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Georgia Southern University

Instructional Design Unit:

Spring 2022
Integrating Technology into the Effective

Prepared by Paris Dimick

FRIT 7239 Instructional Technology Practicum
Georgia Southern University

1.0 Introduction
1.1 What is your system of interest?
I currently teach in Fulton County Schools, but multiple teachers participate in other
districts as well, such as DeKalb. Our system of interest lies in integrating technology into effective
curriculum instruction. Teachers are expected to perform at level 3 in connection to their TKES
evaluations every year regarding technology integration. The background of the middle school teachers is
to provide technology resources to successful engage students and have them critically think within their
area of instruction on a weekly basis. All these teachers are majority 1 st year teachers except for a few. To
successfully integrate technology into effective instruction, teachers must first be able to learn the
platform and the benefits it holds regarding their content area and then apply those concepts using their
own curriculum. Our goal is to aid teachers in successfully learning, using, and applying said technology
into their weekly/monthly lesson plan learning activities.

1.2 What are the subsystems?

The ability of the teachers

The teacher group we are most focused on is middle school students. They are in more urban
communities and a lot of research that has been done in these communities reflect that test score and
comprehension levels are low in both reading, math and stem areas. If teachers cannot integrate
technology into their instruction effectively, engagement is low and application of content knowledge is
also low.

Prior Knowledge of the teachers

In the Georgia Department of education teacher keys effectiveness system, teachers must show an
acceptable use of instructional strategies that engage students in active learning and helps them to
facilitate student acquisition of key knowledge and skills. It is important that teachers in Georgia that are
in the middle school block should have successfully accomplished understanding and applying strategies
that include technology usage to enhance differentiation of instruction. In addition, teachers should be
able to consistently be able to use platforms at a basis level of knowledge and be able to explain how it is
used in their classroom.

Each teacher in the 6-8th grade receives a curation of resources they use on a daily or monthly
basis. In addition, they will also receive curriculum books and resources from the media center or their
resource room that gives them the ability to use them inside the classroom. They are also given “I can”
statements and objectives of what the goals are and what they will be able to do at the end of every
lesson. Finally, teachers are given technology training to help them understand how the platforms work or
how they are beneficial.

1.3 What symptoms drew your attention to this system of interest?

Through much observation and communication, I have observed and gained a perspective that
technology integration is a tool that has been used to just pacify students when they just need a break
from an activity or assignment. I have even gathered data that teachers just are uninformed about what is
out there for them to use to apply in their daily lesson.

2.0 Front- end Analysis
2.1 Are there performance gaps involved in this problem that justify a learning intervention?

Is there a performance gap?

Yes No

Can the teachers integrate

technology,if their life depended on
If, not ask the

If not, use the

following If the teacher does not use
technology will it hurt them?

Training- 3- 10 minute modules focused

on learn, apply and integrate
Is not integrating technology
into instruction hurting
student mastery? No
Feedback-Post Module activity
completion with post workshop
Is teacher motivated to
practice and apply
Coaching - practice using,
constructing and apply skills to pattern /strategy to
their content area perspective. instruction? Yes if
paired with incentive
and feedback.
Job aids- laptop, repository,
platform, participation

Mentoring - give constructive

feedback on questions asked and
task constructed to allow teacher
quick turn around/understanding


Yes, there is a performance gap involved in this problem that justifies a learning intervention. Although
several teachers say they think they can use technology effectively in their instruction, several teachers
voiced opinions about additional platforms on gamified methods or Science technology integration. In
this Mager & Pipe model, we will show the different ways in which we will get teachers to close the gap.
In this 1-day workshop, it will be held virtually and in person to accommodate visitors who may not feel
comfortable being face to face. The workshop will have 3 modules, modules to help the user/teacher
identify platform and what it about, a module to help them play around with the platform and know how
to use it, and finally a module to push them to apply science and ELA standards into the platform to use
during their instruction. During these module sessions the coaches and teachers would provide feedback
that would aid them in fixing their misconceptions paired with time for turn around. Followed by an
assessment task at the end of each module.

