Qno Opta Optb Optc Optd Answer: 1 0 Null Null A

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Qno Question OPTA OPTB OPTC OPTD Answer

You must have something to say. Any person with average intelligence
can see through the individual who talks. You will certainly be a good
talker if you are interested in same things as your fellow beings.
Seventh, “Cultivate the social graces”. You should play golf, or indulge in
some other sports. Acquire friends, for in life, “There’s nothing worth the
1 wear of wining but laughter and the love of friends”. Eight, be humble. 1 0 NULL NULL A
Quite apart from the fact that in itself humility is a most praiseworthy
virtue, it is a source of much esteem if the humble person can prove that
he is a useful member of the community as well.
Q. There’s something worth the wear of winning but laughter and
the love of friends?
s.no Question OPTA OPTB OPTC OPTD Answer

Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a Professor
of Physics. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe
personality. Her great exuberance for learning prompted her to continue with
her studies after high school. She became disgruntled, however, when she
learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to 1 0 NULL NULL B
receive a higher education, she defiantly left Poland and in 1891 entered the
Sorbonne, a French university, where she earned her master's degree and
doctorate in physics.
Q. Her weak exuberance for learning prompted her to continue with her
studies after high school

It’s been a month I haven’t heard from you. I hope you are well. I had a terrible
day at school yesterday. My friends and I were playing volleyball in the school
yard when I suddenly fell and twisted my ankle. At first I didn’t feel much pain,
but later on it started hurting badly. I had difficulty walking so my friends helped
me around. They took me to a hospital and stayed with me until my mom and Because she was at school. Because she fell and injured herself  Because her friends helped her. Because the ambulance arrived on time C
dad arrived. The doctor said it was broken and I needed to rest for a month.
We came home last night and I feel better now. This incident also made me
realize how valuable friendships are. I don't know what I would do without
them. So I want to say I feel very happy to have such good friends like you.
Q. Why does the girl feel happy?

Majority of public spaces do not have toilets at all and even when they do,
there isn’t a separate one for women. For example, Faizabad, Swan and
PirWadhai are three major bus stops and cater to around 1,000 passengers on
a daily bases. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a separate toilet for women in
any of them.In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
adopted a groundbreaking resolution by recognising access to sanitation and
3 use of excreta disposal and waste water facilities as a human right. This is 1 0 NULL NULL B
indeed true; denying access to sanitation is denying basic human rights. In one
of the reports by United Nations Regional Information Center (UNRIC), it
is stated that 443 million school days are lost every year due to water and
sanitation related issues in schools globally.
Q. This is indeed false; denying access to sanitation is denying basic
human rights.

The Constitution of Pakistan has, via Article 25A, made it mandatory for the
government to provide free education to all citizens who cannot afford to go to
school otherwise. However, implementation of this clause has never been
enforced in letter or spirit, allowing the private sector to take advantage of the born build died reduce B
growing gap between private and public schools.   Now, be it rich or poor,
people from all strata of society are sending their children to private schools
irrespective of the teaching standard of such schools. 
Q. Synonym of grow is?

Taxila valley, which lies just beyond the Margalla Hills bordering Islamabad, is
a picturesque, rural place with sleepy villages nestled below its green hills.
Located less than an hour’s drive from Islamabad, the area is famous for
Khanpur Dam and a series of archaeological remains which were declared as
world heritage sites by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural United Nations Educational, Scientific and United Nations Econmical, Scientific and United Nations Exceptional, Scientific and United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Organisation (UNESCO) back in 1980. Ideally, Taxila should be preserved as Catholic Organisation Cultural Organisation Cultural Organisation Cultural Organisation
a tourist destination steeped in history, but over the years, stone crushers (a
machine used to break down large rocks into smaller rocks, gravel or rock
dust) have been steadily eating into its verdant landscape.
Q. UNESCO stands for?
“The thing about tourism is that the reality of a place is quite different from the
mythology of it” – Martin Parr. Pakistan, unfortunately, is a country that has
been at the receiving end of such mythology and perception for a good while
now, even as things on ground have changed quite drastically over the last few
years. According to the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA), terror-
a little many small large B
related incidents have declined 58%, from 2,060 incidents in 2010 to 681 in
2017. These figures are testament to the success of our Army during the
massive military operations conducted in the northern areas of the country in
the past several years.
Q. Synonym of SEVERAL?

