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- Vaiñëava-padävali -

A songbook in praise of
Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa and
Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu

translated by Advaitadäsa
guruvandana nace nace nitai gaur guëa maëiya
jaya jaya çré guru, prema kalapa taru näce näce nitäi gaur guëa maëiyä
adbhuta yäko prakäça bäme priya gadädhara, çréväsa advaita bara,
“All glories to Çré Guru, the wishyielding tree of Love of God, whose päriçada tärägaëa jinyä
manifestation is so astonishing.” Nitäi and Gaura guëamaëi are dancing and dancing, with beloved
Gadädhära on Their left, and Çréväsa and Advaita [on the right] while
hiyä ageyäna, timira vara jïäna Their associates defeat the stars [that surround the Gaura-moon].
sucandra kiraëe koru näça
“With the nice moonbeams of his knowledge he destroyed the deep bäje khola karatäla, madhura saëgéta bhäla,
darkness of ignorance in my heart.” gagana bhorilo haridhvaniyä
The mridangas and karatälas are played and sweet songs are sung. The
iha locana änanda dhäma sky is filled with the chanting of harinäma.
ayäcita eheno patita heri yo pahuì
yäci deyälo harinäma candana carcita gäy, phägu bindu bindu täy,
“He is the abode of bliss for the eyes. Seeing this fallen soul, he gave vanamälä dole bhälo boliyä
me Harinäma, which is coveted by everyone, although I did not even His body is anointed with sandal paste and drops of Holi juice, and a
ask for it.” forestflower garland dangles nicely across His chest.
duragati agati, asata mati yo jana, gale çubhra upavéta, rüpa koöi käma jita,
nähi sukåti lava leça caraëe nüpura raëaraëiyä
“This person is hellbound and helpless, and my intelligence is totally A white brahmin thread hangs across His neck, His form defeats
corrupt. I do not even have a drop of pious merit.” millions of Cupids and anklebells jingle on His feet.
çré våndävana, yugala bhajana dhana, dui bhäi näci jäy, sahacara gaëa gäy,
tahe korolo upadeça gadädhara ange pore òhüliyä
“He instructed me in the treasure of the worship of the Divine Couple The two brothers are dancing and Their associates sing while
Çré Çré Rädhä Kåñëa in Çré Våndävana.” Gadädhara’s body is pelted with powder.
niramala gaura, prema rasa siïcane, püruba rabhasa lélä, ebe pahu prakäçilä,
püralo saba mana äça sei brindäban ei nadiyä
“By showering me with the spotless prema rasa which is given by Lord Now the Lord re-manifests His previous joyful Vrindäban pastimes in
Gauranga, he fulfilled all my desires.” this Nadiyä.
so caraëämbuje, rati nähi hoyalo bihare gangätére, sei dhéra samére,
royata vaiñëava däsa våndävana däsa kohe jäniyä
“Vaiñëava Däsa weeps: I did not attain loving attachment to the lotus Now He enjoys on the bank of the Gangä just like in Vrindavan’s
feet of my Gurudeva.” 2 Dhéra saméra kuïja. Våndävana däsa tells you, for he knows it.
madhyähna kälin bhoga ärati cauñati mahänta är dvädaça gopäla;
choy chakrabarti är añöa kabiräja
bhajo patita uddhärana çré gaura hari; saghåta çälyanna byanjana diyä säri säri;
çré gaura hari navadvépa bihäré bhogera upore dilo tulasé manjaré
Worship the saviour of the fallen Çré Gaura Hari, the reveller of “The 64 Mahäntas, 12 Gopälas, 6 Chakravartis and 8 Kaviräjas made
Navadvépa. rows of fine rice and vegetables with ghee and placed Tulasé maïjarés
on the bhoga.”
eso eso mahaprabhu kori nivedan;
ebe déna däser gåhe koro ägamana çäk çuktä maucä dilo är o dilo bhäjä;
“Come, come O Mahäprabhu! Please enter the house of this low servant änande bhojana koren nadéyära räjä
of Yours!” “They served spinach, bitters curry, banana-cones and fried things,
and the king of Nadéya, Gaura, blissfully ate it.”
prabhu loye bhaktagana korilen gaman;
änandete hulu dicche joto närégana gaìgä jala tulasé diyä koilo nivedan;
The devotees took the Lord along while the women blissfully uttered änande bhojana koren çacira nandan
hulu-dhvani. They offered Gangä-water with Tulasé and Çaci’s son drank it in ecstasy.
advaita gåhiné ära çäntipura näré; dadhi dugdha ghåta chänä nänä upahär;
hulu hulu dhvani dey gora mukha heri änande bhojana koren çacéra kumära
Advaita’s wife Sétä and other women of Çäntipura also made the hulu “Çaci’s son blissfully ate curd, milk, ghee, whey and different other
sound while beholding Gora’s face. offerings.”
mäl puwä sara bhäjä ära luci puré;
bosite äsana dilä ratna siàhäsana; änande bhojana korena nadéya bihäré
suçétala jale koilä päda prakhälana “Nadéyä’s reveller also blissfully ate mälpuwäs (fatty sweet puris),
“They seated Him on a jewelled throne and washed His feet with cold sara bhäjä (a sweet prepared by frying milk film), lucis (small puris)
water.” and puris.”
çré kåñëa caitanya prabhu koro avadhäna; nähi jäni paripäöi nä jäni randhana;
bhoga mandire prabhu koroho poyän çukä rukhä eka muöhi koroho bhojan
“O Çré Kåñëa Caitanya Prabhu! Hear me! Please come to the dining “I am not expert and I don’t know how to cook. Please eat one handful
room, Prabhu.” of this dry and tasteless food.”
bämete advaita prabhu dakhine nitäi; bhojanera avaçeñe kohite nä päri;
madhyäsane bosilen caitanya gosäi suvarëa bhåìgäre dilo suväsita bäri
“On the left Advaita Prabhu was seated and on the right Nitäi, while “I cannot describe the remnants of this meal. They filled a golden
Caitanya Gosäi sat on the middle seat.” pitcher with scented water.”
bhojana koriyä prabhu koilen äcaman; mayüra dhanasi – the fish-song
suvarëa khorikäy koren danta çodhan
mana matha makara òarahi òara kätara
“After eating Prabhu washed His mouth and cleaned His teeth with a majhu mänasa jhaña käàpa
golden toothpick.” tuyä hiyä hära taöiné taöe kuca ghaöe,
äcamana koriyä prabhu bosilen simhäsane; uchali paòolo dei jhäàpa
karpüra tämbüla yogäy priya bhaktagan “Just as a fish in a river may be so terrified of a Makara (sea-monster)
“After flushing His mouth Mahäprabhu sat on His throne and His that it jumps out of the river into a jug on the shore, similarly the fish
dear devotees served Him camphor-laced betelnuts.” of My mind is so terrified of Cupid (who rides on a Makara-vehicle)
that it shivers and leaves the river of Your necklace to jump into the
tämbüla khäiyä prabhur pälaìke çayan; jugs of Your breasts.”
govinda däs kore caraëa sevan
sundari! sambaru kuöila kaöäkha -
“Eating His betelnuts, the Lord reclined on His sofa and Govinda däs kalasé ko ména, baòaçé ab òärasi?
served His lotus feet.” e ati kaöhina vipäka!
phulera chauwäré ghor phulera kheyäré; “O beautiful girl! Restrain Your crooked glances! It is like a bait to
phulera ratna simhäsana cändowä moçäré catch the fish (of My mind) in the jug! This is really a terrible situation!”
“There was a bed of flowers in a house made of flowers. The throne puna dei jhäàp, poòolo yab äkula,
was made of flowers, as were the canopy and the mosquito net.” näbhi sarovara mäha
phulera päpari prabhur ure pore gäy; tahi romävalé - bhujagé saìga bhaye,
tära madhye mahäprabhu sukhe nidrä jäy trivalé veëé avagäho
“Flower petals flew up and fell on the Lord’s body. In such condition “Again he jumps, in great agitation, elsewhere - in the lake of Your
Mahäprabhu blissfully fell asleep.” navel. But there he is afraid of the company of the snake-like hairs that
dwell there, so he flees again into the lake of Your three-lined belly,
çré kåñëa caitanya prabhur däser anudäs; that resembles the Triveëé (the confluence of the Yamunä, Gaìgä and
sevä abhiläña mäge narottama däsa Sarasvaté).”
“Narottama Däs, who is the servant of the servants of Çré Kåñëa tähi phirato - koto kotohi manoratha,
Caitanya Prabhu, begs for His service.” daivako gati nähi jäna
kiìkiëé jäle poòolo yab saàçaya,
D govinda däsa rasa gäna
“Here he wanders around agitated by so many desires. Alas! Here the
fisherman Cupid has extended his net to catch him, in the form of Her
waistbells. Govinda däsa doubts whether he can be saved!

