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Work Smart with Microsoft Office and the Internet

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In this session, you will learn to:

Identify the views in PowerPoint 2013

Use the Help feature of PowerPoint


Format text

Apply slide show effects

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Identifying the Views in PowerPoint 2013

► In PowerPoint 2013, presentation can be viewed in following ways:

Normal Outline Slide Sorter Notes Page Reading

View View View View View

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The Normal View

► The Normal View:

► Is the default view for creating and editing slides in PowerPoint.
► Displays a majority of the tools that you need to create and format your
► The following figure shows a presentation in the Normal view.

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The Outline View

► The Outline view enables you to:

► Write your content.
► Plan how you want to present your idea.
► Move slides and text around.
► Shows the slide text in an outline form.
► The following figure shows a presentation in the Outline view.

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The Slide Sorter View

► The Slide Sorter view enables you to:

► Display slides in the thumbnail form.
► Rearrange, add, and delete slides.
► The following figure shows a presentation in the Slide Sorter view.

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The Notes Page View

► The Notes Page view enables you to:

► Write notes along with every slide.
► View and work with your notes in a full-page format.
► The following figure shows a presentation in the Notes Page view.

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The Reading View

► The Reading view enables you to view the presentation as a slide show
that fits within the window in a full-screen mode.
► The following figure shows a presentation in the Reading view.

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Just a Minute

► The _______ view enables you to display slides in the thumbnail form.
► Normal
► Notes Page
► Slide Sorter
► Outline

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► Answer:
Using the Help Feature of PowerPoint 2013

► The PowerPoint Help feature:

► Is a complete user manual based on the functionality of the different
features of PowerPoint 2013.
► Is an efficient way to find responses to all types of PowerPoint queries.
► The PowerPoint Help window can be accessed by clicking the Microsoft
PowerPoint Help icon ( ) at the upper-right corner of the Ribbon panel.
► The following figure displays the PowerPoint Help window.

To access
Help, press F1.

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Using the Help Feature of PowerPoint 2013 (Contd.)

► The PowerPoint Help window contains various elements such as:

PowerPoint Allows access to the navigation, print, and

Help toolbar format commands.

Provides information and tutorials on See

Getting what’s new and Keyboard shortcuts. In
started addition, the Get free training option provides
training courses on PowerPoint 2013.

Provides tutorials on Learn PowerPoint

Basics and
basics, Use PowerPoint Web App, and
Tips for tablets.

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Using the Help Feature of PowerPoint 2013 (Contd.)

► The PowerPoint Help toolbar:

► Enables you to navigate through the topics.
► Contains the following buttons:

Allows you to navigate to the help page
accessed previously.

Forward Allows you to navigate to the next page.

Home Allows you to view the home page of PowerPoint Help.

Print Allows you to print the contents of a help page.

Use Large Allows you to increase or decrease the

Text font size of the text in a help topic.

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Formatting Text

► A font:
► Is a formatting characteristic that defines the way in which text appears in a
► Is a predefined type with a unique style and character spacing.
► Includes letters, numbers, and punctuation marks.
► You can modify the various characteristics of fonts by using the options
provided in the Font group within the Home tab.
► The following figure shows the Font group.

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Just a Minute

► Which Font group option adds a shadow to the selected text to help it
stand out on the slide?

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Changing Fonts in a Presentation

► The various options in the Font group are:

Font Font Size Bold Italic Underline Strikethrough

Text Clear All Increase Decrease Character

Font Color Font Size Font Size Spacing
Shadow Formatting


► You can replace the existing font in a presentation by using the Replace
Fonts option.

Let us see how to replace

an existing font.

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Changing Text Case

► PowerPoint provides certain tools that help you change the case of a
► The case of a text defines the type of capitalization used in the

To change the
case of a text,
select it and
press Shift+F3.

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Changing Text Case (Contd.)

► You can change case of the text in any of the following forms:

Sentence Case Capitalizes only the first letter in the selected


Lower Case Converts all the letters in the selected text to lower

Upper Case Converts all the letters in the selected text to upper
Capitalize Each Word Capitalizes the first letter of each word of the
selected text.

Toggle Case Changes upper case letters to lower case and

lower case letters to upper case in the selected

Let us see how to change case of an

existing text.

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Modifying Text Alignment

► PowerPoint allows you to define the text alignment to improve

► The following options available in the Paragraph group of the Home tab
can be used to align the text:

Align Left Aligns the text to the left side of the slide.

Align Right Aligns the text to the right side of the slide.

Center Aligns the text at the center of the slide.

Aligns the text between the left and right margins of

Justify the slide so that the margins from both the
sides in the slide are equal.

Let us see how to change the

alignment of a text.

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Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists

► A list:
► Is a method to collate data, which needs to be displayed in the form of items
in a series.
► Has a leadline text that gives a short description of the items in the list.
► Can be either ordered and unordered that can be either single-level or
► If ordered, is known as numbered lists, and if unordered, is known as
bulleted lists.
► A bulleted list:
► Is a type of list that helps represent a collection of equally important
► Can be both single-level and multi-level.

Let us see how to create a

bulleted list.

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Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists (Contd.)

► You can customize the appearance of bullets and numbers by using the
Bullets and Numbering option.
► The Bullets and Numbering option appears when the Bullets
drop-down arrow in the Paragraph group of the Home tab is clicked.
► The following figure shows the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.

Let us see how to customize a bullet.

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Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists (Contd.)

► A numbered list:
► Is a type of list in which you can put the elements according to a sequence or
a ranking order.
► Can be customized by selecting different alphabet or number formats.
► Can be either single-level or multiple-level.
► The following figure shows a single-level numbered list.

Let us see how to create a

numbered list.

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Adjusting the Line Spacing

► You can define the amount of white spaces needed between the:
► Bulleted points
► Numbered points
► Paragraphs
► Line spacing refers to the amount of space from the bottom of one line
of text to the bottom of the next line.
► PowerPoint adjusts the line spacing to accommodate the largest
character or the tallest graphic in that line by default.
► The following figure shows the Line Spacing drop-down menu.

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Applying Slide Show Effects

► You can apply various slide show effects, such as animation and
transition effects to make a presentation effective and attractive.
► An animation effect determines how an object or text moves on the
slide during a presentation.
► The various groups in the Animations tab are:

Animation Timing

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Using Animation Pane

► You can control the appearance of an object on a slide by using

Animation Pane.
► The following figure shows the presentation with Animation Pane.

Let us see how to apply animation


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Using Transition Effects

► The transition effects:

► Determine how a slide replaces another slide on the screen during a
► Add visual effects to the movement of slides.
► Some of the predefined transition effects are Cut, Fade, Push, and Wipe.
► The following figure shows the gallery containing transition styles.

Let us see how to apply transition


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Students Speak

► In this session, I learned that:

► …...

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