Oracle Real Time Questions

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difference b/w obsolete and expired backups.

Protection modes of Standby database
12C new features
Upgrade steps for 10g to 11g or 11g to 12C
Goldengate components
use of cluvfy in RAC

RAC questions---
Have you Configured the RAC if yes How many Nodes what are the Pre Config
Steps-----100 nodes
How do you determine what protocol is being used for Interconnect traffic?
If RAC has configures are u using ASM/Shared Storage
Currently Which Oracle Version your using
In RAC what is the use of Public/Private/Virtual IPs
--What is Split brian
--why we required to maintain odd number of voting disks?
If you dont have OCR and Voting disk Backup how are you going to Recover it
What is the use of a service in Oracle RAC environment?
What is the difference between server-side and client-side connection load
What are Oracle database background processes specific to RAC
How do you backup voting disk
How do you know in 3 node RAC which is Master node
What is SCAN?
What files components in RAC must reside on shared storage?

What are the prerequisite tasks to perform upgrading the DB
What's your DB Size How many Prod, Dev, QA/Test DBs your Handling
What's your Backup Strategies
Have you performed any Recovery explain about the issue
How your performing refresh Actvity

What's the Difference between CPU and PSU Patch
Can we apply CPU patch if the DB has already applied PSU patch
What are the issues are faced during the Patch and waht are the Steps
What is Migration/Upgradtion
What is a rolling upgrade?
--What it the ASM POWER_LIMIT?

Data Gaurd--
Do you have DG Env in your Current Project if yes How many Physical and Logical
In DG huge archivelog gap in DG Env how your going to Sync with Prod Env
What are the steps are need to carried out to cong DG
What's snapshot Standby DB
What are the Modes in DG
--What's the Use of OEM

Perf Issues--
Recently have faced any Performance Issues
in AWR Report what are the main things you are going to look for DBs Performance
What infn you will see in ASH and ADDM Report
What infn you will see in the Explain Plan
What are the New Features in 12c

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