[See Kñaëadä Géta Cintämaëi 21 (çukla ñañöhé), song 7.]

kalahäntaritä – rädhä regrets “Give up all [Your mäna], I tell You, forget about everything [I have
her picking a quarrel done]. You can write Me in Your notebook as Your servant.”

(mäyüra räga - däsa päòiyä / bhäöiyäré - täla eka tälä) jïäna däsa kohe, çunoho sundari,
e kon bhäva yukati?
rämä he! khemo aparädha mor! känu se kätara, sadaya hoiyä,
madana vedana, nä jäya sahana, kene nä koroho préti
çaraëa loinu tor “Jïäna däsa says: “Listen, O beautiful girl, is this mood correct? See
“O beloved! Forgive Me My offenses! I cannot tolerate the pangs of how anxious Krishna is! Why don’t You love Him?” (18)

Cupid, so I took shelter of You!”
o cäìda mukhera, madhura häsani,
sadäi marame jäge,
mukha tuli jadi, firiyä nä cäho, (rägiëé dhänaçé - täla rüpaka)
ämära çapathi läge
chi, chi, ki chära, mänera lägiyä,
“Your moonlike face and Your sweet smile always awakens within bandhure häräiyä chiläm!
My heart. I swear You, why don’t You lift Your face and look
back at Me!?” “O, how disgusting! Because of My own pride I lost My lover!”

tomära aìgera, paraçe ämära, çyämala sundara, rüpa manohara,

cirajéva hau tanu, paraçe paräëa päiläm
japa tapa tuhuì, sakali ämära, “I got My life-airs by the touch of Çyämasundara, whose form is so
karera mohana veëu enchanting!”
“My body lives forever if it touches Your body. You are My japa, My soi! juòäilo mora hiyä!
penance, You are all of that. You are the enchanting flute in My hand!” çyäma aìgera, çétala pavana,
deho geho sära, sakali ämära, tähära paraça päiyä (refrain)
tumi se nayanera tärä “Sakhé! My heart was soothed! When I got the touch of Çyäma’s body,
ädha tila ämi, tomä nä dekhile, which is like the cool breeze!”
saba bäsi ändhiyärä
torä sakhégaëa, koräho sinäna,
“You are the essence of My body and My house, You are the pupils äniyä yamunä nére
of My eyes! If I don’t see You for even half a moment everything is
dark to Me!” “You sakhés! Go and bathe and then bring water from the Yamunä!”
eto parihäre, kohiye tomäre,
mane nä bhäviho än ämära bandhura, joto amaìgala,
koroja likhiyä, leho e ämäre, sakala jäuk düre
däs kori abhimäna “May all inauspiciousness be removed for My friend!”
çré madhumaìgale, äno kutühole, pariyä vasana, harañita mana,
bhuïjäho odana dadhi bosilä räika päça
“Quickly bring Çré Madhumaìgala here and feed him rice and yoghurt!” “After dressing Himself He happily sat down next to Räi.”
baìdhura kalyäëe, deho nänä däne, räi vinodiné, teracho cähani,
ämäre sadaya vidhi hänalo bandhura cite
“Give different things in charity for the welfare of My friend, so that “Räi Vinodiné stared at Her lover and thus pierced His heart.”
Fate will be kind upon Me!”
nägara sundara, preme gara gara,
nija sukha rase, päpiné paraçe, aìga cähe paraçite
nä jäne piyäka sukha “This beautiful lover is madly in love with Her and wants to touch
“This sinful girl only touches Her lover for Her own happiness; She Her body.”
does not know what makes Her beloved happy!”
mane äche bhoy, mänera saïcay,
kohe caëòé däse, e lägi ämära, sähasa nähiko hoy
manete uöhiche dukha “He is afraid of Her mäna. He does not have the courage.”
Caëòé däsa says: “This feeling gives sorrow to my mind.” (24)
ati se lälase, nä hoy sähase,

D dvija caëòidäsa koy

Dvija Caëòé däsa says: “He has strong desires, but no courage.” (25)

(rägiëé dhänaçé - täla rüpaka)

räiyera vacana, çuni sakhégaëa,
änalo yamunä väré moribo moribo sakhé
“Hearing Räi’s words the sakhés brought water from the Yamunä.” moribo moribo sakhi nishcoy moribo
nägara sundara, sinäna korolo, känu heno gunanidhi käre diyä yäbo
ulasita bhelo gori “I will die, I will die, O sakhi, I will surely die. How will I attain an
“The beautiful hero bathed and Gori became very happy.” ocean of attributes like Kåñëa?”

