotional effects of MIT, and together contribute to the efficacy music intervention that involved making sequential goal-directed
of the therapy. Fujii and Wan reviewed studies about the role actions in the neglected space by playing scales and melodies
of rhythm in music and in speech perception and production on chime bars from right to left. The patients demonstrated
and their rehabilitation. With an aim of explaining how and why short- and long-term improvement on visual cancelation tasks,
musical rhythm can benefit speech and language rehabilitation, indicating that active music-making with a horizontally aligned
they propose a novel SEP hypothesis postulating that “sound instrument may help neglect patients attend more to their
envelope processing” and “synchronization and entrainment to affected side.
pulse” may help stimulate different brain networks, including
auditory afferent, subcortical-prefrontal, striato-thalamo-
cortical, and cortical motor efferent circuits, which underlie MUSIC, LEARNING, AND MEMORY
human communication.
The interactions between music and learning and memory were
explored in older adults and in patients with medial temporal
MUSIC, RHYTHM, AND MOVEMENT lobe damage, multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, and Alzheimer’s
disease (AD) in six papers. Using fNIRS, Ferreri et al. investigated
Five papers discussed the links between music, rhythm, and whether music listening can improve episodic memory and
movement in the healthy brain and in Parkinson’s disease (PD) modulate prefrontal cortex (PFC) activity during memory
and stroke patients. Using fMRI in healthy subjects, Schaefer et al. encoding in older adults. Compared to a silent background,
studied how imagined or musical cueing changes the way the upbeat music facilitated source-memory performance, and
motor system is activated during simple movements. Moving to decreased dorsolateral PFC activity bilaterally, suggesting music
real music increased the activation in specific cerebellar areas can help older adults in memory encoding by modulating
whereas moving to imagined music activated especially pre- prefrontal activity in a non-demanding fashion. The long-
supplementary and basal ganglia motor areas, indicating that term neural impact of music listening on stroke recovery was
these two types of cueing have a different neural basis. Leow studied by Särkämö et al. Using voxel-based morphometry, they
et al. explored the impact of different auditory cues, varying showed that compared to verbal stimuli (audio books) and
in their beat salience and musical nature, on the ability to standard rehabilitation, listening to music daily after an acute left
synchronize one’s movements to the auditory rhythm. In a hemisphere stroke increased gray matter volume in a network of
behavioral experiment, they showed that high-groove music prefrontal (superior frontal gyrus) and limbic (anterior cingulate
was superior to low-groove music in synchronizing gait and cortex, ventral striatum) areas linked to better cognitive and
in eliciting longer and faster steps and that low-groove music emotional recovery. The results suggest that a musically enriched
was particularly detrimental to gait in weak beat-perceivers, recovery environment can induce fine-grained neuroanatomical
indicating that both beat salience and beat perception skills are changes in the recovering brain.
important mediators in movement cueing. The use of music as a mnemonic aid in MS and AD patients
Auditory cueing can improve gait in PD patients (Nombela was investigated by two groups. In a behavioral and EEG study,
et al., 2013; Bloem et al., 2015). Benoit et al. extended this finding Thaut et al. compared the learning of spoken and musical (sung)
by determining whether auditory-cued gait training with music word lists in MS patients. Compared to the spoken condition,
can facilitate both motor and perceptual timing in PD patients. patients in the music condition showed overall better verbal

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 3 March 2016 | Volume 10 | Article 103

Särkämö et al. Editorial: Music, Brain, and Rehabilitation

recall and better word order memory coupled with stronger operculum/insula, indicating increased cognitive processing and
bilateral learning-related frontal synchronization, suggesting physiological arousal to emotional music in ASD.
that a musical mnemonic recruits stronger oscillatory network O’Kelly et al. compared EEG, heart rate variability, respiration,
synchronization in prefrontal areas in MS patients during word and behavioral responses of healthy subjects with brain injured
learning. Moussard et al. explored the potential of music to DOC individuals in vegetative (VS) or minimally conscious
facilitate motor learning in healthy older adults and AD patients. (MCS) states to different types of music (live preferred music,
The participants learned sequences of meaningless gestures improvised music entrained to respiration, disliked music),
accompanied either by music or metronome and done either white noise, and silence. Part of the VS and MCS patients
in synchrony with the experimenter or after the experimenter. were clearly responsive to preferred music as shown by both
In healthy controls, musical accompaniment had no impact but blink responses and increased EEG amplitude in frontal alpha
synchronization helped learning. In contrast, in AD patients, or theta bands, indicating that music-based approaches are
musical accompaniment improved learning but synchronization potentially useful as prognostic indicators and rehabilitation
interfered with retention, indicating that music may act as a methods in the DOC patients. Rollnik and Altenmüller provide
mnemonic for motor sequence learning in AD. a comprehensive overview of the use of music therapy in
Music-related learning in patients with medial temporal neurological rehabilitation of patients with coma and DOC. They
lobe damage and memory impairments was also studied by conclude that although DOC patients seem to show emotional
two groups. Using fMRI, Alonso et al. tested the modulatory processing of auditory information and a musically enriched
influence of the hippocampus on neural adaptation to song environment setting may have therapeutic value, more research
melodies and lyrics. Compared to healthy controls, patients with clearly defined patient cohorts, standardized intervention
with left hippocampal sclerosis showed reduced adaptation protocols, valid clinical outcome measures, and longer and more
effects to repeated lyrics and melodies in lateral temporal lobe extensive monitoring is still needed in the DOC population.
regions, indicating that the integrated representation of lyrics and
melodies is likely tied to the integrity of the left medial temporal NOVEL SOUND-BASED TECHNOLOGICAL
lobe. Valtonen et al. present a case study of learning novel
musical pieces by patient LSJ who was a skilled amateur violist
before becoming profoundly amnesic after extensive bilateral Recent technological developments were introduced in three
hippocampal and medial temporal lobe damage caused by papers. Niu et al. studied the feasibility of a new speech
encephalitis. Three novel pieces of viola music were introduced, synthesizer that utilizes the myocontrol of limb muscles recorded
two of which LJS practiced playing and one which LJS did not with EMG to drive the synthesis of intelligible speech. Using
train. Relative to the control piece, LSJ showed significant pre- this device, both healthy subjects and dyskinetic CP patients
to post-training improvement in the practiced pieces, which was were able to learn to generate English vowels, some of which
retained in a longitudinal follow-up. These findings demonstrate were correctly identifiable by naive listeners. In the future, this
that non-hippocampal structures can support complex musical approach may provide a “virtual voice” with both intellectual
learning. and social-emotional content to individuals with severe speech-
motor disorders. Loui et al. presented a novel method for
diagnosing seizures in epilepsy, based on the sonification of
RESPONSIVENESS TO MUSIC IN EEG data. They found that after a short training period
NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS subjects could successfully distinguish seizures from non-
seizures using the auditory modality alone. Eventually, EEG
The emotional and cognitive responsiveness to music in children sonification may help in managing, predicting, and ultimately
with severe neurological illness, adults with autism spectrum controlling seizures using biofeedback. Another method focusing
disorder (ASD), and patients with a disorder of consciousness on sonification was introduced by Scholz et al. They presented
(DOC) were explored in four papers. Using behavioral measures a novel portable sonification device suitable for real-time 3D
and EEG, Bringas et al. studied the effects of a music sonification of arm movements and explored optimal spatial
therapy program focusing on attention and communication mapping parameters of tone pitch and brightness. A learning
training through music in children with severe neurological experiment in healthy older persons showed that mapping pitch
illness (e.g., cerebral palsy). Compared to a control group on the vertical axis and brightness on the horizontal axis seems
receiving standard rehabilitation, the music therapy group an optimal constellation for motor sonification. Ultimately,
improved on neuropsychological status, especially on attention movement sonification may provide an efficient and motivating
and communication, coupled with neuroplasticity indexed by way to rehabilitate gross-motor arm skills in hemiparetic stroke
an enhanced MMN response to phonemic changes in frontal patients.
and cingulate regions. Using fMRI, Gebauer et al. investigated
the neural correlates of emotion recognition in music in high-
functioning adults with ASD and healthy controls. Although AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
both groups engaged similar neural networks during processing
of emotional music, ASD individuals showed increased activity All authors listed, have made substantial, direct and intellectual
to happy vs. sad music in dorsolateral PFC and in rolandic contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 4 March 2016 | Volume 10 | Article 103

Särkämö et al. Editorial: Music, Brain, and Rehabilitation

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Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 5 March 2016 | Volume 10 | Article 103

doi:10.1093/brain/awl171 Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553

Music and the brain: disorders of musical listening
Lauren Stewart,1,2,3 Katharina von Kriegstein,1,3 Jason D. Warren4 and Timothy D. Griffiths1,3
Auditory Group, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, and 4Dementia Research Centre, Institute of Neurology, University
College London, London, UK
Correspondence to: Tim Griffiths, Cognitive Neurology Clinic, Newcastle General Hospital, Westgate Road,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 6BE, UK

The study of the brain bases for normal musical listening has advanced greatly in the last 30 years. The evidence
from basic and clinical neuroscience suggests that listening to music involves many cognitive components with
distinct brain substrates. Using patient cases reported in the literature, we develop an approach for under-
standing disordered musical listening that is based on the systematic assessment of the perceptual and cognitive
analysis of music and its emotional effect. This approach can be applied both to acquired and congenital
deficits of musical listening, and to aberrant listening in patients with musical hallucinations. Both the bases
for normal musical listening and the clinical assessment of disorders now have a solid grounding in systems

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Keywords: brain disorders; lesions; listening; music

Abbreviations: HG = Heschl’s gyrus; MBEA = Montreal battery for the evaluation of amusia; MEG = magnetoencephalography;
PAC = primary auditory cortex; PT = planum temporale; SPET = single photon emission tomography
Received February 14, 2006. Revised May 8, 2006. Accepted May 31, 2006. Advance Access publication July 15, 2006.

It is now 30 years since the publication of the volume Music themselves. Based on these, we now have theoretically moti-
and the Brain edited by Critchley and Henson (1977). That vated instruments for the systematic evaluation of musical
work still has a place on the bookshelves of many neurologists, disorders: in effect, these instruments are musical equivalents
as a vade mecum of the neurology of the musical brain. Dur- of the better-known aphasia batteries, such as the Aachen
ing the last 30 years, however, there have been a considerable Aphasia Test (Huber et al., 1984). Modular schemes
number of advances in the field, which we consider here. for musical perception [e.g. Peretz and Coltheart (2003),
First, our understanding of the normal musical brain has see Fig. 1] are both informed by the study of patients (espe-
increased enormously, providing us with a much better cially the demonstration of dissociated deficits), and allow
understanding of the brain bases for normal musical listen- the development of research tools that can be used in
ing. Many of these advances have been made possible by the the clinic. These tools have allowed reports of musical dis-
application of techniques that demonstrate the functional orders to evolve from historical anecdotes to systematic
organization of the musical brain, especially haemodynamic accounts. The development of tools for evaluating different
(PET and fMRI) and electrophysiological (EEG and MEG) aspects of musical disorders is by no means complete, and
imaging techniques. Our understanding based on these tech- clinical evaluation remains a challenge in view of both
niques is evolving all the time, and critically underpins the evolving theoretical accounts and the wide variation in musi-
characterization of musical disorders. cal experience and training in the general population.
The data from functional imaging can ever be only as good The third major advance is that we can now examine with
as the theoretical constructs on which the experiments are greater precision the changes in the brain that accompany
based: the second major advance in the understanding of musical disorders. Thirty years ago detailed anatomical
musical disorders has been the evolution of the constructs information about lesion patients was only available in

# The Author (2006). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
2534 Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 L. Stewart et al.

to the mean synaptic firing rate (PET and fMRI) (Logothetis

et al., 2001) or the effect of summed graded post-synaptic
potentials in dendrites (EEG and MEG) (Wood, 1987). Here
we consider these components in order to establish a con-
ceptual framework within which to consider the effect of
brain disorders. In addition to these studies, there have
been a number of recent advances in our understanding
of the structural and functional organization of the brains
of musicians, which need to be borne in mind when
considering the effects of brain disorders.

