Grade 6-8 Punjabi

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absolute value fBog/y w[`b
accurately label work F[`X b/pb ekoi
adapt nB[e{b$o{gKso
additive inverse :'rkswe T[bNeqw
adjacent ;zbrB (Bkb b`rdk)
adjacent side of a triangle fJe fse'D dk Bkb b`rdk gk;k
algebra phi rfDs$nbipok
algebraic equation phirfDsh ;wheoD
algebraic expression phirfDsh ftnzie
algebraic inequalities phirfDsh fGzBsk
algebraic pattern phirfDsh pDso$Bw{Bk
algebraic solution phirfDsh j`b
algebraically phirfDs ;pzXh
alternate exterior angles J/eKso pkjoh e'D
alternate interior angles J/eKso nzdo{Bh e'D
altitude FhoFbzp
analyze ftFb/FD
angle bisector e'D noXe
angle pairs e'D i'V/
apply bkr{
apply a variety of strategies t`y t`y oDBhshnK bkr{ eoBk
appropriate mathematical terms rfDs ;pzXh Y[et/I B/w
approximation nB[wkB
arc ukg$e";
area y/socb$oepk
area of a circle r'b/ dk y/socb
argument soe
arithmetically nze-rfDs ;pzXh
associative property of addition i'V dh i[VDFhb ftF/Fsk
associative property of r[Dk dh i[VDFhb ftF/Fsk
base (of percent) nXko (\h;dh dk )
base of a 2-dimensional shape 2-g;koh neko dh nXko-;zfynk
base of a 3-dimensional shape 3-g;koh neko dh nXko-;zfynk
base ten number system d; Bzpo gqpzX dk nXko
binomial d'-gdh
bisector ;w-d[Gkie$noXe
calculate frDBk$fj;kp bkT[Dk
calculate distance d{oh dk fj;kp bkT[Dk
calculate unit price \h Br ehws dk fj;kp bkT[Dk
calculate volume nkfJsB dk fj;kp bkT[Dk
Celsius ;?b;hn;
central angle e/Idoh e'D
chord tso$ihtk
circle r'bk
circle graph r'b/ dk rqk\
circumference x/ok
clarifying questions ;[nkbK ~ ;gFN eoBk
coefficient r[DKe
coherent i[VtK
collaboration ;fj:'r
combine like terms fJe' fijhnK gfoGkFktK ~ fJe`mk eo'
commission ewhFB
commutative property of i'V dh tNKdok:'r ftF/Fsk
commutative property of r[Dk dh tNKdok:'r ftF/Fsk
compare strategies oDBhshnK dh s[bBk
compare unit prices \h Br dhnK ehwsK dh s[bBk
compass goeko
complementary angles g{oe e'D
compound events u`eoftqXh gfoDkw
comprehend Fkfwb eoBk
conclusion f;`Nk$gfoDkw
conduct ;zukbB
congruent ;opzr-;w
conjecture (noun) nB[wkB
conjecture (verb) nB[wkB bkT[Dk
connections fwbkT[Dk$i'VDk
consecutive integers eqfwe g{oD ;zfynk
consolidate ;zfus
constraints gkpzdh$fB:zsoD
construction fy`uDk$tkj[Dk
convert money oew-tNKdok
convert capacity within a given fds/ rJ/ gqpzX d/ nzdo tNKdok ;wo`Ek
convert mass within a given fds/ rJ/ gqpzX d/ nzdo tNKdok ;w{j
convert volume within a given fds/ rJ/ gqpzX d/ nzdo tNKdok nkfJsB
convert within a given system fds/ rJ/ gqpzX d/ nzdo tNKdok
coordinate geometry fBod/Fh o/ykrfDs
coordinate plane fBod/Fh ;wsb
corresponding angles ;zrs e'D
corresponding sides ;zrs G[i
counterexample gqfse{[b T[dkjoD
counting (natural) numbers frDB (;fji) ;zfynk
counting numbers frDB ;zfynk
cup e`g$eN'ohB[wk neko
customary units of capacity ;XkoD :{fBNK dh ;wo`Ek
customary units of mass ;XkoD :{fBNK dk ;w{j
data nzeVk
decode j`b eoBk
defend soe d/Dk
degree of a polynomial pj[gdh xks$e'D-nzF
density xDsk
dependent events fBoGo gfoDkw
describe ftnes eoBk
develop formulas \kow{b/ fsnko eoB/
diameter ftnk;
differentiate nzso do;kT[Dk
dilate tXkT[Dk
dilation t`X eoBk
dimensions xksK
discuss ftuko-tNKdok
distance d{oh
distinguish tor-tzv eoBk