3.0 Needs Assessment

3.2 Actuals
3.2.1 What information and data would you collect?
In a perfect world, we would give teachers a entrance survey prior to the workshop to identify learner
training needs in regards to this topic. In addition, informal discussions can be held about background
information regards where they teach, what area they in and etc.

3.2.2 How would you collect that information and data?

In a perfect world, we would Microsoft Forms, to gauge a visual and percentile representation of the
participants and their responses. The assessments would be multiple choice and text based to fit
participant honesty. This data would be formatted on summary page to show pie and percentile data from
participant responses.

3.3 What are the discrepancies between the current (actual) and desired (optimal) state?
The discrepancy is participant participation and task completion. The assessments are based on school
structure information and professional development needs. We are using this assessment to focus on what
areas do teachers want to improve their integration skills. If teachers do not answer truthfully, the
workshop loses it reliability.

3.4. What priorities can you assign to the identified discrepancies or goals?
It is important to give teachers a proper model of how to maneuver the game and work it with little to no
mistakes so that they can comprehend information and translate it to their own students. We can do this
by modeling to teachers how to work the game and use it effectively with their students within whole and
small group activities.

3.5. Prepare a learning goal statement

3.5.1. Conduct a goal analysis for your problem

Program: Date: Dimick
Middle School Tech. Integration March 28,2022
LEARNING GOAL Class Evaluation…X _ __
How to Teach Teachers to effectively integrate technology into their
instruction using a educational platform Performance Test…X…
Performance Condition Criterion
(tasks to perform goal) (learning Learning Outcomes (restrictions, tools)
Intellectual Cognitive Verbal Motor Attitude
Skills Strategies Informati Skills
Learn how to use Middle School x x x x x
platform Teachers Prior
Virtual knowledge of
information of
Apply skills to Middle School x x x x x Prior
construct a artifact Teachers Knowledge of
Virtual how to work

Middle School x x x x x Prior

Apply Knowledge Teachers knowledge of
of Platform usage to Virtual how to
integrate into their construct
ELA/Science artifacts using
standard topic platform

3.5.2. Write out a goal statement in narrative form

The goal is for middle school teachers to be able to successfully integrate technology into their
instruction so that it promotes student mastery within the classroom.

4.0 Instructional Analysis

4.1. Goal Analysis
4.1.1. What is the domain classification and type of learning (or type and level of
learned capability) for your problem?
The domain of this problem is classified as an intellectual skill. Technology integration requires teachers
to know how to work the platform to implement the platform effectively. The type of learning for our
goal is intellectual skill because it requires teachers to learn about a educational platform and apply what
they learn to their given content area.
4.2. Subordinate Skills Analysis
4.2.1. Choose an appropriate analysis method and provide an example of a subordinate
skills analysis associated with the instruction that you will provide.

4.2.2. Show which skills are entry level skills.
The following skills that middle school teachers’ students must already know before……
- Identify platform
- Identify tool to use.
- Identify standard for content area.

5. Learner and Context Analysis

5.1. What is the target population? (Narrative Response)

The target population is a middle school teachers’ from both Fulton and DeKalb County. We are
conducting this with a small group of 8 teachers. Their year of experience range varies from 1-6 years and
there are all women in attendance. Of those faculty members, majority are African American.

5.2. Describe how you would determine the characteristics of the target population.
I partnered with a middle school and the principal paired me with a faculty member who is also
instructional design graduate. She walked me through the process of identifying candidates and of those
candidates they completed a survey/needs assessment identifying these background details along with
statements to identify learn training needs.
5.2.1 Learner Analysis Preferences
Teacher Gender Race Grade Feedback


Turner F African 8 Emailing due to hectic schedule


Campbell F African 7 Emailing due to hectic schedule


Merritt F African 6-8 Feedback from peers/instructor: Additional

American access to resources with visual

Rucker F African 8 Feedback from peers/instructor: any method is

American fine; hands on.

