Powder Metallurgy of Stainless Steels and Composites: A Review of Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering

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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology



Powder metallurgy of stainless steels and composites: a review

of mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering
Samuel Ranti Oke 1,2 & Oladeji Oluremi Ige 1,3 & Oluwasegun Eso Falodun 1 & Avwerosuoghene M. Okoro 1 &
Mahlatse R. Mphahlele 1 & Peter Apata Olubambi 1

Received: 15 October 2018 / Accepted: 28 January 2019

# Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2019

Although SPS has been studied for a rapidly growing number of materials, there is limited number of researches on the
fabrication and microstructural characterization of stainless steels processed by SPS. This article reviewed and provided a critical
discussion on the mechanical alloying (MA) and spark plasma sintering (SPS) of dispersion-strengthened stainless steel with
emphasis on process parameters, reinforcement efficiencies, microstructural evolutions, and mechanical properties. The influence
of spark plasma sintering process parameters on microstructure, phase evolution, and mechanical properties of reinforced
stainless steels is reviewed in this work. The role of alloying elements and ceramic reinforcements, their dispersion into the
stainless steel matrix, and the importance of matrix-reinforcement interface are highlighted. Current and potential areas of
applications of PM stainless steel and suggestions for future research are discussed in this paper.

Keywords Powder metallurgy . Stainless steels . Mechanical alloying (MA) . Spark plasma sintering (SPS) . Properties

1 Introduction to powder metallurgy stainless stainless steel to enhance pitting resistance; N and Mn for
steels increased strength; Ti for improved ductility; and Cu and Al
for precipitation hardening.
Stainless steels are important iron-based alloys that have Based on the microstructure, stainless steels are categorized
found wide spread application due to their unique me- into five major families namely ferritic, austenitic, martensitic,
chanical and corrosion properties. Generally, stainless and duplex stainless steel [4]. The ferritic steels are predomi-
steels contain a minimum of 10.5% chromium (Cr) in nantly high in chromium, magnetic stainless steels that con-
iron (Fe) which is the minimum amount required to tain low content of carbon and nickel. They are defined by a
protect the steel from chemical attack. The type of stain- body-centered cubic (BCC) grain structure. Ferritic steels can-
less steel is determined by the percentage of Cr present [1, 2]. not be strengthened by heat treatment but have good ductility
Aside the Cr content, the properties and selection of stainless and resistance to stress-corrosion cracking [5]. Martensitic
steels for specific applications are influenced by other alloying steels are obtained by the addition of carbon to the Fe-Cr
elements such as nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn), molybdenum system. Their structure is similar to that of carbon steels.
(Mo), nitrogen (N), carbon (C), sulfur (S), niobium (Nb), sil- They are hardenable and are defined by a body-centered
icon (Si), and titanium (Ti) [3]. For example, Mo is added to tetragonal (BCT) structure at room temperature [6]. The
austenitic stainless steels usually contain 16 to 26% Cr
and up to 35% Ni. The composition of this class of steel
* Samuel Ranti Oke
stabilizes the face-centered cubic (FCC) austenite structure
at ambient temperature. They possess better corrosion re-
sistance when compared to the ferritic and the martensitic
Center for Nanoengineering and Tribocorrosion, School of Mining, stainless steels and are thus commonly applied in the
Metallurgy and Chemical Engineering, University of Johannesburg,
Johannesburg, South Africa chemical industry [7, 8]. While ferritic, austenitic, and
martensitic consist of single-phase structures, the structure
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Federal
University of Technology Akure, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria of duplex stainless steel is a dual phase of ferrite and aus-
3 tenite. They combine the properties of ferrite and austenite
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Obafemi
Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria phases to yield a steel with improved yield strength and
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

better resistance to stress corrosion cracking compared to for PM materials. Efforts have been made by researchers to
austenitic grades [9, 10]. improve the properties of stainless steel by dispersion second-
The classes of stainless steels mentioned above have suc- phase particles into the steel matrix. Details of dispersion-
cessfully been fabricated through powder metallurgy routes strengthened stainless steels are presented in the next section
such as hot isostatic pressing, high temperature-high pressure, of this paper.
and spark plasma sintering [11]. All PM routes involve the
process of blending fine stainless steel powders, compacting 1.1 PM of dispersion-strengthened stainless steel
the blended powders into a desired shape, and then heating the composites
compacted steel in a controlled atmosphere to bond the com-
pacts (sintering). Austenitic and ferritic grades are the most Many efforts have been targeted towards the development of
widely synthesized through PM and are well documented in high-performance reinforced steels that have promise for nu-
literature. However, there is scanty works on the PM of mar- clear and high-temperature engineering applications such as
tensitic and duplex stainless steels. The PM of stainless steels highly efficient gas turbines, boiler tubes, pressure vessels,
has gained attention in recent years. This is attributed to the automobiles exhaust, motor engines, catalytic heat ex-
fact that sintered stainless steel parts now find industrial ap- changers, and combustion systems etc. Conventional steels
plications such as aerospace, automobile, recreational, and used in applications pose many unsolved problems; among
chemical processing among others [11, 12]. them, degradation of mechanical properties at high tempera-
The composition of sintered stainless steels differs slightly tures, and poor resistance to creep, fatigue, and thermal shock.
from their wrought counterparts due to processing techniques. Attempts to solve these problems have involved dispersing
For example, sintered stainless steels other than martensitic second phases such as particulates, platelets, whiskers, and
grades have lower carbon contents compared to wrought fibers in the micron-size range at the matrix grain boundaries.
stainless steels. The low composition of carbon in PM steels The second-phase particles are attractive due to their unusual
is significant for two reasons: (1) enhancement of ductility and properties such as high melting point and hardness [19, 20].
formability (form it into different shapes of stainless steel and The fabrication of dispersion-strengthened stainless steels
(2) the tendency of precipitation of carbides at grain bound- is hardly achieved through conventional melting and casting
aries (sensitization) in stainless steel which may cause the steel process due to challenges of differences in density, melting
to be susceptible to intergranular corrosion or stress corrosion point, and thermal conductivity between the reinforcing phase
cracking is minimized [13]. Again, the composition of nitro- and stainless steel matrix. This often results in a non-
gen in stainless steels is limited (about 0.2%) in wrought homogeneous structure which may degrade the mechanical
steels. Liquid state production of stainless steel often results and corrosion properties. To solve this problem, the powder
in precipitation of secondary nitride phases and solute segre- metallurgy (PM) route has been reported to be a viable option.
gations in the spacing between dendrite arms during solidifi- Several PM techniques, such as hot pressing, extrusion, or hot
cation [14] when N exceeds 0.2%. The composition of N in isostatic pressing (HIP), HP-HT, have been used to fabricate
stainless steel can be raised beyond the level attained in stainless steel composite but the challenge to obtain a highly
wrought steel when processed through PM. Rawers et al. have dense composites remains unresolved with the use of this PM
demonstrated that mechanical alloying followed by powder techniques [21]. This drawback has motivated the use of spark
injection molding in a nitrogen gas atmosphere is an effective plasma sintering (SPS) technique for the fabrication of
way to accomplish raised levels of nitrogen in stainless steel. dispersion-strengthened stainless steels to achieve enhanced
Cisneros et al. [15] reported that the use of PM technique can densification and mechanical properties. SPS is a non-
fabricate stainless steel with N composition of about 5 wt%. equilibrium processing technique that has gained researchers’
Owing to the benefits of high N contents in stainless steels, interest in recent years [22]. It has been successfully used to
PM can be used to successfully produce stainless steels with preserve the grain size of structures within the nanoscale range
very high strength, hardness, elastic modulus, and fatigue due to shorter sintering period, higher degree of densification,
strength. This is understandable because N has been found and lower sintering temperature [23]. The effectiveness of the
to increase the values of σ and k in the Hall–Petch relation. technique relies on electrical spark discharge phenomenon; a
However, the choice of some PM steels for certain appli- pulse current is used to generate plasma which raises the tem-
cations is limited by their relative softness and susceptibility to perature at powder contact; this is proceeded by powder sur-
galling and wear [16]. While literatures on the tribological face activation and melting, necking at powder contact, atomic
properties of PM stainless steel are scanty, there exist some diffusion, and plastic flow of sintered compacts [23, 24]. The
researches on the comparison of dry sliding characteristics of detailed principle and mechanism of SPS are discussed in
sintered and wrought ferrous alloys [11, 17, 18]. The authors subsequent sections in this review.
ascribed similar wear mechanisms for both alloys, although Although SPS has been studied for a rapidly growing num-
there is a strong dependence on porosity and microstructure ber of materials, there are limited number of researches on the
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

