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#Events for Vassal and Liege relationships

namespace = vassal

# vassal.1001 - Religious liege wants you to build temple

# vassal.1101 - Religious vassal wants you to build temple
# vassal.2001 - Vassal wants liege to educate their child
# vassal.2101 - No feast in a while, vassal requests it
# vassal.2201 - You lend money from a vassal
# vassal.2205 - Vassal reminds you of the money you owe them
# vassal.2301 - Highly skilled vassal progresses development in province
# vassal.2401 - Vassal wants gold, offers territory/better Vassal Contract
# vassal.2451 - Vassal wants better contract, offers territory/gold
# vassal.2501 - Peaceful vassal complains about ongoing war
# vassal.2601 - Warmongering vassal complains about peace
# vassal.2701 - Ask vassal to teach you CT
# vassal.2801 - Liege complains abut no province improvement
# vassal.2901 - Vassal requesting land they have claim on
# vassal.3001 - You have no heir, ask a vassal for help
# vassal.5010 - Zealous vassal wants liege to fight religious enemies
# vassal.5050 - Vassal wants liege to fight war over his claim

#by Linnéa Thimrén and Tobias Bodlund

# Religious liege wants you to build temple
# 1001 - 1020
# by Linnéa Thimrén

vassal.1001 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.1001.t
desc = vassal.1001.desc

theme = faith
override_background = {
event_background = farmland
left_portrait = scope:religious_liege

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
NOR = {
exists = var:promised_to_build_temple
has_character_flag = had_vassal_1001_event
has_character_flag = had_vassal_1101_event
exists = liege
liege = {
NOT = { liege = this }
faith =
is_available_ai_adult = yes
OR = {
has_trait = zealous
piety >= high_piety_level
root = { NOT = { has_hook = prev } }
gold >= 600
any_directly_owned_province = {
has_free_building_slot = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0.5
modifier = {
add = 0.3
liege = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
has_trait = zealous
piety >= high_piety_level
modifier = {
add = 0.5
any_directly_owned_province = {
NOT = { has_building_with_flag = temple }
has_free_building_slot = yes

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_vassal_1001_event
days = 1460
liege = {
if = {
limit = { root = { is_ai = no } }
assign_quirk_effect = yes
save_scope_as = religious_liege

option = { # Promise to build a temple

name = vassal.1001.a
custom_tooltip =
set_variable = { #To check if a promise has been made
name = promised_to_build_temple
value = scope:religious_liege
days = 3655
add_character_flag = {
flag = promised_liege_temple
days = 3655
trigger_event = {
id = vassal.1020
days = 3650
stress_impact = {
greedy = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.25
ai_zeal = 0.75

option = { #Nah
name = {
trigger = { has_trait = zealous }
text = vassal.1001.b_zealous
name = {
trigger = { NOT = { has_trait = zealous } }
text = vassal.1001.b
add_piety = minor_piety_loss
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = refusal_opinion
target = scope:religious_liege
opinion = low_negative_opinion
stress_impact = {
zealous = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_rationality = 0.25
ai_greed = 0.75

#A promise was made and you delivered!

vassal.1010 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.1001.t
desc = vassal.1010.desc

theme = faith
left_portrait = {
character = scope:religious_liege
animation = happiness

trigger = {
exists = var:promised_to_build_temple
var:promised_to_build_temple = { is_alive = yes }

immediate = {
var:promised_to_build_temple = {
save_scope_as = religious_liege
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = respect_opinion
target = scope:religious_liege
opinion = medium_positive_opinion

option = {
name = vassal.1010.a
add_piety = major_piety_gain
if = {
limit = {
can_add_hook = {
target = scope:religious_liege
type = favor_hook
add_hook = {
target = scope:religious_liege
type = favor_hook

after = {
remove_variable = promised_to_build_temple
remove_character_flag = promised_liege_temple

#A promise was made and nothing has been built

vassal.1020 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.1001.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
OR = {
has_trait = zealous
piety >= high_piety_level
desc = vassal.1020.desc_religious
desc = vassal.1020.desc_not_as_religious
desc = vassal.1020.desc

theme = unfriendly
left_portrait = {
character = scope:religious_liege
animation = anger

trigger = {
exists = var:promised_to_build_temple
var:promised_to_build_temple = { is_alive = yes }
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_vassal_1001_event }

immediate = {
var:promised_to_build_temple = {
save_scope_as = religious_liege
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = respect_opinion
target = scope:religious_liege
opinion = low_negative_opinion

option = {
name = {
trigger = {
NOR = {
has_trait = zealous
piety >= high_piety_level
text = vassal.1020.a
name = {
trigger = {
OR = {
has_trait = zealous
piety >= high_piety_level
text = vassal.1020.a_religious
custom_tooltip =
add_piety = medium_piety_loss
if = {
limit = {
has_trait = zealous
stress_impact = {
zealous = medium_stress_impact_gain

after = {
remove_variable = promised_to_build_temple
remove_character_flag = promised_liege_temple

# Religious vassal wants you to build temple
# 1101 - 1120
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_1101_religious_vassal_trigger = {
faith =
is_available_ai_adult = yes
NOT = { root = { has_hook = prev } }
OR = {
has_trait = zealous
piety_level >= high_piety_level

vassal.1101 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.1001.t
desc = vassal.1101.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:religious_vassal
animation = personality_zealous

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
has_government = feudal_government
NOR = {
exists = var:promised_to_build_temple
has_character_flag = had_vassal_1101_event
has_character_flag = had_vassal_1001_event
any_vassal = {
vassal_1101_religious_vassal_trigger = yes
gold >= 600
any_directly_owned_province = {
has_free_building_slot = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0.5
modifier = {
add = 0.3
any_vassal = {
vassal_1101_religious_vassal_trigger = yes
has_trait = zealous
piety_level >= high_piety_level
modifier = {
add = 0.5
any_directly_owned_province = {
NOT = { has_building_with_flag = temple }
has_free_building_slot = yes

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_vassal_1101_event
days = 1460
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_1101_religious_vassal_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = 100
is_powerful_vassal = yes
modifier = {
add = 100
has_trait = zealous
piety_level >= high_piety_level
save_scope_as = religious_vassal
if = {
limit = { root = { is_ai = no } }
assign_quirk_effect = yes

option = { # Promise to build a temple

name = vassal.1001.a
custom_tooltip =
set_variable = { #To check if a promise has been made
name = promised_to_build_temple
value = scope:religious_vassal
days = 3655
add_character_flag = {
flag = promised_vassal_temple
days = 3655
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = friendliness_opinion
target = scope:religious_vassal
opinion = 10
trigger_event = {
id = vassal.1120
days = 3650
stress_impact = {
greedy = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.25
ai_zeal = 0.75
option = { #Nah
name = {
trigger = { has_trait = zealous }
text = vassal.1001.b_zealous
name = {
trigger = { NOT = { has_trait = zealous } }
text = vassal.1001.b
add_piety = minor_piety_loss
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = refusal_opinion
target = scope:religious_vassal
opinion = low_negative_opinion
stress_impact = {
zealous = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_rationality = 0.25
ai_greed = 0.75

#A promise was made and you delivered!

vassal.1110 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.1001.t
desc = vassal.1110.desc

theme = faith
left_portrait = {
character = scope:religious_vassal
animation = happiness

trigger = {
exists = var:promised_to_build_temple
var:promised_to_build_temple = { is_alive = yes }

immediate = {
var:promised_to_build_temple = {
save_scope_as = religious_vassal

option = {
name = vassal.1110.a
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = kept_promise
target = scope:religious_vassal
if = {
limit = {
can_add_hook = {
target = scope:religious_vassal
type = favor_hook
add_hook = {
target = scope:religious_vassal
type = favor_hook
add_piety = major_piety_gain

after = {
remove_variable = promised_to_build_temple
remove_character_flag = promised_vassal_temple

#A promise was made and nothing has been built

vassal.1120 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.1001.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
OR = {
has_trait = zealous
piety >= high_piety_level
desc = vassal.1120.desc_religious
desc = vassal.1120.desc_not_as_religious
desc = vassal.1120.desc

theme = unfriendly
left_portrait = {
character = scope:religious_vassal
animation = anger

trigger = {
scope:religious_vassal = { is_alive = yes }
exists = var:promised_to_build_temple
var:promised_to_build_temple = { is_alive = yes }
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_vassal_1001_event }

immediate = {
var:promised_to_build_temple = {
save_scope_as = religious_vassal
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = respect_opinion
target = scope:religious_vassal
opinion = low_negative_opinion

option = {
name = vassal.1120.a
custom_tooltip =
add_piety = medium_piety_loss

after = {
remove_variable = promised_to_build_temple
remove_character_flag = promised_vassal_temple

