Harvest Moon DS Cute FAQ

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Harvest Moon DS Cute: FAQ/Walkthrough by Yunakitty

Version 1.1, Last Updated 2008-07-15 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameF
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Harvest Moon DS Cute Tips & FAQs
Version 1.02
By yunakitty livserge331@comcast.net
Well, since nobody else seems to want to cover this game, I guess I will do
it. Here goes!
I will greatly acknowledge the information from Ushi No Tane. It is what I
referenced while playing the game myself. I tried not to plagiarize it here,
I tried to paraphrase things that I learned from the site. Some stuff I did
figure out or improve myself.
7/15/08 Version 1.1 Added info about making friends, getting the kitchen, and
unlocking the hot springs.
7/7/08 Version 1.02 Added info about leveling tools, some marriage info, and
misc tips.

Table of Contents:
(You can use Ctrl-F and the codes in parentheses after each entry to jump
right to what you want.)
A. General Tips and Tricks (GTT)
1. Littering (LTR)
2. Picking Wild Items for Easy Money (WEM)
3. Making Easy Money in the Dig Site (EZM)
4. Opening the Mines (OPM)
5. Buying Things (BYT)
6. Animals and Buildings (AML)
7. Crops (CRP)
8. Leveling Up Crops (LVL)
9. Mining (MNG)
10. Upgrading Tools (UPT)
11. Fishing (FSH)
12. Weather (A Trick for Controlling it.) (WTH)
13. Leveling Up Tools (LVT)
14. Getting a Kitchen so You can Cook!
15. Making Friends (FRD)
16. Unlocking the Hot Springs (HTS)
17. Misc Tips (MSC)
B. Cooking (CKG)
C. Rescuing the 101 Sprites (101S)
D. Bachelors (BCH)
Valley Guys:
Mineral Town Guys:
Trent (Doctor)
- After Marriage
E. Festivals (FST)
F. Credits and Notes
A. General Tips and Tricks (GTT)
I will avoid spoilers as much as I can, so this should be safe to read even
if you are just starting out.
1. Littering (LTR)
For God's sake, don't litter! Littering is throwing anything on the ground
outside of your farm. Yes, even weeds! Each time you litter, EVERYONE'S
affection for you drops. So a day of careless weed pulling can undo months
of hard work at making friends. Just hit Y to put it in your backpack, and
you can throw it in the shipping bin when you get home. Everything counts
towards your shipping totals, so why not ship even junk?
2. Picking Wild Items for Easy Money (WEM)
Speaking of weed picking, the clearer that the fields around town are, the
more wild stuff that will grow in them. So if you have some time to kill,
clear out what you can. This is very helpful at the beginning when you need
money, a lot of weeds (for easily upping your shipped item numbers,) and
branches and small rocks both for strengthening your tools and building up
lumber. A bag full of colored grasses can bring in a good amount of money.
3. Making Easy Money in the Dig Site (EZM)
Another way to make money early on is to dig in the front room of the dig
site. Save your game while inside, then dig around with your hoe. You can
either remember each spot and then reload and dig them all right up (it's
good memory practice) or reload when you find each one and go right to it,
dig it up, save, and keep on going. You will save A LOT of energy this way.
The jewelry you find ships for 2000G each, and sells to Van for even more.
Save the other stuff (face packs, lotion, etc) for gifts, since they only
sell for 50G.
4. Opening the Mines (OPM)
"I need ores to upgrade my tools! Where can I find them?" is a common
question. There are four mines in the back of the dig site. To open the
first one, you need to go to the dig site after 8pm (when no one is there)
with your Hammer equipped (some people say this is not necessary.) A scene
will happen and the first mine is opened. This mine has 10 floors, with ore
available by breaking the rocks. To open the next mine, you have to reach
the bottom and then visit the dig site late at night to break open the next
mine. More information about mining is available later in the FAQ (search
5. Buying Things (BYT)
There are not many shops in Forget Me Not Valley. Vesta's shop is on her
farm and is open from 4-7pm. They sell seasonal seeds. Van opens up shop
upstairs in the inn on days that end in 3 and 8 (3rd, 8th, 13th, etc.) He
sells miscellaneous items. There is a shop in the sprite casino (see Easy
Sprites for how to do that.) They sell special seeds and accessories, as
well as cookbooks. For all other things, you need to use the phone in your
house. You can call
Chicken Lil's (poultry and feed)
Yodel Ranch (livestock, feed, and related tools)
Saibara's Blacksmith (upgrading tools, some tools for sale)
Gotz Construction (building new buildings on your farm.)
Supermarket (seeds, cooking staples, rucksacks, basket)
There is also a TV Shopping channel. To unlock that, buy something from
Karen for 10 days. They do not have to be in a row, just 10 total days.
Channel 2 will then open. Mostly, they show silly products that you can't
actually buy (a wallet that steals money from other people?) but once a week,
it will be something good. Watch the program, and then use your phone to
call and buy it. It will arrive in 2-3 days.
6. Animals and Buildings (AML)
In most previous Harvest Moons, your farm would come with barns. In HMDS,
you have to ask Gotz to make barns, silos, and lumber sheds. They cost a lot
of money. Ready the tips in #2 and #3 to get enough. You will save a lot of
money if you chop and smash your own materials, but that takes time too.
Chickens - To get chickens, you have to build a bird shed and then buy a
chicken from Chicken Lil's. You can grow your own chickens by hatching the
eggs they lay in the incubator in the bird shed. Chickens hatched from eggs
will start out with more affection for you than bought chickens. Each shed
holds 4 birds.
Ducks - You have to build a pond on your farm before you can buy these from
Chicken Lil's. Ducks lay eggs every other day. Other than that, everything
is the same as chickens.
Cows - Buy from Yodel Ranch. The ones you buy will take 14 days before they
are old enough to be milked. You can also make them pregnant, and like
chickens, cows born on your farm will start out with more affection. Baby
cows take 21 days to mature to milking age.
Sheep - Buy from Yodel Ranch. You can shear them right away. They aren't
old enough to make pregnant yet, though. Their wool grows back after 7 days.
They must have a full coat of wool before they can get pregnant. You can get
6 balls of small wool each time from shearing by using the touch glove and
just rubbing off a little at a time, and repeating.
Animals take a long time to get to like you. Don't expect fast results like
in previous games. I worked hard on rescuing the yellow sprites, and I hire
them constantly to love on my animals. I keep the animals outside in a
fenced in area with grass in all seasons except winter. The yellow sprite
team, once they get better at their job, will increase your animals' hearts
slowly but surely, much faster than you can do yourself.
Animals don't like to be out in the rain or snow, and definitely not in
storms! (See the section about weather for avoiding that.) Chickens and
ducks can feed off anything on the ground, but cows and sheep need full grown
grass to eat. Make sure they are in a pen that is completely enclosed, and
the duck pond needs to be inside that enclosure for ducks. Sometimes a wild
dog will show up at night and bark at them, resulting a bad mood the next
day. Supposedly, training your dog by playing with him with the ball will
prevent this, but I worked on it for the longest time and it didn't make a
difference, so I just take the occasional bad moods in stride. It's only
resulted in sickness twice, and I keep plenty of medicine on hand. You can
also reset to the night before the animal gets sick and try again, sometimes
they won't be sick.
The more hearts a chicken or duck has, the larger egg it will lay. With cows
and sheep, milking and shearing without the touch glove always results in
small product, no matter how much they like you. And I've been able to get a
large bottle of milk and large wool by rubbing really fast using the touch
gloves on animals with no hearts. The point of making livestock like you
more is to get them to win their yearly contest, which will increase their
level. You can then breed that animal to get a leveled up baby, who you can
get the hearts up on and then have her win the contest, and she'll be Level
2. Repeat as desired. You can have an animal win the same contest over
again, but you won't get anything for it. They can only go up one level in
their life. Bummer.
7. Crops (CRP)
Crops will only grow in certain seasons. They will usually tell you when you
equip the bag, and stores only sell what is in season.
Turnips - 5 days
Potatoes - 8 days
Cucumbers - 10 days, harvest again in 2 days
Strawberries - 8 days, harvest again in 2 days
Cabbage - 15 days (sold at Sprite Casino Shop)
Onions - 8 days
Pumpkins - 15 days
Corn - 15 days, harvest again in 3 days
Tomatoes - 10 days, harvest again in 3 days
Pineapple - 21 days, harvest again in 5 days (sold at Sprite Casino Shop)
Carrots - 8 days
Spinach - 6 days
Eggplant - 10 days, harvest again in 3 days
Yams - 6 days, harvest again in 2 days
Bell Pepper - 8 days, harvest again in 2 days (sold at Sprite Casino Shop)
A little tip is that you can plant the day before a season starts (ie plant
Summer crops on the last day of Spring) and it will work out fine.
You have to hoe an area up to 3x3 (you can leave spots undone if you want
gaps in the crops, especially good for regrow crops.) Crops are either one
time harvest or they regrow. If they are one time harvest, that's it, you
pick them and if you want to grow more you have to plant more. Crops that
regrow will stay there after you pick them, and the ripe crops will reappear
in less time than it took the whole plant to grow.
Crops grow at different rates in different areas. The figures above are for
regular fields like your farm. Crops grow one day faster near the mine and
near the Sprite Station. Crops grow super fast underneath the waterfall
(read Mining section for how to get into there.) All the other fields are
slow growth fields, so it will take slightly longer for crops to ripen (so
why grow stuff there?)
You can also grow fruit trees and mushrooms. Fruit trees are easy enough.
You have to dig a 2x2 plot with nothing around it to get in the way, and then
plant seeds. The trees will grow in about 40 days, and they make fruit every
other day in their season. (Bananas, Oranges, and Peaches grow in summer,
and Grapes and Apples grow in Fall.) You start out with a peach tree on your
Mushrooms have to grow in the mushroom house. It costs a bit of money to
build, and it isn't a big money maker for the time you put in, so only do
this if you really want to. You have to put a piece of wood lumber on one of
the pallets in the mushroom house. Then, stand in front of it and sow seeds.
Water the log each day. It takes over a season to grow just one. The longer
you wait to pick it, the bigger it will get. There are three types of
mushrooms, toadstool, matsutake, and shiitake. You have to buy shiitake
seeds from Vesta, but the other two can be picked around the valley in fall,
and put into the seed maker to make seeds.
8. Leveling Up Crops (LVL)
The seeds you buy from the stores are Level 1. If you sow more than one bag
of those seeds right on top of another, there is a chance that some of the
crops will be Level 2 crops. You can sow more than 2 bags of seeds to
increase the odds, but generally 2 bags is enough (you'll get about 3 Level
2's out of 9 total crops.) To further level up crops, you need to upgrade
your house first. That will open up the "Maker Barn" in Gotz's shop. Have
that made, then get a piece of Adamantite (found in 3rd mine, see Mining -
MNG) and ask Gray to make a seed maker for you. Once it's finished, you can
throw those Level 2 crops into it. One crop will make one bag of seeds, so
in order to get to level 3, you need to put at least 2 Level 2 crops in.
Then you will get at least 2 bags of Level 2 seeds, which you can sow on top
of each other. That will result in some of the crops being Level 3, and you
repeat this process. Leveled up crops sell for a LOT more (just one Level 10
turnip sells for about 2000G!)
To level up fruit trees, it's the same process, except that you need to
remember that there is only one "crop" to this planting, so you need to sow
more than two bags to really ensure the tree will be leveled up. Then put
the leveled up fruits in the seed maker, and plant a new tree with several
bags. This process obviously takes a while. The same goes for mushrooms.
You need to put down a lot of bags to make sure they level up.
9. Mining (MNG)
In the back of the dig site, there are four mines to open. To open the
first, have your hammer equipped and visit the dig site after 8pm when no one
is there. To open the second mine, get to the bottom (10th floor) of the
first mine, then visit the dig site again after 8pm. To open the third mine,
get to the bottom of the second mine (255th floor) then visit the dig site
after 8pm. To open the fourth and final mine, you have to meet Keria on
floor 255 of the 3rd mine, and then get to the bottom of the 3rd mine (999th
floor) and then visit the dig site late at night.
Inside the mines, on each floor there is a set of stairs going all the way
back up to the surface. There are also holes that you can't see in the floor
that will drop you a random amount of floors (the number varies in each
mine.) You lose one point of Stamina or Fatigue for every floor you drop, so
keep a close eye on your health (the Truth Bangle from the Sprite Casino
helps a lot.) Also, you can dig around with your hoe to find a set of stairs
going down just one floor (good for when you want to get to a specific
A great trick in the mines is to start out in a room by saving in File 1.
Run around, dig, and smash rocks to see what's there. Then, you can reload
