Aegean Megaron Greek Temple

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How are the Aegean megaron and Greek temple related?

Aegean Megaron Greek Temple

People considered their gods and
Patron for the known Palace of Knossos goddesses as patrons. Pericles was the
Patronage Megaron was King Minos. statesman during the construction of the
Parthenon temple in Athens 448-432 BCE

Palace Complex of Knossos along with King’s and Queen’s Megaron was built in Originated with Greek architects during Archaic period ca.
Practice 1700 BCE. The legend has it that the palace was built as a cell for a mighty and 700-500 BCE and was organized and financed by the city.
fearsome minotaur, a mythological creature known as minotaur, a comprised of a
bull and human combined.
Was a part in all Mycenaean palaces and was also built as part of Temples were built on high ground, ex. temples on the Acropolis at
Context houses in antient Greece and Middle East. Originated on Crete island. Athens 479 BCE or the Temple of Aphaia at Aegina c 570 BCE.
Were not close by the

Was used for sacrificial processions, as well as for royal functions and Was used to house the cult statue of a god or a godness, who
Building Type court meetings. The megaron was reception hall or throne room to the protected and sustained community.

Theory Was build for a use of a king as well as sacrificial processions. People Was dedicated to a god or a goodness.
worshipped nature deities, associated with trees, mountains, animals, flowers,
from Sumerian influence.
Mud, brick, and marble structures on stone foundations. The columns
Mud-brick structure, often with wood-ornamented metal doors. Roof were wooden, sometimes replaced with stone, door openings and antae
Technology was supported by wooden beams, concrete floors. were protected with wooden planks. Used marble roofing tile of thatch
for the sloping roof covering.
Open porch supported by columns, columned
entrance, a portico and cella. Megaron had Based on a design of
Design decorated walls with frescoes, included rosettes Mycenaean megaron plan.
and flying dolphins. Rectangular space having Has open porch supported
solid long walls without openings, and an entrance by columns, columned
in the center of one short side, usually with entrance with Cella in the
attached anteroom, followed by a courtroom. middle.

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