# Vassal wants liege to educate their child
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_2001_vassal_child_trigger = {
num_of_relation_guardian = 0
child_not_infant_trigger = yes
NOT = { this = root }
is_ruler = no
is_imprisoned = no

scripted_trigger vassal_2001_vassal_trigger = {
opinion = {
target = root
value >= neutral_opinion
NOT = {
has_relation_rival = root
any_child = {
vassal_2001_vassal_child_trigger = yes
root = {
NOT = {
has_hook = prev

vassal.2001 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2001.t
desc = vassal.2001.desc

theme = learning
override_background = {
event_background = throne_room
left_portrait = scope:vassal_proposing_education
right_portrait = scope:child_to_educate

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2001 }
num_of_relation_ward < 2
any_vassal = {
vassal_2001_vassal_trigger = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0.5
modifier = { #More likely if liege is highly skilled
add = 0.5
OR = {
martial > high_skill_rating
diplomacy > high_skill_rating
intrigue > high_skill_rating
learning > high_skill_rating
stewardship > high_skill_rating
prowess > high_skill_rating
modifier = { #More likely if the vassal feels threatened
add = 0.2
dread > high_dread

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2001
days = 1825
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_2001_vassal_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = 100
is_powerful_vassal = yes
save_scope_as = vassal_proposing_education
random_child = {
limit = {
vassal_2001_vassal_child_trigger = yes
if = {
limit = { root = { is_ai = no } }
assign_quirk_effect = yes
save_scope_as = child_to_educate

option = { #Sure, I'll educate the child!

name = vassal.2001.a
add_hook = {
target = scope:vassal_proposing_education
type = favor_hook
scope:child_to_educate = {
set_relation_guardian = root
set_variable = {
name = character_requested_as_educator
value = root
years = 10
set_variable = {
name = character_making_education_request
value = scope:vassal_proposing_education
years = 10
if = {
limit = {
NOT = {
root =
root = {
add_visiting_courtier = scope:child_to_educate

option = { #I won't educate your kid

name = vassal.2001.b
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = refusal_opinion
target = scope:vassal_proposing_education
opinion = low_negative_opinion

# No feast in a while, vassal requests it
# 2101 - 2120
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_2101_potential_vassal_trigger = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
NOR = {
has_trait = shy
has_hosted_feast_opinion_targeting_character = { CHARACTER = root }

vassal.2101 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2101.t
desc = vassal.2101.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = scope:party_vassal

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2101 }
is_at_war = no
any_vassal = {
count >= 1
vassal_2101_potential_vassal_trigger = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0.5
modifier = {
add = 0.5
any_vassal = {
count >= 1
is_ai = yes
OR = {
has_trait = reveler_1
has_trait = reveler_2
has_trait = reveler_3

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2101
days = 3650
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_2101_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = 100
is_powerful_vassal = yes
modifier = {
add = 20
has_trait = gregarious
modifier = {
add = 20
has_trait = reveler_1
modifier = {
add = 40
has_trait = reveler_2
modifier = {
add = 60
has_trait = reveler_3
save_scope_as = party_vassal
if = {
limit = { root = { is_ai = no } }
assign_quirk_effect = yes

option = { #Sure, let's party!

name = {
trigger = {
NOR = {
has_trait = reveler_1
has_trait = reveler_2
has_trait = reveler_3
has_trait = drunkard
text = vassal.2101.a
name = {
trigger = {
OR = {
has_trait = reveler_1
has_trait = reveler_2
has_trait = reveler_3
has_trait = drunkard
text = vassal.2101.a_hyped
custom_tooltip =
set_variable = {
name = was_promised_a_feast
value = scope:party_vassal
days = 750
trigger_event = { #To check if the promise was kept
id = vassal.2120
days = 3650
scope:party_vassal = {
add_opinion = {
modifier = kindness_opinion
target = root
opinion = 10
stress_impact = {
greedy = minor_stress_impact_gain
lazy = minor_stress_impact_gain
temperate = minor_stress_impact_gain
shy = minor_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.5
ai_boldness = 0.25

option = { #Refuse
name = {
trigger = { always = no }
text = vassal.2101.b
name = {
trigger = {
has_trait = greedy
text = vassal.2101.b_greedy
name = {
trigger = {
has_trait = arrogant
text = vassal.2101.b_arrogant
name = {
trigger = {
has_trait = lazy
text = vassal.2101.b_lazy
name = {
trigger = {
has_trait = shy
text = vassal.2101.b_shy
trait = greedy
trait = arrogant
trait = lazy
trait = shy
scope:party_vassal = {
add_opinion = {
modifier = refusal_opinion
target = root
opinion = low_negative_opinion
stress_impact = {
reveler_1 = minor_stress_impact_gain
reveler_2 = minor_stress_impact_gain
reveler_3 = minor_stress_impact_gain
drunkard = minor_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_energy = 0.25


#You delivered on your party-promise!

vassal.2110 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2101.t
desc = vassal.2110.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:party_vassal
animation = happiness

trigger = {
exists = var:was_promised_a_feast
var:was_promised_a_feast = {
is_alive = yes

immediate = {
var:was_promised_a_feast = {
save_scope_as = party_vassal
remove_variable = was_promised_a_feast
if = {
limit = {
scope:party_vassal = {
OR = {
has_trait = reveler_1
has_trait = reveler_2
has_trait = reveler_3
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = kept_promise
target = scope:party_vassal
else = {
reverse_add_opinion = {
target = scope:party_vassal
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = low_positive_opinion

option = {
name = vassal.2110.a

#You lied and never threw a party

vassal.2120 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2101.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
OR = {
has_trait = reveler_1
has_trait = reveler_2
has_trait = reveler_3
desc = vassal.2120.desc_party
desc = vassal.2120.desc_regular
desc = vassal.2120.desc

theme = unfriendly
override_background = {
event_background = throne_room
left_portrait = {
character = scope:party_vassal
animation = sadness

trigger = {
exists = var:was_promised_a_feast
var:was_promised_a_feast = {
is_alive = yes

immediate = {
var:was_promised_a_feast = {
save_scope_as = party_vassal
remove_variable = was_promised_a_feast
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = respect_opinion
target = scope:party_vassal
opinion = low_negative_opinion

option = {
name = vassal.2120.a

# Vassal offers loan to liege
# 2201 - 2205
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_2201_potential_vassal_trigger = {
is_adult = yes
is_imprisoned = no
is_ai = yes
opinion = {
target = root
value >= 10
NOT = { has_trait = greedy }
OR = {
monthly_character_income > medium_income_multiplier_value
gold > major_gold_value
NOT = {
has_hook_of_type = {
target = root
type = favor_hook

vassal.2201 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2201.t
desc = vassal.2201.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = scope:vassal_loan_holder

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
short_term_gold < medium_gold_value
OR = {
monthly_character_income < 0
gold < tiny_gold_value
is_at_war = yes
NOR = {
exists = var:loan_holder #You can't already have a loan
has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2201
has_character_flag = had_event_councillor_spouse_stewardship_2002
any_vassal = {
vassal_2201_potential_vassal_trigger = yes

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2201
days = 3650
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_2201_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = vassal_loan_holder
if = {
limit = { root = { is_ai = no } }
assign_quirk_effect = yes
set_variable = {
name = amount_to_loan
value = major_gold_value
set_variable = { #For tooltip only.
name = amount_to_loan_root
value = scope:vassal_loan_holder.var:amount_to_loan

option = { #Accept
name = vassal.2201.a
set_up_loan_effect = {
LENDER = scope:vassal_loan_holder
AMOUNT = var:amount_to_loan_root
custom_tooltip = vassal.2201.a.money_loan_tooltip
custom_tooltip = vassal.2201.a.repay_loan
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
add_hook = {
target = root
type = favor_hook
stress_impact = {
paranoid = medium_stress_impact_gain
arrogant = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = -80
OR = {
has_trait = paranoid
opinion = {
target = scope:vassal_loan_holder
value <= neutral_opinion
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_rationality = 0.25
ai_boldness = 0.25

option = { #I will not!

