Speaking Exam Practice Task 1: Accommodation & Hometown

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Main Course Fall 2021



Accommodation & Hometown

1. Let’s talk about your hometown. Where is your hometown?

2. What do you like/not like about it?
3. How important is your hometown to you?
4. Do you think you will continue to live in your hometown?
5. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in.
6. Is there anything you would like to change about the place you live in?


1. How is the weather today?

2. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
3. Is there any type of weather you really don’t like?
4. What is the climate like in your country?
5. Does the weather affect people’s lives in your country?
6. Does bad weather ever affect transport in your country?
7. Would you like to move to a place with different weather?


1. What job do you think you will be doing in five years?

2. What skills and qualifications are required for this job?
3. How do you describe your ideal job?

Volunteer Works

1. Have you taken any volunteer works?

2. Do you know any volunteers?
3. How do you define volunteer work?
4. What was your first day like?
5. What responsibilities did you have?

High School

1. What’s your favorite subject in high school?

2. Do you still remember what happened on your first day of high school?
3. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from high school?
4. Do you miss your life in high school?


1. What do you do in your free time?

2. Do you have a busy social life?
3. Do you lead an active life?
4. Has your life changed much in the last year?
5. What would you like to change about your lifestyle
Family & Housework

1. How many people are there in your family?

2. Who do you get on best within your family?
3. Do you have a large extended family?
4. What do you do together with your family?
5. Why is family important to you?
6. Do you do housework at home?
7. What kind of housework do you often do?
8. Did you do housework when you were a child?
9. Do you think that children should do housework?


1. Do you like watching TV?

2. How often do you watch TV?
3. What kind of TV programs do you like to watch?
4. What are the most popular TV shows in your country?
5. Has the Internet affected your viewing habits?
6. Do you like watching TV?
7. What is your favorite TV show now?
8. What was your favorite show when you were a child?
9. Do you like watching TV shows from other countries?


1. How often do you read?

2. Do you like reading books? Why?
3. Do you have many books at home?
4. What kinds of books do you like to read?
5. Do you prefer to buy books or borrow them?
6. What are the benefits of reading?


1. Who do you live with?

2. What is your favorite room in your home? Why?
3. How is your home decorated?
4. Do you like visitors coming to your home?


1. Do you like watching advertisements?

2. Will you buy something because of an advertisement?
3. How do you feel when you see pop-up ads on the Internet?
4. Do you like funny or serious advertisements?
5. What makes a good advertisement?


1. Who is your favorite celebrity?

2. Would you like to be a celebrity in the future?
3. Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?
4. How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?

1. Do you use computers?

2. What do you use a computer to do?
3. Did you use computers when you were little?
4. Do people often use computers these days?
5. Will people continue to use computers in the future?


1. How often do you go to the cinema?

2. Are cinema tickets expensive in your country?
3. What are the advantages of seeing a film at the cinema?
4. Do you usually watch films alone or with others?


1. What’s your favorite kind of music?

2. How do you listen to music?
3. When do you listen to music?
4. What’s your favorite kind of music?
5. Is music an important subject at school in your country?
6. What kinds of music are (most) popular in your country?
7. Do you like to listen to live music?
8. Is live music popular in your country?
9. Have you ever been to a concert/a musical performance before?

Newspaper & Magazine

1. Do you often read newspapers?

2. Do you prefer to read local news or international news?
3. Which is more popular where you live: newspapers or magazines?
4. Do many people today read newspapers?
5. In the future, do you think more or fewer people than today will read magazines?
6. Do you think newspapers will be very important to you in the future?


1. Where was the last place you visited on holiday?

2. Would you like to go back there again?
3. What kind of tourist destinations do you usually prefer?
4. Has a foreign visitor ever stayed at your home?
5. What’s the best way to save money while traveling?

Outdoor Activities

1. Do you like outdoor activities?

2. What outdoor sports do you like?
3. How much time do you spend outdoors every week?
4. What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?


1. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

2. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
3. Is it easy to catch a bus in your country?
4. Is driving to work popular in your country?
5. What do you think will become the most popular means of transportation in your country?


1. Do you play any sports?

2. Do you watch sports on TV?
3. What is the most popular sport in your country?
4. How do people in your country stay fit?
5. Is it important for children to play sports?


