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A Simplified Theoretical Model for the Vapor-Phase

Combustion of Metal Particles


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Combustion Science and Technology © Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers Ltd.
1973, Vol. 7, pp. 197-212 Printed in The United Kingdom

A Simplified Theoretical Model for the Vapor-Phase Combustion

of Metal Particlest
c. K. LAW
Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, University of California at San Diego,
La Jolla, California 92037

Abstract-An analytic model for the vapor-phase combustion of single metal particles is proposed. The condensa-
tion of vaporized oxides on the droplet surface and the motion of condensed oxides are properly accounted for.
Three modes of vapor-phase combustion are possible depending on the direction of motion of the condensed
oxides formed at the flame. Additional solutions, valid in dilute or enriched atmospheres, are obtained by allowing
the flame temperature to decrease or increase, respectively. Flammability limits are also determined. Sample solu-
tions are obtained for the combustion of Al and Be with O 2 , It is shown that the mass burning rate and the flame
stand-off distance are substantially increased by allowing for surface condensation. Be is found to burn much
slower than AI, in addition to its tendency to accumulate substantial condensed oxides on the droplet surface.
When results of the model are compared with available experimental observation, the agreement is reasonable, both
qualitatively and quantitatively.

T, p,p temperature, density, pressure. & ()(1 + v)
k,C,D thermal conductivity, heat capacity, Subscripts
diffusion coefficient. f, s, 00 flame, droplet surface, infinity.
enthalpy. s, I, g solid, liquid and gaseous phases.
mass flux. I, 2 inner and outer diffusion zones, respec-
specific heat of vaporization at T s • tively (except as subscripts for Q).
heat of reaction/condensation at T, for F, 0, v, fuel, oxidizer, vapor product, condensed
oxide vapor per unit mass of fuel. c, p product, all products.
Q Ql + Q2'
r radial distance. I. INTRODUCTION
T; boiling point of oxide.
V bulk velocity. Metal powders have long been used as an ingredient
Y, r, mass fraction, mass fraction per unit in solid propellant formulation, both to increase
mass of gaseous components. the specific impulse and to suppress certain modes
() fraction of oxide vaporized at flame. of combustion instability. Due to the desirability
'YJ fraction of () diffusing inward. to keep the combustion chamber small, it is
v stoichiometric mass ratio of oxidizer to essential that the powders burn rapidly in order to
fuel. achieve complete combustion before being ex-
hausted. Thus, the study of the combustion
Nondimensional Parameters mechanism and the burning rate of a single metal
a t, - t; particle in various atmospheres is of paramount
b Tf - T aJ
~1 {I - 8'YJ,,- (1 + v - 8)~1} .- Several theories (Brzustowski and Glassman,
~2 {-v+e(I-'YJ)+(1+y-e)~2} 1964; Kuehl, 1965; Kuehl and Zwillenberg, 1968;
fz hlL Wilson, 1969; Klyachko, 1969) have been ad-
Le kl(CpD) vanced attempting to describe single metal particle
M m/(4TfpDrs) combustion. A comprehensive summary on the
C?t.2 Q121L(1 + y) t This work has been sponsored by the Air Force Office
f rlr: . of Scientific Research, Office of Aerospace Research, U.S.
t CT/L Air Force under Grant AFOSR-72-2333.
198 C. K. LAW

results of vapor-phase burning, which is relevant assumed, are to be convected away by the bulk
to the present work, can be found in the paper by gaseous motion. The present model attempts to
Wilson (1969). introduce these improvements.
Based on Godsave's theory of hydrocarbon drop- The complete model developed in Sections II and
let combustion (see, for example, Williams, 1965), and III henceforth will be called Model A. It
Brzustowski and Glassman (1964) constructed a includes all the improvements proposed in the
simplified model for metal particle combustion. previous paragraph, always restricting the flame
This model deviates from that for the hydrocarbon temperature to the boiling point of the oxide.
droplet mainly by limiting the flame temperature, Section IV describes a modification of Model A in
T f , to the boiling point of the metal oxide, T;, and which surface condensation of vaporized oxides is
by allowing the oxide to vaporize only partially. inhibited, this will be called Model B. In Section V
Both deviations stem from a consideration of the solutions for Model A are extended into regions of
total energy available. dilute atmospheres (low YOcrJ by allowing the
The model of Brzustowski and Glassman was flame temperature to decrease and complete con-
modified by Kuehl (1965) and by Kuehl and densation of the products at the flame; and into
Zwillenberg (1968) by allowing for the inwardly- regions of enriched atmospheres (high Y O CXJ ) by
directed transport of vaporized products and their allowing the flame temperature to increase and
subsequent condensation on the droplet surface. complete vaporization of the products at the flame.
They have, however, assumed the vaporized frac- The above two extensions are designated Models C
tion, (j, of the product to be the same in the and D respectively. Sample solutions for Al and
presence of surface condensation as it is with Be reacting with O 2 will be discussed in detail for
surface condensation inhibited. Furthermore, the all models in Section VI. Theoretical results are
heat released from surface condensation was in- compared with experimental observations in Section
corporated into the analysis in only an approximate VII.
Wilson (1969) experimentally observed the ac- II. THE MODEL
cumulation of condensed product at the flame and Several features of the familiar hydrocarbon droplet
proposed a model to describe it. This model, combustion model (Williams, 1965) are adopted
however, is only applicable for the special case here. Thus, it is assumed that the burning process
when T, is not constrained to T; and that all is steady-state, spherically symmetric and isobaric.
products exist in condensed phase at the flame. The coefficients of thermal conductivity and the
Recently, the problem with surface condensation heat capacities of the various species are constant
was also solved by Klyachko (1969), but at the and equal to each other. Unity Lewis number is
expense of selecting an arbitrary constant value for also assumed in order to obtain explicit expressions
the fraction 'YJ of (j that diffused inward. The heat for the final results.
release due to surface condensation also was not The molten metal droplet is at its boiling point,
accounted for properly. T s • Williams (1960) has shown that such an
It is felt that to go one step further than the assumption will cause .significant errors in the
contributions of Brzustowski and Glassman, the computed burning rates only for low energy fuels
following salient features of metal particle com- which probably will not ignite in the first place.
bustion will have to be taken into account. A Since the transport of mass and heat are the
proper treatment for the surface condensation of rate-limiting processes, evaporation of the fuel
vaporized products is essential. The condensation takes place instantly and diffusion through any
heat release at the droplet surface is to be included condensed oxides on the droplet surface is assumed
in the overall heat-balance equation. The values of to be sufficiently fast. The outwardly diffusing
(j and 'YJ are to be found as eigenvalues] of the fuel vapor and inwardly diffusing oxidizer gas
problem, The, condensed products at the flame, react instantaneously and completely at a surface
instead of being gas-like as some of the models have detached from the droplet where the mass flux
ratio 'V of the oxidizer to the fuel is in stoichiometric
t The term "eigenvalue" is used in its broad sense, proportion. At the flame, to satisfy Glassman's
meaning a parameter whose value is determined in the
course of solution of a set of differential equations. The criterion (Glassman, 1960) that the flame temper-
strict interpretation within the context of Sturm-Liouville ature, T f , be limited to the oxide's boiling point,
theory is not intended here. T;, a fraction (j of the product formed at the flame

