Dolores Cannon

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Dolores Cannon 

(born April 15, 1931 - died 2014) was an American hypnotist and self-

published author of 17 non-fiction books composed mainly of transcripts from past life
regression sessions. She spent her first twenty years as a military wife and the next forty years as a
hypnotist and author.

Dolores Cannon books include: "Conversations with Nostradamus" (three volumes), "The Legend of

Starcrash", "Keepers of the Garden", "Legacy from the Stars", "A Soul Remembers Hiroshima", "They
Walked With Jesus", "Jesus and the Essenes", and "Between Death and Life".


 1 Biography

o 1.1 Hypnosis

o 1.2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy

 2 Regression Topics

o 2.1 Reincarnation

o 2.2 Nostradamus

o 2.3 Jesus

o 2.4 UFOs & Aliens

o 2.5 Metaphysics

o 2.6 2012 Phenomenon

 2.6.1 First wave volunteers

 2.6.2 Second & third wave volunteers

 2.6.3 Reincarnational amnesia

 3 Awards

 4 Bibliography

 5 Further reading

 6 See also

 7 References
 8 External links

 9 Source


Dolores Cannon was born on April 15, 1931 in Saint Louis. From 1951-1994 she was married to Johnny
Cannon, a Naval officer. They were stationed at Sangley point N.S. in the Philippines from 1960-1963.


Her husband took a class in hypnosis, but never got a chance to practice because he deployed for
the Vietnam War. After his return in 1968, they were stationed at Chase Field N.A.S. in Beeville, Texas.

During this time, Cannon read: The Search for Bridey Murphy by Morey Bernstein; The Enigma of
Reincarnation by Brad Steiger; and The Search for the Girl with the Blue Eyes by Jess Stearn.

A medical physician asked them to use hypnosis to help a female patient manage stress-related health
problems. Under hypnotic trance, she described her past lives and predicted future events. A few
months later, Cannon's husband was involved in a serious car accident. He received an honorable
discharge as a disabled veteran. They retired to Huntsville in 1972.[1]

In 1992 she founded her own publishing company, Ozark Mountain Publishing.[2] Her first book, Five
Lives Remembered, was written in 1980, but remained unpublished until 2009.

Her first published book series was Conversations with Nostradamus (1989), which attracted some
publicity from the media.[3]

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy

She started teaching her own patented Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) technique in 2002.
[4] She started her own talk radio show, The Metaphysica Hour in 2005.[5] She has appeared as a guest
on Coast to Coast AM and the Shirley MacLaine show.[6][7]

Regression Topics

The topics Dolores Cannon's hypnosis subjects recall range everywhere from mundane early-childhood
memories, to non-human lives spanning various galaxies, dimensions, millennia, and species. All sessions
with regressed subjects are audio recorded by Cannon, and some are then later made into transcripts.
Most of the information that comes across cannot be proven as true, although recent past lives on earth
can be researched and potentially verified.[1]


Cannon's encounter with reincarnation is explained in her book Five Lives Remembered. This was the
first book she wrote, but it was not published until 2009. It describes how Cannon and her husband
Johnny were first introduced to past life regression and reincarnation when they were asked by a Navy
doctor to try and help relax one of his patients in 1968. During the session, the young woman began
describing a life she lived in the roaring 1920’s in Chicago as a flapper in a gang. Completely taken aback,
Dolores and Johnny decided to explore this strange occurrence as far as possible. They were able to
describe 5 previous "lifetimes" and the point where she was "created".[1]

Cannon's 1993 book, Between Death & Life, goes further into the case for reincarnation, with detailed
information on many souls journeys between lives on earth. Chapter 1 starts the book off with "The
Death Experience", and finishes in chapter 16 with "The Return Trip". During the middle chapters, topics
include different levels of existence, guides and guardian angels, myths about the afterlife, ghosts and
poltergeists, karma, "bad" lifetimes, God and the Devil, the Various Councils, and Walk-ins.[8] Additional
information on reincarnation can also be found throughout her recent Covoluted Universe series.


Working through several different subjects, Cannon says she was able to establish communication with
the living Michel De Notredame, better known as the prophet, Nostradamus. After a few years of
working with "Nostradamus" dictating the intended meanings of his messages, Dolores published 3
books in a series entitled Conversations With Nostradamus, detailing the meanings of 1000 quatrains
and predictions. Prophesies discussed include the creation of supercomputers, the rise of the internet,
erratic weather patterns, Earth changes, war in the Middle East, world governments, politics, 2012,
simultaneous time, the Anti-Christ, nuclear weapons, AIDS originating in monkeys and its deliberate
spread by world governments, the British monarchy, the state of the world subsequent to The Shift, the
break-up of the Soviet Union into various independent states, the Popes, the Columbia Space Shuttle
disaster and visitations by Extra-Terrestrials races.