from File 1 and go straight to where the hole is, only hit the rocks that had
stuff you wanted in them, etc. Before you drop to the next floor, save in
File 2. Drop down. If it's where you want to be, save in File 1 and repeat
the pattern. If you don't like where you landed (ie if you were on the 95th
floor and wanted to go to the 100th, but fell all the way to the 104th) just
reload File 2 and you'll be back right before you fell. Try falling again
and you'll almost always land somewhere different.
In all mines black grass can be dug up from the ground with your hoe.
There are evil animals in the mines. Watch out for them! They will hurt you
if you touch them. Hit them with any tool to hurt them back. Bugs will fly
back and forth in a straight line. Birds and livestock will come running at
you and follow you around, trying to hit you.
What's in the mines:
1st mine (10 floors)
Basic ores for upgrading your tools can be found by busting the rocks with
your hammer. The deeper you go, the better the ores get. From worst to
best, they are Junk Ore, Copper, Silver, Gold, and Mystrile. There is only
one Evil animal in this mine, on the 10th floor (an evil chick.) The holes in
this mine only drop 1 floor at a time.
2nd mine (255 floors)
This one is more interesting. Jewels are found in the rocks here, similar to
the winter mines in previous HM games. Most of them aren't worth much (less
than 100g) but others are worth a lot. Peridot, Fluorite, Agate, Amethyst,
Topaz, Ruby, Emerald, Moonstone, Sandstones and Diamonds are the non-valuable
ones. Once you get further down, past Floor 100, Alexandrite will appear on
floors ending in "10" and Pink Diamonds will appear randomly. They are worth
a whopping 10000G each, so don't forget to bust some rocks every now and then
on your way to the bottom. Just remember to use the save and reload trick I
mentioned before to save a lot of stamina.
At the very bottom of the mine there is a sword. You can only pick up the
sword if you have all six tools (Hoe, Hammer, Axe, Sickle, Watering Can, and
Fishing Pole) upgraded to Mystrile level. Quite a feat. So use those tools
whenever you've got spare time and energy. You can check how leveled up they
are by going to your Earnings menu (the white square on the left side of the
bottom screen) and then clicking on your face.
This hammer will open up the Super Growth field behind the waterfall. Have
it equipped and press A (not Y!) in front of the rock.
There are evil birds and bugs in this mine. They get worse the lower you go.
You can drop up to 10 floors at a time in this mine.
3rd Mine (999 floors)
You can find all the ores in this mine, as well as Adamantite (for makers),
Orihalcum, and all of the Season Suns (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) used
in your basement to grow crops out of season.
Something extra in this mine is the cursed tools and cursed accessories.
When you equip these, you can't take them off until you call the church and
have them blessed. You can have them simply removed for 1000G, or have the
cursed lifted entirely for 100000G. This will turn them into blessed
versions. The cursed tools can be found by digging in the dirt on floors 24,
35, 48, 52, 68, 71, 87, 99, 106, 118, 124, 135, 142, 153, 162, 178, 185, and
197. Find the cursed accessories by digging in the ground on floors 324,
335, 348, 352, 368, 371, 387, 399, 406, 418, 424, 435, 442, 453, 462, 478,
485, 497, 724, 735, 748, 752, 768, 771, 787, 799, 806, 818, 824, 853, 862,
878, 885, and 897. They include Time Ring (makes time go twice as fast when
cursed, and slow down when blessed), the Witch Earrings (which deplete
Stamina and Fatigue when cursed, but restore them gradually when blessed.)
and the Speed boots (which slow you down when cursed, but make you run twice
as fast when blessed.)
You can also find Mythic Stones in the mines. You have to have found all 6
cursed tools and have them blessed before the Mythic Stones will even show
up! You can sell them for 20000G if you wish, or use them to upgrade your
tools to the final stage. You can only find one per visit, so once you have
one, you can get out of the mine and upgrade your tool, then come back
another day. They are on floors that end in 0 up to the 250th floor, then on
floors than end in 5 from 255-995, and also on Floor 999.
Keria, the sleeping princess, is on the 255th floor of this mine. She has a
sign that says what gifts she wants. Bring them to her to increase her
There are evil birds and bugs in this mine, and you might run into evil sheep
and cows on the very bottom floors.
You can drop up to 100 floors at a time in this mine.
4th Mine
There are 65535 floors! You can fall up to 300 floors at a time. The Colored
Wonderful Stones can be found in this mine. There are nine colors, with a
different color on each of the floors that end in 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70,
80, and 90. If you collect all the colors, the Goddess will grant you a wish.
10. Upgrading Tools (UPT)
Each time you use a tool, you increase the experience on it. Go into your
farm data page (where you can see how much money you have) and click on your
own face. Scroll down at it will show you how far along each tool is. Once
you have enough experience, the ore you want to upgrade it with, and money
(anywhere from 1000 to 5000G, going up each level) you can call Gray at the
blacksmith and have him upgrade it for you. It will take time until you get
it back, so keep this in mind when upgrading tools you need on a day to day
basis - ie the watering can. Make other arrangements (hint hint, sprites) to
have your crops watered while it's in the shop.
11. Fishing (FSH)
The biggest question everyone has is "Where is the fishing pole?" You have
to go into Galen and Nina's house with nothing equipped in your tool spot.
Galen will give you the pole if he's in there. If not, keep visiting until
you catch him in there. You can only catch small fish with the pole as it
is, but as you upgrade it, you can charge it just like other tools and catch
larger fish. The good thing about the fishing pole is that it still only
uses 2 Stamina each use no matter how much you charge it.
12. Weather (A Trick for Controlling it.) (WTH)
Always save right before you go to bed. In the morning, the first thing you
should do is check channel 1 for the weather. If it is not what you want,
reload to the night before, go to sleep again, and check it again. This
totally resets the weather that's coming up. You can use this to avoid
hurricanes and snowstorms, to make it rain if you need it to for an event, or
to avoid rain altogether so that you can keep your animals outside
constantly. Just remember that you're working on the next day's weather. So
if you want it to rain on a Monday, you need to save before bed on SATURDAY,
not Sunday. When you wake up Sunday morning, check the weather report (which
is for Monday) and if it's not raining, just reload that Saturday and try
again. Sometimes it takes a while (I've had to reload 10 times once) but it
will happen. Keep in mind that it will always be sunny on festival days, so
don't waste time trying to make it rain then! If it's taking an abnormally
long time for you to get the weather you want, check the calendar and make
sure there's not a holiday on that day.
13. Leveling up Tools (LVT)
For the main 6 tools, (hoe, sickle, watering can, fishing pole, hammer, and
axe) your normal daily use will add experience to your tools. Go into your
Farm Data screen, then tap on your own face to see your progress. You can
also just use the tool over and over, not in its appropriate way (ie, cast
the fishing line out, and draw it back in immediately without catching
anything will level it up just as well as catching a fish.) As you reach
each level (Copper, Silver, Gold, Mystrile) you can send the tool to the shop
with the appropriate ore and have it improved. You will be able to hold down
the A button to charge the tools to whatever level you have them at, then let
go to get an improved result.
To get the tools beyond that, you first have to venture into the 3rd mine (see
the mining section) and find the cursed tools. These will do the same thing
as blessed tools, but they use up a lot of stamina and fatigue! Get them
blessed by calling Carter and paying 100000G. Once all the tools are
blessed, you will be able to find Mythic Stones in the 4th mine to level them
up to the final level. Mythic tools use up a lot less Stamina on their full
charge than regular tools.
For all tools except the Fishing Pole, using the tool regular uses 2 Stamina
with each use. Using it charged to the 2nd level uses 4 Stamina. The 3rd, 5
Stamina. 4th, 7 Stamina. 5th, 9 Stamina. 6th, 10 Stamina. If your Stamina is
gone, all charge levels build 2 Fatigue. When using tools in bad weather,
you will build a Fatigue point in addition to the Stamina consumed with each
use. (And yes, once you've eaten away your stamina, you will also get that
extra Fatigue point each time, for 3 on each use.) The Fishing Pole is the
same when it comes to bad weather, but all charge levels only use 2 Stamina.
1st Level - chops sticks only
2nd Level (copper) - will chop stumps in 6 fully charged hits
3rd Level (silver) - will chop stumps in 3 fully charged hits
4th Level (gold) - will chop stumps in 2 fully charged hits
5th Level (mystrile) - will chop stumps in 1 fully charged hits
6th Level (cursed/blessed) - all wood in that area
7th Level (Mythic) - all wood in that area
1st Level - smashes small stones only
2nd Level (copper) - will smash big stone in 3 fully charged hits
3rd Level (silver) - will smash big stone in 2 fully charged hits/boulder in 6
4th Level (gold) - will smash big stone in 1 fully charged hits/boulder in 3
5th Level (mystrile) - smash big stone in 1 fully charged hit/boulder in 2
6th Level (cursed/blessed) - all rocks in 9x9 area
7th Level (Mythic) - all rocks in the entire area
Fishing Pole:
1st Level - Small & Medium Fish
2nd Level (copper) - Small & Medium Fish
3rd Level (silver) - Small & Medium Fish
4th Level (gold) - Small, Medium & Large Fish
5th Level (mystrile) - Small, Medium & Large Fish
6th Level (cursed/blessed) - S, M & L Fish, rare items, fish kings
7th Level (Mythic) - S, M & L Fish, rare items, fish kings
Watering Can:
1st Level - waters 1 square
2nd Level (copper) - waters 3 squares
3rd Level (silver) - waters 2x3 squares
4th Level (gold) - waters 3x3 square
5th Level (mystrile) - waters 3x5 square
6th Level (cursed/blessed) - waters 6x12 square
7th Level (Mythic) - waters 12x21 square
1st Level - tills 1 square
2nd Level (copper) - 2 squares in a line in front of you
3rd Level (silver) - 3 squares in a line
4th Level (gold) - 4 squares in a line
5th Level (mystrile) - 6 squares in a line
6th Level (cursed/blessed) - 3x12 square in front of you
7th Level (Mythic) - 5x18 square
1st Level - cuts 1 square
2nd Level (copper) - cuts 3 squares perpendicular to you
3rd Level (silver) - cuts 2x3
4th Level (gold) - cuts 3x3
5th Level (mystrile) - cuts 5x5
6th Level (cursed/blessed) - cuts 9x9
7th Level (Mythic) - cuts 15x15
The milker and shears can be leveled up as well. At Level 0, the milker will
just give you one bottle of milk. At Level 1, you will get two bottles of
milk each time you milk a cow, and so on. Leveling up the milker and shears
takes a long time. Even after 13 seasons of milking one cow every day and
shearing one sheep 6 times each week, they were both only halfway to Level 1.
But, there is a trick. Just using the tool in the air gives it experience.
So, you can use it over and over again. About 17 times moves it just a
fraction of an inch. So this will still take a while. It took me 4 days of
doing it nonstop from sunup to sundown to go from halfway to Level 1 to just
at Level 2. Equip any stamina/fatigue saving equipment you might have, and go
at it. I was attempting this when I was already rich from leveling up crops,
so I just bought a bunch of Turbojolt XL from Van and just chugged them when
I needed to. This also works indoors, so you can keep time from passing. If
you aren't rich, then you can do this in conjunction with fulfilling the Hot
Springs requirements for saving two purple Sprites, Violetto (rest 200 times
for at least an hour at a time in the Circus Grounds Hot Springs) and Carey
(rest 200 times for at least an hour at a time in the Goddess Pond Hot
Springs.) Use the tool until your Stamina is spent, then rest in the Goddess
Hot Springs, or use it until your Fatigue is almost full, and rest in the
Circus Hot Springs. I personally prefer building up Fatigue, since it only
adds 2 each time, and the milker uses 4 Stamina each time. It's just more
cost effective to build up Fatigue and reduce it! But it's up to you!
14. Getting a Kitchen So You Can Cook! (KTC)
Step 1: Unlock the Shopping Sprite Channel 2. You can do this by buying
items from Karen's shop for 10 days. They don't have to be in a row, you
just have to buy at least one item on at least 10 different days.
Step 2: Buy the Clock and the Table from Channel 2. Channel 2 plays a silly
program about "Sprite Items" on most days, but keep watching and eventually
there will be something you can actually buy. (You'll know it's something
good if the beginning says "It's exciting, it's surprising" instead of
"Shocking, dismaying." There is not a certain day that buyable items are
shown. The day will move if you forget to watch or buy something the day
after it was shown. A new item will appear one week after you purchased the
last item. It's not a huge deal, but keep that in mind. Once you've seen
something you want to buy, use the phone in your house to call them. Say you
want to buy it, and the Mayor will deliver it 2-3 days later.
Step 3: Upgrade your house. Call Gotz (he is open 11am-5pm, all days but
Saturday and holidays) and buy the house upgrade. It's pretty expensive, so
start saving now.
Step 4: Keep watching the Shopping Channel. Eventually, they will sell a
Kitchen, and then the utensils to use in it.