distributive property tzvDFhb r[D
domain y/so
double bar graph d[joh vzvh tkbk rqk\
double line graphs d[joh bkJhB d/ rqk\
draw a graph rqk\ pDkT[Dk
draw a picture fu`so pDkT[Dk
draw conclusions f;`N/ e`YDk
equation ;wheoD
equation of a line o/yk dk ;wheoD
equidistant ;wd{otosh
equivalent customary units of ;ws[b ;XkoD :{fBNK dh ;wo`Ek
equivalent fractions t`y t`y ;ws[b fJekJhnK ftu tzvDk
equivalent numerical ;ws[b ;zfynkswe fuzBQ-;zrqfj
equivalent ratios ;ws[b nB[gks
estimate nB[wkB
area y/so
circumference x/ok
volume nkfJsB
evaluate w[bKeD
evaluate conjectures nB[wkB dk w[bKeD
evaluate efficiency e[Fbsk-nB[gks dk w[bKeD
exchange rate table tNKdok do skfbek
expenses ]ou/
explain ftnkfynk
explore j`b b`GDk
exponent xksKe
exponential form xksKeh o{g
extend g;ko
exterior angle g;koh e'D
extremes (of a proportion) gfjbhnK ns/ nzsbhnK ;zfynktK (dk nB[gks)
faces and bases ;sj ns/ nXko
of cones Fze{ dk
of cylinders f;fbzvoK dk
of prisms fgq}wK dk
of pyramids fgokfwvK dk
factor r[DB yzv
Fahrenheit \kojBkJhN
favorable outcomes nB[e{b Bshi/
fixed distance fBFfus d{oh
formally soshp nB[;ko
formula \kow{bk
formulate ;{soheoD eoBk
formulate mathematical rfDs d/ ;[nkbK dk ;{soheoD
fraction fGzBsk
frequency pkozpkosk
frequency table pkozpkosk skfbek
function cbBe
function notation cbBe ;ze/se
function rule cbBe B/w
fundamental counting principle frDsh dk p[fBnkdh f;XKs
gallon r?bB
generalizations ;kXkoDheoD
geometric shape o/ykrfDs ;pzXh neko
geometry o/ykrfDs
graphically rqk\K$o/ykfu`soK okjhI
gratuity ;/tk-XzB
greatest common factor ;G s'I t`vk nkw r[DB-yzv
height T{ukJh
histogram fj;N'rqkw
hypotenuse eoD-o/yk
ideas gqwkD$i[rs
identity ;opzr;wsk
identity element ;opzr;wsk s`s
identity property of addition i'V dh ;opzr;wsk ftF/Fsk
identity property of r[Dk dh ;opzr;wsk ftF/Fsk
image XkoDk
impossible outcomes n;zGt Bshi/
income nkwdB
indirect go'y$r"D
inductive reasoning s`EK dk g/Fekoh tkbk soe
inequality n;wkBsk
informally T[rV-d[rV/ o{g ftu$|?oo;wh s"o @s/
input values bkJh ikD tkbh ehws
integer g{oD nze
integer coefficients g{oD nze r[DKe
integral g{oD ;zfyne
integral exponents g{oD ;zfyne xksKe
interconnect nzso-;pzfXs eoBk
interest ftnki
interest rates ftnki-doK
interior angle nzdo{Bh e'D
interpret ftnkfynk eoBh
interpret graphs rqk\K dh ftnkfynk eoBh
invalid approach ngqwkfDe gj[zu
inverse element T[bNeqw s`s
inverse operation T[bNeqw ekotkJh
investigate gVskb
investigate conjectures nB[wkBK dh gVskb
irrational numbers BkwkgD:'r ekoD
irregular polygon n;w pj[e'D$pj[G[i
irrelevant information ngq;zfre ikDekoh
justify gqwkD fdU
language of logic (and, or, not) soe dh GkFk (ns/, iK, BjhI)
law of exponents for division Gkr bJh xksKeK d/ B/w
law of exponents for r[Dk bJh xksKeK d/ B/w
laws of exponents xksKe d/ B/w
legs of a right triangle bzpo{g fse'D dh pkjh
length bzwkJh
levels of precision ;Nhesk d/ g`Xo
like (common) denominators ;wkB (fJe' fij/) Gkie
like terms ;wkB gfoGkFktK
line o/yk
line graph o/yk rqk\
line symmetry o/yk ;wsk$;fwNoh
linear equation o/ykth
linear inequalities o/ykth n;wkBsktK
linear relationship o/ykth ;pzX
liter fbNo (sob gdkoE dk fJe wkg)
logic soe
logical argument soe tkbh dbhb
logical reasoning soe okjhI f;`Nk e`YDk
lowest terms fBwBsw FosK