There are two books with regressed subjects who claim to have met Jesus in a former life, "Jesus and
the Essenes" and "They Walked with Jesus" which have been translated into many languages.[9]

In Jesus And The Essenes, Dolores describes the account of a young lady named Katie who is regressed
back to a life as a man named Suddi, who lived as an Essene at the time of Jesus. Suddi was born several
years before Jesus and the book chronicles both scenes and events throughout many different periods
of his life, ranging from the age of 12 to his death when he was over 60. We are told the Essenes strictly
adhered to the Laws of Torah and their community housed a library comprising a vast collection of
scrolls in numerous languages and a detailed model of the solar system. Through the alleged
experiences described by Suddi, we are provided with possible information about Moses, Daniel, David,
Ezekiel, Adam and Eve, Ruth and Joseph.[10]

In the sequel, They Walked With Jesus, the past-life memories of two women capture a portrait of Jesus
the man, from the healing miracles he performed to the gentle philosophy he preached. This account is
direct from Jesus' time giving a sense of how things truly were. This book includes drawings of the
Temple and Old Jerusalem, and includes scenes at the Temple in Jerusalem, vists to homes and leper
colonies, political intrigues leading to the crucifixion, and also the personal feelings of those who met

UFOs & Aliens

There are four books that focus mainly on alien life, as well as abduction cases, and they are Keepers of
the Garden (1993), Legend of Starcrash (1994), Legacy From the Stars (1996), and The Custodians (1999).
Additional information can also be found throughout the Covoluted Universe series.

The subjects under hypnosis claim to have either have visited with beings from another planet, or who
have actually been beings from another planet in a past life. Details about the aliens include
appearance, origins, daily life in their home world, transportation, food, etc. Keepers of the Garden, in
particular includes extensive information about the original "seeding" of the planet earth by

They explain that there are no souls on Earth that do not originate from somewhere in the stars, how
the Earth was seeded eons ago by travellers from outer space and how visits by extraterrestrials have
continued up to the present day resulting in a whole class of contemporary humans who have been
subject to alien abduction. "The Council" present themselves as the caring benefactors of mankind
whom have seeded the universe with life, continuously assist in evolutionary transitions and tend to
their "garden" with love and diligence.[12]

In Cannon's book from 1994, Legend of Starcrash, she describes the account of a young woman who was
regressed to a life as man named Tuin, a hunter living in a Canadian-Alaskan area in an undetermined
time period before the coming of the Eskimo. Tuin reports the story that a group of 5 spaceships were
travelling through our solar system thousands of years ago with the intention of colonizing other
planets. One of these crafts malfunctioned, crashed on Earth and was unable to continue its journey. It
was a multi-generational ship that had been travelling for many years, and necessity and the desire for
preservation of their race eventually lead them to interbreed with a group of aborigines who were also
living in the valley.[13]

Two years later, in Legacy From The Stars, Dolores explores a series of regressions with clients where
memories of different lives as both humans and extraterrestrials are described as well as a wide variety
of other creatures with wildly different forms of nourishment and reproduction detailed.[14]

After several years of exploring and becoming more adept at navigating her subjects through these
areas, Dolores unexpectedly established communication with multiple non-hostile, benevolent alien
beings who communicated through her subjects in trance. These beings delivered much of the content
of The Custodians and the transcripts of Cannon's conversations with them are presented in their
original, unaltered form. Topics include the reasons why "so called" alien abductions occur, why people
experience "missing time" or "time compression", why certain people receive implants and why UFO
sightings occur.
It also describes why the ET’s erase our memories of our interactions with them, how various ET
societies function and how various ET races have open communication and bartering with many of the
governments of the world.[15]


Her latest books,The Convoluted Universe series books one through four, goes further covering "mind-
bending" concepts such as complicated metaphysical ideas that border on quantum physics.

The first book in the series was published in 2001, and focuses heavily on metaphysical concepts such as
the power of conscious thought and intent, how we understand and relate to the concept of time,
different dimensions which coexist along ours, parallel universes, parallel lifetimes and alternate
realities. The book gives detailed explanations into a wide variety of Earth mysteries. These include how
the Pyramids were created, the Stones on Easter Island, the Bermuda Triangle, the Ark of the Covenant,
the "Loch Ness Monster" and the creation of the Nazca Lines. The series continues further with sequels
published in 2005, 2008, and 2012.[16][17][18][19]

2012 Phenomenon

In 2011, Cannon published The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, outlining a 2012
Phenomenon prediction for the coming year. She states that certain individuals volunteered to come to
Earth at this specific time with the sole intention of assisting humanity through our current period of

First wave volunteers

Cannon says the volunteers came in 3 waves. The first wave volunteers had the most challenging
experience of the three as they were the way showers for those who would follow. Many first wavers
feel uncomfortable in bodies, prefer a life of solitude and find it essential to be in the presence of

Second & third wave volunteers

Second wave volunteers act as antennas of energy, their job is to exist on Earth rather than to have a
specific goal or mission. Third wave volunteers, many of the children with talents, abilities and
memories, are the gift to the world. Cannon says they possess the knowledge and wisdom that will help
humanity complete the transition and overcome the many obstacles that lie ahead.

