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Outline for Chapter 1: Introduction

• 3 paragraphs discussing the research problem

o Generally discuss the research problem. Use statistical data or general
point of view about the problem
o last paragraph should contain the transition between the research
problem and studies that address the problem
• 3-5 paragraphs discussing the related studies about the problem.
o This contains the concepts that are known about the problem
o Last paragraph should contain the transition between the related studies
and the deficiencies
o Have at least 6 related studies
• 3-5 paragraphs discussing the deficiencies
o Have at least 6 studies that may be similar or different from the studies
discussed on the previous part
o Be specific in citing the gap/deficiencies
o Last paragraph should have a smooth transition to the next part
• 3-5 paragraphs about the significance of the study
o Discuss how your study will fill the gap/deficiencies specified in the
previous part
o Discuss the significance of your study and its purpose

Prepared by:

Joselito Grande Jr.

Teacher II

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