fabrication and microstructural characterization of DS steels used to synthesize a range of alloys and composites starting
processed by SPS. Studies were mainly related with the opti- with blended elemental powders [28, 29]. The products that
mization of a sintering process and with the effect of sintering have been synthesized using MA include intermetallics, qua-
conditions on physical properties and microstructure. sicrystalline alloys, amorphous alloys, nanocrystalline alloys,
Tribological and mechanical properties of steel-based com- and dispersion-strengthened composites at near ambient tem-
posites reinforced with ceramic particles were also taken into perature [29, 30]. The mechanism of MA is anchored on re-
consideration. For example, Patankar and Tan [25] examined peated cold welding, fracturing, and rewelding of elemental
the role of SiC in the sintering process of composites based on powder blend in high-energy ball mills [31]. During MA,
the 316 L stainless steel. It was found that the addition of SiC there exists material transfer by diffusion which is often ac-
significantly improved the density of the composites. This fact companied by transformation to metastable phases with a
was attributed to the reaction of SiC with a steel matrix, nanosized structure. The compelling force of the phase trans-
resulting in the formation of a low-melting Fe–SiC phase. In formations during MA is the enthalpy of formation and relax-
contrast, Mukherjee and Upadhyaya [26] investigated the ef- ation of powder interphase boundaries which often result in a
fect of Al2O3 particles (added in an amount of up to 8%) on non-equilibrium reaction product [32]. The schematic dia-
the sintering behavior and properties of ferritic steel. The gram of MA is shown in Fig. 1.
highest mechanical properties were obtained in materials con- The appropriate selection of milling parameters is critical to
taining 4–6 vol% Al2O3. Tjong and Lau [27] studied compos- achieve a homogenously synthesized stainless steel powder
ites with matrix based on the 304 L steel reinforced with TiB2 blends. Milling parameters which include ball to milling
particles (5–20 vol%). They proved that the addition of TiB2 speed, powder ratio (BPR), milling time, and interval between
particles was very effective in improving the wear resistance, milling duration play key roles on the structural evolution of
hardness, and toughness of the composite. An attempt is made the powder blends [34]. Therefore, it is imperative to optimize
in this article to review and provide a critical discussion on the these milling parameters to ensure homogeneous powder
spark plasma sintering of dispersion-strengthened stainless blends and uniform dispersion of reinforcements in stainless
steel composites with emphasis on process parameters, rein- steel matrix. Considering the above milling parameters, it is
forcement efficiencies, microstructural evolutions, and me- important to state that the critical milling speed is a critical
chanical properties. The review is intended to cover literatures parameter at which centrifugal force becomes equivalent to
on the subject. gravitational force [29, 35]. Therefore, critical speed of ball
mill is expressed by the following relation:

nc ¼ 1=2π√ðg=ðR−rÞÞ ð1Þ
2 Powder synthesis of stainless steels and its where R represents the radius of the ball mill and r is the radius
composites of the grinding mill. However, the centrifugal force inside the
ball mill can be determined by using this relation:
2.1 Mechanical alloying
Fc ¼ ðmv∧ 2Þ=R ð2Þ
Mechanical alloying (MA) has been considered the most fa-
vorable processing route for the synthesis of elemental pow- where R represents the radius of the ball mill, m is the mass of
ders and non-equilibrium structures. This technique has been the grinding ball (kg), and v is the velocity in m/s.

Fig. 1 The mechanism of ball-

powder-ball collision during
milling process [33]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

A number of studies have been devoted to synthesize aus- γ, it is expected that increasing Cr and Ni content will promote
tenitic, ferritic, and duplex stainless steel alloys and their com- the formation of α and γ structure, respectively [37]. The
posites through MA. Stainless steel elemental powder parti- phase transition of three selected alloys of Fe–18Cr–8Ni,
cles interact with each other and/or the reinforcing particles to Fe–15Cr–15Ni, and Fe–15Cr–25Ni alloys during planetary
form a ground material having a new phase composition upon milling under argon atmosphere was studied by Enayati and
milling. The interaction between powder particles is depen- Bafandeh [38]. The MA of Fe–18Cr–8Ni powder mixture
dent on the energy of one collision, the collision frequency, underwent gradual transition from a dual phase α and γ struc-
and the total MA time. Shashanka and Chaira [33] described ture to a single-phase BCC martensite structure (Fig. 2b).
high energy planetary ball milling as an appropriate mechan- Similar trend was noticed during the MA of Fe–15Cr–15Ni
ical alloying technique for the synthesis of nano-structured composition, with the resulting structure being a single-phase
stainless steel powder blend. They regarded the method as BCC solid solution (α) (Fig. 2c). However, a different behav-
cost effective and highly feasible. Several researchers [33, ior is reported with the increase in the Ni content for the Fe–
36] have synthesized duplex and ferritic stainless steel powder 15Cr–25Ni composition. The increase in Ni is noted to favor
blend using dual-drive planetary and Fritsch Pulverisette plan- γ transformation. Figure 2d shows that the MA for 10 h yields
etary mills with emphasis on the extend of dispersion and FCC γ co-existing with BCC α solid solution. As MA
phase transformation mechanisms occurring during milling. progressed up to 50 h, the fraction of γ increased, resulting
in a fully austenite structure. The phase transition of nano-
2.1.1 Phase transformation during mechanical alloying structured BCC and/or FCC solid solutions depends on Ni
of austenitic stainless steel content and milling intensity [39].
During milling of austenitic stainless steel chips with com-
A lot of research has been dedicated to the study of ferrite position Fe–20Cr–7.03Ni–1.62Mn–0.4S–0.05C, dual struc-
austenite phase transformations occurring during planetary ture consisting of austenite and martensite phases resulted from
milling of stainless steels elemental Fe, Cr, and Ni powders. the partial transition from ferrite content to martensite phase.
The composition range of stability of ferrite and austenite is The formation of a fully austenized structure is deprived due to
dependent on the percentage content of Cr and Ni as shown in low Ni content and milling time [40]. However, heat treatment
Fig. 2a. Based on the concentration range of stability of α and can be employed to restore a complete austenitic phase.