name = vassal.2201.b
reverse_add_opinion = {
target = scope:vassal_loan_holder
modifier = refusal_opinion
opinion = -10
stress_impact = {
base = medium_stress_impact_gain
paranoid = medium_stress_impact_loss
arrogant = medium_stress_impact_loss
greedy = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 0
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_greed = 0.5
ai_honor = 0.25
after = {
remove_variable = amount_to_loan_root

#Vassal reminds you that you owe them money

vassal.2205 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2201.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 1
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:original_lender
NOT = { exists =
scope:original_loaner }
desc = vassal.2205.desc_inherited
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:original_loaner
NOT = { exists =
scope:original_lender }
desc = vassal.2205.desc_inherited_loan
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:original_loaner
exists = scope:original_lender
desc = vassal.2205.desc_all_new_char
desc = vassal.2205.desc_first_time
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 2
desc = vassal.2205.desc_second_time
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 3
desc = vassal.2205.desc_three_times
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 4
desc = vassal.2205.desc_more_times

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:vassal_loan_holder
animation = personality_greedy
lower_left_portrait = scope:original_lender
right_portrait = scope:original_loaner

trigger = {
exists = var:loan_holder
var:loan_holder = {
is_alive = yes
NOT = { this = root }
NOT = {
has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2205

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0
modifier = { #Possible to trigger even if you don't have enough money
add = 0.5
OR = {
has_trait = greedy
has_trait = impatient
modifier = {
add = 1
gold > var:loan_amount_owed
modifier = {
add = 0.2
exists = var:has_reminded_about_loan
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 1
modifier = {
add = 0.5
exists = var:has_reminded_about_loan
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 2
modifier = {
add = 1
exists = var:has_reminded_about_loan
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 3

immediate = {
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { exists = var:has_reminded_about_loan }
set_variable = {
name = has_reminded_about_loan
value = 1
else = {
change_variable = {
name = has_reminded_about_loan
add = 1
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2205
days = 365
var:loan_holder = {
save_scope_as = vassal_loan_holder
if = {
limit = { root = { is_ai = no } }
assign_quirk_effect = yes

if = { #has the loan holder changed?

limit = {
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
exists = var:original_lender
scope:vassal_loan_holder.var:original_lender = {
save_scope_as = original_lender
if = { #has the one owing money changed?
limit = {
exists = var:original_loan_holder
var:original_loan_holder = {
save_scope_as = original_loaner
if = { #Did you lie about repaying them?
limit = {
has_character_flag = promised_repayment
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion

option = { #Give money

name = vassal.2205.z
trigger = {
gold >= var:loan_amount_owed
root = {
pay_short_term_gold = {
gold = var:loan_amount_owed
target = var:loan_holder
remove_variable = loan_amount_owed
remove_variable = loan_holder
if = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = promised_repayment
remove_character_flag = promised_repayment
if = {
limit = {
exists = var:has_reminded_about_loan
remove_variable = has_reminded_about_loan
if = {
limit = {
exists = var:original_loan_holder
remove_variable = original_loan_holder
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
remove_variable = owes_me_money
if = {
limit = {
exists = var:original_lender
remove_variable = original_lender
stress_impact = {
greedy = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 100
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.5
ai_honor = 0.25
option = { #Yes, yes, you'll get your money
name = vassal.2205.a
trigger = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan <= 3
custom_tooltip =
if = {
limit = {
NOT = { has_character_flag = promised_repayment }
add_character_flag = promised_repayment
if = {
limit = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 2
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
add_prestige = medium_prestige_loss
if = {
limit = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 2
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = medium_negative_opinion
add_prestige = major_prestige_loss
stress_impact = {
greedy = minor_stress_impact_gain
arrogant = minor_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 100
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.5
ai_honor = 0.25

option = { #Stop bothering me about this

name = vassal.2205.b
trigger = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan <= 3
if = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = promised_repayment
remove_character_flag = promised_repayment
if = {
limit = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 1
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
add_prestige = minor_prestige_loss
else_if = {
limit = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 2
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = medium_negative_opinion
add_prestige = medium_prestige_loss
else_if = {
limit = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan = 3
progress_towards_rival_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:vassal_loan_holder
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = medium_negative_opinion
add_prestige = high_negative_opinion
stress_impact = {
base = medium_stress_gain
compassionate = medium_stress_impact_gain
just = medium_stress_impact_gain
generous = medium_stress_impact_gain
arrogant = minor_stress_impact_loss
greedy = minor_stress_impact_loss
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 50
opinion = {
target = scope:vassal_loan_holder
value <= 0
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_vengefulness = 0.75
ai_boldness = 0.25
ai_compassion = -0.25

option = { #Last warning!!

name = {
trigger = { has_trait = greedy }
text = vassal.2205.c_greedy
name = vassal.2205.c
trigger = {
var:has_reminded_about_loan >= 4
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = medium_negative_opinion
add_prestige = medium_prestige_loss
progress_towards_rival_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:vassal_loan_holder
remove_variable = has_reminded_about_loan
remove_variable = loan_amount_owed
remove_variable = loan_holder
scope:vassal_loan_holder = {
remove_variable = owes_me_money
stress_impact = {
compassionate = medium_stress_impact_gain
just = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 100

# Highly skilled vassal progresses development in province
# by Linnéa Thimrén
scripted_trigger vassal_2301_vassal_trigger = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
holds_landed_title = yes
OR = {
diplomacy > high_skill_rating
martial > high_skill_rating
stewardship > high_skill_rating
intrigue > high_skill_rating
learning > high_skill_rating
capital_county = {
NOT = { has_county_modifier = encouraged_improvement_modifier }

vassal.2301 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2301.t
desc = {
desc = vassal.2301.desc_opening
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_diplomacy }
desc = vassal.2301.desc_diplomacy
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_martial }
desc = vassal.2301.desc_martial
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_stewardship }
desc = vassal.2301.desc_stewardship
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_intrigue }
desc = vassal.2301.desc_intrigue
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_learning }
desc = vassal.2301.desc_learning
desc = vassal.2301.desc_ending

theme = vassal
left_portrait = scope:skilled_vassal

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2301 }
any_vassal = {
vassal_2301_vassal_trigger = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 1
any_vassal = {
vassal_2301_vassal_trigger = yes
capital_county = {
development_level <= bad_development_level
modifier = {
add = 1
any_vassal = {
vassal_2301_vassal_trigger = yes
is_powerful_vassal = yes
modifier = {
add = 0.5
any_vassal = {
vassal_2301_vassal_trigger = yes
OR = {
diplomacy > extremely_high_skill_rating
martial > extremely_high_skill_rating
stewardship > extremely_high_skill_rating
intrigue > extremely_high_skill_rating
learning > extremely_high_skill_rating

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2301
days = 1825
random_vassal = {
limit = {
is_powerful_vassal = yes
vassal_2301_vassal_trigger = yes
alternative_limit = {
vassal_2301_vassal_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = skilled_vassal
capital_county = {
save_scope_as = develop_county
random_list = {
10 = {
trigger = {
diplomacy > high_skill_rating
add_character_flag = {
flag = high_diplomacy
days = 50
10 = {
trigger = {
martial > high_skill_rating
add_character_flag = {
flag = high_martial
days = 50
10 = {
trigger = {
stewardship > high_skill_rating
add_character_flag = {
flag = high_stewardship
days = 50
10 = {
trigger = {
intrigue > high_skill_rating
add_character_flag = {
flag = high_intrigue
days = 50
10 = {
trigger = {
learning > high_skill_rating
add_character_flag = {
flag = high_learning
days = 50

option = { #I know this better than you

name = {
trigger = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_diplomacy }
text = vassal.2301.b_diplomacy
name = {
trigger = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_martial }
text = vassal.2301.b_martial
name = {
trigger = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_stewardship }
text = vassal.2301.b_stewardship
name = {
trigger = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag = high_intrigue
text = vassal.2301.b_intrigue
name = {
trigger = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag = high_learning
text = vassal.2301.b_learning
trigger = {
trigger_if = {
limit = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_diplomacy }
diplomacy > scope:skilled_vassal.diplomacy
trigger_else_if = {
limit = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_martial }
martial > scope:skilled_vassal.martial
trigger_else_if = {
limit = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_stewardship }
stewardship > scope:skilled_vassal.stewardship
trigger_else_if = {
limit = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_intrigue }
intrigue > scope:skilled_vassal.intrigue
trigger_else_if = {
limit = {
scope:skilled_vassal = { has_character_flag =
high_learning }
learning > scope:skilled_vassal.learning
trigger_else = {
always = no
scope:develop_county = {
add_county_modifier = {
modifier = encouraged_improvement_modifier
days = 1825
add_prestige = medium_prestige_gain
stress_impact = {
humble = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = -50
opinion = {
target = scope:skilled_vassal
value >= 30
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = -0.5
ai_greed = 0.25
ai_boldness = 0.25
ai_vengefulness = 0.25

option = { #Encourage them

name = vassal.2301.a
scope:develop_county = {
add_county_modifier = {
modifier = encouraged_improvement_modifier
days = 1825
scope:skilled_vassal = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = kindness_opinion
opinion = low_positive_opinion
add_prestige = minor_prestige_loss
ai_chance = {
base = 100
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.5
ai_rationality = 0.25
ai_honor = 0.25

option = { #Nah
name = vassal.2301.c
scope:skilled_vassal = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = refusal_opinion
opinion = -10
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 50
opinion = {
target = scope:skilled_vassal
value <= neutral_opinion
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_boldness = 0.5
ai_vengefulness = 0.25