The auditory pathway and cortices

Music, like any sound, music is processed in the ascending
auditory pathway to the auditory cortex. That processing
includes active analysis of the spectro-temporal structure
of the stimulus rather than the simple passive relay of infor-
mation (Harms et al., 1998; Griffiths et al., 2001). The
Fig. 1 Cognitive model of musical processing. Musical analysis is
divided into distinct neuropsychological components. The current
human auditory cortex is situated in the superior-temporal
review considers the neural instantiation of such components, and plane within the Sylvian fissure, which can be best visualized
considers musical listening disorders in terms of deficient or on a tilted axial section, such as those shown in Fig. 2.
aberrant operation of the components. Based on Peretz I, Cytoarchitechtonically defined primary auditory cortex
Coltheart M, ‘Modularity of music processing’, 2003. Reprinted by (PAC) is located in the medial part of Heschl’s gyrus,
permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature Neuroscience

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6(7): 688–91, copyright 2003.
(HG) (or the anterior HG in individuals in whom the
gyrus is duplicated) running anterolaterally in the plane.
There is considerable variation of the relationship between
the rare cases where there was accompanying pathological
the cytoarchitechtonically defined area and the macroscopic
data. In terms of structural anatomy, lesions can now be
boundaries (Rademacher et al., 2001), which needs to be
defined precisely using structural MRI, whilst the evolution
taken into account when considering the effects of lesions
of structural MRI analyses, such as voxel-based morphome-
defined by macroscopic markings. Lateral to the PAC in HG
try (Ashburner and Friston, 2000) allows the identification of
are secondary auditory cortical areas that may correspond to
subtle anatomical changes in disorders where the anatomical
the human homologues of macaque areas R and RT [see
brain basis is not immediately obvious. This precise char-
Patterson et al., (2002) for Discussion]. Behind HG lies
acterization of lesions allows us to visualize which parts of
the planum temporale (PT), which can be described as an
the normal cortical network, as identified using functional
auditory association area based on the involvement of this
imaging, have been damaged.
area in the processing of both auditory stimuli and stimuli in
Here, we will describe some of the recent advances in our
other modalities (Griffiths and Warren, 2002).
understanding of normal musical listening that allow a better
understanding of disorders, before a systematic review of the
disorders themselves. Musical listening is used here to refer Pitch
not only to the perception of music, but also to what might Pitch has been argued to be a fundamental component of
be referred to as ‘musical cognition’: the ordering of incom- music in every known human culture (McDermott and
ing musical information according to rule-based structures Hauser, 2005). A critical point about pitch is that it is a
and musical recognition. Apart from musical cognition, percept, rather than a physical attribute of the sound stimu-
another important aspect of musical listening is the trigger- lus, and the exact relationship between the stimulus
ing of an emotional response, an effect which we will also attributes and the percept is still debated (Plack et al.,
discuss. We therefore consider a range of deficits in musical 2006). Studies where the strength of perceived pitch has
listening that includes but is not restricted to the condition been varied by varying the fine temporal structure of
of amusia, which is typically defined as a music-specific sound have demonstrated prominent responses that reflect
agnosia. activity in secondary cortex in lateral HG rather than pri-
mary cortex (Gutschalk et al., 2002; Patterson et al., 2002).
Another study (Penagos et al., 2004), where the pitch
Normal musical listening and normal strength was altered by varying the spectrum, demonstrated
musical brains: some recent advances a similar mapping of pitch strength to secondary cortex,
Components of normal musical listening have been investi- suggesting the possibility of a ‘pitch centre’ in lateral HG
gated in a number of studies in which the brain substrates for where there is encoding of the percept as opposed to the
these are defined by changes in the haemodynamic response stimulus properties. Interestingly, recent recording work on
Disorders of musical listening Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 2535

depends on both the key and the history of keys visited

in a piece (Janata et al., 2002). Other studies [reviewed in
Koelsch and Siebel (2005)] have demonstrated responses in
the lateral frontal lobes in the region of Broca’s area and its
right homologue to deviation from an expected chord (based
on tonal context). A study that examined the activation in
the comparison between orchestral music and temporally
‘scrambled’ music (Levitin and Menon, 2003) also showed
frontal activation bilaterally in the pars orbitalis area.
The picture that emerges from these studies of pitch is that
the normal perception of pitch and simple pitch sequences
involves networks that include the auditory cortices and
adjacent areas in the superior-temporal lobes. These percep-
tual features of music are shared with other sounds,
such as speech, and there is considerable overlap in the
activation in temporal lobe areas produced by speech and
Fig. 2 Pitch processing in superior-temporal cortex. The lower music (Price et al., 2005). In the future, differences between
centre panels show an axial structural MRI for nine subjects tilted speech and musical processing in these areas may emerge
by 34.4 to show the superior-temporal plane. HG shown in white based on patterns of connectivity that can be demonstrated
runs anterolaterally within the superior-temporal plane. Changes in by techniques, such as dynamic causal modelling in fMRI
brain activity as assessed by blood-oxygen-level-dependent
response are shown in colour. Noise stimuli, compared to rest, (Friston et al., 2003) and coherence analysis in EEG and
activate large regions of the superior-temporal plane (shown in MEG (Patel and Balaban, 2000). In contrast to perceptual
blue) including medial HG containing primary cortex, lateral HG analysis, active rule-based analysis of simultaneous and

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containing secondary cortex, PT posterior to HG and planum sequential pitch structures (harmony and melody) that
polare anterior to it. Pitch stimuli, compared to noise stimuli with depends upon exposure requires much more distributed
a similar spectrum, produce peak activation in secondary cortex in
lateral HG (shown in red). Sequences of variable pitch (tonal processing involving the frontal lobes. The data seem to
melody in green or random-pitch sequence in cyan), compared to a favour the existence of music-specific cortical networks
monotonous sequence, produce right-lateralized activation in for such cognitive analysis and MEG experiments (Patel
lateral HG, posterior superior-temporal gyrus, and planum polare. and Balaban, 2000) have demonstrated that the coherence
The data are consistent with hierarchical mechanisms for pitch between widely spaced elements of these networks is
analysis with a ‘pitch centre’ that represents the pitch of individual
notes in lateral HG and more distributed representation of pitch greatest during the processing of pitch sequences with a
sequences in superior-temporal lobe. Reprinted from Patterson pitch contour that is similar to music. However, our under-
RD, Uppenkamp S, Johnsrude IS, Griffiths TD. The processing of standing of the brain basis for more cognitive aspects of pitch
temporal pitch and melody information in auditory cortex. Neuron analysis, such as tonal analysis, is still at a very early stage.
2002; 36: 767–76, copyright 2002, with permission from Elsevier.

the primates can also be interpreted in terms of the existence Timbre

of a ‘pitch centre’ in secondary auditory cortex (Bendor and A further fundamental aspect of musical structure is timbre,
Wang, 2005) a perceptual property that allows us to distinguish between
In music, pitch is used to construct melodies (patterns of different instruments. In German, timbre translates to
pitch over time), chords (the simultaneous presentation of ‘Klangfarbe’ (literally ‘sound-colour’), emphasizing the
more than one pitch) and harmonies (the simultaneous extent to which this property of sound can be used to express
presentation of more than one melody). Bilateral brain different parts of the musical ‘palette’. Timbre is important
activation during the analysis of pitch sequences occurs in in the separation of musical ‘streams’ (Bregman, 1990) and
the anterior and posterior superior-temporal lobes with a has been used as a musical device in the work of Schönberg
degree of right lateralization (Griffiths et al., 1998; and Webern who composed Klangfarbenmelodien (literally,
Patterson et al., 2002) (see Fig. 2). In these passive ‘sound-colour melodies’) based on timbral sequences. Tim-
listening experiments, no difference was demonstrated bre has been shown, using the technique of multidimen-
between random-pitch sequences and tonal melodies. In sional scaling (McAdams and Cunible, 1992; Caclin et al.,
experiments where subjects were required to follow a 2005), to have a number of dimensions that can be associated
melody and compare the pitch at different points, with different physical properties of the stimulus, related to
additional activation was demonstrated in the right frontal aspects of the spectral or temporal structure. In a study
operculum (Zatorre et al., 1994). In Western tonal where several dimensions of timbre were altered simulta-
music, melodies are constructed using keys where only neously, bilateral changes in activity were observed in the
certain notes are allowed within the octave. Activity posterior superior-temporal lobes (Menon et al., 2002).
has been demonstrated in the mesiofrontal cortex that Studies focusing on the analysis of the spectral dimension
2536 Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 L. Stewart et al.

of timbre also demonstrated involvement of the posterior demonstrated activity, not in the superior-temporal lobe
superior-temporal lobes, in addition to right-lateralized areas activated during melody analysis, but in areas pre-
activity in the superior-temporal sulcus (Warren et al., viously implicated in other intensely pleasurable activities,
2005). Analysis of the voice, the prototypical musical instru- including the ventral striatum, amygdala, and orbitofrontal
ment, has also been shown to be associated with activity in cortex. An fMRI study contrasting unpleasantly transformed
the right superior-temporal sulcus (Belin et al., 2000). music with pleasant music (Koelsch et al., 2006) also demon-
strated activity in mesiolimbic areas including the amygdala,
Temporal structure in addition to activity in auditory cortex that was not shown
The brain substrates underlying analysis of the temporal in the study by Blood and Zatorre (2001). The study by
organization of music (rhythm and metre) have been less Koelsch et al., (2006) used pitch shifts of melodies to achieve
thoroughly investigated compared with those that underlie a dissonant sound with control over the long-term spectrum
pitch perception. Several studies have used simple patterns of and temporal envelope of the stimulus. An earlier PET study
beats without a particular musical context. A PET study (Blood et al., 1999) that examined the effect of manipulating
(Penhune et al., 1998) demonstrated activity in the lateral consonance and dissonance on brain activity, also showed
cerebellum and basal ganglia during the reproduction of a activation in mesiolombic areas, as did an fMRI study in
rhythm. A functional MRI (fMRI) study (Sakai et al., 1999) which non-musicians listened passively to unfamiliar music,
based on the comparison of sequences without motor repro- which they later rated as pleasant (Brown et al., 2004). The
duction suggested a different representation of sequences difference in activity in auditory cortex in these studies may
with time intervals that were in integer ratios compared reflect details of the paradigms or techniques, but the com-
with non-integer ratios. The former type of ratio is more mon variation in mesiolimbic activity associated with emo-
common in music, and produced increased activity in the tion in music is fundamentally different to the activation
anterior lobe of the cerebellum. A recent study (Xu et al., during manipulations of other musical components.
2006) showed activation of cerebellar areas during

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both perception and performance of temporal sequences.
These studies, showing activation in motor structures, Specialization of the musical brain
suggest the possibility of a motor theory of rhythm percep- One problem with the assessment of musical disorders is the
tion, as a parallel to the motor theory of speech perception difficulty in defining a ‘normal musical brain’. Whilst apha-
(Liberman and Mattingly, 1985) whereby our perception sia schedules can reasonably assume a degree of uniformity
of rhythm might depend on the motor mechanisms in education, where most people are trained to a certain
required for its production. Behavioural work in infants level, that assumption cannot be made with respect to
(Phillips-Silver and Trainor, 2005) suggests an interaction music. An early study based on differences in melody dis-
between information about body movement and perceived crimination depending on whether they were presented to
rhythm, where there is an alteration of perceived rhythm due the left or the right ear (Bever and Chiarello, 1974) suggested
to imposed body movement (bouncing). The functional differences in brain lateralization between musicians and
imaging studies above emphasise differences between non-musicians. A number of neuro-imaging studies have
the perceptual bases of temporal and melodic structure. demonstrated structural differences in the brains of musi-
However, a study in which both dimensions were present, cians in auditory (Schneider et al., 2002), motor (Amunts
but subjects performed either a melodic or a temporal task et al., 1997), somatosensory (Gaser and Schlaug, 2003),
showed a very similar network of activation in the posterior superior parietal (Gaser and Schlaug, 2003), callosal (Schlaug
superior-temporal lobes, cerebellum and basal ganglia et al., 1995a) and cerebellar (Hutchinson et al., 2003) areas.
(Griffiths et al., 1999). Longitudinal studies have demonstrated functional brain
reorganization after even short periods of musical training
Emotion (Gaab et al., 2006; Stewart et al., 2003), although the extent
The above studies of the normal brain have considered dif- to which these changes endure after training is unknown.
ferent aspects of music by looking at its component parts, Studies of the subpopulation of musicians who possess abso-
but it can be reasonably argued that the musical listening lute pitch (AP) suggest differences in brain organization
experience is an emergent property that is greater than the from those without the ability. Structural studies using
sum of its parts. One example would be the emotional trans- both region-of-interest approaches (Schlaug et al., 1995b)
formation (the ‘shiver down the spine’) that many people and interrogation of the whole brain with voxel-based mor-
experience while listening to certain pieces of music. This phometry (Luders et al., 2004) both suggest increases in
is an intense, involuntary physiological response, which is leftward asymmetry in the PT associated with AP. Functional
triggered by the emotional response to different music in imaging (Zatorre et al., 1998) demonstrates different net-
different individuals. An elegant experiment using PET works of activity during pitch interval judgement in AP:
(Blood and Zatorre, 2001) examined the brain basis for subjects without AP show activity in right inferior frontal
this and showed activation for the contrast between sounds areas, which can be plausibly argued to reflect a form of
that produced ‘shivers’ and those that did not. The contrast working memory for pitch, whilst AP possessors engage
Disorders of musical listening Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 2537

left dorsolateral frontal areas that may reflect associative ana- individual patient with an acquired brain lesion. The study of
lysis. Critical to the interpretation of structural and functional patients with musical deficits is over a century old (see
differences in skilled performers is the question of whether Critchley and Henson, 1977) and the clinical case study
such differences are the result of musical training or whether remains central to understanding the musical brain. Only
whether such differences may contribute to an individual’s by studying the behavioural correlates of focal brain damage
decision to learn music, or to persist in learning music when is it possible to identify critical anatomical substrates for
others may give up. In partial favour of the argument that particular musical functions within the distributed brain net-
these differences arise from, rather than enable, skill devel- works identified by functional imaging of the normal brain.
opment is the demonstration that the extent of the structural Here we present a comprehensive overview of case studies of
difference often correlates with the age of onset of musical acquired disorders of musical listening, with the aim of
training (Amunts et al., 1997) or intensity of practice establishing general patterns that hold across the literature
(Bengtsson et al., 2005; Gaser and Schlaug, 2003). However, on these disorders. Our primary objective is to characterize
only longitudinal studies in which differences in brain struc- the brain basis for the clinical symptomatology of musical
ture can be measured in the same individuals as learning listening disorders. However, this is a challenging enterprise
proceeds will be able to unequivocally demonstrate the with a number of limitations.
differential influence of nature versus nurture. The first set of limitations applies to any cognitive neu-
ropsychological study. Naturally occurring brain lesions are
A framework for consideration of rarely circumscribed, with locations dictated by pathological
disorders of musical listening processes, especially vascular anatomy. The pattern of deficits
The above discussion is intended to suggest some general frequently changes over time, and premorbid behavioural
principles regarding the neural bases of musical analysis by measures are generally lacking. Assessment and interpreta-
the brain: for a more detailed account the reader is referred tion of particular functions may also be confounded by
co-existing deficits (e.g. aphasia). Focal brain lesions occur