Fig. 2 a The concentration range of stability of ferrite and austenite in Fe–Cr–Ni alloys. b XRD traces of Fe–18Cr–8Ni powder particles. c XRD traces of
Fe–15Cr–15Ni powder particles. d XRD traces of Fe–15Cr–25Ni powder particles after different milling times [38]
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Annealing conditions at 700 °C for 1 h resulted in a full aus- Salahinejad et al. [15] but was limited to researches conducted
tenite structure. In another study by Oleszak et al. [41], the before 2012.
formation of austenite and martensite phases in milled 316 L Recently, Duan et al. [49] confirmed the phase transforma-
(Fe–17Cr–13Ni–2.2Mo–0.2Mn–0.8Si–0.02C) austenitic tion of α-Fe to γ-Fe during milling of Fe–18Cr–8Mn stainless
stainless steel rely on the milling time. A dual austenite and steel powders through simultaneous dissociation of chromium
martensite phase was noted at lower milling times, an increase nitrides and nitrogen molecules. The authors attributed the
in milling time led to a significant decrease in the martensite structural transformation of ferrite to austenite to the presence
phase. A similar view was shared by Huang et al. [42] in their of increased amount of nitrogen atoms diffusing into interstitial
work on the planetary milling of 304 stainless steel powder sites of α-Fe crystallites and stored energy in powders. Apart
with composition 17.2Cr–8Ni–73.4Fe. from nitrogen effect, refinement of the structure played a cru-
The phase transformation occurring during MA of stainless cial role on the austenitization transition in MA process. The
steel powder blends could be linked to the energy stored by volume fraction of grain boundaries increased with grain re-
elemental powder particles as a result of immense plastic de- finement, which led to the increase of enthalpy or strain energy
formation at high strain rates. This is accompanied by the of powders and the transformation of phase [15, 49, 50]. The
creation of a high concentration of crystalline defects such authors also reported that the nitrogen content of the as-milled
as interstitials, vacancies, dislocations, stacking faults as well powder increased with increase in milling time up to 3.69%
as grain boundaries [43, 44]. The energy associated with the which is more than 0.1% the equilibrium solubility limit of
above defects can influence the thermodynamics of the phase nitrogen in Fe at room temperature (Fig. 3). The severe ball-
transition during MA by raising the free energy levels of α and powder collisions, continual fracturing, and cold welding oc-
γ crystalline phases and thus changes the stability range of α curring during MA process resulted in the dissociation of chro-
and γ phases with respect to the equilibrium state. Also, the mium nitrides, creation of oxygen-free active powder surface,
intense phenomena such as cold working, recovery, and grain and the diffusion of nitrogen atoms into steel lattice; this led to
refinement occurring during MA leads to the formation nano- the increase in the percentage of nitrogen in matrix powders.
structured grains, fine grain size structure have been reported
to favor austenite phase stabilization [39, 45]. 2.2 Mechanical alloying of duplex and ferritic stainless

2.1.2 Phase transformation during mechanical alloying Due to the wide range of application of duplex and ferritic
of nitrogen atmosphere stainless steels, attention has been diverted to improve their
structures and properties. The properties of duplex and ferritic
The atmosphere under which milling is conducted affects steels can be improved tremendously by bringing down their
phase transition, contamination, structure, and properties of size to nano atomic level [51]. Though techniques such as
the resulting powder blends. The phase balance of ferrite hydrostatic extrusion, hydraulic pressings, and ultrasonic shot
and austenite in stainless steels can be controlled or altered peening and equal channel angular processing have been
with the addition of nitrogen or milling in nitrogen atmo- employed to refine the microstructure of stainless steels, plan-
sphere. Nitrogen is regarded as a strong austenite stabilizer; etary milling has been reported to be a more promising plastic
its effects on mechanical and corrosion properties of stainless deformation technique to achieve extreme refinement in struc-
steels have been studied [46]. Nitrogen can be introduced into ture of materials [52]. The effectiveness of planetary milling to
stainless steels via a gas–solid reaction (MA of stainless steel achieve particle refinement depends on various milling param-
powders in nitrogen atmosphere) and solid–solid reaction eters such as ball to powder weight ratio (BPR), process con-
(MA of stainless steel powders with nitride powders) [38, trol agents (PCA), milling speed, and milling time [33].
47]. The transition of ferrite to austenite phase will proceed However, MA alloying of duplex and ferritic stainless steels
during MA of austenitic steel in nitrogen environment. This is are gaining attention by researchers. There are scanty litera-
expected due to the strong austenite stabilizing effect of nitro- tures available on the planetary milling of duplex and ferritic
gen and the diffusion of nitrogen atoms into the interstice of stainless steels. Shashanka and Chaira [33] were the first re-
ferrite crystallites. In addition, the nitrogen content in stainless searchers to report the effect of milling parameters during
steels can be increased through milling under a nitrogen atmo- synthesis of duplex stainless steel in dual drive planetary mill.
sphere or milling with proper nitride powders. The increase in They studied in detail the effect of PCA (stearic acid), milling
nitrogen content in Fe–18Cr–11Mn stainless steel powder speed, and BPR of 6:1 and 12:1 during planetary milling of
with milling time and phase transformation of ferrite to aus- duplex and ferritic steel powders (Fig. 4). The stainless steel
tenite has been reported [48]. Though a review on the struc- powders milled in the addition of stearic acid have smaller
tural evolution that occurs during mechanical alloying of particle sizes compared to that milled without stearic acid.
stainless steels under nitrogen environment was done by The addition of stearic acid could inhibit excessive cold-
Int J Adv Manuf Technol



Fig. 3 a The variation of nitrogen content in powder mixtures milled at different times. b XRD patterns of as-milled powder at different milling times [49]

welding, reduce crystal size, reduce the time of milling to form increasing the rate of collision between ball–powder–jar. This
Fe–Cr–Ni solid solution, and increase the volume of defects results in the reduction of powder crystallite size which favors
such as stacking fault, dislocations, and vacancy [53]. Meng stability of austenite phase. The increase in ball to powder
et al. [54] confirmed that ferrite to austenite phase transforma- ratio from 6:1 to 12:1 revealed powder particles with lesser
tion was favored at higher milling speed. The higher mill particle sizes. This is attributed to the increased rate of colli-
speed raised the impact energy of balls on the powders, thus sion of balls on powder samples at 12:1. Figure 4 depicts the

