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A. Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of classical
philosophies specifically, virtue ethics (Socrates, Plato, Aris-
Republic of the Philippines
totle, Confucius, etc.).
Department of Education
REGION III B. Performance Standard:
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BULACAN The learners are able to identify the classical philosophies
NAME OF SCHOOL and their implication for business principles and practices.

BUSINESS ETHICS AND C. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)

The learners illustrate how these philosophies are reflected
into business practices.
D. Specific Objectives:

Philosophical Foundations 1. Identify the different classical (virtue ethics) philosophies

commonly used in business;
of Business Ethics 2. Differentiate the different proponents of virtue ethics; and
3. Discuss the implications of classical (virtue ethics)

ACTIVITY SHEET 4 philosophies in business practices.

(Quarter 3, Week 4) II. CONTENT

NAME: ____________________________________________________
LAST NAME FIRST NAME M.I. Classical Philosophies and their Implication
STRAND/GRADE/SECTION:_____________________________________ for Business Principles and Practices
DATE OF SUBMISSION: ________________________________________
MM / DD / YY

1 2
III. PROCEDURES: 8. He believes that “the ideal ruler is a philosopher-king, because only
philosophers have the ability to discern the Forms”. Who is this
Before you start studying this learning activity sheet, take this philosopher?
simple test to find out what you already know about the topic. a. Aristotle c. Plato
b. Epiricus d. Plutarch
A. Preliminary Activities
9. The most famous for his golden rule: “Do not do unto others what you
1. Pre-Test do not want others do unto you”. Who is this philosopher?
MULTIPLE CHOICE a. Aristotle c. Plato
Directions: Read the following items carefully. Write the letter of your b. Confucius d. Socrates
answer on your answer sheet. 10. His famous in his philosophy is “Be a good role model”. Who is this
1. The set of beliefs, assumptions, and analyses of experience, philosopher?
together with the intellectual organization created and worked a. Aristotle c. Plato
out by Ancient Greek philosophers and further developed by b. Epiricus d. Plutarch
Medieval and post-Medieval thinkers.
11. What does the Golden Mean Principle of Aristotle mean?
a. Classical Philosophy c. Philosophy
a.It means that to be happy, live a life of moderation.
b. Ethics d. Virtue Ethics
b.It means that to be happy, we have to live a life of extremes.
2. A philosophical science that studies the morality of human act.
c. It means that to be happy, we have to live in imperfect life.
a. Classical Philosophy c. Philosophy
d.All of the above
b. Ethics d. Virtue Ethics 12. It explains that all things in the physical world are symbols of these
3. It focuses on the character of the person and the virtues he
perfect forms.
a. Ethical Principle c. Philosophical Principle
a. Classical Philosophy c. Philosophy
b. Golden Mean Principle d. Theory of Forms
b. Ethics d. Virtue Ethics
13. He believed that he had been sent by the gods to act as a “gadfly”
4. It means Love of Wisdom. to the Athenian state.
a. Classical Philosophy c. Philosophy a. Aristotle c. Plato
b. Ethics d. Virtue Ethics b. Confucius d. Socrates
5. He observed that the unexamined life is not worth living. 14. Confucius based his famous golden rule to one of his five virtues.
a. Aristotle c. Plato What is this virtue?
b. Confucius d. Socrates a. benevolence (ren) c. ritual propriety (li)
6. He believes that “Everything that exists has a purpose, or end, and b. righteousness (yi) d. wisdom (zhi)
has been designed to meet that end”. Who is this philosopher? 15. His virtues are all purely instrumental goods–that is, they are
a. Aristotle c. Plato valuable solely for the sake of the happiness that they can bring one
self, not for their own sake. Who is this philosopher?
b. Confucius d. Socrates
a. Aristotle c. Plato
7. Philosophy, came from two Greek words philos, which b. Epiricus d. Plutarch
a. Courage c. Wisdom
b. Love d. Morals

