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Key to Being Productive!

At a Glance Objectives
The definition of productivity is 1. Get over urgency addictions
getting more done of what matters
2. Define your personal mission
most. To decide what matters most,
we need to let go of urgency 3. Clarify your Roles, and choose
addiction and do what is most Goals for each (then actions to meet
purposeful each of the goals)

Key 1: Check for Urgency Addiction

Question Rating Question Rating

1. I seem to do my best work 9. I'm at my best when I'm

when I'm under pressure. handling a crisis situation.
2. I often blame external things 10. The adrenaline rush from a
for my failure to spend deep, crisis seems more satisfying
introspective time. to me than long-term results.
3. I'm often frustrated by the 11. I often give up quality time
slowness of people and with important people in my
things around me. I hate to life to handle a crisis.
wait or stand in line.
4. I feel guilty when I take time 12. I assume people will naturally
off work. understand if I have to
disappoint to handle a crisis.
5. I always seem to be rushing 13. I rely on solving some crisis to
between places and events. give my day a sense of
meaning and purpose.
6. I frequently find myself 14. I often eat lunch or other
pushing people away so that meals while I work.
I can finish a project.
7. I feel anxious when I'm out of 15. I keep thinking that someday
touch with the office for more I'll be able to do what I really
than a few minutes. want to do.
8. I’m often preoccupied with 16. Sending lots of email s by the
one thing when I'm doing end of the day makes me feel
something else. like I've really been
Column Subtotal Column Subtotal
Key to Being Productive!

Key 2: Decide Personal and Professional Mission

What? How? Ask these questions:

 Personal or professional missions  What is most important in your life
are long-term statements of overall as a whole?
purpose  What makes the moments in your
life meaningful?
Why?  What do I want to be and to do in
 Because we need a sense of the my life?
big “why?”  What kind of a person do I want to
 It will act as a compass for us  What kind of a contribution do I
want to make?

Key 3: Stay focused on the Goals of Your Roles

Goals / Actions

Why?  Because balance among roles

 Because we have several means they work together for the
important roles accomplishment of your mission

 Much of our pain in life comes  A simple workflow system ensures

because we are living one role to you store open items and get
the exclusion of other roles reminders when you need them
Key to Being Productive!
 Write down your major roles
 Decide a specific goal (this week,
this month) for that role
 Choose an ACTION that will
advance that goal for this role –
then SCHEDULE it!

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