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Name: Niño Jay Quiñones Instructor’s Name: Bhency Baya Aleo

Course: BEED 3 EVENING. Date: Feb 16, 2022

Compilation of the
Subject- Literature of
the Philippines
Tungkung Langit and Alunsina
Creation Myth
In the beginning everything was shapeless and formless. The earth, the sky, the sea,
and the air were almost mixed up. In a word, there was only confusion. Then from the
depth of this formless void there appeared the god Tungkung Langit and the goddess

It was not known just where these two deities came from but it is related by old Bisayan
folk that Tungkung Langit fell in love with Alunsina. After he had courted her for many
years, they married and made their home in the highest part of heaven. There the water
was always warm and the breeze was forever cool. In this place order and regularity

Tungkung Langit was a loving, hard-working god.

He wanted to impose order over the confused
world. He decided to arrange the world so that
the heavenly bodies would move regularly. On
the other hand, Alunsina was a lazy, jealous,
selfish goddess. She sat at the window all day
doing nothing.Sometimes she would leave her
home, sit down by a pool near the door, and
comb her long, jet-black hair all day long. One
day Tungkung Langit told his wife that he would
be away for some time. He said he must make
time go on smoothly and arrange everything in
the world.

When he was gone, Alunsina set the breeze to spy on Tungkung Langit. Tungkung
Langit found this out and he became very angry. After he returned home, he told her
that it was ungodly of her to be jealous since there were no other gods in the world
except the two of them.

Alunsina resented this reproach, and they

quarreled. In his anger, Tungkung Langit drove
his wife away. No one knew where she went.
Several days later, Tungkung Langit felt very
lonely. He realized that he should not have lost
his temper. But it was too late.

Once vibrant with Alunsina’s sweet voice, his

home became cold and desolate. In the morning
when he woke up, he would find himself alone.
In the afternoon when he came home, he would
feel the same loneliness creeping deep in his
heart because there was no one to meet him at the doorstep or soothe the aching
muscles of his arms.

For months, Tungkung Langit was in utter desolation. He could not find Alunsina, try
hard as he would. And so, in desperation, he decided to do something in order to forget
his sorrows. For months and months he thought, but his mind seemed pointless; his
heart weary and sick. He needed something to ease his lonely world.

One day, while he was sailing across the regions of the clouds, a thought came to him.
He would make the sea and the earth, and the earth and the sea suddenly appeared.
However, the sombre sight of the lonely sea and the barren land irritated him. So he
came down to earth and planted the ground with trees and flowers.

Then he took his wife’s treasured jewels and

scattered them in the sky, hoping that when
Alunsina would see them she might be
induced to return home. The goddess’s
necklace became the stars, her comb the
moon and her crown the sun. However,
despite Tungkung Langit’s efforts, Alunsina did
not come back. Until now, some elders of
Panay say Tungkung Langit lives alone in his
palace in the skies. Sometimes, he would cry
out his pent-up emotion and his tears would
fall down upon the earth. When it thunders
hard, it is Tungkung Langit sobbing, calling for
his beloved Alunsina to come back, entreating
her so hard that his voice reverberates across
the fields and the countryside.
Niño Jay Quiñones. BEED 3 EVENING

1. What is the story of the Tungkung langit and Alusina ?

 So the story talks about the Tungkung Langit and Alunsina. These gods were in love and
they were married. While Tungkung Langit was away for his jobs, Alunsina was only lazy,
used all her time to comb her hair and appearance and doubted Tungkung Langit's faith
in love.She started getting jealous and sent some breeze to spy on Tungkung
Langit.Tungkung Langit found out, confronted Alunsina and sends her away. After the
gods' quarrel, Alunsina ran away from her beloved partner and never came back. She
vanished forever.Tungkung Langit terribly missed her, became depressed and looked for
Alunsina but he just got upset every time he tried to find her.Because of this, he made
wonderful seas, the earth, flowers and trees to attract Alunsina. Tungkung Langit
thought he would succeed and would make Alunsina come home but she didn't.
Tungkung Langit, then, used Alunsina's jewels to add stars in the skies and lastly, her
favorite comb as the moon to add the brightest light in the night sky.Up to this time,
Tungkung Langit still lives alone in his palace in the sky. When it rains, it is said to be
Tungkung Langit"s tears, still longing for the return of his beloved Alunsina.