lalitä äsiyä, häsiyä häsiyä, tomrä joteko sakhé theke majhu sange
paräyalo pétaväsa maraëa käle kåñëa näma likho mora ange
“Lalitä came, smiling and smiling and dressed Him with His yellow “All you sakhis, that are staying with Me, please write Kåñëa’s name on
dhoté.” My body as I die.”

lalitä präëera sakhi mantra dio käne “They uttered Kåñëa’s name in Her ears and, regaining consciousness,
morä deha pore yeno kåñëa näma çune She said: ‘Where is Ghanaçyäma?’”
“Lalitä, My hearts friend! Utter the mantra in My ear, so that I hear sanmukhe tamäla heri kore nirékhan
Kåñëa’s name when my body burns on the pyre.” unmädiné hoye yäy dite älingan
nä poräio mora anga nä bhäsäio jole “When She sees a Tamäla tree ahead of Her She stares at it and embraces
morile tuliye rekho tamälera òäle it like mad.”
“Don’t burn My body and don’t throw it in a river. When I die, then aichana dhanéra dashä kori nirékhan
keep it around the branch of a Tamäla tree.” govinda däs bhelo sajala nayan
sei se tamäla taru kåñëa-varëa hoy ‘Seeing such a condition of Rädhä Govinda däsa simply stares with
acetana tanu mora tähe yeno roy tearfilled eyes.”

“This Tamäla tree has the complexion of Kåñëa. Let my unconscious
body dwell on it.”
kabahu se piyä yadi äse våndävane
paräëa päyabo häm piyä daraçane jhulana lélä – swing pastimes
“If My beloved ever returns to Våndävana I will get My life back by (rägiëé kämoda - täla chuöa daça kusi)
seeing Him.”
puna yadi cäìda mukha darasha nä päbo nava ghana känana çohana kuïja;
viraha anale mäho tanu teyägibo vikasita kusuma madhukara guïja
nava nava pallave çobhita òäla;
“If I never see His moonlike face back again I will give up My body in säri çuka pika gäoye rasäla
the fire of separation.” tahi boli aparüpa ratana hindola;
kohite kohite dhané murachita bhelo tä’pora baiöhalo yugala kiçora
dhäi viçakhä täre kole kori nilo vraja ramaëé-gaëa deota jhakora;
gérata jäni dhani korotahi kora
“When Rädhä spoke thus She fainted and Viçäkhä came running to koto koto upajala rasa parasaìga;
take Her on her lap.” govinda däsa tahi dekhoto raìga
thara thara kämpe anga khén bohe shväs “In the new deep forest is a beautiful kuïja where the flowers blossom
näsägrete tula dhari dekhaye nishväs and the bees buzz. On the fresh leaves on the beautiful branches the
“Her body trembled strongly and only a very thin breath came from female Çäri-parrots and the male Çuka parrots sing delicious songs.
Her mouth. The sakhés kept a cotton swab in front of Her nose to see Here is a wonderful jewelled swing, on which the Yugala Kiçora is
if She was still breathing.” seated. The Vraja-gopés give a push, and Rädhä takes shelter of Kåñëa’s
lap, afraid that She will fall. How many rasika talks are being held?
shravane vadana dei kohe kåñëa näma Govinda däsa blissfully beholds it.” (3)
cetana päiyä kohe kähä ghana-shyäma 7
(mäyura - täla daça kusi) (rägiëé mallära - täla eka täla)

vipina bihära, koroto nanda nandana, dekho sakhi jhulata yugala kiçora;
suvadani dhani kori saìga nélamaëi jaòäola käïcana jora
sakala kalävati, duhuì prema ärati, lalitä viçäkhä sakhé jhuläyata sukhe
mana mähä upajala raìga änande magana heri doìhe doìhä mukhe
“Nanda Nandana sports in the forest with fair-faced fortunate Rädhä, “Look, O sakhé, at the Yugala Kiçora on the swing, resembling a sapphire
and all the artful girls are very happy at heart to see Their loving eagerness.” embraced by gold! Lalitä and Viçäkhä blissfully push the swing, while
the Divine Pair is absorbed in bliss, admiring Each other’s faces!”
ratana hindola’pora, baiöhalo duhuì jana,
sakhégaëa deoto jhakori garajata gagane saghane ghana ghora;
gaganahi magana saghana rajani koro, raìgiëé saìgiëé gherata cauttara
änande koroto nehäri vividha kusume sabe raciyä hindolä
“Rädhä and Kåñëa are seated on the swing and the sakhés swing Them. doläya yugala sakhé änande vibholä
Blissfully they watch the cloudy night merge into the sky. “Clouds loudly rumble in the sky as Raìgiëé (playful Rädhikä) sits on
the swing, that is decorated with different flowers, surrounded by Her
dekho dekho aparüpa chände girlfriends that are ecstatically swinging the Divine Pair.”
madana mohana heri, mätala manasija,
känu nehäre mukha-cäìde jhuläota sakhégaëa karatäli diyä;
“Behold, behold this wonderful fashion! Seeing Madana Mohana, suvadané kohe päche giraye bandhuyä
Cupid is completely perplexed, especially when he sees His moon- vigalita dukula udita sveda bindu;
like face!” amiyä jharaye yeno duhuì mukha indu
“The sakhés are pushing the swing with their handpalms (so hard that)
värida garaji, garaji ghana gheralo, Suvadané (fair-faced Rädhikä) says (to Kåñëa): “O friend! We will fall
bunda bunda koru päta backwards!” Their garments loosen and the sweat drops that appear on
koho çivaräma, malayäcala duhuì para, Their moon-like faces resemble drops of nectar.”
mådu mådu karatohi bäta
“The rain is drizzling, the clouds are rumbling and thick drops of heri sab sakhégaëa doìhäkära çrama;
rain are falling. Çivaräma says: “The Malayan breezes are softly cämara véjana lei koroye sevana
fanning Them.” (4) bhramara kokila sab bosi taru òäle;
rati jaya rädhä-kåñëa rädhä kåñëa bole

D kohe jagannätha kobe hobe çubha dine;

sakhé sahe doìhäkäre heribo vipine
“Seeing how the Divine Pair perspires of fatigue, all the sakhés begin to
serve Them by fanning Them with yaktail fans. The bumblebees and
cuckoos are sitting on the branches of the trees and are singing: “Jaya
Rädhä Kåñëa! Jaya Rädhä Kåñëa!” with great love. Jagannätha däsa “A swing is hung there on jewelled ropes in the cool shade of a wish-
says: “When will that blessed day be mine when I can see Them both yielding tree. On it Gauré Rädhä and Çyäma Kåñëa are seated and pushed
in the forest with the sakhés?” (5) by sakhés who stand on each side.”

