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Name:________________________________________ Date:___________

Grade & Section: ______________________________

Learning Activity Sheet

Physical Education 6
Week 1-4
The Aesthetic of Dance

Dance is a performing art form consisting of sequences of movement, either

improvised or purposefully selected. This movement has aesthetic and
often symbolic value.

The oldest proof of existence of dancing comes from

the 9000 year old cave paintings that were found in
India, which depicts various scenes of hunting,
childbirth, religious rites, burials and most importantly,
communal drinking and dancing.

History of dance closely follows the development of

human race. Since the earliest times of our existence,
far before the creation of first modern civilizations, dance
served as an irreplaceable way of expressing human
thought and emotion. As our civilization traveled
through millennia, dance was modified to the point of
being popular means of expression, health, communication and competition.

Dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes and sizes. It has a wide
range of physical and mental benefits including: improved condition of your heart and
lungs, increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness.

Here are Five Life Lessons you will learn from Dance

1. Determination - you got there by practicing. You tried…you didn’t get it. You
tried again…you got closer. And finally, you got it.
2. Precision – put simply: because your dancer, you just don’t do sloppy.
3. Teamwork – if a fellow dancer is lagging behind, the whole team is affected, and
so is the final product. Rely on your group, and let them rely on you too.

4. Self – Confidence – the more you learned, the more confidence you gained.
5. Talent- even if dancing is your strongest talent, don’t forget you have to work with
others too.
Fitness Benefits of Dancing

Dancing is a health- enhancing physical activity. Active

participation in dance can provide many health benefits to
individuals. By engaging in dance activities whether you
do it in school or in your community, there are fitness
activities that can be developed;
• It keeps both the body and the brain active.
• It offers a way to improve one’s strength and
flexibility, which helps keep muscles and joints
• It allows you to meet new people and make friends
with people who have similar interest.
• It reduces stress levels.

Activity 1: Name at least five benefits of dancing.

School Community Self

Activity 2: Give at least 5 examples that can be found here in the Philippines.

Traditional Dance Modern Dance

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the answers on the
space provided.

1. How old is the oldest proof of existence in dancing?

A. 7,000 years
B. 8,000 years
C. 9,000 years
D. 6,000 years

2. The element of dance takes place in and through the human _______.
A. Action
B. Space
C. Body
D. Energy

3. If a fellow dancer is lagging behind the whole team is affected. What life’s lesson
can be learned from this?
A. Determination
B. Self-confidence
C. Talent
D. Team work

4. It has a wide range of physical and mental benefits including improved condition
of the heart and lungs, endurance and motor fitness
A. Singing
B. Dancing
C. Eating
D. Climbing

5. Which refers to the physical energy that drives and characterizes movement?
A. Body
B. Space
C. Action
D. Energy

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