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University of Mumbai

GNVS Institute of Management

GTB Nagar, Sion-Koliwada(E), Mumbai 400037

Industry Oriented Report

A.Y. 2021-22

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of

Masters in Management Studies

Specialization: Finance

Topic: A study on Cleanliness Drive at GTB Nager Railway Station


Roll No: 202053

Under the Guidance of Professor Name: Yashoda Durge

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I hereby declare that the Industry Oriented Report submitted for the MMS Degree programme at
GNVS Institute of Management (Affiliated to University of Mumbai) is my original work and is
conducted under my Mentor guidance.

Place: Mumbai



Signature of the Student

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This is to certify that the Industry Oriented Report is the bonafide work, carried out by Ms.
ANAGHA RAVINDRA AROSKAR, student of MMS programme, at GNVS Institute of Management
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai) during the period of 2021 to 2022, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the Degree of Master in Management Studies.


Signature of Student

Signature of Internal Guide Signature of External Examiner

College seal Signature of Director

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I wish to express my gratitude to my Guide (Dr. Yashoda Durge), GNVS Institute of Management for
providing me valuable information, guidance, support, and encouragement throughout my Project.

I am grateful to GNVS Institute of Management for giving me an opportunity to pursue MMS

programme. I wish to thank Dr. R. K. Saily, Director, GNVS Institute of Management who has been
a perpetual source of inspiration and offered valuable suggestions.

I would like to express my thanks to all people for their support and guidance from time to time
during my industry oriented report.

Place: Mumbai Date:

Signature of the student


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1 Introduction 6

2 Objective of Study 18

3 Review of Literature 25

4 Conclusion & References 43

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Social Relevance Project

1.1 Introduction:


This institution believes that our role as an educational institution is to provide social awareness as
well as cultivate humanity, imparting of knowledge and skills to our students.


This institution believes that our role as an educational institution is to provide social awareness as
well as cultivate humanity, imparting of knowledge and skills to our students.
The Institution has an ISR committee with Co-ordinator, core team members, project specific team
and group of students under the guidance of Principal.
 Principal
 Co-ordinator
 Core Team Members
 Project Specific Team
 Student’s Group

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1. Preparing Action Plan of upcoming year.
2. Coordinating the Programs.


3. Implementing the Programs.
4. Monitoring the Programs.
5. Consolidation of Reports
6. Review of Programs done.

Waste Management

Waste management (or waste disposal) includes the processes and actions required to

manage waste from its inception to its final disposal. This includes the collection, transport,
treatment and disposal of waste, together with monitoring and regulation of the waste
management process and waste-related laws, technologies, economic mechanisms. Waste
management practices are not uniform among countries (developed and developing nations);
regions (urban and rural areas), and residential and industrial sectors can all take different
approaches. Proper management of waste is important for building sustainable and liveable cities,
but it remains a challenge for many developing countries and cities. A report found that effective
waste management is relatively expensive, usually comprising 20%–50% of municipal budgets.
Operating this essential municipal service requires integrated systems that are efficient,
sustainable, and socially supported.

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Waste management is critical for creating sustainable and livable communities, yet many
developing countries and cities struggle with it. According to a survey, good waste management is
rather costly, accounting for 20 percent to 50 percent of municipal budgets. Operating this critical
municipal function necessitates the development of integrated systems that are efficient, long-
lasting, and socially beneficial. Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the bulk of garbage generated by
home, industrial, and commercial activity, and it accounts for a large amount of waste
management techniques. Measures for integrated techno-economic mechanisms of a circular
economy, effective disposal facilities, export and import control, and optimal sustainable design of
products produced are all examples of waste management measures.

According to the authors of the first systematic review of scientific evidence on global waste, its
management, and its impact on human health and life, about a fourth of all municipal solid
terrestrial waste is not collected, and another fourth is mismanaged after collection, often being
burned in open and uncontrolled fires – totaling nearly one billion tonnes per year. They also
discovered that each of the main priority areas lacks a “high-quality research basis,” in part due to
a lack of “significant research money,” which motivated scientists frequently seek. Computer
monitors, motherboards, mobile phones and chargers, compact discs (CDs), headphones,
television sets, air conditioners, and refrigerators are examples of electronic garbage (ewaste).

Various method to dispose the waste:

 Landfill - A landfill site, sometimes referred to as a tip, dump, rubbish dump, garbage dump, or
dumping ground, is a location where waste items are disposed of. Although systematic burying
of garbage with daily, intermediate, and ultimate covers only began in the 1940s, landfill is the
oldest and most widespread form of waste disposal. In the past, trash was simply piled up or
dumped into pits; this is referred to as a midden in archaeology. Some landfills are used for
garbage management, such as temporary storage, consolidation, and transfer, as well as for
various stages of trash processing, such as sorting, treatment, or recycling. During an
earthquake, landfills may experience significant shaking or soil liquefaction if they are not
 Incineration – Incineration is a waste disposal procedure that involves combusting solid organic
wastes to produce residue and gaseous products. This procedure can be used to dispose of
both municipal solid waste and waste water treatment solid residue. Solid waste quantities are
reduced by 80 to 95 percent with this method. The term “thermal treatment” is used to
describe incinerators and other high-temperature waste treatment facilities. Waste is
converted into heat, gas, steam, and ash in incinerators. Individuals and industry carry out
incineration on a local and large scale, respectively. Solid, liquid, and gaseous waste are all
disposed of in it. It is acknowledged as a viable technique of disposing of certain hazardous

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 Recycling – Recycling is a resource recovery technique that entails collecting and reusing waste
materials such as empty beverage cans. This procedure entails dismantling and repurposing
materials that would otherwise be discarded. There are various advantages to recycling, and
with so many new technologies allowing for the recycling of even more materials, it is possible
to clean up the planet. Recycling is not only good for the environment, but it is also good for
the economy. The resources used to make the things can be recycled to create new items.
Recycling materials can be collected separately from trash using special containers and
collection vehicles, a process known as kerbside collection.