Pakistan is a nation brimming with talent – talent that frequently shines, not
just within the country, but on international forums as well. Pakistanis working
abroad are rated highly by their employers in comparison to workers from
other countries. These overseas Pakistanis are serving the nation in their own
7 capacity, particularly by sending remittances back to Pakistan. One does not 1 0 NULL NULL B
really need to wonder why these Pakistanis leave Pakistan. Many go abroad
for higher education, seeking new opportunities due to the lack of avenues at
Q. One does really need to wonder why these Pakistanis leave Pakistan.

Irony is called to attention when we consider Pakistan’s geolocation as one of

its key advantages over other regional countries contrasted with its internal
infrastructure in many respects. One such regard is its road infrastructure. A
view of city road maps underscores the lack of planning with coherent vision
showing convoluted streets and expressways. Then, there is the anarchy.
Vehicle operators and pedestrians seldom apply common sense when it
comes to road safety, let alone traffic rules. Public service messages about Vehicle operators and pedestrians seldom Vehicle operators and pedestrians seldom Vehicle operators and pedestrians seldom
8 Vehicle operators and pedestrians seldom
apply their sense when it comes to road apply common sense when it comes to apply common when it comes to road C
road safety have been advertised in recent years but without resulting in safety
apply brakes when it comes to road safety
road safety safety
change at the necessary pace. Finally, Minister of State for Communications
Murad Saeed has brought focus to the human health and safety topic by
establishing the Pakistan National Road Safety Strategy (PNRSS) 2018-2030
with the cooperation of the Asian Development Bank and UK-Aid.
Q. What Vehicle operators and pedestrians seldom apply when it comes
to road safety?

Two principles are involved in the controversy about the presence of foreign
controlled media in the country; the free flow of ideas and images across
national borders and the need to safeguard the national interest and preserve
cultural autonomy. Both are valid but both are at loggerheads because each
has been used to promote less lofty goals. The first principle conforms to a
moral imperative: freedom to expression cannot rhyme with restrictions
9 imposed by any government. But the free flow rhetoric also clouds the fact that expire up to date lost less B
the powerful Western, and especially American media, can and often do
present, subtly or brazenly, news in a manner that promotes Western political,
ideological and strategic interests. Besides, Western entertainment programs
present lifestyles and values that run counter to the lifestyles and values
cherished by traditional societies
Q. Synonym of Valid?

The happy man is the man who lived objectively, who has free affection and
wide interest, who secures his happiness through these interests and
affections and through the fact that they, in turn, make him an object of interest
and affection to many others. To be the recipient of affection is a potent cause
of happiness, but the man who demands affection is not the man upon whom it
pleasant sadness smile sad B
is bestowed. The man who receives affection is, speaking broadly, the man
who gives it. But it useless to attempt to give it as a calculation, in the way in
which one might lend money at interest, for a calculated affection is not
genuine and is not felt to be so by the recipient.
Q. Antonym of Happiness is?
  Boracay, the most famous beach in the Philippines, is also known as a
blessed island. I have never met anyone who has not been enthralled and
fascinated when they visited Boracay. The first time you set foot on its powder-
like sand, you’ll surely feel lucky to be in a paradise island. The moment you The first time you set foot on its powder- The first time you set foot on its powder- The first time you set foot on its powder- The first time you set feet on its powder-
11 like sand, you’ll surely feel lucky to be in a like sand, you’ll surely feel unlucky to be in like sand, you’ll surely feel lucky to be in a like sand, you’ll surely feel lucky to be in a C
see its crystal pristine water, you’ll be so thankful you’re alive. Many locals and philpines island. a paradise island. paradise island. paradise island.
foreigners go there again and again not only because of the breathtaking view
but also because to celebrate life and its blessings.
Q. What u feel when first time you set foot on its powder-like sand?

