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PROJECT WORK - CLASS XII SCIENCE PHYSICS lll students will be required to do one project involving some physics related topic’s under the guidance and regular supervision of the Physics teacher. Students should undertake any one of the following types of projects: + Theoretical project + Working Model + Investigatory project (by performing an experiment under supervision of a teacher) Students are to prepare a technical report including title, abstract, some theoretical discussion, experimental setup, observations with tables of data collected, graph/chart (if any), analysis and discussion of results, deductions, conclusion, etc. The teacher should approve the draft, before itis finalised. The report should be kept simple, but neat and elegant. Teachers may assign or students may choose any one project of their choice. Suggested Evaluation Criteria for Theory Based Projects Title of the Project Introduction Contents ‘Analysis’ material aid (graph, data, structure, pie charts, histograms, diagrams, etc.) = Originality of work (the work should be the candidates’ original work,) = Conelusion/eomments Suggested Evaluation Criteria for Model Based Projects: + Tile of the Project = Model construction = Concise Project report Suggested Evaluation Criteria for Model Based Projects: = Title of the Project = Model construction = Concise Project report SPECIMEN FILE OF PROJECT IS ATTACHED WITH THIS PDF FROM PAGE NUMBER 2. P.T.O. oo se we & & & DATE oH PAGE NO. SFERO, PHYSICS [>I PARC JJECT “ “RAY OPTICS TENS Decne eng a | 8 | Expeviment 2. | 15-16 @ |2 Dif n ee Pane of ionetea a lO. PO RY geet oe Il Vaniftatoi 91. i fo bine dsFocal length 2-23. 13S | Expenigtent 3. ge | 2h PIOREER ae fom of wets fe eng (oN T SIMULAT Tl TT RAY DATE | EXPT. NO. Se, INTRODUCTION Ol aap Sa ae dense, Ain nt is that péout of the edtetsornagnetic c ih that afb aon ¢ to rlicxomave oles 18 dooli ar eigy Mad produces Sadia Pee oe ¢ € used tog psc model_ho twill déavel een 0 peop e (no sMKaght hey dStavel n.o_horn ous.mnedi Shey benacbil the intel weop two digaimilas umedia oh) ind_may_ b ved ing greditum In which fhe gefactne ean changessAlens ig a fiat 0 grt oie hoe Th # buansp yt medline nosy amis as & 8 sueeeeet See CONCAYO- PLANO- \YCONVEXO- CONCAVE CONCAVE CONCAVE. sw? ae awe e & & OE | [ PAGE. | oo [EP NO it \ 2 TYP. F LENS — lens_axe of top oes. The lens “which axe unk tne middle nol ate convex pth and. the xens_toh hich bien the called concave lens. ‘igconcave_and the ofhex_ts convex. The Madi tousioe oe tafe da hl ie ; . @ thick (§) (oncavn-concave Branca 6 Double concave) I bott susefaces axe £Ph Cave The sihdit of cuxuetae of ese sux fos may be eglial om diffékent. ) sol anaal ey he 18 plat ond othes concave (wi) - Tis one suyface sions” sage ond. oftth ie contayé The_d1odlit of cunvature in ee pen his es thinner Sin the 8 ie. eP ir : er oS EEE EEE EEE < < e 1 to we e om oe Vv 7 Vv o e e ro o o ¢ ¢ ¢ w w ww ae & PS 0 : Optical centre, F, F : Principal foci, f: Focal length, ‘AB: Object, AB’: Image, u : Object distance, v: Image distance [EXPTNO. | pronccr” wv, & ge S = g TERMS LEL/ATEI TO LENS t) Optical Cente : A poi int onthe axis dens that ico docatecl Phat gy day ees diSough nit in Poasing th and t pahmay bei pen esas ge ll Se fn feydsgh