 Re-use – Plant material, food scraps, and paper products are examples of recoverable organic
materials that can be recovered using composting and digestive methods to degrade the
organic matter. The organic waste is subsequently recycled as mulch or compost for use in
agriculture or landscaping. Furthermore, waste gas from the process (such as methane) can be
recovered and used to generate power and heat (CHP/cogeneration), resulting in increased
efficiency. Composting and digestion processes and technologies come in a variety of forms.
From modest home compost heaps to large-scale industrial digestion of mixed residential
waste, they range in complexity. Biological decomposition processes are divided into two
categories: aerobic and anaerobic.
Cleanliness Drive
Cleanliness is both the abstract state of being clean and free from germs, dirt, trash, or waste, and
the habit of achieving and maintaining that state. Cleanliness is often achieved through cleaning.
Culturally, cleanliness is usually a good quality, as indicated by the aphorism: “Cleanliness is next to
Godliness”, and may be regarded as contributing to other ideals such as health and beauty. In
emphasizing an ongoing procedure or set of habits for the purpose of maintenance and
prevention, the concept of cleanliness differs from purity, which is a physical, moral, or ritual state
of freedom from pollutants. Whereas purity is usually a quality of an individual or substance,
cleanliness has a social dimension and direction or implies a system of interactions. "Cleanliness,"
observed Jacob Burckhardt, "is indispensable to our modern notion of social perfection." A

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household or workplace may be said to exhibit cleanliness, but not ordinarily purity; cleanliness
also would be a characteristic of the people who maintain cleanness or prevent dirtying.

Individual social responsibility (ISR) –

Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) is a moral belief where we as individuals, have a responsibility
toward society. Being “socially responsible” is about all individuals behaving ethically and
sensitively towards social, economic, and environmental issues. Social responsibility is an ethical
framework and says that an individual has an obligation to work and cooperate with other
individuals and organizations for the benefit of the community that will inherit the world said
individual leaves behind. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to
maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystem one lives within. A trade-off may
exist between economic development, in the material sense, and the welfare of the society and
environment, although this claim has been challenged by many reports since 1997. Social
responsibility means sustaining the equilibrium between the two. It pertains not only to business
organizations but also to everyone whose any action impacts the environment.

Objectives of ISR Cell:

 To Inculcate Social awareness, values and environmentally responsible behaviour amongst
 To nurture students as citizens with moral, ethical and social values so as to provide service to
the society through activities and discharge their obligations towards the society.

Functions of ISR Cell:

 To create awareness among students and staff towards our responsibility for societal
 To arrange training/awareness programs for unprivileged school children, Orphanage, Old
homage, etc

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Drive on Cleanliness

 Cleanliness is a vital virtue of life, and it, along with personal hygiene, is part and parcel of the
lives of the students. It is advantageous in many ways, and the prime one being it helps to keep
an individual healthy.
 We need to maintain proper hygiene and start cleaning our homes first. After we are done with
this, we need to reach out to the streets and important places like our schools. Moreover, we
should also tell other people to do the same as it is equally essential for them to stay clean.
 Staying clean and healthy would not only keep you safe from any diseases but also will help
you to keep your mind fresh. With the habit of cleanliness, one’s level of concentration
increases, which will help him stand out of the rest, and later, this habit of cleanliness will take
him ahead in life and help him become a successful and happy man.
 Earth is facing a lot of problems and day by day the pollution index is increasing, if we can
contribute a little to it by keeping our surroundings clean, we can even save this lovely planet
from destruction.By doing all these, at the end of the day, when we go to bed, we can be
stress-free and feel good about ourselves, which adds to our mental peace. With cleanliness,
one can be sure about them achieving success in life and being proud of themselves.
 Cleanliness is best defined as the constant acts of maintaining good health and keeping away
dirt and practicing both environmental and personal hygiene.It is a virtue taught to us by our
parents first when we were very young and once learned this habit stays with us till we die, and
on our way, our guides, mentors, even strangers add some extra values to this virtue.

When we talk about cleanliness, we might think it is just about keeping ourselves and our houses
clean, but no, it is about carrying this habit everywhere, on the streets, and to the places, we visit.
For example, if we are chewing gum on the road and cannot find a dustbin to throw it away, we
must make sure not to throw it on the streets and carry it back home.

 After practicing cleanliness, we will notice some vivid changes in us, too, like we will be
healthier and fit, and we will not run out of energy will doing strenuous jobs. In addition to
these physical benefits, we will also achieve peace of mind, and our concentration level will

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also increase. We will also help spread positive thoughts and positive vibes wherever we go,
and to whomever, we speak.
 Once we are confident about following all these little things to build up the quality of
cleanliness, we can start reaching out to the mass and maybe organize campaigns about the
virtue and help people gather knowledge about the advantages of cleanliness.
 To clean the drainage systems of the gtb railway station, NSS (National Service Scheme)
Students taken a proactive step. Aiming to fulfil Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of Clean India, our
college often organizes cleanliness drives in varied areas of Jabalpur district under the Swachh
Bharat initiative that seeks to create a clean India.They cleaned all the drainage systems of
these place.


• Objective of this campaign is “To save our mother nature “. As we all know that books are our
true friends. Books are made by pages, and we know that page made by the tree. Many trees are
cut to make book bars. To protect its nature, cutting trees should be stopped. Growing demand for
book bars has also increased in the harvesting of trees. With the thought of avoiding cutting trees,
we have started Book chaining Campaign. It is a simple give and take of books. In this process
students can take any book of their choice as return of this they have to give any old book. Student
takes books from seniors and gives these books to juniors as well as from teachers to students and
is practised within the college and promoted in other institutions were students visit. Tree
Plantation & Ornamental Crop Culture Programme

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Various projects have been initiated by our institution in GTB railway station under the banner of
ISR, where every student contributes something. These projects are done toenhance the quality of
life of the people in the target villages. Mother Earth that has already lost much of its forestlands-
is the major concern of the hour.

As an initiate to make the world a greener place, our college solely or in association with different
organization often organizes a couple of Tree Plantation Drives. The purpose of initiative is to grow
more and more trees in the campus and the surrounding areas.The student members of the
plantation of rose saplings and many other ornamental seasonal plants in the college garden to
enhance the green and clean ambiance of the campus. Around 40 saplings were planted.