And yet it is one of the simplest ideas that anyone ever had. Here I want to
persuade you how evolution explains the beginning of life on earth. Darwin
uncovered the theory of evolution and the method of natural selection. The
idea of evolution is probably one of the most important ideas that anyone has We can predict how life will be in the We can predict how life will be in the
We can predict how life will be tomorrow We can predict how life will be in the past. D
ever had. Today, thanks to Darwin, we know why life is the way it is. We can present. future.
predict how life will be in the future. We can even postulate about the life on
other planets. How amazing is that! Now answer the following questions:
Q. What can we predict aboutb life?

Malaysia Airline Flight MH370’s disappearance is still under investigation.

Many countries joined in the search for what really happened and where the
aircraft is now. The flight lost contact with air traffic controllers about an hour
after its take off. The weather was fine when the aircraft was flying so it adds
more theories about other possible reasons of the aircraft’s fate. The oil slick The flight lost contact with air traffic The flight lost contact with air traffic The flight lost contact with air traffic The flight lost contact with air traffic
spotted off Vietnam’s coast turned out to be fuel oil used in cargo ships so it controllers about a hour after its take off. controllers an hour after its take off. controllers about an half after its take off. controllers about an hour after its take off.
has nothing to do with the aircraft. Interpol also says the disappearance of the
jet plane has nothing to do with terrorist attack. More questions are adding to
this quest and no specific answer is given and proven yet.
Q.When this flight lost his contact with ATC?

 According to NASA, effects that scientists had predicted in the past would
result from global climate change are now occurring like loss of sea ice,
accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves. Even our
Earth’s average temperature has increased about 1 degree in Fahrenheit in 1 0 NULL NULL A
the 20th century. Many experts and scientists believe that global temperature
will continue to rise from 2.5 to degrees Fahrenheit over the next century.
Q. Even our Earth’s average temperature has increased about 1 degree in
Fahrenheit in the 20th century?

 There are around 2 million Pakistani without jobs today. That includes
graduates and undergraduates. According to survey, there will be another half-
million to graduate this year without possible job placements. Unemployed
people complain about job shortage. Many go to the cities to apply to some 1 0 NULL NULL A
companies but end up going home with nothing. Unemployment rate increases
each year even though there are many job fairs.
Q. Unemployment rate increases each year even though there are many
job fairs?
In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named
Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this
inconsequential town more than any other place in the United States of
America. It was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent shade that my
16 mother escaped with me when I was only a few months old. It was in this town spring autnm winter none C
that I’d been compelled to spend a month every summer until I was fourteen.
That was the year I finally put my foot down; these past three summers, my
dad, Charlie, vacationed with me in California for two weeks instead.
Q. Antonym of Summer is?

Floods are second only to fire as the most common of all natural disasters.
They occur almost everywhere in the world, resulting in widespread damage
and even death. Consequently, scientists have long tried to perfect their ability
resulting in widespread damage and even resulting in widespread damage and even
17 to predict floods. So far, the best that scientists can do is to recognize the resulting in widespread lost and even death
injured death
resulting in widespread damage and death C
potential for flooding in certain conditions. There are a number of conditions,
from deep snow on the ground to human error, that cause flooding.
Q. What flood result ?

There is a famous expression in English: "Stop the world, I want to get off!"
This expression refers to a feeling of panic, or stress, that makes a person
want to stop whatever they are doing, try to relax, and become calm again.
18 'Stress' means pressure or tension. It is one of the most common causes of presuure or tension pressure and tension presure or tension pressure or tension D
health problems in modern life. Too much stress results in physical, emotional,
and mental health problems.
Q. What Stress means?

Space exploration is a very exciting field of research. It is the frontier of

Physics and no doubt will change the understanding of science. However, it
does come at a cost. A normal space shuttle costs about 1.5 billion dollars to
A normal space shuttle costs about 1.5 A normal space shuttle costs about 1.5 A normal space shuttle costs about 1.5 A normal space shuttle costs about 17
19 make. The annual budget of NASA, which is a premier space exploring million dollars to make billion rupeez to make billion dollars to make billion dollars to make
organization is about $17 billion. So the question that some people ask is that
whether it is worth it?
Q. A normal space shuttle costs?

