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Clinical Nurse SpecialistA Copyright B 2016

Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Feature Article

Use of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

to Improve Emergency Department
Handoff Processes
Patricia Sorrentino, DNP, RN, CEN, CCNS

Purpose/Objectives: handoff failures and provide a framework for process

The purpose of this article is to describe a quality improvement improvement.
process using failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to Implications:
evaluate systems handoff communication processes, improve A focus on mentoring nurses to quality handoff processes so
emergency department (ED) throughput and reduce crowding that it becomes habitual practice is crucial to safe patient
through development of a standardized handoff, and, transitions. Standardizing content and hardwiring within
ultimately, improve patient safety. the system are best practice. The clinical nurse specialist is
Background: prepared to provide strong leadership to drive and
Risk of patient harm through ineffective communication implement system-wide quality projects.
during handoff transitions is a major reason for breakdown of KEY WORDS:
systems. Complexities of ED processes put patient safety at risk. ED crowding, ED throughput, handoff and
Rationale: communication, handoff and patient safety
An increased incidence of submitted patient safety event reports

for handoff communication failures between the ED and inpatient he Joint Commission’s Sentinel Event program has
units solidified a decision to implement the use of FMEA to identify identified poor handoff communications as contrib-
handoff failures to mitigate patient harm through redesign. utors to death and serious physical and psychological
Description: injury.1 The leading root cause of sentinel events reported
The clinical nurse specialist implemented an FMEA. Handoff from 1995 to 2006 was related to communication. It is esti-
failure themes were created from deidentified retrospective mated that 80% of serious medical errors involve miscom-
reviews. Weekly meetings were held over a 3-month period to munication during handoffs; consequently, every patient
identify failure modes and determine cause and effect on the handoff provides opportunities for error and harmful pa-
process. A functional block diagram process map tool was used to tient outcomes. In 2004, the important safety strategy of
illustrate handoff processes. An FMEA grid was used to list failure preprocedure verification and timeout used to conduct a
modes and assign a risk priority number to quantify results. final assessment was put into place to prevent patient harm.2
Outcomes: Similar attention to the critical conversations that should
Multiple areas with actionable failures were identified. A majority of occur during handoff procedures has been addressed by
causes for high-priority failure modes were specific to communications. multiple sources.1,3Y6
Conclusion: Recognizing poor communication as a major contributing
Findings demonstrate the complexity of transition and handoff factor to medical error has led to research and discussion on
processes. The FMEA served to identify and evaluate risk of improving healthcare safety over the past decade. An inves-
tigation of how medical errors happen in an emergency
department (ED) addressed the multiple variables that can
Author Affiliation: Graduate Student, La Salle University, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. lead to adverse events.7 Emergency department professionals
The author reports no conflicts of interest. experience intense pressures when faced with situations
Correspondence: Patricia Sorrentino, DNP, RN, CEN, CCNS, 593 Beverly where obtaining adequate medical history to evaluate a pa-
Rd, Holland, PA 18966 ( tient is less accessible. Pharmacy support may be reduced
DOI: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000169 or unavailable on some shifts. Inconsistent arrival times of