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It can be easily handled by the students, farmers as well as by the inhabitants of society.
Vermicompost contains seven times the available potash found in topsoil, as well as five times the
available nitrogen and 11 times more calcium delivered gently in organic form to the plants. It does
not have any adverse effect on soil, plant and environment. It improves soil nutrition, aeration and
texture, thereby reducing soil compaction.

It improves water retention capacity of soil because of its high organic matter content. It has a
growth-promoting humid substance or phyto-hormone that accelerates root development and
increases crop yield. It lessens pollution, as chemicals are not used and promotes
sustainabledevelopment. Above all additional income can also be generated from sale of excess
earthworms and Vermicomposting produced. Experimental Design for Vermicomposting

STEP-1 Preparation of Vermibed

STEP-2 Collection of Wates
STEP-3 Semi -Decomposition of Organic Wastes
STEP-4 Stocking of Earthworms
STEP-5Decomposition of Organic Wastes


Number of programs was carried out in the year 2019, under Awareness and Training Camps on
Health and Hygiene. These awareness camps made people realize the importance of using a toilet.
This brought in an increased form of sanitary sense and hygiene awareness amongst the targeted
urban and rural areas.

Also programs that consist of Yoga and Meditation awareness measures specially designed for
socially, economically or physically challenged sections of the society has carried out, to help in
improving mental and physical health of people. Swachha Bharat mission- with aim of making the
surrounding areas Defecation Free Areas, the college witnessed a wide range of participation. A
door to door survey has also conducted wherein a detailed questionnaire was designed to capture
the need for toilet facilities and sanitation in the community.

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“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give” by Ben Carson. Through this
activity students learn how to make changes in the world by distributing their old clothes to the
needy. Donation of Stationary & Grocery Items The students and faculty members donated
groceries, woolen clothes, blankets and other articles for the children. Sharing is Caring- Ek Prayas
& Feed the Need Under the banner of ISR all faculty members of the Department of English visited
Sneh-Niketan- A Home for physically and mentally challenged children, Jabalpur, M.P. along with
U.G./P.G. students of English Literature on 19 December 2019. The students and faculty members
themselves donated and collected groceries, woollen clothes, blankets and other articles for the

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Impact of Urbanization on Environment:

ABSTRACT: Urbanization refers to general increase in population and the amount of

industrialization of a settlement. It symbolizes the movement of people from rural to urban areas.
Urbanization happens because of the increase in the extent and density of urban areas. Due to
uncontrolled urbanization in India, environmental degradation has been occurring very rapidly and
causing many problems like land insecurity, worsening water quality, excessive air pollution, noise
and the problems of waste disposal.

This paper emphasizes on the effect of urbanization on environmental components mainly public
health and habitat, climate, biosphere, land and water resources. A case study of urbanization in
India has been carried out leading to conclude on the existing causes of damage to the
environment due to urbanization. Although it is impossible to restrict urbanization it has to be
ensured that urbanization proceeds in the right path causing minimum impact on environment.


Although India is one of the less urbanized countries of the world with only 27.78 percent of
population living in towns, India is facing a serious crisis of urban growth at present time whereas
urbanization has been an instrument of economic, social and political progress, it has led to serious
socio-economic problems. Urbanization is a process that leads to the growth of cities due to
industrialization and economic development. The population is growing at the rate of about 17
million annually which mean a staggering 45,000birth per day and 31 births per minute. If the
current trend continues by the year 2050, India would have 1620 million populations. Due to
controlled urbanization in India, environmental degradation has been occurring very rapidly and
causing many problems like shortage of houses, water quality, excessive air pollution, noise, dust
and heat, problems of disposal of wastes, etc. which causes serious health problems.

REASONS OF URBANIZATION As per data available, about 50% of total world population is residing
in urban areas in the beginning of 21st Century. The increasing trend of urban population is due to:
• Better employment facilities, medical facilities,
• Better facilities for trade and commerce,
• Better facilities for higher education, • Facilities for entertainment, sports & games,

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Proximity to administration and important government offices. Due to these reasons, such an
increase in urban population induces a lumber of environmental problems.


Fig. 1. Major Problems of Urbanization
IMPACTS OF URBANISATION ON ENVIRONMENT The sheer magnitude of the urban population,
haphazard and unplanned growth of urban areas, and a desperate lack of infrastructure are the
main causes of such a situation. The rapid growth of urban population both natural and through
migration, has put heavy pressure on public utilities like housing, sanitation, transport, water,
housing, sanitation, transport, water, electricity, health, education, and so on. Poverty,
unemployment and under employment among the rural immigrants, beggary, thefts, dacoities,
burglaries and other social evils are on rampage. Urban sprawl is rapidly encroaching the precious
agricultural land. The population of India had already crossed the 285 million mark by 2001.

By 2030, more than 50 percent of India’s population is expected to live in poor environment. The
impact of all this growth on space, environment and quality of life will be, to say the least,
tremendous. The provision of infrastructural facilities required to support such large concentration
of population is lagging far behind the pace of urbanization. As a consequence, the urban
environment, particularly in large cities, is deteriorating very rapidly. Some important
environmental problems are discussed below:

A. Over Exploitation of Natural Resources Due to high population density and expensive life style,
the rate of consumption of natural resources (e.g. water, energy, fossil fuel, forest products etc.) is
very high in urban areas. There is also misuse of natural resources whose immediate compensation
becomes difficult. Few acute problems of urban areas are scarcity of drinking water especially the
ground water, scarcity of forest products, power cut due to excessive use of electricity etc. B. Air
Pollution The air of urban areas get polluted due to a lot of anthropogenic activities, flying of large
number of automobiles, industries etc. These activities release pollutants like carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulphur, hydrocarbons, vapours of organic
compounds, particulates, and toxic metals etc. which are capable of including a number of health

C. Noise Pollution The noise produced from automobiles, vehicles, social functions, industries etc.
cause noise pollution in urban areas which causes psychological and physical ailments. D. Unusual
Rise in Temperature The unplanned construction of large buildings in urban areas absorbs solar
radiation and in the afternoon, these emit heat radiations increasing the climatic pressure. As a
result year 2015 was the hottest year from last years.