1. When do you send gifts?

2. When was the last time you received a gift?
3. Have you received a gift you didn’t like?
4. How do you feel when you receive a gift?
5. Do people in your country send gifts to show their generosity?


1. What colors do you like?

2. What’s the most popular color in your country?
3. Do you like to wear dark or bright colors?
4. What’s the difference between men and women’s preference for colors?
5. Do you think colors affect people’s mood?


1. Do you have a healthy diet?

2. Do you prefer eating at home or eating out?
3. Do you eat meals differently now compared to when you were little?


1. Do you like art?

2. Do you think art classes are necessary?
3. How do you think art classes affect children’s development?
4. What kind of paintings do people in your country like?
5. What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?

Healthy Living

1. How has Covid-19 affected your life?

2. What should people do to stay healthy?
3. Do you think people live healthily in Turkey? Why? Why not?
4. Do you think taking vitamins is good for your health?
5. Can you compare the health system in Turkey with another country’s?


Describe one of your childhood toys that were Describe a happy family event from your
special to you. childhood.
You should say: You should say:
 what it was,  what the event was,
 who gave it to you,  where it happened,
 how you played with it,  what you saw and did,
 why it was special for you.  why you remember this event so well.

Describe a useful app for a smart phone that you Describe a short holiday that was special for you.
have used. You should say:
You should say:  where you went,
 what the app is,  who you spent time with,
 how long/how often you have used it,  what you did,
 what you use it for,  why it was special for you.
 why you think it is useful.

Describe an activity you do for your health. Describe a time when you tried a new food for the
You should say: first time.
 what you do, You should say:
 how often you do it,  what food it was,
 where you do it,  where you ate it,
 how this activity helps you stay healthy.  what it tasted like,
 whether or not you liked this food.

Describe a product you bought that you were/are Describe a person you know who you admire.
happy with. You should say:
You should say:  who this person is,
 what you bought,  how you know this person,
 how you bought it,  how this person has influenced you,
 why you bought it,  why you admire this person.
 why you were/are happy with it.

Describe one of your best/close friends. Describe a beautiful place you once visited.
You should say: You should say:
 who this person is,  when you went to this place,
 how long you have known him/her,  where it was,
 what you do together,  who you went with,
 why you think this person is a good friend.  why you liked it so much.

Describe a restaurant that you like to go. Describe a time during your education that you
You should say: really enjoyed.
 where this restaurant is, You should say:
 what kind of food it serves,  when this period was,
 how often you go there,  where you were,
 why you like eating there so much.  what you were studying at the time,
 why you were so happy.

Describe your ideal job. Describe a time when you were ill.
You should say: You should say:
 what this job is,  when this was,
 which qualifications you need for it,  what your symptoms were,
 whether it is easy to find work,  how long the illness lasted,
 why you enjoy this job.  how it affected your life at the time.

Describe a book you have read or a film you have Describe a teacher you once had and liked.
seen. You should say:
You should say:  who this person was,
 what this book/film was,  when he/she was your teacher,
 when you read/saw it,  which subject he/she taught,
 what it was about,  why you liked that person.
 whether you liked it and why.

Describe an exciting sporting event or competition Describe your favorite shop.
you have witnessed. You should say:
You should say:  where it is,
 what it was,  what things it sells,
 when it took place,  who you went with,
 where it took place,  what sort of people are its customers,
 who won.  why you like the shop so much.

Describe your favorite photograph. Describe the best present you have received.
You should say: You should say:
 where it was taken,  who sent it to you,
 who took it,  when you received it,
 what is seen in the photograph,  what it was,
 why it is your favorite photograph.  why you liked it so much.

Describe one of your neighbors. Describe an invention you think is very important.
You should say: You should say:
 when you became neighbors,  what it is,
 how often you meet,  what its function is,
 whether he/she is a good neighbor,  why it is important,
 whether you had any problems.  whether it has any disadvantages.

Describe a historical event. Describe a song/ a piece of music you like.

You should say: You should say:
 what it is,  what the song/music is,
 when it took place,  what kind of song/music it is,
 who were involved,  where you first heard it,
 what its importance is.  why you like it.

Adapted from
CDO Fall 2021

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