is vaporized with the rest (1 - (j) in condensed subsequent condensation on the droplet surface
phase. Furthermore, a fraction 'YJ of the vaporized deserves further elaboration. During their migra-
products diffuses inward and condenses instantan- tion from the flame to the droplet surface, con-
eously and completely upon contacting the droplet densation of vaporized products is prohibited.
surface. The rest (1 - 'YJ) diffuses outward and This assumption is reasonable since the temperature
may condense eventually at infinity. The heat in the inner region is quite elevated, hence not
generated at the flame, and at the droplet surface conducive for rapid nucleation to occur, at least
when oxide vapor condenses, is used to vaporize not until the vaporized products are near the
the fuel as well as to heat up the fuel vapor and droplet surface. However, if this assumption is
oxidizer gas. It is also required that T, > T, to not made, the formulation of the model will be
ensure vapor-phase burning (Glassman, 1960). greatly complicated. A distributed condensation
Condensed species do not diffuse, hence con- heat release zone with continuous formation of
densed products formed at the flame can only be condensed oxides will exist. If VI > 0 at the flame,
convected away by the bulk gaseous motion. then these condensed oxides will be continuously
Since the bulk gaseous velocities, VI and V2 , in the swept towards the flame. If VI < 0 at the flame,
inner and outer region can both be directed either then it is possible that, under certain conditions,
inward or outward, four possible motions for the VI > 0 occurs at some distance away from. the
condensed products can result: (i) they will be droplet surface. Under this situation the condensed
completely dispersed to infinity if VI > 0 and oxides formed at the flame as well as in the gaseous
V 2 > 0; (ii) they will be trapped at the flame if phase in region 1 will be trapped at the location
VI > 0 and V 2 < 0; (iii) they will be swept inward where VI = O. These potential complications will
and accumulated on the droplet surface if VI < 0 not be analyzed.
and V 2 < 0; (iv) it will be shown later the: case The statement that complete condensation occurs
VI < 0 and V2 > 0 is non-existent. The transition on the droplet surface, i.e.,
among various models as proposed here is dis-
Y v ,I = 0 at r = rs (1)
continuous due to the step change in mass flux in
either the inner or outer region. requires that the condensation process occurs much
Radiation effects are neglected in the present faster than the rates of transport of mass and heat.
formulation. Brzustowski and Glassman (1964) This is assumed to be true in the present formula-
found that for particle sizes less than 100 It, the tion, since on physical grounds it appears most
burning rates of Al and Mg were influenced to less realistic. If this assumption were not made, then
than 20 per cent by radiative effects. Wilson (1969) a rate expression for condensation would have to
also estimated that for a 60 ft particle, radiation be introduced. Such an expression would involve
effects were less than 10 per cent. Since metal additional (kinetic) parameters whose values are
particles encountered in the combustion chamber unknown.
are usually less than 100 ft in size, the neglect of As condensed oxides slowly build up on the
radiation is justified. The above assumption, droplet surface, if the rate of diffusion of the fuel
however, renders the present solutions to be inde- vapor through them is comparable with the rates
pendent of the particle size. The influence of of heat and mass transport, then several of the
ambient pressure enters only through the variations fundamental assumptions of the present model
of various thermochemical constants with pressure. break down. First, since the diffusion rate of fuel
The inclusion of surface condensation of the vapor through the condensed oxides is expected to
vaporized products, to account for the experi- decrease as the amount of oxide increases, the
mentally observed phenomenon of the gradual burning process ceases to be steady state. When
accumulation of condensed oxides on the droplet the accumulation of the oxides on the droplet
surface, is an essential feature of the model. It surface is uneven, evaporation and the subsequent
not only provides an additional heat source for the combustion will be more rigorous in certain
vaporization process, but also allows for the directions, resulting in the commonly observed
possibility of inwardly directed bulk gaseous vel- phenomena of jetting and spinning. This destroys
ocities to bring the condensed oxides from the the assumption of spherical symmetry. Finally,
flame to the droplet surface. when the oxide coating becomes increasingly non-
The assumed processes for the transport of permeable to the fuel vapor, vapor-phase com-
vaporized products in the inner region and their bustion may be reduced to surface burning. In
200 C. K. LAW

severe cases chemical reaction may terminate alto- can now be expressed, in non-dimensional form:
gether and the burning process is said to be M I = {I - Or; - (1 +y - O)~I}MF
quenched. In all of the above situations the
=~IMF (7)
"d 2-law" , which is a consequence of spherically
symmetric vapor-phase burning with heat and Mg,1 = {I - &r;}MF (8)
mass transport being the rate-limiting process, lYf2 = {-y + &(1 - r;) + (1 + y - &)~2}MF
becomes invalid. The resulting exponent for d is =~2MF (9)
expected to lie between 1 and 2. The burning time
for a particle is substantially prolonged. M g,2 = {-y + &(1 - r;)}MF (10)
The presence of trapped condensed oxides in the B. Directions of Bulk Gaseous Velocity
flame zone is not expected to influence the burning The directions of V I , 2 are given by the signs of
process to any significant extent. This is because, Mg,1 and M g,2' Since M F is always flowing outward
first, they are distributed over a larger area at the and hence positive, the following criteria are
flame, and secondly, it has been suggested (Wilson obtained:
and Williams, 1971) that under certain conditions
VI ~ Oo¢:? r; ~ 1/0 (11)
they can be intermittently ejected outward by
acquiring significant thermal diffusion velocities; V 2 ~ Oo¢:? r; ~ (1 - y/O) (12)
thus it appears unlikely that there will be enough The direction of transport of the condensed
condensed oxide accumulated to form an effective oxides formed at the flame depends on VI and V2 •
non-permeable shell to slow the burning process Suitable combinations of the directions of VI and
substantially. V2 , produce four possible motions for the condensed
It can, therefore, be concluded that the present oxide.
model is expected to be able to provide a very
i) Dispersed to infinity (~I = 0, ~2 = 1). This
general qualitative description of the vapor-phase
occurs when VI > 0, V2 > 0. The combined
combustion of a metal particle in a prescribed
criteria on 0 and r; can be shown to be:
atmosphere. The reliability of the quantitative
prediction on the eigenvalues of the solution (e.g.,
mass burning rate and the flame stand-off distance),
°< r; < (1 - y/O); y < 0 < (1 + y) (13)
ii) Trapped at the flame (~I = ~2 = 0). "This
however, decreases when the detrimental effect of occurs when VI > 0, V2 < 0. The values of () and
surface oxide becomes serious as burning progresses. r; are now restricted by the inequalities:
Nevertheless the model does indicate, in a relative
max {O, (1 - y/O)} < r; < min {I, I/O};
manner, the conditions under which the accumu-
lation of surface oxides are expected to be serious. °< 0 < (1 + y) (14)
iii) Accumulated on the droplet surface (~I = 1,
III. FORMULATION ~2 = 0). This occurs when VI < 0, V 2 < 0. The
A. Stoichiometric Mass Flux Relations possible values of &and r; are given by:
From stoichiometry, the mass fluxes of various 1/& < n < 1; 1 < &< (1 + y) (15)
species, which are conserved quantities in the
respective regions where they are present, can all iv) The conditions for VI < 0, V >
2 are
mutually exclusive. Hence this regime does not
be expressed in terms of that of the fuel as:
MV,I = -{&r;}MF (2)
Equations (13) to (15) indicate thatthetransitions
Me,1 = -{(1 + y - &)~I}MF (3) between modes (i) and (ii), and between modes (ii)
Mo = -{y}MF (4) and (iii), occur at the limits - y + &(1 - r;) = 0
M V,2 = {&(1 - r;)}MF (5) °
and I' - Or; = respectively.
The regimes given by equations (13) to (15) are
M e,2 = {(1 + y - &)~2}MF (6)
'shown in Figure 1 for the metals Al and Be re-
where (~b ~2) is equal to unity when the condensed acting' with 02' It is to' be noted that the above
products formed at the flame are convected (in- criteria are by no means sufficient conditions for the
ward; outward), and is equal to zero otherwise. existence of various modes of combustion. Addi-
The bulk mass fluxes m = 47Tr 2 pV and the bulk tional restrictions, ensuring that the solutions
gaseous fluxes m g = 47Tr 2 pg V in each of the regions obtained are physically realistic (e.g. , Too > 0) will

