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KABLA P, JACKSON - #8895 DEPUTY MILLARD COUNTY ATTORNEY SPECIAL DEPUTY WASHINGTON COUNTY ATTORNEY 765 South Highway 99, Suite 3 Fillmore, Utah 84631 ‘Telephone: (435) 743-6522 IN THE WASHINGTON COUNYY JUSTICE COURT IN AND FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH ‘THE STATE OF UTAH Plaintiff, PLEA IN ABEYANCE AGREEMENT vs. Case No. 211702340 ‘TRAVIS MAX SERGMILLER Judge Douglas Whitlock ‘Defendant ‘THIS PLEA IN ABEYANCE AGREEMENT is made between the Pisinif, Stato of Utah, represented by Special Deputy Washington County Atormey, Kaela P, Jackeon, snd the Defendant, ‘Travis Max Seegmiller, represented by Douglas D, Tenry, The parties enter into this plea in Aeynnce agreement in the inteest of justice and parsvant to Section 77-2A-1 of the Uieh Code of (Criminal Procedure. ‘us Tears Max eepaier Page 1 of 6 ‘lenin Abayenee Agreement Defendant vohuntarly enters into this Agreement after being advised of his constitutional rights und heveby waives those rights end states as follows ‘A. Tunderstnd that have the right to be represented by an attorney throughout my entire ‘ase, incinding a nial and an appeal, IC] caonotaffod to hire my own attorney, the judges ‘will appoint one for me. B,J understand that Thave the right to plead “not guilty” and go to tial IF1 want to do 0, Tforthor understand that my right to tial includes the following: 4. Thoright fo confront and listen to the witnesses who testify against me, i, ‘The tight to cross-examine al the witnesses who testify against m2, i, The sight to call my own witnesses to help me, Jv. The right to testify on ty own bohalf, Keeping in mind that 1 caruot be Forced to take the witness stand and adaait my guilt, ¥. The right to a presumption of innocence uni ecch lament ofthe crimes Iam charged with have been proven toyond a reasonable doubt. vi, The right to appeal my convietion. fT cannot afford my own attorney for ny appent, the State will pay the costs of the appeal, including appointing a atiomey to represent me. G.I umderstand that { have a right 10 a speedy and public uial xs goaronteed in the constitution of the United Sistes and the State of Uteb, By entaring into this Plew in Abeyance Agreement, I understand that Tam waiving iay cight to a speedy trial, Defendant is eharged with the following: sts v rove Bax eer Page 2066 Plea in Abeyanee Agreamont ete rata CQUNT 1: TAKING WILDLIFE WHILE TRESPASSING, a Class B Misdemeanor, in violation of Section 23-20-3.5 of the Utah Code Annotated, punishable by a fixe of up to $1000.00 plus a surcharge of up to 90% and incarceration in the Washington County Jail for up to six months. COUNT 2: UNLAWFUL DISCHARGE OF A FIRBARM, a Class B Misdemeanor, ia violation of Section 76-10-508 of the Utah Code Annotated, punishable by «fine of up to $1000.00 plus a surcharge of up to 90% and incarceration inthe Washington County Jal for up to six months, ‘COUNT 2: UINLAWEUL DISCHARGE OF A FIREARM, a Class B Misdemeanor; in violation of Section 76-10-508 of the Utah Code Annotated, punishable by a fine of wp to $1000.00 plus a surcharge of up to 90% and incarceration in the Washington County Jail for up to six months, Pactual Basis Defendant adinits that on or xbout August 13, 2021, in Washington County, he shot a deer (on privately owned land without having obtained the permission of tho owner. "The defendant then ‘unlawfully entered upon sad land in order to retrieve the deer. Plea iu Abeyance Terms: 1, Defendant hereby onters a ples of no contest to Count 1 of the Second Amended Information. As part ofthe plea agreement, Counts 2 and 3 shall be dismissed. 2, Defendant's ple shall be held in abeyance by the Court fora pariod of sia months. 3, Defendant shell keep the Court and the Special Deputy Washington County Attorney tae. rvs tree Tage 3 0f 6 Plea in abeyance Agroomtenr dee Ini advised of his adress a all times using the tenm of this plea in abeyance, 4, Defendant waives the right fo personal service and acknowledges that nny miling sent tothe address on file with the Court shall be deemed served upon hia, 5, "The Defendant shal! not commit any further lw violations during tae term of this plea in abeyance, 6 Defendant shall pay a plea in abeyance fee in the amount of $400.00, 71, Defendant shall pay restitution in the arnount of $400.00, Seid restitution shall be paid to the court for te benefit ofthe Help Stop Poaching Fund. 8, Defendant agroes that his bunting privileges shall be suspended fora period of THREE YEARS, and heroby waives any ight to administrative heariugs regarding the status of hs bunting, prtvieges daring that period of ime, 9, Upon the successful completion by Defendent of the terms of this plex in abeyance ercement, Defends plea shall be withdrawn and the sharges on file in this mater shall be dismissed with prejudice. Until that time, or util the Defendant violates any provision of this plea 4n abyyance agreeiment, prosocution ofthese charges shal be suspended, 10, Defendant acknowledges that he has read and understatds all of the provisions ofthis ‘plea in abeyance agreement aad specifically agrees, promises and covenants to abide thereby. 11, Defendant acknowledges that if the conditions of thie plea In abeyance agroement nro State v Trae Max Sanger Page 4 of 6 ox ln Abeyance agement violated, the Washingion County Attorney's Office, or the Court, upon its own motion, may seinstate and enter the conviction for the offenses as charged and the roatter will be scheduled for ‘sentencing, DATED wis yo Apri 2022. state v.Tavie Max Seeger Page 5 of 6 Phen inAbayance Agreement Defendant's ORDER BASED ON THE FOREGOING and for other good cause appearing, the Court hereby accepls Defendants plea of no contest to Count | and agrees to hold the plea in abeyance for a period of six months pursuant ro the terms aet forth above, 2022, DATED this _ day of -seatev, Trae ex seep Page 6 of 6 ‘lenin Abayanes Agroenent

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