Reincarnational amnesia

As a result of the amnesia Cannon says we all experience before entering the Earth dimension, they
remember neither their assignment nor their origin. Thus, Cannon says, souls have an extremely difficult
time adjusting to our chaotic world. She says these souls have a vital role to play as they help all of the
rest of us create a New Earth.[20]

Dolores Cannon was the first American and the first foreigner to receive the "Orpheus Award"
in Bulgaria, for the highest advancement in the research of psychic phenomenon.[21]

Dolores is an honorary member of the All-Russian Scientific-and-Research Centre of Traditional Folk

Medicine in Moscow.[22] Additionally, she has received Outstanding Contribution and Lifetime
Achievement awards from several hypnosis organizations.[22]


1. Five Lives Rembered, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1980/2009, pp. 237. ISBN

2. Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark

Mountain Publishing, 1989, pp. 368. ISBN 1886940002

3. Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark

Mountain Publishing, 1990, pp. 358. ISBN 0963277618

4. Conversations With Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark

Mountain Publishing, 1992, pp. 365. ISBN 0963277634

5. Jesus and the Essenes, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1992, pp. 273. ISBN

6. Between Death & Life / Conversations With a Spirit, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain
Publishing, 1993, pp. 241. ISBN 0963277650

7. Keepers of the Garden, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1993, pp. 287. ISBN

8. A Soul Remembers Hiroshima, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1993, pp.
167. ISBN 0963277669

9. They Walked With Jesus: Past Life Experiences with Christ, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain
Publishing, 1994, pp. 194. ISBN 1886940096

10. The Legend of Starcrash, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1994, pp. 250. ISBN

11. Legacy From the Stars, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1996, pp. 320. ISBN

12. The Custodians: Beyond Abduction, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1999, pp.
556. ISBN 1886940045

13. The Convoluted Universe, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2001, pp. 552. ISBN
14. The Convoluted Universe, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2005, pp. 672. ISBN

15. The Convoluted Universe, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2008, pp. 704. ISBN

16. The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain
Publishing, 2011, pp. 560. ISBN 1886940150

17. The Convoluted Universe, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2012, pp. 650. ISBN

Further reading

 The Search for Bridey Murphy, 1, Garden City, New York, Doubleday, 1956, pp. 256. ISBN

 The Enigma of Reincarnation, New York, New York, Ace Books, 1967, pp. 189.

 The Search for the Girl with the Blue Eyes , Garden City, New York, Doubleday, 1968.

See also

 Michael Newton


1. ↑ Jump up to:1.0 1.1 1.2 Five Lives Rembered, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing,

1980/2009, pp. 237. ISBN 1886940797

2. ↑ Ozark Mountain Publishinge (archiviato dall'url originale)

3. ↑ Template:Cite magazine

4. ↑ Dolores Cannon (archiviato dall'url originale)

5. ↑ BBS Radio: The Metaphysical Hour with Dolores Cannon

6. ↑ Dolores Cannon. Coast to Coast AM

7. ↑ Dolores Cannon. Shirley MacLaine

8. ↑ Between Death & Life / Conversations With a Spirit, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain
Publishing, 1993, pp. 241. ISBN 0963277650

9. ↑

10. ↑ Jesus and the Essenes, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1992, pp. 273. ISBN
11. ↑ They Walked With Jesus: Past Life Experiences with Christ, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark
Mountain Publishing, 1994, pp. 194. ISBN 1886940096

12. ↑ Keepers of the Garden, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1993, pp. 287. ISBN

13. ↑ The Legend of Starcrash, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1994, pp.
250. ISBN 0963277677

14. ↑ Legacy From the Stars, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1996, pp. 320. ISBN

15. ↑ The Custodians: Beyond Abduction, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1999,
pp. 556. ISBN 1886940045

16. ↑ The Convoluted Universe, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2001, pp.
552. ISBN 1886940827

17. ↑ The Convoluted Universe, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2005, pp.
672. ISBN 1886940908

18. ↑ The Convoluted Universe, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2008, pp.
704. ISBN 1886940797

19. ↑ The Convoluted Universe, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 2012, pp.
650. ISBN 1886940215

20. ↑ The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, Huntsville, Arkansas, Ozark Mountain
Publishing, 2011, pp. 560. ISBN 1886940150

21. ↑ :: Cannon, Dolores

22. ↑ Jump up to:22.0 22.1

External links

 (in english) (Author's Website)

 (in english) (Publisher's Website)

 Script error: No such module "String". on FacebookScript error: No such module


 Template:Twitter

 Template:Youtube user

 Article Dolores_Cannon from Wikipedia in english (base for this voice )

Alphabetical index

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