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1) Main Frame Operating System:-

A mainframe operating system is networking software infrastructure that

allows a mainframe computer to run programs, connect linked machines,
and process complex numerical and data-driven tasks. All computers use
some sort of basic operating system (OS), which is what enables them to
organize files and execute commands. The biggest difference between a
simple, one-computer OS and a mainframe operating system is where
each is located. Simply put, a mainframe system works on a mainframe
computer, which is usually thought of as sort of the “headquarters” or
server for a computer network. Most major networks and infrastructures
have a mainframe, which is where data is backed up and systems are
broadly organized. Back in the early days of computing, all computers
were mainframes, and most were very cumbersome to use and operate.
Things have come a long way, but there is still an important role for these
larger operating systems when it comes to supporting all of the
machinations of the modern technological landscape.

Operating System Basics

Just like the keyboard and mouse are the interface between the computer
and the user, the operating system is the interface between the computer
and the software it’s running. The operating system acts like a traffic cop
pushing and pulling data to and from memory, registers, input and output
devices, and the processor. The easiest way to think about a mainframe
operating system simply is as an operating system on a mainframe
computer, a powerful device used mainly by governments and businesses
to process large amounts of information and support a great number of
Origins and Development

In the 1950s, before desktop computers and long before laptops, all
computing was done on mainframe computers. These computers could
take up a whole room and most weren’t powerful, at least not by modern
standards. They typically did less work than one of today’s laptop
computers. As a matter of fact, the earliest computers were designed to
only do one job or run a single program.

As computer programs got more complicated and computer hardware

accordingly became less expensive, it became more effective to build
computers that could run more than one type of program at once. To
enable this, computer engineers had to develop a way that the computer
could adapt itself to a new and different program. The mainframe OS
developed accordingly.
2) Multiprocessor Operating System:-

What is Multiprocessor Operating System

Definition – Multiprocessor operating system allows the
multiple processors, and these processors are connected with
physical memory, computer buses, clocks, and peripheral devices.
Main objective of using multiprocessor operating system is to consume
high computing power and increase the execution speed of system.

A multiprocessing operating system (OS) is one in which two or more

central processing units (CPUs) control the functions of the computer. Each
CPU contains a copy of the OS, and these copies communicate with one
another to coordinate operations. The use of multiple processors allows the
computer to perform calculations faster, since tasks can be divided up
between processors.

Multiprocessing, in computing, a mode of operation in which two or

more processors in a computer simultaneously process two or more
different portions of the same program (set of instructions).
Multiprocessing is typically carried out by two or
more microprocessors, each of which is in effect a central processing
unit (CPU) on a single tiny chip. Supercomputers typically combine
thousands of such microprocessors to interpret and execute

The primary advantage of a multiprocessor computer is speed, and

thus the ability to manage larger amounts of information. Because
each processor in such a system is assigned to perform a specific
function, it can perform its task, pass the instruction set on to the next
processor, and begin working on a new set of instructions. For
example, different processors may be used to manage memory
storage, data communications, or arithmetic functions. Or a larger
processor might utilize “slave” processors to conduct miscellaneous
housekeeping duties, such as memory management. Multiprocessor
systems first appeared in large computers known as mainframes,
before their costs declined enough to warrant inclusion in personal
computers (PCs).


• central processing unit (CPU): sometimes described as the “brain”

of a computer, the collection of circuits responsible for performing
the main operations and calculations of a computer.
• communication architecture: the design of computer components
and circuitry that facilitates the rapid and efficient transmission of
signals between different parts of the computer.
• parallel processing: the division of a task among several processors
working simultaneously, so that the task is completed more quickly.
• processor coupling: the linking of multiple processors within a
computer so that they can work together to perform calculations
more rapidly. This can be characterized as loose or tight, depending
on the degree to which processors rely on one another.
• processor symmetry: multiple processors sharing access to input
and output devices on an equal basis and being controlled by a single
operating system.
Components of Multiprocessor Operating
There are four major components, which are used in the Multiprocessor
Operating System.
• Input/Output Processor
• Input/Output Devices
• Memory Unit

CPU – CPU is capable to access memories as well as controlling the

entire I/O tasks.
IOP – I/P processor can access direct memories, and every I/O
processors have to responsible for controlling all input and output tasks.
Input/Output Devices – These devices are used for inserting the input
commands, and producing output after processing.
Memory Unit – Multiprocessor system uses the two types of memory
modules such as shared memory and distributed shared memory.
3) Personal Computer Operating System:-

A personal computer (PC) is a multi-purpose computer whose size,

capabilities, and price make it feasible for individual use.