2. What is the main conflict of Tungkung langit and Alusina?

 Conflict. Since Alusina was jealous ,she sends the sea breeze to spy on Tungkung Langit.
When the Tungkung langit found this out, he was not pleased and got angry.
Origin of Lanzones
Originally Written by: ANDRE MAY C. MACARAYAN

(credits to the rightful owner of the photo)

Long time ago, in the village of Hambukhawi, there was an old woman telling story about this
poisonous fruit, that whoever eats it will die easily.
Because there was a thief from another village, named Kumaha, who were chased by the
residents, decided to hide in Hambukhawi. Kumaha was starving and had nothing to eat but this
fruit. He then ate it and several days, they found the theif died under the tree of this fruit. The
story of the old woman spread throughout the village and the villagers feared this fruit. As
described by the old woman, this fruit is yellow, oblong in shape and it clusters hanging
invitingly on a tree. The fruits were located somewhere in the mountain or in the surrounding of
the village.
One day, the only son of the chieftain named Hasula was asked by his father for a mission. For
the reason that there were scarcities of food to eat to their village and the villagers were already
starving, he asked his son to go to another village to deliver the message of help to another
chieftain. The way to another village was a long journey. This mission was tasked only for
Hasula so that his father will test how strong his son would be to be a next chieftain. It’s kind of
survival and Hasula was to bring nothing but himself and the message he was about to deliver.
(credits to the rightful owner of the photo)

on his way to another village, at first two days, hasula found it easy. but at his third day, he found
it tough because he was lost in the forest with no food to eat. He was surrounded by this
poisonous fruit, and because he knew that it will kill him, he didn’t attempt to eat one. He was
really starving to death with no food around him but suddenly a beautiful woman appeared in the
forest. She told him, “you may eat this fruit, but in a right manner. Pick it and pinch it until a
small amount of the white sticky sap lets out from the fruit. Open it and eat it. This may save you
from the hunger of death”. To his surprise, he passed out and went to sleep.

While sleeping, he had a dream about this beautiful woman who tends to be a fairy. The fairy on
his dream told him to spread what she told him lately because it will give them good lucks.
When he woke up, the fairy already disappeared. He found his dream strange and the appearance
of the fairy but since he was so hungry, he didn’t hesitate what the fairy told him. He obeyed the
fairy and ate the fruit. He then gained his strength. Instead of continuing his mission, he went
back to hambukhawi for the villagers to have immediate food and to stop death.
(credits to the rightful owner of the photo)

When he arrived, he abruptly spread what the fairy told him. They searched for the fruit and ate
them as directed by Hasula on the process of eating it. To their surprise, nothing happened to
them. The fruit was edible and has subtle sweetness that tantalizes the taste buds which was so
delicious. The villagers came back to life. The fairy brusquely appeared and acknowledged
Hasula for his obedience. She asked the villagers to plant for more and by that there was never
been scarcity again. Hasula thanked the fairy for saving him and the entire village. Upon hearing
it, the chieftain, father of Hasula felt so proud of his son. By that they learnt that the poisonous
fruit they knew would kill them easily which they’d coined Lasones can be eaten by many. Since
then, the villagers started planting more Lasones trees and it became their lucrative sources of
income and were never experienced hunger again. They termed it Lasones because it contains
poison(lason). Lasones, by the time passed by is now called Lanzones.
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Niño Jay Quiñones. BEED 3 EVENING

I. The Origin of Lanzones

1. Who were the characters of the story?
 Old woman
 Kumaha
 Chieftain
 Hasula
 Fairy

2. What characteristics did hasula shown in the story?

 Bravery and obedience

3. What is the moral o lesson of the story?

 The moral lesson of the story is that we should brave to discover something new that
might allow us to grow and live life out of our comfort zone. Being brave can't be
measured on how strong we are physically , the true definition of being brave is willing
to take risk however dangerous and challenging it can be. We just need to be patient
and trust the process because at the end it will rewards us a incredible outcomes.