15. Making Friends (FRD)

Honestly, the only two people in town you should care about befriending are
Daryl, Nina, and Flora. They are the only two that will give you anything
worthwhile once you are friends. But, if you just want to be friendly, more
power to you.
Loved Item/Liked Item/So-So Item/Disliked Item/Hated Item
First-gift FP scale: +9 / +3 / +1 / -3 / -9
Extra-gift FP scale: +3 / +1 / 0 / -3 / -9
This means that if you give a person an item that they really love, and it
raises their FP by 9, giving them another of the same item on the same day
will only raise it by 3 more each time.
If you give them an item that they like and it raises the FP by 3, giving
them more on the same day will raise the FP by 1 each time.
If you give them a so-so gift, it will raise the FP by 1, and more of those
gifts on the same day will not change the FP.
If you give them a gift they dislike, it will lower the FP by 3, and more of
that gift on the same day will also lower the FP by 3.
If you give them a gift they hate, it will lower the FP by 9, and more of
that gift on the same day will also lower the FP by 9.
They also work with each other. Say you give a person a hated gift and their
FP drops by 9. If you then give them a gift they love on the same day, it
will only raise the FP by 3, because the game considers it an extra gift.
You can see everyone's FP for you by using the Love Bangle from the Sprite
So, for making friends with Flora and Nina, both like for you to show them
your pets (will give +1 FP an unlimited number of times in a row.) If you
want to actually give them gifts, both Nina and Flora conveniently love
diamonds from the mine (they only sell for 100G each, so if you find them,
why not give them some at +9 FP each?) Be careful of giving Flora other
things from the mine - she will be insulted and her FP will drop. Nina likes
colored grasses too (just +3 FP.)
List of liked items for other villagers coming soon!
16. Opening the Hot Springs (HTS)
In the boy version, the scene to unlock the hot springs was also Flora's blue
heart event. The event is kept in the girl version, but of course it is not
a heart event. You must befriend her to over 250 FP (showing her your cat or
dog over and over in the mines will add 1 FP each time - it takes a little
while to do, but it's free) then go from Vesta's farm area up to the
excavation site area between 11:20 pm and 12:00am, on a sunny day that is not
a Sunday. (Note: You might get a scene of Flora doing kung fu instead - if
so, then just walk back down to Vesta's farm and then back up and the real
scene should trigger.) This will unlock the hot springs by the circus
grounds. If you use these hot springs 100 times or more, the mayor will pop
up and tell you he's building a hot springs by the Goddess Pond too. The
difference between the two is that the Circus Ground Hot Springs reduces your
Fatigue, and the Goddess Pond Hot Springs restores Stamina. You will
restore/reduce about 60 points of each in one hour of soaking.
You also use these hot springs to rescue a couple of the sprites. The
difference is that for the Sprite requirements, you must rest at least in
hour in the hot springs each time. For unlocking the Goddess Pond Hot
Springs, you can jump in and out of the Circus Ground Hot Springs very
quickly to get to 100 times.
17. Misc Tips (MSC)
Planted grass somewhere and now you want it gone? It's pretty tricky because
it just keeps growing in every season, and even comes back when winter is
over! You have to wait until it grows tall, cut it with the sickle, then hoe
the cut grass with your hoe. It's gone!
B. Cooking (CKG)
(recipes from Ushi no Tane)
Frying Pan:
Stir Fry Oil + Cabbage
Fried Rice Riceballs + Oil + Egg
Savory Pancake Cabbage + Flour + Egg + Oil
French Fries Potato + Oil
Croquette Potato + Onion + Egg + Flour + Oil
Popcorn Corn
Cornflakes Corn + Milk
Happy Eggplant Eggplant
Scrambled Eggs Egg + Oil
Omelet Egg + Milk + Oil
Omelet Rice Egg + Milk + Oil + Riceballs
Apple Souffle Apple
Curry Bread Bread + Curry Powder + Oil
French Toast Egg + Bread + Oil
Doughnut Egg + Milk + Butter + Flour + Oil
Grilled Fish Medium Fish
Fried Thick Noodles Noodles + Oil
Fried Noodles Buckwheat Noodles + Oil
Tempura Egg + Flour + Oil
Pancake Egg + Milk + Flour + Oil
Pot Sticker Cabbage + Onion + Flour + Oil
Risotto Tomato + Onion + Riceballs + Oil
Dry Curry Riceballs + Curry Powder
Cooking Pot: 41 Recipes
Hot Milk Milk
Hot Chocolate Milk + Chocolate
Wild Grape Wine (wild) Grape + Wine + Purple Grass
Pumpkin Stew Pumpkin
Fish Stew Medium Fish or Large Fish
Boiled Spinach Spinach
Boiled Egg Egg
Candied Potato Yam
Dumplings Cabbage + Onion + Flour + Oil
Strawberry Jam Strawberry
Apple Jam Apple
Grape Jam (wild) Grape
Marmalade Orange
Cheese Fondue Cheese + Bread
Noodles Flour
Curry Noodles Noodles + Curry Powder
Tempura Noodles Tempura + Noodles
Buckwheat Noodles Buckwheat Flour
Tempura Buckwheat Noodles Buckwheat Noodles + Tempura
Mountain Stew Carrot + Bamboo Shoots + shiitake
Rice Soup Riceballs
Porridge Milk + Riceballs
Tempura Rice Riceballs + Tempura
Egg Over Rice Egg + Riceballs
Stew Milk + Flour
Curry Rice Riceballs + Curry Powder
Blue Curry Riceballs + Curry Powder + Blue Grass
Green Curry Riceballs + Curry Powder + Green Grass
Red Curry Riceballs + Curry Powder + Red Grass
Yellow Curry Riceballs + Curry Powder + Yellow Grass
Orange Curry Riceballs + Curry Powder + Orange Grass
Purple Curry Riceballs + Curry Powder + Purple Grass
Indigo Curry Riceballs + Curry Powder + Indigo Grass
Black Curry Riceballs + Curry Powder + Black Grass
White Curry Riceballs + Curry Powder + White Grass
Rainbow Curry Blue Curry + Green Curry + Red Curry + Yellow Curry +
Orange Curry + Purple Curry + Indigo Curry + Curry Rice
Ultimate Curry Rainbow Curry + Black Curry + burnt Frypan dish + burnt Pot
dish + burnt Oven dish + burnt Mixer dish + burnt Steamer dish + burnt No
Utensil dish
Finest Curry Rainbow Curry + White Curry + burnt Frypan dish + burnt Pot
dish + burnt Oven dish + burnt Mixer dish + burnt Steamer dish + burnt No
Utensil dish
RelaxTea RelaxTea Leaves
Turbojolt Orange Grass + White Grass + Red MagicRed flower
Bodigizer Orange Grass + Black Grass + Red MagicRed flower
Oven: 18 Recipes
Baked Corn Corn
Toasted RiceBalls Riceballs
Roasted Rice Cake Ricecakes
Baked Yam Yam
Toast Bread
Jambun Milk + Egg + Jam
Dinner Roll Egg + Milk + Butter
Pizza Cheese + Flour + Ketchup
Doria Onion + Butter + Milk + Riceballs + Flour
Gratin Onion + Butter + Milk + Cheese + Flour
Buckwheat Ball Egg + Flour + Buckwheat Flour
Sweet Potatoes Egg + Butter + Yam
Cookies Egg + Flour + Butter
Chocolate Cookies Cookie + Chocolate
Cake Egg + Flour + Butter + a fruit
Chocolate Cake Egg + Flour + Butter + Chocolate
Cheesecake Egg + Cheese + Milk
Apple Pie Apple + Egg + Butter + Flour
Mixer: 19 Recipes
Pineapple Juice Pineapple
Tomato Juice Tomato
Grape Juice (wild) Grape
Peach Juice Peach
Banana Juice Banana
Orange Juice Orange
Apple Juice Apple
Strawberry Milk Strawberry + Milk
Fruit Juice Strawberry + (Apple OR Orange OR Pineapple OR Peach OR Banana OR
Grape OR Wild Grape)
Fruit Latte Fruit Juice + Milk
Vegetable Juice Carrot OR Cucumber OR Cabbage
Vegetable Latte Vegetable Juice + Milk
Mixed Juice (Apple OR Orange OR Pineapple OR Peach OR Banana OR Grape OR Wil
Grape) + (Carrot OR Cucumber OR Cabbage) OR
Fruit Juice + Vegetable Juice
Mixed Latte Milk + (Apple OR Orange OR Pineapple OR Peach OR Banana OR Grape
OR Wild Grape) + (Carrot OR Cucumber OR Cabbage) OR
Milk + Mixed Juice OR
Milk + Fruit Juice + Vegetable Juice
Ketchup Tomato + Onion
Butter Milk
Fish Sticks Medium Fish or Large Fish
Turbojolt XL Turbojolt + Green Grass
Bodigizer XL Bodigizer + Blue Grass
Steamer: 14 Recipes
Moon Dumplings Dumpling Powder
Green Dumplings Rice Cake + a weed
Bamboo Dumplings Bamboo Shoots + Rice Cake
Steamed Bun Flour + Oil
Cheese SteamedBun Cheese + Flour + Oil
Shaomi Onion + Cabbage + Egg + Flour
Steamed Egg Egg + shiitake + Bamboo Shoots
Chinese Bun Shiitake + Flour + Bamboo Shoots + Carrot
Curry Bun Flour + Curry Powder
Steamed Dumplings Cabbage + Onion + Flour + Oil
Sponge Cake Egg + Flour
Steamed Cake Egg + Milk + Oil
Pudding Egg + Milk
Pumpkin Pudding Chicken Egg + Milk + Pumpkin
No Utensils: 19 Recipes
Small Mayonnaise Small Chicken Egg + Oil
Medium Mayonnaise Medium Chicken Egg + Oil
Large Mayonnaise Large Chicken Egg + Oil
Salad Cucumber OR Cabbage OR Tomato OR Carrot
Sandwitch Tomato OR Cucumber OR Boiled Egg + Bread
Fruit Sandwitch Orange OR Banana OR Apple OR Strawberry OR Peach OR
Pineapple + Bread
Pickled Turnips Turnip
Pickled Cucumber Cucumber
Bamboo Rice Bamboo Shoots + Riceballs
Matsutake Rice Matsutake + Riceballs
Mushroom Rice Shiitake + Riceballs
Sushi Sashimi + Riceballs
Raisen Bread (wild) Grape + Bread
Sashimi Medium Fish OR Large Fish
Chirashi Sushi Sashimi + Scrambled Eggs + Riceballs + (Carrot OR Cucmber
OR Pumpkin)
Buckwheat Chips Buckwheat Flour
Ice Cream Milk + Egg
RelaxTea Leaves Blue Grass + Green Grass + Red Grass +Yellow Grass + Orange
Grass + Indigo Grass + Purple Grass + a weed
Elli Grass Turbojolt XL + Bodigizer XL + burnt Frypan dish + burnt Pot dish