# Vassal in need of gold, offers territory or improved Vassal Contract in exchange
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_2401_potential_vassal_trigger = {
is_ai = yes
is_adult = yes
is_imprisoned = no
domain_size > 1 #Must not become landless.
vassal_contract_obligation_level_can_be_increased = feudal_government_taxes
NOR = {
has_government = theocracy_government
has_government = republic_government
has_government = holy_order_government
OR = {
monthly_character_income < 0
gold < tiny_gold_value
is_at_war = yes
OR = {
domain_size >= domain_limit
vassal_contract_obligation_level:feudal_government_taxes <=
any_directly_owned_province = {
NOT = { is_county_capital = yes }
exists = county

vassal.2401 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2401.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
is_close_or_extended_family_of =
desc = vassal.2401.desc_family
desc = vassal.2401.desc_other
desc = vassal.2401.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:vassal_needs_gold
animation = beg

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
any_vassal = {
vassal_2401_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2401 }

weight_multiplier = {
base = 1
modifier = {
add = -0.5
domain_size >= domain_limit

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2401
days = 3650
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_2401_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
is_powerful_vassal = yes
alternative_limit = {
vassal_2401_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
if = {
limit = { root = { is_ai = no } }
assign_quirk_effect = yes
save_scope_as = vassal_needs_gold
random_directly_owned_province = {
limit = {
NOT = {
is_county_capital = yes
county = {
save_scope_as = possible_county

option = { #I'll take territory thx

name = vassal.2401.a
pay_short_term_gold = {
target = scope:vassal_needs_gold
gold = major_gold_value
create_title_and_vassal_change = {
type = returned
save_scope_as = change
add_claim_on_loss = no
scope:possible_county = {
change_title_holder = {
holder = root
change = scope:change
resolve_title_and_vassal_change = scope:change
stress_impact = {
greedy = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = -50
domain_size >= domain_limit

option = { #We'll renegotiate your contract

name = vassal.2401.b
pay_short_term_gold = {
target = scope:vassal_needs_gold
gold = major_gold_value
scope:vassal_needs_gold = {
vassal_contract_increase_obligation_level =
stress_impact = {
greedy = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50

option = { #You can't have my gold!

name = vassal.2401.c
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = refusal_opinion
target = scope:vassal_needs_gold
opinion = low_negative_opinion
stress_impact = {
compassionate = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 0
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_vengefulness = 0.5
ai_zeal = 0.2

# Vassal wants better contract, offers territory or gold in exchange
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_2451_potential_vassal_trigger = {
has_government = feudal_government
is_ai = yes
is_adult = yes
is_imprisoned = no
any_held_county = {
count > 1 #Must not become landless
highest_held_title_tier >= 2 #No Barons
any_directly_owned_province = {
is_county_capital = no
exists = county

vassal.2451 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2451.t
desc = vassal.2451.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = scope:negotiating_vassal

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
any_vassal = {
vassal_2451_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
OR = {
vassal_contract_obligation_level_can_be_increased =
domain_size >= domain_limit
gold >= major_gold_value
is_powerful_vassal = yes
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2451 }

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0.5
modifier = { #more likely to need gold
add = 0.4
is_at_war = yes
modifier = {
add = 0.4
domain_size < domain_limit
modifier = {
add = 0.4
gold <= minor_gold_value
modifier = {
add = 0.4
monthly_character_income < 0

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2451
days = 3650
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_2451_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = 100
is_powerful_vassal = yes
modifier = {
add = 100
domain_size >= domain_limit
modifier = {
add = 100
gold >= major_gold_value
modifier = {
add = 100
vassal_contract_obligation_level:feudal_government_taxes <=
if = {
limit = { root = { is_ai = no } }
assign_quirk_effect = yes
save_scope_as = negotiating_vassal
random_directly_owned_province = {
limit = {
is_county_capital = no
county = {
save_scope_as = possible_county

option = { #I'll take territory thx

name = vassal.2451.a
scope:negotiating_vassal = { vassal_contract_decrease_obligation_level
= feudal_government_taxes }
create_title_and_vassal_change = {
type = created
save_scope_as = change
add_claim_on_loss = no
scope:possible_county = {
change_title_holder = {
holder = root
change = scope:change
resolve_title_and_vassal_change = scope:change
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = -100
domain_size >= domain_limit

option = { #Did you mention gold?

name = vassal.2451.b
scope:negotiating_vassal = {
vassal_contract_decrease_obligation_level =
pay_short_term_gold = {
gold = medium_gold_value
target = root
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = 100
gold <= minor_gold_value

option = { #You can't have a new contract!

name = vassal.2451.c
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = refusal_opinion
target = scope:negotiating_vassal
opinion = low_negative_opinion
stress_impact = {
compassionate = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 20
opinion = {
target = scope:negotiating_vassal
value <= 0
modifier = {
add = 50
opinion = {
target = scope:negotiating_vassal
value <= -10
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_vengefulness = 0.5
ai_zeal = 0.2

# Peaceful vassal complains about ongoing war
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_2501_potential_vassal_trigger = {
is_ai = yes
is_adult = yes
is_imprisoned = no
has_raised_armies = yes
NOR = {
has_trait = wrathful
has_trait = vengeful
has_trait = brave
has_trait = sadistic
has_trait = callous
opinion = {
target = root
value <= low_negative_opinion

vassal.2501 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2501.t
desc = vassal.2501.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:peaceful_vassal
animation = sadness

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
days_of_continuous_war > 730
is_at_war = yes
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2501 }
any_vassal = {
vassal_2501_potential_vassal_trigger = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0.5
modifier = {
add = 0.5
any_vassal = {
is_ai = yes
is_adult = yes
is_imprisoned = no
OR = {
has_trait = craven
has_trait = content
has_trait = calm
has_trait = forgiving

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2501
days = 3650
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_2501_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = 100
is_powerful_vassal = yes
modifier = {
add = 100
calc_true_if = {
amount >= 2
has_trait = craven
has_trait = content
has_trait = calm
has_trait = forgiving
save_scope_as = peaceful_vassal

option = { #Change vassal contract to make them like you

name = vassal.2501.a
trigger = {
scope:peaceful_vassal =
{ vassal_contract_obligation_level_can_be_decreased = feudal_government_taxes }
scope:peaceful_vassal = {
vassal_contract_decrease_obligation_level =
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = medium_positive_opinion
stress_impact = {
arrogant = medium_stress_impact_gain
vengeful = medium_stress_impact_gain
wrathful = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.75

option = { #Increase their obligations!

name = vassal.2501.b
trigger = {
scope:peaceful_vassal =
{ vassal_contract_obligation_level_can_be_increased = feudal_government_taxes }
dread >= medium_dread
scope:peaceful_vassal = {
vassal_contract_increase_obligation_level =
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = cruelty_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
add_dread = minor_dread_gain
stress_impact = {
base = medium_stress_gain
sadistic = medium_stress_impact_loss
wrathful = medium_stress_impact_loss
callous = medium_stress_impact_loss
ai_chance = {
base = 0
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_vengefulness = 0.75

option = { #Nah
name = vassal.2501.c
scope:peaceful_vassal = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = cruelty_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
stress_impact = {
compassionate = medium_stress_impact_gain
calm = medium_stress_impact_gain
humble = medium_stress_impact_gain
forgiving = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_rationality = 0.75