28 January/February 2016

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patients, changing patient locations as rooms are made The conceptual framework of Donabedian’s16 ‘‘struc-
available for incoming patients, and more individual pro- ture, process, outcome’’ is highly regarded for studying
cedures and decisions add to the opportunity for errors. healthcare quality. Donabedian’s framework defines safety
Complexities of the ED processes put handoff at risk, and as a critical element of healthcare outcomes. Applying
efforts to address a standardized process to reduce errors Donabedian’s model to the project situated the project in
are recognized as necessary to improve patient safety.8Y10 that it examined how risks and dangers within the structure
Staffing to patient volume and patient arrivals in an ED is a of handoff of care have the potential to cause harm. Guid-
common model used to meet the needs of fluctuating pa- ance for improvement of handoff processes is improved
tient arrivals.11 Emergency departments provide clinical though examining ED inputs, throughputs, and outcomes.
care 24 hours a day. Staggered start and stop times for both
nursing and physician providers to accommodate the vari- REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE
ables associated with patient volume, patient acuity, and There are multiple factors that affect ED processes and
ED length of stay are standard practice. outcomes. Intervals measures, ED factors, and components
There may be no other area in the hospital that experi- of evaluation and treatment should be considered when
ences the number of handoffs as the ED. Handoff requires examining how ED crowding affects inpatient admissions
a concentrated effort to ensure all pertinent information is and transitions of care.17Y20 Drilling down input and output
accurate and up to date. Many ED patients are unstable and factors to quantify their impact on throughput and output
may require diagnostic testing; thus, multiple handoff re- may require review of department arrival patterns includ-
ports to ancillary services are common. Threats of losing ing the day of the week, time of day, inpatient bed utiliza-
critical information are commonplace in an ED where tion, technology, staffing, timeliness to interventions, and
patient arrivals are unpredictable and interruptions are laboratory and radiology turnaround times; all are additional
unavoidable. Therefore, the need for timely dissemination processes that make a difference in throughput.
of clinical pertinent information is necessary to prevent Active bed management has been shown to impact re-
omissions of critical information. This article focuses on duction in interval measures and improve output.21Y23 The
a hospital performance improvement project using fail- link between prolonged ED length of stay, adverse out-
ure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) as a tool to identify comes, and increased mortality is well established.24Y26
handoff process failures and find solutions for redesign. Inability to admit patients to inpatient beds may contribute
to ED crowding, placing an increased workload on ED per-
Background sonnel, particularly nurses who are already caring for other
Many factors in the ED influence the ability to transfer in- patients. The effects of crowding on inpatient admissions
formation during handoff. The widespread practice of may hinder throughput and output processes, thus increasing
boarding ED patients while waiting for an inpatient bed staff frustration and reducing the ability to transfer patients to
is a major contributing factor that may result in reduced the next area of care, increasing risk of patient harm.
quality of care and increased risks to patient safety.12 In- Multiple communication discrepancies may transpire
ability to transfer patients from an ED to inpatient areas that lead to ineffective handoff.27 Failures may originate
results in staff stress, frustration, and dissatisfaction. Man- not only from the volume of information exchanged be-
aging new and existing patients may contribute to hurried tween sender and receiver but also from the disruptive
environments and errors through decreased compliance background noise and many interruptions that occur. Di-
with clinical guidelines and inappropriate decision mak- versions contribute to system strain when attempting to
ing.13 Human factors principles suggest that errors occur handoff patients and make it difficult to ensure patient
more often through individual failures and system vulner- safety. Differing expectations of information communi-
abilities when systems are stressed.14 Prevalence of stress cated among versus between providers, even though
and burnout in healthcare providers affects the overall there was a shared goal of providing quality patient care,
quality of care. Systems stress threatens patient safety through may contribute to communication failure. Complexities
breakdowns in hospital staff communication. of the ED processes put handoff at risk, and efforts to ad-
The Institute of Medicine suggested that the healthcare dress a standardized process to reduce errors are necessary
industry is a complex system, and an ED may be vulnerable to improve patient care transitions.
to breakdown from unexpected or invisible failure resulting
in serious consequences.15 Risk of patient harm through in- STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVEMENT
effective communication is well documented as a major Safety Event Reports
reason for breakdown of systems, thus the recommendation Safety event reporting provides critical information and
to standardize the handoff process. Simplifying handoff is a core support used to detect patient safety and quality
through standardization may reduce miscommunication, events in healthcare organizations. Reporting safety con-
errors, and fragmentation that occur. cerns is significant in creating a culture of safety because