D taòita ghana janu, dolaye duhu tanu,

adhare mådu mådu häsa
vadana hema néla, kamala vikaçita
(rägiëé mallära - täla teoöa) sveda bindu parakäça
“Their bodies resemble the lightning (Rädhä) and the clouds (Kåñëa)
dekho sakhi jhulato rädhä-çyäma - as They oscillate on the swing. Their faces, that resemble golden and
vividha yantra, sumeli susvara, blue lotusflowers, show drops of perspiration and are adorned with
täna mäna suöhäma tenderly smiling lips.”
“Look, O sakhi, how Rädhä-Çyäma are swinging! Various musical charama heri koi, véjana véjai
instruments are being played, and songs are sung with beautiful voices karpüra tämbüla yogäy
and with nice rhythms and tunes.” suraöa megha, mallära gäota
äñäòha gata puna mäha çäìana mohana mådaìga bäjäy
sukhada yamunä téra “Some sakhé, seeing that the swinging reaches a climax, starts fanning,
cäìda rajani, sukhamaya sukhodaya, others offer betel-leaves, and others sing the suraöa, megha and mallära
manda malaya saméra rägas while playing fascinating mådaìga.”
“The month of Äñädha (June-July, when it is very hot) is gone and the kusuma caya vara, hära naöa koto
Çrävana month (July-August) has come on the delightful bank of the bhramara guna guna rol
Yamunä. The moon is rising in the blissful night sky and a gentle haàsa çikhi särasa, susvara çabadita
Malayan (southern) breeze is blowing.” däduri ghana ghana bol
paripürëa sarovara, praphullita taru vara “Rädhä and Kåñëa wear excellent flower-garlands that dance in so
gagane garaje gabhéra many ways [along with the oscillating swing] while the bees buzz around
ghora ghaöä ghana, däminé damakata, them. Swans, peacocks and cranes sing with beautiful voices and the
bindu barikhata néra frogs croak loudly.”
“The lakes are full and the trees are blooming (due to profuse rain at duhuì bhäle candana, cäìda camakita
that time of the year) and the clouds rumble deeply in the sky. The tilaka racita kapola
lightning flashes and drops of rain are showered.” caïcala mukuöa, sucäru candrika
tahi kalpadruma, tala chäya suçétala péöha pora veëé dola
racita ratanahi òora “Rädhä and Kåñëa wear sandalwood-tilaka on Their foreheads that
jhulaye tachu para, gori çyämara, astonishes even the moon. Kåñëa wears a beautiful wiggling peacock-
jhuläye sakhi dui ora feather crown and Rädhä has a braid that dangles on Her back down
9 to Her buttocks.”
duhuì çravaëe kuëòala, capala jhalamala, bheda pavana gräma püra, ghora çabada jéla sura,
hådaye çaçimaëi hära varaëa nähiko jätiyä
jhalake äbharaëa, jhaìkåta jhana jhana maëi äbharaëa kiìkiné baìka, jhulane bäjaye jhunura jhaìka
jhukita jhulana vihära jhana jhana jhana jhä-ti-yä
“Their restlessly dangling earrings shimmer on Their ears and They rädhä mohana caraëe äça, kevala bharasä uddhava däsa
wear moon-stone necklaces on Their chests. Their ornaments glitter racita pürito chäöiyä
and chime along with the rhythm of the swinging. In this way the Çyäma swings with Gauré on His left, intoxicated by Jhulana’s änanda
Jhulan-pastimes is ended.” rasa! Yet with Their sliver-like smiles They arouse the mood for Anaìga
Keli! Rädhä’s saìginés* push the Hindolä and sing, displaying madhura
koi candana gharñaëa, sugandhi chirakata, gestures.
çyäma gori aìga heri
sakhi bhäña iìgitahi, däsa uddhava, The hema-maëi Hindolä* is decorated with fragrant flowers that allure
koroto kusuma òheri hoards of bees.
“Some sakhés grind fragrant sandalwood. Looking at the limbs of Çyäma Çyäma appears like a cloud, and Räi Raìginé is like the brilliant lightning
and Gauré some sakhé gives a verbal hint to Uddhava Däsa to go and embracing His left side!
pick flowers.”
Rädhä-Çyäma wear candra hära (moon-necklaces) and tärä-maëi (star-

jewels) that toss as Their bodies clasp together.
The mohana mådaìgas play - bi-dhi, bi-dhik-ä-di-yä and tini-nä, tini-nä-tä-ti-yä.
The gopés’ high-pitched singing traverses the sky to fill the surrounding
(räginé kalyäëé - täla caïcu puöa)
area; it’s simply indescribable! Yet their ornaments and kiìkiné mäläs tinkle
as the jhunura (large karatälas) resound: jha-nä, jha-nä, jha-nä – jhä-ti-jhä !
jhulato çyäma, gauré bäma,
änanda raìge mätiyä, Thus overwhelmed, Uddhava däsa* takes shelter at Çré Rädhä-Mohana’s
iñata häsita rabhasa keli, jhuläto saba sakhiné meli, lotus feet.
gäoto koto bhätiyä
hema maëi-yuta bara hi òora, racita kusuma gandha bhora, (Translation by Gadädhara Präëa däsa)
poroto bhramara mätiyä
navéna latäya joòita òäla, våndä vipine çobhita bhälo
canda ujora rätiyä
nava ghana tanu doläya çyäma, räi saìge jhulato bäma,
taòita jaòita kätiyä
tärä-maëi candra hära, jhulita dolato gale dohära
hilana duhuka gätiyä * saìginés : companions
vidhi koto dhiyä tä-thaiyä bola, bäje mådaìga mohana rola, * hemamaëi hindola : golden swing.
tinä-nä tinä-nä tä-ti-yä * Uddhava däsa is the disciple of Çréniväsa Äcärya’s grandson, Çré Rädhä-Mohana Öhäkura.