II. How ilang-ilang got it's name

1. What was the conflict of the story?

 Ilang's parents disapproved about their relationship. Ilang had a lot of suitors. Edo was
2. What is the main lesson of the story?
 Life background is not basis to judge person because we don't know who could help us
in times of crisis.The value of love and joy that you could give to the person can't be
measured how wealthy you are, it's all about respect and trust.
In the town of Tayabas, the prettiest was Ilang. She was adored by suitors
who promised her all the comforts of life but she gave her heart to a poor farmer
Edo. Ilang’s parents did not like Edo. They did not want their beautiful daughter to
marry a poor farmer and so they forbade her to see Edo. They told her to choose a
husband among her rich suitors.
Ilang and Edo devised a way to see each other. They secretly met at the edge of the
forest when Ilang fetched water from the stream. At these meetings, they always vowed to
love each other come what may. At home, Ilang remained silent whenever her
parents talked about her wealthy suitors. Her silence made her father suspicious.
Perhaps she still loved Edo? One day, her father followed her when she went to
fetch water.
He saw Edo waiting near the stream. That was the last time Ilang and Edo saw
other. From that day on, Ilang’s parents forbade her to leave the house. Ilang felt
very lonely and dejected. She refused to eat and became sick. She would rather die
than marry one of her rich suitors. She thought only of Edo as she got weaker and
weaker. Before she died, she begged her parents to bury her at the edge of the
forest near the stream. She wanted to rest in the place where she and Edo met.
Edo tended her grave everyday. He never married and always yearned for Ilang.
Then one day, he saw a little plant growing in her grave. He immediately knew it was
Ilang’s spirit. Edo turned his love to the plant until it grew into a tall and graceful tree.
Each day
Edo caressed and talked to the tree. Oh, how happy he was visiting Ilang’s grave and
the tree.
One morning, the people woke up to the scent of perfume. It came from the edge of
the forest near the stream. They went to look for the source of the scent and
found the strange leaflike blossoms of the tree. Then, they noticed Edo crumpled at
the foot of the
tree and crying, “Ilang, Ilang, Ilang …” Edo died that morning. The people remembered
his last words and from then on called the tree and its fragrant flowers ilang-ilang.

Too Greedy

Diego and Pedro were once travelling in the forest. As

they were walking, they saw two sacks of gold under a big tree.
Diego wanted to have all of the gold for himself so that he
planned to get rid of his friend. But Pedro had also the same
secret intention.
Diego: " Pedro, put the sack on the cart, so that we
can go home early. But don't unload them until I tell you to do
Pedro: " Yes, drive the carabao, for I'll cook the rice
when we reach home."
They started home. Pedro mixed a strong poison with
the rice, while Diego thrust two sharp knives into the sacks so
as to kill Pedro when he lifts them. While Pedro was lifting the
two sacks of gold, Diego was eating the rice, so that their tricks,
each having an effect, made an end of both of them, and
nobody owned the gold.

There was once a girl who lived with her mother in a small house. She
was very good to her mother and to others. She was always ready to
help those were needy.

One day, while she was going to the river to get a jar of water, she
met an old man. The old man asked: " where are you going, my child?
" I shall take a jar of water from the river," answered the girl. "I am
hungry and tired. Please give me some food," said the man.
The kind girl did not go to the river anymore. She helped him go to
her house where she gave him food and drink. Then she asked him to

While the old man was sleeping, the girl and her mother prepared
the food for dinner. When the table was prepared, the girl went to
the place where the man was lying down in order to wake him up.

She found nobody in the sleeping room. After searching for the man,
the girl found a bag of money which the old man purposely left for
With the money, the good mother and daughter lived happily ever
Ang Alamat ng Alfonso
ni Paola Joyce B. Nicodemus

Sa isang bayan ng lalawigan ng Cavite noong kakaunti pa lamang ang mga

naninirahan dito at hindi pa gaanong napapasok ng mga taga labas ay mayroong
naninirahang isang balong babae na nagngangalang Angela. Si Angela ay may
dalawang anak na lalaki, si Isidro at Alfon. Nang namatay ang panganay ni Angela na si
Isidro, naibuhos ang pagmamahal ng ina sa kanyang bunsong si Alfon.
Isang araw, bigla na lamang nawala ang batang si Alfon. Ito ay labis na
ikinalungkot ni Angela dahil sa pagkawala ng nag- iisang kasama sa buhay. Sa
paghahanap kay Alfon, bawat tao sa kanilang lugar na nakakasalubong ni Angela ay
tinatanong niya ng ganito: "Nasaan si Alfon, ang aking bunso?" Araw- araw man ang
ginawa niyang paghahanap ay hindi parin niya natagpuan ang anak. Hindi nagtagal,
nawala na siya sa katinuan dahil sa labis na kalungkutan at pangungulila. Nagpalabuy-
laboy na lamang siya sa daan at sa bawat taong nakakasalubong niya ay isa lamang
ang kanyang bukang- bibig, "Alfon, bunso!"
'Di nagtagal, may ilang estranghero na tila naliligaw ang nakasalubong ni Angela
sa daan. Tinanong ng mga estranghero kung saang lugar sila naroroon, at ang wala sa
katinuang si Angela ay sumagot ng paulit- ulit, "Alfon, bunso, Alfon, bunso ...
"pagkatapos ay tumakbo palayo. Akala ng mga estranghero ay Alfon bunso ang tawag
sa lugar na iyon. "Di naglaon, mula sa 'Alfon, bunso’, naging Alfonso na ang pangalan
ng naturang bayan.
Region 1