of lr! eso cal ne fat flu Dane ie a the foourofa. “Oo rn ert he fal oo ae ost x : g g Pe S ENTRE OF CURSATURE. ADIUS OF CHEYATURE ‘AQ TIVESYNDEX DISTANCE DUE TO RERACTION ON IST SURFACE. T+ IMAGE DUE 10 REFRACTION ON 2ND SURFACE Yond’ + IMAGE DISTANCES. | (wRAM TC E LENS MAKE RE FORMDLA 0 re SF Es: 2 a: o »* [inerne” |,” LENS M MAKERS FO a Y The da umuulagiiclates the f fy rif e in ae eo Pe Lee aa the Bl (vacte ei ne tag mes aA ‘nowemal ee TF was absent AP hve pa. axis sal i which 1s | the fist win w with image “fligtante v',we ae & g- M) = Ng-My ” i ae < aL unk age. of0 ait h mage dig fants v_ a Thgtfeonacfocgeion ah ut ach have, & lequation (7) is known as lens formula LENS MAKERS AND _ LENS FORMULA. _ panera" Jf dene te thin! then Lv" and can 7 i Then we have Nu- ne = nen ti) Vv vO Ro, Adding Eqs. ca aug uaa Sf att par) Meet Diigi apy a both sidee oh aig y a, pln uesiave 5 preneed: 2 it at - Ri el Compasuing Eqs. (iti) andl (iv), we have Y_Usr nv nv jee distance.o = oe € distaneé se lof iether with rill id sera medium othey to chs. a ane th with chan iced ee Calas lens be immeued / cr < DAT [EXPT NO, (STE then the of dans willdecweare-Y i deafxactive nder of on with duspect to_aidibe an and the Mofsiachive iden ine dtu be all then Hye inde UTP os Quwid is aa : ae ‘gi Poa : es = m4 v an we _& 7 oe ‘ Q ase RS se ot e e e ov aw RY S S a o o o & & & é & » Pie gs Foe en we & oat | | a ae TEN. || ' Tus Jaco lenain of dens _becornes inginite ancl behavet just like a plane twvanepavont plate , se/siactive Brdex of the-glhuuia le gfe than the ete inten ope te bead olen. Hoye tie sfiltg age gs & Qs — = : fa avd pion pee) See eee gp" fa a and fre ding w hich & ina fehave 03 lat Fow_double convex = mh Ug an and Ryis nepali + tn-Df aln Mee lark) ea o> TMA OF AB. CD> IMAGE NEEDLE U > OBJECT DISTANCE. y > IMAGE DISTANCE. IACHRARG TO FIND x XQ FOCAL SE NwTH OF & real e LENS. 1 ey & A r « C2 eS Z S$ ¢ § O° = - of & zs & ¢ é e € S w RY & s 3s s x & é 8 3 3 iP e ¢ & ss x a e - & < DATE _ EX)E|IMENT- 1 / Aim =To finol the pate length of a conver dens by. ae eort W ange 'V’ ox Yu onal WN. & e Be oO x assis xe a - 2 Hee ce & mvex devas gg : w e fe Up ae ee oe Two sabisietis S& i fee _ Ss Peetu oe li - it ‘sts impoadant foensune that the scx sexton, 2 well the Convex.stens ane vesttical in 6 odweniation: eet lige Image that ig foserned i ig _ Dea tele men yo fosrmed “0. Apso of abject needle. — SS Pee eH Seeeeeed O+ positon of Convex Jens ate C+ positon eee needle. UL? objec ditanw! See : digtance- i 2 ae tH cofalabiog eallngb stk fakenas [v vo a & : ¢ a — o a altel ar a proncee® re — 3 ce HIB. & = cere < EEE | aa. lil ao oo & womze* &s Ths 0.865 By ule -gitbom _4¢ x & - He bom of Src a yelp o- ang 33.6) cm oe fuom Vu ly QMaph 3 iQ= Oe ig ato oe a when A= 0, Vue Poh ome So EVP = 0.0664 O & ueaing (i). gp8C 0 & © | © IMAGE FORMATION BY THIN LENS Image fowmafion by thin Lenses fou vatuicgs pasione of the object fakes place aiding io the?given law si- . 