(rägiëé kedära - täla eka tälä) puñpa våñöi koroto raìge
jaya çabada våndävana bhari
äju lalita hindolä mäjha çuni raìge mäte narahari
raìge jhulato nägara räja “Some are dancing, making so many gestures, looking at the Divine
räi suvadani väma päça Pair in total fascination, while the goddesses in the sky blissfully shower
koto hu änanda säyare bhäsa flowers. The whole of Våndävana is filled with the sounds of ‘Jaya’,
“Today Lalitä blissfully pushes Nägara Räja as He sits on the swing and Narahari is raving when he hears it.”
with fair-faced Räi on His left side, floating in an ocean of
transcendental bliss.”
kibä adabhuta duhuka çobhä
nähiko upamä bhuvane lobhä (rägiëé kalyäëé - täla caïcu-puöa)
duhuka vadana duhu se heri
häsi cumba dei beri beri (chorus) äju kuïje rädhä - mädhava jhulari
“How wonderful is Their beauty! Nothing in the world can compare (jhulari jhulari jhulari jhulari)
to Them! Looking at Each other’s faces they laugh and kiss Each other äju kuïje rädhä - mädhava jhulari
time and again.” “Today Rädhä and Mädhava are swinging in the kuïja.”
äìkhi bhaìgi kori koteko bhäìti sakhégaëa meli koroto gäna
kohe gada gada rabhase mäti ghana ghana muralé çäna
lalitädi sakhi se sukhe bhäsi locane locana toòai mäna
nehäre dohära vadana çaçi näsäya veçara lolaré
“The Divine Pair makes so many gestures with the eyes and speak so “The sakhés meet and sing while the flute plays incessantly. Meeting
many disordered words with faltering voices. Lalitä and the other sakhés eyes uproot pique and pearls dangle under Their noses.”
float in bliss as they behold Their moon-like faces.”
hindolä racita kusuma puïja
raìge jhuläyato manda manda ali kula tähe vihare guïja
miliyä gäoyate pada suchanda säri çuka pika beòhalo kuïja
bäjate veëu véëä upäìga gheri gheri gheri bolari
madhura mådaìga muraja caìga “The swing is made of lots of flowers and swarms of buzzing bees
“Blissfully and slowly They swing and together They sing nicely enjoy there. The female Çari-parrots, the male Çuka parrots and the
composed songs, play flute, véëä, upäìga and sweet mådaìga and muraja- cuckoos fly around in the kuïja, surrounding them and singing.”
jhulanä dhamake camake räi,
keho näce koto bhaìgi kori vihasi mädhava dharai täi
ati mohita tä dohe heri änande avaça paraça päi
sura-näré nija gaëa saìge cäpi dharai kolari
“On the swing Rädhä is alarmed and scolds Mädhava, Who laughs “Some sakhés dance and play enchanting mådaìga-drums, singing along
and holds Her. He becomes overwhelmed with bliss when He touches with the rhythms and tunes of different musical instruments with nice
Her and keeps Her pressed on His lap.” voices.”
priya sahacari öänai òori heriyä vihvala, deva näré kula,
alase avaça hoilä gori ürdhva-pathe sabe rahe
ghumäolo dhani rase vibhori puñpa variñaëa, kore anukñaëa
déna kåñëa däsa bolari e däsa uddhava kohe
“The priya sakhés pull the ropes of the swing and Gori Räi becomes “Seeing this, the goddesses in the sky become ecstatic as they hover in
overwhelmed with fatigue. Déna Kåñëa däsa sings: Absorbed in rasa the sky. Uddhava däsa says: They are showering flowers all of the time!”
Dhané Räi fell asleep.”

descending from the hindolä
(rägiëé jaya jayanti - täla eka tälä)
(This kértana concludes the Jhulana Festival)
manera änanda, sakhi manda manda,
jhuläyato duhuì sukhe jhulanä hoite, nämilä turite, rasavaté rasa-räja,
vega avaçeña, päi avakäçe, ratana äsane, bosilä jatane, ratana mandira mäjha
tämbüla deyai mukhe su-cämara loi, béjana béjai, sevä paräyaëä sakhé
“Blissfully the sakhés reduce the speed of the swing, to the pleasure of subäsita jale, badana päkhäle, basane mochäiyä dekhi
the Divine Pair. Now that the swing has slowed down they find the thäri bhori koi, vividha miöhäi, dhari duhu sanmukhe
opportunity to place betelleaves in Their mouths.” sakhégaëa, kotohu kautuke, bhojana korilo sukhe
tämbüla säjäiyä, kono sakhé loiyä, dohära badane dilo
ära sakhégaëa, sugandhi candana, ei keça kusume, äpäda vadane, nichiyä nichiyä nilo
parägädi loiyä kore kusuma talape, alape alape, bosilä rädhikä çyäma
nägara nägari, aìgera upari, alase iñato, nayana mudilä, heriyä mohita käma
varikhe änanda bhare dekhi sakhégaëa, kotohu jatane, çutäyalo duhu täya
“Other sakhés take fragrant sandalpaste and flowerpollen within their sakhéra iìgite, caraëa sevite, ei däsa vaiñëava dhäy
hands and blissfully shower this over the bodies of our Hero and Rasavaté Räi and Çyäma-rasa-räja swiftly descend from the Hindolä,
Heroine.” enter a ratna mandira, and sit on jewelled äsanas. The sevä paräyaëä sakhés*
fan with cämaras. One sakhé offers scented water, and wipes Their faces
kona sakhégaëa, koroye nartana with a soft cloth. Then large plates of assorted sweets are brought
mohana mådaìga bäy before Them. Thus Rädhä and Kåñëa enjoy a delightful feast with the
vividha yantrete, räga täna täte sakhés. Afterwards, a sakhé slips pän into Their mouths. And then Rädhä-
äläpi susvare gäy Mädhava are decorated with flowers (from head to foot) and escorted
to the flower bed. Feeling tired, Çré Yugala Kiçora’s eyes slightly close, “On one side Nägara (Kåñëa) stood, playing His succulent flute in the
yet mohana käma awakens! And seeing the situation, the sakhés carefully company of all His friends.”
put Them to rest. Then with the sakhés’ que, Vaiñëava däsa* comes to
massage Their lotus-feet. rädhä rädhä rädhä boli, veëu phukära-i,
sumadhura madhura miçäla
(Translation by Gadädhara Präëa däsa) (kibä! sumadhura madhura miçäla)
* sevä paräyaëä sakhés : the maïjarés, those whose life is sevä. “Rädha Rädhä Rädhä! The flute blew out, mixing all the most sweet
* Vaiñëava däsa is the disciple of Rädhä Mohana Öhäkura. sounds.”
baiöhalo çyäma, saìge madhumaìgala,
D çubala sakhä ädi sätha
(eho! çubala sakhä ädi sätha)
vasanta padas “Çyäma sat down with Madhumaìgala, Subala and all His other friends.”
rädhä lalitä, viçäkhä ädi sahacaré
(rägiëé vasanta - täla teoö) picakäré lei nija häta
sakhägaëa saìge, raìge yadunandana, (kibä - picakäré lei nija häta)
ghana ghana phukärato hori “Rädhä, Lalitä, Viçäkhä and all the other sakhés take syringes in their
(eho! ghana ghana phukärato hori ) hands.”
“Yadunandana (Yaçodänandana Kåñëa) plays with His friends, loudly känuka picakäré, jaba hu barikhata,
exclaiming: “Hori!” ekoi çata çata dhär
taba hu çunato sab, sakhégaëa äoto, (eho! ekoi çata çata dhär!)
kälindé téra ujori “When Kåñëa squirted out the first volley from His syringe, His one
(kibä! kälindé téra ujori) stream turned into hundreds of streams.”
“Hearing this, all the sakhés came to the bank of the Yamunä.” sahacari meli, räi joto òärato,
çunaite colu vrajaräja kumära koto koto çata eka bär
bäjata vaàçé, òampha raba gambhéra (kibä - koto koto çata eka bär)
doìhe doìhä dürahi nehäro “Also all streams squirted out by Räi and Her girlfriends turned into
the hundreds.”
“Hearing this, Kåñëa, the prince of Vraja, came running. As flutes and bahu vidha raìge, aìga sab bhigalo,
Òampha-drums resounded deeply, They beheld Each other from afar.” äìcare muchata mukha
eka dige nägara, saìge saba sahacara, (eho! äìcare muchata mukha)
bäjata väàçé rasäla “In all these different hilarious pastimes everyone’s bodies became
(eho! bäjata väàçé rasäla) soaked, and they used their garments to wipe their faces.”
jitalo jitalo boli, häsi dei karatälé “O Lalitä, My sakhé, come and show us how to play this again. Then
khone khone bäåato sukha You will know how this game is played.”
(kibä! khone khone bäåato sukha)
jadi bolo raìga näi, leho raìga joto cäi,
“We have won! We have won!”, They laughed and clapped their hands. nohe boläo äpana kheluwä
Thus the ecstasy increased at every moment.
“If You say: “I have no colored powder”, then take as much of it as
näcata gäoto, äbira uåäoto, You want. It will not empower Your game anyway.”
koi näcata mana raìge
(eho! koi näcata mana raìge) picakäré nähi thäke, dibo ämi läkhe läkhe,
joto cäbe päbä he bandhuwä
“Some danced some sang, some threw colored powder about, and some
danced according to their own bliss.” “If You have no syringe, no problem, I can give You thousands of
them. O friend, take as many as You want.”
òampha rawäba, saba hu meli susvara,
gäoye uddhava tachu saìge giridhara näma dhara, loke bole bir boro,
(gäoye uddhava tachu saìge) heno näm hoilo häruwä
“The dampha-drums and the rawäb (a kind of vénä) are all blending nicely “You bear the name Giridhäri and the people call You a hero – that
with each other’s tunes and Uddhava däsa sings along with them.” (5) reputation will now be shattered!”
çuno he rasika çyäm, jiniyä räkho näm,
D bolu jeno jogäye fäguwä
“Hear Me, O rasika Çyäma! Save Your reputation by winning! Give the
(rägiëé gändhära - täla teoöa) word and I will supply You with colored powder!” (7)