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Cities often receive more rain than the surrounding countryside since dust can provoke the
condensation of water vapor into rain droplets. E. Management of Solid Waste Thickly populated
urban area consumes large quantities of material and simultaneously releases a lot of solid wastes.
The solid wastes include municipal wastes, industrial wastes, hazardous wastes etc. The solid
waste production increases with an increase in population foul smell and poisonous gases and
become breeding grand’s of vectors of different diseases.

The gases produced cause air pollution, surface run-off from the wastes causes water pollution and
vector causes different diseases. F. Development of Slums The areas within the cities and towns
without civic and basic amenities are called Slums. The slum settlement arises due to un-flux of
rural peoples into urban areas and shortage of housing facilities for them. They construct their
dwellings using rusted tins, empty tar barrels, jute sacks, etc.
Although these areas become overcrowded, these lack civic amenities like light, water supply,
drainage, roads, toilets and medical facilities. The areas of slums become centers of a number of
environmental problems. Some important problems may be outlined as follows: (i) These areas
without proper water supply dispose their waste in an unplanned manner which pollutes air and
water. (ii) The contamination of water causes diseases like typhoid, cholera, enteric fever, etc. (iii)
The unplanned waste dumping places and open defecation become the sites of the growth of a
number of disease carriers like flies, mosquitoes, etc. These cause health hazards not only in slum
areas but also in other nearby places.

URBANIZATION IN INDIA The pattern and trend of urban population and number of towns in India
during 1901 to 2001 shows that total urban population has increased more than ten times from 26
million to 285 million, whereas total population has increased less than five times from 238 million
to 1027 million from 1901 to 2001.

Waste management:


Rapid and increased urbanization resulted in the generation of waste. Treatment and disposal of
waste are some of the significant global challenges. Physical, chemical, and thermal methods
gained much attention due to the robustness. Disadvantages associated with physical and chemical
methods of waste treatment urged alternative strategies. The conversion of waste into value-
added products gained much interest among the scientific community as it results in “waste to
wealth.” The biodegradable waste can be converted into single-cell protein. Growing the edible,
unicellular microorganisms on the biodegradable waste leads to the production of biomass. The
protein content in the microbial biomass/single-cell protein is higher than in the plant and animal

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Single-cell protein has high nutritional value with rich amino acid composition and safe for human
consumption. Management of biodegradable waste into single-cell protein is having economic
advantages with broad applications. Food and agricultural waste are transformed into single-cell
protein, which helps to reach the demands of poultry, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical

Solid waste management is an essential service in any society. Before introducing the process,
however, let's start with a discussion of the material being managed—solid waste.Solid waste
refers to the range of garbage materials—arising from animal and human activities—that are
discarded as unwanted and useless. Solid waste is generated from industrial, residential, and
commercial activities in a given area, and may be handled in a variety of ways. As such, landfills are
typically classified as sanitary, municipal, construction and demolition, or industrial waste sites. 

Waste can be categorized based on material, such as plastic, paper, glass, metal, and organic
waste. Categorization may also be based on hazard potential, including radioactive, flammable,
infectious, toxic, or non-toxic wastes. Categories may also pertain to the origin of the waste,
whether industrial, domestic, commercial, institutional, or construction and demolition.

Regardless of the origin, content, or hazard potential, solid waste must be managed systematically
to ensure environmental best practices. As solid waste management is a critical aspect of
environmental hygiene, it must be incorporated into environmental planning.Solid waste
management is defined as the discipline associated with control of generation, storage, collection,
transport or transfer, processing and disposal of solid waste materials in a way that best addresses
the range of public health, conservation, economic, aesthetic, engineering, and other
environmental considerations.

In its scope, solid waste management includes planning, administrative, financial, engineering, and
legal functions. Solutions might include complex inter-disciplinary relations among fields such as
public health, city and regional planning, political science, geography, sociology, economics,
communication and conservation, demography, engineering, and material sciences.

Solid waste management practices can differ for residential and industrial producers, for urban and
rural areas, and for developed and developing nations. The administration of non-hazardous waste
in metropolitan areas is the job of local government authorities. On the other hand, the
management of hazardous waste materials is typically the responsibility of those who generate it,
as subject to local, national, and even international authorities.

Objectives of Waste Management

The primary goal of solid waste management is reducing and eliminating adverse impacts of waste
materials on human health and the environment to support economic development and superior
quality of life. This is to be done in the most efficient manner possible, to keep costs low and
prevent waste buildup.

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6 Functional Elements of the Waste Management System

There are six functional components of the waste management system, as outlined below:

1. Waste generation: This encompasses any activities involved in identifying materials that
are no longer usable and are either gathered for systematic disposal or thrown away.
2. Onsite handling, storage, and processing: This relates to activities at the point of waste
generation, which facilitate easier collection. For example, waste bins are placed at sites
that generate sufficient waste. 
3. Waste collection: A crucial phase of waste management, this includes activities such as
placing waste collection bins, collecting waste from those bins, and accumulating trash in
the location where the collection vehicles are emptied. Although the collection phase
involves transportation, this is typically not the main stage of waste transportation.  
4. Waste transfer and transport: These are the activities involved in moving waste from the
local waste collection locations to the regional waste disposal site in large waste transport
5. Waste processing and recovery: This refers to the facilities, equipment, and techniques
employed to recover reusable or recyclable materials from the waste stream and to
improve the effectiveness of other functional elements of waste management.
6. Disposal: The final stage of waste management. It involves the activities aimed at the
systematic disposal of waste materials in locations such as landfills or waste-to-energy

Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM)

As the field of solid waste management advances, solutions are being looked at more
systematically and holistically. ISWM, for example, is an increasingly important term in the field of
waste management. It refers to the selection and use of appropriate management programs,
technologies, and techniques to achieve particular waste management goals and objectives. The
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that ISWM is composed of waste source
reduction, recycling, waste combustion, and landfills. 2 These activities can be done in either an
interactive or hierarchical way. 

