Summative Third Quarter g8

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Third Quarter Summative Test

Grade 8 - Science
S. Y. 2020-2021

Directions: Read and answer the questions below. Write your answer before each number..

1. Which statement is TRUE about the aspects of the particle model of matter?
a. Matter is made up of bigger particles.
b. Particles of matter do not attract each other.
c. Particles of matter are not moving all the time.
d. Particles of matter have spaces between them
2. Which would not change when an orange juice is poured from a can into a drinking glass?
a. the color of the orange juice c. the taste of the orange juice
b. the shape of the orange juice d. the volume of the orange juice
3. Many balloons can be filled from one small tank of helium. Why?
a. The particle of helium gas in a balloon is locked in.
b. The particles of helium gas in a balloon are far apart.
c. The particles of helium gas in a balloon are slightly far apart.
d. The particles of helium gas in a balloon are very closed to each other.
4. Which would not change when an orange juice is poured from a can into a drinking glass?
a. the color of the orange juice c. the taste of the orange juice
b. the taste of the orange juice d. the volume of the orange juice
5. Which of the following samples is Not matter?
a. Light b. sugar c. sugar granules d. water
6. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Matter is made up of atoms.
b. Particles of matter are constantly moving.
c. There are spaces in between the particles of matter.
d. Particles of matter are stationary.
7. When equal volumes of sugar and water are mixed completely, the combined volume is less than the sum of the
volumes of the unmixed sugar and water. What is the reason for this observation?
a. The water molecules could fit in the spaces between the sugar molecules.
b. A small amount of water evaporated while sugar and water were being mixed.
c. The molecules of water are in constant motion, which makes them evaporate easily.
d. The molecules of sugar are closer to each other so it is easier for them to come even closer to each other.
8. Based on the particle model of matter, what is one major difference between liquids and gases?
a. Particles of gases change in position.
b. Particles of liquid do not change positions.
c. Particles of gases are attracted to one another more strongly than particles of liquids.
d. Particles of liquids are attracted to one another more strongly than particles of gases.
9. According to the particle model of matter, what is one major difference between liquids and solids?
a. Particles of solids change in position.
b. Particles of liquid do not change positions.
c. Particles of solids are attracted to one another more strongly than particles of liquids.
d. Particles of liquids are attracted to one another more strongly than particles of solids.
10. Which best describes the movement of particles in solids?
a. They vibrate in place c. They move randomly occupying all available spaces.
b. They move around each other. d. None of the above
11. Why are gases highly compressible as compared to solids and liquids?
a. The large distances between each particle
b. The strong attraction between each particle
c. The slight attraction between each particle
d. The short gaps between each particle?
12. Which best describes liquids?
a. Liquids have definite shape and volume
b. Liquids have no definite shape and volume
c. Liquids has definite shape but no definite volume
d. Liquids has no definite shape but has definite volume

Refer to the following figure for item no. 13-15

13. Which best illustrates the particle arrangement in liquids?

a. figure A b. figure B c. figure C d. figure D
14. Which best illustrates the particle arrangement in solids?
a. figure A b. figure B c. figure C d. figure D
15. Which particles can move randomly and occupy all available spaces?
a. figure A b. figure B c. figure C d. figure D
16. Which of the following is a mixture?
a. distilled water b. fruit sugar c. soy sauce d. table salt
17. Which of the following is a substance?
a. Copper b. Key c. Padlock d. Solder
18. What is formed if you mix water and soy sauce?
a. a one phase system b. a two phase system c. an element d. a compound
19. Ben dropped food coloring in a cup of water and left it inside the cabinet overnight. When he looked into
the set-up he noticed that the water had the same color with the food colring. This shows that_________.
a. Particles of matter are moving. c. Particles of matter attract each other.
b. There are spaces between particles of matter. d. None of the above
20. When equal volumes of sugar and water are mixed completely, the combined volume is less than the sum of the
volumes of the unmixed sugar and water. What is the reason for this observation?
a. The water molecules could fit in the spaces between the sugar molecules.
b. A small amount of water evaporated while sugar and water were being mixed.
c. The molecules of water are in constant motion, which makes them evaporate easily.
d. The molecules of sugar are closer to each other so it is easier for them to come even closer to each other.
21. Based on the diagram what makes up a molecule of water?
a. An atom of hydrogen and three atoms of oxygen.
b. An atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen.
c. An atom of hydrogen and three atoms of oxygen.
d. Three atoms of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen.