+ burnt Oven dish + burnt Mixer dish + burnt Steamer dish + burnt No Utensil

C. Rescuing the 101 Sprites (101S)
This is important for a few reasons. #1, You need to save at least 60 of
them in order to get married. So, even if you don't care about having them
help out with your farm work, if you want to get married, you'll have to go
out of your way to rescue some of them. Because even though there are quite
a few that are easy to find, the requirements on many are very steep. #2,
They can help you out immensely. You can only hire one team at a time, which
is a bummer, but you'll figure out what works best for you.
The Red Team
Animal Care (Feed and Harvest)
These sprites will feed, milk, shear, and gather eggs, and put the sellable
items they gather in the shipping bins. They won't brush or love on your
animals, so if you want to boost their hearts, you have to do that yourself,
or hire the yellow team to do it. However, you would then have to go in and
feed and harvest their items, so either way you're going to have to visit
them everyday. I personally like to hire the red sprites. There's something
very tedious about throwing fodder in the bin every day. I don't feel that
way about watering or harvesting crops, but I guess that's because you can
skip it if you need to and they won't get sick. I'll go in and love on my
animals when I feel like it, but at least I know their basic needs are being
Red Ribbon (leader)
Have at least 10 cows and sheep (total, not each.)
Ship at least 300 milk, eggs, and wool. (again, total, not each.)
Ship at least 500 milk, eggs, and wool.
Ship at least 1000 milk, eggs, and wool.
Use the Touch Glove 100 times to cut wool.
Use the Touch Glove 300 times to collect pieces of wool.
Use the Touch Glove 700 times to collect pieces of wool.
Use the Touch Glove and the Milker together 100 times.
Use the Touch Glove and the Milker together 300 times.
Use the Touch Glove and the Milker together 700 times.
Have a total of 10 Chickens and Ducks.
Have a total of 20 Chickens and Ducks.
Bonus: Once you have rescued 7 or more red sprites, they will also harvest
crops that are growing on your farm. This is good to know, because if you
are just growing stuff for your own personal use, you'll need to rush out
there and grab it before they do.
The Orange Team
Lumber - Chop Stumps and Logs, Smash Rocks
Leader: Oran
On the second of Winter, Thomas will stop by your house in the morning. He
asks for a random item. If it's something that you can't get, reset to the
day before and try again until he asks for something you can get. He'll come
back by your house like usual from 4:30pm to 5:00pm, so give it to him like a
present then. He will give you a piece of golden lumber in return, and this
sprite will appear then.
Chop 100 small sticks with your Axe.
Chop 250 sticks with your Axe.
Chop 500 sticks with your Axe.
Chop up 15 tree stumps using your Axe.
Destroy 100 small rocks with your Hammer.
Destroy 250 small rocks with your Hammer.
Destroy 500 small rocks with your Hammer.
Destroy 5 large stones with your Hammer. (The big round ones, not lumpy
rocks, which are boulders.)
Destroy 15 large stones with your Hammer.
Upgrade your Axe to Mystrile (level 5), then use the tool.
Find the cursed level 6 Hammer in the 3rd mine and call the Church to get it

The Yellow Team
Animal Care - Brush and Pet
Leader: Canary
Have 15 baby animal births on your farm. Chickens are the easiest to do, but
it can be any animals.