In closing, it is important to stress that better solid waste management programs are urgently
needed in some countries. Only about half of the waste generated in cities and one-quarter of
what is produced in rural areas is collected. Internationally, the World Bank warns that global
waste could increase from 2016 to 2050 by 70% in a business-as-usual scenario. 3 Ongoing efforts
to improve the waste management system are an important part of preserving a healthy human
and ecological future.

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Cleanliness is next to Godliness. We’ve heard this phrase many times. But do we follow this? A lot of
people don’t, even though we should. However, some of us don’t even respect the people who clean
the trash. There are a lot of cons for not maintaining cleanliness. Cleanliness should be followed by
everyone. Let’s find out more about it.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. We’ve heard this phrase many times. But do we follow this? A lot of
people don’t, even though we should. However, some of us don’t even respect the people who clean
the trash. There are a lot of cons for not maintaining cleanliness. Cleanliness should be followed by
everyone. Let’s find out more about it.

With the help of cleanliness, we can keep our physical and mental health clean, which will make us
feel good. Cleanliness gives rise to a good character by keeping body, mind, and soul clean and
peaceful. Maintaining cleanliness is the essential part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness
only which helps to improve our personality by keeping clean externally and internally. It is
everybody’s responsibility and one should keep themselves and their surroundings clean and hygienic.
It also brings good and positive thoughts in the mind which slows down the occurrence of diseases.

Importance of Cleanliness

Sanitation and neatness play an important role in our day to day routine. It is important as it prevents
dangerous diseases like Dengue, typhoid, hepatitis, and other diseases caused by mosquito bite, etc.

Diseases like Jaundice, Cholera, Ascariasis, Leptospirosis, Ringworm,

Scabies, Schistosomiasis, Trachoma, etc can be spread due to eating contaminated food, drinking
contaminated water or living in an unhygienic condition. Trash also spread bad odour which is difficult
to tolerate. There will also be an accumulation of trash and dirt if clean measures aren’t taken.

Some Clean Habits That Should Be Followed

Some of the clean habits that you should follow are listed below :

▪ One should always wash their hands before eating.

▪ You should brush your teeth at least twice.
▪ No one should litter.
▪ Taking a bath every day is mandatory.
▪ Washing hands after playing is also very essential.
▪ Covering your nose while sneezing or covering your mouth while yawning is also necessary.

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 If someone has pests and rodents in their house, they must get rid of them as soon as

 One must always cover their food.

Waste composting: Composting

Composting is an age-old traditional waste minimization strategy. Composting denotes an aerobic
method of decomposing organic solid waste. It is a major type of recycling organic waste to
produce useful fertilizers. Composting produces humus as an end product which is beneficial for
plant growth and effective to minimize organic waste at small or large scale. Composting process
can be applicable for a wide variety of waste components like solid and liquid waste. Based on the
products which are being composted, suitable ingredients are designed to enhance composting
procedure (Misra et al., 2003). Usually animal feces or plants are used as composting ingredients.
In this process, moisture content of the waste materials are reduced drastically and in presence of
oxygen, the organic parts of the waste materials are decomposed at certain temperature (Richard
et al., 2002). Usually, warm temperature of tropical regions is more suitable for composting
comparing with the cooler regions (Liang et al., 2003). Some basic steps of composting strategy
have been illustrated in Fig. 2.2.

Figure 2.2. Basic steps of composting process.

Composting process occurs in a series of chemical reactions. Based on the primary sources used in
composting, the reaction steps and mechanisms vary. Some of such major biochemical reactions
involved with composting process have been illustrated in Fig. 2.3 (Peigné and Girardin, 2004).

Figure 2.3. Major biochemical reactions occurred in composting process.

In brief, as an end product of the process, carbon rich humus is produced which is rich in plant
nutrients. Composting process can be of various types considering several criteria. Some of the
common ones are windrow composting, tunnel composting, in-vessel composting, composting
toilet, and so on. Currently it is a very well-known process adopted by many people worldwide.
However, it is not fully ecofriendly as composting plants often release methane and other harmful
gases (Jäckel et al., 2005). But comparing with many other waste minimization strategies, it is quite
effective in terms of its affordability and effectivity.

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Waste from Nuclear Plants
Mukesh Doble, Anil Kumar, in Biotreatment of Industrial Effluents, 2005
Composting is generally achieved by converting solid wastes into stable humus-like materials via
biodegradation of putrescible organic matter (Huang et al., 2000). The composting process consists
of microbiological treatment in which aerobic microorganisms use organic matter as a substrate.
The main products of the composting process are fully mineralized materials, such as CO 2,
H2O,NH4+, stabilized organic matter heavily populated with competitive microbial biomass, and
ash. Compost has the potential of improving soil structure, increasing cation exchange capacity,
and enhancing plant growth. Ipek et al. (2002) showed that beta-radioactivity was greatly
decreased by aerobic composting.
Bioremediation holds the key to radioactive waste management. Chemical approaches, though
effective, are not economical and cannot be applied to larger field areas. A combination of
phytoremediation alongside bioremediation would certainly contain the hazardous radioactive
wastes, thereby providing the much needed safety cover for the communities living near these
contaminated sites.

Volume 1
S. Toze, J. Sidhu, in Encyclopedia of Environmental Health (Second Edition), 2011
Composting is an aerobic thermophilic process, and temperatures up to 70 °C are usually achieved
during this process. Two types of composting processes, in-vessel and open windrow composting,
are the most common methods used for the stabilization and sanitation of biosolids. Composting
can effectively reduce pathogen numbers in wastewater sludge to very low numbers, with removal
levels as high as 4 log being achieved (Table 2). The resulting product can be distributed for
unrestricted use. Complete sterilization is difficult to achieve, however, due to the difficulty of
maintaining a uniform temperature throughout the compost piles. In-vessel composting is
generally a better option for composting of biosolids as uniform heating can be achieved as a result
of proper mixing.