Hi, my name is Tina. I am thirteen years old and today I want to talk about my
best friend Selena. She is my classmate and she is thirteen years old too. We
attend a very big school near Scotland. We share the same desk and love the
same school subjects. Our favorite lessons are Arts and Physical Education. I
am very good at tennis and she is very good at volleyball. She plays volleyball
at our school team. We both have a busy life. We always get up at a half past
six and at seven o’clock her father takes us to school by car. They live next
door to us, so after school we always do our homework, walk our dogs and
play together. Our classes start at half past seven and finish at 4 p.m. Her
mother is a nurse. My mother is a nurse too and they work at the same
hospital. Our fathers are both engineers but they work at different companies.
On Mondays, Selena has violin class and I have piano class. On Tuesdays
and Thursdays she practices volleyball at the school’s gym and I play tennis in
our school court. Friday is my favorite day because Selena stays overnight
with us. On the weekends, we usually go to the movie theater or have a picnic
if the weather is good. I am the only child, I don’t have a sister but she is like a
sister to me. 
Q. What is Selena’s favorite day of the week?
Every summer Nichole goes to the countryside for a month. She stays at her
uncle’s farm and helps him. She works very hard but she likes it because she
loves to spend time with her cousin Macy. Every morning she wakes up at six
o’clock, first she collects the eggs and feeds the chickens, then she has
breakfast at 6:30 and after breakfast, she helps her aunt with the house chores
for an hour. She can't wait to spend time with her cousin Macy. They always
 Macy and Nichole can climb trees. They have a good time together. They live together They feed the animals C
have a great time together. They climb trees, pick fruits and flowers. They love
being outdoors. They come back home before dark and get ready for dinner.
After dinner, they go out and feed the animals. Before they go to bed they
watch TV for a little bit or read books. They are always very tired at the end of
the day and usually fall asleep watching TV or reading.
Q. Which of the followings isn't true about Macy and Nichole?

I hope you are well. Guess what! I am having a big party next week at my
house and I am inviting all my close friends. The theme of the party is going to
be Harry Potter, so all must dress accordingly. You would make a great witch! I
need to let everyone know by Wednesday since I am throwing the party next
22 Saturday. Sam is going to decorate the house and my mother is going bake a It is Sarah’s party It is Judy’s party It is Sarah’s mother’s party  It is Harry Potter’s party A
cake and make lots of food. There is going to be music and dancing as well.
John is going to be the DJ. You can stay over at my house. It’s going to be
great! I hope to see you then. Love. Sarah
Q. Whose party is it?

Ryu : Hi Ken. Are you free tonight? Ken: I think so. Why? Ryu: Because
there’s a new science-fiction movie at the theater. Would you like to see it?
Ken: No, thanks. I don’t like science-fictions. Ryu: Oh... What about a comedy
then? There’s one starring Adam Sandler. Ken: I don’t know. I don’t really like
his movies. Ryu: What about a pop concert then? Ken: Well, I am not into he doesn't want to miss his favorite TV
he wants to be alone he wants go to a soccer match he doesn’t like thrillers D
pop music. Ryu: Oh, I understand now, it’s Thursday today and your favorite show
sitcom is on TV! Ken: You know me very well RYU... You are welcome to
watch it with me. Ryu: That’s a great idea! Let’s meet at your place at 7:30
Q. Ken doesn’t want to go the movie theater with Ryu, because?

If you'd like to improve your English, one thing you can do is to build up your
vocabulary. In order to do this, you have to practice a lot. I’m afraid there is not
a short cut for this. But there are many effective ways. First of all, you should
read a lot. You can read short stories, comics, newspapers, magazines etc.
depending on your English level. As you read, you can try to guess the
meanings of unknown words from the context of the sentence. If you cannot,
then look up the definition in a dictionary. English to English dictionary should
be your first choice and keep the translator as last. Another way of building
24 vocabulary is to watch movies in English which will also help with Grammer Vocabulary Order of the words used Advanced English course C
pronunciation. Try to be involved with the language as much as you can. Keep
a vocabulary notebook and write down a few words each day. Keep in mind
that you have to revise them regularly. In my opinion, to communicate with
people all you need is words. Even if you just say the words one after another,
people most likely will understand what you mean regardless of the order of
the words and grammar.
Q. What is the most important thing to communicate with people
according to the writer?