Brush, talk to, or pick up your animals for a total of 50 times WITHOUT the
Touch Glove.
Brush, talk to, or pick up your animals for a total of 350 times without the
Touch Glove.
Brush, talk to, or pick up your animals for a total of 900 times without the
Touch Glove.
Pet your animals with the Touch Glove 50 times.
Pet your animals with the Touch Glove 100 times.
Pet your animals with the Touch Glove 300 times.
Pet your animals with the Touch Glove 500 times.
Brush your animals 50 times with the Brush and the Touch Glove.
Brush your animals 100 times with the Brush and the Touch Glove.
Brush your animals 300 times with the Brush and the Touch Glove.
Brush your animals 500 times using the Brush and the Touch Glove.
Bonus - Once you rescue 7 or more sprites, they will also water the crops on
your farm. Nice!
The Green Team
Leader: Forest
Upgrade the Sickle to the Mystrile and then use it at full power.
Throw 1000 items into the Shipping Bin. The 1000 items can be any combination
of items, even weeds and other junk.
Throw 5000 items into the Shipping Bin.
Throw 10,000 items into the Shipping Bin.
Throw 30,000 items into the Shipping Bin.
Throw 50,000 items into the Shipping Bin.
Purchase the Shipping Basket from Karen's shop and throw something into it.
Throw an item into the horse's saddlebags.
Ship a Cabbage. It is a Spring crop and the seeds can be bought in the Sprite
Ship a Pineapple. It is a Summer crop and the seeds can be bought in the
Sprite Casino.
Ship a Green Pepper. It is a Fall crop and the seeds can be bought in the
Sprite Casino.
Find the cursed Sickle by digging on certain floors in the 3rd Mine, then
call the Church to get the curse lifted.
The Blue Team
Leader: Ceruleano
Water a secret square of crop land.
This secret spot is totally random and can appear anywhere in the valley
except your actual farm. You have to hoe the ground and then water it. You
can save a lot of time by using leveled up tools and covering a lot of ground
at once. There are two other sprites that are saved this way.
Water 1000 pieces of crop land. For this sprite and all other Water X amount
of squares sprites, the squares that the watering team waters for you will
count toward your total, but they can't rescue themselves. So if you never
do watering yourself, every do often water a tilled square to see if you've
saved any sprites yet.
Water 5000 pieces of crop land.
Water 10,000 pieces of crop land.
Water 30,000 pieces of crop land.
Water 50,000 pieces of crop land.
Fill your Watering Can 10 times.
Upgrade your Watering Can to Mystrile and then use it at full power.
Find the cursed Watering Can by digging on certain floors in the 3rd mine and
then call the Church to have the curse removed for 100000G.
Press the A button while standing next to the waterpond on your farm.
Water a secret spot of crop land.
Water a secret spot of crop land.
The Indigo Team
The indigo team is very helpful with getting lots of fish. I like to fish
alongside them when I've got them hired. I give the fish I catch to the
sprites (careful, some don't like fish for some odd reason.) The more they
like you the more fish they will catch for you, and the more of their kind of
can rescue.
Leader: Blue
Try to fish in the Hot Springs near the Circus grounds. The spa will appear
when you make very close friends with Flora (250 FP+) and go in the mines on
a sunny day after 11pm. You'll get a scene where you guys discover the hot
Catch 50 fish. For this sprite and all other "Catch X number of fish"
sprites, the fish that the team catches for you will add to your total, but
they can't rescue themselves, so you want to fish every so often to see if
you've rescued anyone.
Catch 500 fish.
Catch 1000 fish.
Catch 5000 fish.
Catch 10,000 fish.
Catch 50,000 fish.
Find the cursed Fishing Pole by digging on certain floors in the 3rd mine and
then call the church to get the curse removed for 100000G.
Upgrade the Fishing Pole to Mystrile and then use it at full power.
Build a duck pond on your farm and then try to fish in it.
Try to fish in the regular pond on your farm.
Try to fish in the Hot Springs by the Goddess Pond. This spa will unlock
after you have used the 1st Hot Spring 100 times.
The Purple Team
Leader: Violetto
Use the Hot Springs by the Circus grounds 200 times for at least 1 hour at a
Hire the Healing team and ask them to restore your Stamina 100 times. You can
ask the team to heal you once about every half hour in-game.
Hire the Healing team and ask them to restore your Stamina 500 times.
Hire the Healing team and ask them to restore your Stamina 750 times.
Hire the Healing team and ask them to restore your Stamina 1000 times.
Eat 30 pieces of wild grass.
Eat 80 pieces of wild grass.
Eat 150 pieces of wild grass.
Purchase 1 drink from the Blue Bar.
Purchase 50 drinks from the Blue Bar.
Use the Hot Springs up by the Goddess Pond 200 times for at least 1 hour at a
time. This spa can be unlocked if you use the 1st Hot Springs 100 times.
Use the Hot Springs by the Goddess Pond 500 times for at least 1 hour at a
The Brown Team
Automatically found at start of game.
Try to run out of the east side of town, up that long path near Vesta's farm.
Examine the orange crate that Van does business on from the top.
After the 8th of Spring, walk across the bridge near Vesta's farm.
Examine the fountain in front of Romana's mansion.
Examine the stove fenced in near the Inn.
Examine the well near the Blue Bar.
The Black Team
Sprite Stations
Automatically found in story.
Purchase an item from Karen's store for a total of 10 days.
Rescue 20 lost Harvest Sprites.
Ship at least 300 of one item that you have produced on your farm. Items that
count are crops, flowers, tree fruit, milk, eggs, or wool.
Purchase 5 Records from Jet at the Sprite Tree.
Participate in 3 festivals.
Befriend a villager to 100 Friendship Points.
Automatically found in story.
Ship 100,000 of one item that you have produced on your farm. Items that
count are crops, flowers, tree fruit, milk, eggs, or wool.
Last but not least, the little baby white sprite is found in the big pot to
the left of Guts' counter only after you've saved 60 or more sprites. If you
give him 250 presents, something good will happen.

D. The Bachelors (BCH)
Note: For heart events to trigger, you must be at the heart level color or
above. Each heart event you see and successfully get through (ie don't make
the wrong choices) you will get a 3000LP bonus.
To get married, you need to have seen all four (or five, in the case of Skye)
heart events, have them at a Red Heart or higher, have a big bed (requires
house upgrade), and present them with the Blue Feather (in the case of Skye,
show him the feather and then sleep with it equipped and he will steal it
from you, securing your future together.
I highly recommend buying the Love Bangle from the Sprite Casino. When worn,
you can see exactly how much people like you, and it can be a great gauge as
to how you're doing. It's not totally necessary though.

Where to find him--------------------------------------
Marlin is usually out in the fields during the day, and then goes inside the
seed shop in the afternoon. You can find him in Vesta's house for the rest
of the evening.
Birthday: Spring 24
His best gift is just darn impossible, so the easiest thing for him is to buy
wine from Karen's shop and give him one a day.
Best Gift (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Elli Leaves
Great Gifts (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Wine, Rice Cake, Wild Grape Wine, Roasted Rice Cake
Good Gifts (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Wild Grape, Banana, Orange, Peach, Grape, Apple
Stir Fry, Apple Souffle, Curry Bread, Dry Curry, Apple Jam, Grape Jam,
Marmalade, Fried Thick Noodles, Curry Rice, Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red
Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry, Indigo Curry, Black Curry,
White Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, Bodigizer,
Turbojolt, Jam Bun, Apple Pie, Grape Juice, Peach Juice, Banana Juice, Orange
Juice, Apple Juice, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt
XL, Curry Bun, Raisin Bread

Heart Events------------------------------------------------------
Black Heart Event
" Vesta's house
" 6:00 am to 8:00 am, or 9:00 pm to 12:00 am
Say you want to talk to him, then ask him what kind of food he likes.
Purple Heart Event
" Vesta's farm store
" 8:10 am to 12:00 pm, not Winter season, rainy day
Tell him to cheer up.
Blue Heart Event
" Blue Bar
" 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm, Monday
(Make sure you're done with all your work before you do this, because the
next thing you know, you'll be waking up in the morning.)
Tell him you want more.
Yellow Heart Event
" Vesta's house
" 8:20 pm to 12:00 am, not Winter season, rainy day
Tell him you were looking for him, and then tell him you think his health
will return.
Birthday: Spring 09
Where to find him-----------------------------------------------
He is upstairs in his room at the inn in the morning, then moves down towards
the beach, staying there most of the day, and then he goes to the Blue Bar in
the evenings. On rainy days he can be found in the Inn's lobby.
His best gift, unlike a lot of the other bachelors, is not totally
impossible. You will need a kitchen, a cheese maker, and of course milk and
bread; but it is possible to make this. Other than that, Matsutake mushrooms
make a great gift, and wine, flowers and fruits work in a pinch, too.
Best Gift: (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Cheese Fondue
Great Gifts: (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Matsutake, Cheese, Yogurt, Necklace, Bracelet, Broach, Earrings, Perfume,
Diamond, Pink Diamond, French Fries, Risotto, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry,
Finest Curry, Doria, Grautin, Butter, Cheese Steamed Bun
Good Gifts: (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Wild Grape, Banana, Orange, Peach, Grape, Apple, Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower,
Red Magicgrass Flower, Dress, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Emerald,
Ruby, Topaz, Pericot, Amethyst, Wine, Chocolate, Dog Ball, Fried Noodles, Pot
Stickers, Wild Grape Wine, Dumplings, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Buckwheat
Noodles, Tempura Rice, Egg Over Rice, Curry Rice, Blue Curry, Green Curry,
Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry, Indigo Curry, Black
Curry, White Curry, Pizza, Cheesecake, Grape Juice, Peach Juice, Banana
Juice, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Strawberry Milk, Fruit Juice, Fruit Latte,
Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Curry Bun, Steamed Cake, Salad
Heart Events
Black Heart Event
" Beach
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, Monday or Wednesday or Friday, sunny day
Tell him you're there to check him out.
Purple Heart Event
" Inner Inn, lobby
" 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, not Tuesday or Friday, rainy day
Say "Well, if Rock has important things to do..."
Blue Heart Event
" Walk from Main Path to Goddess Pond area
" 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Tuesday, sunny day
Tell him it was a strange thing to say, and then tell him OK.
Yellow Heart Event
" Inner Inn, 2nd floor, Rock's bedroom
" 6:00 am to 11:00 am
Say he seems to get along with Lumina.
Birthday: Summer 13
Where to find him-------------------------------------------------
He will be in the room behind his bar most days in the morning time. In the
evening, he is serving drinks behind the bar. Mondays are the bar's off
days, so you might see him out then.
His best gift, Fish Stew, is not too hard too make. You just need a pot and
a large/medium fish. But, you're not going to have the kitchen and all for a
while, so wine and fish are great substitutes until then.
Best Gift: (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Fish Stew
Great Gifts: (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Red Magicgrass Flower, Fish, Wine, Grilled Fish, Wild Grape Wine, Fish Stew,
Porridge, Stew, Sushi, Sashimi, Elli Leaves
Good Gifts: (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Moondrop Flower, Blue Magicgrass Flower, Eggs, Perfume, Copper, Silver, Gold,
Mystrile, Orihalcon, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Alexandrite, Mythic
Stone, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Pink Diamond, Peridot, Firefly Stone,
Agate, Amethyst, Rice Cake, French Fries, Happy Eggplant, Scrambled Eggs,
Curry Bread, Tempura, Dry Curry, Pumpkin Stew, Boiled Egg, Curry Rice, Blue
Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Orange Curry, Yellow Curry, Purple Curry,
Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Finest
Curry, Roasted Rice Cake, Baked Yam, Moon Dumplings, Curry Bun
Heart Events-------------------------------------------------------
Black Heart Event
" Blue Bar
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Tell him you're there to rest, and then accept his offer.
Purple Heart Event
" Dr. Hardy's clinic
" 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, not Wednesday or Saturday
Ask him how he is doing.
Blue Heart Event
" Inner Inn, lobby
" 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, not Wednesday, sunny day
Say a good person.
Yellow Heart
" Walk from Your Farm to the Main Pathway
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, not Wednesday, sunny day
Tell him to want to go along, and then reply in the affirmative to his next
Birthday: Spring 03
Where to find him--------------------------------------------------------
He hangs around by the windmills on Vesta's farm in the mornings, and by
Turtle Pond in the afternoons. He can be found in the Blue Bar some evenings
as well.
His best gift, Hot Milk, is pretty easy. But you'll have to wait until you
can get a pot. His great gifts are all cooked as well, so you'll have to go
the slow way with just plain old good gifts like flowers. He oddly enough,
doesn't like crops. I really thought he would, being all in touch with the
earth. Whatever you do, don't give him anything fish-related. He's
apparently a vegetarian!
Best Gift: (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Hot Milk
Great Gifts: (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Popcorn, Omelet Rice, French Toast, Boiled Egg, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate
Curry, Finest Curry, Pizza, Pickled Turnips, Pickled Cucumbers
Good Gifts: (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Peach, Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Red Magicgrass Flower,
Blue Magicgrass Flower, Milk, Necklace, Bracelet, Broach, Earrings, Dress,
Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Copper, Silver, Gold, Mystrile,
Orihalcon, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Alexandrite, Mythic Stone,
Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Topaz, Pink Diamond, Peridot, Flourite, Agate,
Amethyst, Rice Cake, Stir Fry, Fried Rice, Savory Pancake, Omelet, Tempura,
Pot Stickers, Dry Curry, Strawberry Jam, Noodles, Curry Rice, Blue Curry,
Green Curry, Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry, Indigo
Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Relaxtea, Roasted Rice Cake, Baked Yam,
Sweet Potatoes, Cheesecake, Strawberry Milk, Fruit Latte, Mixed Latte,
Chinese Bun, Steamed Dumplings, Sandwich, Relaxtea Leaves