I.0 r-----r---..-----'T'--r---..-----r----.--..........--..,...,..--~-____,




0,0 ~.....lo.-:.-J-~~~"---1.... _ _.l--_L_----I...~~~~~~~~......:::..__:::..I~___J

0,0 0,2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0,2 0.4 0,6 0.8 1.0
FIG. 1. Regions in the O-'Y} space where solutions exist for various combustion modes for (a) Al and (b) Be.

have to be investigated for each combustion mode Furthermore, it can be shown that P and pg are
as well as for each metal. related by
It may be emphasized that while the results pg= p(1 - Yc)/(1 - R) (20)
obtained here depend on the assumption of
where R is the fraction of the total volume of
spherical symmetry, they are independent of most of
physical space occupied by the condensed particles.
the other simplifications, such as neglect of radia-
By making the realistic "dilute spray" approxi-
tion, constant transport coefficients, etc.
mation (Williams, 1965) that R «
1, equation (20)
C. Conservation of Species becomes
The mass flux of the i t h species in a gaseous flow (20a)
with condensed products can be expressed as Equation (16) can now be reduced to the familiar
m, = 47Tr 2{p
VYi - pg D dYi,g/dr} (16) diffusion equation for the i t h gaseous species:
In equation (16) whereas the convective term is m, = 47Tr 2p{VYi - D dYi/dr} (21)
evaluated for all the species present, the diffusive
In non-dimensional form, equation (21) can be
term is dependent only on the gaseous components.
written as
The binary diffusion coefficient D is assumed to be
M, = MYi - f2 d Y'[d? (21a)
a constant for all pairs of gaseous species in each
region. Integrating equation (2Ia) from the flame to any f
For the condensed species, the diffusive term is gives the general expression for the distribution of
absent. Equation (16) becomes, in non-dimensional the i t h gaseous species:
r; = Mc/M (17) sur: - r;l) = In {(MJ:,f - Mi)/(MJ: - M i )}
Equation (17) shows that the mass fraction of the (22)
condensed products is a constant in each region. D. Conservation of Energy
That constant always will be zero in at least one of The non-dimensionalized energy equation, valid
the two regions. in a region free of energy sources or sinks, is
From the definitions of Y i andYi,g, viz.
Y i = pJ p, Yi,g = Pi/(P - Pc) (18) (23)
where Pi is the partial density of the i t h species, the where HI and H 2 represent the total amount of
following relation is obtained: energy flux in the inner and outer regionsrespec-
Yi = (1 - Yc)Y i. g (19) tively.
202 C. K. LAW

In obtaining equation (23), it has been assumed Inner Region:

that a constant heat capacity C is used for all
species and that the Lewis number Le = k/(CpD) c: Ye.1 = -(1 + v - (j);I/g;'1 (29)
is unity. Neither of these assumptions is essential v: M 1U- 1 - r-;I)
in obtaining a solution.· They are nevertheless
imposed so that explicit analytical results can be = --In {(g;'IYv,1 + (j'f))/(g;'IYV,t + B'f))} (30)
derived. F: M 1U- 1- 'i1) = -In {I - g;IYF} (31)
By taking the reference temperature to be the
droplet surface temperature T s ' the enthalpies for T:M 1U- 1 - r-;I)
the various species are: = --In {1-g;I(Tt - T)/(g;l a -(PI)} (32)
ho = (T - Ts ) hF = (T - Ts) Outer Region:
hv = - Ql + (T - Ts) he = - Q + (T - Ts)
c: Ye,2 = (1 +v- B);2/g;'2 (33)
where Q = Ql + Q2' v: M 2U-
- 'i1)
Evaluating equation (23) at t; and by applying
= --In{[g;'2 Yv,2- B(I-'f))]/[g;'2Yv,t-B(1-'f))]}
the boundary condition that
{,2 dT/df}s = M F + M v,I(Q2)
= MF{I - B'f)Q2} (25) 0: M 2U- 1 - 'i 1) = -In {1 + g;'2 YO} (35)
HI is found as
T: M 2 U- 1 - r-/)
HI == MF{(B'f)Q - I) + (1 + v - B)Q;I} (26a) = -In {I - ,:FiTt - T)/(g;'2a - 9?2)} (36)
Furthermore by noting that in crossing the flame where
from region I to region 2, an amount of heat flux,
M F(1 + if - B)(-Q + a)(1 - ;),associated with 9?1 = (B'f)Q2 - 1) (37)
the condensed oxides trapped at the flame during 9?2 = (O'f)Q - I) + 0(1 - 'f))Ql
mode (fi)burning, is lost. Hence H 2 can be found + (1 + v - B)[Q - a(1 - ;)] (38)
H 2 = HI - MF(I +v- O)(-Q + a)(1 - ;) F. Eigenvalues
(26b) Applying the boundary conditions that at f =
P, = I; Yv.1 = 0, YF = YF,s, T = t; to equations.
where ; = ;1 + ;2' Integrating equation (23)
from the flame to any', the general expression for
(30) to (32), respectively, and that at
YV,2 = 0, Yo = Yoro, T = r:
to equations (34)
temperature distribution is found as to (36), respectively, we obtain
MU- 1 - 'i1) = -In {1 - g;'(Tt - T)/(g;'a - 9?)}
MF'-~I(1 - 'i 1) =
In {I + g;'IYv,t/(B'f))} (39)
where 9? is given by 1
M Fg;I(1 - Pi ) = -In {I - g;'IYF.s} (40)
MF,-~il - 'i ) = In {I + g;'l a/(1 - B'f)Q2)}
9? = (MvQl + MeQ + H)/MF (28)
Equations (17), (22), and (27) are the general (41)
solutions to the present problem. When applied to
1-:#'2 Yv,t/e(1-'f))
-In {O;:

0 ; ; ; ' 'rt=
M F:#'2/ ' }

the inner and outer regions separately, the entire

flow field can be obtained. (42) 1

E. Distributions of Species and Temperature

M FG;2/'t = In {I + g;'2YOro} (43)