# Warmongering vassal complains about peace
# 2601 - 2620
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_2601_potential_vassal_trigger = {
is_ai = yes
is_adult = yes
is_imprisoned = no
NOR = {
has_trait = compassionate
has_trait = craven
has_trait = content
has_trait = calm
#opinion = {
# target = scope:holder_of_claim
# value >= low_positive_opinion

scripted_trigger vassal_2601_holder_trigger = {
any_neighboring_top_liege_realm_owner = { this = root }
max_military_strength < root.max_military_strength

vassal.2601 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2601.t
desc = vassal.2601.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:warmongering_vassal
animation = personality_callous
right_portrait = scope:holder_of_claim

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2601 }
days_of_continuous_peace > 730
any_claim = {
exists = holder
holder = {
vassal_2601_holder_trigger = yes
save_temporary_scope_as = holder_of_claim
any_vassal = {
vassal_2601_potential_vassal_trigger = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0.5
modifier = {
add = 0.3
any_vassal = {
is_ai = yes
is_adult = yes
is_imprisoned = no
OR = {
has_trait = wrathful
has_trait = vengeful
has_trait = impatient
has_trait = brave
modifier = {
add = 0.3
any_vassal = {
is_ai = yes
is_adult = yes
is_imprisoned = no
OR = {
number_of_commander_traits >= 1
ai_boldness = medium_positive_boldness
ai_vengefulness = medium_positive_vengefulness
ai_zeal = medium_positive_zeal
martial >= medium_skill_rating

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2601
days = 3650
random_claim = {
limit = {
exists = holder
holder = {
vassal_2601_holder_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = {
value = 1
subtract = {
value = this.holder.max_military_strength
divide = { value =
root.max_military_strength min = 1 }
multiply = 20
save_scope_as = claim_to_fight_for
holder = { save_scope_as = holder_of_claim }
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_2601_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = 30
culture = root.culture
modifier = {
add = 30
faith =
modifier = {
add = 30
dynasty = root.dynasty
modifier = {
add = 70
is_powerful_vassal = yes
modifier = {
add = 100
calc_true_if = {
amount >= 2
has_trait = wrathful
has_trait = vengeful
has_trait = impatient
has_trait = brave
modifier = {
add = 100
OR = {
number_of_commander_traits >= 1
ai_boldness = medium_positive_boldness
ai_vengefulness = medium_positive_vengefulness
ai_zeal = medium_positive_zeal
martial >= medium_skill_rating
save_scope_as = warmongering_vassal
if = {
limit = { root = { is_ai = no } }
assign_quirk_effect = yes

option = { #Yeah sure, let's go to war

name = vassal.2601.a
custom_tooltip =
scope:warmongering_vassal = {
add_character_modifier = {
modifier = increased_levies_modifier
days = 1825
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = medium_positive_opinion
set_variable = {
name = promised_war
value = scope:warmongering_vassal
days = 1850
set_variable = {
name = promised_to_claim
value = scope:claim_to_fight_for
days = 1850
trigger_event = {
id = vassal.2620
days = 1830
stress_impact = {
craven = medium_stress_impact_gain
content = medium_stress_impact_gain
calm = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_vengefulness = 0.5
ai_boldness = 0.5
ai_zeal = 0.5

option = { #Nah
name = vassal.2601.b
scope:warmongering_vassal = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = refusal_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
add_prestige = medium_prestige_loss
stress_impact = {
wrathful = medium_stress_impact_gain
ambitious = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.5
ai_rationality = 0.5

#You declared war and your warmongering vassal is happy

vassal.2610 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2601.t
desc = vassal.2610.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:warmongering_vassal
animation = ecstasy

trigger = {
exists = var:promised_war
var:promised_war = {
is_alive = yes
immediate = {
var:promised_war = {
save_scope_as = warmongering_vassal
var:promised_to_claim = {
save_scope_as = claim_to_fight_for
scope:warmongering_vassal = {
add_opinion = {
modifier = kept_promise
target = root

option = {
name = vassal.2610.a

after = {
remove_variable = promised_war
remove_variable = promised_to_claim

#You promised vassal a war, but never declared one

vassal.2620 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2601.t
desc = vassal.2620.desc

theme = unfriendly
left_portrait = {
character = scope:warmongering_vassal
animation = anger

trigger = {
exists = var:promised_war
var:promised_war = {
is_alive = yes
is_vassal_of = root

immediate = {
scope:claim_to_fight_for.holder = { save_scope_as = holder_of_claim }
var:promised_war = {
save_scope_as = warmongering_vassal
scope:warmongering_vassal = {
add_opinion = {
modifier = respect_opinion
target = root
opinion = low_negative_opinion
add_prestige = medium_prestige_loss
remove_variable = promised_war

option = {
name = vassal.2620.a

# Demand commander training from vassal
# 2701 - 2702
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_2701_potential_vassal_trigger = {
is_available_healthy_ai_adult = yes
number_of_commander_traits >= 1
root = { character_has_commander_trait_scope_does_not = prev }

vassal.2701 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2701.t
desc = vassal.2701.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = scope:teacher

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
is_available_adult = yes
NOT = {
has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2701
has_lifestyle = martial_lifestyle
any_vassal = {
vassal_2701_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
number_of_commander_traits < 3

weight_multiplier = {
base = 1
compare_modifier = {
factor = martial
multiplier = 0.1
max = 2
modifier = {
add = -0.8
number_of_commander_traits = 1
modifier = {
add = -0.1
number_of_commander_traits = 2
modifier = {
add = 0.3
any_vassal = {
vassal_2701_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
opinion = {
target = root
value >= low_positive_opinion

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2701
days = 3650
add_character_flag = {
flag = being_taught_commander_trait
days = 1825
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_2701_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = teacher
randomize_commander_trait_to_be_taught_effect = yes

option = {
name = vassal.2701.a
pay_short_term_gold = {
gold = minor_gold_value
target = scope:teacher
scope:teacher = {
add_prestige = medium_prestige_gain
show_as_tooltip = {
random_list = {
50 = {
desc = vassal.2701.a.random_list.success
compare_modifier = {
target = scope:teacher
factor = learning
multiplier = 0.2
max = 2
compare_modifier = {
factor = martial
multiplier = 0.2
max = 2
compare_modifier = {
factor = prowess
multiplier = 0.2
step = 0.1
max = 2
modifier = {
factor = 1.3
reverse_opinion = {
target = scope:teacher
value >= 10
modifier = {
add = 20
has_education_martial_trigger = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0.6
reverse_opinion = {
target = scope:teacher
value <= neutral_opinion
add_character_flag = {
flag = will_learn_ct
days = 50
learn_commander_trait_success_effect = yes
50 = {
desc = vassal.2701.a.random_list.failure
custom_tooltip =
trigger_event = {
id = vassal.2702
days = { 30 50 }
stress_impact = {
wrathful = medium_stress_impact_gain
arrogant = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = -100
OR = {
tyranny >= medium_tyranny
dread >= medium_dread
has_trait = wrathful
has_trait = arrogant

option = { #Nah
name = vassal.2701.c
custom_tooltip =
add_prestige = minor_prestige_loss
ai_chance = {
base = 0
#Did you learn a commander trait?
vassal.2702 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2701.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
OR = {
= yes
has_lifestyle =
desc =
desc = vassal.2702.desc_success_no_inclination
desc = vassal.2702.desc_failure

theme = vassal
override_background = {
event_background = courtyard
left_portrait = {
character = scope:teacher
triggered_animation = {
trigger = { has_character_flag = will_learn_ct }
animation = happiness
triggered_animation = {
trigger = { always = yes }
animation = idle

immediate = {
hidden_effect = {
random_list = {
50 = {
compare_modifier = {
target = scope:teacher
factor = learning
multiplier = 0.2
max = 2
compare_modifier = {
factor = martial
multiplier = 0.2
max = 2
compare_modifier = {
factor = prowess
multiplier = 0.2
step = 0.1
max = 2
modifier = {
factor = 1.3
reverse_opinion = {
target = scope:teacher
value >= 10
modifier = {
add = 20
has_education_martial_trigger = yes
modifier = {
factor = 0.6
reverse_opinion = {
target = scope:teacher
value <= neutral_opinion
add_character_flag = {
flag = will_learn_ct
days = 50
learn_commander_trait_success_effect = yes
50 = { }

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:logistician
trait = logistician

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:military_engineer
trait = military_engineer

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:aggressive_attacker
trait = aggressive_attacker

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:unyielding_defender
trait = unyielding_defender

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:forder
trait = forder

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:flexible_leader
trait = flexible_leader

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:desert_warrior
trait = desert_warrior