Fig. 4 SEM images of duplex stainless steel powder milled for a 0 h, b 10 h at a mill speed of 75% CS; and ferritic stainless steel powder milled for c 0 h,
d 10 h at a mill speed of 75% CS [33]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

influence of increase in milling time on particle sizes of milled transformation from α to γ was observed with the formation
stainless steel powders. of oxides of Y, Fe, and Cr.
The dispersion of nano-ceramic oxide particles (Y2O3) in
ferritic stainless steel matrix can significantly improve the
creep resistance of the steel. MA is the most popular technique 3 Spark plasma sintering of stainless steels
for preparing oxide dispersion steels. During MA, the Y2O3 and composites
powders blend with Ti in the steel to form complex stable
nano-clusters of Y–Ti–O admixed powder inside the steel 3.1 The spark plasma sintering process
[55]. The formation of stable nano clusters is, however, influ- and mechanism
enced by the variables of milling. Pandey et al. [52] investi-
gated the effects of milling variables such as BPR (10:1, 15:1, Schematically, the SPS process is illustrated in Fig. 5a. The SPS
and 20:1) and milling speeds (250, 300, and 350 rpm) on pre- combines the pulse DC currents and pressure to achieve pow-
alloyed ferritic steel powder (Fe–9Cr–2.25W–0.2Ti) and der consolidation. The SPS system comprises uniaxial press,
Y2O3. The crystallite particle sizes of the milled ODS ferritic lower and upper punches electrodes, DC pulse generator, vac-
stainless steel were noted to decrease with an increase in BPR uum chamber, pressure, and temperature probes coupled with
and milling speed. The reduction in crystallite size is as- in-built water cooled system [59]. The mixed powders to be
sociated with the internal strain stored in milled powders. consolidated are held in a graphite die and punch assembly; the
This phenomenon was however reported by Oke SR et al. temperature in the assembly is raised by passing a DC current
[17] to be attributed to annealing during milling. The op- while uniaxial pressure is applied on the assembly [60]. The
timum crystallite particle sizes were obtained at milling flow of DC current across powder contacts is shown in Fig. 5b.
speed of 300 and BPR 10:1. In a related research conduct- The flow of DC pulsed current causes electrical discharge at the
ed by Rahmanifard et al. [56] on the effect of BPR (10:1 stainless steel powder particle contact points and could generate
and 15:1) and milling speed (300 and 420 rpm) during plasma at powder contacts [61]. The spark discharge generated
milling of ODS ferritic stainless steel, their findings were has been reported to effectively remove contaminations and
similar to that of Pandey et al. [58]. The authors reported momentarily increase the temperature of powder surface and
the decrease in crystallite and particle sizes of ferritic contacts [62]. The heat generated in the process enhances pow-
stainless steel powder and an increase in lattice parameter der surface activation and partial melting, formation of neck at
with increase in milling speeds and BPR [57]. contact points, atomic diffusion, and plastic flow occurs [63].
Nayak et al. [58] fabricated yttria dispersed and tungsten Joule heating and plastic deformation effects also enhance den-
dispersed duplex stainless steel composites by milling sepa- sification of the sinter, leading to improved sintering efficiency
rately elemental powders of duplex stainless steel composition and restriction of grain growth.
(Fe–18Cr–13Ni) with 1 wt.% nano yttria and tungsten in dual The success of the SPS process has been highlighted by
drive planetary mill (DDPM) for 10 h. The authors reported significant achievements; for example, the ultrafine-grained
gradual transition from ferrite to austenite during milling. The microstructure obtained by SPS allowed a significant increase
crystallite size of yttria and tungsten dispersed duplex stainless of strength and hardness of SPS sintered 316 L stainless steel
steel after 10-h milling was found to be 7 nm and 5 mm, [63], joining of 316 L stainless steel rods with improved
respectively. The authors carried out annealing at 750 °C of rupture strength [64], a remarkable increase in densifica-
the 10 h milled powder under argon atmosphere to observe the tion duplex and ferritic steels [65], excellent compressive
phase transformation in the dispersed steels. A phase properties, higher toughness, reduced impurity segregation at

Fig. 5 a A schematic of the SPS process. b D C pulse current flow through the particles [61]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

grain boundaries and improved bonding quality [66], and ho- 50W/Wp for divertors and first wall materials, where less
mogenous dispersion of ceramic reinforcement in stainless thermal loads is required.
steels [67]. From previous publications, the ceramic reinforce-
ments that have been dispersed in stainless steels using SPS 3.2.2 Effect of boride and carbide additions
are presented in Table 1.
Borides and carbide-based ceramics have been reported to be
potential candidates for strengthening stainless steel matrix
3.2 Spark plasma sintering of austenitic stainless
composites due to their excellent hardness and stability with
the steel matrix. Titanium diboride (TiB2) exhibits attractive
properties such as high hardness, high melting point, good
Austenitic steels are widely used in automotive, aerospace,
thermal conductivities, chemical stability, and high wear re-
marine, biomedical, and food industries. This wide range of
sistance [76, 77]. Sulima et al. [78] studied in detail the mi-
applications is certainly due to their excellent properties, such
crostructure of TiB2-reinforced austenitic stainless steel fabri-
as the high resistance to corrosion and abrasion, high resis-
cated via SPS and HP-HT powder metallurgy techniques. The
tance to oxidation at elevated temperatures, and satisfactory
two sintering techniques had a substantial influence on the
strength [68, 69].
microstructure and grain sizes of the composites. The findings
revealed the formation of chromium-iron-nickel phase for
3.2.1 Effect of tungsten addition composites sintered via HP-HT while the microstructure of
the TiB2-reinforced steel sintered by SPS is characterized by
The high temperature capability of austenitic stainless steel the presence of complex borides and chromium-iron phase
can further be enhanced by dispersing tungsten (W) into the (Fig. 7). The complex borides are precipitated within the grain
steel matrix; W and alloys are choice materials for plasma boundaries of TiB2 and the steel matrix. The authors attributed
facing of helium cooled divertor in fusion reactor owing to the formation of complex borides to the chemical composition
its benefits of high thermal conductivity, hot strength, low of the composite and complex phenomena that occurs during
sputtering yield, high sputtering threshold, good thermal sta- SPS (surface activation, diffusion, surface melting, necking
bility, and low irradiation swelling [70–72]. Tan et al. [73] between the particles of sintered powder, and plastic flow
harnessed the attractive properties of W and fabricated func- [79, 80]). Studies by Sulima et al. [67] reported a maximum
tionally graded 316L-W via MA and SPS. The sintering con- relative density range of 97–99% for TiB2-reinforced steel
ditions (1050 °C, 45.5 MPa, 5 min) favored the evolution of composites sintered at 1100 °C. The Young’s modulus, micro-
Fe7W6, Fe3, W3C, and Fe2W (Fig. 5b) phases which are hardness, and compression strength of composites increased
retained between the W particles and the 316L matrix. The with the increase of sintering temperature from 1000 to
addition of W plays a major role in enhancing the composite’s 1100 °C.
hardness with a maximum micro-hardness value of 690.31 Further research by Sulima [81] confirmed segregation of
HV obtained for the 316L-50W layer milled for 5 h (Fig. 6). boron at the grain boundaries and the occurrence of complex
The increase in hardness is attributed to the presence of Fe7W6 borides of iron, chromium, and nickel in the microstructure of
phase which is harder and more rigid than W [74]. Another boron aided austenitic steel-based composites produced by
study by Tan et al. [75] affirmed the suitability of 316L/316L- SPS. The size of the complex borides and other new phases
formed in the composite increased with increasing sintering
Table 1 Ceramic materials used as reinforcement in dispersion- temperature and time. It has been reported that the addition of
strengthened stainless steels fabricated via SPS small amount of boron to steel powders can effectively acti-
S/N Stainless steel type Reinforcements vate the sintering process [82, 83]. Skalon and Kazior [83]
have demonstrated the formation of complex borides (Cr,
1 Austenitic Oxides: Al2O3, Y2O3 Mo, Fe) in the process of pressure-free sintering of austen-
Nitrides: BN itic stainless steel. In those studies, a small amount of bo-
Borides: TiB2
Carbides: TiC, WC, CNT
ron was used as a sintering activator. In that case, sintering
took place in the liquid phase, which was formed by a
2 Ferrite Oxides: Al2O3, Y2O3, La2O3
Nitrides: TiCN eutectic reaction between the matrix and the boride phase
Borides: - (Fe, Cr, Mo)2B [81, 84].
Carbides: TiC, SiC, The SPS process is recognized for the fabrication of high-
3 Duplex Oxides: Y2O3, ZrO2 quality, fully dense sintered compacts at relatively lower
Nitrides: TiN
sintering temperature and in a shorter time than conventional
Borides: -
Carbides: TiC, WCp sintering processes. The densification range reported by
Sulima et al. [67] was in agreement with other researches. Li
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