Noting that at, = 't, YF = 0, Yo = 0, Y v = Yv.i' M FG;2/'t = In {I - ,-c.F2b/(~2a - 9?2)}

and by using equations (2) to (6), the distributions (44)
of species and temperature in both the inner and
outer regions can be obtained from equation (17), The six equations, (39) to (44), are used to solve-
(22) and (27) as: for the: six eigenvalues M F, 't, 0, 'f), Yv.t, YF •s' It:

is worth noting that in the classical hydrocarbon When b, Y o aJ, 8, and 'Y) are known, the rest of
droplet combustion model Yv,s and T, are eigen- the eigenvalues are given by:
values of the problem instead of being given as
boundary conditions in the present formulation. ~,f = a8'Y)j(1 - 8'Y)Q2) (49)
Hence, we are now able to determine instead two YF •s = {~1 + (1 - 8'Y)Q2)/a 1 t (50)
alternate eigenvalues 8 and» which do not exist in M F = {In [1 + ~laj(1 - 8'Y)Q2)]}j~1
the hydrocarbon droplet case.
Eliminating M F , 'f' YV,f' and YF,vfromequations + {In [1 + ~2YOaJ]}j~2 (51)
(39) to (44), we obtain, ~ {~21n [1 + ~la/(l- 8'Y)Q2)]}
Y OaJ = {(1 - 'Y))(1 - 8'Y)Q2)/(a'Y)) - ~2}-1 (45) r. = 1 + {~11n [1 + ~2 Y oaJ]} . (52)
b = Y OaJ(<fJ2 - ~2a) (46)
Equations (47) to (52) are the general expressions
There are eight parameters in equations (45) describing vapor-phase combustion with surface
and (46), namely, the fuel characteristics a, v, Q1' condensation. It may be noted that although a is
and Q2; the oxidizer characteristics band Y oaJ; assumed to be a constant in Model A, it can also
and the combustion characteristics 8 and 'Y)" For be treated as a variable if the flame temperature is
a given fuel oxidizer system there are two ways to allowed to change. The results of Models B, C
solve the problem. and D proposed in the next two sections are special
I) Inverse problem. Given 8 and 'Y), Y OaJ and b cases of equations (39) to (44). In particular,
are expressed by equations (45) and (46). The most of the analytic results can be obtained through
mode of combustion can also be determined from simple algebra by solving either equations (45) and
the inequalities in equations (13) to (15). For the (46), or equations (48) to (52) without going into
solutions to be physically realistic, we further equation (47).
require that 0 < Y OaJ <
I and 0 <
T aJ ~ r.. The
upper limit in T aJ is placed because when the IV. MODEL B: COMBUSTION WITH
ambient temperature exceeds T f , the true flame SURFACE CONDENSATION INHIBITED
temperature is expected to be greater than T f ,
It has been observed occasionally (Prentice, 1970;
hence invalidating the assumption that T, be equal
to the boiling point of the metal oxide. Wilson and Williams, 1971) that during the
combustion of Al particles in O 2/ Ar atmosphere
2) Direct problem. Given Y OaJ and b, and by there does not seem to be any accumulation of
assuming one of the three combustion modes condensed oxides on the droplet surface. It is not
prev~ils (i.e., assuming values for ;1 and ;2), solve inconceivable that for some fuel-oxidizer systems
for e and 'Y). A quadratic equation in 'Y) results, surface condensation of vaporized products is not
C1'Y)2 + C 2'Y) + c; = 0 (47) favored under special conditions. The model
postulated in previous sections needs only slight
where C1, C 2, and c, are functions of v, Q1' Q2' modification to describe the present case, which is
a, b, and Y oaJ' For all the cases studied that will similar to that put forth by Brzustowski and
be presented later, there is at least one root to Glassman (1964).
equation (47) that is physically unrealistic. There- All the equations derived through equation (44)
fore, it seems that multiple solutions do not exist remain valid except equation (39), which is to be
for equation (47), although it has not been proven abandoned since now Yv,s is not zero but is an
analytically. " eigenvalue to be found from the problem. By
When 'Y) is known, e is given by, setting 'Y) = 0, and ;1 = 0, explicit expressions are
derivable for all the eigenvalues of interest. The
8= YoaJ{(1 1:, v)[~ - a(1 - ;1)] + av - I} - b
expressions for 8, YF,s, M F , and r, can be obtained
Y ocx,{Q2(1 - 'Y)) -a('Y) - ;1)} simply by setting 'Y) = 0 and F 1 = 1 in equations
(48) (48), (50), (51), and (52) respectively; whereas
The () and 'Y) thus found not only have to be bounded YV,f is now given by
by zero and unity, they should also satisfy one of
the criteria in equations (13) to (15) so as to be
YV,f = Y oaJ8/(1 + ~2 Y o aJ) (53)
consistent with the initially assumed values of ;1 Equation (50) shows that YF,s is now a function
and ;2' of the fuel properties only. Furthermore, for the
204 C. K. LAW

complete dispersion mode, ~2 = 1, .:F2 = 1, then As the atmosphere is further diluted (or cooled),
equations (51) and (52) show that M F and Pf are combustion with T, = T; is not possible. Inorder
independent of &, and hence the ambient tempera- to sustain further vapor-phase burning, it is
ture T CXJ' This interesting result illustrates the reasonable to assume that the flame temperature
"shielding" nature on the fuel evaporation process starts to decrease so that less heat will be lost to the
when the assumptions of constant flame tempera- ambient. This assumption was also made in the
ture and 'YJ = 0 are made. Variations in T co models by Brzustowski and Glassman (1964),
cause: changes in & in such a way that M F and Pf Kuehl and Zwillenberg (1965,1968), and Klyachko
remain undisturbed. (1969). Recently, Law (1973) has also observed
The transition between modes (i) and (ii) occurs that when magnesium particles burn in "dilute
at () = v/(I + v) when V2 = O. In the model by atmospheres (YOrfJ as low as 0.031), the flame
Brzustowski and Glassman the stoichiometric intensity becomes progressively weaker as YOrfJ
molar ratio of oxidizer to fuel was used instead of decreases.
v in defining this transition limit. The general expressions of Model A (or Model B)
By setting () = I and letting T, be an unknown for T/).!, YF,s, M F, and Pf [equations (49) to (52)]
in the present problem instead, the classical similarly apply to the present case by setting
hydrocarbon droplet burning results can be re- () = 0, :#1 = 1, and :#2 = -v. The flame tem-
covered. perature T f , which is built into the definitions of a
a.,nd b, is treated as a variable. An expression for
V. COMBUSTION IN DILUTE AND T, is obtained by rearranging equation (54) in the
In Models A and B proposed in the previous sec-
tions, the flame temperature was always held at the If = {IrfJ + [Is+(1 +v)Q-I] YorfJ}/{1 + YOrfJ}
boiling point of the metal oxide as a result of the (55)
high heats of vaporization or dissociation of metal
oxides upon vaporization (Glassman, 1960). This When T rfJ < T s ' as T, is reduced to T s ' further
constraint on the flame temperature, however, is to vapor-phase combustion is not possible according
be removed after complete condensation «() = 0) to Glassman's criterion (1960). This extended
or complete vaporization «() = 1) of the oxides flammability limit is obtained by letting T, = T;
occur. Physically it is expected that combustion in equation (54), viz,
with complete oxide condensation or vaporization
will be most relevant during burning in dilute or r: = Is - [(I + v)Q - 1] YOrfJ (56)
enriched atmospheres respectively. At this limit equations (50) to (52) show that
A. kIodel C: In Dilute Atmospheres «() = 0) YF,s = 0, M F = -{In (1 - YOrfJ)}/v, and Pf = 1.
First we note that during combustion in dilute Equation (56) illustrates the important result
atmospheres results from Models A and B should that in order to support combustion in very dilute
agree with each other. This is because with () = 0, atmospheres, a fuel-oxidizer system is desired to
surface condensation of oxide vapor is irrelevant have small values of v and T, and large value of
since oxides do not exist in the vapor phase. This T rfJ and (Q - L). These results are, of course,
reasoning is found to be true from the analytic expected physically.
solutions obtained. The extended flammability limit as given by
The lower limit of Models A and B, where equation (56) does not exist when Ti; > T s . The
combustion with Tf~ = Tfo is still possible, is limit YOrfJ = 0 is reached first as YOrfJ decreases.
obtained by setting 8 = 0 in equation (48). At When YOrfJ = 0 and a > 0, equations (50) to (52)
this limit the combustion is expected to be ex- give
hibiting mode (ii) behavior (~1 = ~2 = 0). A YF,s = a/(1 + a); MF = In (1 + a); Pf = 00
linear relation in (Ico s YOrfJ) is obtained as, (57)
t: = If - [(1 + v)Q - I - a]YOrfJ (54)
Equation (57) illustrates the phenomenon of pure
where If = I;. Equation (54) will be termed the evaporation, as would be expected physically.
flammability limit for a metal particle burning Model C is identical to the flame structure model
with T, = T; in a prescribed atmosphere. (with complete accumulation ofcondensed products.