Baker F African 6-8 Feedback from peers/instructor :any method is

American fine, open communication

Miller F African 6-8 Feedback from peers/instructor: any method is

American fine, open communication

Stewart F African 6-8 Feedback from peers/instructor: 1-1 feedback

American and questioning

Lewis F African 6-8 Feedback from peers/instructor: 1-1 feedback,

American questioning

5.3. Describe how you would determine the physical and organizational environment.
Due to the different locations of the teachers, I will be holding this workshop in a virtual setting
and its open to any teacher who wants to attend the workshop at Sandtown Middle School, who did not
RSVP already.
In addition to the learning environment, I will ensure that teachers have access to
tutorials/modeling videos via virtual and physical resources. To reassure teachers, will be able to
complete this workshop successfully, I will be sure to give modeling tutorials and all necessary resources
to enhance the workshop experience. During module activities time, teachers will have access to ask me

any questions during the time limit to allow mastery of the modules. Students will have access to a
curation PLN and repository to allow success during this workshop.

5.3.1 Conduct a technical analysis using the technology assessment instrument found in
folio on your learning system and provide a narrative overview.

Technology Integration Assessment

Technology Planning and Policies*** In this elementary school, the administration and
planning committee have put forth an effort to
make platforms more accessible to students
outside of school grounds in addition to school
grounds. It is encourage that every classroom have
various apps for various reasons that allow
students to practice and read more( Epic,
ReadWorks, online free reader websites, gamified
platforms.,) The implementation of educational
platforms and access for students and teachers
allows more room for student mastery and
differentiation of content.

Finance The district and school administration sets a

technology budget for each school. A survey is
passed to teachers at the end of the year to assess
what programs are being used in the class. From
there the administration looks into the subscription
of the programs and sets the budget according to
that. Wifi is provided by the district as well as

Equipment and Infrastructure The school has high speed internet and Wifi. The
school has desktop computers in the media center
and every student has there own device. In
addition, teachers are also provided with HDMI
cords to pair to their smart boards/projectors.

Technology Applications
The school provides each registered student with
access to various programs and applications that
will support their educational goals per the grade
they are in. Every week, the applications are
updated and evaluated to make sure everything is
up to date and in full access/speed to the staff and

Maintenance and Support The school uses the district’s IT specialist , device
coordinator along with the schools METI to
maintain and support the technological needs. In
every school, the office provides support in the

event and repair/error occurs or help is needed;
time varies due to the problem(reimaging, broken
screen, etc.)

Professional Development During pre-planning and on designated

Professional Development Days, staff members
are trained on new technology tools(printer,
platforms, etc). During these sessions, teachers
learn how to integrate the technology into their
classroom. Every module or pre planning activity
varies in time and is assigned during the year at
specific times like Teacher workdays or during

Technological Integration We are teachers that use technology in our class

on a daily basis. We are always trying something
new with our students and if it works we extend it
to our colleagues. The older teachers on our team
come to us for help with their technology needs.
Students are not proficient depending on their
grade level and experience. Additional time is
required to train themselves on programs and
applications (parents too). We identified our ISTE
LOTI score as 4b due to the students have the
ability to tie their learning interest and experiences
to their modules and activities.

6. Writing Performance Objectives

6.1 State the terminal objective (TO) for your instructional plan.
By the end of this module unit, teachers will be able to integrate technology into their instruction
effectively with given tool.
6.1.1. Teachers will be able to identify platform used and understand its educational

6.2 Prepare three (3) Subordinate Objectives (SO)

6.2.1 Subordinate Objective (Psychomotor): Using your eyes, locate the educational
platform successfully and understand how to use it.
6.2.2 Subordinate Objective (Cognitive): Using prior knowledge of platform tool,
successfully integrate this tool into instruction by using a standard based in your content area.
6.2.3 Subordinate Objective (Verbal Information): Using prior knowledge, use the tool
and displaying understanding of how the tool is used in the classroom.

7. Assessments
7.1 Select one SO; describe the manner by which you would assess whether or not the learner
has achieved that objective.