3 4
2. Reviewing Previous Lesson: 3. ABSTRACTION (Discussion of Topic)
In this lesson, you will learn about the different classical philosophies and
In the last lesson, you have learned about the Code of Ethics. To review its implications in business practices.
what we had discussed about code of ethics, answer the following
Philosophy, etymologically came from two Greek words philos, which
1. What is the importance of code of ethics in business?
2. Do you have personal code of ethics? How can you apply it in your daily means love and sophia, means wisdom. Philosophy means Love of Wis-
lives? dom. Hence, a philosopher is one who loves wisdom.
As a science, philosophy is interested with the meaning of reality including
B. Presenting the new lesson our human experiences.
JUMBLED LETTERS! Ethics is philosophical science that studies the morality of human act.
Directions: Analyze the jumbled letters and rearrange it in a proper word As a science, Ethics is concerned with the analysis of the nature of the hu-
using the given clues. man conduct from the point of view of morality.
From the beginning of philosophy, philosophers have attempted to an-
swer the question: how do we act? They take it as a given that there is a
Jumbled Clues Proper difference between living rightly or well and living wrongly or badly. Ethics
Letters Word provides us with an answer to one of our basic social needs by defining the
His Golden Mean Principle behavior we expect and will accept from one another. Ideally, ethics allows
1. RISTLETOA simply states that “to be _________ us to live together, productively and in harmony with one another.
happy, live a life of modera-
2. TESSOCRA “have the courage to disa- ________
Classical philosophy may be defined as the set of beliefs, assumptions,
gree” and not simply go
along with the crowd. and analyses of experience, together with the intellectual organization
His famous golden: “Do not created upon them, worked out by Ancient Greek philosophers and further
do unto others what you do _________ developed by Medieval and post-Medieval thinkers.
3. FUCONSIUC not want others do unto There are different normative ethical theories that we can used in
you”. business practices. One of these is the virtue ethics. Virtue ethics is
He maintained that all currently one of three major approaches in normative (utilitarian,
things in the physical world _____
4. ATPOL are symbols of these perfect deontological and virtue) ethics. It may, initially, be identified as the one
forms. that emphasizes the virtues, or moral character, in contrast to the
He is famous in his philoso- approach that emphasizes duties or rules (deontology) or that emphasizes
5. CHPLTUAR phy, “be a good role model”. ________ the consequences of actions (consequentialism).
Virtue Ethics focuses on the character of the person and the virtues he
manifests. In this view, the person must reflect the appropriate moral
ANALYSIS: virtues and integrity in making decisions rather than focus on reasons for
Processing questions: doing the action.
A. What have you notice to the proper words formed in the jumbled letters?
Virtue ethics provides a moral foundation for modern businesses and
B. Are you familiar with the words created?
organizations and ought to be a prerequisite in business practices.
C. What is your idea with those words formed in the activity?