I am thinking you are wrong

He love to play computer games ,In this sentence the word

computer is use as

Synonyms of pledge is

Synonyms of enormous is

Synonyms of quite is

Synonyms of enthusiasm is

Synonyms of assimilate is

Synonyms of envious is

Antonyms of ennui is
Antonyms of cowardly is

Antonyms of fiction is

Antonyms of dward

I can not move a yard,

Antonyms of barren is

The sentences which contain Advice are

I was playing cricket ,In sentence playing is used as

Is that so ?

Exclaimation mark

Will you please close the door?

He said that he would help us. That is function of conjuction

Who is flying the plane.in this sentense what is who

does not belong to neuter gender

He is capable to maintain frist position,the word capable in the

sentence is

this is very interesting thing we want,word very is

Present participle of Throw is

Past participle of Write is

Past participle of Go is

Present participle of Begin is

Past participle of Bite is

Masculine gender is used for

This gender is used for things

Girl, Mother , aunt,Lioness ect are

Boy, father ,,uncle,lion,etc are

The past participle of Be is

Baby ,relative,Cousin ect are

This equipment is better than that , In this sentence the word This is

Whose gun is this the ,

We have many parts of body ,The word many in sentence shows

I saw it with my own eyes , In this sentence the word Own is

She is living in a cottage ,The word cottage is

Lion is -------------- king of animals

I was intervieved ---------- three director.

We had a long discussion ---------- politics .

Synonyms of Repeat is

Anybody can reply ,The word anybody is

Choose correct Synonyms for Admit

It has been raining for two hour .

The patient had ---------- before the doctor came.

Uzma is very beautiful. In this sentence the word very is known as

Noun which show quality , state or action

Iron , Cotton,Milk and Gold etc are

Noun are the names given to one particuler member of the group to
distinguish it from other

Plural of Loaf is

Plural of Mouse is

Plural of Radius is

Oh dear ,I have lost it . Oh dear in sentence is

She cried loudly . In this sentence the word loudly is

The guest arrived en-mass the word en-mass is

This book belong to you. ''This''

Poverty ia a noun

To mark off anoun or phrase in apposition is called

Those sentense , which simply affirm or denay something . Which

type of sentense it is?

Don’t do this. Which type of sentense it is?

Check his work. Change the narration

He invites …………..dinner last night

My shoes are dirty wet and old. The word "dirty " is

There is a plane in the air ,The word in is conjunction

Some interrogative sentenses don’t take sign of interrogation at end.

Magnetic force is invisible

Those books are precious. Which type of pronoun

The story is well written. The word "well" is

Children's ward is inspected by base commander. Which is

correct punctuation

Prohibitition belong to which type of sentense.

Summer season starts ……………april.

Semi colon ; it is incorrect statement.

kinds of abstract noun are

yet belongs to which type of group

The kite flys in the air

In the word seniorman the word "senior" is

Lucky is an ………

N' s and T' s is the correct punctuation without spaces.

You should not feel jealous ……..your friend.

She …………..playing cricket

He said I am ill. Change the narration

Stop is …………..type of sentense.

He seldom came late. The word "seldom" is

Capable is……………..

Colonel Sher Khan lives in the somewhere in swabi. The word

"somewhere" is………….

The word Child is a

Everyone get appreciation ………..his good book.

I found myself outside the garden. Myself is which type of


The grapes are tasting sour.

They had been working hard …………..two months.

I was grieved when I parted…………my friend.

F16 is a fighter plane.

We had been playing football since morning. Which type of tense

it is.

Child belongs to which gender.

Seniorman is responsible for everything. The word "senior" is

Indirect speech contains interrogative sign at the end of each

May you live long is

U-Fone. In this word "-" is ………….