Clinical Nurse Specialist A 29

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Feature Article

it allows for analysis and prevention of harm through learning. most likely will not hold sufficient knowledge of
Safety event reporting where this performance improve- a process to conduct FMEA. Utilizing a multidis-
ment project was completed is a confidential, blameless, ciplinary committee to evaluate a process is necessary
nonpunitive, voluntary system used by all hospital personnel. to guard against bias. A challenge faced for committee
Detailed information of an event is accomplished through meetings is perhaps securing availability of members
an electronic submission. Reports are reviewed daily and at scheduled times. Leadership support is needed to
tracked for trends or serious events. Reporting is encour- assist in scheduling demanding or problematic shifts
aged with emphasis placed on safety events that reached to allow attendance. Regular scheduled times are
the patient, safety events that did not reach the patient or necessary to allow for advanced planning. Each
near misses, and an unsafe condition that increases the meeting consists of constructing the previous meet-
probability of a patient safety event occurring. An increased ing, and it is crucial that attendance is met.
number of safety events reported for handoff communica- 3. Map out the process. Use of a flowchart allows detail
tion failures in ED-to-unit handoffs led to a decision to and direct visualization of each step of the process. A
complete the FMEA by addressing potential failures and fail- functional block diagram process map is the tool
ures of the handoff process in a population of professional used for this project to illustrate each step of the hand-
registered nurse personnel who are responsible for provid- off process (Figure). Functional block diagram determines
ing and receiving patient handoff transition reports. Failure all major system components and system subpro-
mode and effects analysis systematically identifies design cesses by clear identification of all steps of a process
of the process and how failure may occur. being evaluated. To use the functional block diagram,
each potential failure of the handoff process was listed
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in the upper block of the diagram. Subprocesses of
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) recom- the failure mode were listed in the block below each
mends the use of FMEA as a proactive method to assess failure mode, and a cause(s) for failure was listed.
risk of failure and harm in processes.28 Failure mode and 4. Identify failure mode(s) and cause(s). When the
effects analysis has historically been used in high-risk in- committee members agree that all possible processes
dustries such as military and aerospace and was adopted and subprocesses are listed on the process map,
by healthcare to address patient safety. Failure mode and steps in the process are transferred to the FMEA
effects analysis is a prospective, systematic approach to ex- grid and listed in column 1 (Table 1). Failure mode
amine, identify, and understand contributing causes of or anything that could go wrong is listed in column 2.
failure or potential failure and the effects on the patient Failures occur in multiple ways and address the im-
and system if failure occurs. Corrective action is assigned portance of inviting a multidisciplinary committee
to the process requiring change to prevent future failures to complete a systems evaluation. Communication
and provides a foundation for continued improvement. discrepancy, human errors, policies, equipment, or
Implementation of the FMEA process requires several in- tools are just a few of the multiple interactions that
dividual steps. The format used was downloaded directly made up components of a handoff process. For each
from IHI and is outlined in the following list: failure mode, all possible causes are listed in column 3.
1. Define the process to analyze. There are multiple Each step of the process is evaluated for failures and
ways a process analysis may be initiated. Most com- causes through team brainstorming.
monly, a decision to begin an analysis is in response 5. Criticality analysis and risk priority number (RPN)
to a safety event, a near miss, or sentinel event. Fail- scoring. Failure effects are determined and listed in
ure mode and effects analysis is also useful prior to column 4. Effects are determined with answering
implementing a new process to assess the effect on the question, ‘‘What is the outcome when failure
the changes to a new process and assess the impact occurs?’’ Importance is placed on all possible failure
of a process changed.29 effects that may result in harm to the patient or or-
2. Assemble a multidisciplinary team. Frontline clini- ganizational operations. In columns 5 through 7,
cally active team members familiar with a process numeric scoring is completed for likelihood of oc-
that requires evaluation and committed to identifying currence or frequency of the failure, likelihood of
opportunities to make changes to the design are ap- detection or how likely the failure is going to be
propriate choices. Failure mode and effects analysis detected, and severity or potential effects of an out-
is a prospective risk analysis that benefits from ex- come of each failure. Each column is numerically
pertise but may also include those who are less scored between 1 and 10. A score of 1 measures it
acquainted with a process. Complex processes such is unlikely harm will occur, and a score of 10 mea-
as handoff communication regularly involve numerous sures the most severe harm or death will occur.
individuals. Ashley et al29 identified that 1 individual Scoring of likelihood of detection may confuse

30 January/February 2016

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FIGURE. Example handoff communication failure mode and effects analysis: steps of functional block diagram process mapping.