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to Peretz and Zatorre (2005). What emerges from such a
consideration is the principle that different components of within functional networks. Although neuropsychological
music (pitch, melody, rhythm, timbre and emotion) are evidence can be used to infer that a particular region is
underpinned by different psychological mechanisms and critical for a function, it should be noted that the affected
neural substrates. This principle is most clearly evident in region may not be sufficient, in and of itself, to support the
the case of pitch and melody: the evidence suggests a scheme function, which may depend equally on other regions within
in which the perception of pitch and simple patterns of pitch a broader network. Accordingly, maps of the effects of
is supported by mechanisms in the auditory cortices, whilst lesions (such as those in Figs 3 and 4) should not be equated
cognitive analysis of patterns within the pitch and time- with maps of the whole network required for a particular
domains requires more distributed networks including the function. Rather, they represent the critical components of
frontal cortex. normal networks. We have already suggested by studies
In view of the discussion above, any attempt to produce a described in the section ‘Normal musical listening and nor-
systematic framework within which to consider disorders of mal musical brains: some recent advances’. We suggested in
musical processing may seem doomed. It can be reasonably the same section that early musical perceptual analysis might
argued that no universal and robust assessment could ever be be a product, not only of analysis within particular cortical
applied to all patients, taking account of the many diverse areas, but of patterns of connectivity between cortical areas
components of musical listening and emotional response, that are commonly engaged during the analysis of different
and the large variation in musical experience and training types of sound. With respect to lesions, it is worth bearing in
between subjects. However, clinical disorders can be mind that these might disconnect areas involved in different
approached systematically even if assessment is necessarily processes, as well as damaging the areas themselves.
limited to particular domains of musical processing. In the Further limitations are specific to music. The effect of the
next section, ‘Acquired deficits in musical listening’, we lesion depends on the premorbid level of musical compe-
apply the systematic perspective developed above to pub- tence and awareness, which varies widely in the general
lished cases of acquired disorders of musical listening. In pre- population. The level of musical training influences the
senting the data, we recognize that these studies differ widely kinds of assessment that can be performed, and musical
in the premorbid musical expertise of the patients described, training may be associated with structural differences and
the musical domains studied and the methods of assessment functional brain organization. The assessment of musical
used. We then consider cases of developmental amusia and functions is intrinsically difficult: while tools exist for mea-
musical hallucinations within a similar framework. suring and calibrating for premorbid musical ability and
experience [e.g. Grison’s Levels of Musical Culture
(Grison, 1972)], the Barbizet scale of Premorbid Musical
Acquired deficits in musical listening Ability [cited in Prior et al. (1990) and the battery
The clinical neurologist is generally concerned with under- of Wertheim and Botez (1961)], these tools have not
standing and characterizing deficits as they present in the been used systematically. Music perceptual abilities are not
2538 Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 L. Stewart et al.

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Fig. 3 Sites of brain lesions in individual cases of musical listening disorders. Eleven cartoons are shown, each depicting the brain
in a schematic axial view that includes all key anatomical areas involved in music listening (identified on the top cartoon); the corpus
callosum (black), superior-temporal plane (light grey) and middle/inferior temporal gyri (dark grey areas, in exploded view) are coloured
for ease of identification. The ten musical functions analysed in Supplementary Table 1 are each assigned to a separate cartoon. The number
of cases in which a deficit in that function is identified are shown on the figure, and the total number of cases in which that function
was assessed is shown in parentheses below each figure. amyg = amygdala; aSTG = anterior superior-temporal gyrus; bg = basal
ganglia; cc = corpus callosum; fr = frontal; hc = hippocampal; HG = Heschl’s gyrus; ic = inferior colliculi; i = inferior; ins = insula; l = lateral;
m = medial; thal = thalamus; PT = planum temporale; TG = temporal gyrus.
Disorders of musical listening Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 2539

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Fig. 4 Critical brain substrates for musical listening disorders across studies. Five cartoons are shown, each depicting the brain in a
schematic axial section that includes all key anatomical areas involved in music listening (identified on the top cartoon); the corpus callosum
(black), superior-temporal plane (light grey) and middle/inferior temporal gyri (dark grey areas, in exploded view) are coloured for ease of
identification. Musical functions analysed in Supplementary Table 1 have been grouped as follows: pitch processing (pitch interval, pitch
pattern, tonal structure, timbre); temporal processing (time interval, rhythm); musical memory (familiar and novel material); and emotional
response to music. Each group of functions is assigned to a separate cartoon; individual functions are identified to the right of the
corresponding cartoon. Raw data from Supplementary Table 1 have been thresholded; the presence of a coloured circle corresponding to a
particular function in a region indicates that at least 50% of studies of the function implicate that region. The size of each circle is scaled
according to the proportion of studies of the function implicating that region (see text). Metre is not represented as no brain area was
implicated in 50% or more of cases. amyg = amygdala; aSTG = anterior superior-temporal gyrus; bg = basal ganglia; cc = corpus callosum;
fr = frontal; hc = hippocampal; HG = Heschl’s gyrus; ic = inferior colliculi; i = inferior; ins = insula; l = lateral; m = medial; thal = thalamus; PT
= planum temporale; TG = temporal gyrus.
2540 Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 L. Stewart et al.

routinely assessed in a neuropsychological examination, and deficit by a process of systematic search is of quite different
require at least some level of musical sophistication to significance to the same deficit volunteered as a clinical
administer and interpret. In research settings, the Montreal symptom. Comparisons between the two literatures in
Battery for the Evaluation of Amusia [MBEA (Peretz et al., order to draw conclusions about the role of particular
2003)] offers the advantages of simplicity, comprehensiveness brain regions in particular musical functions must therefore
and the availability of normative data, but many other batteries be made with care. The information about musical listening
have been used to assess individual clinical cases (see Appendix). deficits obtained from the symptom-led and lesion-led lit-
While the format of many tests is broadly similar (e.g. same/ erature is complementary, both anatomically and function-
different tasks with pairs of melodies) the details may differ in ally. In this review, lesion-led studies are therefore
ways that are important for interpretation. considered as an adjunct to our primary focus on sympto-
The identification of cases of acquired disorders of musical matic disorders of musical listening.
listening based on symptom profiles in individual patients
constitutes the traditional ‘symptom-led’ approach of the
Selection and analysis of clinical cases in
clinical neurologist. This approach is, however, subject to
several fundamental criticisms (Zatorre, 1985). The method this review
of ascertainment is intrinsically biased, since cases may be Table 1 lists published clinical case studies selected for ana-
identified due to a particular pattern of deficits, or because lysis on the basis of the following criteria: presentation with a
the patient was previously a professional musician and there- symptomatic musical deficit (of musical listening or produc-
fore highly aware of the deficit. Individual cases are anato- tion) or a general auditory agnosia including a musical def-
mically and clinically heterogeneous making it difficult to icit; documentation of a systematic and objective evaluation
draw more general conclusions about the necessary brain of musical listening; and an adequate anatomical description
substrates that are common to all individuals. of the lesion based on brain imaging (MRI, CT or angio-
For these reasons, an alternative approach to the clinical graphy), or neuropathology. Table 2 lists published series of

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study of musical deficits has been advocated, based on the patients with lesions that meet all criteria except the presence
study of cases selected on the basis of a particular brain of a symptomatic deficit. Supplementary Tables 1 and 2
lesion, rather than clinical symptoms: the ‘lesion-led’ appro- characterize these cases in greater systematic detail. All
ach. Using this approach, groups of patients in whom the cases meeting our criteria were analysed in terms of lesion
locus and extent of brain damage are relatively homogeneous location, and the components of musical listening based on
are assessed systematically on tests of musical perception. contemporary models.
This approach has been used most widely in patients who In the symptom-led literature (Table 1 and Supplementary
have undergone temporal lobectomy for the relief of intract- Table 1), lesions have been analysed according to aetiology,
able epilepsy. By classifying patients according to the side side and specific brain regions affected, based on the brain
and extent of the resection, it is possible to assess the role of images supplied or the description of the imaging or
each cerebral hemisphere and particular cortical areas within neuropathology in the original reports. The analysis by
each hemisphere in particular musical functions. It is also
possible to test patients before and after surgery (Milner, Table 1 Acquired symptom-led reports
1962; Shankweiler, 1966; Kester et al., 1991) so that indivi-
duals serve as their own controls, thereby minimising the Brust (Case 2) (1980) Mazzucchi et al. (1982)
Confavreux et al. (1992) Mendez and Geehan (MS) (1988)
effects of inter-individual variability inherent to group com- Di Pietro et al. (2004) Patel et al. (CN) (1998)
parisons. Eustache et al. (Cases 1 and 2) Patel et al. (IR) (1998)
However, the lesion-led approach itself has significant (1990)
limitations. Resections for epilepsy sample only a restricted Fries and Swihart (1990) Peretz et al. (CN) (1994)
fraction of the brain (chiefly the anterior temporal lobe), Fujii et al. (1990) Peretz (CN) (1996)
Griffiths et al. (1997) Peretz et al. (IR) (1997)
because of the nature of the disease process and the need Griffiths et al. (2004) Peretz et al. (IR) (1998)
to protect eloquent brain areas. This anatomical emphasis Griffiths et al. (2006) Peretz and Gagnon (IR) (1999)
also occurs in naturally occurring (chiefly, vascular) lesions, Habib et al. (1995) Peretz et al. (IR) (2001)
but these predominantly affect different areas in the poster- Hattiangadi et al. (2005) Piccirilli et al. (2000)
ior temporal lobe and beyond. Moreover, patients with Hofman et al. (1993) Satoh et al. (2005)
Johannes et al. (1998) Spreen et al. (1965)
intractable epilepsy are likely to have longstanding altera- Johkura et al. (1998) Tanaka et al. (1987)
tions of cortical organization, and the relevance of such Kohlmetz et al. (2003) Terao et al. (2005)
changes to the organization of the healthy brain is difficult Lechevalier et al. (1984) Tramo et al. (MS) (1990)
to determine. The assessments are biased toward easily Levin and Rose (1979) Tramo et al. (MS) (2002)
measured perceptual deficits, whilst the principal complaint Mavlov (1980) Uvstedt (Case 9) (1937)
Mazzoni et al. (1993) Wilson et al. (2002)
of symptomatic patients is often emotional: they no
longer enjoy music. The issue of behavioural relevance is See Supplementary Table 1 for comprehensive description of
fundamental to lesion-led studies: the identification of a reports.
Disorders of musical listening Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 2541

Table 2 Acquired lesion-led reports Although the emotional response to music is rarely tested,
Resection cases Stroke/other type it is often part of the presentation and we have therefore
of lesion included subjective report as a measure of emotional proces-
Gosselin et al. (2005) Ayotte et al. (2000)
Johnsrude et al. (2000) Grossman et al. (1981) Aside from the data obtained via musical testing, several
Kester et al. (1991) Peretz (1990) other abilities are relevant to interpretation of the clinical
Liegeois-Chauvel et al. (1998) Prior et al. (1990) literature. The patient’s premorbid level of musical compe-
Milner (1962) Robin et al. (1990) tence is included where described. The interval between the
Samson and Zatorre (1988) Samson et al. (2001) cerebral event and the time of musical assessment is indi-
Samson and Zatorre (1991) Schuppert et al. (2000)
Samson and Zatorre (1992) Shapiro et al. (1981) cated, since substantial recovery can occur during this inter-
Samson and Zatorre (1994) Sidtis and Volpe val. Musical listening deficits may associate with or dissociate
(1988) from linguistic ability and the ability to perceive other types
Samson et al. (2001) Tramo and Bharucha (1991) of complex sounds, (such as environmental sounds): we
Samson et al. (2002) therefore also include measures of language and environ-
Shankweiler (1966)
Warrier and Zatorre (2004) mental sound perception where available. Though data are
Zatorre (1985) available for only a proportion of cases, pure tone audio-
Zatorre (1988) metry is of relevance in order to demonstrate that musical
Zatorre and Halpern (1993) perceptual problems are not the result of peripheral hearing
Zatorre and Samson (1991) loss, and audiometric findings are therefore included where
See Supplementary Table 2 for comprehensive description of provided.
reports. Our analysis of the symptom-led literature on acquired
disorders is presented graphically in Figs 3 and 4. The dis-
tribution of deficits across case studies has been rendered on

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region includes a detailed subdivision of the temporal lobe template brain schematics representing each of the key ana-
including auditory cortical areas implicated in normal musi- tomical regions involved in musical listening. In Fig. 3, the
cal listening: the temporal lobe is divided into medial HG distribution of deficits is shown separately for each musical
(containing PAC), lateral HG (secondary auditory cortex), function. In Fig. 4, the data have been grouped according to
PT, anterior STG/temporal pole, insula, middle and inferior the broad functional hierarchies outlined above: pitch, tim-
temporal gyri, and mesial temporal lobe and amygdala. bre, temporal information, musical memory and emotion. In
Regions outside the temporal lobe including areas implicated addition, a transformation procedure has been applied to
in normal musical listening in the section ‘Normal musical generate a visual analogue of the relative importance of
listening and normal musical brains: some recent advances’ each region for particular musical functions. The data
are divided into the ascending auditory pathways (inferior were first thresholded so that a given function is only
colliculi, auditory thalamus and auditory radiation), inferior ascribed to a particular brain region if at least 50% of studies
parietal lobe, frontal operculum, other frontal lobe areas, of that function implicate that region. Data meeting this
basal ganglia, occipital lobe, cerebellum and corpus callosum. threshold criterion are represented as coloured circles. In
Most studies included in the lesion-led literature summary each brain region, the size of each circle is scaled according
(Table 2 and Supplementary Table 2) describe temporal to the proportion of studies that implicate that region for
lobectomy series; the right hand section of that table includes a particular function. The distribution of coloured circles in
studies where patients with other patterns of brain damage Fig. 4 therefore indicates the anatomical emphasis of lesions
(chiefly, stroke) are tested for musical perception. The latter producing different types of musical listening deficits, while
studies lack the anatomical precision of the temporal lobect- the size of the circles indicates the relative extent to which
omy studies, because patients are assigned to rather broadly particular brain areas contribute to each deficit.
defined anatomical groups (e.g. right or left stroke). How-
ever, we include them because of their utility in addressing
questions of laterality. General principles
In Supplementary Tables 1 and 2, pitch analysis (pitch Taken together, the case reports analysed here (Supplemen-
interval, pitch pattern and tonal structure) and temporal tary Tables 1 and 2 and Figs 3 and 4) suggest that the break-
analysis (time interval, metre and rhythm) are arranged down of musical listening in the lesioned brain follows
hierarchically. Timbre is separated as a perceptual property certain basic principles. It is clear that a deficit in musical
distinct from pitch and the timing of notes. Recognition listening does arise as a consequence of a central disturbance
memory for novel melodies or familiar music is included of auditory processing: of all the cases in Supplementary
as a separate category. In some cases, a patient’s performance Table 1 that included audiometry, none had a musical
is judged by the authors to be impaired even in the absence listening deficit that could be attributed to a peripheral
of formal comparison with control subjects: in such cases, hearing deficit. The brain lesions that produce deficits in
we classified patients’ performance as ‘below expected’. musical listening are widely distributed (Fig. 3), but with
2542 Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 L. Stewart et al.