magnitude gfowkD
make conjectures nB[wkB pDkT[Dk
manipulative(s) i[rs(K)
map scale BeFk g?wkBk
mathematical argument rfDs ;pzXh soe
mathematical ideas rfDs ;pzXh gqwkD
mathematical language rfDs ;pzXh GkFk
mathematical phenomena rfDs ;pzXh gqs`y-frnkB
mathematical relationships rfDs ;pzXh ;pzX
mathematical statement rfDs ;pzXh eEB
mean n";s$w`XwkB
means (of a proportion) w`XwkBK (dh n";s)
measure capacity wkg ;wo`Ek
measures of central tendency wkgK dh e/Idoh gqftosh
median wfXnzso o/yk
methods of proof gqwkD dh g`Xsh
metric system whfNqe gqpzX
metric units of capacity whfNqe :{fBNK dh ;wo`Ek
metric units of mass whfNqe :{fBNK dk ;w{j
milliliter fwbhfbNo
misleading GowiBe
mixed number fwfFqs ;zfynk
mode ftXh
model (noun) Bw{Bk
model problems Bw{Bk ;wf;nktK
model situations Bw{Bk ;fEshnK
model using manipulatives i[rsK dh tos'I eodk Bw{Bk
model(s) Bw{Bk (Bw{B/)
models Bw{B/
monitor fBohyD eoBk
monomial fJe gdh ;zfynk
multiple pj[g`yh
multiple representations pj[g`yh toDB
multiplicative inverse pj[g`yh T[bNeqw (nB[g{oe)
multiply (multiplication) pj[g`yh (r[Dk)
natural numbers ;fji ;zfynktK
negative foDkswe ;zfynk
nonadjacent side of a triangle fse'D dk Bkb Bk i[fVnk j'fJnk gk;k
nonlinear equation no/ykth ;wheoD
nonlinear relationship no/ykth ;pzX
non-perfect squares ng{oD nkfJskeko
non-repeating decimal Bk d[jokfJnk ikD tkbk dFwbt
nonstandard representations ngqwkfDe gqshfBXsk
non-terminating decimal ]sw Bk j'D tkbh dFwbt
not preserved okytK BjhI ofynk
number line ;zfynk o/yk
number system ;zfynk gqpzX
numeric (arithmetic) expression okFh (nzerfDs)gqrNktk
numerical problem ;zfynkswe ;wf;nk
numerically Bzpo tko
observe patterns fBohyD Bw{Bk
operation ekotkJh
operations with polynomials pj[gdh Bkb ekotkJhnK
order (verb) soshptko eoBk
order of operations ekotkJhnK dh soshp
ordered pair soshpp`X i'V/
organize work fBoXkfos ezw
organized chart fBoXkfos ukoN
organized list fBoXkfos ;{uh
parallel lines ;wkBKso o/yktK
percent \h;dh
percent decrease \h;dh xNDk
percent increase \h;dh tXDk
percent of quantity wksok dh \h;dh
perfect square g{oD tor
perimeter gfoXh$x/ok
perpendicular bisector bzpo{g ;w d[Gkie
personal references for ;wo`Ek bJh fBih jtkb/
personal references for units of :{fBNK d/ ;w{j bJh fBih jtkb/
physical phenomena G"fse s`E
pi (π) gkfJ
pint sob gdkoEK dk fJe wkg
plot ]kek pDkT[Dk
point fpzd{
polygon pj[e'D$pj[G[i
polynomial pj[gdh
population e[b-;zfynk (t;s nkfd dh)
positive XBkswe ;zfynk
possible outcomes ;zGkfts f;`N/
power xks$Fesh
predict g{op nB[wkB
pre-image g{op XkoDk
preserved puke/ oyDk
prime factorization w[Yb/ r[DByzv pDkT[Dk
probability ;zGktBk
procedures gqDkbhnK
process of elimination ]sw eoB dk nwb
profit bkG
properties of real numbers n;b BzpoK dhnK ftF/FsktK
proportion nB[gks
proportional reasoning nB[gks bJh soe
proportionality ;w nB[gkssk
protractor e'D wkge :zso
Pythagorean theorem gkfJEkr'ohnB fEUow
quadrant e'D wkge$r'bkeko dh u"EkJh
quadratic equation torkswe$d[xksh ;wheoD
quadratics d[xks
quadrilateral us[oG[i
quart r?bB dk u"Ek fj`;k
radius noX-ftnk;
range x/ok$dkfJok
Rate do
[Translator’s Note: as in Rate of
Rate ehws
[Translator’s Note: as in Price or
cost of something)
rate of change spdhbh do