at the flame) put forth by Wilson (1969). The acting with O 2 in detail to illustrate the nature of the
present analysis in addition indicates that this theory.
model is only valid for burning in very dilute The selection of these two metals for study is
atmospheres. When T, is increased to T; (as Yow not random. The boiling points for Al and Be,
increases), partial dissociation of condensed prod- and also the boiling points for their respective
ucts at the flame is an essential process. Models oxides, are very close (see Table I). They also have
A or B should be used instead. similar values for the (molar) heats of vaporization.
However, despite these similarities in some of
B. Model D: In Enriched Atmospheres (0 = 1)
their thermochemical constants, experimental evi-
In the model by Brzustowski and Glassman where dence obtained by Prentice (1970, 1971) and by
surface condensation is inhibited, it was found a Macek et al. (1967, 1969) have conclusively
fraction of the oxides formed at the flame are demonstrated that their combustion mechanisms
always in condensed phase so that enough heat is are quite different. It is thus of interest to investi-
liberated at the flame to sustain combustion. gate . their combustion characteristics from a
When surface condensation is allowed, con- theoretical basis. Another additional advantage in
densation of oxide vapor occur both at the flame choosing Al and Be for study is that in the experi-
as well as at the droplet surface. It is reasonable to mental research on single metal particle combustion,
expect that under certain conditions (i.e. high they are two of the most thoroughly studied. The
Yow, high Too atmospheres) enough condensation large amount of reliable experimental observations
heat is evolved at the droplet surface to support would be helpful in interpreting the theoretical
combustion such that condensation at the flame is results.
not necessary (i.e. 0 = 1). The flame temperature The reactions assumed for Al and Be are:
can now be allowed to increase. It may be empha-
sized that although complete oxide vaporization at
the flame is assumed, the present case differs from 2Al(g) +. to'~Al,O,(g)}
the classical hydrocarbon droplet model in allowing (58)
for the addition process of surface condensation. AI20 3(g) ~ AI20 3 (l)
Results obtained for Model A specialize to
Model D by restricting 0 = 1 and by treating T, Be(g) + 10, ~::. BeO(g) } (59)
as an unknown in the problem. Values of j7 and BeO(g) ~ BeO(s)
T f for Model D can be obtained by solving equa-
tions (45) and (46); YV.f' YF,s' M F , and Yj are In equation (58), AI 20 3(g) is a generic repre-
then given by equations (49) to (52) respectively. sentation of the gaseous combustion products
Finally we note that Models C and D respectively arising from the first reaction. These may include
resemble modes (ii) and (i) [or (iii)] burning of AIO(g) , AI 20(g), 02' 0, etc. It is generally
both Models A and B, in that in the former case accepted that AI 20 3(g) does not exist, although
the bulk motion in the inner and outer regions are this point has not been unassailably established
directed towards the flame whereas in the latter (Markstein, 1966). In computing Ql and Q2:> it is
case their motions are in the same direction. assumed that AI20 3(g) consists of 2AIO(g) -+- !02
and that frozen chemistry prevails within region 1.
An alternate representation for AI 20 3(g) is
Since six free parameters are needed to specify AIO(g) + AI0 2(g), in which case the values of Ql
the problem, a thorough parametric study of the and Q2 adopted in this work will be slightly
theoretical results would be extremely tedious. We changed.
will instead present solutions for Al and Be re- A summary of the thermochemical data, which

Thermochemical constants evaluated at one atmosphere for the AI-Q 2 and Be-02 systems.
TiOK) T;COK) L(Kcalfgm) Ql(Kcal/gm) Q2(Kcal/gm) v Ql Q2

Al System 2767 3850 2.58 2.10 7.31 0.886 0.432 1.50

Be System 2757 4060 7.90 5.45 18.2 1.773 0.249 0.834

206 C. K. LAW

were all taken from the JANNAF Thermochemical the flammability limit of equation (54) and the
Tables (1971), is listed in Table I. In non- extended flammability limit of equation (56) (or the
dimensionalizing the temperature from T to the r, Yo oo = 0 limit if Too > T,) solutions for Model C
value C = 0.25 caI./gmtK is used throughout. exist; whereas between IJ = I and Yo oo = I
This value represents a reasonable average for the solutions for Model D apply.
various species evaluated at the extremes in It may also be noted that in the Too - Yo oo plane,
temperatures. a gap exists during transition between modes (i)
The only pressure effects in the present model and (ii) whereas an overlapping region exists
arise through the dependence of the various during transition between modes (ii) and (iii).
thermochemical constants on pressure, and are These void or over-lapping regions are so small
usually not significant enough to affect the com- that they cannot be distinguished in Figure 2. All
bustion behavior qualitatively. We have thus the eigenvalues also change discontinuously during
evaluated all the thermochemical constants in transitions among various modes. The above
Table I at I atm. pressure for simplicity. behaviors have no physical significance and are
mathematical difficulties caused by the initially
A. Solutions for Models A, C and D assumed locations of the condensed products
Knowing the fuel-oxidizer characteristics v, T" T;, (formed at the flame) during transition. For
Q[ and Q2, complete solutions for Al and Be were example during transition from mode (i) to mode
obtained by using equations derived in the previous (ii) these condensed products are relocated dis-
sections. Regions of existence for Model A with its continuously from infinity to the flame. The
three possible modes of combustion, and also for enthalpies of the condensed oxides change by an
Models C and D, are mapped out in the 1/-0 plane amount C(Tf - Too) and C(Tf - T,) during tran-
in Figure I and in the Too - Yooo plane in Figure 2. sitions between modes (i) and (ii), and between
The non-dimensionalized mass burning rate M F modes (ii) and (iii) respectively. Since these
and flame stand-off distance Pf are plotted as changes are smaIl when compared with the total
functions of Yooo for the ambient temperatures enthalpies of the condensed oxides, the differences
Too = 300 OK, 2500 OK, and 3000 OK in Figures 3 of the eigenvalues at the points of transition are
and 4. usually not large. This is especially true when the
Figure 2 indicates that solutions for Model A are temperature differences (T', - Too) and (Tf - T,)
bounded by the limits IJ = 0 and IJ = I. Between are small, as during transitions either at high Too
or between modes (ii) and (iii).
From the above observations it can also be
concluded that the quantitative results of the theory
are not influenced significantly by accounting
properly for the motion of the condensed products.
To facilitate the mathematical derivations the
condensed products formed at the flame can be
effectively treated as gas-like. The error resulting
from such an approximation would be less than
(I + v)CTf/Q when compared with unity. After
complete solutions have been found, the location
of the condensed oxides can then be determined
from the respective values of IJ and 1/.
Figure 2a shows that for AI combustion mode
(iii) does not exist whereas modes (i) and (ii)
behavior occur for relatively richer and leaner
oxidizer concentrations respectively. During com-
bustion in an atmosphere with more oxidizer,
relatively less oxide vapor are needed to condense
0.4 0,6 1.0
at the flame to support burning. The higher oxide
Yoco Yo00
FlG. 2. Regions in the Too - Y ooo space where
vapor concentration at the flame results in a larger
solutions exist for various combustion modes for outwardly-directed oxide-vapor mass flux in the
(a) AI and (b) Be. outer region, hence favoring the occurrence of mode

(0) AI (b) Be

-·ffi~~nil MODEL A
. ·--······..·. (
- - - MODELC
- - - - MODEL D

0,6 1.0
~m YOm
FIG. 3. Nondimensionalized mass burning rate M F as function of Yo", with various T",'s for (a) AI and (b) Be.