5 6
Within the virtue context, business interests and activities should support Theory of Forms
rather than undermine human life. These are the eternal or universal principles and perfect ideas. Plato
The main proponents of virtue ethics are Sorates, Plato, and Aristole maintained that all things in the physical world are symbols of these perfect
but aside from them, there are also some other philosophers who are Forms. But since these forms are symbols, the world is not true reality.
known for their philosophical contribution in the business ethics like Con- Plato believe that a person must study themselves in order to find out
fucius, Plutarch, and Epiricus, etc. their level of character. He is acclaimed for his choices regarding the matter
of the real world. In business, it is constantly vital to know the qualities and
The following are some of the philosophers of virtue ethics and their shortcomings of everybody.
philosophical implications to business practices: What Plato teach us about leadership?
SOCRATES: The Gadfly at the Marketplace (469-399 B.C.E.) Leadership is a duty of philosopher kings who acquire the techniques
Socrates believed that he had been sent by the gods to act as a and skills for the art of ruling. An ideal state, Plato says, “can never grow
“gadfly” to the Athenian state. He saw the state as “a great and noble into a reality” until “philosophers become rulers in this world, or until those
steed” which had to be reminded of its proper duties. Socrates believed he we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and
did this by stinging the steed of state “all day long and in all places”. political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands. Only
philosophers are morally and intellectually suited to govern and lead.
Socrates, who once observed that “the unexamined life is not worth
living,” must be regarded as one of the greatest teachers of ethics.
What are some modern implications of Plato’s views on leadership?
He was born in Athens, Greece in the year 469 B.C.E. Socrates is one •First of all, by relaxing his notion that only philosopher kings ought to
of the few individuals whom one could say has so-shaped the cultural and rule, we can agree that leaders, then and today, must be committed to
intellectual development of the world that, without him, history would be wisdom and truth-seeking.
profoundly different. He is best known for his association with the Socrat- •Second, leaders are also individuals who value justice in their
ic method of question and answer, his claim that he was ignorant (or interactions with others, whether being a just leader while managing an
aware of his own absence of knowledge), and his claim that the organization, or as a proponent of just outcomes through an organization’s
unexamined life is not worth living, for human beings. work and mission.
In the business world, employers make “critical decisions” that have •Third, effective leaders are also temperamentally moderate in their
impacts on the operations of the company. The result might lead to uncer- approach and show restraint in their actions. They are considerate, yet
tainty, like when a private company is to give an increase in salaries to its decisive.
employees. The moral issue here lies on the impact of the increase on the •And finally, a Platonic-inspired leader will seek to be courageous in his
families of the employees rather than (but not sacrificing) on the continued vision and is resilient in the face of uncertainty.
operation of the company due to the diversion of funds. In a world in which economic interests, organized in the form of
Socrates is thought the leaders to “HAVE THE COURAGE TO multinational corporations, have assumed a kind of power historically
DISAGREE” and not simply go along with the crowd. available, Plato’s proposal that a harmonious integration of all the elements
required for the creation of a just society is one to which today’s business
PLATO: The Philosopher-King (428-348 B.C.E.) leaders might well give careful reconsideration.

For Plato, the ideal ruler is a philosopher-king, because only philoso-

phers have the ability to discern the Forms. ARISTOTLE (384-322 B.C.E)
He was also born in Athens, Greece in the year 428 B.C.E. “Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of
His given name was Aristocles but he earned the name “Plato” which mean human existence”
“broad” or “wide” due to his physical attributes like his wide forehead and For Aristotle, everything that exists has a purpose, or end, and has
wide shoulders. been designed to meet that end.

7 8
He was born on Stagira in Thrace. He is Plato’s famous pupil in PLUTARCH (46 CE- 119 CE)
Plato’s Academy. He was then 17 years old when his parents decided to
send him to Plato’s Academy. Plutarch was born in the small town of Chaeronea, Boeotia. He is a Greek
historian and educator, understood that humans are incredibly social
According to Aristotle, we must take the “middle way” or the mean
between extremes. Aristotle rejected all forms of imbalance. creatures, who constantly observe the people around them and imitate
them. He is famous in his philosophy, “BE A GOOD ROLE MODEL.” In
The Golden Mean Principle simply states that “to be happy, live a life
of moderation.” In everything we do, we must avoid extremes or striving for organizational terms, it means, what you say to your employees is less
a balance between extremes. A related concept in business communication important than what you do. They will watch how you behave, how you
is the idea of “satisficing,” or doing a little of what everyone wants but with treat others, how you cope with pressure and whether you follow through
no one getting exactly what s/he wants, essentially a compromise between on your promises, and they will imitate you, they will follow your lead.
interested parties. The difference is that the golden mean is a principle of
moderation intended to serve the best interest of one’s stakeholders and
publics, rather than a tactic of negotiation. The principle can be used in EPIRICUS: The Art of Happiness (341—271 B.C.E.)
determining and planning for profit in business, e.g., too much profit Epicurus was born around 341 B.C.E. and grew up in the Athenian colony
results to greed, no profit results to bankruptcy.
of Samos, an island in the Mediterranean Sea.

