Exercise - Derivation GOOGLE

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Name : Naufal Siddiqi Nasrullah

NIM : 20202156
Class : TBI-E
Course : English Morphosyntax
Assignment : Exercise - A word and its relatives: Derivation

1. Here are nine verbs, each consisting of a prefix and a bound root. What nouns can be
formed from them by suffixation?
Define - defining, definite, definer
Defer - deferring, deferred, deferment, deference,
Detain - detained, detaining, detainee, detainment, detainer,
Refine - refining, refined, refinery
refer - referring, referred, referee, reference, referencer, referencing,
Retain - retained, retaining, retainer, retainment,
Confine - confined, confining, confinement, confiner
Confer - conferring, conferred, conference, confirmation,
Contain - containing, contained, containment,
2. Here are ten adjectives. What verbs can be formed from them by prefixation,
suffixation or conversion?
Full - fill, filled, filling,
Poor - pouring, impoverish
long - elongate
active - activate, deactivate
Humble - humbling,
Empty -
rich - enrichment
short - shortening
national - nationalise, renationalised,
Proud –
3. In the chapter, -ism was discussed only as a suffix for deriving nouns from adjectives.
Give examples to show that it can also be used to derive nouns from other nouns.
 Hero – Heroism
 Patriot – Patriotism
 Human – Humanism
 Conservative – Conservatism
4. In the chapter, -ful was discussed only as a suffix for deriving adjectives from nouns.
Give examples to show that it can also be used to derive nouns from other nouns.
 Sorrow – Sorrowfulness
 Faith – faithfulness
 Fear – fearfulness
5. In the chapter, -ly was discussed only as a suffix for deriving adverbs from adjectives.
Give examples to show that it can also be used to derive adjectives from nouns and
from other adjectives.
(From Noun)
 Friend – Friendly

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