(a) (b)

Fig. 6 a The average hardness of each layer of 3 samples. b XRD patterns of the sintered 316L-50W layer [73]

et al. [85] synthesized TiB2-reinforced austenitic stainless offset yield strength and hardness of composites increased
steel matrix composite using Spark Plasma Sintering tech- with increasing TiB2 volume content.
nique. The authors reported a maximum density value of Ni et al. [87] reported that the TiC addition to the aus-
98.6% after sintering for 5 min. In another study, Li et al. tenitic stainless steel brings beneficial effects on mechani-
[86] fabricated an in situ TiB2–TiC particulates reinforced cal properties and oxidation resistance. Experimental data
austenitic steel matrix composites using SPS technique. The showed that both at ambient and elevated temperature, ten-
sintering temperature and holding time had a significant sile strengths of austenitic stainless containing 5 vol.% TiC
influence on the densification, hardness, and phase evo- were notably higher than those of the matrix without TiC
lution of the sintered composites. Their findings showed addition. Also, it was observed that the creep resistance of
that the maximum densification (99.2%) and hardness austenitic-stainless steels increased significantly by TiC
(83.8 HRA) were obtained at sintering condition at a addition at the elevated temperature of 923 K. Oxidation
temperature of 1050 °C for 5 min. Tjong and Lau test at 1073 K revealed that TiC addition to the austenitic
[27] reported that the addition of TiB2 particles improves the stainless steels raised the oxidation resistance of the steel
mechanical strength of sintered 304 stainless steels. The 0.2% remarkably.

Fig. 7 TEM microstructure of steel-8TiB2 composite sintered by SPS with corresponding point analysis (EDS) [78]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

3.2.3 Oxide dispersion-strengthened austenitic steel recovery and recrystallization during the sintering process
with the coarse grains (Fe-16Cr-3Al-0.5Y2O3) associated with
Xu et al. [88] produced ODS 304 austenitic steel containing grain growth. The hardness value of DS alloys decreased with
0.35 wt.% Y2O3. The study investigated the influence of Y2O3 the higher sintering temperature for the Fe-16Cr-3Al-0.5Y2O3
and concluded that the tensile and yield strength of ODS alloy and Fe-16Cr-3Al-0.5Y2O3-1Ti DS alloys. Li et al. [57] in a
were greatly improved compared with 304 austenitic steel at related research investigated the influence of SPS parameters
the expense of ductility both at room temperature and high on mechanical properties Fe-14Cr-2W-0.3Ti-0.3Y2O3. The
temperatures. In a related study, Phaniraj et al. [89] prepared formation of ultrafine grains was reported at low temperature,
mechanically alloyed austenitic steels (Fe–20Ni–14Cr– and a mixed microstructure of fine grains and coarse grains
2.5Mo–2Mn–2.5Al-wt.%) dispersed with 0, 0.5, and 5 wt.% was observed in the steels sintered at high temperature. The
yttria and tested their cyclic oxidation behavior at 800 °C in average grain sizes were also reported to increase from 290 to
air. It was found that addition of yttria improves the resistance 2420 nm, with increasing sintering temperature (950 °C to
to scale spallation but higher yttria content does not affect the 1025 °C) as indicated in Fig. 8.
oxidation rate of the alloy significantly. It is worth mentioning that during MA, the grains of pow-
ders are refined and high-density defects are produced due to
severe and repeated plastic deformation, resulting in high
4 Spark plasma sintering of ferritic stainless stored energy [96, 97]. Due to increase in temperature and
steels temperature differences (from the surface to the core of parti-
cles), nano-scale grains may grow or recrystallize very rapidly
Dispersion-strengthened ferritic stainless steel has gained con- during SPS. However, the formation of high density evenly
siderable attention in recent years as promising candidate dispersed precipitates and short sintering time can impede the
structural materials for high temperature applications, for in- growth of grains [98]. The hardness and tensile strength of the
stance in power plants and gas turbines, where an increase in samples reduced with increase in sintering temperature.
operating temperatures is a challenge [90]. They are also ma-
terials of choice for fossil and nuclear energy applications [91, 4.2 Influence of alloying elements
92]. Dispersion of fine or nano particles in ferritic steels can be
employed to improve the high-temperature mechanical prop- The effect of individual and combined addition of Ti, La2O3,
erties and resistance to neutron irradiation embrittlement be- and Mo on the formation of Fe–14Cr nano structured ferritic
cause these high stability particles could impede dislocation steel and microstructural evolutions was investigated by
movement and interaction within and at grain boundaries ef- Pasebani and Charit [99]. The authors reported that the
fectively [93]. PM is one effective method for fabricating fer- SPSed Fe–14Cr alloy recorded higher hardness at room tem-
ritic steels with uniform dispersion of nano-particles. perature which was due to the effect posed by strain harden-
Conventionally, hot isostatic pressure and hot extrusion are ing. Such strain hardening capability in nanocrystalline Fe
PM routes used to consolidate the DSFS but anisotropic prop- consolidated via SPS was also reported by Srinivasarao B
erties and processing costs are considered challenging issues. et al. [100]. The addition of La resulted in the formation of
Recently, spark plasma sintering (SPS) has been utilized to Cr–La–O-enriched NCs which was reported to improve the
sinter the powder at a higher heating rate, lower temperature, stability of its microstructure at high temperatures. Combined
and shorter dwell time [55]. Reported literatures on the addition of La, Ti, and Mo to Fe–14Cr matrix significantly
dispersion-strengthened ferritic steel alloy/composites fabri- improved the mechanical behavior and microstructural stabil-
cated by SPS are reviewed in this session. ity further due to the high number density of Cr–Ti–La–O-
enriched NCs in the alloy. The formation of nanoclusters
4.1 Influence of process parameters enriched phases with a bimodal grain size distribution found
in this alloy during milling was supported by Laurent-Brocq
The SPS process has successfully been utilized to consolidate M et al. and Brocq M et al. [101, 102].
dispersion-strengthened ferritic steels with complex composi- The challenge of dispersing Al in ferritic steel matrix is a
tions. Recently, the role of sintering conditions on the micro- loss of strength, though some researchers have reported the
structure, relative density, and hardness of ferritic steel alloys success of Al alloying for improving corrosion resistance.
consolidated by SPS from base powders of Fe–16Cr with Kimura et al. [103] clearly show in their work that Al addition
0.5Y 2O3 and 0.5Y2O 3–1Ti (wt.%) was investigated by to 19Cr ODS ferritic steel significantly reduces the tensile
Allahar et al. [94]. The authors reported a bimodal microstruc- strength at high temperature, although its tensile strength is
ture (fine, equiaxed, and coarse grains) which was similar to a still much higher than a reduced activation ferritic steel JLF-1.
study carried out by Ji et al. [95]. They suggested that the fine Microstructural examinations revealed very distinct differ-
grains (Fe-16Cr-3Al-0.5Y 2O 3-1Ti) were attributable to ences in the dispersion morphology of the oxide particles in
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 8 EBSD images of SPS Fe-14Cr-2W-0.3Ti-0.3Y2O3 sintered at a 950 °C, b 975 °C, c 10 00 °C, and d 1025 °C [57].