Wastewater Treatment and Reuse

S.K. Dentel, Y. Qi, in Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification, 2014 Introduction
Composting is a treatment process in which the organic constituents of biosolids are biologically
decomposed under controlled conditions. The end product, or compost, is a material rich in
organic matter and nutrients that can be marketed as a soil amendment for agricultural and
horticultural uses. The major factors that affect the composting process include oxygen, moisture,
temperature, and nutrients.
The decomposition of organic matter during composting depends on the activities of aerobic
microorganisms and therefore requires oxygen. Sufficient porosity throughout the matrix is
needed to facilitate the penetration of oxygen. Because biosolids are dense and have high

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moisture content, bulking agents are usually used to increase the porosity. Aeration can then
provide oxygen to the microorganisms and maintain rapid decomposition rates.
Moisture is closely related to microbial activity. Low moisture will cease the microbial activity,
whereas too high moisture will fill the pore spaces with water and reduce the oxygen content.
Therefore, composting is normally carried out at moisture contents between 50% and 55%.
The microbial population in a compost pile changes with temperature, with different mesophilic
and then thermophilic populations effecting biodegradation (Figure 4). A temperature of at least
55 °C should be reached for good pathogen destruction. The increase in temperature is a function
of operating conditions such as pile structure, pile volume, oxygen content, and ambient
temperature. Sensors for temperature and oxygen levels within the composting mixture can be
used to control the aeration rate. Common practice is to allow 21 days of composting time plus
some passive storage afterward to insure desirable compost properties and satisfactory pathogen

Carbon and N are the two most important nutrients for microbial growth during composting. The
ideal carbon to N ratio is approximately 27–30:1. The microbial activity slows down at higher C:N
ratios, whereas lower C:N ratios will release ammonia.
A number of biosolids composting technologies are available. They can be divided into three
principal types: windrow, aerated static pile, and in-vessel systems. These systems vary primarily in
how air is furnished to the compost while assuring an adequate temperature increase and the
necessary odor control.

Meat Waste Management: Treatment Methods and Potential Uses of Treated Waste
Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis, Demetrios Ladas, in Waste Management for the Food Industries, 2008
Composting is a widely used method for organic waste disposal (Cambardella et al., 2003), while it
also has potential as an effective method of treating waste prior to land application (Imbeah,
1998). It is an aerobic, biological process employing naturally occurring microorganisms to convert
biodegradable organic matter into a humus-like product (Lau et al., 1992; Liao et al., 1993; Imbeah,
Mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms are involved in composting and their succession is
important in the effective management of the process (Beffa et al., 1996; Ishii et al., 2000; Goyal et
al., 2005). This process kills pathogens, converts nitrogen from unstable ammonia to stable organic
forms, reduces the volume of waste and improves the nature of the waste (Imbeah, 1998).
Poultry farms generate organic manure containing significant quantities of protein and
lignocellulosic materials. Direct disposal of these liquid and solid poultry manures is not allowed
because they are pollution agents thus, to reduce adverse ecological effects, waste treatment prior
to landfilling is required (i.e. composting or anaerobic digestion) (Guerra-Rodriguez et al., 2003).
The environmental problems associated with raw manure application could be mitigated with
chemical and biological stabilization of soluble nutrients to more stable organic forms by
composting before application to agricultural soils (Tiquia and Tam, 2002).

The acceptance of composting, however, depends on how well the operating strategies employed
are developed for both product quality and environmental protection (Tiquia and Tam, 2002). In

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this way, composting provides an inexpensive alternative for disposal of all dead animals, butcher
wastes and is an alternative for meat processors who are unable to find someone willing to accept
blood and is cost effective (Mittal, 2006; Bonhotal et al., 2002). Moreover, Mittal (2006) reported
that on-site composting requires know-how, capital investment, sufficient space and regular
Three methods of composting are commonly used: windrows (method used at Illinois State),
aerated static piles (windrows with perforated pipe laid within the pile) and bins or aerated
chambers. Windrows and aerated static piles are typically used for high volume composting, while
bins or aerated chambers are most typical for small volume or home composting.

Several authors investigated the possibility of composting meat wastes. Guerra-Rodriguez et

al. (2003) examined the co-composting of barley waste with liquid poultry manure. The materials
composted reached thermophilic stage temperatures within 4 days, lasting for more than 10 days;
thereafter the temperature decreased rapidly to ambient levels. The initial pH value was around 9
for both mixtures and, despite an initial decrease, high values were maintained over the entire co-
composting process. Electrical conductivity increased with composting time, while the opposite
behavior was recorded for total carbon content. Organic matter loss in the co-composting of barley
waste with liquid poultry manure was 35%. The content of NH 4-N in the final products was higher
than the value advised for mature composts, while the available P and K contents ranged from 0.7
to 2.2% and from 3.4 to 3.8%, respectively.
Imbeah (1998) reviewed composting of piggery waste. He investigated ways in which composting
could be used for treating pig manure, pig carcasses and pig litter as well as factors which influence
the composting process. In general, he concluded that carcass composting can reduce the cost of
carcass disposal, while pig manure, because of its water content, is difficult to compost.
Furthermore, carcass composting converted a waste product, containing potential disease-causing
organisms, into a valuable and pathogen-free fertilizer that can be sold for additional revenue or
used on the same farm to produce feed grain for the piggery.

Goyal et al. (2005) determined changes in organic C, total N, C:N ratio, activities of cellulase,

xylanase and protease and microbial population during composting of different meat wastes such
as cattle dung and poultry waste. There was a loss in N in poultry waste resulting in an initial
increase in the C:N ratio which decreased more, later on, due to decomposition. The activities of
cellulase, xylanase and protease reached their maximum values within 30 and 60 days of
Insoluble and hard-to-degrade animal proteins are ubiquitously present throughout animal bodies.
Enormous numbers of these proteins are generated in the meat industry in a mixture of bones,
organs and hard tissues, finally being converted to industrial wastes, the disposal of which is
tremendously difficult (Deydier et al., 2005). Most hard-to-degrade animal proteins are currently
disposed of by incineration (Deydier et al., 2005; Paisley and Hostrup-Pedersen, 2005; Haruta et
al., 2005). This method, however, has ecological disadvantages in terms of an apparent energy loss
and the production of a large amount of carbon dioxide. Thus, an innovative solution to these
problems is urgently required.