Children will close their ears to advice. But their eyes are
always open to example.

A long time ago there live in a town a couple who had a

son. The Father of the husband lived with his son and daughter-
in-law happily for many years. But when he grew old, he
became very feeble. Every time he ate at the table, he always
broke a plate, because his hands trembled so. The old man’s
awkwardness soon made his son angry, and one day he made a
wooden plate for his father to eat out of. The poor old man had
eat all his food from his wooden plate.
When the grandson noticed what his father had done, he
took some tools and went down under the house. There he
took a piece of board and began to carve it. When his father
saw this, he said to him, “What are doing, son?” the boy replied
him, “Father, I am making wooden plates for you and my
mother when you are old.”
As the son uttered these words, tears gushed from the
father’s eyes. From that time on, the old man was always
allowed to eat at the table with the rest of the family, nor was
he made to eat from a wooden plate.
Once upon a time a certain king went hunting. While chasing a
deer he passed a cottage the owner of which was the only daughter of
a farmer. She was a healthy young girl and fair to look at. The king, thru
curiousity, asked the girl of the whereabouts of her parents. She
courteously answered that her father and mother were in the other
side of the forest, “ killing the living so as to give life to the dead.” The
king was greatly puzzled by her answer.
On his return to the palace, he ask the Poet Laureate the meaning
of the maiden's words. The Poet Laureate told him that the girl's
parents were tilling the soil. They cut down trees and other living plants
in order to plant seeds which were, for sure, dead plants. The king was
very glad, indeed, for the solution of his problem.
Curious to know more about the genius girl, the king killed a ledit
(a very small bird) and sent it to the girl, asking her to cook it into
seven dishes. The servant returned with a needle. He said that the girl
wished him to make seven frying pans out of the needle, because she
would cook each dish in a different cooking utensil. The king then sent
her word to the effect that she would be very rich indeed if she could
catch the wave of the sea for him. The girl gave the messenger a bag
full of ashes. She asked the king to make a big rope out of them for it
was only with such rope she would be able to catch the wave. The king
now believed that she was a genius, so he married her.
One afternoon, while they were on the porch of the palace, the
Queen asked him of the whereabouts of a book in their library. The king
told her tp go to the Mayon Volcano to look for it. The queen then
planned revenge for the king's answer. She told the cook not to salt the
dishes for dinner. Near the king's seat, she placed a saucer with salt in
it, he immediately asked for some salt. She quickly uncovered the salt
near him and exclaimed, “Here is the salt, Your Majesty, I cannot see
any reason why you should ask for it, when it is right near you.”
“Stop! ” cried the king, “I know why you did that. I wish you to
leave the palace and go to your father in the farm. Take all your
belongings with you.”
“Very well, ” replied the queen.
That night, the queen did not sleep. While the king was sleeping
soundly, she told the king's attendants to carry him down. He was laid
carefully in a carraige which the queen ordered to be driven to the
farm. When they were in the country road, the king awoke and found
that he was no longer in his bed. “ What is the matter? Where am I
now? Something wrong at home? ” He questioned the queen, who was
his only companion.
“Yes, yes, ” said the queen humbly. “Your Majesty told me this
noon to go to my father's farm, and to take with me things that belong
to me. Nothing else in your palace belongs to me by right but you. This
is my reason for carrying you. You are my only possession.
“ Pardon me, you are right, ” the king replied. “Let us go back to
the palace. We are in a dangerous place. Please, let us return quickly, I
confess I am outwitted. ”
Needless to say that they returned to home happily, and lived
peacefully ever after.
1. Who were the characters of the story?
2. What would be the possible happened if they continue to revenge
each other?
3. What are the characteristics of a King and Queen shown in the story?
Name: Niño Quiñones Course and Year:BEED-3 Evening Instructor:Sir Bhency Aleo Date:

" Too Greedy"

1. Who were the characters of the story?

Diego and Pedro

2. What can you say about the characteristics of Pedro and Diego in the story?

Pedro and Diego are both selfish and self-centered.