a preponderance of locations in the right hemisphere (Fig. 4). schemes emerging from functional imaging studies in nor-
The results from functional imaging studies of musical lis- mal subjects, in order to show how lesion anatomy fits
tening reviewed above implicate a bilateral network of areas within the distributed functional networks that normally
involved in musical listening, but the results from acquired mediate music perception.
cases of amusia suggest that right hemispheric structures,
including superior-temporal cortex (principally non-PAC), Pitch: interval
and other areas including the insula and frontal lobe are the
The components of pitch perception have been widely stu-
necessary components of this network. However, even
died in both the symptom-led and lesion-led literature that
though right-sided lesions are more commonly associated
concerns disorders of musical listening. Deficits in the ana-
with deficits in pitch and other domains (Fig. 4), left
lysis of pitch intervals (the detection of a pitch change and/or
sided lesions can also, though less commonly, produce def-
the discrimination of the direction of a pitch change) are
icits in these aspects of musical listening (Fig. 3). It should be
most strongly associated with lesions involving lateral HG
borne in mind that the preponderance of right hemispheric
and non-primary auditory cortical areas in PT and the
lesions associated with musical listening deficits may, at least
parieto-temporal junction (Fig. 4). The detection of pitch
partially, reflect a sampling bias: individuals with left hemi-
differences and the discrimination of pitch direction are
sphere damage are often aphasic and testing of non-linguistic
functionally separable, but have been distinguished only
skills is often difficult and rarely a priority.
infrequently in symptom-led studies. Where it has been spe-
The majority of cases are attributable to cerebrovascular
cifically assessed, impaired pitch-difference detection is gen-
events, though other pathologies, such as focal cerebral
erally associated with involvement of subcortical structures
degeneration (‘progressive amusia’) are represented
and ascending auditory pathways or PAC in medial HG
(Confavreux et al., 1992). Because of the nature of these
(Habib et al., 1995; Tramo et al., 2002; Hattiangadi et al.,
lesions, musical listening disorders are rarely ‘pure’ (Supple-
2005; Terao et al., 2005) while impaired pitch-direction
mentary Table 1): over half the cases are associated with

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discrimination is generally associated with involvement of
disorders of speech perception, and approximately a third
lateral HG (Lechevalier et al., 1984; Tanaka et al., 1987;
of the cases with disorders of environmental sound percep-
Tramo et al., 2002; Terao et al., 2005).
tion. In most cases available data on speech processing are
These data are congruent with evidence from temporal
limited, preventing clear comment about the general asso-
lobectomy series (Supplementary Table 2). Right-lateral
ciation of directly related speech deficits (e.g. perceptual
HG resection leads to deficits in the detection of pitch
dysprosody) or other deficits in the speech domain. There
change direction in pure tones (Johnsrude et al., 2000)
is some evidence from Supplementary Table 1 to suggest that
and complex tones (Zatorre, 1988) These findings, especially
the earlier stages of an acquired deficit in musical listening
the latter, suggest that aspects of pitch perception, as
(e.g. less than one year after onset) tend to be accompanied
opposed to the sensory representation of frequency- and
by more deficits in listening to other classes of sounds: this in
time-domain properties of the stimulus, depend on the
turn suggests that a disorder in musical listening can emerge
integrity of cortical areas beyond PAC. This is consistent
as an isolated deficit following the recovery phase of a more
with the concept of a ‘pitch centre’ in lateral HG that
generalized auditory agnosia.
emerges from functional imaging of the normal musical
Within the domain of music, it is rare that the effects of
lesions are functionally specific. Figs 3 and 4 show that many
areas are implicated in more than one function. However, it
is clear that the necessary bases for music processing are Pitch: pattern
separable: relatively isolated deficits of pitch (Peretz et al., Deficits in the analysis of pitch patterns, like melodies, com-
1994), temporal (Mavlov, 1980), timbral (Kohlmetz et al., prising multiple notes, are common in acquired disorders of
2003), mnemonic (Peretz, 1996) and emotional (Griffiths musical listening (Supplementary Table 1). The deficits are
et al., 2004) processing have all been described. More most often associated with lesions posterior to HG, in PT
fine-grained dissociations also occur: for instance, between and the parieto-temporal junction, and anterior to HG in
pitch interval and pitch contour (Liegeois-Chauvel et al., anterior STG (Figs 3 and 4). The occurrence of such a deficit
1998; Peretz, 1990) and between rhythm and metre (Di is more common following right-sided rather than left sided
Pietro et al., 2004; Wilson et al., 2002). The data suggest lesions. Melody discrimination has also been widely assessed
a general scheme in which any brain substrate identified as in the lesion-led literature (Supplementary Table 2): right
critical for a particular musical function will have relative but not left temporal lobectomy impairs discrimination of
rather than absolute specificity for that function. With this in pitch pattern, even where HG is not included (Milner, 1962).
mind, the following sections consider candidate brain sub- However, inclusion of HG produces deficits in melody per-
strates for each of these musical functions, based on the ception over and above those due to the resection of the
symptom-led and lesion-led evidence amassed in Supple- temporal lobe anterior to it (Zatorre, 1985; Samson and
mentary Tables 1 and 2 and summarized in Figs 3 and Zatorre, 1988). In a study comparing resections involving
4. Where possible, this evidence is related to organizational posterior versus anterior STG (Liegeois-Chauvel et al.,
Disorders of musical listening Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 2543

1998), posterior resection was associated with more severe analysis of the direction of pitch change is located in right-
impairment of pitch pattern perception; this effect could lateral HG. The analysis of pitch direction in adjacent notes
not be attributed to involvement of HG. Right anterior tem- can be considered as a building block for contour in
poral lobe resections have also been associated with impaired sequences of notes, which in turn may be a necessary step
working memory for pitch (Zatorre and Samson, 1991), in the analysis of local-pitch information. In the symptom-
which is likely to affect perception of long-term structure led studies shown in Fig. 4 the analysis of pitch pattern
in melodies, and more specifically, discrimination tasks involves right temporal areas beyond HG, whilst the lesion-
requiring comparisons between sequential stimuli. led work suggests co-operativity between the hemispheres to
Pitch contour (the pattern of ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ in a mel- process local and global aspects of that pattern. The data are
ody) and the actual pitch values can be considered as corre- broadly congruent with functional imaging studies of normal
sponding to psychologically distinct ‘global’ and ‘local’ levels subjects showing distributed activation beyond HG when
of pitch processing, respectively (Dowling and Harwood, subjects are presented with pitch sequences as opposed to
1985). These levels can be probed by tasks which require monotonous pitch (Patterson et al., 2002). The functional
discrimination of melodies with different pitch contour imaging literature has not yet systematically addressed local
(‘global’ tasks) or different actual pitch values with the and global analysis.
same contour (‘local’ tasks), respectively. The local tasks
are often also referred to as interval tasks, as both the abso-
Pitch: tonal structure
lute value of notes and the intervals before and after them are
Few clinical studies have addressed the analysis of tonal
changed. A ‘pure’ global task would require transposition
structure as a specific component of musical listening.
between the melodies compared (like a shift in key) to pre-
Tonal structure refers to rule-based patterns of pitch deter-
vent the use of any local information. However, this renders
mined by key. While both tonal and atonal pitch patterns
the task much harder for non-musicians and the MBEA does
exhibit global and local structure, tonal structure is specific to
not employ it. That different sites of brain damage may

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tonal music (i.e. most Western music composed before the
differentially affect the use of local and global information
twentieth century). The most widely used test of this type of
in melodies was first demonstrated by Peretz (1990) who
processing is the scale task in the MBEA, which assesses the
showed that patients with right cerebral hemisphere strokes
ability of subjects to detect notes that are out of key. Deficits
could assess neither global nor local information in melodies,
in tonal analysis have been associated with damage involving
while patients with strokes involving the left hemisphere
a predominantly right-sided network of non-primary audi-
could use global but not local information. Isolated impair-
tory cortical areas including lateral HG, PT, parieto-temporal
ments of local processing were observed, but isolated impair-
junction, insula, anterior STG and frontal operculum (Fig. 4).
ments of global processing were not, leading Peretz to
The frontal opercular involvement is proportionately greater
propose an influential hierarchical model of co-operation
than other aspects of pitch processing, but the number of
between the hemispheres. According to this model, the
studies is small. Functional imaging of neurologically normal
right hemisphere derives pitch contour, which is then ela-
individuals suggests a particular involvement of the frontal
borated upon by the left hemisphere which fills in the
lobes in tonal analysis, but the studies are based on different
detailed pitch structure. In the model, prior contour proces-
techniques and show different loci for frontal lobe involve-
sing is necessary for actual pitch values to be processed:
ment (Janata et al., 2002; Koelsch and Siebel, 2005).
lesions involving the right hemisphere therefore compromise
the processing of both contour and the actual pitch values
whereas lesions involving the left hemisphere prevent actual Timbre
pitch values being added to the contour provided by the Timbral perception has a number of dimensions that can be
right hemisphere. This model was supported by the findings related to different acoustic properties of the incoming
of a temporal lobectomy series (Liegeois-Chauvel et al., sound, and lesions affecting any or all of these dimensions
1998). In this series, isolated deficits of pitch interval proces- could in principle lead to a deficit of timbre perception.
sing were observed with resections of right or left anterior Many clinical studies include reports of perceptual altera-
temporal cortex, whereas deficits of both contour and inter- tions in the perceived quality of music (often described as
val processing were associated with resections of right tem- unpleasant, ‘flat’ or ‘mechanical’ in nature) or inability
poral cortex, and no isolated deficits of contour processing to recognize musical instruments, which might represent
were found. However, other evidence suggests that the hier- specific defects of timbre perception. However, timbre as
archical co-operativity model should be qualified. Schuppert a distinct functional component of music has only been
et al. (2000) found that patients with left hemisphere damage assessed infrequently in the clinical literature (Supplemen-
were impaired in the use of both local and global informa- tary Tables 1 and 2). This evidence suggests that a network of
tion, although isolated deficits in the use of contour infor- areas in the right superior-temporal lobe that overlaps closely
mation were not observed. with areas implicated in pitch pattern analysis is critical for
Taken together, these studies build on evidence from normal timbre perception (Fig. 4). Timbral deficits have
functional imaging and suggest that a critical substrate for generally been observed in conjunction with pitch pattern
2544 Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 L. Stewart et al.

deficits (Supplementary Table 1); however, timbral deficits remains inconclusive. This is likely to be due at least in part
with spared pitch pattern perception have also been to the difficulty of assessing metre reliably, particularly in
described after strokes involving right STG (Kohlmetz subjects without formal musical training. In the small
et al., 2003; Mazzucchi et al., 1982). The deficits may extend symptom-led literature, impairments of metre perception
to the discrimination of timbre in voices and environmental have been associated with individual lesions widely distrib-
sounds (Mazzucchi et al., 1982). uted in both cerebral hemispheres (Fig. 3). This pattern has
These findings from the symptom-led literature are mir- been echoed in lesion-led studies. In temporal lobectomy
rored by studies of temporal lobectomy series (Supplemen- series, Liegeois-Chauvel et al. (1998) found metrical impair-
tary Table 2). Right temporal lobectomy leads to deficits in ments following left and right anterior temporal lobe resec-
the perception of timbral change when this is in the spectral tions, while Kester et al. (1991) found a specific decrement in
dimension (Milner, 1962; Samson and Zatorre, 1994), tem- performance following right but not left anterior temporal
poral dimension (Samson and Zatorre, 1994), or both resection. Neither Ayotte et al. (2000) nor Peretz (1990)
(Samson et al., 2002). This last study also suggested a subtle found stroke patients with heterogeneous left and right
effect of left temporal lobectomy deficit on the processing of hemisphere strokes to be impaired relative to neurologically
timbre associated with melodies but not single notes. normal control subjects, while Schuppert et al., (2000) found
The pre-eminence of non-primary auditory cortical areas that both left and right hemispheric stroke patients were
in timbre processing and the close relation between timbre impaired relative to controls.
and pitch perception is supported by emerging evidence Though still tentative, the clinical evidence suggests a con-
from normal functional imaging studies (Menon et al., vergence with functional imaging data in healthy subjects, at
2002; Warren et al., 2005). The analysis of particular dimen- least in terms of the overlap between the processing mechan-
sions of timbre is a clear direction for future studies of isms within the domains of pitch and temporal structure
individual patients (Kohlmetz et al., 2003). (Griffiths et al., 1999). It is striking that no lesion studies
included in our review have implicated the cerebellum in