the ferritic steel with and without Al additions. The average ferritic steel due to high strength and chemical stability in
diameter size of the dispersed oxide particles with and without severe environments [108].
Al addition was 7 and 3 nm, respectively. The size results in a Hu et al. [19] investigated the influence of SiC addition on
reduction in the number density of the oxide particles. As nanostructured ferritic steel (NFA) with different composi-
stated by Yamashita * S et al. [104], the fine oxide particles tions (97.5 vol% NFA-2.5 vol% SiC and 95 vol% NFA-
in the steel Al-free steel were mainly pyrochlore, while those 5 vol% SiC) sintered by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The
in the steel with Al addition were mostly rather larger yttrium authors reported in Fig. 8 that the density of NFA-SiC com-
aluminum perovskites (YAP) and yttrium aluminum hexago- posites increases with the sintering temperature but decreases
nal (YAH) [105]. with the SiC content. The Vickers hardness of the NFA-SiC
composite is enhanced at higher temperatures of 950 and
4.3 Influence of ceramic additions 1000 °C (Fig. 9). The addition of SiC is also observed to
decrease the elastic modulus and increase the yield strength
Materials utilized in nuclear fission and fusion energy systems of the NFA-SiC composites. Minor γ-Fe phase formation
are exposed to very high doses of neutron irradiation at ele- from the main α-Fe matrix occurs in pure NFA but was hin-
vated temperatures. It is expected that this material maintains dered in the NFA-SiC composite.
their mechanical integrity at such high-temperature conditions
[106, 107]. Nano oriented feritic alloys are choice materials 4.4 Oxide dispersion-strengthened ferritic stainless
for the above application due to excellent creep and irradiation steel
resistance [106]. The enhanced nanograins in the ferritic ma-
trix can assist mechanical enhancement and radiation resis- Garcıa-Rodriguez et al. investigated the effect of Y2O3 addi-
tance, for which traditional oxide dispersion-strengthened tion on the capability of mechanical alloyed and SPSed nano-
(ODS) alloys are not able to accomplish. The addition of ce- structured Cr–Al ODS steels [109]. The addition of Y2O3 was
ramic disperiods to ferritic steels can help enhance high- reported to promote the evolution of complex YxAlyOZ nano-
temperature stability in severe chemical environments. oxides and coarser oxides containing W and Ti. The 14Al–
Silicon carbide (SiC) has successfully been used to reinforce ODS–Ti alloy displayed improved tensile strength and
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 9 Vickers hardness and yield strength of the pure NFA and NFA-SiC samples at different sintering temperatures [19]

microhardness, which is due to a smaller grain size. In a relat- abrasion resistance, erosion resistance, and a very good
ed study, Hernandez-Mayoral et al. studied the effect of SPS weldability [7, 111, 112].
parameters on the microstructure of Fe–14Cr–2W–0.4Ti me- It is, however, reported that conventional DSS alloys pos-
chanically alloyed with Y2O3 [110]. Grain growth occurred sess inferior wear resistance and suffer considerable loss in
during SPS with larger and more homogeneously distributed mechanical strength at high temperatures. Such limitations in
grains being obtained from powders formed at higher rotation- mechanical properties limit their use in structural applications
al speed. Titanium was detected in the nanoclusters after SPS, in many industrial sectors [114, 115]. One promising approach
indicating further evolution during consolidation. The me- to improve the elevated temperature properties as well as the
chanical behavior of the SPS compacts was evaluated by ten- mechanical, wear, and corrosion properties of DSS is by rein-
sile and small punch testing. The material with the highest forcing it with nano-ceramic dispersoids [14]. Among these
nanocluster density (highest rotational speed) showed the best reinforcements, nanostructured TiN, TiB2, and c-BN are at-
mechanical response, although its porosity adversely affected tractive ceramics due to their unusual properties like very high
ductility. Torralba et al. also investigated the mechanical re- hardness, high strength at elevated temperatures, good ther-
sponse of ODS ferritic steels (pre-alloyed grade of Fe–20Cr– modynamic stability with steel, and good thermal conductiv-
5Al and Fe–14Cr–5Al–3W with the addition of Ti and Y2O3 ity making possible its use in several high-temperature appli-
as reinforcements) by mechanical alloying followed by spark cations [116]. Investigations by researchers characterizing du-
plasma sintering at 1200 °C and 64 MPa. They reported en- plex stainless steel composites prepared by SPS are, however,
hanced tensile properties of ODS alloys as compared to pre- scanty and focused mostly on oxide and carbide and boride
alloyed alloys. dispersion strengthening [86].