the user because a score of 10 measures it is very elimination and informal solutions that may be
unlikely to detect. A failure that is unlikely to detect assigned or solved at team meetings. For this pro-
requires a higher priority because it is one that easily ject, a redesign committee of individuals familiar
goes unnoticed. For a severity score, team members with a process prioritized for change was formed
were directed to determine the likelihood of the to discuss best practice and implement changes.
most severe outcome and most severity of harm, in- 7. Evaluate results for redesign improvement efforts.
cluding death. Establishing the root cause of a critical failure allows
6. Scoring RPN to prioritize areas of focus. The product for remedial actions or process changes to eliminate
and final RPN is obtained through multiplying the the threat. Evaluation of the actions may perhaps be
3 scores for likelihood of occurrence, likelihood of accomplished through periodic review with the team
detection, and severity. When numeric scoring is members, audit, rounding, and observation to assess
completed and critical failures identified, the RPNs improvements in safety.
are ranked to allow for prioritization, and a redesign
of the process is implemented. The Institute for ED-to-Unit Handoffs
Healthcare Improvement suggests improvement The ED was chosen as the unit to focus the project on
opportunities should be considered for the top 10 because of multiple complexities, interactions, and com-
highest RPN scores. A goal that requires every process munications connected with most departments in the
reliable may be unrealistic with limited resources. hospital. The improvement-related questions of the FMEA
Lowest scores are not prioritized but evaluated for asked if developing a process to improve patient handoff

Clinical Nurse Specialist A 31

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Feature Article

would improve ED crowding and outcomes related to

Actions to Reduce

Steps in the evaluation process: (1) evaluate each process and subprocess from the functional block process map for potential failure cause and effects (Figure) and transfer to FMEA grid; (2) assign a score of 1 to 10 for each of
the 3 categories on FMEA grid: 1 = measures very unlikely to occur and 10 = measures very likely to occur; (3) evaluate the risk priority number for each failure mode by multiplying the 3 scores; consider the top 10 scores for
quality of patient care and reduction of harmful events,
Occurrence of

near misses, and miscommunication. The projected out-


comes included interdepartmental cooperation and the

recognition that continuity of care is the responsibility of
the entire organization and not limited by or to individual
departments. The overarching objective was to ensure pa-
Table 1. Example: Handoff Communication Findings Using a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Grid


tient safety and improve quality care.






Prior to beginning the FMEA, approval of the project was



obtained from the chief nursing officer. Institutional re-
view board approval was obtained from the hospital
system and a university. This 3-month project consisted
of Detection

of completing an FMEA of handoff processes. Sentinel


events, patient safety event reports, opinions of frontline


staff of the FMEA committee, and an FMEA process design

were tools used to collect data. Electronic medical record
viewing was necessary to obtain data of handoff events for
of Occurrence

committee discussion.

The project took place in a 135-bed, acute care hospital
staffed by 315 registered nurses who report directly to
the chief nursing officer. The FMEA was used as a tool
Delays/multiple calls/multiple
immediate postop/stat orders

patient care/potential for harm

Admission delay, admission/

to evaluate handoff process between a 20-bed ED, inpa-

cannot be entered/delay in

patient admission for bed

Delays/inconsistencies in

tient units, and ancillary departments excluding the acute

Failure Effects

assign and receiving

rehabilitation unit where patients are generally not ad-

Delay/multiple calls

mitted from the ED. Approximately 35 000 adult and

pediatric patients are treated each year in this rural ED.

changes to the process; (4) action plans are developed and responsibility assigned for corrections.

Twenty-five percent of all patients who are treated in the


ED are admitted as inpatient or observation status.

Selection of Participants
Desk phone is often used
hospital admissions to the
census during the evening

that is more reliable and

Completing an FMEA is a multidisciplinary team function

in place of a cell phone

Not all CNs carry a cell

a direct line to the CN

There are no backup

hours; high ED census

that benefits from knowledge and experience of front-

ED registrar enters all
Failure Causes

line clinicians to identify ways in which processes may

fail or potentially fail. Formation of the committee was
through invitation of 12 team members, of whom the ma-

jority own subject matter expertise in handoff processes


consisting of registered nurses employed at varying levels,

a radiology technician, a respiratory technician, and a
answer the phone
Delays to admission

electronic medical
Failure Mode

Abbreviation: ED, emergency department.