To understand how the teacher achieved effectiveness in that module, I will give them an exit
assessment task to do based on important statements and implementation information given in the visual
tutorials given.

7.2 What types of assessment instruments will your instruction have? Why?
The type of assessment instrument that we used is pad let, to record input from teachers’ thoughts
and feelings. In addition, a tool that requires a dropbox of the link to show they created an artifact. These
tools are selected to show independence yet continuous feedback in real time in regard to the training

7.3 Write items that assess the SOs in 6.2 above. Include an answer key or rubric.

7.3.1 Write one item in the cognitive domain.(Cognitive)

6.2.2 Subordinate Objective (Cognitive): Using prior knowledge of platform tool,

successfully integrate this tool into instruction by using a standard based in your content area.

Directions: Teachers will accurately use this tool in the content area of their choosing. Teachers will
also explain how this tool will help students achieve mastery.


Point 1 Points 2 Points 3

Usage of Tool Teachers was unable to Teachers were able to Teachers was able to
locate the tool and use locate the tool and use locate the tool and use
it effectively. it 70% effectively with it 100% effectively
some mishaps. with no mishaps.

Content Area Teachers were not able Teachers was kind of Teachers was able to tie
Standard to tie in a GSE standard able to tie in a GSE in a GSE standard into
into their artifact. standard into their their artifact.

Reasoning of Artifact Teachers was not able Teachers was Teachers was able to
to support their artifact somewhat able to support their artifact
with acceptable support their artifact with acceptable
reasoning on how it with acceptable reasoning on how it
will help student reasoning on how it will help student

mastery. will help student mastery.

7.3.2 Write one item from the selected domain in 6.2. (Psychomotor Domain)
6.2.1 Subordinate Objective (Psychomotor): Using your eyes, locate the educational
platform successfully and understand how to use it.

Directions: Using assessment task, teachers will identify which buttons to use when playing or working
this educational platform.

Procedural Knowledge Task:
1. Which button do you push to move forward?
2. Which button do you push to move left?
3. Which button do you push to move backwards?
4. Which button do you push to jump?
5. How do you turn your head or your direction in the game?
6. What button on your mouse do you push to mine or break something?
7. What button do you push to place something or open something?
8. A portfolio is used to write long responses and stories?
9. A book and quill is used to write long paragraph and responses.
10. A camera can be used to take artifacts or pictures and export to MS Teams assignment areas.

Answer Key:
11. w
12. a
13. s
14. d
15. Space bar
16. Mouse
17. Left mouse click
18. Right mouse click
19. False
20. True
21. True

7.3.3 Write one item from the selected domain in 6.2.

6.2.3 Subordinate Objective (Verbal Information): Using prior knowledge, use the tool
and displaying understanding of how the tool is used in the classroom.

Directions: Teacher will complete a demo run through of the game and identify (using padlet) how the
assessment tools and feedback tools can be beneficial to students in classroom. (Verbal Informational)

Answer Key:
Teacher Thoughts Varies

8. Planning the Instructional Strategy: Theoretical Bases

21.1 For the TO (terminal objective), specify and exemplify an appropriate pre-instructional
activity or activities.

6.1 By the end of this module unit, teachers will be able to integrate technology into their
instruction effectively with given tool.

When it comes to technology, teachers will need to be assessed on technology integration

effectiveness. Teachers will show what areas they need to work on and this data helps align the workshop
goal and purpose. Teachers will show that they can locate the web repository and be able to maneuver
through it effectively complete this workshop.

21.2 For a SO (subordinate objective) specify and exemplify an appropriate pre-instructional

activity or activities.

6.2.2 Subordinate Objective (Cognitive): Using prior knowledge of platform tool,

successfully integrate this tool into instruction by using a standard based in your content area.

Before instruction, teachers can review over procedural steps of how to work the platform. This
activity allows room for the participants to held responsible of their learning.