5.1 Influence of SPS process parameters

5 Spark plasma sintering of duplex stainless The challenge to obtain fully dense or near-full dense com-
steels posites and avoid grain growth during spark plasma sintering
is of great importance and could be carefully resolved by
Duplex stainless steels (DSS) is a prominent member of the appropriate selection of sintering process parameters to meet
stainless steel family which combine the properties of both demanded mechanical properties and wear resistance [117].
austenitic and ferritic classes of stainless steel because of the Sintering conditions are vital parameters to minimize the po-
near balance of austenite and ferrite phases present in its mi- rosity level of PM stainless steels, which utterly affects the
crostructure [111, 112]. They have been successfully utilized mechanical and corrosion properties. Furthermore, other pa-
in aerospace, chemical, power generation, and biomedical in- rameters such as sintering atmosphere [118] and the presence
dustries and other demanding engineering applications [9, of ceramic-based additives [119] also have an influence.
113] due to possession of attractive properties such as high Martin et al. [120] fabricated duplex stainless steel from aus-
corrosion resistance, good mechanical strength and ductility, tenitic AISI 316 L and ferritic AISI 430 L powders mix at 650
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

and 700 MPa and studied the influence of sintering atmo- phase decreasing as sintering temperature and holding time
sphere (nitrogen and hydrogen) and cooling rates (furnace, increased (Fig. 10). This suggests phase transformation from
gas, and water) on the microstructure and mechanical proper- austenite to delta ferrite with temperature increase [123].
ties. Their work reported that the cooling rate is the key factor Density and hardness increased with sintering temperature
that influences the microstructure of duplex stainless steel and holding time with maximum densification and hardness
sintered in nitrogen. A low cooling rate in the furnace favors achieved at 1150 °C and 15 min, respectively. Further increase
the evolution of intergranular and transgranular precipitates. in sintering temperature beyond 1150 °C degrades the proper-
The porosity in the sintered steel was reported to be affected ties of the stainless steel due to partial melting of stainless steel
by sintering pressure and holding time but not by the cooling powder [51].
process. Maximum values of ductility, tensile strength, and
microhardness were obtained at optimal processing conditions 5.2 Effect of nanoceramic addition
of 750 MPa and 300 s [120].
Dobrzański et al. [121] affirmed that the mechanical prop- The mechanical properties of sintered duplex stainless steel
erties of sintered duplex stainless steels are strictly connected fabricated from mixed powders of ferritic and austenitic
with the pore structure and cooling rate from sintering tem- grades have been studied. The addition of oxide and boride
perature. Slow cooling rates result in the formation of sigma ceramics to duplex stainless steel have been reported to acti-
phase precipitation thereby degrading the mechanical proper- vate sintering and enhance densification process, thereby
ties. The properties of sintered duplex stainless steel strongly aiding the closure of residual pores and increasing ductility.
depend on the austenite/ferrite ratio and elements partitioning Shashanka et al. synthesized spark plasma sintered duplex
between the two phases [122]. Preliminary research conduct- stainless steels reinforced with nano-yttria particles [8]. The
ed by Oke et al. [14] studied the effect of SPS process param- authors reported an increase in density and strength with fer-
eters of sintering temperature and holding time on microstruc- rite to austenite phase transformation. Nano-Y2O3 has also
ture, densification, and hardness on TiN dispersion strength- been reported to improve interfacial bonding, inhibit grain
ened duplex stainless steel. Their study revealed a dual phase growth, and increase the hardness of the stainless steels
of austenite (γ) and ferrite (α) structure with the austenite [124, 125]. In a related study, Olaniran et al. fabricated

Fig. 10 Microstructures of
composites with 5% TiN sintered
at a A, 1000 °C, 10 min, b B,
1100 °C, 10 min, c C, 1150 °C,
5 min, d E, 1150 °C, 10 min, and
e F, 1150 °C, 15 min [14]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

oxide-dispersed duplex stainless steel (2205) dispersed with

partially stabilized zirconia (3 mol% yttria) at sintering condi-
tions of 1100 °C, 30 MPa, and 30 min in argon atmosphere
and demonstrated that addition of chromium and nickel can
enhance densification of duplex stainless steel composites
[126]. Han et al. fabricated and characterized TiC-duplex
stainless steel composites by SPS. The authors reported
even dispersion of TiC and reduced densification with
TiC content. The evolution of carbide precipitates phase
located at the duplex grain boundary with enhanced hard-
ness was also reported [127].
Regarding the influence of a nitrogen-sintering atmo-
sphere, a recent research conducted by Mariappan et al.
[128] reported that duplex steels sintered in nitrogen exhibited
an improved strength than those sintered in argon, although
the densification rates were better for steel samples sintered in
argon atmosphere. Previous works related with DSS sintered
in nitrogen showed that these materials have a complex mi-
crostructure [129] with an important precipitation of interme- Fig. 11 X-ray diffraction pattern of SPSed duplex stainless steel with
tallic secondary phases after slow cooling during sintering different TiN contents showing austenite, ferrite with the evolution of
Cr2N and Ti2N phases
(average cooling rate of 5 °C/min). Nitrogen can also be in-
troduced into duplex stainless steel stainless by dispersing
titanium nitride (TiN) into duplex steel matrix. TiN have been deformation, and mass diffusion occurring during SPS could
reported to have high hardness and elastic modulus, high ther- influence the structure of the steel composites [132, 133].
mal expansion, and coefficient of friction [130] and also form The dominance of chromium nitride phases at the grain
discrete nano sized particles at grain boundaries which prevent boundaries could be attributed to two main causes. During
grain growth at very high temperature [130, 131]. the SPS process, the applied electrical potential causes a cur-
Optimized SPS process parameters from previous study rent flow through conductive particles of powder and is
[16] were used to consolidate the duplex stainless steel com- followed by spark formation at the contact points but in the
posite with varied amount of TiN nanoparticles ranging from case of TiN nanoceramics and conductive DSS, a potential
0 to 8 wt%. The authors studied the influence of TiN nano- difference across stainless steel particles separated by the ni-
particle addition on the densification mechanism, phase evo- tride phases may develop [4]. Secondly, the applied sintering
lution and transformation, density, micro-nano hardness, and conditions favor the diffusion of nitrogen from the TiN phase
fracture surface of SPS consolidated duplex stainless steel to the duplex steel matrix and due to the fast cooling process
samples. The microstructure of the TiN dispersion- associated with SPS, the solubility of N in ferrite phase tends
strengthened duplex stainless steel revealed constituents of to decrease. At this instant, there is not enough time for the N
ferrites (α), austenite (γ), and the evolution of new phases of to diffuse towards the austenite phase, which has higher de-
titanium and chromium nitride along the ferrite/austenite grain gree of N solubility, and is consequently trapped at the ferrite/
boundaries. The intensity of the diffraction peak of the crystal austenite grain boundaries forming small sintered-in nitride
planes (200), (211) belonging to α-Fe was noted to progres- phase. The preferential occurrence of chromium nitride phases
sively decrease while the peaks for γ-Fe increased (Fig. 11). due to higher N and Cr contents at ferrite–austenite grain
This inverse relationship suggests α-Fe to γ-Fe transforma- boundaries has been reported [14, 134, 135]. The strength of
tion with TiN additions. This phase change is obviously due to the TiN dispersion-strengthened steel also improved with TiN
the addition of TiN nanoparticles. The diffused nitrogen from addition. The increase in strength values is attributed to the
the TiN during SPS occupies the interstice of the α-Fe crys- high hardness, good dispersion, and strengthening effect of
tallites, creating a mismatch strain that induces α-Fe to γ-Fe TiN nano particles in the steel. Good dispersion of reinforce-
transformation [120, 122]. The diffusion of N from TiN sta- ments aids the improvement the interfacial bonding between
bilizes the austenite which effectively expands the austenite steel matrix and reinforcements [136].
phase, and the austenite stabilization effect is improved with Prieto et al. [137] fabricated duplex stainless steels by
the increase of nitrogen in steel. Previous studies have report- blending a ferritic stainless steel powder with an austenite
ed that reverse phase transformation (i.e., ferrite to austenite) stabilizing element powder. The authors reported that the aus-
may occur by different mechanisms depending on processing tenite stabilizing element diffuses in to the ferritic phase dur-
routes [122]. The intense phenomena of creep, plastic ing sintering and caused the destabilization and produced the
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