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disorders of rhythm, since functional imaging studies
Temporal structure: time interval, rhythm (Mathiak et al., 2004) and work in cerebellar patients
and metre (Mangels et al., 1998; Harrington et al., 2004) suggest a
Like pitch perception, the perception of timing information role for the cerebellum in temporal processing. This may
in music can be analysed hierarchically: the lowest level of reflect selection bias, since all cases included in our review
temporal processing that we consider here corresponds to were required to incorporate a ‘systematic and objective
the detection of simple durational differences in a tone or evaluation of musical listening’ and patients presenting
detection of a silent interval between two tones. These basic with a timing deficit may be less likely to be tested
timing elements can be built into more complex structures for other aspects of musical listening, compared with
embedded in metre and rhythm. Schuppert et al. (2000) patients presenting with deficts in the pitch domain.
propose a hierarchal scheme where metre and rhythm can
be considered as global and local properties in the
time-domain. The symptom-led evidence implicates predo- Memory: familiar and novel material
minantly right-sided non-primary auditory cortical areas Impaired recognition of familiar tunes is described in a
posterior to HG in the perception of time interval differ- number of studies (Lechevalier et al., 1984; Peretz et al.,
ences, and bilateral areas widely distributed beyond HG in 1994, 1998; Griffiths et al., 1997; Johannes et al., 1998;
the perception of rhythm (Fig. 4). Evidence from lesion-led Peretz and Gagnon, 1999; Ayotte et al., 2000; Piccirilli
studies broadly supports a bilateral organization: impaired et al., 2000; Wilson et al., 2002; Satoh et al., 2005). In all
durational processing has been described following right these cases, recognition problems were accompanied by
temporal lobectomy (Milner, 1962) and impaired gap detec- impaired pitch-pattern perception. However, perception
tion following left temporo-parietal strokes (Robin et al., and recognition can sometimes dissociate. Patients may
1990). Impaired detection of rhythmic violations has been have intact perception but impaired recognition (Eustache
described in left temporo-parietal stroke (Robin et al., 1990) et al., 1990 (case 1); Peretz, 1996) or the converse (Eustache
and left hippocampal sclerosis (Samson et al., 2001), while et al., 1990 (case 2); Schuppert et al., 2000). The presence of
other studies have not demonstrated laterality differences intact perception with impaired recognition also occurs in
(Shapiro et al., 1981; Peretz, 1990; Schuppert et al., 2000). visual disorders, where that dissociation has been termed
At least some of these apparent discrepancies in lateralization associative (as opposed to apperceptive) agnosia (Lissauer,
may reflect task effects: for example, the detection of rhyth- 1890). By analogy with models for vision, apperceptive
mic errors in familiar tunes (Prior et al., 1990; Samson et al., amusia could arise from abnormal perception of incoming
2001) may require musical processing that is not required for musical material, whereas associative amusia could arise
the discrimination of simple rhythmic patterns. from abnormal association of normally perceived music
Comparatively few studies of metrical processing have with stored representations. Cases of abnormal perception
been conducted and evidence for a critical brain substrate of music in the presence of normal recognition of familiar
Disorders of musical listening Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 2545

tunes are not predicted by hierarchal models of normal func- patient of Peretz et al. (1998) still derived pleasure from
tion, where perception precedes association. The dissociation music, and was able to classify tunes as happy or sad and
may be explained by the presence of multiple cues that can to discriminate tunes based on emotional tone despite severe
lead to recognition of familiar tunes that allow deficits in perceptual and recognition impairments.
particular domains to be overcome. These findings are consistent with the emerging functional
Figs 3 and 4 demonstrate that deficits in the perception imaging evidence in neurologically normal individuals impli-
and recognition of familiar tunes may occur with damage in cating the insula and amygdala as crucial mediators of the
either cerebral hemisphere involving the anterior STG and emotional response to music as for other kinds of affective
insula (Lechevalier et al., 1984; Peretz et al., 1994, 1998; stimuli (Blood et al., 1999; Blood and Zatorre, 2001). How-
Peretz and Gagnon, 1999; Satoh et al., 2005). In the lesion- ever, the complex nature of the emotional dimension in
led literature, familiar-tune recognition was found to be music makes it necessary for clinical studies to adopt
deficient specifically in association with damage involving more sophisticated methodologies derived from basic neu-
the right insula (Ayotte et al., 2000). roscience in order to dissect apart the critical brain substrates
Impaired recognition of novel material is tested in the for musical emotion. There may be a hierarchy of emotional
incidental memory test from the MBEA, which assesses responses analogous to those identified for pitch and tem-
implicit encoding and retrieval of novel musical material. poral information: the perception of sounds as consonant
Clinical impairments of musical incidental memory are asso- and dissonant is universal in Western culture, whilst the
ciated with damage involving a bilateral network of areas that subject-specific associative phenomenon of ‘shiver’ may be
closely overlaps the network implicated in the recognition of considered to be an aspect of emotion which is context
familiar tunes (Fig. 4), and extends into left middle and dependent.
inferior temporal cortex. In temporal lobectomy series, inci-
dental memory deficits have been described following both
right and left anterior resections (Zatorre, 1985; Samson and Developmental disorders of musical

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Zatorre, 1992). listening
Case reports of lifelong tone-deafness go back more than a
Emotion century, but it has only been in the last five years that the
Most people listen to music purely for the aesthetic pleasure condition has undergone systematic investigation using the
it brings. A loss of enjoyment in musical listening is a com- same tools that have been applied to acquired disorders of
mon presenting complaint in clinical disorders of musical musical listening. The disorder was first characterized in this
listening (Supplementary Table 1). In many cases, this loss of way by Peretz and colleagues using the MBEA and given the
pleasure is accompanied by a perceptual derangement: ‘like label ‘congenital amusia’ (Ayotte et al., 2002). This term
an out of tune child’s dulcimer’ (Griffiths et al., 1997), emphasises the disorder as a true perceptual agnosia, in
‘mechanical’ (Griffiths et al., 2006) or ‘instruments [may which the perception of music is abnormal in the presence
lose] their distinctive features of timbre and sound dull’ of normal hearing and otherwise preserved cognition. Inter-
(Piccirilli et al., 2000). Associated impairments of pitch pat- estingly, the symptom that leads to the initial identification
tern perception (Habib et al., 1995) and generalized auditory of such subjects is often an inability to sing (usually picked
agnosia (Mazzucchi et al., 1982) have been documented. The up by their friends and relatives rather than the subjects
most consistent association of altered emotional response to themselves). However, the systematic studies below consis-
music across studies is damage involving the right posterior tently demonstrate musical perceptual abnormalities. It
temporal lobe and insula (Fig. 4). However, few clinical remains unclear whether the disorder is homogeneous or
studies have specifically assessed musical emotion. whether it has more than one underlying basis. Deficits in
Just as perception and recognition for musical material the pitch domain are most striking, but variable, whilst the
may dissociate, so too may perception and emotional presence of abnormality in other domains is not a consistent
response to music. Isolated deficits of musical emotional finding.
response have been described: the patient of Griffiths et al.
(2004) had been used to experiencing an emotional trans- Pitch
formation while listening to Rachmaninov preludes (the ‘shi- Formal characterization of musical perception using the
ver down the spine’ phenomenon) but this was lost following MBEA (Ayotte et al., 2002) demonstrates consistent deficits
an infarction involving left amygdala and insula. In a tem- in the domain of pitch-pattern perception (pitch contour,
poral lobectomy series (Gosselin et al., 2005), patients who actual pitch value and key structure). Our group (Foxton
had undergone resections of the left or right medial temporal et al., 2004) has carried out tests in which processing of basic
lobe, including the amygdala but sparing the STG, found pitch patterns are assessed. The group of subjects identified
fearful music less scary than a group of matched controls. as having amusia using the MBEA and criteria of Peretz were
Conversely, intact emotional response despite impaired found to have abnormal perception of pitch change and
music perception has also been observed (Lechevalier et al., pitch direction, the most striking changes being demon-
1984; Peretz et al., 1998; Peretz and Gagnon, 1999). The strated for pitch direction. Most subjects in the amusic
2546 Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 L. Stewart et al.

group had thresholds for the identification of pitch direction timing deviation within simple rhythms, but showed that
that were well above a semitone (the normal threshold is a when subjects were required to detect the same deviation
fraction of a semitone) and likely relevant to the perception in a melodic, as opposed to monotonic context, their per-
of Western music. Given that pitch direction can be thought formance was impaired. The results support a model in
of as a ‘building block’ for contour (the pattern of ‘ups’ and which the abnormal perception of pitch pattern in amusia
‘downs’ in a melody), this work suggests a fundamental also affects the perception of the temporal structure of music.
deficit in pitch processing that is below the level of melody The result is interesting in view of studies of acquired amusia
processing. However, the presence of such a causative deficit (Peretz and Kolinsky, 1993) suggesting that the brain
would predict that the deficit could be overcome by creating mechanisms for melodic and rhythmic analysis are separable
melodic sequences with large intervals. The fact that this is up to a certain point, after which they interact.
not the case (Foxton et al., 2004) argues against a simple low-
level deficit in pitch direction as a single causal mechanism
for melodic deficits in amusia. However, it remains possible
The emotional processing of music in subjects with devel-
that an inability to analyse pitch direction leads to a failure to
opmental amusia is an issue which is ripe for investigation.
develop normal pitch pattern perception even in the pre-
Our experience is that this group of individuals exhibits
sence of large intervals (i.e. a two-stage mechanism).
considerable individual variation with respect to this. Sub-
A question that arises immediately is whether deficits in
jects demonstrated to have the same perceptual deficits with
pitch contour analysis extend to the ‘melody of speech’
the MBEA can either enjoy music or find it unpleasant: one
(Monrad-Krohn, 1947), which is one aspect of prosody.
subject described Rachmaninov’s second piano concerto as
In normal speech, pitch contour allows us to understand
‘like a banging or noise’. The dissociation between the per-
the difference between phrases that are statements and
ception of music and its emotional effect is consistent with
phrases that are questions. It also conveys emotional empha-
evidence from normal functional imaging and clinical studies
sis and the characteristics of regional accents. Although, a

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of acquired lesions (Supplementary Table 1) that strongly
number of cases of disordered perception of pitch contour in
suggest distinct substrates. However, the basis for such indi-
speech have been found in association with acquired amusia,
vidual variation is unknown.
developmental amusia subjects have not been found to have
such deficits. When required to discriminate sentences that
differed in their intonation, amusics were found to perform Neural substrate
as well as controls. However, when the phrases were replaced The brain basis for congenital amusia has not been exten-
by sequences of discrete notes that matched the mean pitch sively investigated. In general these individuals do not have a
of each syllables (Ayotte et al., 2002) or a continuous pitch history of neurological damage, and structural brain imaging
‘track’ matched to the speech (Patel et al., 2005), amusic using MRI reveals no gross structural differences. The
subjects could not perceive the difference. Peretz and technique of voxel-based morphometry allows structural
Hyde (2003) originally suggested that the preservation of MRI data from two or more groups of individuals
this aspect of prosody in speech was due to the larger (e.g. amusic versus non-amusic individuals) to be interro-
pitch changes in speech compared to Western music. The gated with regard to potential regional differences in grey
data based on ‘extracted’ pitch contour (Ayotte et al., 2002 and white matter density. A recent study demonstrated
and Patel et al., 2005) do not allow such a straightforward changes in white matter density in the inferior right
interpretation. One possibility is that the amusic subjects can frontal lobe (Hyde et al., 2006) and EEG studies of responses
achieve normal performance on the intonation task by rely- to pitch changes (Peretz et al., 2005) have demonstrated
ing on cues other than pitch contour, such as intensity dif- normal N1 responses to tones but abnormal N2-P3
ferences. responses at longer latency. The N1 response arises from
the PT whilst the longer latency responses have a number
Temporal structure of more distributed generators. Congruent with the work
Aside from the problem with singing, subjects with amusia based on structural MRI, this work suggests brain abnorm-
can have problems with ‘following the beat’ and with dan- alities in amusia that may occur in areas distinct from audi-
cing, consistent with a deficit in the processing of metre and tory cortex.
rhythm. In ‘The Motorcycle Diaries’, Che Guevara (a noted Further studies will be required to ascertain the locus and
amusic) dances a tango while those around him dance a nature of the abnormality in these developmental cases. A
lively mambo (Guevara, 2003). Hyde and Peretz (2003) straightforward prediction regarding this disorder would be
found that although subjects with congenital amusia had that one or more of the key nodes of the musical listening
a deficit in detection of pitch changes in an otherwise mono- network have failed to develop normally (Fig. 4 would
tonic sequence, their detection of a change in the timing suggest superior-temporal cortex and areas including
of a note in an otherwise regular sequence was normal. A the insula and frontal lobe as candidate regions) but an
subsequent study in a different group of amusics (Foxton alternative prediction, which can be tested with MRI tech-
et al., 2006) replicated the finding of normal detection of niques, such as diffusion tensor imaging and dynamic causal
Disorders of musical listening Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 2547

modelling, would be that the abnormality lies in the con- Other forms of aberrant musical listening
nections between these critical nodes. The preceding sections considered disorders that can be
characterized as deficits in musical listening. This section
considers what might be thought of as exuberant musical
Prevalence and genetics
listening: musical perception occurring inappropriately as a
Using a screening test called the Distorted Tunes Test, which
result of sound input or in the absence of sound input.
tests the perception of key violation, the prevalence of con-
An example of the former phenomenon is musical
genital amusia has been estimated to be 5% (Kalmus and
palinacousis: the continued perception of music after the
Fry, 1980). A recent study of undergraduates by Cuddy et al.,
music has stopped. The latter description defines musical
(2005) showed that those students who declared themselves
to be tone-deaf scored similarly on the MBEA to a group of
students who did not. This is perhaps unsurprising: the label
tone-deaf is colloquially used to describe those who cannot General comments
sing in tune. Although up to 15% of the population report Musical hallucinations have been reported from a number of
difficulties in singing in tune, the majority of these people perspectives (including those of audiology, neurology and
can perceive music normally. People with amusia form a psychiatry) and the perspective adopted will bias the case
subgroup of out-of-tune singers. Because of their perceptual description and interpretation. No studies of unbiased popu-
difficulties, they are not necessarily aware that they sing out- lations are available, and few studies have carried out a
of-tune and would be less likely to self-label as tone deaf systematic and thorough assessment of auditory function,
compared with people who have singing difficulties but are neurological and psychiatric status. The studies that have
perceptually normal. This is congruent with our observation been carried out to examine brain substrate, mainly in the
that subjects are often referred by their relatives, without population with deafness, suggest a neural correlate of the
being aware of the problem themselves. hallucinations in brain networks including the superior-