3. What is the moral lesson of the story, "To greedy?

Don't be greedy. Be content with what you have and don't wish for what you do not own. Don’t let your
greediness control yourself because in the end it will ruin your life and reputation

"The Reward for Kindness"

1. What is the story of The Reward for Kindness?

The Reward for kindness is all about forgiving something or to someone without hesitation.The story
Reward for kindness tooks about how kind we are to others without doubt.Just like what the girl and her
mother did to an old man,they gave him food and drinks .Without their knowledge an old man was
suddenly dissapear and they saw a bag of money.A money that serves as their rewards because of their
kindness.Their kindness that makes their lives more productive.

2. What is the main lesson of the story?

The main lesson of the story is all about kindness.We don't need to help others because theirs
something reward you are expected from others ,but instead we help others because we felt them ,we
love them and we put ourselves from the ground.

3. What if someone ask you for help, will you help? Why?

Yes,I would definitely them with open arms because kindness is for everyone and helping someone is
already a huge prize.

"The Golden Rule"

1. What have you learned out from the story?

I've learned that we must treat our parents and grandparents with love because without them we are
nothing in this world and we must cherish ever moment and memories with them because only God’s
know what will happen

2. Would you do the same, what the son do to his father? Why?
No,because it's at the of the end our father still father, it’s our responsibility as a child to take care of
them until the end. Even if they will make mistakes because of their age we should understand and take
care of them

3. How do you take care your grandparents or your parents? Do you hate them when they make mess?I
care for them specially they play an important role in my life

Without them I have nothing in these wold.I treasured every moments we had and I treated them with
love and respect.If they did something bad or mess,then I don't hated them because I know as there
child also made mistakes but they understand me since I was born.

"Alamat ng Durian"

1. Who is the main character of the story? Give atleast one of her characteristics.

Tandang During,she is rugged.

2. For you, why does the smell of the fruit became so bad?

The smell of the fruits became so bad because it reflects the characteristic of Tandang During.Tandang
During is a rugged that makes other people stay away from her and thei little kids in their town was
scared of her.

3. What is the moral lesson of the story?

The moral lesson of the story is that we should not judge base of their physical appearance because we
don’t what they are experiencing everyday and we should considerate on our actions.

"Ang Alamat ng Alfonso"

1. What happened to Angela after his youngest son Alfon went missing?

When Angela's son Alfon was missing,she tried to find her son.She ask anywhere if they saw her son.As
days passed by,Angela was lost her mind and she wandered off the road.

2. Where did the name Alfonso, Cavite come from?

Alfon Cavite came from Angela's son Alfon who lost in there town.There was a strangers ask Angela the
name of their town,because Angela lost her mind she told the strangers Alfon.The strangers believe
Angela then they name their town as Alfon ,Cavite.

3. If you are in Angela's situation, how would you deal with those bad experiences she had?

If I am in Angela's situation,I will accept the fact that I lost my love once though it hurts.Sometimes there
are things that are not meant for us,but acceptance is the key.Once we pushes ourselves from sadness
then it lead us into a misserable life.
"Biag ni Lam-ang"

1. Who are the characters in Biag ni Lam-ang?

Don Juan Panganiban – father of Lam-ang.

Namongan – wife of Don Juan Panganiban.

Lam-ang – Son of Don Juan And Namongan Panganiban and the major. character of the story.

Ines Kannoyon – Wife of lam-ang, daughter of the richest man of the town.

Marcos-The driver

2. What is the main idea of the story?

The main idea of the story is the love for the father, that the son would do everything to save the father
who disappeared and might be in danger and also it is somehow more on war & a kind of love story.

3. What is the moral lessons of the story?

The moral lesson of the story is that every trials of life there’s a lesson what we could get , and that
lesson help us to become stronger and braver as face new challenge in our life. We should find silver
lining in every problem we may face. Being optimist is the key.

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