(i). Similarly as ambient oxidizer concentration is For Be combustion (Figure 2b) in low T",
reduced, more condensed oxide will be formed at atmospheres, modes (iii) and (ii) occur for richer
the flame, producing a net inwardly-directed and leaner ambient oxidizer concentrations re-
gaseous mass flux in region 2. Since the gaseous spectively. The occurrence of mode (iii) is due to the
velocity in region I is usually directed outward in large stoichiometric oxidizer to fuel ratio 11 such
the case of AI [i.e. (1 + lI)O"YJ < I], mode (ii) is that VI = I - (I + lI)O"YJ < 0. As T", increases
favored. and Yo", decreases, mode (iii) changes into mode (i).


(0) AI (b) Be
5 - -
•.......... mode (1)1 MODEL .............. modes
or(iii) ti) } M~DEL
------ mode(ii) A
4 I - - MODEL C
\. Teo" 3000'K _ . - MOOEL D
V Tm" 3000'K
------ mode (ii)
- - - - MODEL P
"rf .." ./
<: , (il
,;' .. _...~-::.-
3 -j 2500'K --....~
' .......
'-"1"-._.- - - - - - - - --l -~

, - /, , , , / , 250:" ,
0,0 0.2 0,4 0,6 0,8 0,0 0,2 0.4 0,6 0.8 1.0
~co ~m
FIG. 4. Nondimensionalized flame stand-off distance " as function of Yo", with various T", 's for (a) Al and (b) Be.
208 C. K. LAW

This is caused by the increased amount of con- rapidly with increasing Yooo for combustion with
densation at the flame needed to sustain burning condensed oxides trapped at the flame (Model C
in these dilute atmospheres. and mode (ii) of Model A), but does not vary too
It is interesting to note that except for the much as Yooo further increases. When Too > T"
directions of motion, mode (i) of Al resembles ;1 first decreases very rapidly from infinity at
mode (iii) of Be under similar circumstances. This Yo", = 0, and is followed by a more gentle
is caused by the symmetrical nature of the fuel and decrease afterwards. It is also shown that at higher
the oxidizer in these two modes. In fact by inter- ambient oxidizer concentrations the values of the
changing the locations of fuel and oxidizer, mode flame stand-off ratio only weakly depend on varia-
(iii) can then be called mode (i), and vice versa. tions in the ambient temperatures.
We can further suggest that for a fuel-oxidizer Finally it may be noted that Model D breaks
system (a) if v < I, then the bulk motion tends to down when Zybecomes too high. At Too = 300 "K,
be directed from the fuel to the oxidizer; and (b) the computed T 1 at Yo oo = I for Al and Be are
if v > I, the bulk motion tends to be directed from about 6100 OK and 9050 OK respectively. These
the oxidizer to the fuel. The larger v deviates from values are unrealistic. Further dissociation of the
unity the stronger the respective tendency will be. vaporized products would have already taken place
The above observation, of course, is only a very and kept T 1 to a much lower value. The burning
crude criterion which is to be modified strongly by rate, however, might not be affected much by
the particular values of 0 and 1] existing under vari- dissociation. This situation is similar to the
ous atmospheres of Too and Yo",. treatment usually extended to the classical hydro-
It may also be emphasized that, again due to the carbon droplet burning case, where the flame
larger value of v, in the Be-0 2 system more oxide temperature obtained from the solutions assumes
vapor condenses on the droplet surface per unit frozen equilibrium of the products instead of the
mass of Be consumed than, say, in the AI-0 2 more realistic limit of dissociation equilibrium.
system. This situation is further aggrevated during The mass burning rate so obtained is nevertheless
mode (iii) burning when additional condensed used frequently, and favorable agreement can
oxides formed at the flame are transported to the usually be found with experimental data (Law and
droplet surface by the bulk gaseous motion. Williams, 1972).
It is instructive to discuss the variations of 0 and
"/ with T", and Yooo. For Too < T" as Yo oo
B. Solutions Jor Model B
decreases. 0 decreases whereas 1] increases. The
decrease in 0 increases the heat generated at the Solutions for Models Band C are plotted for M p
name whereas the increase in '1 supplies relatively and ;1 versus Yo oo in Figures 5a and 5b respectively.
more condensation heat at the droplet surface. Only solutions for Al are presented because
Both of these effects are beneficial to burning in a experimental evidences have conclusively demon-
dilute atmosphere. When Too > T" however, 0 strated that in Be combustion there is always a
and '1 both decrease as Yo oo is reduced. The large amount of condensed oxide accumulated on
reduction in 1] suggests the system is now actually the droplet surface, hence invalidating the basic
receiving energy from the ambient and less surface assumption of Model B. Theoretically, however,
condensation is needed to sustain burning. As was solutions for Be combustion do exist .and are
discussed previously the extended flammability found to be qualitatively similar with those of AI.
limit does not exist when Too > T, and fuel evap- Qualitative agreements exist between results for
oration can still take place in the absence of any Model B and those obtained earlier by Brzustowski
chemical heat release at Yo oo = O. and Glassman (1964). Solutions for the complete
Figure 3 shows that M}<' increases approximately dispersion mode (i) depend on T", only through
linearly with Yooo. It is also quite insensitive to the location where this mode terminates and changes
variations in Too. It has also been found that Ml<' into mode (ii) burning. The transition between
for AI is higher than that of Be by a factor between modes (i) and (ii) is again discontinuous as in the
1.5 and 2. This is in agreement with the analysis solutions of Model A. Mode (i) burning occupies
of Kuehl and Zwillenberg (1965, 1968) that the the entire oxidizer-rich regime and some oxides
mass burning rate of Al is usually higher than Be still exist in condensed phase when Yo", reaches
by approximately a factor of 1.5. unity. This is to be contrasted with results from
Figure 4 shows that when Too < T" ;1 increases Model A where complete vaporization of the oxides

I.0 , - - - - - , - - - , - - - , - - - - - - , r - - - - - , 6.0 1'1'~ -----,--..,-------,---,-----,

0.8 (0) 5.0 To:> =3000 0 K (b)

0.6 4.0
- - mode lil
_____ rnodelii]
- - mode (il MODEL 1 ............... MODEL C
----- mode (i i) B
.........._- MODEL C
0.2 i 2.0
0.0 v--- 3000· K
" ' - - - - ' - _ - - - L_ _.l..-_--I..-_--.J 1.0 Ll::::L:=I==:::r==:::::::r:::::::d
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1,0 0,0 0,2 0.4 0,6 0.8 \,0
YOet> YOo:>
FIG 5. (a) M F and (b) ; f as functions of Yo", with various T", 's for AI burning without surface condensation.