rate of interest ftnki do
ratio nB[gks
rational number gfow/: Bzpo
rationale soeg{oD ftnkfynk
real numbers n;b Bzpo
reasonableness of a solution fJe j`b dh soe;zrssk
recognize connections ;pzXK ~ gqwkfDs eoBk
record data nzeV/ foek`ov eoBk
rectangle nkfJskeko
rectangular prism nkfJskeko fgq}w
reflect gqfsfpzps eoBk
reflection goktose$gqfsfpzp
refute yzvB eoBk
regular polygon ;wo{g pj[G[i
relation ;pzX
relative error s[bBkswe$nB[gkse |bsh
relevant information ;pzfXs ikDekoh
repeating decimal nkftqsh$d[jokU dFwbt
results f;`N/$j`b
rhombus ;wus[oG[i$;w-u"e'o
right angle ;we'D
rotate u`eokeko
rotation u`eo
rotational symmetry u`eodko ;wsk$;fwNoh
round (verb) w[ezwb j'Dk
rule B/w$c[`Nk
sale price fteoh ehws
sales fteohnK
sampling Bw{Bk
scientific notation ftfrnkBe fuzBQ-nzeD
sector dkfJo/ dk fJe fj`;k
segment bisector yzv noXe
similar triangles ;wo{g fse'D
simple interest ;XkoD ftnki
simplify ;ob pDkT[Dk
simplify expressions ;ob pDkT[D dk gqrNktk
slope fsoSk$YkbtK o{g
slope-intercept form fsoSk ekNtK o{g
social contexts ;wkie ;zdoG
social phenomena ;wkie s`E
solution j`b
solution set j`b dk ;?N
solution set of an equation fJe ;wheoD d/ j`b dk ;?N
solution set of an inequality fJe n;wkBsk d/ j`b dk ;?N
solutions j`b
solve j`b eoBk
solve a simpler problem fJe n;kB ;[nkb ~ j`b eoBk
spatial reasoning ft;Eko tkbk soe
special case(s) T[u/uk wkwbk (wkwb/)
square tor
square root torw{b
standard form of a number ;zfynk dk gqwkfDe o{g
standard representations gqwkfDe gqshfBXsk
statistics nzeVk-ftfrnkB
straight edge f;`Xk feBkok
strategies oDBhshnK
strategy selection oDBhse u'D
subset Gkr
substitute pdbtK
supplementary angles g{oe e'D
supportive argument ;jkfJe soe
surface area of prisms fgq}w dk ;sj y/so
surface area of cylinders f;fbzvo dk ;sj y/so
symbols in verbal form Fkpfde o{g ftu gqshe
symbols in written form fbysh o{g ftu gqshe
symmetry ;fwNoh
system of equations ;wheoD dk gqpzX
system of inequalities n;wkBsktK dk gqpzX
table of values ehwsK dh skfbek
tax N?e;
technical writing seBheh fbys
term B/w
terminating decimal n]hobk dFbwt
transformation o{gKsoD
transformational geometry o{gKsoe o/ykrfDs
translate noE ;wMkT[Dk
translation o{gKso
transversal ekNthI o/yk
trapezoid ;wbzpkswe us[oG[i
trial and error e'fFF ns/ |bsh
triangle fse'D
trinomial fszBgdh
unlike denominators n;wkB jo
valid approach gqwkfDe sohek
validity of sample methods Bw{Bk sohfenK dh gqwkDesk
variable pdbtK
Venn diagram t?B nko/y
verbal expression Fkpfde gqrNktk
verbal form Fkpfde o{g
verbal sentence Fkpfde tke
verbal symbols Fkpfde fuzBQ
verbally Fkpfde o{g ftu
verify claims of others j'oBK d/ dknftnK dh g[FNh eoBk
verify results BshfinK dh g[FNh eoBk
vertex FhoF
vertical yVQ/ dkn$bzpkswe
vertical angles bzpkswe$FhoF e'D
vertical line test yVQ/ dkn tkbk o/yk N?;N
vertical lines yVQ/ dkn tkbhnK o/yktK
visualization ebgBkswe fu`so pDkT[Dk
volume nkfJsB
volume of a cylinder f;fbzvo dk nkfJsB
volume of a prism fgq}w dk nkfJsB
whole number g{oD nze
width u"VkJh
work backwards fgSKj tb ezw eoBk
write an equation fJe ;wheoD fbyDk
written symbols fbysh fuzBQ
y-intercept d{ih nfrnks okFh ~ e`NDk
zero property of multiplication r[Dk ftu f;\o dh ftF/Fsk

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