Siemens SW ValorNPI FS 83749 C1+AK

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Valor NPI

design flow, shifting the knowledge as

far left as possible. As a result, leading
Optimizing new product introductions with electronic design companies have found
that incorporating Valor NPI technology
design for manufacturability into their PCB design process saves
expensive re-spins and improves prod-
uct quality. It is part of the comprehen-
sive and integrated portfolio of software
Benefits Why is it that printed circuit board (PCB) and services from Siemens Digital
• Save time and money by identify- design re-spins are expected rather than Industries Software, Xcelerator™
ing and correcting issues early on the exception? According to historical portfolio.
data, schedules and budgets typically
• Mitigate risk by helping you to stay
include several re-spins. It has been Concurrent DFM
on schedule and budget
proven that Valor™ NPI software can At each successive step of the new
• Direct access to Siemens PCBflow reduce the number of re-spins by an product introduction (NPI) process, the
lets you collaborate with manufac- average of 57 percent using design for cost of rectifying a problem increases
turers for fewer interactions and manufacturability (DFM) technology. tenfold. You certainly would not want
higher quality products That means manufacturing issues can to find that your product has an unac-
be identified and corrected early in the ceptable first-pass yield after you have
• Quickly create panels to optimize
process, saving money and time. handed it off to manufacturing. Nor
material use and reduce costs
Valor NPI also works with any major PCB would you want to discover the location
• Accelerate fabrication and assem- of DFM problems after you have fully
design software. Valor NPI incorporates
bly and reduce cost with final placed and routed a PCB and outputted
expert knowledge about fabrication and
validation of PCB data manufacturing data.
assembly processes and makes it acces-
• Support major PCB EDA flows, sible to anyone in the new product
enabling you to benefit from
DFM with any PCB design tool

Valor NPI

associates the PCB design with appro-

priate manufacturing processes to auto-
matically select which DFM rules and
values to apply. The result is an intelli-
gent and automated analysis that pro-
vides an extremely efficient and
effective DFM process.

Synchronize with your supply chain

using Siemens PCBflow
Valor NPI DFM technology was devel-
oped by the same people who created
the DFM verification tools used by lead-
ing PCB fabricators and contract assem-
bly companies worldwide. By
collaborating with your manufacturing
supply chain using Siemens PCBflow,
Creating DFM rules is simple using Valor NPI.
you no longer need to create local rules
based on documentation. With PCBflow,
Using Valor DFM technology provides integrated into the single, highly struc- you will receive ready-made classifica-
you with a competitive edge by running tured Valor NPI model. tion sets that describe the manufactur-
fabrication and assembly analysis er’s process capabilities so that you are
before handoff to your partner in NPI. Manufacturing process-driven, always using the latest rules for DFM.
The DFM rules prepared for you by the automated DFM analysis This eliminates technical query holds
customer’s NPI experts (DFM engineers) Every manufacturing partner has its from your suppliers due to DFM issues.
are applied during layout, enabling you own manufacturing process and process
to easily identify and fix fabrication-pro- capabilities that require a unique set of Comprehensive DFM analysis
cess problems without requiring manu- DFM rules. Unlike traditional DFM sys- How manufacturable is your design?
facturing-process expertise. tems, Valor NPI can capture the technol- Your NPI flow depends on the DFM tools
ogy inherent in the PCB design. The VPL you use. Miniaturized, high-layer count
Intelligent, integrated NPI
product model
When fabricated, assembled and tested,
your PCB will be only as good as the
product-model data you deliver to the
manufacturing process engineers. For a
quality PCB, you need an effective DFM
and a comprehensive, intelligent model
of the desired product. With Valor NPI,
all available data critical for manufactur-
ing is extracted automatically from the
PCB computer aided design (CAD),
including material zones for rigid-flex
circuits, and then entered into Valor NPI
for streamlined DFM analysis.
Additional content such as supply-chain
level parts data from the unique Valor
Parts Library (VPL) solution, data to
define surface finishes, the exact
assembly panel to be fabricated and all
data normally held in disconnected
drawings and documentation is
Manufacturing risk assessment of yield, cost and reliability.

Valor NPI

designs cannot be reliably reviewed Panelization assembly panel model. With Valor NPI,
design can you can automatically identify the low-
manually, and simple DFM tools do not
lower your
check all manufacturing process factors. est cost fabrication panel configuration
PCB costs.
and communicate the panel panel lay-
Valor NPI verification software can be out and send it back for approval.
used to analyze all of your design tech- Leaving the design to your suppliers
nologies – FR4 material grade, rigid/ eliminates the opportunity to optimize
flex, flex and even packaging substrates your panels and take advantage of cost-
– with more than 1,000 DFM checks. saving opportunities.
Each of these checks helps you optimize
your design for manufacturing during Enhanced PCB product model handoff
the initial process. Using Valor NPI enables you to consoli-
Using DFM validation further catego- date all data and information to define
rizes and prioritizes the design-change the product to be fabricated, assembled
requirements so you can easily resolve Understand the manufacturing risk and tested by the manufacturers. The
the most critical issues by cross-probing DFM validation not only identifies PCB CAD is the original source for the
between Valor NPI and the PCB CAD. where your PCB design exceeds your data, but as part of the NPI flow all
The weight assigned to each check is supplier’s manufacturing capabilities, it other information from your manufac-
definable, allowing you to decide how also shows where low yield or field fail- turing documentation team can be
the results should be prioritized. ures may occur by using severity indica- directly integrated and verified as struc-
tors of red, yellow and green. With this tured data, eliminating the need for leg-
Beyond the DFM analysis, Valor NPI acy drawings and documents to be
visibility, designers can optimize their
enables you to check your design netlist created and validated by your team.
designs for manufacturing during the
against the manufacturing data to Process preparation can proceed quickly
initial stage, accelerating their ramp-to-
ensure there are no connectivity errors. and efficiently because the resulting
volume cycle.
The netlist analysis even understands ODB++ Design data package has all nec-
intentional shorts so no time is wasted essary data for the fabrication, assembly
Panel design and optimization
reviewing false errors. Valor NPI even and test software tools. Valor NPI also
Using Valor NPI eliminates the need for
enables you to verify your manufactur- includes unlimited ODB++ viewing capa-
additional software tools for creating
ing bill-of-materials (BOM) matches the bilities on your network so you can
and optimizing assembly panels regard-
design and all components on your share and review PCB designs with your
less of PCB shape. It includes fiducials,
approved vendors list (AVL) are an entire organization.
tooling holes, breakaway tabs and
acceptable physical match.
v-score features to create a complete
More Information
For more information about how Valor
NPI can work in your PCB design flow,

Siemens Digital Industries Software

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A comprehensive product model removes the need for multiple files. 84749-C1 5/21 AK

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