äiso he häruyä syäma kheliye fäguwä

e bär häribä jadi, fägu härä niravadhi, D
jagabhori gäowäibo dhuwä
‘Come here, O Çyäma and play with Fägu-powder with us! If You win (räginé mäyura vasanta - täla eka tälä)
this fight I will make the whole world sing Your glories.”
raìge ho ho ho hori - khelato naolo kiçoré
jadi bolo ekä ämi, bahu saìge saìgé tumi, ‘Thus the adolescent girl enjoys playing the ho ho ho holi-game.”
tabe sayüthe viçäkhä hauk tuwä
“If You argue: “I’m all alone and You have so many assistents”, then bäjato täla, raväba päkhowäja
let Viçäkhä and her whole group be on Your side.” sakhégaëa ghana karatäli
kuìkuma candana, äbira uåata ghana,
lalitä ämär sakhé, äiso är bär kheli dekhi, barikhata ghana picakäré
jänä jäbe kemona kheluwä

“The cymbals, rawäb and päkhowäja-drum resounded and the sakhés clapped rädhe jay rädhe jay dvija kule gäy;
their hands. kuìkuma, sandalwoodpulp and äbira were densely flying heriyä mädhav ghoñer nayäna juåäy (7)
around, being squirted out and showered thickly by the syringes.” “Mädhava is blissfully sporting in Nidhuvana. The Vraja-gopés throw
duhuì duhuì khelana, samara prabandha-hi phäguwä (colored powder) on Çyäma’s body. (1) Kåñëa throws phäguwä
duhuì pora duhuì poåu bhori on Sundaré Rädhä’s body and Dhani (fortunate Rädhä) turns Her
jitanu jitanu ghana, duhuì dale garajana, head in a gesture. (2) The gopés surround Them on all sides, playing
sakhégaëa bhaëa raba jori phäguwä, throwing handfuls of phäguwä on Çyäma’s body. (3) During
this game of phäguwä the phäguwä pervades the whole sky, turning all
“Both Rädhä and Kåñëa played a beautiful battle and lots of colours the trees and vines of Våndävana red. (4) Red peacocks dance, red
fell on both of Them. Both parties shouted out: “We have won! We cuckoos sing, red bees drink red honey from the red flowers, the
have won!”, and the sakhés made a lot of noise.” wind is red, the Yamunä’s water turned red and the sky is so red that
khone khone sthagita, vadana duhuì nirékhana, one cannot distinguish the directions anymore. (5-6) The birds sing
joichana cäìda cakori Rädhe jaya! Rädhe jaya! and Mädhava Ghoña’s eyes are soothed when
tahi çivaräm, däsa mana änande, he sees this.” (7)
heri häsato thori thori
“Sometimes Their play stagnated because They stared at Each others’
faces like the Cakora-birds staring at the moon. When Çivaräma däs a
sees this he slightly smiles out of bliss.” (8) (vasanta - täla daça kusi)