The airplane is flying in the air. The word "in" is a…………..

Either …………you have to play.

The sentences which contain desire are called

You should do your dutyies accordingly. Which type of

sentense it is

Oh no! I am getting late. Which type of sentense it is

how many types of the sentences?

Synonyms of determined is

Synonyms of eager is
Synonyms of rival is


Demonstrative Noun as
Intrasitive verb Intrasitive verb
Pronoun adjective

fervour anecdote sworn frugal

anecdote gigantic ardent ignite

meek verbose gigantic none

frugal antagonist fervour anecdote

anecdote sworn frugal none

meek verbose gigantic none

barren savage enthusiasm frugal

ardent brave ignite dull

refusal keen misery none

ignite gaint anecdote ardent


frugal prolix gigantic fritful

Interrogative Imperative Exclamatory

Optative sentence
sentence sentence sentence

Verb Adverb Adjective Transitive Verb

Quality of
Advers of place Adverb of Manner Adverb of Quality

! ? : ;

Demonstrative Declarative polite

interogative interogative interogative

alternative question positive question wh question

curtain letter sailer `walnut



adjective of quality adverb Conjunction

Throw Throws Throwing Threw

Writes Wrote Written Writing

Gives Gone Giving Went

Began Begun Begins Beginning

Bit Bitten Biting Bites

Males Females Words Thing

Masculine gender Common gender Feminine gender Neuter gender

Masculine gender Common gender Feminine gender Neuter gender

Masculine gender Common gender Feminine gender Neuter gender

was being been were

Common gender Masculine gender Neuter gender Feminine gender

Numeral of Adjective of Demonstrative Emphasising

Adjective Quantity Adjective Adjective

Exclamatory Interrogative Demonstrative Emphasising

Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective

Numeral of Adjective of Demonstrative Emphasising

Adjective Quantity Adjective Adjective

Exclamatory Interrogative Demonstrative Emphasising

Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective
Noun Adjective Pronoun Adverb

an the a None

From Over by on

on over of about

Duplicate Level Flat None

Reflexive Pronoun 0 relative Pronoun Indefinite Pronoun

Twisted Crooked Confess Admitted


Die Dying Died Dies

Adverb Adjective Pronoun Conjunction

Material Noun Proper Noun Common Noun Abstract Noun

Proper Noun Material Noun Abstract Noun Common Noun

Abstract Noun Common Noun Proper Noun Material Noun

Loafs Loaf Loaves Loafes

Mice Mouses Mouse None

Radi Radii Radius None

Regular Occasional Reflexive

Interjections Interjections Pronoun

Adverb of
Adverb of place Adjective Adverb of Manner

adverb noun pronoun adjective

Adverb active prnoun Adverb of Manner

hyphen colon apostrophe comma

optative imperative assertive none

optative imperative assertive none

Let the work be Let his worked be Let his work be Let the work of his
checked him checked checked be checked him

at for to the

demontrative EMPHAISISING exclamatory

deccriptive adjective
adjective ADJECTIVE adjective



relative reflexive indefinite demonstrative

adverb of
adverb of frequency adverb of degree none

ward Children's ward base by

assertive imperative optative demonstrative

by to from at


2 5 4 3

null group but group with group narrative group

Transitive Verb Intrasitive verb Intrasitive verb Model verb

noun adverb active prnoun none

adverb of
adverb of frequency adverb of degree adverb of qualiy


at with by of

are was was been was being

He said that he was he told that he was he said that they he said that ill he
ill ill were ill was.

