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Name: Melvin Jan P.

Ligaya Subject: Institutional Culture

Table of Specification
Levels in the Cognitive Domain
Topics Instructional Time Percentage
R U Ap An E C Total
30% 70%
1. 21st Century Skills
5 2 3 20 30

2. Career Planning in the 21st

Century 5 2 3 20 30

3. Goal Setting
5 5 20 30

Total 100% 15 9 6 20 20 20 90
Name: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Subject: ________________________________________ Section/Schedule: ________

I. Enumeration. Provide what is being asked.

Skills 1. These are the abilities of an individual that he has mastered and can be executed
Learning Skills 2. These are the abilities of an individual to quickly comprehend things that are
new to him.
Literacy Skills 3. These skills help an individual to gain knowledge through reading as well as
using media and technology.
Life Skills 4. These are the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable humans to
deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life.
Work 5. This refers to an activity where mental and physical energy is used to gain income.
Positive Work Culture 6. These refers to the promotion of an external environment where the
mental health of an individual is not compromised.
Remote Work 7. It refers to the practice of employees doing their jobs from a location other
than a central office operated by the employer.
Employee Management App 8. These are softwares or application that aid employees to
continue their work despite not being present in the office.
Data 9. This is a collection of information that heavily influences the course of action of
employees and company owners.
Workshops 10. These are events where companies send their employees in order to be trained
or gain skills necessary in their line of work.
Goal 11. This is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people
envision, plan and commit to achieve.
Specific 12. This refers to the clarity of an outcome that an individual wishes to achieve.
Achievable 13. This refers to the feasibility of a plan that a person wants to accomplish.
Self-Concept 14. This refers to how a person perceives his abilities, physical appearance, unique
characteristics, etc.
Leisurite 15. This refers to the time and energy you spend on your free time.

I. Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following statements best show critical thinking in action.
a. Gisiel copying from her classmate because she did not understand the lesson.
b. Mark solving elementary math problems.
c. Aida investigating a problem before making a conclusion.
d. Dennis reciting the answer he found in the internet for his oral recitation.

2. Anna with his group members were given the task to conduct a case-study in their barangay.
What should Anna do so the case-study can become successful.
a. Do the case-study on her own.
b. Work with her group members on the case-study.
c. Assign her members all the parts of the research paper and wait for their output.
d. Ask someone more knowledgeable about case study to do it for her.

3. Maria, the manager of one of the stores of SM Butuan, was given the task to train and
instruct the newly hired employees. What should ana do for her task to be accomplished?
a. Let the new employees be so they could learn on their own.
b. Immediately assign task to each new employee and tell them to approach her if they have
any questions.
c. Show the new employees the task that needs to be done and how this task can be
d. Act like a manager and boss them around so they have something to do.

4. Arthur is guiding and motivating his team mates to persevere so they can finish the projects
assigned to them. He also helps with the work load of his team mates despite having a specific
task assigned to him. What 21st century skill is Arthur showing?
a. Leadership
b. Critical thinking
c. Technology Literacy
d. Initiative

5. Mea has always been curios about how machines and computers work. She spends most of
her time studying and learning about computers. What 21 st century skill is Mea trying to
a. Technology Literacy
b. Leadership
c. Creativity
d. Initiative

6. Gerald’s work place is not a nice one. His co-workers would often talk behind each other’s
back whenever they had the chance. Instead of solving this problem in their office, their
manager and HR would also add to the problem by yelling at them whenever they made a slight
mistake or is late for one (1) minute. What could be the possible effects of this in Gerard’s well-
I. It would have no effect on Gerard since he wasn’t included in the gossip or has ever been
yelled at by his manager or HR.
II. It will compromise Gerard’s mental health causing him to lose motivation on the job.
III. It will cause him to adopt to the environment and later on become of the gossipers.

a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I and III
d. I, II, and III
7. Every company holds a Christmas Party for their employees. Some companies would provide
their employees with food for their party and even give out money to them to use us rewards in
their parlor games. What do you think is the purpose of this event held by the companies?
a. It’s a way of thanking their employees for the hard-work they have done for the year
b. it serves as a stress reliever for the employees
c. It gives them time to relax and forget about work and enjoy their day
d. All of the above

8. Ian is a marketing strategist in SM Butuan. He was tasked to create a marketing plan that will
increase the profit of the company when December enters. Which of the following should Ian
do in order to accomplish this?
a. Collect relevant and reliable data that will be the basis of a new marketing plan
b. Search the internet for readymade marketing plans
c. Recycle last-years marketing plan
d. Making a marketing plan based on the suggestions of his colleagues

9. Rene is the owner of a medical clinic in Butuan. He is currently hiring for new medical
technologist to work in his laboratory. However, everyone who has applied so far are fresh
graduates with no trainings and prior experience. If you were in Rene’s situation, what would
you do to get a qualified employee?
a. Increase the offered salary to attract more workers.
b. Hire these fresh graduates and send them to trainings and seminars.
c. Hire workers from areas outside Butuan.
d. Leave the position open until someone qualifies applies.

10. Claire needs to conduct a meeting with her employees. However, meeting face to face is
currently impossible to do because of the pandemic. What should Claire do in order to conduct
the meeting?
a. Schedule the meeting for a later date.
b. Cancel the meeting.
c. Use google meet or zoom to conduct a meeting.
d. Create a group chat in messenger to communicate with her.

11. Tom is estimating how many years it would take him to accomplish his dream of becoming a
pilot. What element of the SMART Criteria is Tom using?
a. Specific
b. Measurable
c. Achievable
d. Time-based

12. Jerry wants to be happy in the future. However, he is having trouble founding out what
makes him happy. What element in the SMART criteria should Jerry consider to clarify his goal?
a. Specific
b. Measurable
c. Achievable
d. Time-based

13. Johnny wants to become many things in life when he grows up. He wants to be a doctor,
and astronaut, a fire fighter, a movie star, etc. What element of the SMART criteria is Johnny
a. Specific
b. Measurable
c. Relevance
d. Time-based

14. Leah wants to become a lawyer in the future. To do this, he must first take a four-year
bachelor’s degree course so she can be qualified to enroll in law school. She decides to take
nursing as her preparatory course. What element of the SMART criteria is Leah violating?
a. Specific
b. Achievable
c. Relevance
d. Time-based

15. Jessica, a criminology student, wants to immediately apply in the police fours within three
(3) years after she started college. What element of the SMART criteria is Jessica violating?
a. Specific
b. Achievable
c. Relevance
d. Time-based
III. Essay.

1. Discuss why the development of the 21st Century Skills is essential to students. Twenty (20)

2. Discuss the things you would consider in choosing your future career. Twenty (20) points.

V. Create your own Career Action Plan to achieve your goal. Twenty (20) points.

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