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Leadership Experience

• Mentor Teacher
o Mentors high school students who wish to pursue education as a future career.
Provide objectives and experiences for them within my elementary classroom

• High School Student Practicum Curriculum Creator

o Work with administrator and colleague to put together an organized curriculum
for high school student aides who are completing a practicum in the classroom.

• Review Board Representative

o Serve on a school review board (as needed) for Kindergarten-Eighth grade
students who are involved in the review board process for academic or behavioral

• PLC Assistant
o Assist our K-3 PLC Leader in planning and preparing for our bi-weekly meetings

• WCEA (Western Catholic Educational Association) Committee Member

o Attend and participate in accreditation meetings for our K-12 school accreditation

Professional Goals

Goal #1: I will develop my leadership in social-emotional learning.

• Goal: Ensure the social and emotional development of students in my PLC using
strategies and curriculums that are appropriate and meaningful.
• Rationale: According to Linda Dusenbury and Roger P. Weissberg, “in order for children
to succeed in elementary school as well as their future career, they need to be socially,
emotionally, and academically competent” (The Education Digest, 2017).
origsite=gscholar&cbl=25066 The NEA has also advocated for social-emotional learning
to be prioritized in this pandemic:
• NBPTS Assessment, Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their
• TLMD Assessment, Domain 4: Facilitates improvements in instruction and student
• Short term goal: I want to research ways that I can include more social-emotional
strategies in our elementary classrooms. I then plan to present my findings to my PLC to
encourage them to implement similar strategies.
• Long term goal: I hope to be involved in the creation of a social-emotional development
curriculum in the future. I would love to create a curriculum that teachers can easily
integrate with other subjects and feel that it is truly making a difference with their
• Teacher Inquiry: I will develop my skills in teaching social-emotional learning through
my teacher inquiry.

Goal #2: I will develop my leadership in professional development.

• Goal: Make more time for professional developments to help fine tune my teaching and
learning strategies.
• Rationale: I want to create more time to in my teaching practice to attend and learn from
professional developments. Education is constantly changing and I want to ensure that I
stay up-to-date on best teaching practices for my students. The NEA agrees and has
issued the following statement: “Educators must engage in intentional practice to refine
their skills and professional judgement.”
• NBPTS Assessment, Proposition 4: Teachers think systemically about their practices and
learn from experience.
• TLMD Assessment, Domain 2: Accesses and uses research to improve practice and
student learning.
• Short term goal: Seek out and make time for more professional development
opportunities, perhaps over the summer. Apply what I learn in my interactions with
colleagues, students, and families.
• Long term goal: I would love the opportunity to mentor an incoming teacher (in their
college program or as a new teacher mentor at my school). Some of my best learning
took place with my mentor teacher, and I hope to pay it forward by giving another
individual the same opportunity and experience I was given.

Goal #3: I will develop my leadership in community outreach and culturally responsive teaching.
• Goal: Research and learn more about aspects of culturally responsive teaching. Pick a
few strategies to incorporate into my classroom.
• Rationale: I want to learn more about culturally responsive teaching and how I can make
it an active part of my classroom. I teach a diverse group of students and know that it
would be beneficial to further my equitable classroom to one that emphasizes culture and
background more. The NEA shares ways we can combat institutional racism by
understanding how students are “cultural beings.”
• NBPTS Assessment, Proposition 5: Teachers are members of professional communities
(improve community outreach in an effort to be more culturally responsive.)
• TLMD Assessment, Domain 6: Improves outreach and collaboration with families and
• Short term goal: Reach out to families in my community (pandemic-permitting.)
• Long term goal: Research and attend trainings on culturally responsive teaching and
community outreach. Use these trainings to apply culturally responsive practices in my
classroom. Incorporate more multicultural literature and integration of topics within all

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