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:winter_soldier
trait = winter_soldier

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:jungle_stalker
trait = jungle_stalker

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:reaver
trait = reaver

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:reckless
trait = reckless

option = {
name = vassal.2702.a
trigger = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
var:commander_trait_being_taught = flag:holy_warrior
trait = holy_warrior

option = {
name = vassal.2702.b
trigger = {
NOT = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct

after = {
if = {
limit = {
exists = var:commander_trait_being_taught
remove_variable = commander_trait_being_taught
if = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = will_learn_ct
remove_character_flag = will_learn_ct
if = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = being_taught_commander_trait
remove_character_flag = being_taught_commander_trait

# Liege complains abut no province improvement
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_2801_potential_province_trigger = {
has_free_building_slot = yes
NOR = {
has_construction_with_flag = temple
has_construction_with_flag = castle
has_construction_with_flag = city

vassal.2801 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2801.t
desc = vassal.2801.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:industrious_liege
animation = personality_callous

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2801 }
is_independent_ruler = no
exists = liege
liege = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
any_directly_owned_province = {
vassal_2801_potential_province_trigger = yes
gold >= 600

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0.5
modifier = {
add = 0.2
liege = {
has_trait = diligent
modifier = {
add = 0.2
gold >= 1200
modifier = {
add = 0.2
gold >= 1800
modifier = {
add = 0.2
gold >= 2400
modifier = {
add = 0.7
any_directly_owned_province = {
has_free_building_slot = yes
count >= 3

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2801
days = 3650
liege = {
save_scope_as = industrious_liege
random_directly_owned_province = {
limit = {
vassal_2801_potential_province_trigger = yes
county = {
development_level <= bad_development_level
alternative_limit = {
vassal_2801_potential_province_trigger = yes
county = {
save_scope_as = develop_county

option = { #I'll get right on it!

name = vassal.2801.a
scope:develop_county = {
add_county_modifier = {
modifier = less_building_time_modifier
days = 3650
stress_impact = {
lazy = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = 40
OR = {
has_trait = diligent
has_trait = ambitious
compare_modifier = {
target = scope:industrious_liege
factor = dread
multiplier = 0.2
max = 2

option = { #Only if you decrease obligations.

name = vassal.2801.b
trigger = { vassal_contract_obligation_level_can_be_decreased =
feudal_government_taxes }
vassal_contract_decrease_obligation_level = feudal_government_taxes
scope:industrious_liege = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
stress_impact = {
diligent = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = 30
OR = {
has_trait = lazy
has_trait = content
has_trait = wrathful
modifier = {
add = 20
opinion = {
target = scope:industrious_liege
value <= neutral_opinion

# Vassal requesting land they have claim on that you're the holder of
# 2901 - 2910
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_2901_claim_vassal_trigger = {
is_available_ai_adult = yes
highest_held_title_tier > 1 #No Barons
NOR = {
has_government = theocracy_government
has_government = republic_government
has_government = holy_order_government
any_claim = {
pressed = no
holder = root
NOT = { this = root.primary_title }
NOT = { root = { has_hook = prev } }

vassal.2901 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2901.t
desc = vassal.2901.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:claim_vassal
animation = personality_callous

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
NOT = { has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_2901 }
highest_held_title_tier > 2 #Dukes or above.
any_vassal = {
vassal_2901_claim_vassal_trigger = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0.8
modifier = {
add = 0.2
any_vassal = {
vassal_2901_claim_vassal_trigger = yes
has_trait = ambitious

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_2901
days = 7200
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_2901_claim_vassal_trigger = yes
is_powerful_vassal = yes
alternative_limit = {
vassal_2901_claim_vassal_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 1
modifier = {
has_trait = ambitious
add = 2
save_scope_as = claim_vassal
scope:claim_vassal = {
random_claim = {
pressed = no
limit = {
save_temporary_scope_as = this_claim
exists = holder
holder = {
NOT = { scope:this_claim = this.primary_title }
this = root
save_scope_as = claim_to_propose

option = { #Take it now then.

name = vassal.2901.z
create_title_and_vassal_change = {
type = created
save_scope_as = change
add_claim_on_loss = no
scope:claim_to_propose = {
change_title_holder = {
holder = scope:claim_vassal
change = scope:change
resolve_title_and_vassal_change = scope:change
if = {
limit = {
can_add_hook = {
target = scope:claim_vassal
type = favor_hook
add_hook = {
target = scope:claim_vassal
type = favor_hook
else = {
add_prestige = major_prestige_gain
add_opinion = {
modifier = respect_opinion
target = root
opinion = medium_positive_opinion
stress_impact = {
arrogant = medium_stress_impact_gain
greedy = medium_stress_impact_gain
just = medium_stress_impact_loss
generous = medium_stress_impact_loss

option = { #I'll make it happen!

name = vassal.2901.a
custom_tooltip =
scope:claim_vassal = {
add_opinion = {
modifier = respect_opinion
target = root
opinion = low_positive_opinion
set_variable = {
name = promised_title
value = scope:claim_to_propose
set_variable = {
name = was_promised_title
value = scope:claim_vassal
stress_impact = {
arrogant = medium_stress_impact_gain
greedy = medium_stress_impact_gain
trigger_event = {
id = vassal.2911
days = 3650
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.5
ai_honor = 0.25
modifier = {
add = 20
opinion = {
target = scope:claim_vassal
value >= low_positive_opinion

option = { #nah
name = vassal.2901.b
scope:claim_vassal = {
add_opinion = {
modifier = refusal_opinion
target = root
opinion = low_negative_opinion
stress_impact = {
generous = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_greed = 0.75
ai_vengefulness = 0.5
ai_rationality = 0.25

#You granted the vassal the desired title

vassal.2910 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2901.t
desc = vassal.2910.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:recipient
animation = happiness

immediate = {
scope:recipient = {
var:promised_title = {
save_scope_as = claim_to_propose

option = {
name = vassal.2910.a
if = {
limit = {
can_add_hook = {
target = scope:recipient
type = favor_hook
add_hook = {
target = scope:recipient
type = favor_hook
else = {
add_prestige = major_prestige_gain
add_opinion = {
modifier = respect_opinion
target = root
opinion = medium_positive_opinion

after = {
remove_variable = was_promised_title
scope:recipient = {
remove_variable = promised_title

#You did not grant the vassal the desired title

vassal.2911 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.2901.t
desc = vassal.2911.desc

theme = unfriendly
override_background = {
event_background = throne_room
left_portrait = {
character = scope:claim_vassal
animation = rage

trigger = {
scope:claim_vassal = { is_alive = yes }
exists = var:was_promised_title

immediate = {
scope:claim_vassal = {
var:promised_title = {
save_scope_as = claim_to_propose

option = {
name = vassal.2911.a
reverse_add_opinion = {
modifier = respect_opinion
target = scope:claim_vassal
opinion = medium_negative_opinion
add_prestige = medium_prestige_loss
remove_variable = was_promised_title
scope:claim_vassal = {
remove_variable = promised_title

# You have no heir, ask a vassal with a lot of children for help
# 3001 - 3004
# by Linnéa Thimrén

scripted_trigger vassal_3001_potential_child_trigger = {
is_alive = yes
OR = {
reverse_opinion = {
target = root
value <= neutral_opinion
has_trait = incapable
has_trait_rank = {
trait = intellect_bad
rank > 1

scripted_trigger vassal_3001_potential_vassal_trigger = {
any_child = {
count >= 5
is_alive = yes
reverse_opinion = {
target = root
value >= 10

scripted_trigger vassal_3001_spouse_trigger = {
is_alive = yes
sex_opposite_of = root
is_pregnant = no

vassal.3001 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.3001.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
exists = scope:child
desc = vassal.3001.desc_child
desc = vassal.3001.desc_no_child
desc = vassal.3001.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = scope:vassal_to_ask
right_portrait = scope:spouse
lower_right_portrait = scope:child