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Studies of concordance rates in twins suggest that musical temporal lobes. Aetiological theories often focus on single
listening has a high degree of heritabilty. Drayna et al. (2001) factors, but the case reports reveal a number of patients with
studied performance on the Distorted Tunes Test in mono- co-existent factors that might be relevant.
zygotic and dizygotic twins and estimated that between 70
and 80% of performance variance could be accounted for by
genetic differences. However, it is currently not known Musical hallucinations associated with
whether congenital amusia captures those individuals at deafness
the low end of the musical listening ability spectrum or Table 3 lists published cases of musical hallucinations and
whether it is a categorically distinct condition. Familial Supplementary Table 3 characterises the features of the
cases are common and autosomal dominant inheritance patients described. The most common associated factor is
with incomplete penetrance has been suggested (Kalmus acquired deafness, usually in subjects in middle to later life
and Fry, 1980). and more commonly in women. We have now assessed

Table 3 Musical hallucination reports

Agrawal and Sherman (2004) Fisman (1991) Nagaratnam et al. (1996)
Aizenberg et al. (1986) Fukunishi et al. (1998a) Nevins (1991)
Aizenberg et al. (1991) Fukunishi et al. (1998b) Paquier et al. (1992)
Ali (2002) Fukunishi et al. (1999) Patel et al. (1987)
Allen (1985) Gertz et al. (1996) Raghuram et al. (1980)
Baba et al. (2003) Glbert (1993) Roberts et al. (2001)
Berrios (1990) Gilchrist and Kalucy (1983) Ross et al. (1975)
Cascino and Adams (1986) Griffiths (2000) Rozanski and Rosen (1952)
Cerrato et al. (2001) Hammeke et al. (1983) Saba and Keshavan (1997)
Clark (1998) Hecaen and Ropert (1959) Schielke et al. (2000)
Cole et al. (2002) Hermesh et al. (2004) Schiffter and Straschill (1977)
Couper (1994) Inzelberg et al. (1993) Steinberg et al. (1998)
Curtin and Redmund (2002) Izumi et al. (2002) Stricker and Winger (2003)
Douen and Bourque (1997) Kasai et al. (1999) Tanriverdi et al. (2001)
Erkwoh et al. (1993) Keshavan et al. (1988) Terao (1995)
Evers et al. (2002) Lennox (1988) Terao and Tani (1998)
Fenelon et al. (1993) Miller and Crosby (1979) Vallada and Gentil (1991)
Fenton and McRae (1989) Moore (2003) Warner and Aziz (2005)
Fernandez et al. (1998) Mori et al. (2006) Warren and Schott (2006)
Fischer et al. (2004) Murata et al. (1994)

See Supplementary Table 3 for comprehensive description of reports.

2548 Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 L. Stewart et al.

>20 subjects in this category. Where the audiology data are SPET (single positron emission tomography) in one subject,
specified, subjects usually have moderate to severe deafness, in addition to bilateral alteration in the N100m neuromag-
but the onset of this can be acute or gradual. Prevalence has netic responses that arise from the posterior superior-
been estimated at 2.5% in the deaf elderly attending an temporal lobes. These studies support the idea that the
audiology clinic (Cole et al., 2002). Subjects usually complain phenomenon in the deaf is associated with activity in
of hearing familiar tunes, such as popular songs and hymns the normal brain networks that are active during musical
(Griffiths, 2000; Warner and Aziz, 2005). The musical perception and imagery.
experience is usually a ‘coherent whole’ in that a formed
percept with melody and rhythm, with or without lyrics,
Musical hallucinations associated with
is experienced. When the subjects are profoundly deaf
and unable to hear music normally the hallucinations are
neurological disorder
often experienced in the same way as normal music before Cases of musical hallucinations where a single neurological
the onset of acquired deafness. The percept can evolve mechanism is likely to be causative are rarer than the cases in
from tinnitus, and one of our subjects described an inter- association with deafness. Supplementary Table 3 describes
mediate type of percept based on a succession of ‘buzzy’ hallucinations associated with lesions in the brainstem or
pitches that formed a melody. More commonly, however, right or left cerebral hemispheres. Berrios (1990) has empha-
subjects experience normal musical instruments and voices. sized abnormality of the right hemisphere, which, in the
Associated palinacousis is common. The most striking reported cases, is more commonly affected than the left. If
feature of the phenomenon is its salience: the majority of the cases are associated with epileptic foci, the phenomen-
subjects that we have seen describe a percept that is so vivid ology of the hallucinations may include experiential features
that they initially feel there is actual music playing in that are not a feature of cases associated with deafness.
the room. With time, however, subjects generally come to Cases of musical hallucinations in association with degen-
attribute the problem to the ears or the brain, and there erative disorders are rare, although they have been described

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is generally no associated delusional system. A number in association with dementia. In one such case, Mori et al.
of treatment strategies have been employed, but in our (2006) reported increased perfusion measured with SPET
experience the only way to help is to improve hearing via in the left temporal lobe and angular gyrus of a patient
amplification. with Alzheimer’s disease. A number of other reports
The basis for musical hallucinosis in the deaf is not fully have described musical hallucinations associated with the
established. Cases with evolution from tinnitus suggest a acute use of centrally acting drugs (see Supplementary
possible basis in the cochlea, which has been proposed by Table 3).
Gordon (1997) as a universal explanation for musical hallu-
cinations. The phenomenology of musical hallucinations, Musical hallucinations associated with
especially the perception of complex-patterned sequences psychiatric disorder
and the consistency with previous listening experience, Auditory musical hallucinations in psychiatric populations
strongly suggest the involvement of central mechanisms. are rarer than auditory verbal hallucinations. The phenom-
Griffiths (2000) suggested a mechanism based on amplified enon has been described in association with depression,
musical imagery, where the decreased signal-to-noise ratio in schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and alcohol-
auditory transmission in the deaf leads to the inappropriate ism. Berrios (1991) argued that psychosis and personality
activation of cortical networks usually involved in perception traits are not important predisposing factors, and Fukunishi
and imagery. This model can be characterized as an ampli- et al. (1998a) found a prevalence rate of only 0.2%
fication of normal imagery that is usually suppressed by (six patients) in a population of 3578 general psychiatry
auditory input. However, a model based on deafness and inpatients (three of these patients were deaf). In contrast,
normal central processing cannot account for the fact that Hermesh et al. (2004) reported a lifetime prevalence of
only a small proportion of subjects with moderate or severe musical hallucinations of 20% in a population of 190 psy-
deafness develop the disorder. In our experience, vascular chiatric outpatients. A particularly high rate (40%) was
risk factors other than old age are over-represented, whilst a found in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
number of the patients in Supplementary Table 3 have co- Robert Schumann suffered musical hallucinations as part
morbid psychiatric disease. of a psychotic illness. In 1854, he initially experienced a
Studies that examine brain activity during hallucinations simple pitch (the note ‘A’), which evolved into ‘magnificent
have shown increased activity within the network of areas music, with instrument of splendid resonance, the like of
demonstrated to be active during normal musical perception. which has never been heard on earth before’ and which was
Griffiths (2000) showed bilateral perfusion increases in ante- incorporated in his violin concerto. The grandiose nature of
rior and posterior temporal lobes, frontal opercula and cer- this description suggests bipolar disorder, but there is debate
ebellum in a group PET study of four subjects. Kasai et al. about whether he had neurosyphilis [although there was no
(1999) showed increased perfusion in right anterior clear evidence for this at autopsy (Janisch and Nauhaus,
superior-temporal lobe and right frontal operculum using 1986)].
Disorders of musical listening Brain (2006), 129, 2533–2553 2549

Conclusion Supplementary data

The aim of this review has been to produce a practical over- Supplementary data are available at Brain Online.
view of disorders that might be seen in the clinic, rather than
to impose a particular theoretical system. However the dis- Acknowledgements
orders described above can be understood in terms of the Our work is supported by the Wellcome Trust (L.S., J.D.W.
broad principles of normal musical listening that were devel- and T.D.G.) and VW Foundation (K.v.K.). J.D.W. received
oped at the start of the review. Normal musical listening support from an EC grant to the APOPIS Consortium.
involves the rule based analysis of patterns of sound in dis-
tributed cortical systems extending well beyond the auditory References
cortices. Many disorders of musical listening can be under- Agrawal AK, Sherman LK. Voriconazole-induced musical hallucinations.
stood in terms of altered processing (either deficient or Infection 2004; 32: 293–5.
aberrant processing) within these cortical systems. Aizenberg D, Schwartz B, Modai I. Musical hallucinations, acquired deafness,
Considering the variety of pathological processes, lesion and depression. J Nerv Ment Dis 1986; 174: 309–11.
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From perception to pleasure: Music and its
neural substrates
Robert J. Zatorrea,1 and Valorie N. Salimpoora,b
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2B4; and bRotman Research Institute, Baycrest Centre, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON, Canada M6A 2E1

Edited by John C. Avise, University of California, Irvine, CA, and approved April 9, 2013 (received for review February 15, 2013)

Music has existed in human societies since prehistory, perhaps insightful remark contains a possible answer to the mystery al-
because it allows expression and regulation of emotion and luded to in the earlier quote, for here Darwin articulates
evokes pleasure. In this review, we present findings from cogni- a thought that most people would intuitively agree with: that
tive neuroscience that bear on the question of how we get from music can generate and enhance emotions, and that its loss
perception of sound patterns to pleasurable responses. First, we results in reduced happiness. He even goes so far as to suggest
identify some of the auditory cortical circuits that are responsible that music might serve to prevent atrophy of neural circuits as-
for encoding and storing tonal patterns and discuss evidence that sociated with emotion, an intriguing concept.
cortical loops between auditory and frontal cortices are important Enhancement, communication, and regulation of emotion no
for maintaining musical information in working memory and for doubt constitute powerful reasons for the existence, and possibly
the recognition of structural regularities in musical patterns, which for the evolution, of music, a topic that others have addressed
then lead to expectancies. Second, we review evidence concerning more specifically than we will here (4–6). Such lines of inquiry
the mesolimbic striatal system and its involvement in reward, will not tell us why music might have such properties, however.
motivation, and pleasure in other domains. Recent data indicate Music is the most abstract of arts: its aesthetic appeal has little to
that this dopaminergic system mediates pleasure associated with do with relating events or depicting people, places, or things,
music; specifically, reward value for music can be coded by activity which are the province of the verbal and visual arts. A sequence
levels in the nucleus accumbens, whose functional connectivity of pitches—such as might have been produced by an ancient
with auditory and frontal areas increases as a function of in- flute—concatenated in a certain way, cannot specifically denote
creasing musical reward. We propose that pleasure in music arises anything, but can certainly result in emotions. Psychological
from interactions between cortical loops that enable predictions models suggest a number of distinct mechanisms associated with
and expectancies to emerge from sound patterns and subcortical the many different emotional responses that music can elicit (7).
systems responsible for reward and valuation. However, in the present contribution, we focus specifically on
a particular aspect of musically elicited affective response: pleasure.
cognition | functional imaging | auditory cortex Because pleasure and reward are linked, and there is a vast liter-
ature concerning the neural basis for reward, studying musical
pleasure gives us a set of hypotheses that serve as a framework for
S ome 40,000 years ago, a person—a musician—picked up a
vulture bone that had delicately and precisely incised holes
along its length and blew upon it to play a tune. We know this
studying what might otherwise appear as an intractable question.
To understand how we get from perception to pleasure, we
thanks to recent remarkable archeological finds (Fig. 1) near the therefore start with an overview of the perceptual analysis of mu-
Danube, where several such flutes were uncovered (1). What sical sounds, and then move to the neurobiology of reward, before
bears reflection here is that, for an instrument to exist in the attempting a synthesis of the two.
upper Paleolithic, music must have already existed in an ad-
Neurobiology of Musical Cognition
vanced form for many thousands of years already; else it would
have been impossible to construct something as technologically In thinking of how evolution may have specifically shaped the
advanced as a flute that plays a particular scale. We may safely human auditory system, we should consider what is most char-
infer therefore that music is among the most ancient of human acteristic of the way we use sound. One obvious feature that
cognitive traits. stands out is that humans use sound to communicate cognitive
representations and internal states, including emotion. Both
Musical Origins speech and music can be thought of in this way (8), and one
Knowing that music has ancient origins is important in estab- could go so far as to say they constitute species-specific signals.
lishing it as part of our original “human mental machinery,” but However, unlike the call systems of other species, ours is gen-
it does not tell us why it may have developed. The answer to this erative and highly recursive; that is, complex structures are cre-
question may always remain unknown, but for insight we may ated out of a limited set of primitives in a combinatorial manner
turn to Darwin. One of his most well-known comments about by the application of syntactic rules. An important property of
music, from The Descent of Man, is this one: “As neither the both speech and music that is relevant to their innate nature is
enjoyment nor the capacity of producing musical notes are fac- that they appear in the vast majority of members of the species
ulties of the least direct use to man in reference to his ordinary fairly early in development, following a relatively fixed sequence,
habits of life, they must be ranked among the most mysterious
with which he is endowed” (2). Ten years later, in his autobi-
This paper results from the Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium of the National Academy of
ography, he reflected on and lamented his own musical anhe- Sciences, “In the Light of Evolution VII: The Human Mental Machinery,” held January 10–
donia with these words: “...if I had to live my life again, I would 12, 2013, at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences
have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at and Engineering in Irvine, CA. The complete program and audio files of most presenta-
tions are available on the NAS Web site at
least once every week; for perhaps the parts of my brain now
atrophied would thus have been kept active through use. The Author contributions: R.J.Z. and V.N.S. wrote the paper.

loss of these tastes is a loss of happiness, and may possibly be The authors declare no conflict of interest.
injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral char- This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
acter, by enfeebling the emotional part of our nature” (3). This 1
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