at the flame occurs at a relatively low value of Yo"" have found results on Al by Wilson and Williams
It may also be noted that at high T", some solutions (1969, 1971), and on Al and Be by Macek and
for mode (ii) are so close to the curves representing Semple (1967,1969) and by Prentice (1970, 1971)
mode (i) that the differences are imperceptible in most systematic, useful, and relevant to the present
the figures. models. Experimental evidence cited below are
A comparison of Figures 3a and 5a ind icates mainly abstracted from the works by the above
that the lack of surface condensation has the effect groups of investigators.
of greatly reducing the mass burning rate. For The assumption that the molten droplet is at its
example, the values of M F are reduced by a factor boiling point is further supported by Macek's
of 1.7 and 2.5 at Yo", = 0.2 and 0.5 respectively. (1967) conclusion that ignition of AI particle
Figure 5b shows that, except in an atmosphere occurs when the surface oxide melts (at about
with low Yo", and high T"" P, is very close to unity 2300 OK). Since thermal equilibrium is established
and is usually much smaller than the corresponding rapidly (compared with the total vapor-phase
values obtained from Models A and D. Finally, it burning time) within the droplet due to the small-
has been found that M F of AI again exceed those of ness of the particle and the large thermal conduc-
Be by approximately the same factors obtained for tivity coefficient of AI, it is expected that the entire
combustion with surface condensation inhibited. droplet will be near or at its boiling point soon
The comparisons between combustion with and after ignition. Similar arguments can be said about
without surface condensation cited above are in Be combustion.
qualitative agreement with the analysis of Kuehl As was discussed in Section II, the most serious
and Zwillenberg (1965,1968). They have, however, detrimental agent in destroying the steady-state
underestimated the effect of surface condensation behavior, as well as several other fundamental
by using a smaller value of f) obtained from assumptions in the models, is expected to be the
combustion without surface condensation. It has accumulation of condensed oxides on the droplet
been found here that under similar conditions the surface. Model A predicts Be combustion will
values of f) from Model A exceed those from Model result in more accumulated surface oxides that AI.
B by a substantial amount. This is conclusively confirmed by experiments
(Prentice, 1970, 1971; Macek and Semple, 1969).
VII. EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE In fact when Al burns in O./Ar atmosphere there
is usually no noticea ble amount of oxide present on
A large body of experimental observations on Al the droplet surface. Based on this observation
and Be have been documented. In particular we alone it seems Al is best described by Model B,
210 C. K. LAW

a Ithough some other evidences cited below tend to sition point lies close to Yo", = 0.167 instead of the
suggest otherwise. presently computed values of Yo", ~ 0.24. Then
The statement that M F and TI are constants in a it is reasonable to assume that slight variations in
burning process is equivalent to the "d 2-law", that the ambient conditions can shift the combustion
is the rate of decrease of the droplet diameter behavior from one mode to the other. It has been
squared is constant. Wilson and Williams (1971) found that if a value of C = 0.175 cal/gmrK is
concluded the exponent of d is between 1.5 and 2 used in place of C = 0.25 cal/gmr'K, then the
for Al combustion after surveying experimental computed transition point is shifted to Yo", ~ 0.17,
data from many sources. They have also established which is much closer to the experimental condition
the constancy of TI for Al burning in 02/Ar. observed for the dual-mode bahavior. Alterna-
Steady-state assumption does not hold in Be tively it can also be argued that multi-mode be-
combustion. Both Prentice and Macek have havior is mathematically possible and hence
found that vapor-phase combustion of Be usually perhaps physically realistic. With different initial
reduces to surface reaction, due to the accumulation conditions to the time-dependent differential equa-
of condensed oxides on the droplet surface, in tions for the combustion process, various steady-
the later stage of the burning process at room as state solutions can emerge. In that case the
well as at elevated ambient temperatures. If the present models may represent only some of the
onset of surface reaction does not occur too early, several possible solutions.
results from Model A can still be approximately Wilson and Williams (1971) have in addition
utilized. Otherwise a surface reaction model would observed a sunburst effect at Yo", = 1 and p =
be more appropriate to use. Model B, which 0.5 atm. Here groups of light emitting particles
does not take into account surface condensation, intermittently move outward from the flame, their
is totally inadequate to describe Be combustion. tracks producing a sunburst pattern during the
For AI combustion, theoretical results from all open shutter time. The presence of condensed
models show that the condensed products formed oxides at the flame when Yo'" = I is within the
at the flame are continuously being swept outward description of Model B but not Model D, which
at high Yo", but are trapped at the flame at low assumes I) = I throughout. This sunburst effect,
Yo"" At T", = 300 "K the transition occurs at however, occurs only at low ambient pressures;
Yo", ~ 0.24. It is expected that the oxides trapped and therefore could be a peculiar effect associated
at the flame will grow rapidly in size once nucleation with combustion near the ignition limit, which
is started, and hence will probably be observable was found to be at Po", = 0.2 atm.
experimentally. To this effect the dual-mode Strong jetting phenomenon was also observed at
combustion behavior, observed under identical high Yo", atmospheres. This is thought to be
ambient conditions by Wilson and Williams (1971), caused by the high rate of influx of the oxide vapor
may be significant. AI particles were ignited in (proportional to 'f) such that an uneven
02/Aratmosphere withp", = 5 atm, T", = 300 OK, distribution of condensed oxides is formed on the
Yo", = 0.167. In one experiment a large oxide droplet surface in a very short time.
fragment, which is thought to be a result of the For Be burning in room temperature atmosphere,
incomplete removal of the oxide film during the Prentice (1971) has observed that the predominant
ignition process, was found to be moving about in combustion mechanism is vapor phase at low Yo""
the flame zone. This behavior is consistent with but changes to surface reaction at high Yo",. This
the mode (ii) description, and also agrees with the is not in agreement with the present models which
analytic predictions (Figure 2a). However, in indicate that as Yo", increases, the amount of
another experiment conducted under identical surface oxide accumulated per unit mass of fuel
ambient conditions but with increased incident consumed (i.e. 6'f) should decrease. However, it
laser flux for ignition, mode (i) burning seems to be is also possible that due to the fast rate of de-
taking place. Since there is no overlapping region position of condensed oxides on the droplet surface
in the T", - Yo", plane where solutions for modes at high ambient oxidizer concentrations, the
(i) and (ii) can exist simultaneously, this dual-mode diffusion flame is quenched before steady-state
behavior is not predicted from the present models. burning can be established. The ensuing surface
It is, however, possible that due to the uncertainties reaction produces the excessive surface oxides
in the transport coefficients used and the generic observed.
representation of AI 20 3(g) selected, the true tran- Macek and Semple (1969) burned single Be