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
OR = {
any_child = {
count >= 1
vassal_3001_potential_child_trigger = yes
NOT = {
any_child = {
count >= 1
is_alive = yes
any_spouse = {
vassal_3001_spouse_trigger = yes
NOR = {
has_character_flag = had_event_vassal_3001
any_spouse = {
is_pregnant = yes
is_pregnant = yes
has_trait = eunuch
has_trait = celibate
has_trait = infertile
any_vassal = {
vassal_3001_potential_vassal_trigger = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 0.5
modifier = {
add = 0.5
any_vassal = {
vassal_3001_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
OR = {
any_child = {
count >= 6
has_trait = lustful
fertility >= high_fertility

immediate = {
save_scope_as = liege_with_trouble
add_character_flag = {
flag = had_event_vassal_3001
days = 3650
random_spouse = {
limit = {
vassal_3001_spouse_trigger = yes
this = root.primary_spouse
alternative_limit = {
vassal_3001_spouse_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = spouse
random_child = {
limit = {
vassal_3001_potential_child_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = child
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_3001_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
weight = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = 100
is_powerful_vassal = yes
modifier = {
add = 20
fertility >= high_fertility
modifier = {
add = 50
any_child = {
count >= 7
modifier = {
add = 20
has_trait = lustful
save_scope_as = vassal_to_ask

option = { #I will ask them!

name = vassal.3001.a
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
trigger_event = {
id = vassal.3002
days = { 7 14 }
stress_impact = {
arrogant = medium_stress_impact_gain
chaste = medium_stress_impact_gain
paranoid = minor_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 80
modifier = {
add = 20
has_trait = lustful
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_energy = 0.5
ai_boldness = 0.5
ai_compassion = 0.25

option = { #This is none of their business!

name = vassal.3001.b
add_prestige = minor_prestige_gain
stress_impact = {
base = medium_stress_gain
lustful = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 50
modifier = {
add = 20
OR = {
has_trait = chaste
has_trait = arrogant
has_trait = paranoid
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_zeal = 0.5
ai_rationality = 0.25

#Response event for vassal: Liege wants some pointers in the bedchamber
vassal.3002 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.3001.t
desc = vassal.3002.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = {
character = scope:liege_with_trouble
animation = personality_coward
lower_left_portrait = scope:spouse

trigger = {
scope:spouse = { is_alive = yes }
scope:liege_with_trouble = { is_alive = yes }

option = { #I'll help!

name = vassal.3002.a
random_list = {
20 = {
desc = vassal.3002.a.critical_success
send_interface_toast = {
left_icon = scope:liege_with_trouble
title = vassal.3002.a.critical_success
scope:liege_with_trouble = {
add_character_modifier = {
modifier =
days = 1825
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = friendliness_opinion
opinion = 30
20 = {
desc = vassal.3002.a.success
send_interface_toast = {
left_icon = scope:liege_with_trouble
title = vassal.3002.a.success
scope:liege_with_trouble = {
add_character_modifier = {
modifier =
days = 1825
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = friendliness_opinion
opinion = low_positive_opinion
20 = {
desc = vassal.3002.a.failure
send_interface_toast = {
left_icon = scope:liege_with_trouble
title = vassal.3002.a.failure
scope:liege_with_trouble = {
add_character_modifier = {
modifier = modifier_bad_fertility_counsel
days = 1825
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
if = {
limit = {
scope:liege_with_trouble = { is_ai = yes } #Because it's
not visible in the option leading here, not fair to player
can_add_hook = {
target = scope:liege_with_trouble
type = favor_hook
add_hook = {
target = scope:liege_with_trouble
type = favor_hook
if = {
limit = {
is_heir_of = scope:liege_with_trouble
stress_impact = {
base = major_stress_gain
chaste = medium_stress_impact_gain
zealous = medium_stress_impact_gain
shy = medium_stress_impact_gain
else = {
stress_impact = {
chaste = medium_stress_impact_gain
zealous = medium_stress_impact_gain
shy = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 80
modifier = {
add = 40
opinion = {
target = scope:liege_with_trouble
value >= medium_positive_opinion
modifier = {
add = 20
opinion = {
target = scope:liege_with_trouble
value >= low_positive_opinion
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = 0.75
ai_honor = 0.5

option = { #I want nothing to do with this!

name = vassal.3002.b
scope:liege_with_trouble = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = refusal_opinion
opinion = -10
stress_impact = {
compassionate = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 0
modifier = {
add = 40
opinion = {
target = scope:liege_with_trouble
value <= neutral_opinion
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_vengefulness = 0.75
ai_rationality = 0.25
ai_zeal = 0.25

option = { #Oh, I'll help alright...

name = vassal.3002.c
trigger = {
scope:spouse = {
is_attracted_to_gender_of = root
is_ai = yes
trait = lustful
show_as_tooltip = {
random_list = {
10 = {
show_chance = no
desc = vassal.3002.c.tt_success
progress_towards_lover_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:spouse
had_sex_with_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:spouse
PREGNANCY_CHANCE = pregnancy_chance
10 = {
show_chance = no
desc = vassal.3002.c.tt_failure
reverse_add_opinion = {
target = scope:liege_with_trouble
modifier = insult_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
add_character_flag = {
flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse
days = 100
stress_impact = {
sadistic = medium_stress_impact_loss
compassionate = medium_stress_impact_gain
just = medium_stress_impact_gain
honest = medium_stress_impact_gain
humble = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = -70
opinion = {
target = scope:liege_with_trouble
value >= low_positive_opinion
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_compassion = -0.5
ai_rationality = -0.25
ai_honor = -0.25

option = { #I will give some... personal directions

name = vassal.3002.d
trigger = {
scope:liege_with_trouble = {
is_attracted_to_gender_of = root
trait = lustful
show_as_tooltip = {
random_list = {
10 = {
show_chance = no
desc = vassal.3002.d.tt_success
progress_towards_lover_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:liege_with_trouble
had_sex_with_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:liege_with_trouble
PREGNANCY_CHANCE = pregnancy_chance
10 = {
show_chance = no
desc = vassal.3002.d.tt_failure
reverse_add_opinion = {
target = scope:liege_with_trouble
modifier = insult_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
add_character_flag = {
flag = is_making_a_move
days = 100
stress_impact = {
base = medium_stress_loss
compassionate = medium_stress_impact_gain
just = medium_stress_impact_gain
honest = medium_stress_impact_gain
content = medium_stress_impact_gain
ai_chance = {
base = 100
modifier = {
add = -70
opinion = {
target = scope:liege_with_trouble
value <= neutral_opinion
ai_value_modifier = {
ai_greed = 0.5
ai_honor = -0.5

after = {
scope:liege_with_trouble = {
trigger_event = vassal.3003

#Did the vassal help or not?

vassal.3003 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.3001.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_modifier =
has_character_modifier =
desc = vassal.3003.desc_good_counsel
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
has_character_modifier =
desc = vassal.3003.desc_bad_counsel
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse
desc = vassal.3003.desc_making_a_move_on_spouse
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move
desc = vassal.3003.desc_making_a_move
desc = vassal.3003.desc_refusal

theme = vassal
left_portrait = scope:vassal_to_ask
right_portrait = scope:spouse

trigger = {
scope:vassal_to_ask = { is_alive = yes }
scope:spouse = { is_alive = yes }

immediate = {
if = {
limit = {
has_character_modifier = modifier_amazing_fertility_counsel
show_as_tooltip = {
add_character_modifier = {
modifier = modifier_amazing_fertility_counsel
days = 1825
add_opinion = {
target = scope:vassal_to_ask
modifier = friendliness_opinion
opinion = 30
else_if = {
limit = {
has_character_modifier = modifier_great_fertility_counsel
show_as_tooltip = {
add_character_modifier = {
modifier = modifier_great_fertility_counsel
days = 1825
add_opinion = {
target = scope:vassal_to_ask
modifier = friendliness_opinion
opinion = low_positive_opinion
else_if = {
limit = {
has_character_modifier = modifier_bad_fertility_counsel
show_as_tooltip = {
add_character_modifier = {
modifier = modifier_bad_fertility_counsel
days = 1825
add_opinion = {
target = scope:vassal_to_ask
modifier = respect_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
else_if = {
limit = {
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = insult_opinion
opinion = -10

option = { #Call for my spouse!

name = vassal.3003.a
trigger = {
OR = {
has_character_modifier = modifier_amazing_fertility_counsel
has_character_modifier = modifier_great_fertility_counsel
had_sex_with_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:spouse
PREGNANCY_CHANCE = pregnancy_chance
stress_impact = {
base = major_stress_loss
chaste = medium_stress_impact_gain

option = { #Bummer
name = vassal.3003.b
trigger = {
NOR = {
has_character_modifier = modifier_amazing_fertility_counsel
has_character_modifier = modifier_great_fertility_counsel
scope:vassal_to_ask = { has_character_flag =
is_making_a_move }
scope:vassal_to_ask = { has_character_flag =
is_making_a_move_on_spouse }
add_stress = medium_stress_gain

option = { #Yes please instruct my spouse!