8.3 For the same SO specify and exemplify an appropriate practice activity or activities.

6.2.2 Subordinate Objective (Cognitive): Using prior knowledge of platform tool,

successfully integrate this tool into instruction by using a standard based in your content area.

In order for a student to accurately produce a artifact with their content area standard, students
can present how the activity done in previous module made them feel and how it could be beneficial for
the students.

8.4 For the TO, specify and exemplify an appropriate evaluation follow-through activity or

6.1 By the end of this module unit, teachers will be able to integrate technology into their
instruction effectively with given tool.

To justify the teacher’s ability to integrate technology into their instruction effectively, they need
to maneuver through all modules appropriately to show task completion. Task completion will thus
inform the instruction that they have learned and practiced it so now they can create their artifact. Their
artifact will be graded on a rubric scale. Following with a post survey.

9. Planning Logistics and Management for Instructional Materials

9.1 For the TO, provide a description of the learning experience and how you have planned for

By the end of this module unit, teachers will be able to integrate technology into their instruction
effectively with given tool.

The learning experience for being able to integrate technology into the instruction effectively,
teachers must first learn the platform, practice on the platform, research their standard then apply
to the tool.

9.2 Provide a material, technology, and resources logistics checklist.

-Material: task, videos, tutorials, padlet, quizziz, turnin dropbox.
-Technology: platform of choice, internet access, tablets or computer access
-Resources: lesson plan, student learner data, learning sheets,

9.3 Provide an organizational matrix/table showing learning initiatives, activities, lessons.

Learning Initiative Lessons Activities

Teachers much learn how to Module 1 - Presentation on

use the platform platform
- Quizziz on
knowledge and how
to work it

Teachers much apply Module 2 - Presentation on how

procedural skills to construct the program is
thoughts about the benefits of beneficial
platform - DEMO game to play
around with
- Padlet to identify
thoughts on benefits
after usage

Teacher must apply Module 3 - Presentation on
procedure skills and content integration of tool
knowledge to integrate into into sample
instructional artifact. - Artifact Sample
using the current
standard of their

Teachers will take survey to Post Survey - Question And

show evaluation of workshop Concerns
effectiveness - Thoughts Comments
- Survey

10. Developing Instructional Materials

10.1. Terminal Objective: By the end of this module unit, teachers will be able to integrate
technology into their instruction effectively with given tool.
Plan for pre-instructional materials

The target population is a small group of middle school teachers. The teachers will receive a poll
about their thoughts on gamified platforms. This poll will lead them into the module breakdown and how
the workshop process will go.

10.2. Subordinate Objective (Cognitive ): Using prior knowledge of platform tool,

successfully integrate this tool into instruction by using a standard based in your content area.

Defense of Presentation of materials

For the objective given above, the instructor will provide a given skill to work on for the week, in
this case, gamified resource. For this skill, the instructor will teach the skill explicitly through 3 - 10
minute lessons that will provide time for modeling as well as active engagement within whole group
lessons. These lessons will consist of learning the tool, practicing the tool and implementation of the tool.
Each module will come with a task to complete before moving on to the next module.

10.3. Subordinate Objective (Cognitive ): Using prior knowledge of platform tool,

successfully integrate this tool into instruction by using a standard based in your content area.

Defense of practice materials

With this unit, instructors gave teachers will show how they learn how the platform so that they
can understand how this resource will benefit their students and them on a day-to-day basis. In addition,
teachers will work on practicing the took, so they can remember the procedural steps to work and use the

platform. Finally, they will research a GSE standard current to what they are doing recently and apply
these resources so they can construct a artifact matching the standard.

10.4. Terminal Objective: By the end of this module unit, teachers will be able to integrate
technology into their instruction effectively with given tool.

Follow-through materials:

At the end of the unit, the teachers ability to construct an artifact using a GSE standard and the
tool will show if they can integrate the resource into their instruction. Teaches will creatively find a way
for them to put together the resource so they can produce a artifact. The same artifact will have to be
explained in a padlet or dropbox attached to it. This assessment gives the instructors data of teachers
being to able to explain and show their work in this workshop.


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