10430–10437 | PNAS | June 18, 2013 | vol. 110 | suppl. 2

or tone-deafness (16), may be caused by a disruption of this sys-
tem (17, 18).
The organization of frequency maps, which are similarly to-
pographic across both monkeys (19, 20) and humans (21, 22),
presents another relevant homology. However, a more relevant
feature for our discussion is sensitivity to the perceptual quality
of pitch. Pitch results from periodicity; such sounds have bi-
ological significance because in nature they are almost exclusively
Fig. 1. Ancient bone flute. The flute, made from the radius bone of a vul- produced by vocal tracts of other animals, compared with aperi-
ture, has five finger holes and a notch at the end where it was to be blown; odic natural sounds (wind, water). The ability to track pitch would
fine lines are precisely incised near the finger holes, probably reflecting thus be a useful trait for an organism to develop in navigating an
measurements used to indicate where the finger holes were to be carved. acoustic environment. Neurophysiological studies have identified
Radiocarbon dating indicates it comes from the Upper Paleolithic period, pitch-sensitive neurons in marmosets that respond in an invariant
more than 35,000 y ago. Adapted by permission from Macmillan Publishers,
manner to sounds that have the same pitch but vary in their
ref. 1, copyright 2009.
harmonic composition (23), thus allowing for pitch information to
be processed despite irrelevant acoustical variation. Several lines
and taking as their input sounds from the immediate environment. of evidence converge to suggest that a similar neural specializa-
A neural architecture must therefore exist such that it allows for tion for pitch may exist in the human auditory cortex, in one or
these capacities to emerge. more regions located lateral to core areas (24–26).
Such neural organization necessarily had to emerge from However, in humans, pitch also serves an important information-
precursors, and it is therefore useful to consider some of the bearing function because it serves as a medium for encoding and
features of nonhuman primate auditory cortex to identify both transmitting information. Both speech and music make use of
homologies and unique properties (9, 10). Primate auditory pitch variation; but its use in music seems to have some particular
properties that distinguish it from its use in speech (27). Notably,
cortex, like visual and somatosensory systems, can be thought of
pitch as used in music across many cultures tends to be organized
as organized in a hierarchical manner, such that core areas are
as discrete elements, or scales (as opposed to in speech where
surrounded by belt and parabelt regions within the superior
pitch changes tend to be continuous), and these elements gen-
portion of the temporal lobe, with corresponding patterns of
erally have fixed, specific frequency ratios associated with them.
feedforward and feedback projections (9) (Fig. 2); both the
These properties are precisely what would be produced by an
cytoarchitecture and connectivity of the different subfields sup-
instrument such as our ancient flute, with its fixed finger holes
port this organization (11). Another organizational feature producing discrete tones at specific pitches. Thus, music requires
present across species are the distinct pathways starting in the a nervous system able to encode and produce pitch variation with
core areas and proceeding in two directions: one dorsally and a great degree of accuracy. Substantial evidence implicates mech-
posteriorly toward parietal areas, the other ventrally and anteri- anisms in the right cerebral hemisphere, including pitch-special-
orly within the temporal lobe (9); both pathways have eventual ized cortical areas, in this fine-grained, accurate pitch mechanism
targets in separate areas of the frontal cortices and are best both in perception (28–30) and production (31), as contrasted
thought of as bidirectional. This architecture creates a series of
functional loops that allow for integration of auditory information
with other modalities; they also permit interactions between au-
ditory and motor systems related to action, and to planning or
organization of action, and to memory systems. These inter-
actions with planning and memory functions result in the ability to
make predictions based on past events, a topic we shall return
to below.
Functional loops between frontal and temporal cortices also
play a particularly important part in working memory. Unlike
visual events, which can often be static (a scene, an object),
auditory events are by their very nature evanescent, leaving no
traces other than those that the nervous system can create. To be
able to concatenate discrete auditory events such that meaning
can be encoded or decoded thus requires a working memory
system that can maintain information dynamically for further
processing. Here may lie one important species difference:
monkeys seem to have a very limited capacity to retain auditory
events in working memory (12, 13) compared with their excellent
visual working memory; this limitation may help explain their
relative paucity of complex, combinatorial auditory communica-
tion ability. In contrast, humans have excellent ability to maintain
auditory information as it comes in, which accounts for our ability
to relate one sound to another that came many seconds or Fig. 2. Schematic of putative functional pathways for auditory information
minutes earlier (consider a long spoken sentence whose meaning processing in the human brain. Pathways originating in core auditory areas
is not clear until the last word; or a long melody that only comes to project outward in a parallel but hierarchical fashion toward belt and par-
abelt cortices (colored areas). Subsequently, several distinct bidirectional
a resolution at the end). Several neuroimaging studies have
functional streams may be identified: Ventrally, processing streams progress
pointed to interactions between auditory cortices and inferior toward targets in superior and inferior temporal sulcus and gyrus, eventually
frontal regions, especially in the right hemisphere, in the pro- terminating in the inferior frontal cortex. Dorsally, projections lead toward
cessing of tonal information, in part due to working memory distinct targets in parietal, premotor, and dorsolateral frontal cortices.
requirements for tonal tasks (14, 15). Indeed, congenital amusia, Adapted from ref. 6.

Zatorre and Salimpoor PNAS | June 18, 2013 | vol. 110 | suppl. 2 | 10431
with the left auditory cortical system, which instead seems to be cortices and the more dorsal pathways of the system, particularly
specialized for speech sounds that do not require as great accu- with the premotor cortex and dorsolateral frontal regions (for
racy in pitch tracking. a review, see ref. 52) although subcortical basal ganglia struc-
Melodies consist of combinations of individual pitches; so tures also play an important role (53, 54). The interaction with
once separate tones are encoded by this early cortical system, motor-related areas provides a possible explanation for the close
combinations of pitches need to be processed. Tonal melodies link between temporal structure in music and movement. It is not
can be structured in terms of the scales that they are constructed far-fetched to suppose that the people listening to that ancient
from, and the pitch contours. Both lesion (32, 33) and neuro- flute were also dancing.
imaging studies (26, 34) demonstrate that cortical areas beyond The findings of these various lines of research point toward the
the pitch-related regions come into play as one goes from single conclusion that interactions between auditory and frontal corti-
sounds to patterns, and that these involve both the anteroventral ces along both the ventral and dorsal streams generate repre-
and posterodorsal pathways, following a hierarchical organiza- sentations of structural regularities of music, which are essential
tion. The global picture that emerges is that areas more distal for creating expectancies of events as they unfold in time. This
from core and belt regions are likely involved in performing system no doubt plays a critical role in many aspects of perception.
computations beyond pitch extraction, involving combinations of In fact, similar phenomena have been described for linguistic
tonal elements: for example related to analysis of musical in- expectancies (55, 56). However, as we shall see below, these same
terval size (35) and/or melodic contour (36). However, perhaps systems may also hold part of the key to understanding why music
because of the feedback connectivity from distal regions back to can induce pleasure.
core and belt areas, there is also evidence that auditory category A final important phenomenon in considering the role of au-
information may sometimes be encoded in a more distributed ditory cortex in complex perceptual processes is that it is also
fashion (37). involved in imagery, that is, the phenomenological experience
The perceptual processing steps just described only allude to of perception in the absence of a stimulus. Musical imagery is
the mechanisms involved in passively listening to a sequence of a particularly salient form of this experience, as almost anyone
sounds. However, perception of something like a melody does can imagine a musical piece “in the mind’s ear.” Cognitive psy-
not proceed in a simple sequential manner. It also involves an chology has shown that imaginal experiences are psychologically
active component, such that expectancies are generated based real in so far as they can be quantified, and because they share
upon a listener’s implicit knowledge about musical rules that features of real perception, including temporal accuracy and
have been acquired by previous exposure to music of that cul- pitch acuity (57, 58). Several neuroimaging studies have shown
ture. Thus, hearing a particular set of tones leads one to expect the neural reality of this phenomenon because, even in the ab-
certain specific continuations with greater probability than others sence of sound, portions of belt or parabelt auditory cortex are
(38, 39). This phenomenon is significant because it points to our
consistently recruited when people perform specific imagery
highly adaptive ability to predict future events based on past
tasks (59, 60). This imagery ability is relevant here because it
regularities. There is good evidence that the relevant sequential
shows that auditory cortex must contain memory traces of past
contingencies are encoded based on a process of statistical
perceptual events, and that these traces are not merely semantic
learning (40), which emerges early in life for both speech and
in nature, but rather reflect perceptual attributes of the originally
music (41) and is also operative in adulthood (42). This de-
experienced sound. In the case of music, we may say that these
pendency on environmental exposure also means that different
individuals will have different sets of perceptual templates to the traces, accumulated over time, can also be thought of as tem-
extent that they have been exposed to different musical systems plates, containing information about sound patterns that recur in
or cultures, a point we return to below. musical structures. One might also ask how this information, if
The neural substrates associated with musical expectancies it’s stored in these cortical areas, is accessed or retrieved. Al-
and their violation have been measured using electrophysiolog- though the mechanism is far from being understood, it appears
ical markers. These studies show that there is sensitivity to pre- that the frontotemporal loops mentioned above are also relevant
dictions based on a variety of features including contour (43) and for retrieval; this conclusion is supported by evidence that
interval size (44), as well as harmonies (45, 46). The localization functional interactions between temporal and frontal cortices are
of these processes is complex and not fully deciphered, but most enhanced during musical imagery (61). Moreover, the degree of
likely involves interactions between belt/parabelt auditory corti- activity in this network is predictive of individual differences in
ces and inferior frontal cortices, using the anteroventral pathway subjective vividness of imagery, supporting a direct link between
described above (47, 48). In keeping with the concept of hier- engagement of this frontotemporal system and ability to imagine
archical organization, violations of more abstract features are music. This network, as we shall see, may also play an important
associated with changes coming from frontal areas: for example, role in musically mediated pleasure, and recruitment of the re-
if a chord is introduced that is itself consonant but is unexpected ward network, the topic to which we now turn.
in terms of the harmonic relationships established by earlier
chords, there will be a response in the inferior frontal cortex, Neurobiology of Reward
typically stronger on the right side (49, 50). A reward can be thought of as something that produces a he-
Melodies of course contain temporal patterns as well as pitch donic sense of pleasure. Because this is a positive state, we tend
patterns. Cognitive science has identified some relevant hierar- to be reinforced to repeat the behavior that leads to this desir-
chical organization in the way rhythms are processed (8, 51) such able outcome (62). A biological substrate for reinforcement was
that there are more local and more global levels. Meter, defined discovered in Montreal over half a century ago, when Olds and
as repeating accents that structure temporal events, would be Milner (63) reported that electrical stimulation of a specific part
a key level of global organization; it gains importance in our of a rat’s brain caused the animal to continuously return to the
context because it can be thought of as providing a temporal location where this stimulation had occurred. Subsequent studies
framework for expected events. That is, in metrically organized demonstrated that, if rats are given a chance to stimulate these
music, a listener develops predictions about when to expect areas, they would forgo all other routine behaviors, such as
sounds to occur (a parallel to how tonality provides the listener grooming, eating, and sleeping (64, 65). The electrical stimula-
with a structure to make predictions about what pitches to ex- tion was targeting pathways leading to the mesolimbic striatum,
pect). Neuroimaging studies have suggested that this metrical and it has now been widely demonstrated that dopamine release
mechanism may depend on interactions between auditory in these regions can lead to reinforcement of behaviors (66–68).