name = vassal.3003.spouse
random = {
chance = 80
send_interface_toast = {
left_icon = scope:spouse
title =
add_character_modifier = {
modifier = modifier_great_fertility_counsel
years = 5
trigger = {
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse
hidden_effect = {
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
progress_towards_lover_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:spouse
had_sex_with_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:spouse
PREGNANCY_CHANCE = pregnancy_chance
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
trigger_event = vassal.3004
stress_impact = {
base = medium_stress_loss
chaste = major_stress_impact_gain
zealous = medium_stress_impact_gain

option = { #Why yes, I do believe I want to commit adultery!

name = vassal.3003.c
trigger = {
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move
progress_towards_lover_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:vassal_to_ask
had_sex_with_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:vassal_to_ask
PREGNANCY_CHANCE = pregnancy_chance
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
trigger_event = vassal.3004
hidden_effect = {
reverse_add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = love_opinion
opinion = low_positive_opinion
stress_impact = {
base = medium_stress_loss
chaste = major_stress_impact_gain
zealous = medium_stress_impact_gain

option = { #The audacity!

name = vassal.3003.d
trigger = {
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse
scope:vassal_to_ask = {
remove_character_flag = is_making_a_move
trigger_event = vassal.3004
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = refusal_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion
stress_impact = {
base = medium_stress_loss
lustful = medium_stress_impact_gain

#Response for vassal if liege was up for a romp

vassal.3004 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.3001.t
desc = {
first_valid = {
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse
desc = vassal.3004.desc_spouse
triggered_desc = {
trigger = {
NOT = { has_character_flag = is_making_a_move }
desc = vassal.3004.desc_refused
desc = vassal.3004.desc

theme = seduction
left_portrait = {
character = scope:liege_with_trouble
animation = flirtation

immediate = {
if = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move
progress_towards_lover_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:liege_with_trouble
had_sex_with_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:liege_with_trouble
PREGNANCY_CHANCE = pregnancy_chance
else_if = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse
progress_towards_lover_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:spouse
had_sex_with_effect = {
CHARACTER = scope:spouse
PREGNANCY_CHANCE = pregnancy_chance
else = {
reverse_add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = insult_opinion
opinion = low_negative_opinion

option = {
name = vassal.3004.a
trigger = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse

option = {
name = vassal.3004.b
trigger = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move

option = {
name = vassal.3004.c
trigger = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse
after = {
if = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move
remove_character_flag = is_making_a_move
if = {
limit = {
has_character_flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse
remove_character_flag = is_making_a_move_on_spouse

# Zealous vassal wants you to fight religious enemies
# 5010 - 5020
# by Tobias Bodlund

scripted_trigger vassal_5010_potential_trigger = {
is_capable_adult_ai = yes
has_trait = zealous
is_at_war = no
faith =

vassal.5010 = {
type = letter_event
opening = {
desc = vassal.5010.opening
desc = vassal.5010.desc
sender = scope:vassal

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
NOT = { has_character_flag = 5010_vassal_asked_for_holy_war } #
Cooldown check
is_ai = no
any_vassal = { # Vassal is same faith and zealous
vassal_5010_potential_trigger = yes
# Must currently have a religious cb
any_independent_ruler = {
NOT = { is_allied_to = root }
root = {
has_cb_on = {
target = prev
cb = religious_war
faith = {
faith_hostility_level = {
target =
value >= faith_hostile_level
# Must be either at peace or only at war with coreligionists
OR = {
is_at_war = no
at_war_only_with_coreligionists_trigger = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 1
modifier = { # Higher chance if at war with coreligionists
factor = 2
at_war_with_any_coreligionist_trigger = yes
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_trait = impatient
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_trait = patient

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = 5010_vassal_asked_for_holy_war # Cooldown
years = 5
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_5010_potential_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = vassal

option = {
name = vassal.5010.a # Promise holy war within six months
custom_tooltip =
scope:vassal = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = promised_vassal_holy_war_opinion
trigger_event = {
id = vassal.5020 # Check if promise is fulfilled
days = 180

option = {
name = vassal.5010.b # Decline with good diplomacy skill
trigger = {
diplomacy >= high_skill_rating
add_piety = miniscule_piety_loss
skill = diplomacy
custom_tooltip =

option = {
name = vassal.5010.c # Decline - vassal is angered
trigger = {
NOT = { diplomacy >= high_skill_rating }
add_piety = miniscule_piety_loss
scope:vassal = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = impious_opinion
opinion = -15

# Promise not fulfilled

vassal.5020 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.5020.t
desc = vassal.5020.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = scope:vassal

trigger = { # Check war - must be at war with any non-coreligionist

scope:vassal = {
is_alive = yes
NOT = { has_trait = incapable }
liege = root
NOT = { is_at_war_with = root }
faith =
at_war_with_any_non_coreligionist_trigger = no

option = {
name = {
trigger = {
untrustworthy_trigger = no
text = vassal.5020.a
name = {
trigger = {
untrustworthy_trigger = yes
text = vassal.5020.b
trait = arbitrary
trait = deceitful
add_piety = minor_piety_loss
scope:vassal = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = impious_opinion
opinion = -15
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = suspicion_opinion
opinion = -15

# Vassal has a claim in a foreign realm and nags the liege about going to war over
# 5050 - 5060
# by Tobias Bodlund

scripted_trigger vassal_5050_potential_vassal_trigger = {
is_capable_adult_ai = yes
is_at_war = no
NOT = { has_trait = content }
any_claim = {
exists = holder
holder = {
NOT = { is_allied_to = root }
NOT = { any_liege_or_above = { this = root } }
root = {
has_cb_on = {
target = prev
cb = claim_cb

vassal.5050 = {
type = letter_event
opening = {
desc = vassal.5010.opening
desc = vassal.5050.desc
sender = scope:vassal

trigger = {
is_landed = yes
is_in_civil_war = no
NOT = { has_character_flag = 5050_vassal_asked_for_war_over_claim } #
Cooldown check
is_ai = no
is_at_war = no
any_vassal = {
vassal_5050_potential_vassal_trigger = yes

weight_multiplier = {
base = 1
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
has_trait = greedy
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_trait = ambitious
modifier = {
factor = 2
has_trait = impatient
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
has_trait = patient
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_powerful_vassal = yes

immediate = {
add_character_flag = {
flag = 5050_vassal_asked_for_war_over_claim # Cooldown
years = 5
random_vassal = {
limit = {
vassal_5050_potential_vassal_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = vassal
# find relevant claim and save the scope (for text)
random_claim = {
limit = {
exists = holder
holder = {
NOT = { any_liege_or_above = { this = root } }
root = {
has_cb_on = {
target = prev
cb = claim_cb
save_scope_as = claim
holder = {
save_scope_as = claimed_title_holder

option = {
name = vassal.5050.b # Decline with good diplomacy skill
trigger = {
diplomacy >= high_skill_rating
skill = diplomacy
custom_tooltip =

option = {
name = vassal.5050.a # Promise war within twelve months
custom_tooltip =
scope:vassal = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = promised_vassal_claim_war_opinion
trigger_event = {
id = vassal.5060 # Check if promise is fulfilled
days = 365

option = {
name = vassal.5050.c # Decline - vassal is disappointed
trigger = {
NOT = { diplomacy >= high_skill_rating }
scope:vassal = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = disappointed_opinion
opinion = -10

# Promise not fulfilled

vassal.5060 = {
type = character_event
title = vassal.5060.t
desc = vassal.5060.desc

theme = vassal
left_portrait = scope:vassal

trigger = {
scope:vassal = {
is_alive = yes
NOT = { has_trait = incapable }
liege = root
NOT = { is_at_war_with = root }
# must be in an offensive war over that claim or in a defensive war OR
the vassal holds that claim
NOR = {
scope:claim = { holder = scope:vassal }
any_character_war = {
using_cb = claim_cb
casus_belli = {
any_target_title = { this = scope:claim }
any_character_war = {
casus_belli = { primary_defender = root }

option = {
name = {
trigger = {
untrustworthy_trigger = no
text = vassal.5060.a
name = {
trigger = {
untrustworthy_trigger = yes
text = vassal.5060.b
trait = arbitrary
trait = deceitful
add_prestige = minor_prestige_loss
scope:vassal = {
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = disappointed_opinion
opinion = -10
add_opinion = {
target = root
modifier = suspicion_opinion
opinion = -10

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