D läliné lälana, läla äbiraëa,

sakhégaëa läla hi läla
(räginé vasanta - täla eka tälä) (eho - sakhégaëa läla hi läla)
“Läliné (Rädhä) and Lälana (Kåñëa) are red of äbira (colored powder)
nidhuvane mädhava khelato raìge; and the sakhés are also red.”
vraja vanitä phägu dei çyäma aìge (1)
känu phägu deyolo sundaré aìge; kuïja hi läla, läla nidhuvana,
mukha moåäi dhani kori bhaìge (2) yamunä läla salilo
phägu raìge gopé sab caudike beåiyä; (eho - yamunä läla salilo)
çyäma aìge dei phägu aïjali püriyä (3) “The kuïja (grove) is red, Nidhuvana-garden is red and the water of
phäguyä khelite phägu uöhilo gagane; the Yamunä is red.”
våndävane taru-latä rätula varaëe (4)
räìgä mayür näce gäche räìgäkokila gäy; bilasahi nanda ki läl
räìgä phule räìgä bhramar räìgä madhu khäy (5) läla naliné-kula, läla ali saïcaru,
räìgä bäye räìgä hoilo kälindéra päni; läla hi pébara rasäl
gagane uöhilo dig vidig nä jäni (6) (eho - läla hi pébara rasäl)
“Thus Nanda’s son sports! The lotusflowers are red, the bees are red “Their bodies are beautified by splendid reddened garments, and They
and the big ripe mangoes are red.” wear strings of red pearls and gems. On top of Kåñëa’s dancing turban is
a peacock feather and this plus Rädhäräëé’s veil is colored pink.”
läla latä taru, läla päkhé-kula
cintämaëi bhümi läl duhuì kore äbira, duhuì aìge òärato,
gaganahi läl, läla dina yäminé, picakä raìge päkhäl
läla hi phula niramalo (eho - picakä raìge päkhäl)
(eho - läla hi phula niramalo) aruëita yamunä, pulina kuïja vana,
aruëita yuvaté mäl
“The trees and vines are red, the birds are red, the Cintämaëi-soil is red, “They both carry äbira in Their hands and strew it over Each other’s
the sky is red, day and night are red and the spotless flowers are all red!” bodies. They also squirt colored water over Each other through syringes.
The Yamunä is red, the kuïja-vanas (grove-woods) on the bank of the
läla vasanta, gäoye manorama, Yamunä are red* and the string of young girls of Vraja is also red.”
läla òampha kula bäj
ballabhé läl, manohi pora saïcaru, aruëita taru kula,aruëita latä phula,
läla hi läla viräja aruëita bhramar-gaëa bhäl
(eho - läla hi läla viräja) (eho - aruëita bhramar-gaëa bhäl)
“The spring season is red, singing in an enchanting way, the Dampha- aruëita çäri çuka,çikhi kokila,
drums that resound are red, Ballabhé is red and even the mind is pervaded uddhava bhaëita rasäl
with red manifestations.” (15) (mero rädhä pyäri saha, rädhä pyäri saha khelata nanda duläl)
“The trees are red, the vines and flowers are red and the string of bees

D in them are also red. The Çäré and Çuka-parrots are red, the peacocks
and the cuckoos are red and Uddhava däsa sings this tasty song.”
(repeat chorus) (16)
(räginé gurjaré - täla dhämäla)
* Sometimes this line is sung instead of the third line of this pada : aruëita rädhäkuëòa, aruëita
rädhä pyäri saha khelato nanda duläl kuïja vana - “Rädhäkuëòa is red and the kuïjas on its banks are also red.”
aruëita marakata, aruëita hema yuta,
aichana mürati rasäla
“Nanda Duläl plays with His dear Rädhä. Their succulent forms, that
resemble emeralds and gold, are both red.”
aruëämbara vara, çohe kalevara,
aruëa moti maëimäl
(eho - aruëa mati maëimäl)
naöapaöi päga, upore çikhi candraka,
uåané raìga goläl
(tatra mänaà vasanta - täla daça kusi) (räginé suhai - täla eka tälä)

ritu pati rädhä mädhava saìga e dhani mäniné mäna niväro!

vividha viläsa, hori rasa raìgita äbire aruëa, çyäma aìga mukure,
äbire aruëa çyäma aìga nija pratibimba nehäro
(Now mäna in Vasanta - ) “Rädhä and Mädhava play different rasika “O Fortunate, angry girl! Give up Your pique! You are seeing Your
pastimes in the king of seasons (spring), like Holi. Thus Çyäma’s body own reflection within Çyäma’s mirror-like body, which is reddened
is reddened by äbira powder.” by äbira!”
aruëita çyäma, kalevara darapaëe, tuhu eke ramaëé, rasavaté çiromaëi
räiko pratibimba lägi kon aiche jaga mäho
bharamahi äna, ramaëé mane mäniye tohäri samukhe çyäma, än saìge vilasabo
mäniné bhelo virägi koichana rasa niraväho
“Räi saw Her own reflection in Çyäma’s reddened mirror-like body “Which woman in the world is the crownjewel of rasikas like You? How
and mistook this for another woman. Thus She became angry with could Çyäma ever sport rasika pastimes with another girl in front of You?”
Çyäma and lost interest in Him.”
aichana sahacari, vacana çravaëe dhari,
rasika sunägara, räiko mäna heri, sarama bharama mukha pheri
minati koroto koro-joåi éñata häsi mone, mäna teyägalo,
pétämbara gole, sädha-i padatale, ulasita doìhe doìhä heri
räi roholo mukha mori “Hearing such words of Her sakhés Çré Rädhikä understood Her mistake
“Seeing Räi’s pique, Rasika Sunägara (the relishing great lover Kåñëa) and turned Her face around. Slightly smiling, She then gave up Her
prayed to Her with folded hands. Pétämbara thus humbly fell at Her pique. Thus They gladly looked at Each other again.”
feet, but Räi turned Her head away from Him.”
puna saba jana meli, koroye vinoda keli,
priya sahacari joto, koto je bujhäyato, picakäri lei nija häte
sukha soie kähe viporéta dvija haridäsa, äbira jogäyato,
dvija haridäsa, kohoto kähe rokhasi, sakala sakhégaëa säthe
premaki aichana réta “Again everyone assembled to perform joyful pastimes, taking syringes
“No matter how much the priya sakhés try to make Räi understand what in the hand. Dvija Haridäsa supplies them the äbira along with all the
had happened – They came for happiness, but They received just the other sakhés.” (18)
opposite. Dvija Haridäs says: “Pique is a part of the ways of love.” (17)

bengali song about holi holi range biharaye – they enjoy holi pastimes
(vasanta räga or spring play)
kälindé pulina, kuïja nava çobhana,
biharaye ore ämär çré rädhä govinda nava nava prema vibhora
(My Çré Rädhä Govinda enjoy the Holi-pastime) On the bank of the Yamunä is a beautiful new arbour overwhelmed by
ever-fresh love.
çré rädhä govinda bhaja jaya rädhä govinda
(Worship this Rädhä Govinda! All glories to Rädhä Govinda!) navala rasäla, mukula madhu mätiyä,
nava kokila kula gäya
holi raìge biharaye - änanda är dhore nä (änanda är dhore nä) The new cuckoos sing, inebriated by the fresh mangoes with their
(They play the Holi-pastime - There’s no bound to Their bliss!) honey-filled buds!
çré rädhä govinda bhaja jaya rädhä govinda nava yuvaté-gaëa, cita umatäyai
holi raìge biharaye ämär çré rädhä govinda nava rase känane dhäy
Overcome by new, luscious feelings the young girls run into the forest

D (to meet Kåñëa).

nava yuva-räja, navala nava nägari,
vasanta gana The young prince Kåñëa and the fresh young heroine.