Heart Events--------------------------------------------------------
Black Heart Event
" Walk from Beach to Turtle Pond
" 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, not Tuesday, sunny day
Agree to talk with him, and then say you enjoy your work.
Purple Heart Event
" Exit your farmhouse
" 6:00 am to 8:00 am, sunny day
Say you'll go with him, and agree with him later on.
Blue Heart Event
" Walk from Main Pathway to Your Farm
" 7:00 pm to 10:00pm, not Tuesday, sunny day
Agree to take a walk with him.
Yellow Heart Event
" Gustafa's house
" 6:00 am to 8:00 am
Say OK to his request.
Birthday: Spring 11
Where to find him------------------------------------------------------
In and around the dig site. Mostly inside the dig site.
Again, like a lot of the other guys, his best gift requires a kitchen, so it
will have to wait. His great gifts are all cooked or rare, so start out with
wine with him. Whatever you do, don't give him anything curry related! He
hates the stuff!
Best Gift: (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Candied Potatoes
Great Gifts: (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Lithograph, Stir Fry, Cheese Fondue, Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Buckwheat
Noodles, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte, Cheese Steamed Bun, Matsutake
Rice, Sashimi
Good Gifts: (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Matsutake, Eggplant, Cheese, Wool, Yarn, Spring Sun, Summer Sun, Fall Sun,
Winter Sun, Wine, Riceballs, Grilled Fish, Pot Stickers, Wild Grape Wine,
Fish Stew, Dumplings, Pizza, Cheesecake, Steamed Dumplings, Salad, Bamboo
Rice, Sushi
Heart Events
Black Heart Event
" Enter the Excavation site
" 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, not Tuesday
" Have the 1st Mine unlocked
Tell him you like his necklace.
Purple Heart Event
" Walk from Vesta's farm to the Waterfall Area
" 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, sunny day
Tell him you like the sun too.
Blue Heart Event
" Enter the Excavation site
" 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, not Tuesday
Tell Flora it's true.
Yellow Heart Event
" Carter's tent
" 6:20 pm to 10:00 pm, not Monday or Tuesday, sunny day
Say you'll go with him.
Skye is the "special bachelor" in the game.
Where to find him----------------------------------------
First, you have to talk to Lumina, and get Skye's black heart scene (see
below) for him to show up regularly. He shows up in the valley late at night,
only on sunny days and not on holidays. He starts at the path out of town at
10pm, making his way past Vesta's farm towards the Goddess Pond, finally
ending up there at midnight and staying until dawn. The exception is Sundays
when he arrives at the same time but heads for Romana's place, then down near
Turtle Pond, back past the farm, and to Carter and Flora's tent. Basically,
the best way to encounter him is to make sure the weather is good, and then
be standing at the path out of town at 10pm. No need to chase him all over
Summer 10
Skye is hard to please. He only really likes curry dishes, and it takes a
while to get the means to make those. Starting out, the things you can find
digging in the front room of the mines make good gifts for him. I prefer the
items that don't sell for as much, which are the dress, sunblock, facial
pack, and skin lotion. Better to sell the other things so you'll have the
money to work on getting that kitchen so you can make him curry! His very
best gift takes at least a dozen steps and in my opinion is not worth it for
the extra 300 to LP. Just give him easy colored curries every day. Just
make sure not to give him other curry foods! He REALLY hates curry noodles,
curry buns, etc. Just stick to the listed items and you'll be fine.
Best Gift: (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Finest Curry
Great Gifts: (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry,
Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Ultimate Curry, Rainbow Curry
Good Gifts : (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Necklace, Bracelet, Brooch, Earrings, Dress, Sun Block, Facial Pack, Perfume,
Skin Lotion, Curry Rice
Heart Events--------------------------------------------
Black Heart Event
" Walk from Main Pathway to Romana's Mansion
" 10:00 pm to 12:00 am, sunny day

Purple Heart Event

" Blue Bar
" 6:00 am to 11:00 am, Monday, rainy day
Agree to help them, and return between 10pm and 12am. The best choice is to
ask him if it's fate. Then, in the rest of the scene, it's better to try to
talk to him than to stay quiet.
Blue Heart Event
" Walk from Vesta's Farm area to Waterfall Area
" 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, not Tuesday or Sunday
Agree to help them and then return to their tent between 10pm and 12am. (They
both have to be inside, so exit and reenter until they're both there.)
When Skye shows up tell him OK. On the beach, tell him to cook with love.
Green Heart Event
" Walk from Main Pathway to Vesta's Farm
" 6:00 am to 10:00 am, not Winter season, Friday, sunny day
Agree to help out as usual, then return to Vesta's house between 10pm and
12am. During the scene, the best choice is to tell him to stop stealing.
Yellow Heart Event
" Inner Inn, lobby
" 11:00 am to 3:00 pm, Wednesday, sunny day
Agree to help, then return between 10pm-12am. Choose "I never saw you" when
you run into Skye.

Mineral Town Guys:

Note: For the Mineral Town Guys to show up, you need to have a copy of More
Friends of Mineral Town in the GBA slot. The exception to this is Kai. He
will show up every summer regardless.
Birthday: Winter 06 (birthday falls on a Thursday the 1st year.)
Where to find him---------------------------------------------------
Well, he lives in Mineral Town of course, and you can't go there. You can
call him on the phone but I don't think it boosts your relationship at all.
He comes to visit the Valley on Thursdays. He'll be in his room upstairs at
the Inn until 8am, then make his way to the dig site, where he stays most of
the day, and then goes to the Bar in the evening before leaving town. On
Rainy days he is in the Inn lobby in the afternoon.
Finally, an easy bachelor! To start out with, just give him any ore except
junk ore as gifts. That can easily be found by breaking stones in the first
mine right behind his Thursday hang out place. If you don't have the mine
open yet, he also likes chocolate, but go ahead and get the mine opened as
soon as you can. Once you have a kitchen, you can easily make his best gift,
Baked Corn (just corn in the oven.) Make sure to grow extra corn in summer
and save it! He really hates Pickled Turnips (probably because his grandpa
loves them.)
Best Gift: (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Baked Corn
Great Gifts: (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Necklace, Earrings, Bracelet, Broach, Copper, Silver, Gold, Mystrile,
Orichalc, Adamantite, Moonstone, Sandrose, Alexandrite, Diamond, Emerald,
Ruby, Topaz, Pink Diamond, Peridot, Fluorite, Agate, Amethyst, Chocolate,
Fried Rice, Savory Pancakes, French Fries, Omelet Rice, Curry Bread,
Doughnut, Fried Thick Noodles, Pancake, Dry Curry, Hot Chocolate, Candied
Potatoe, Curry Rice, Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Orange Curry, Yellow
Curry, Purple Curry, Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Rainbow Curry,
Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry, Baked Corn, Baked Yam, Sweet Potatoes, Cake,
Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, Steamed
Bun, Chinese Bun, Curry Bun, Steamed Cake, Pudding, Ice Cream
Good Gifts: (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Banana, Potato, Tomato, Corn, Eggs, Mayonnaise, Cheese, Yogurt, Dress, Large
Fish, Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Perfume, Wine, Bread, Rice Cake,
Branch, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber, Croquette, Popcorn, Cornflakes, Scrambled
Eggs, Fried Noodles, Pot Stickers, Wild Grape Wine, Dumplings, Cheese Fondue,
Curry Noodles, Egg Over Rice, Stew, Roasted Rice Cake, Toast, Dinner Roll,
Pizza, Banana Juice, Ketchup, Moon Dumpling, Green Dumpling, Cheese Steamed
Bun, Shaomi, Steamed Egg, Steamed Dumpling