CONFUCIOUS (551–479 B.C.E.) Epicurus was a fourth century Greek philosopher who taught, rather
scandalously, that the aim of life was simply to be as happy as possible
Confucius was born in the state of Lu. His original name was K’ung
here on Earth. He insists that courage, moderation, and the other virtues
Ch’iu. Confucius was an influential Chinese philosopher, teacher and
are needed in order to attain happiness. However, the virtues for Epicurus
political figure known for his popular aphorisms and for his models of social
are all purely instrumental goods–that is, they are valuable solely for the
sake of the happiness that they can bring oneself, not for their own sake.
Confucius used an ideological framework commonly referred to as He warned that humans are very bad at being happy, and very good at
virtue ethics, which is a system of ethics in which character is the primary inventing reasons to be miserable. Today, some companies are embracing
emphasis for how an individual and society should guide their lives. Confu-
Epicurus' philosophy, and trying to teach their employees the art of
cius based his system of ethics on five virtues: benevolence (ren 仁),
righteousness (yi 義), ritual propriety (li 禮), wisdom (zhi 智), and trustwor-
thiness (xin 信).
Confucius’ social philosophy was based primarily on the principle of C. INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES
"ren" or "loving others" while exercising self-discipline. He believed that ren 1. ACTIVITY A: (Written Works / Task)
could be put into action using the Golden Rule, the famous “DO NOT DO Directions: Identify the birth place of the following philosophers:
1.Epiricus ________________
What the Golden Rule implies is that each individual has worth and 2.Plato ________________
value. In the workplace, the Golden Rule means that you would not take
advantage of someone or lie to get ahead because you would not want oth- 3.Aristotle _________________
ers doing that to you. You treat people honestly and fairly in your work
4.Socrates ________________
because you want to be treated in the same way. There are all kinds of
behaviors that you may be willing to dish out to others but not take. It 5.Confucius ________________
doesn’t mean that you’re to be a doormat but that you are to be
considerate, thoughtful, and fair in how you treat others. 6.Plutarch __________________

9 10
2. ACTIVITY B: (Written Works/task) 3. ACTIVITY C: (Written Works / Task)
Crossword Puzzle Matching Type
Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle by filling a word that fits each Directions: Match column A (business implications) with the correct answer
clue. on column B (philosophers). Write only the letter of your answer
on your answer sheet.

Column A Column B

1. Some companies are embracing his A. Confucius

philosophy, and trying to teach their B. Plato
employees the art of happiness. C. Plutarch
2. In organizational terms, his philosophy D. Socrates
means that what you say to your E. Epiricus
employees is less important than what you F. Aristotle
do. They will watch how you behave, how
you treat others, how you cope with pres-
sure and whether you follow through on
your promises, and they will imitate you,
they will follow your lead.
3. His suggestion states that harmonious
integration of all the elements required for
the creation of a just society is one to
Down which today’s business leaders might well
1. 428-348 B.C.E. ___________________ give careful reconsideration.
4. The principle can be used in determining
2. 341—271 B.C.E. ___________________ and planning for profit in business, e.g.,
3. 46 CE- 119 CE ___________________ too much profit results to greed, no profit
results to bankruptcy.
5. 479 B.C.E. ___________________
5. In the workplace, his golden rule means
that you would not take advantage of
someone or lie to get ahead because you
would not want others doing that to you.
4. 384-322 B.C.E. __________________

6. 469-399 B.C.E. __________________

11 12
4. ACTIVITY D: (Performance Task) IV. ASSESSMENT (Post Test)
Directions: Read and analyze the case study and answer the given guide
questions. FACT OR BLUFF!