4, inet | af Prat othe big ten after nefnackOn thoough#ie Lens, effh®? goes through the tl ale des Leng) of open i ane eon inci parsing pou hte isd fous of oe 3 the lons A conver lengPout Q logo fow ax S 7 F & the fil tua i cove lens) -oFfey MopHachon — of the tough the dens . becomes ; o Away passing though the opral conhie dens “900 doignt Mth out ony deviation oo displatament- : SS «> @ The tnel which air to the potinctpal oats, bul ano pasgiel Jo one gnothen, fie dofrcockon Fhsoug he dens , bey meotata roca a Of the densts ea pom a. poirdin the focal ACN oe Sa _ y 3 WN : O@sECT BETNEED Fgh. IMFO * BEYOND DEW AB 2oDBIECT aes IMAGE Sv S oO o & &™ Ss AS = » & $ e > iO N ¢ &_ opseor Ake _ IMOE FORMED AT INFINFY A> OBJECT. Fi and F YONTD OF a DATE | ir | | PAGENO. | |B. | a Convex Lens o Jf ig at hs out et fou, then salon {eer ep Oe a ah prince pal axis-and af FOCUS legacy p anight | us the D+ AL & FP ee Gi) pbject fe pie at the fotus. of the conv ex le 1 fis baa ia the ___ pouncipal axis ond p deoferaction. Anott fh iid “la : pe eS i When the pbte en the abl, plaid ess than tuiied hengfisatway becomes} intipallox eeflaats Iou ppsfous fies action azifothes pases aco Ime _forwmed feo). proncen® Lhagé ted, Q C aaa IK & e e eS | & _ e = - N AY OBIECT AT 2Fi, IMAGE FORMED AT ora AB > OBJE! Ala! > IMP, ge ov sBiecr BEYOND 2 Sunt 3 Ra “ORMED BETNEERG and 9Fp we e AG > oasege Ale! INAS S S rs & g OBJECT ATINFINITY, IMAGE FORMED ‘AT Fo. > ObsECT ae 91 EM AGE y= J? ORM aS FEN 0 ond Fr se oO Soareer A'g ee & ra ee dee cae tw) Wh object is p dat the distance equal — to. hkg fh 46 emay paxadtel to ppc Tar and othe soe fasshgt pla gta The imate fosmed waa, ust gone Bh os out ondlat QF Ww i aay “he become. aoe pasxallel aft d Prcldled abe fun nna fe tai ai an 8 cand. MN and PQ > LENS AB > OBJECT: A'B! ond. A"B" > IMAGES LAG‘RAM TO FIND FOCAL : L DE CONVEX LENS 7 2 1Nly eANOTHER cong LENS 3 oO x ; 3 ; 2 & & & Oo S$ $e eo eo x g RG e S Ss & x x eo e e sO se & Ss & Q g g & & & DATE EXPT. NO. - EXPERIMENT-2 Aim: To detexmine the focal Jengih ofa convex lene with aa of a ie convex 1 gots, rail ea + Tso parte : _ ly fal bench a ae holdet x _ ee fo eT Nesfles. Jr the pipenabiontable fe e the fol waesing 9 letlews ateuse « A> Position iHon of Ist convex Ist convex dens. « «+ Be Positon a der. 7 enter tare . on gstane—. amit Sree perenne fl ys | 08, Vv. = & at & & & cf & Ett proncar® —< SS _ ia \ RY e Bae tae g & J L Z ae a oe we we aw & & & DATE pionaerpaperg com t PAGENO. | 16. EXPT.NO. | h 2 ~ 3 e 5% S KG; 3° — a? 7 © sly = yy _ AX Xa-Xt 80-70 = HO A.O-1Q. 28 & = = 0.35% — ° o Yo 3 a =A =1pe Se - is - a - proncan® | 3 — Ss a 1B Cm & _ ——— Mb 2en me g __& S _ e x a 2 ao 7 _ _ - ae ‘ ; | broeNe | ge | : DIFFERENCE BETWEEN so ee ae a LENS : oe go palucging Ao notin $ xP P habe se [This Meal ig "iok oft Aebncave dene ig exactl cont&ca3 comparcd fo | opposite. to a. convex tens: the aay Tt helps to His thin at the conte and the objects. |thick at the eolge «{lohdes ‘ tons fasie Leng spwsads. i out! hello ht Meus when 6 paid paw LENS (CONVEX) 0 OBJECT. Lond T'-> IMAGES LL > OBIEOT DISTANCE. Yond Y' + IMAGE DISTANCES 1 wv RY DIAGRAM TO_FIN BS “SP : oF COMBINED FOCAL LENGTH OF + ao s INAcEs © MN > CONVEX LENS PO-> CONCAVE LENS U.-~> BBIECT DISTANCE Vondv'> IMAGE DISTANCES. DIAGRAM TO_FIND _ ar FOCAL LENG TOF ah ONYEX_AND ONE” of SAONCAVE LENS & ncn) x @ One den Jeconvex and phew fondest Tt focal mae convex. qlans ISI and that of concave dengas fan fhe the daca langih of equivalent tens, then. & & Pee es r . CA NLANTO ene placed tn contact be o thin P= Py + Ty-oconvex ond concave lene of equal focal lng axe placed ‘contact sthe Combined power wit be & zoo (ai Pi=-Ps). The f The focal dong of auch a omb/naHbm_usilt be_infinite. 