10432 | Zatorre and Salimpoor

In the animal kingdom, the phylogenetically ancient meso-
limbic reward system serves to reinforce biologically significant
behaviors, such as eating (69), sex (70), or caring for offspring
(71). In humans, dopamine release and hemodynamic activity in
the mesolimbic areas has also been demonstrated to reinforce
biologically adaptive behaviors, such as eating (72) and behaviors
related to love and sex (73, 74). However, as animals become
more complex, additional factors become important for suc-
cessful survival. For example, among human societies, having
a certain amount of money can predict successful survival. Not
surprisingly, obtaining money is highly reinforcing, and has also
been demonstrated to involve the mesolimbic striatal areas (75).
The reinforcing qualities of such secondary rewards suggest that
humans are able to understand the conceptual value of an ab-
stract item that does not contain inherent reward value. In line
with this, many people obtain pleasure from other stimuli that
are conceptually meaningful, with little direct relevance for
survival, and listening to music is one example. As Darwin ob-
served, music has no readily apparent functional consequence
and no clear-cut adaptive function (4). However, listening to
music is ubiquitous throughout human societies since at least
Paleolithic times. How does a seemingly abstract sequence of
sounds produce such potent and reinforcing effects?
How Does Music Cause Pleasure?
It is widely believed that the pleasure people experience in music
is related to emotions induced by the music, as individuals often Fig. 3. Neural correlates of processing highly rewarding music. (A) Spatial
report that they listen to music to change or enhance their conjunction analysis between [11C]raclopride positron emission tomography
emotions (7). To examine this link, we performed an experiment and fMRI while listeners heard their selected pleasurable music revealed
in which we asked listeners to select highly pleasurable music increased hemodynamic activity in the ventral striatum (VS) during peak
and, while listening to it, rate their experience of pleasure con- emotional moments (marked by “chills”), and the dorsal striatum (DS) pre-
tinuously as we assessed any changes in emotional arousal (76). ceding chills, in the same regions that showed dopamine release. Adapted
from ref. 74. (B) fMRI scanning showing that the best predictor of reward
Increased sympathetic nervous system activity is implicated in
value of new music (as marked by monetary bids in an auction paradigm)
“fight or flight” responses (77) and thought to be automated; was activity in the striatum, particularly the NAcc; the NAcc also showed
therefore it serves as a reliable measure of emotional arousal. We increased functional connectivity with the superior temporal gyri (STG) and
measured heart rate, respiration rate, skin conductance, body the right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) as musical stimuli gained reward value.
temperature, and blood volume pulse amplitude to track changes Adapted from ref. 94.
that correspond to increasing levels of self-reported pleasure.
The results revealed a robust positive correlation between online
ratings of pleasure and simultaneously measured increases in rewarding, and links music directly to the other, biologically re-
sympathetic nervous system activity, thus showing a link between warding stimuli outlined above.
objective indices of arousal and subjective feelings of pleasure. If the pleasures associated with music are at least in part related
Next we turn to the mechanisms through which emotional to the dopaminergic systems that we share with numerous other
arousal can become rewarding. If emotional responses to music vertebrates, why do they seem to be uniquely a part of human
target dopaminergic activity in the reinforcement circuits of the behavior? Can animals tell the difference between ancient flutes,
brain, there should be a mechanism through which these responses Mahler, and Britney Spears? And if so, do they care? The closest
could be considered rewarding. To examine this question, our phenomena to music in the animal kingdom are biologically sig-
laboratory has performed two studies in which participants se- nificant vocalizations. However, these musical sounds are thought
lected music that they find highly emotional and pleasurable (78, to be limited to an adaptive role toward territory defense and
79). To have an objective measure of peak emotional arousal, mate attraction, rather than for abstract enjoyment (84, 85).
people brought in music that gives them “chills,” which are be- When given a choice between listening to music versus silence,
lieved to be physical manifestations of peak emotional responses our close evolutionary relatives (tamarins and marmosets) gen-
(78, 80, 81), and related to increased sympathetic nervous
erally prefer silence (86). Some animals may be capable of pro-
system arousal (76). In the first study, we demonstrated that the
cessing basic aspects of sound with relevance for music. For
ventral striatum and other brain regions associated with emotion
were recruited as a function of increasing intensity of the chills example, rhesus monkeys do demonstrate an ability to judge that
response (78). This finding thus importantly identified that the two melodies are the same when they are transposed by one or
mesolimbic reward system could be recruited by an abstract aes- two octaves (87). However, this ability is limited: the monkeys
thetic stimulus. Several other studies have shown consistent findings failed to perform this task if melodies were transposed by 0.5 or
(82, 83); however, because all these studies measured hemodynamic 1.5 octaves. There is also some evidence (88, 89) that monkeys
responses, they did not address whether the dopaminergic system can distinguish between consonance and dissonance. However,
was involved. Therefore, we performed another study (Fig. 3A) they do not seem to consider consonant sounds more pleasurable,
with ligand-based positron emission tomography (PET) (79), us- based on the finding (90) that cotton-top tamarins showed a clear
ing raclopride, a radioligand that binds competitively with dopa- preference for species-specific feeding chirps over distress calls,
mine receptors. We compared dopamine release in response to but no preference for consonant versus dissonant intervals. Al-
pleasurable vs. neutral music and confirmed that strong emotional though certain individuals of some species do demonstrate motor
responses to music lead to dopamine release in the mesolimbic entrainment to externally generated rhythmic stimuli (91, 92),
striatum, which can help explain why music is considered there is no evidence that primates do so; moreover, such

Zatorre and Salimpoor PNAS | June 18, 2013 | vol. 110 | suppl. 2 | 10433
behaviors have been observed in interactions with humans, and the mesolimbic striatal areas, especially the nucleus accumbens
not in natural settings. Thus, overall, there is scant evidence that (NAcc), was most associated with reward value of musical stimuli,
other species possess the mental machinery to decode music in as measured by the amount bid. The NAcc has been implicated in
the way humans do, or to derive enjoyment from it. making predictions, anticipating, and reward prediction errors—
Why do certain combinations of sounds seem aesthetically that is, the calculated difference between what was expected and
pleasant to humans, but not to other animals, even primates? To the actual outcome (104–106). A prediction may result in a posi-
better understand how we can obtain pleasure from musical tive, zero, or negative prediction error, depending on the organ-
sounds, it is important to realize that the mesolimbic systems do ism’s expectations and the outcome (107–109), and a number of
not work in isolation, and their influence will be largely dependent studies have demonstrated that prediction errors are related to
on their interaction with other regions of the brain. Mesolimbic dopamine neurons in the midbrain (110, 111) and may be mea-
striatal regions are found in many organisms, including early sured in the NAcc (104, 105). This result therefore provides evi-
vertebrates (93); however, the anatomical connectivity of these dence that temporal predictions play an important role in the way
regions with the rest of the brain varies across species depending in which individuals obtain pleasure from musical stimuli. A
on the complexity of the brain (94). For example, the mesolimbic second and perhaps more important finding was that auditory
reward system becomes highly interconnected with the prefrontal cortices in the superior temporal gyrus (STG), which were highly
cortices in mammals (95). Furthermore, as animals become more and equally active during processing of all musical stimuli, showed
complex, the concept of reward can take on different forms. For robustly increased functional interactions with the NAcc during
example, we humans enjoy activities as diverse as attending con- processing of musical sequences with high, compared with low,
certs, reading fiction, visiting museums, or taking photographs, as reward value. As discussed above, auditory cortices are the site of
well as less “high-brow” but still aesthetic pursuits such as deco- processing not only of incoming auditory information, but also of
rating our vehicles, matching our wardrobes, or planting flowers. more abstract computations related to perception, imagery, and
Aesthetic rewards are often highly abstract in nature and gener- temporal prediction. Increased functional connectivity between
ally involve important cognitive components. In particular, they the NAcc and STG as reward value increases suggests that pre-
are highly culture-dependent and therefore imply a critical role dictions were linked with information contained in the STG,
for learning and social influences. These features suggest that which we think is related to templates of sound information
they may involve the “higher-order” and more complex regions of gathered through an individual’s prior experiences with musical
the brain that are more evolved in humans. Brain imaging studies sounds (likely based in part on implicit knowledge, such as might
of aesthetic reward processing lend support to this idea by dem- arise via statistical learning). This functional interaction between
onstrating activity in the cerebral cortex, particularly the pre- subcortical reward circuits involved in prediction and highly in-
frontal cortex (96–98), which is most evolved in humans (99). dividualized regions of the cerebral cortex can explain why dif-
The cerebral cortex contains stores of information accumulated ferent people like different music, and how this may be a function
throughout an organism’s existence. As such, cortical contributions of their previous experiences with musical sounds. Moreover,
to aesthetic stimulus processing are consistent with the idea that consistent with the studies reviewed above linking the STG with
previous experiences may play a critical role the way an individual the inferior frontal cortex and implicating this region with hier-
may experience certain sounds as pleasurable or rewarding. Al- archical expectations during music processing, we found in-
though evidence exists for some basic similarities in how people creased connectivity also of frontal cortex with the NAcc during
across cultures respond to certain cues (100), the rewarding na- highly rewarding music processing. These corticostriatal inter-
ture of aesthetic stimuli is not entirely universal, differing signif- actions exemplify the cognitive nature of rewarding responses to
icantly across cultures, and between individuals within cultures. music and help to explain why the complexities of the highly
These responses are related to subjective interpretation of the evolved human brain allow for the experience of pleasure to an
stimulus, which is likely to be related to previous experiences with abstract sequence of sound patterns.
a particular stimulus or other similar stimuli. It has been proposed In the experiment described, we used new music to rule out
that all individuals have a “musical lexicon” (101), which repre- veridical expectations (112), or explicit expectations of how
sents a storage system for musical information that they have been musical passages may unfold based on familiarity with the mu-
exposed to throughout their lives, including information about sical selections. However, explicit expectations can also lead to
the relationships between sounds and syntactic rules of music activity in the mesolimbic striatal regions. In the earlier study
structure specific to their prior experiences. This storage system (79), we found activity in the dorsal striatum (caudate nucleus)
may contain templates that can be applied to incoming sound during the period immediately preceding the chills, that is,
information to help the individual better categorize and un- during a phase of anticipation (Fig. 3A). Indeed, this dorsal
derstand what he or she is hearing. As such, each time a sequence component of the mesolimbic striatum has previously been
of sounds is heard, several templates may be activated to fit the associated with anticipation (113). The dorsal striatum has in-
incoming auditory information. This process will inevitably lead tricate anatomical connections with various parts of the pre-
to a series of predictions that may be confirmed or violated, and frontal cortex (114, 115). The frontal lobes, particularly the
ultimately determine its reward value to the individual. prefrontal cortices, are involved in executive functions, such as
To examine the neural substrates of predictions and reward temporal maintenance of information in working memory and
associated with music, and how these may contribute to plea- relating information back to earlier events, temporal sequencing,
surable responses, in a new study, we scanned people with func- planning ahead, creating expectations, anticipating outcomes,
tional MRI (fMRI) as they listened to music that they had not and planning actions to obtain rewards (116, 117). These cog-
heard before and examined the neural activity associated with the nitive processes are highly significant during musical processing,
reward value of music (102). We assessed the reward value of and it would be consistent that striatal circuits would provide
each piece of music by giving individuals a chance to purchase it in a mechanism for the temporal nuances that give rise to feelings
an auction paradigm (103), such that higher monetary bids served of anticipation and craving. Therefore, it is likely that the cere-
as indicators of higher reward value. We were interested in ex- bral cortex and striatum work together to make predictions
amining the neural activity associated with hearing musical about potentially rewarding future events and assess the out-
sequences for the first time, and examining the neural activity that come of these predictions. Additional support implicating the
can distinguish between musical sequences that become “re- caudate in anticipation comes from other studies that implicate
warding” to an individual compared with those that they do not the dorsal striatum in anticipating desirable stimuli, when the
care to hear again. The results (Fig. 3B) revealed that activity in behavior is habitual and expected (113, 118). In this way, the

10434 | Zatorre and Salimpoor

signals that predict the onset of a desirable event can become manner within auditory areas to represent patterns of sounds as
reinforcing per se. In the case of music, this prediction may in- opposed to individual sounds. The interactions between auditory
clude sound sequences that signal the onset of the highly desir- areas and frontal cortices via the ventral and dorsal routes are
able part of the music. Previously neutral stimuli may thus critical in allowing working memory to knit together the separate
become conditioned to serve as cues signaling the onset of the sounds into more abstract representations, and in turn, in gen-
rewarding sequence. Frontal cortices (119, 120), and their erating tonal and temporal expectancies based on structural reg-
interactions with the basal ganglia (121), have also been impli- ularities found in music. These expectancies are rooted in templates
cated in processing syntactically unexpected events during music, derived from an individual’s history of listening, which are likely
suggesting that they might be involved in keeping track of tem- stored in auditory cortices.
poral unfolding of sound patterns and their structural relation- The reward system, phylogenetically old, may be most par-
ships, further supporting the role of striatal connectivity with the simoniously explained as a mechanism to promote certain
most evolved regions of the human brain during music process- adaptive behaviors, with dopaminergic circuits playing a critical
ing. It is important to note that the NAcc has also been dem- role in establishing salience and reward value of relevant
onstrated to play a role in anticipation with other types of stimuli and the sensations generated by them. An important
stimuli, such as monetary rewards (122). The functional roles of part of this system seems to be devoted to reward prediction; as
these structures are therefore not simply attributable to any one indicated above, fulfillment of prediction leads to dopamine
dimension, but are dynamically altered as a function of a variety release in the striatum, with a greater response associated with
of factors, not all of which have yet been identified. better-than-expected reward. The findings of enhanced func-
The NAcc played an important role with both familiar and tional interactions between the auditory cortices, valuation-
novel music. In the case of familiar music, hemodynamic activity related cortices, and the striatum as a function of how much
in the NAcc was associated with increasing pleasure, and maxi- a new piece of music is liked provide a link between these two
mally expressed during the experience of chills, which represent major lines of research. We suggest that the interactions that
the peak emotional response; these were the same regions that we observed represent greater informational cross-talk between
showed dopamine release. The NAcc is tightly connected with the systems responsible for pattern analysis and prediction
subcortical limbic areas of the brain, implicated in processing, (cortical) with the systems responsible for assigning reward
detecting, and expressing emotions, including the amygdala and value itself (subcortical). Thus, the highly evolved cortical sys-
hippocampus. It is also connected to the hypothalamus, insula, tem is able to decode tonal or rhythmic relationships, at both
and anterior cingulate cortex (99), all of which are implicated local and more global levels of organization, that are found in
in controlling the autonomic nervous system, and may be re- music, such that it can generate expectations about upcoming
sponsible for the psychophysiological phenomena associated events based on past events. However, the emotional arousal
with listening to music and emotional arousal. Finally, the associated with these predictions, we think, is generated by the
NAcc is tightly integrated with cortical areas implicated in interactions with the striatal dopaminergic system. This frame-
“high-level” processing of emotions that integrate information work, and others like it (124), could also be thought of more
from various sources, including the orbital and ventromedial broadly as applicable to other types of aesthetic rewards: for
frontal lobe. These areas are largely implicated in assigning and example, some authors have suggested that visual aesthetic
maintaining reward value to stimuli (104, 123) and may be experiences may arise from interactions across cortical regions
critical in evaluating the significance of abstract stimuli that we involved in perception and memory (125); also, Cela-Conde
consider pleasurable. et al. (126) emphasize synchronization across cortical fields as
important for visual aesthetics.
Putting It All Together Our ability to enjoy music can perhaps now be seen as a little
The studies we have reviewed begin to point the way to a neurobi- less mysterious than Darwin thought, when viewed as the out-
ological understanding of how patterns of otherwise meaningless come of our human mental machinery, both its phylogenetically
sounds can result in highly rewarding, pleasurable experiences. The ancient, survival-oriented circuits and its more recently evolved
key concepts revolve around the idea of temporal expectancies, cortical loops that allow us to represent information, imagine
their associated predictions, and the reward value generated by outcomes, make predictions, and act upon our stored knowledge.
these predictions. As we have seen, auditory cortical regions We have little doubt that the ancient musicians, armed with the
contain specializations for analysis and encoding of elementary same machinery as us, and able to coax patterns of tones from
sound attributes that are found in music, particularly pitch values a vulture bone, experienced and communicated pleasure, beauty,
and durations. These elements are processed in a hierarchical and wonder, just as much as we do today.

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