In terms of quantity, the major hard-to-degrade animal proteins are extracellular matrix proteins
(EMPs). A large number of keratins (KRTs) are also generated, mainly from poultry processing and
the leather industry (Balint et al., 2005; Barone and Schmidt, 2006). Compared with these two
proteins, prion proteins are produced in much smaller amounts but pose more serious problems

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because they have highly aggregated, hard-to-degrade amyloid isoforms that cause bovine
spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Prion proteins, not fully characterized, have recently attracted
general attention due to their serious pathogenity in meat. Prion proteins display extraordinary
resistance to most physical and chemical methods used for the inactivation of conventional
pathogens (Taylor, 1991; Taylor et al., 1995; Kuczius et al., 2004).

Thermophilic bacteria are used in the decomposition of these hard-to-degrade animal proteins
because, in the elevated temperature range where thermophilic bacteria grow, such proteins tend
to gain plasticity, resulting in more susceptibility to protease attack (Suriyama et al., 2005).
However, the temperature range (over approximately 80°C) suitable for growing extremely
thermophilic bacteria too rapidly induces thermal denaturation of the proteins (Van der
Plancken et al., 2003). Moreover, moderately thermophilic bacteria that show an optimum
temperature for growing below about 80°C are superior to extremely thermophilic bacteria in
terms of the energy cost required to maintain high temperature for bacterial growth.

Solid Waste Treatment Processes and Remedial Solution in the Developing Countries
O.O. Ayeleru, P.A. Olubambi, in Soft Computing Techniques in Solid Waste and Wastewater
Management, 2021 Composting
Composting is like the biological putrefaction of OFMSW. In composting, the process is controlled
via microorganisms where the resulting product obtained is humus material for solid amendment.
The entire process is aimed at fast-tracking disintegration, enhancing the productivity of compost,
and decreasing offensive smell resulting from the compost (Ayeleru et al., 2016b). Composting
process utilizes materials like leaves, grasses, tree pruning, and food waste.

Composting of organic matters is a form of recycling since the organic materials are converted to
composts for soil enrichment. When organic matters are converted into compost, the amount of
SW deposited into LSs is reduced drastically and thus leading to the extension of the life of landfill
facilities (Ayeleru et al., 2016b). Moreover, resources are recovered via composting process since
organic wastes are no longer viewed as waste anymore (Pathak, Singh, & Kumar, 2011).

Military Solid and Hazardous Wastes: The Army Corps of Engineers Disaster Debris Management
Victor F. Medina, ... Stephen C. Cosper, in Waste (Second Edition), 2019
3.6 Composting
Composting is described in Medina et al. [9]. It is a biological treatment process for organic
constituents involving the placing of organic material in a pile with sufficient water and air to
stimulate microbial activity. The pile creates insulation, which causes both a rise in temperatures
and an increase in biological activity (Fig. 29.7). The temperature gradient within the pile
stimulates air flow as the pile becomes a self-sustaining reactor. The end result of a successful
composting treatment is a useful soil amendment that can be used as a fertilizer, to reduce
erosion, as an amendment to degrade organic contaminants, or even as a landfill cover material.

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Composting could be a valuable technology for addressing wastes associated with disaster debris.
Composting typically uses vegetative materials, so it can be a useful means of recycling vegetative
wastes found in debris. In addition, other organic materials can be addressed in the composting
process, including food wastes, dead animals, manure, sludge, and even human wastes (Fig. 29.8).
During the composting process then volatile organic components are consumed, making the
resultant material much less offensive than many of its components. In addition, the high
temperatures are effective at deactivating pathogenic organisms, so the disease threat is
minimized or eliminated. Composting can also be adapted for treating chemically contaminated
soils, including those contaminated with petroleum products and explosives, so it could be coupled
with soil or sediment remediation [8]. Composting is useful means of addressing a wide range of
waste products.

Composting can, however, take time, requires maintenance, and can take space as well. These
factors have limited the actual application of composting in disaster response situations. Still, its
ability to address a wide range of waste constituents makes it worth consideration in a debris
management scenario.

Municipal Wastewater Treatment

C.P. Gerba, I.L. Pepper, in Environmental and Pollution Science (Third Edition), 2019 Composting
Composting consists of mixing sludge with a bulking agent that normally has a high C:N ratio (Fig.
22.28). This is necessary because of the low C:N ratio of the sludge. The mixtures are normally kept
moist but aerobic. These conditions result in very high microbial activity, and the generation of
heat that increases the temperature of the composting material. Factors affecting the composting
process are shown in Information Box 22.4. There are three main types of composting systems:

Information Box 22.4(From Environmental Microbiology, 2nd Ed., Information Box 24.2, p. 522)
Factors Affecting Efficient Composting
Temperature: adequate aeration and moisture must be maintained to ensure temperatures reach
60 ˚C, to inactivate microbial pathogens
Aeration:  must be provided via blowers or by turning
Moisture: must be neither too moist, which promotes anaerobic activity; nor too dry, which limits
microbial activity
C:N ratio: should be maintained around 25:1, to ensure adequate but not excessive amounts of
nitrogen for the microbes
Surface area of shredded material should be used to increase substrate surface area for microbial
Bulking agent: metabolism

The Aerated Static Pile process typically consists of mixing dewatered digested sludge with
wood chips. Aeration of the pile is normally provided by blowers during a 21-day
composting period. During this active composting period, temperatures increase to the
mesophilic range (20–40°C) where microbial degradation occurs via bacteria and fungi.
Temperatures subsequently increase to 40–80°C, with microbial populations dominated by
thermophilic (heat tolerant) and spore-forming organisms. These high temperatures
inactivate pathogenic microorganisms, and frequently result in a Class A biosolid product.

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Subsequently, the compost is cured for at least 30 days, during which time temperatures
within the pile decrease to ambient levels.