A vernal song by the famous pre-Mahäprabhu poet Vidyäpati, sung (yemni rädhä temni çyäma)
especially during Holi-festivities. (Just as Rädhä does, Kåñëa does it also)
nava våndävana, nava nava tarugaëa milaye nava nava bhäti
nava nava vikasita phul Are meeting in ever-fresh splendour.
Våndävan is new and fresh (due to spring), and the trees are new and
ever-fresh. The blossoming flowers are ever-fresh. niti niti aichana, nava nava khelana,
Thus they nicely play Their ever-fresh pastimes.
navala vasanta, navala malayänila,
mätala nava ali-kula (ho ho ho ho holi raìge!)
The new spring and the new Malayan (southern) breezes are inebriating vidyäpati mati mäti
new bumblebees. Maddening the heart and mind of Vidyäpati.
viharai navala kiçora
The young adolescent Pair (Rädhä and Kåñëa) thus enjoys.

TRANSLATED BY ADVAITA DÄSA 1. Utkalikä-vallaré: (A Vine of Aspirations) – With commentaries by Rädhäkunda Ma-
hanta Panòita Çré Ananta Däsa Bäbäji Mahäräja, original Sanskrit text, word-for-word trans-
lations and Bengali padyänuväda. 217 pages. 3rd Edition, June 1995.
ÇRÉLA RAGHUNÄTHA DÄSA GOSVÄMÉ 2. Nikuïja-rahasya-stava – with padyänuväda by Çré Vaàçé Däsa Öhäkura and öékä by
1. Çré-Çré Viläpa-kusumäïjalé : A Bouquet of Lamentations – 104 prayers to Çrématé Çré Rädhikänätha Gosvämé. 32 confidential verses. 50 pages. December 1996
Rädhäräëé. With commentaries of Çréla Änanda Gopäla Gosvämé and Panòita Çré Ananta Däsa 3. Çré Govinda-lélämåta: The Ambrosial Play of Çré Govinda – The añöa-käléya-lélä based
Bäbäji, introduction, Sanskrit text, indexes and Bengali padyanuvada. 2 volumes. 404 pages. on Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé’s smaraëa-maìgala-stotra, narrated by Çré KrñëaDäsa Kaviräja Gos-
June 1993 vämé: 578 pages hard-bound book. August 1998. With Sanskrit.
2. Çré Çré Stavävalé ( Çré Raghunätha Däsa Gosvämé’s Collected Prayers) – Four Volumes,
with commentary by Panò ita Çré Ananta Däsa Bäbäji, transliterated Sanskrit, word-for-word
translations and padyanuvada. 1,006 pages (Includes Vraja-viläsa-stava (252p), not Viläpa- MISCELLANEOUS
kusumäïjalé ). 1. Bhakta-tattva-vijïäna & Guru-tattva-vijïäna – The Devotee-Principle And The
3. Çré Däna-keli-cintämaëi – A One-Act Play about Rädhä and Krñëa’s Däna-lélä (tax- Guru-Principle, by Pandit Çré Ananta Däsa Bäbäji 19 and 14 pages.
pastime). With öékä by Çréla Häridäs däsji. 175 verses. 141 pages paperback. 3rd Edition, 2. Description of the Nine Islands of Navadvépa – By Svarüpa Däsa Bäbäji.
December 1996 Complete Guide to the Navadvépa Parikrama. 75 pages.
4. Çré Muktä-caritra (The Story of the Pearls) – Complete translation with Sanskrit text. 3. Prabhu Sétänäthera Mahimä: The Glories of Çré Advaitäcärya – From various sources.
181 pages Paperback. 514 verses. December 1997 With Çréla Ananda Gopäla Gosvämé’s ‘Advaita Prabhor Añöakam’. 282 pages hardbound book.
3rd Edition, December 1999.
4. Çré Çré Prema-bhakti-candrikä: The Moonlight of Loving Devotion – By Çréla Narotta-
ÇRÉLA VIÇVANÄTHA CAKRAVARTIPÄDA ma Däsa Öhäkura Mahäçaya. With commentary by Rädhäkunda Mahänta Panòita Çré Ananta
1. Çré Krñëa-bhävanämåta – Añöakäléya-lélä masterpiece. With annotations of Çré Rä- Däsa Bäbäji Mahäräja. 321 pages.
dhikänätha Gosvämé, transliterated Sanskrit text, biography and glossary. 413 pages hardbound 5. Çré Rädhä-rasa-sudhänidhi (The Nectar-ocean of Çré Rädhä’s Mellows) – 272 Prayers
book. 3rd Edition, March 1994. Old abridged edition 165 pages paperback book to and glorifications of Çré Rädhä by Çréla Prabodhänanda Sarasvaté. With transliterated San-
2. Räga-vartma-candrikä: (Moonlight on the Path of Spontaneous Devotion) – With com- skrit, word-for-word translation, index and abridged commentaries by Çré Madhusüdana Däsa
mentaries by Panòita Çré Ananta Däsa Bäbäji Mahäräja. 58 pages. 3rd Edition, May 1995 Adhikäré and Panòita Çré Ananta Däsa Bäbäji. Two Volumes. 506 pages. 2nd Edition., No-
3. Grantha-ratna-païcakam (Five Jewel-like Books of Çré Viçvanätha Cakravartipäda) vember 1995
(a) Çré Camatkara-candrikä – Four secret, naughty meetings of Rädhä and Krñëa. 6. Çré Çikñäñöakam (The Eight Principal Teachings of Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu) – With
(b) Çré Prema-sampuöa – The Love-box. Krñëa in disguise questions Çré Rädhikä on Her love commentary by Panòita Çré Ananta Däsa Bäbäji, and Sanskrit. 69 pages. 2nd Edition, Au-
for Him. gust 1993
(c) Çré Ujjvala-nélamaëi-kiraëa – Summary of Çré Rüpa Gosvämé’s Ujjvala-nélamaëi.
(d) Çré Nikuïja-keli-virudävalé – Poetry about Rädhä-Krñëa’s Nikuïja Pastimes. ORDER FROM:
(e) Çré Surata-kathämåta – Nectarean erotic conversation between Rädhä and Krñëa. Advaitadasa (Advaita van Dijk),
All with annotations by Çréla Krñëadeva Särvabhauma. Melis Stokestraat 41,
272 pages hard-bound or paperback book. 3702 bl Zeist, Holland
4. Mädhurya-kädambiné – The science of devotional service. 155 pages. With commentar- tel. (0031) (0)30 - 6953526
ies by Panòita Çré Ananta Däsa Bäbäji Mahäräja. e-mail:

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