22. Which best illustrates melting process?

a. ice turns to water c. formation of steam when water is heated
b. water turns to ice d. rusting of iron
23. Water in gaseous form is called___________.
a. water vapour b. steam c. plasma d. ozone
24. Which of the following is an example of evaporation process?
a. drying of clothes b. disappearance of moth balls
c. melting of ice d. water turns to ice
25. Which of the following is true as a liquid changes to a gas in evaporation?
a. decrease in particle order c.  temperature stays constant
b. particles lose freedom d.  energy change is endothermic
26. Which of the following is an example of heterogeneous mixture?
a. halo-halo b. metal alloy c. sea water d. vinegar
27. What do you call the smallest part of an element that can take part in chemical reaction?
a. atom b. molecule c. electron d. quark
28. Which of the following shows physical change?
a. boiling an egg b. burning of wood c. boiling of water d. digestion of food
29. Which among the states of matter has the strongest force of attraction?
a. plasma b. gas c. liquid d. solid
30. A process in which a gas is change into liquid.
a. evaporation b. condensation c. sublimation d. freezing
31. The three basic components of an atom are:
a. protons, neutrons, and ions c. protons, neutronis, and ions
b. protons, neutrons and electron d. protium, deuterium, and tritium
32. Noli rubbed balloons against his hair vigorously for few minutes. Then he let go off the balloons. Which
of the following will likely happen?
a. The balloons will be attracted with each other.
b. The balloons will move in opposite directions.
c. The balloons will move in the same direction.
d. All of the above
33. Which best explains the attraction of opposite poles of magnets when place next to each other?
a. Like charges attract c. Like charges repel
b. Unlike charges attract d. Unlike charges repel
34. Which of the following serves as the numeric identity of an element?
a. Atomic number b. mass number c. isotopes d. ions
Refer to the following choices for item no. 31-35
Subatomic particle(symbol) Charge Mass, grams Location in the Atom
Electrons(e-) -1 9.109 x 10-28 Outside nucleus
Protons(p )+
+1 1.672 x 10 -24
Neutrons(n0) 0 1.675 x 10-24 Nucleus
a. protons b. electrons c. neutrons d. quarks
35. Which of the sub particles of an atom is considered neutral and therefore has no charge?
36. Which of the following accounts for most of the mass of an atom?
a. neutrons b. protons c. neutrons and protons d. electrons
37. . Which of the three sub particles of atoms has a negative charge?
38. Which subatomic particle is the lightest?
39. Which subatomic particle is the heaviest?
a. protons b. electrons c. neutrons d. quarks
40. Which subatomic particles have almost the same mass?
a. neutrons and electrons c. protons and neutrons
b. electrons and protons d. none - they are all very different in size and mass
41. According to atomic theory, electrons are usually found:
a. in the atomic nucleus
b. outside the nucleus, yet very near it because they are attracted to the protons
c. outside the nucleus and often far from it - most of an atom's volume is its electron cloud
d. either in the nucleus or around it - electrons are readily found anywhere in an atom
42. Which subatomic particle is associated with atomic number?
a. proton b. neutron c. electron d. quark
43. The atomic number of Uranium is 92. How many protons is contained on its nucleus?
a. 92 b. 90 c. 88 d. 86
44. What is the mass number of an element with 40 protons, 40 electrons and 46 neutrons?
a. 80 b. 86 c. 92 d. 98
45. What is the atomic number of an element with 24 protons and 24 electrons?
a. zero b. 24 c. 48 d. 42
46. The development of the Periodic table could be traced from a chemist who formed triads of elements with similar
properties in 1817 by___________.
a. Lothar Meyer b. Dmitri Mendeleev c. John Newlands d. Johann Dobereiner
47. The elements in the Modern Periodic table are arranged based on their ________________.
a. atomic number b. atomic mass c. atomic radius d. electronegativity values
48. Which of the following is not a noble gas?
a. Radon b. Uranium c. Xenon d. Krypton
49. All of the following elements are metalloids except___________.
a. Boron b. Silicon c. Germanium d. Mercury

50. It states that the properties of elements seem to repeat in a periodic fashion after every eight element.
a. Law of Octaves b. Periodic law c. Law of Triads d. Newton’s Law

Refer on the given table for items number 51-53

Metal Observable Reactions with Muriatic Acid

Violent Slow No Reaction
Iron Reacts slowly to form rust; accompanied
by formation of bubbles due to formation
of hydrogen gas

Copper No reaction
Aluminum Reacts vigorously. The metal
tarnishes; accompanied by formation
of bubbles due to formation of
hydrogen gas

Zinc Reacts vigorously. The metal

tarnishes; accompanied by formation
of bubbles due to formation of
hydrogen gas.

51.Which metal did not react with muriatic acid?

a. iron b. copper c. aluminium d. zinc
52. Which metal reacted slowly with muriatic acid?
a. iron b. copper c. aluminium d. zinc
53. Which metals reacted violently with muriatic acid?
a. iron and copper b. iron and aluminum
c. aluminum and zinc d. copper and zinc
54. It refers to the vertical columns of elements having the same physical and chemical property.
a. groups b. periods c. reactivity d. series
55. What do you call the horizontal rows of the periodic table?
a. groups b. periods c. reactivity d. series
56. What do you call the electrons which are found on the outermost energy level of an atom?
a. valence electrons b. energy levels c. outer electrons d. orbitals
57. They are elements which exhibit some of the properties of both metals and non-metals.
a. metalloids b. noble gases c. metals d. metalloids
58. Which best describes metals?
a. Metals have high densities.
b. Metals are shiny
c. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.
d. All of the above
59. Which best describes non – metals?
a. Non-metals are often in gaseous or liquid form.
b. Non-metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity.
c. Non-metals have low densities and low melting temperatures.
d. All of the above
60. A Russian chemist who arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass.
a. Dmitri Mendeleev b. Henry Moseley c. Johann Dobereiner d. John Newlands

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