assertive imperative optative demonstrative

adverb of
adverb of degree adverb of manner adverb of qualiy

noun pronoun adjective adverb

adjective adverb noun pronoun

Feminine Gender Neuter Gender Common Gender
to by for from

Reflexive indefinite demonstrative relative


since by from for

from as with to

deccriptive demontrative EMPHAISISING

adjective of quality
adjective adjective ADJECTIVE

pressent perfect past perfect

past indefinite none
continious continious

accurate noraml basic common

adjective adverb noun pronoun

Imperative Exclamatory Interrogative
Optative sentences
sentences sentences sentences

hyphen colon apostrophe parantheses

adverb pronoun conjuction preposition

yet or till before

imperative exclamatory optative assertive

imperative exclamatory optative assertive

imperative exclamatory optative assertive

4 6 5 7

firm vindicate ignite fair

vindicate ignite prolix ardent

prolix antagonist ignite vindicate











Question OPTA

He love to play the computer games. In this sentence computer is a? Noun

Which type of adversity is our friend? in and other adversity

F16 is a fighter plane. adjective of quality

We had been playing football since morning. Which type of tense it is. past indefinite

Child belongs to which gender. accurate

Seniorman is responsible for everything. The word "senior" is adjective

Indirect speech contains interrogative sign at the end of each sentense. TURE

U-Fone. In this word "-" is …………. hyphen

The airplane is flying in the air. The word "in" is a………….. adverb

The punctutaion mark hyphen? ?

Either …………you have to play. yet

The sentences which contain desire are called imperative

You should do your dutyies accordingly. Which type of sentense it is imperative

Oh no! I am getting late. Which type of sentense it is imperative

how many types of the sentences? 4

Synonyms of solicit is beseech

Synonyms of abhour is vindicate

Synonyms of vile is stiff

Synonyms of collosal is scrutinize

Synonyms of prodigal is anecdote

She recites sweetly. Adverb of manner

Synonyms of rapacious is impede

Synonyms of chary is frugal

Synonyms of elude impede

Synonyms of detrimental is frugal

Antonyms of biosterous is peesimist

Antonyms of pliable is liberate

Antonyms of optimist is impede

Antonyms of persuade is peesimist

Antonyms of restrain is impede

He said I am ill. Change the narration He said that he was ill

The sentence wich contains command optative sentence

Stop is …………..type of sentense. assertive

He seldom came late. The word "seldom" is adverb of degree

Capable is…………….. noun

Colonel Sher Khan lives in the somewhere in swabi. The word

"somewhere" is………….

Everyone get appreciation ………..his good book. to

I found myself outside the garden. Myself is which type of pronoun. Reflexive

The……….is responsible for the functions of the drafter and the releasing

……………messages may be sent in clear by line or cable approved. top secret

The word " dead" is …………….. concrete noun

The plane flew up. Which kind of adverb is it? adverb of negation

He had been playing since morning present perfect continous

I have such things. The word "such" is adjective of quality

Oh yes! Its too much amazing.. Which type of sentense it is imperative

Synonyms of prolix is wordy 1

If contains consequences so group

He accused ………….recieving bribe. of

Why does the price grow up? Due to lack


Pronoun Adjective Adverb C

out adversity our and other adversity none C

deccriptive adjective demontrative adjective A

pressent perfect
past perfect continious none C

noraml basic common D

adverb noun pronoun A


colon apostrophe parantheses A

pronoun conjuction preposition D

! - { C

or till before B

exclamatory optative assertive C

exclamatory optative assertive A

exclamatory optative assertive B

6 5 7 C

stiff ignite sham A

eminent prolix despise D

base ignite vindicate B

anecdote immense frugal C

dear ardent immense B

Adverb of noun Adverb of pronoun b&c A

verbose shun avaricious D

heedful fervour anecdote B

verbose shun avaricious C

heedful fervour none D

impede calm heedful C

obstinate peesimist impede B

obstinate heedful peesimist D

impede heedful liberate B

obstinate heedful liberate D

he told that he was ill he said that they were ill he said that ill he was. A

imperetive sentence response command B

imperative optative demonstrative B

adverb of manner adverb of qualiy adverb of frequency D

pronoun adjective adverb C

adverb noun pronoun B

by for from C

indefinite demonstrative relative A

releasing officer brevity orginator D

restricted secret unclassified C

abstract noun gerund noun collective noun B

adverb of manner adverb of frequency adverb of place D

present continuous past perfect past perfect continuous D

demonstrative adjective proper adjective none B

exclamatory optative assertive B


but group and group none A

at on by A

when gov print so much

Money none C

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