7 |g ge ie wes bea agni fies the leng’ Thus the poncce® @ tilt be the psrode & Ok AINS, e+, S| on & | eKyy QS ‘pecs oer 0 ua () 340m ececnn come Gani (tie) « ()=4008 cL > EXPERIMENT TO FIND COMINED FOCAL LENGTH OF INQ LENSES x v S SP S$ * * o Y “ ¥Y we ae we a re Ca . » Ms Oo” O° ,O £ & € > s Ss \ we Sy > oS oO é & & & & $ ) S D S G S sO sO 3 = < & DATE | ——_EXPERIMENT-30 0 Ala: Th find the co mbined focal Lon one ari vexid ono! naptivave lucked Wp ae EEE as —_ oe ppoeo fmt lengfoiden ae ; a ae ifs. — oo gal naa ee Ee + Holf mele sole, es fit V, edi. a Paar fe 1H She < a ig fs: 2 & | xs & Ss Seen ae g | g @ a Produces 2 images; you only see the larger virtual image RAY DIAGRAM OF COMP COMPOUND MCT D_MI OUND HICROSCOPE. e_ & & ra | - _— = —__}) - APPLICATIONS OF LENS, e éonvex lenses. used-t0 O sighted — son ts imi — fi ee — ih Pees ompoun LeqoBcopes oy ond mnneave dende. sf & | Usin Peep of come dene may cvente Re ae eyepiece 18 used 0 owmect dimes Q ' concave and tarnvex devises axe tse ‘ea eamiatge eta The. (fo which may. is used (like (Ds euaing eng seectifi es thie on dani onaive_Jences, 2130 ig lication in | flashtiog S ont | beat venga f fou fe vex lenses and proncse’? OAS nnd dasik som enio weds a a of |L__.% —___ So —— | - x x I ae —¥* 7 hypermetropia ne nv ns is also used .5 ERY in door peepholes’ correct myopia. Applications of convex and concave lens Magnitying glass Spy holein doors & DATE | < < very heb witethe to pie ang" Lene! was fat fos rnb. use Sea the pallens have leauat mony thists which weve a ng un koséon 40 eer Ray Oph Fon neous fhaiowah ine water f p can en afi 3 eugh © wai Sokan aha ofo°, itt t “180° the Light oe is and saga bythe rear choplet. Q thus “Mnterfewonce I domonghuatedl : At thes deguess, because fhe lik am has attenuated its ch esx 80. ee able oO be Observed: Thin | lend manufachiwudin ways that _ G bend i ntin ara diffenent ways. loncave— Jone Yocus distant ob oH jects sD SorneOne ON the Aide of the_letts opposite oe wwhighthe Eee Igy seal” @ Obj che tobe ata_ Bhs behind the jaf, ny le “lsbin expeuiments incakdength usin won’ Lime thod id uo help of #00 conv 20m in_both cases. [ EXPT. NO. are ~ BIBLIOGRAPHY + Noofan Ph = eo . en # sf eeeeeee Wwtd-gk eshawe.nete™ _& eT a 7 « yi. plow leap com. See Sv WWW: Wikipedia. van eee a we ov & =e @ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the _ Shment | of gp po] jecl ypiiaolty, Many people-have best gained me Mngt blessings, and thes Oa ple Auppoustt ¢ di time Ta: wiliz to thank @&L the peop who haye beon conan with ng pact og helpeol me with tt- <= OPvimast yf souldl inet bad & stuengtfaCto_comp else peo cli fg fi ula Then. 5 T wi Like fo ten Phusios teacheve ! ; eSpe la Anwesna Haz “ih mitvom ana L : Shawrna!l giv, cwhose voluabe guidance has ben the ones that helped me_patoh this pioject anol it @ — full_psccof succes. Then theists tions and _ ee Bs ae as thi Oo tontsubuhiondswands the’tem athe ojeck Then? woudl Like to _todnk my pa 5 ont auendge“toho haveKelp eot mtetoith thes _ Nalygtile bug exkene dnd_geidance which has vioncen? -D&C# hed QsuoUs PhAases in the. york the perege eset. EEE & oF as = ee ve & if L a & x &

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