bi-phased duplex microstructure. Marcu-Puscas et al. [138] composites will expand in coming years. High-chromium
reported the preparation of duplex microstructure by inter dif- sintered materials have also been developed for use in higher
fusing the alloying elements during sintering. The authors temperature environments. Capdevila et al. [140] presented
investigated the phase transformation of mixtures of both aus- ferritic Fe–Cr–(Al) ODS steels as promising materials for high
tenitic and ferritic stainless steel powders during sintering. It temperature and high-pressure tubing applications, due to
was also reported that the diffusion of Ni in the ferrite grain their superior corrosion resistance in oxidizing and/or
causes destabilization of the austenite phase and the formation sulphidising environments. Typical examples of such environ-
of a mixed constituent. ments are in boilers and turbines of power generation plants.
In addition, ferritic/martensitic high-Cr ODS steels are potential
materials for future applications in fusion and generation-IV
6 Properties and application of sintered fission reactor components, since this class of stainless steels
stainless steels can function optimally at operating temperature of 920 K.
Ferritic ODS steel has high strength at high temperature, good
6.1 Application in automobile industries swelling, and irradiation resistance, this makes them promising
materials for cladding in long-term fast reactors [57].
Sintered stainless steels have gained attention in various ap-
plications most especially in the automotive and biomedical 6.3 Biomedical application
industry. The current demands within the automotive industry
have been for applications requiring high hardness, high The PM processing techniques have contributed in the devel-
hardenability, improved mechanical, and corrosion perfor- opment of surgical implant materials during the past two de-
mance [88]. Again, the low manufacturing cost of sintered cades. They find application in the fields of orthopedic and
parts with high tolerances, high yield of raw material utiliza- dentistry where load bearing ability and the need for rigid and
tion (> 95%), as well as to the availability of a large choice of reliable implant-to-bone fixation are essential. 316 L stainless
powders with a wide range of chemical composition have spur steel is widely applied as orthopedic implant devices due to
the high demand of sintered stainless steel parts [139]. It is esti- high corrosion resistance, excellent mechanical properties,
mated that an automobile produced in the USA uses an average and low cost compared to cobalt–chromium and titanium al-
of about 1000 PM parts of around 20 kg in weight with parts loys. However, there exist a problem of mismatch between the
applied in engine and transmission systems such as differential elasticity modulus of 316 L stainless steel implant and the
gears, variable valve timing, and transmission gear systems. elasticity modulus of human bone [8, 9]. To solve this prob-
Sintered ferritic steel grades have found extensive usage as lem, some researches have been conducted to fabricate porous
mounting brackets for the rear-view mirrors, the tone wheels 316 L stainless steel using PM. Dewidar et al. [141] revealed
for antilock brake systems and also in automotive exhaust the suitability of porous 316 L stainless steel as a promising
applications such as exhaust flanges and mounting unit of material for orthopedic implants by introducing pores during
hot exhaust gas oxygen sensor (HEGOS) [139]. Stainless steel sintering. The porous structure reduces property mismatch
grades such as 304L, 430L 17-4PH are preferred materials for between 316 L and the human bone, provides biological an-
shock absorbers parts, engine valve seats, manifold flanges, chorage for neighboring bony tissues, and allows the transpor-
filters for hydraulic systems in engines, exhaust gas recircula- tation of body fluids via the interconnected pores [142].
tion systems, and exhaust converter outlet flange due to their Others: Other than the discussed applications, PM stainless
excellent resistance to corrosion and oxidation and improved steel also finds application as components expected to under-
mechanical properties [1–3]. To achieve enhanced mechanical go welding, hearing aids flame arrestors, filters, distribution,
and corrosion properties to meet automobile applications, the and metering of gases and liquids, as well as in household
cooling rate during sintering of stainless steels must be con- applications.
trolled to avoid embrittlement and precipitations of interme-
tallic phases [4–6].
7 Summary and suggestions for future
6.2 Heat and Wear-resistant application research

In recent years, the usage of sintered components for emission The use of powder metallurgy stainless steel parts in various
systems, such as exhaust gas recirculation and turbochargers engineering applications has increased in recent years due to
systems, has attracted attention. The heat- and wear-resistant their unique mechanical and corrosion properties. This paper
materials based on stainless steel or high chromium cast iron therefore reviewed various aspects of mechanical alloying and
are mainly used for those systems. It is expected that the mar- SPS of dispersion-strengthened ferritic, austenitic and duplex
ket of exhaust parts using sintered stainless steels and stainless steels with emphasis on role of different processing
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

methodologies, influence of process parameters, alloying and Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdic-
tional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
reinforcement efficiencies, microstructural evolutions, me-
chanical properties, and areas of application.

The review is summarized as follows:

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& Generally, the microstructure and properties of the
5. Kimura A, Kasada R, Iwata N, Kishimoto H, Zhang CH, Isselin J,
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tered with the addition of alloying elements and ceramic Ohnuki S, Fujisawa T, Abe TF (2011) Development of Al added
particles. Dispersion-strengthened steels have better prop- high-Cr ODS steels for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear
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& Dispersion-strengthened steels hold the prospect in a wide 6. Zavieh AH, Espallargas N (2016) Effect of 4-point bending and
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in the final sintered product and act as defect or cavities. Other sion of powder metallurgy duplex stainless steels. Corros Sci
mixing methods such as tubular mixing of powders should be 52(11):3725–3737. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2010.07.023
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