Personal computers are intended to be operated directly by an end

user, rather than by a computer expert or technician. Unlike large,
costly minicomputers and mainframes, time-sharing by many people
at the same time is not used with personal computers.
Institutional or corporate computer owners in the 1960s had to write
their own programs to do any useful work with the machines. While
personal computer users may develop their own applications, usually
these systems run commercial software, free-of-charge software
("freeware"), which is most often proprietary, or free and open-source
software, which is provided in "ready-to-run", or binary, form.
Software for personal computers is typically developed and
distributed independently from the hardware or operating
system manufacturers. Many personal computer users no longer
need to write their own programs to make any use of a personal
computer, although end-user programming is still feasible. This
contrasts with mobile systems, where software is often available only
through a manufacturer-supported channel, and end-user program
development may be discouraged by lack of support by the
Since the early 1990s, Microsoft operating systems
and Intel hardware dominated much of the personal computer
market, first with MS-DOS and then with Microsoft Windows.
Alternatives to Microsoft's Windows operating systems occupy a
minority share of the industry. These include Apple's macOS and free
and open-source Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux.

The personal computer was made possible by major advances

in semiconductor technology. In 1959, the silicon integrated circuit (IC) chip
was developed by Robert Noyce at Fairchild Semiconductor, and
the metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistor was developed
by Mohamed Atalla and Dawon Kahng at Bell Labs. The MOS integrated
circuit was commercialized by RCA in 1964, and then the silicon-gate MOS
integrated circuit was developed by Federico Faggin at Fairchild in
1968. Faggin later used silicon-gate MOS technology to develop the first
single-chip microprocessor, the Intel 4004, in 1971. The
first microcomputers, based on microprocessors, were developed during
the early 1970s. Widespread commercial availability of microprocessors,
from the mid-1970s onwards, made computers cheap enough for small
businesses and individuals to own.

4)Real-Time Operating System:-

Real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system intended to
serve real time application that process data as it comes in, mostly without
buffer delay. The full form of RTOS is Real time operating system.

A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system (OS)

intended to serve real-time applications that process data as it comes in,
typically without buffer delays. Processing time requirements (including any
OS delay) are measured in tenths of seconds or shorter increments of time.
A real-time system is a time-bound system which has well-defined, fixed
time constraints. Processing must be done within the defined constraints or
the system will fail. They either are event-driven or time-sharing. Event-
driven systems switch between tasks based on their priorities, while time-
sharing systems switch the task based on clock interrupts. Most RTOSs
use a pre-emptive scheduling algorithm.

Microsoft Windows, MacOS, Unix, and Linux were designed for computers
that had millions of bytes of memory and a high-speed processor. They
also assumed that there would be a human operator who would tolerate
waiting for a second or two when the operating system was busy and who
would reboot the system every day or so when it crashed. These
assumptions were built into millions of lines of source code by thousands of
programmers over decades. They can't be wished away. The only way to
build a high reliability real-time operating system is to plan it from the start.

5)Embeded Operating System:-

An embedded operating system is an operating system for embedded
computer systems. Embedded operating systems are computer systems
designed for a specific purpose, to increase functionality and reliability for
achieving a specific task.[1] Resource efficiency comes at the cost of losing
some functionality or granularity that larger computer operating systems
provide, including functions which may not be used by the specialized
applications they run. Depending on the method used for multitasking, this
type of OS is frequently considered to be a real-time operating system,
or RTOS. Embedded systems are mostly used as Real-time operating
systems. QNX, WinCE, and VxWorks are the most widely used embedded
operating systems today.

The Development of Embedded Operating Systems

In the late 1970s, the concept of real-time multitasking kernel was
proposed. In 1980s, while the application of embedded system becomes
more and more complex, the embedded operating system with real-time
multitask kernel could not meet the requirement of embedded
development. The real time multitasking kernel began to develop into a
complete real-time multitasking operating system (RTOS) that included a
network, file, development and debugging environment.

The Arrival of a New Era of Embedded

Nowadays thousands of embedded devices are used in the system
of Internet of Things and hundreds of sensors are used in a car. Compared
with the traditional embedded system, the Internet of Things system
requires lower power consumption, safe and reliable, and has the ability
of ad hoc network. The communication section needs to meet the
conversion between various communication protocols and the application
layer must have the ability of cloud computing. This puts forward higher
requirements for the design of the operating system.
6) Smart Card Operating System
smart card has an operating system (OS). The OS is the hardware-specific
firmware that provides basic functionality as secure access to on-card storage,
authentication and encryption. Only a few cards allow writing programs that are
loaded onto the smart card – just like programs on a computer. This is a great way
to extend the basic functionality of the smart card OS.

Common Functions Of Smart Card OS

The following baseline functions of the smart card OS are common across
all smart card products:

• Management of interchanges between cards and the outside

world, primarily in terms of interchange protocol.
• Management of the files and data held in memory.
• Access control to information and functions (e.g. select file,
read, write, and update data).
• Management of card security and the cryptographic algorithm
procedures.Maintaining reliability, particularly in terms of data
• Management of various phases of the card’s life cycle (e.g.
microchip fabrication, personalization, active life, and end of

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