Heart Events
Black Heart Event
" Excavation site
" 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Thursday
" Have the 1st Mine unlocked
Tell him your work is hard.
Purple Heart Event
" Vesta's house
" 7:20 pm to 10:00 pm, Thursday, sunny day, NOT WINTER
" Have a tool equipped in the red slot of your rucksack
Ask him to look at your tools. I got very stuck on this scene because I was
trying to get it in Winter. It also might not work if you have a tool in the
shop with him, as he couldn't be working on Vesta's tools, could he?
Blue Heart Event
" Exit the Excavation site
" 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Thursday, sunny day
Agree to take a break with him, and then tell him he'll be successful.
Yellow Heart Event
" Inner Inn, lobby
" 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Thursday, rainy day
Tell him he can talk about it, then tell him that's not true.
Birthday: Summer 06 (doesn't occur on a Saturday until Year 7!!!)
Where to find him--------------------------------------------------------
Cliff comes to the Valley on Saturdays. I'm embarrassed to say that I don't
know where he goes on sunny days. I do know that he's in his room at the inn
until 8am, then in the kitchen of the inn until 11am, then he goes somewhere,
then comes back and stands on the bridge to Vesta's farm from 8pm to 10pm. I
always catch him in the inn so I've never had to track him down. Oh, and on
rainy days, he stays in the Inn lobby.
Arg, another curry loving hard to please guy. Well, his best gift takes more
than a dozen steps, so it's pretty much out. Like Skye, there are no great
gifts that you can get without a kitchen. So, you'll have to stick to Good
Gifts for the most part. Chocolate is cheap and easy. But if you decide to
pursue Cliff, know that it will be slow going. Only 300 LP once a week with
a goal of 60000 LP, that's 200 weeks! Luckily, heart events will provide a
boost. Once you start cooking, he's a great place to dump all the recipes you
make just to fill up the recipe book. He likes almost everything! He
doesn't seem to like cooked down rice, so don't give him risotto, porridge,
or gratin. And don't try to be clever and give him curry powder if you can't
cook. He hates it plain.
Best Gift: (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Finest Curry
Great Gifts: (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Stir Fry, Fried Rice, Savory Pancakes, Happy Eggplant, Scrambled Eggs,
Omelet, Omelet Rice, Curry Bread, Grilled Fish, Tempura, Dry Curry, Boiled
Spinach, Cheese Fondue, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Buckwheat Noodles,
Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Mountain Stew, Tempura Rice, Stew, Curry Rice,
Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry, Purple Curry,
Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate Curry, Pizza,
Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Curry Bun, Sponge
Cake, Sandwitch, Bamboo Rice, Matsutake Rice, Shiitake Rice, Sushi, Chirashi
Good Gifts: (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Wild Grape, Grape, Apple, Cucumber, Strawberry, Tomato, Corn, Pineapple,
Carrot, Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Wine, Riceballs, Bread, Chocolate, Rice Cake,
Dog Ball, French Fries, Popcorn, Apple Souffle, Doughnut, Fried Thick
Noodles, Fried Noodles, Pancake, Hot Milk, Hot Chocolate, Wild Grape Wine,
Fish Stew, Boiled Egg, Candied Potatoes, Strawberry Jam, Marmalade, Rice
Soup, Toasted Riceballs, Roasted Rice Cake, Baked Yam, Toast, Jambun, Dinner
Roll, Doria, Sweet Potatoes, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake, Apple Pie,
Pineapple Juice, Tomato Juice, Grape Juice, Apple Juice, Strawberry Milk,
Fruit Juice, Moon Dumpling, Green Dumpling, Streamed Bun, Cheese Steamed Bun,
Chinese Bun, Steamed Cake, Pudding, Pumpkin Pudding, Salad, Pickled Turnips,
Pickled Cucumber, Raisin Bread, Sashimi, Ice Cream