particles in high temperature environment and error bounds of the data only when generous
observed rapid vapor-phase burning at high Yo"" allowance for the uncertainties in (pD) is made.
As the oxidizer concentration was gradually Macek (1967) observed that under similar con-
lowered the flame intensity was found to decrease ditions Al burns faster than Be by less than a
and vapor-phase combustion gradually changed factor of two. By assuming the factor (pD) does
over to surface reaction. All these observations are not vary much between mixtures of AI/AIO and
in qualitative agreement with the present theory. Be/BeO, the present study indicates that this
The theoretical burning rate M F from Models A, factor is between 1.5 and 2.
B, C and D for Al burning in Too = 300 OK are The insensitivity of the burning rates to variations
plotted in Figure 6 together with the experimental in ambient temperatures have not been tested due
data reported by Wilson and Williams (1971). To to the lack of sufficient experimental data.
convert the mass burning rate data f3 = (d/dt)(d'f) The ignition limit for AI (T", = 300 OK) ob-
as reported by them to our dimensionless mass served by Wilson and Williams (1971) are Yo", =
burning rate M p = mF /(41T pDr,), the relation 0.17 and 0.08 atp", = I atm and 5 atm respectively.
M F = (p,f3)/(8(pD» is used, where p, is the The extended flammability limit obtained from
density of liquid Al at T,. Wilson (1969) has Model C is at Yo", = 0.06, which does provide a
discussed in detail the averaging procedure of (pD) lower bound for the ignition limits since ignition
over both composition and temperature. We have limits are expected to be higher than the extended
chosen values obtained from using the arithmetic flammability limits.
average [Table 3 of Wilson (1969)] because they The variation of if with Yo", has been docu-
give better fit to the theoretical curve (the experi- mented by Wilson and Williams (1971) for AI. It
mental~M/o' is too large when geometric averaged was found that if increases from about 3 at
values are used). Law and Williams (1972) have Yo", c:::' 0.08 to 4 at Yo", c:::' 0.12 and remains
also found arithmetic averaged values give good around that value as Yo", further increases. This
agreement between theory and experiment for initial increase in if and its subsequent constant
hydrocarbon droplet combustion. The error bars behavior is in qualitative agreement with results
associated with the data in Figure 6 are the un- from Models A and D, but not with Model B.
certainties in least-square fitting the experimental The experimental values of if are higher than
data in determining f3. Uncertainties in (pD) are predictions from all models. However, their
not indicated. Wilson (1969) estimated that they differences with Model B (if < 1.35 for Yo", > 0.3)
can be as large as 75 per cent. seem too great to be consequences from either
Figure 6 shows that the experimental data agree uncertainties in transport properties or other funda-
well with predictions of Models A, C and D. mental assumptions.
Values' for M F from Model B will lie within the Macek (1967) did not observe the dilatation of the
flame as Yo", --->- 0 (when Too > T,). However,
4.----,-----,,.----,-----,,.-----,, since the ambient temperatures encountered in his
METAL: AI experiments are only slightly greater than T" it is
...._.... MODEL A possible the transition in behavior has not taken
Ta:i' 300 0 K
3f- ---- MODEL 8 - place. An ideal metal to study this flame dilatation
° Data from Wilson
phenomenon (or the lack of it) is Mg, which has a
boiling point of only 1378 OK at J atm. A simple
burner can provide an ambient temperature
and Williams (1971) __ -
T", »T,. We mention in passing that complete

. ....1./...-- solutions have also been obtained for Mg reacting
with 0.. The results were found to be qualitatively

--------------- similar with those of the AI-O. system.
From the above observations it can be said that
.·b _ - - -
I I I for Al burning in O./Ar atmospheres, Models A
O'-----'---.L-----'----'--_---L.I 1

and D, which take into account of surface con-

0.0 0,2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 densation, seem to provide a closer description of
Yo CD the physical process than Model B, in which
FlO. 6. Comparison of theory and experiment on surface condensation is inhibited. There are,
M p • however, certain qualitative observations [e.g.
212 C. K. LAW

apparent absence of oxide accumulation on droplet Glassman, I. (1960). Combustion of metals. Physical con-
surface; presence of condensed oxides at the flame siderations. ARS Progress in Astronautics and Rocketry:
at Yooo = I (but at low POl)] that do seem to be ex- Solid Propellant Rocket Research, edited by M. Summer-
field. Academic Press, New York, pp. 253-258.
plicable best on the basis of Model B. Klyachko, L. A. (1969). Combustion of a stationary
For AI burning in, say, N./O. atmosphere, as particle of low-boiling metal. Combustion, Explosion,
well as for Be combustion, Models A and D and Shock Waves 5.404-412.
intrinsically provide a more complete description Kuehl, D. K. (1965). Ignition and combustion of aluminum
and beryllium. AIAA J. 3.2239-47.
since surface condensation is an experimental fact Kuehl, D. K. and Zwillenberg, M. L. (1968). Predictions
in these cases. of burning times of metal particles. AIAA Paper No.
CONCLUDING REMARKS Law, C. K. and Williams, F. A. (1972). Kinetics and
Models were developed to describe the vapor-phase convection in the combustion of alkane droplets.
Combustion and Flame 19. 393-405.
combustion of metal particles. It was shown that Law, C. K. (1973). Studies on droplet combustion. Ph.D.
the inclusion of surface condensation greatly in- Thesis, University of California, San Diego.
creases the mass burning rate and the flame stand- Macek, A. (1967). Fundamentals of combustion of single
off distance. Complete oxide vaporization at the aluminum and beryllium particles. Eleoenth Symposium
(lllternational) all Combustion. The Combustion
flame is also possible with surface condensation. Institute, pp. 203-14.
It was found that mass burning rates are in- Macek, A. and Semple, J. Mck. (1969). Experimental
sensitive to variation in ambient temperatures. burning rates and combustion mechanisms of single
The condensed oxides formed at the flame can be beryllium particles. Twelfth Symposium (International)
effectively treated as gas-like in the formulation on Combustion. The Combustion Institute, pp. 71-79.
Markstein, G. H. (1966). Heterogeneous reaction processes
without losing much accuracy in the eigenvalues in metal combustion, and also comments by F. A.
obtained. Williams and A. S. Gordon. Eleventh Symposium
It was shown that Be burns much slower than AI (lllIernational) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute,
in an O.flnert atmosphere. In addition, accumula- pp.219-234.
tion of condensed oxides on the droplet surface Prentice, J. L. (1970). Combustion of pulse-heated single
particles of aluminum and beryllium. Combustion
was also more substantial during Be combustion. Science and Tech. 1, 385-398.
This is due to the large stoichiometric oxidizer to Prentice, J. L. (1971). Experimental burning rates of single
fuel mass ratio v of the Be-a. system. laser-ignited beryllium droplets. Combustion Science
Fair agreement is obtained when results of the and Technology 3, 287-294.
Stull, D. R. and Prophet, H. (1971). JANNAF thermo-
models are compared with available experimental chemical tables. 2nd Edition, U. S. Government
observations. Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Wilson, R. P., Jr. (1969). Studiesoncombustionofaluminum
This problem was suggested by my thesis adviser, particles. Paper 69-3, Spring Meeting, Western States
Professor F. A. Williams. Its completion would not Section, The Combustion Institute, China Lake, Calif.
have been possible without his invaluable advice and Wilson, R. P., Jr. and Williams, F. A. (1971). Experimental
study of the combustion of single aluminum particles
criticism. in O,jAr. Thirteenth Symposium (International) on
Combustion, The Combustion Institute, pp. 833-845.
REFERENCES Williams, F. A. (1965). Combustion Theory, Chapters 3 and
Brzustowski, T. A. and Glassman, I. (1964). Vapor-phase II, Addison Wesley, Reading.
diffusion flame in the combustion of magnesium and Williams, F. A. (1960). On the assumptions underlying
aluminum: l. Analytical developments. A IAA Progress droplet vaporization and combustion theories. J. of
ill Aeronautics and Astronautics: Heterogeneous Com- Chem. Phys. 33, I, 133-144.
bustion, edited by H. G. Wolfhard et al. Academic Press
Inc., New York, Vol. IS, pp. 75-116. Revised manuscript received May 15, 1973

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