The Windrow Process is similar to the static pile process except that instead of a pile, the
sludge and bulking agent are laid out in long rows of dimension: 2 m × 3 m × 80 m (Fig.
22.29). Aeration for windrows is provided by turning the windrows several times a week.
Once again, if the composting process is efficient, Class A biosolids are produced.

In Enclosed Systems the composting is conducted in steel vessels of size 10–15 m high by 3–4 m
diameter. For this type of composting, aeration via blowers and temperature of the composting
are carefully controlled. This results in a high quality Class A compost, with littleor no odor
problems. However, costs of enclosed systems are higher.

Life Cycle Assessment of Waste Management Systems

Pedro Brancoli MSC, Kim Bolton PHD, in Sustainable Resource Recovery and Zero Waste
Approaches, 2019
Composting is a biological aerobic process in which organic substrates decompose and stabilize,
yielding a product that can be used for land applications [23]. There are different composting
technologies, such as composting at homes, on fields, and at centralized plants. The environmental
performance of a certain composting technology will primarily depend on the technology itself, the
composition of the waste, and the operation of the process. Some important inventory aspects of
the LCA are the waste composition and decomposition and the stabilization rates of the material
that enters the system. Moreover, waste collection and distribution and spreading of the compost
should be included in the LCA [24]. According to Saer et al. [25], the hotspot in the LCAs of
composting is the emissions into air from the facility, such as methane, carbon dioxide, and
If a composting process is properly operated, i.e., if aerobic conditions are maintained, methane
emission is negligible. However, methane and hydrogen sulfide emissions can be produced if
anaerobic conditions are formed during composting. Other typical emissions into air from
composting are nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia 
The material generated from the composting process as beneficial properties for application in soil,
if it has adequate quality. It can provide nutrients, improve the structure of the soil, and increase
microbial activity in the soil [24]. One benefit of using compost is the reduced amount of mineral
fertilizer that is needed, and in this case the substitution rate should be based on the amount of
nutrients available in the compost, which are often nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Some
research has also considered the fact that compost can substitute peat for soil conditioning 

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Learning form ISR Activity :

Planning is the process of thinking regarding the activities required to achieve a desired goal.
Planning is based on foresight, the fundamental capacity for mental time travel. The evolution of
forethought, the capacity to think ahead, is considered to have been a prime mover in human
Planning is the fundamental management function, which involves deciding beforehand, what is to
be done, when is it to be done, how it is to be done and who is going to do it. It was a planned
social relevance activity at GTB Station without planning one cannot able to achieve a goal. It is an
intellectual process which lays down an objective and develops various courses of action, by which
the we can achieve those objectives. It chalks out exactly, how to attain a specific goal.


Without proper communication one cannot able to complete the target or achieve the goal.
Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information. Good communicators listen

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carefully, speak or write clearly, and respect different opinions. For a teamwork it is essential to
have a proper communication.

Dignity of labour
Through this work we get to know about the dignity of labour, no occupation is considered as
superior or none of the jobs should be discriminated on any basis, all occupation, whether
involving intellect or physical labour, deserves equal respect and dignity. No job should be
considered superior or inferior. Every job that is dutifully done with honesty and sincerity deserves


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Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in
the most effective and efficient way. This concept is seen within the greater framework of a team,
which is a group of interdependent individuals who work together towards a common goal.
Teamwork is the process of working together with a group of people in order to achieve a goal.
Teamwork is often a crucial part of a business, as it is often necessary for colleagues to work well
together, trying their best in any circumstance. In this project we cooperate each other, using
individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between

Coordinate with team

Make sure that the team goals are clear. Demonstrate alignment in two ways from those goals:
one, to the larger organization or company vision, and two, to each individual and the importance
of the role they play. The definition of coordination is being able to move and use your body
effectively and multiple people or things working well together. Just like to put in the same order
as planned. It was a great teamwork and coordination we experienced while working together.

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 The main objectives of the study are-


 Our mission of ISR works for Upliftment, Empowerment and Betterment of the Society and
To Create social awareness and inculcate social responsibility.
 and also To make an effort to connect the youth with the society.

• TO PROMOTE CLEALINESS: To promote cleanliness drive for Staying clean and healthy would
not only keep all safe from any diseases but also will help you to keep your mind fresh.

• TO SAVE TREES: To Save tress for better for better planting tress to save the planet.

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Problems face inn ISR Activity

The Cleaning service industry is faced with all types of dangers and hazards when an individual is
performing cleaning tasks. This is why this line of work is often listed as one of the most dangerous

 There is poor communication with supervisors

 Poor working conditions

 Overexertion

 New cleaning tools, equipment, or procedures are introduced

 Biological hazards would include any exposure to infectious pathogens, bacteria, fungi, or
mold. These elements can be quite harmful

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Recommendation and Conclusion:

I got to the conclusion that this activity was related to the "Social Relevance" Project's Institutional
Social Responsibility (ISR) forum. We went on a GTB station garden remodelling drive as part of the
festivities. These exercises taught us a lot about working together, managing our time, delegating
responsibilities, and thinking about the environment and hygiene. Following the exercise, we felt it
was our job to protect and preserve our environment, as well as keep our surroundings clean. This
not only improves the area's aesthetics, but it also improves sanitary conditions. The general public
must be aware of the importance of maintaining cleanliness and protecting the environment. This
tiny detail contributes to the world's bright future.

Institutional social responsibility activities are critical when there are no established local groups
because they give students with chances for local communication, action, and resource
distribution. When the government fails, an Institute gives a method that might work. As a result, it
supports grassroots initiatives while simultaneously understanding and responding to local

Institutes can adjust to shifting circumstances and demands in their environment. As a result,
teachers are allowed to experiment with new approaches and, if required, take risks. They might
also come up with integrated efforts to help pupils learn and develop.

That location will be crucial in the future for the production of novel plants. This is an excellent
illustration of why trees are so vital to our environment. As a result, a greater number of people
are aware of the problem. There is a need for trees in the planet, even if they are in an
inconvenient or disagreeable location. Because of the plants, people can breathe cleaner air.

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Information and data related to the project has been taken from the sources below, special
thanks to the editors for making the tasks earlier:


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