Heart Events
Black Heart Event
" Inner Inn, kitchen
" 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, Saturday
Ask him if he wants to talk, and then admit that you get lonely too.
Purple Heart Event
" Inner Inn, lobby
" 11:40 am to 4:00 pm, Saturday, rainy day
Tell Cliff he doesn't give out that kind of feeling.
Blue Heart Event
" Exit your farmhouse
" 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, Saturday, sunny day
Go with Cliff.
Yellow Heart Event
" Exit the Sprite Company Tree
" 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Saturday, sunny day
Tell Cliff "of course."
Doctor Trent
Birthday: Fall 19 (falls on a Wed in Year 3.)
Where to find him -------------------------------------------------------
He'll be upstairs in his room at the inn from 6am-8am, then en route to
Hardy's house, where he and Elli stay until 11am, and they move on to the
Goddess Pond Area.
Trent is VERY easy to woo. Any colored grass is a great gift, and that can
be found in plenty in all seasons. Milk is the best gift for him, so once
you have a cow, devote a bottle a week just for him! It's pretty obvious,
but don't give this guy junk food. He's all about health. He absolutely
detests French fries, and sharing yours with him will cost you a staggering
5000 LP loss!
Best Gift: (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Milk (any size)
Great Gifts: (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Toadstool, Bamboo Shoots, Red Magicgrass Flower, Blue Magicgrass Flower,
Yogurt, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass,
Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Medium Fish, Large
Fish, Wine, Hot Milk, Wild Grape Wine, Porridge, Stew, Tomato Juice,
Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte, Mixed Juice, Mixed Latte, Fish Sticks,
Green Dumpling, Elli Leaves
Great Gifts: (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Apple, Turnip, Potato, Strawberry, Tomato, Corn, Pineapple, Onion, Pumpkin,
Pepper, Spinach, Carrot, Eggs, Cheese, Small Fish, Croquette, Apple Souffle,
Risotto, Pumpkin Stew, Apple Jam, Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Buckwheat
Noodles, Mountain Stew, Egg Over Rice, Relaxtea, Baked Corn, Doria, Gratin,
Pineapple Juice, Apple Juice, Strawberry Milk, Ketchup, Cheese Steamed Bun,
Steamed Egg, Bamboo Rice, Matsutake Rice, Mushroom Rice, Chirashi Sushi
Heart Events
Black Heart Event
" Walk from Main Path towards Goddess Pond
" 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Wednesday, sunny day
Tell him it's a good idea.
Purple Heart Event
" Dr.Hardy's clinic
" 8:40 am to 1:00 pm, Wednesday, sunny day
" Fatigue points 60 or less (0 FAT is ok)
Agree to go, and on the beach tell him you get lots of exercise.
Blue Heart Event
" Dr.Hardy's clinic
" 8:40 am to 1:00 pm, Wednesday
" Fatigue value 60 or less
Tell him that you eat complete meals.
Yellow Heart Event
" Dr.Hardy's clinic
" 8:40 am to 1:00 pm, Wednesday
" Fatigue value 60 or higher
Ask him if he's sick, because his face is red.
Birthday: Summer 22 (of course he'll be here every year on this day!)
Where to find him--------------------------------------------------------
Kai appears all Summer long. He will be in his Inn room until 9am or so, and
then he goes down to the beach and opens his shop for most of the day. He'll
be in the bar in the evenings. On rainy days he hangs out in the lobby of
the Inn.
You won't be able to give him his best gift for most of that first summer,
because it takes a long time to grow pineapples! Until then, give him
staples like bread, oil, and flour.
Best Gift: (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Great Gifts: (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Eggs, Yogurt, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Perfume, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Wine,
Bread, Oil, Flour, Tomato, Corn, Fried Rice, Omelet, Omelet Rice, Curry
Bread, French Toast, Dry Curry, Wild Grape Wine, Pumpkin Stew, Egg Over Rice,
Curry Rice, Blue Curry, Green Curry, Red Curry, Yellow Curry, Orange Curry,
Purple Curry, Indigo Curry, Black Curry, White Curry, Rainbow Curry, Ultimate
Curry, Finest Curry, Toast, Pineapple Juice, Steamed Egg, Curry Bun
Good Gifts: (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Wild Grape, Orange, Grape, Apple, Onion, Pumpkin, Mayonnaise, Milk, Cheese,
Small Fish, Necklace, Bracelet, Broach, Earrings, Dress, Sunblock, Facial
Pack, Skin Lotion, Curry Powder, Popcorn, Cornflakes, Apple Souffle, Grilled
Fish, Fried Noodles, Tempura, Pot Stickers, Risotto, Fish Stew, Dumplings,
Tempura Rice, Doria, Grautin, Tomato Juice, Orange Juice, Apple Juice,
Ketchup, Butter, Fish Sticks, Cheese Steamed Bun, Shaomi, Chinese Dumpling,
Steamed Dumpling, Sponge Cake, Salad, Sushi, Sashimi, Relaxtea Leaves
Heart Events
Black Heart Event
" Beach
" sunny day
Tell him it's OK to call you by your first name.
Purple Heart Event
" Beach
" sunny day
It's pretty obvious, but say summer is your favorite season.
Blue Heart Event
" Beach
" 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm, not Thursday, sunny day
Let Murrey eat the corn.
Yellow Heart Event
" Inner Inn, lobby
" 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm, sunny day
Go with Kai, and then wish to be friends with him.
Birthday: Fall 27 (falls on Sunday in Year 6.)
Where to find him -------------------------------------------------------
Rick comes to the Valley every Sunday. He's in his room at the Inn until
8am, and then he stands in the northern part of Vesta's farm for most of the
Although his best gift seems like it would be easy, it's not, considering
that you have to get Flora's FP up to 250+ to trigger the event that opens
the first hot springs, so that you can boil that egg. The best way to do
that is to take your cat to the mines and show it to Flora over and over. It
takes a while but it will boost her all the way up. Then go back to the dig
late at night.
Best Gift: (+800 LP, +9 FP)
Spa Boiled Egg
Great Gifts: (+500 LP, +9 FP)
Corn, Eggs, Mayonnaise, Cheese, Large Fish, Wine, Chocolate, Bird Feed,
Popcorn, Corn Flakes, Scrambled Eggs, Omelet, Omelet Rice, French Toast, Hot
Chocolate, Egg Over Rice, Bodigizer, Turbojolt, Chocolate Cake, Strawberry
Milk, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, Cheese Steam Bun, Sponge Cake, Pudding
Great Gifts: (+300 LP, +3 FP)
Shiitake, Orange, Pineapple, Red Magicgrass Flower, Blue Magicgrass Flower,
Yogurt, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Purple Grass, Indigo Grass, Black Grass,
White Grass, Medium Fish, Necklace, Brooch, Bracelet, Earrings, Dress,
Sunblock, Facial Pack, Skin Lotion, Riceballs, Wood Lumber, Stone Lumber,
Stir Fry, French Fries, Doughnut, Fried Noodles, Risotto, Boiled Spinach,
Strawberry Jam, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Rice Soup, Relaxtea, Toasted
Riceballs, Doria, Grautin, Chocolate Cookie, Cheesecake, Pineapple Juice,
Grape Juice, Orange Juice, Fruit Juice, Mixed Juice, Ketchup, Fish Sticks,
Pumpkin Pudding, Raisin Bread, Relaxtea Leaves
Heart Events
Black Heart Event
" Exit your farmhouse
" 6:00 am to 10:00 am, Sunday, sunny day
" Own at least 1 chicken
Ask him for his help, and you'll score 10 free bird feed!
Purple Heart Event
" Walk from Waterfall Area to Vesta's Farm
" 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, Sunday, sunny day
Say you'll chat with him, and say you do raise your crops with love.
Blue Heart Event
" Inner Inn, lobby
" 5:20 pm to 9:00 pm, Sunday, rainy day
Agree to eat Popuri's cooking.
Yellow Heart Event
" Inner Inn, 2nd floor, Rick's room
" 6:00 am to 8:00 am, Sunday
Say that you do.
Rival Events
When you've decided what guy you want to marry, why not work on getting the
other guys married? In order for guys to marry each of your rivals, you have
to trigger certain Heart Events. The guy must have the heart color mentioned
for the event or below for it to trigger. So, if you're trying to get
Griffin's Black Heart Event with Muffy, but you have a Purple heart with him,
it won't work, because his heart level with you is too high. Give the guy
things he hates to knock him down enough so that you'll be able to see the
The Blue Events only happen the 2nd year and after, the Green Events only
happen the 3rd year and later, and the Orange events only happen in Year 4 or
after. Their wedding will happen one week after you see the Orange Event.
You will automatically go to the wedding that day, then the day will end. So
make sure your animals are outside in fenced area with grass and it's good
weather! Beware of trying to be clever and trigger several weddings on the
same day - they will happen in succession, each one taking up a day with no
opportunity to save or do anything else in between! I sped from the 14th to
the 17th of Summer in the 4th year this way, and 3 of my animals got sick!
The Mineral Town boys do not have rival events.
Carter and Flora:
Black Heart
" Excavation site
" 9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Tuesday
Blue Heart
" Excavation site
" 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, not Tuesday
Green Heart
" Excavation site
" 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, not Tuesday
Orange Heart
" Excavation site
" 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, not Tuesday
Griffin and Muffy
Black Heart
" Blue Bar
" 9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday, rainy day
Blue Heart
" walk from Your Farm to Main Path
" 10:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday
Green Heart
" Blue Bar
" 9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday, rainy day
Orange Heart
" Blue Bar
" 9:00 am to 11:00 am, not Wednesday, rainy day
Gustafa and Nami
Black Heart
" Exit the Beach area
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, excluding Tuesday and Thursday, sunny weather
Blue Heart
" Beach
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, not Tuesday or Thursday, sunny weather
Green Heart
" Beach
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, not Tuesday or Thursday, sunny weather
Orange Heart
" Walk from Turtle Pond to the Beach
" 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, not Tuesday or Thursday, sunny day
Marlin and Celia
Black Heart
" Vesta's Farm Shop
" 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, not Monday
Blue Heart
" walk from Main Path to Vesta's Farm
" 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, not Monday
Green Heart
" Vesta's Farm Shop
" 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, not Monday
Orange Heart
" Walk from Main Path to Vesta's Farm
" 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, not Monday
Rock and Lumina
Black Rival Event
" Goddess Pond (exit the Sprite Tree)
" 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, Tuesday, sunny day
Blue Rival Event
" Beach
" 11:10 am to 1:00 pm, Saturday
Green Rival Event
" Goddess Pond (exit the Sprite Tree)
" 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, Tuesday, sunny day
Orange Rival Event
" Beach
" 11:10 am to 1:00 pm, Saturday
After Marriage:
Your husband will continue his normal schedule for the most part. If you
married a Mineral Town guy, then he will be gone when you wake up (to commute
to his job.) If you marry Kai, then the Snack Shack is open in seasons other
than summer!
If you marry one of the two guys who have "phone shops" (Rick and Gray) their
dialogue will not change when you call them. I've even had Gray (who I
married) fix a tool for me, and it was ready on a Thursday (his day off.) I
wake up in the morning and he's in the house, then I step outside my farm and
he's on my front step delivering the tool! Very weird.
Since your husband's heart is maxed out, you don't need to keep giving him
gifts. As long as you talk to him at least once a week, his LP will not
drop. It's fun sometimes to give him gifts though, because he will have
different things to say.
When you have been married a season, you will get a scene in the morning
where the two of you go to the doctor and find out you are pregnant. The
baby will be born two seasons after that.
A funny thing to note is that you can still watch the fireworks with any guy
who has a green heart or higher at the Fireworks Festival. I was married to
Gray, but watched with Trent, and it did not hurt my relationship with Gray.
Your husband will cook a special dinner on your birthday, his birthday, and
the baby's birthday. You have to enter your house on the special day between
6pm and 9pm to see the scene. If you don't remember the birthdays, you can
go into your farm data screen in the touch screen and see your family's info.
You'll also be clued in that it's a special day because your husband will be
home that day. Your husband will ask you what day it is, so be prepared to
answer correctly or it will hurt his LP.
On your wedding anniversary, your husband and child will have a party in the
morning (yes, there will always be a child at your anniversary, since you
have the baby three seasons after marriage, one season before your first
anniversary - unless you are so mean to your husband that he never gets you
pregnant - I have never done this.) Answer that it's your anniversary and he
will be happy and give you leveled up tree seeds (I got Level 5 apple seeds!)
Yes, your husband can ask for a divorce! If his LP drop below 5000 before
you get pregnant (man, you have to be hating on him hard to do that much
damage in less than a season) you will get a scene where he leaves you. He
will come back to work things out, and the next morning he will have 20000
more LP than before. You can never really separate and marry someone else.
So choose your mate wisely!
E. Festivals
Spring 01: New Years Day
On the first day of the year, go to the Beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.
This doesn't happen the first year. You'll get Rice Cakes that are left over
that you can use for recipes.
Spring 14: Spring Thanksgiving
If any of the Bachelors has a Purple heart or higher for you, they will
bring Cookies to your farmhouse (Green heart and higher brings Chocolate
Cookies.) To meet with them, exit your farmhouse at the times below.
Marlin 6-7am
Gustafa 8-9am
Rock 10-11am
Carter 12-1pm
Griffin 2-3pm
Skye 4-5pm
You can't get anything from the Mineral Town guys. Too bad!
Spring 18: Duck Festival
On the 17th, Popuri will meet you at your farmhouse door and ask if you would
like to submit a Duck for the festival. If you select your Duck, she will
take it away until the 18th. Go to the Beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm to
star the judging. If your Duck wins then it will increase its level and you
will earn 100 Farm Degree points.
She will bring the Duck back to the exact same spot she took it from.
Spring 22: Cooking Contest
Go to the beach between 10am-12pm. You will find out the theme for the
cooking contest, then when you exit the beach screen you'll be in your
kitchen (if you have one.) Make something in the appropriate category. You
don't get a prize for winning.
Summer 01: Beach Opening Day
Go to the beach between 1pm-6pm. Everyone will be there to celebrate the
opening of Kai's summertime snack shack.
Summer 07: Chicken Festival
Similar to the Duck festival in Spring, only with Chickens.
Summer 20: Cow Festival
Rick will stop by your farm the previous day and allow you to choose your
champion cow to enter into the festival. The adult cow can't be sick or
pregnant. On the 20th visit the Beach between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm to
participate in the festival.
Summer 24: Fireworks
Walk down to the Beach between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm. All of the eligible guys,
even the Mineral Town guys, but not Skye, will be down on the Beach. If any
of them are at a Green Heart or higher then you can invite that person to
watch the festivities with you. If not you have to watch with the two old
twin guys.
Fall 09: Harvest Festival
Bring something yummy (even a mushroom will do) to the beach between 10am-6pm
and throw it in the pot. Don't put anything poisonous in. A weird little
thing is that if you raise a Level 100 Toadstool and throw it in, you'll kill
all the villagers and get a game over.
Fall 21: Sheep Festival
Rick will stop by the day before to take your festival entry from your farm.
The sheep has to have all its wool, so remember to abstain from shearing it
the whole week prior. On the 21st go to the Beach between 10-6pm.
Fall 30: Pumpkin Festival
Three people will visit your house to demand candy, similar to Halloween.
Kate comes from 6-7am, Hugh from 8-9, and Popuri from 10-11. You can give
them chocolate or any other sweet like cakes and cookies. Their friendship
with you will go up.
Winter 02: Thomas' Winter Request
The Mayor will come by in the morning and ask that you get a rare item for
him. Sometimes it is something difficult or impossible (like the Golden Egg,
which isn't in this game,) but sometimes it is very easy, like a Matsutake
mushroom that you probably still have in your pack from Fall! If he asks for
something you can't get, just reset to the night before and talk to him again
until he asks for something feasible. Once you get it, meet him at your
shipping bin between 4:30 and 5pm. Give it to him like a present and he will
give you a piece of Golden Lumber. You can sell it for 50000G, or keep it
for your future golden buildings. This will happen every year, and the first
time you complete it you will get the Orange Team Leader.
Winter 14: Winter Thanksgiving
You can give out chocolates to bachelors for a 1000 LP increase. Unlike in
FoMT, you can't give them out to everybody in town and get an appropriate
comment (Stu would say "Alright! I love Winter Thanksgiving!" and other
people would say similar, not just marriageable guys.) Only give them to the
6 Valley bachelors.
Winter 24: Starry Night
On the day before, go talk to any bachelor with a green heart or higher to
invite them. Listen to where they say the party will be (it might be at
their place or yours) and go there at 6pm the next day. To invite Skye, stay
up past midnight on the 22nd and find him to invite him. Your party with him
will be at your house. You'll get a 2000 LP increase with the guy you meet
with. You can't invite Mineral Town guys as far as I know. The first year,
Winter 23rd is a Sunday, so I suppose Rick is available to ask but I didn't
Winter 25: Stocking Festival
First you must have a stocking. Make friends with Nina (over 200 FP.) Wild
Grasses will boost her by 3 FP a day, or you can cheat and show her your dog
over and over for an unlimited 1 FP boost. Then, give her a ball of yarn
while she's in her house (this can be on any day during the year, before the
23rd of Winter.) The stocking will automatically be hung by your chimney with
care! When you go to bed on the 25th (any time is fine) Thomas will come down
the chimney and give you a cheap gift.
Winter 30: New Years Eve
On the eve of the last day of Winter, visit the Beach after 6pm. You'll get
Buckwheat flour when it's over, which can be used in many recipes.
F. Credits and Notes:
Again, much thank you and love to Ushi No Tane for always having the info on
ALL the Harvest Moon games. Your help has saved me in a pinch many a time.
Thanks to the people at the HMDS:Cute forums at Gamefaqs for advice.
Is anything wrong here? Please let me know. If you're having trouble with
the game, I don't mind helping out, but you might want to post your question
on the Gamefaqs forum first, since it will probably get answered a lot
faster. Thanks for reading!

Harvest Moon DS Cute: FAQ/Walkthrough by Yunakitty

Version 1.1, Last Updated 2008-07-15 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameF
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