MINI CASE STUDY Directions: Write the word FACT if the statement is true and the word
Romeo is a senior high school student who always receives honors and BLUFF if the statement is false. Write your answer on your
awards. But lately, he is becoming more and more overwhelmed by his
answer sheet.
studies due to his family’s internal conflict that has taken harm on his
mental and physical health. He has fallen behind in classes due to being
sick for the past few months. His final examinations will start tomorrow,
and he was unable to study well. Romeo makes a tough decision and 1.Ethics is a philosophical science that studies the morality of human act.
resorts to academic dishonesty. He was able to pass all the subjects and 2. Virtue Ethics emphasizes duties or rules or that emphasizes the
made it even to the top two in class. No one would suspect he cheated since consequences of actions.
he was a consistent honor student.
3. Confucius’ social philosophy was based primarily on the principle of
"ren" or "loving others" while exercising self-discipline.
Guide Questions:
4. Plutarch virtues are all purely instrumental goods–that is, they are
1.Who Romeo cheated on? Why?
valuable solely for the sake of the happiness that they can bring oneself,
2.What do you think are the consequences of Romeo’s act?
not for their own sake.
3.In this case, how can you apply virtue ethics?
5. Plato believe that an ideal state can never grow into a reality until
Note: Please refer to Appendix on page 16 for the rubrics. philosophers become rulers in this world.
6. Classical philosophy is a set of beliefs, assumptions, and analyses of
experience, together with the intellectual organization created and
Enumerate the different classical philosophers and give their worked out by Ancient Greek philosophers and further developed by
contribution to the business practices today. Medieval and post-Medieval thinkers.
______________________________________________________________________ 7. Plato believes that “everything that exists has a purpose, or end, and
__________________________________________________________________________ has been designed to meet that end”.
__________________________________________________________________________ 8. Philosophy, came from two Greek words philos, which means love.
9. Plato also believes that “the ideal ruler is a philosopher-king, because
E. REFLECTION: only philosophers have the ability to discern the forms”.
10. Aside from the most famous golden rule: “Do not do unto others what
Directions: In 2-3 sentences, write your realization about the implications
you do not want others do unto you”, another known philosophy of
of classical philosophies to business practices.
Confucius is “Be a good role model”.
I realized that ______________________________________________________
11. Golden Mean Principle of Aristotle means that to be happy, live a life of
______________________________________________________________ moderation.

13 14
12. The Theory of Forms explains that all things in the physical world are V. References:
(2014). Ancient ethical theory. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
symbols of these perfect forms. Retrieved from
13. Virtue Ethics means Love of Wisdom.
(2016). Virtue ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from
14. Aristotle observed that the unexamined life is not worth living.
15 Socrates believed that he had been sent by the gods to act as a “gadfly” Ambury, J.M. (n.d). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved
to the Athenian state. from\

Lüdert, J. (2017). What plato can teach us about leadership. City of

Seattle. Retrieved from
Enrichment Activities about-leadership-part-1-of-2/
I. Directions: Read and analyze the case study and answer the given
O’Keefe, T. (n.d). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from
guide questions.
Mini Case Study
Roa, F.C. (2011). Business ethics and social responsibility. Sampaloc, Manila:
Mr. Kim, a supermarket manager, asks Sam to submit a report, which Rex Book Store, Inc.
includes a background analysis of some data and recommendations based
on the interpretation of that data. Mr. Kim asks Sam to get the report
together within two weeks. Off Sam goes. He delegates the research, the
analysis, and report writing to one of his subordinates, Sung, who
completes the work in ten days and gives the report to Sam. Sam takes
Sung's work, reads it, is satisfied with the content, retypes the page to
show his name, not Sung’s, and then submits it to Mr. Kim as if it were his
work. He accepts praise and gives no credit to Sung, who in fact, did the
research and wrote the report.
Guide Questions:
1. What is your reaction to Sam’s act?
2. What do you think will be the reactions of Sung if he discovered it? How
about Mr. Kim's reactions?
3. How can you apply virtue ethics in this case?

II. Directions: Cite a company in the Philippines do you think follows the
ethical philosophy of some of the known philosophers discussed in
this activity sheet. Explain your answer.

15 16

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