Mathew Chapter 7,8

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T"Judge not, that you be not

i 2 3
"For with the judgment you
pronoünce you will be judged,
and with the measure you use it
will be measured to you.
3Why'do you seé the speck
that is in your brother's eye, but
do not notice the log that is in
yourown eye?
4"Or how can you say to your
Let me take the
of your eye, when there is
the log in your own eye?
5 You
hypocrite, first take the
log out of your own eye and
then you will see clearly to take
the speck out of your brother's
6 "Do not give dogs what is
holy, and do not throw your
pearls before pigs, lest they
trample them underfoot and 18 "A healthy.tree cannot bear
turn to attack you. s bad fruit, nor can a
7"Ask, and it will be given to tree bear good fruit.,
you; seek, and you will find; | Every tree that does ot
knock, and it will be opened to bear good fruit is cut down and
you. i6thrown intothe fire.
"For everyone who asks re- 20 Thus you will recognize
ceives, and the one who seeks | them bytheir fruits.; l ,w
finds, and to the, one who Not everyone who says to
it will beopened: me, Lord, Lord, will enter the
"Or which one of you, if his kingdom of heaven, but the one
son asks him for bread, will give who does the will of my Father
him a stone? who is in heaven.
10 "Or if he asks for a fish, will2"On that day many will say
give himaserpent? to me, Lord, Lord, did we not
1 "If you then, who, are evil, | prophesy, in your name, and
know how to give good cast out demons in your name,
your children,how much more and do many mighty works in
will your Father who isin heavyour name?t
en give good things to those8 And then will I declare to
who ask him! them, I never knew you; depart
"So whatever you wish that | from me, you workers of law
others would do to you, do also lessness:
to them, for this is the Law and 24"Everyone
then who hears
theProphets. these.words mine and does
13 "Enter by the narrow gate. them will be like a wise man
For the gate is wide and the way who built his house on the
is easy that leads to destruction, | rock.
and those who it are 8"And the rain fell, and the
many. floods came, and the winds
For the gate is narrow and blew and beat on that house,
the way is hard thatleads to life, | but it did not fall, because it had
and those who find it are few. |been founded on the rock.
15 "Beware of false prophets,| 26"And everyone who hears
who come to you in sheep's these words of mine and does
clothing but inwardly are rav- not do them will be like a fool
enous wolves. ish man who built his house on
16 "YOu will recognize them by the sand.
their fruits. Are grapes gathered 27 And the rain fell, and the
from thornbushes, or figs from | floods came, and the
thistles? winds
blew and beat against that
"So, every healthy tree bears house, and it fell, and great was
good fruit, but the diseased tree the fall of it"
bears bad fruit. 2And when Jesus finisheed
MATTHEW 7, 8 11
these sayings, the crowds were marveled and said to those
astonished at Histeaching, who followed him,"Truly, Itell
29 for he wäateaching them as you, with no one in Israel have
one who had authority, and not|| 1found such faith.
astheir scribes. 6 Itell you,many will come
from east and west and reclinë
CHAPTER 8 at table with Abraham, Isaac,
When he came down:from the and Jacob in the' kingdom of
mountain, great crówds fol- | heaven,
lowedhim. 3 12"while the sons oftheking-
2Andbehold,a leper came to domwill bé thrown intothe out-
him and knelt before him, say-| er darkness. In that place
ing "Lord, if you will, you can will be weeping and gnashing
make me clean." 2 E #1; 0Of teeth."
And Jesus stretched out his|And to the enturion Jesus
hand and touchéd him, saying, | said, "Go; let it be donefor you
And the
"Iwill;be clean." And immedi-| ås you have believed."thàt
was healed at very
atelyhisleprösy was cleansed: | servant
And Jesus said to him; "See moment.*
And when Jesus'entered Pe-
thatyou say nothing' to any- he.saw his mother-
one büt go; show yourself tó | ter's hóusé; sick with a fever.
thepriest and offer the gift that in-law lying
Moses commanded, for a proof5Hetouched herhand, and the
toWhen 5 | fever left her, and sherose and
he had entered Caper- | began to serve him.
naum, a centurion came for-16That eveningtheybrought
wardto him, appealing to him, him many who were oppressed
he cast out the
6"Lord my servant is lying | bydemons, and word and healed
paralyzed at home, suffering | spirits with a
terribly." a l l whowere sick.
will7This was to fulfill what
And he said to him, "I

Come and heal him." * spoken by thëprophet Isaiah:

But the centurion replied, "He took our illnesses and
"Lord, I am not worthy tô have our diseases."
saw a crowd
you come under my roof, but|8 Now when Jesus
he gave orders to
onlysay the word, and my ser | around him, other side:
vant will be healed.p 5 go over to the
9"For I too am a man under 19And a scribe came up and
authority, with soldiersiunder said to him, "Teacher, will

me. AndI say to one, "Go,' and | low youwherever you go."
he goes, and to another, 'Come, 20 AndJesussaid to him, "Foxes
the air
and he comes, and to my ser-| havé holes, and birds of
the Son of Man
vant, Do this, and he does it" have nests, but
When Jesus heard this, he has nowhere to lay his head.
12 MATTHEW 8, 9
2 Another of the disciples said So they came out and went inta
to him, "Lord, let me firstgo and the pigs, and behold, the whole
bury my father." herd rushed down
22And Jesus said to him, "Fol-| bank into the sea and drowned
the steep
low me, and leave the dead to | in the waters.
bury their own dead." 3The herdsmen fled, and go-
23And when he got into the ing into the city they told ey.
boat, his disciples followed erything, especially what
him. had happened to the demon-
24And behold, there arose a possessed men.
great storm on the sea, so that|"And behold, all the city came
the boat was being swamped by | out to: meet Jesus, and when
thewaves;but he was asleep.| they saw him, they begged him
25 And they went and woke to leave their region.
him, saying, "Save us, Lord; we
are perishing." CHAPTER 9
26 And hesaid to them, "Why |'And getting into a boat he
are you afraid, Oyou of little crossed over and came to his
faith?" Then he rose and re-|owncity.
buked the winds and the sea, | 2And behold, some people
and there was a great calm. brought to him a paralytic, ly-
And the men marveled, say-|ing on a bed. And when Jesus
ing, "What sort of man is this, saw their faith, he said to the
that even winds and sea obey| paralytic, "Take heart, my son;
him?" your sins are forgiven."
28 And when he came to the| And behold, some of the

other side, to the country of| scribes said to themselves,

the Gadarenes, two demon-|"This man is blaspheming.
possessed men met him, com-But Jesus, knowing their
ing out of the tombs, so fierce | thoughts, said, "Why do you
that no one could pass that way. think evil in your hearts?
29 And behold, they cried out, 5"For which is easier, to say,
"What have you to do with us, Your sins are forgiven, or to0
O Son of God? Have you come say, 'Rise and walk
here to torment us before the "But that you may know that
time?" the Son of Man has authority on
Nowa herd of many pigs.was earth to forgive sins"-he then
feeding at some distance from| said to the paralytic-"Rise,
them. pick up your bed and go home.
And the demons beggedAnd he rose and went home:
him, saying, "lf you cast us out, When the crowds saw it, they
send us away into the herd of | were afraid, and they glorifie
pigs." God, who had given such au-
37And he said to them, "Go." thority t0 men.R t

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