Batteries in cell
phone may die
CN does not
and access to

Committee Meetings
The initial committee meeting consisted of discussion of

the FMEA process including goals and scope of the handoff

project. Focal points were identified using safety event re-
for bed assignment
Decision to admit

port reviews; themes were developed and communicated

charge nurse (CN)
ED calls telemetry

to the committee with handouts and discussion. Utilization

Steps in the

of FMEA realized the tool supports goals to assess and iden-


tify high-risk failures in handoff communication in ED-to-

unit transitions, promotes development of new processes
aimed at mitigating preventable patient harm, influences

32 January/February 2016

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

enhanced organizational communication to improve ED The RPN ranged between 15 and 250. Highest-ranking
throughput, and improves overall quality of patient care. issues were validated with patient event reports and sup-
Identifying and understanding what can go wrong in a ported by consultation with the team. A majority of causes
process determine how these failures affect patient safety for high-priority failure modes included issues specific
and patient outcomes and support redesign processes. to communication. There were 30 subprocesses with an
Emergency department patient input, throughput, and RPN greater than 100 prioritized for referral to an FMEA
output were reviewed to assist members in understand- handoff redesign committee. Many RPNs with a score less
ing the dynamics of the ED and differences of an outpatient than 50 were immediately resolved or referred at the time
department from the inpatient department. Behavioral of the FMEA. All FMEA findings were referred to nursing
rules were also discussed at the start of the first meeting. shared governance council for review and solicitation of
Behavioral rules direct that all conversation would be a handoff redesign committee.
confidential, respectful, and without blame. Emphasis
was placed to stay on topic to facilitate completion of Decision to Admit
the FMEA. Clarification and description of how the com- Brainstorming discovered that 1 ED registrar was responsi-
mittee members identify failure modes or potential failure ble for all admissions throughout the hospital during the
modes and how failure modes affect patient safety were evening and night shift hours. When the ED experienced
incorporated using discussion, handouts, references down- high patient volume, admissions were delayed. Patients
loaded directly from the IHI, white board, and a computer who require surgery and are admitted to the inpatient unit
with a projector. Using a computer allowed changes to be from postsurgical recovery may wait for registration to
made directly on the form and guided discussion. Weekly complete the admission paperwork and activate the chart
committee meetings were held for 1 to 2 hours over a 3-month in the computer before physician orders can be placed.
period. Barriers included blame or resistance to some con- This fragmented process created patient dissatisfaction
versations from committee team members. because need for pain relief or other patient needs were

Instruments and Data Table 2. Handoff Communication Failure

Meetings consisted of discussion and brainstorming failure Mode and Effects Analysis: Components
modes and potential failure modes and determining cause and Number of Potential Failure Mode(s)
and effect on the process. The committee defined all steps
and Cause(s)
of the handoff process. Mapping steps were continued from
the time of decision to admit through the time of patient ar- No. of Potential No. of Potential
rival to their assigned room on the unit. When process map Handoff Components Failures Identified Causes Identified
diagraming was completed, findings were transferred to the Decision to admit 3 3
FMEA grid. Action plans were completed on the FMEA grid
ED calls telemetry for 5 8
with steps to prevent future failure mode(s) with a defined bed assignment
measure of correction(s), steps for monitoring, dates to im-
ED calls medical/surgical 2 2
plement changes, and an assigned individual for follow-up. unit for bed assignment
ED calls ICU for bed 1 2
Data Analysis assignment
Assigning the RPN supported team members to prioritize ED nurse calls inpatient 12 17
areas of focus. The priority of focus was decided upon de- units to give report
pending on criticality of the number. Decision tree analysis Inpatient unit nurse 4 4
was used to determine severity of the effect and the effective- calls ED for report
ness of controls in place to detect the issue. Questions in the
ED calls ICU to give report 3 4
decision tree analysis asked if the failure would result in sys-
tem failure and whether there was an existing control in place. Handoff report process 6 7
Handoff information 6 10
The FMEA revealed multiple areas with actionable failures. Transportation for transfer 3 12
Using FMEA as a quality improvement strategy offered clar- Hospitalist admission 5 6
ity to the handoff process from the ED to inpatient and Ancillary department 5 9
ancillary areas to critically evaluate failures. Twelve sub- handoff
processes were evaluated and identified, 55 potential Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit.
failure modes, and 84 potential causes (Table 2).

Clinical Nurse Specialist A 33

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Feature Article

not being addressed. The ordering pathway was not mation on the hall pass includes patient demographics,
available until activated by the registrar. The director of allergies, medications, risks of falls, and oxygen therapy.
registration was notified of the problem, and new proto- There were discrepancies found with information printed
cols are being developed to alleviate physician ordering on the ED hall pass and inpatient unit hall pass. The inpa-
difficulties during high-volume times. tient unit hall pass contained all of the required elements
for safe patient handoff. The ED hall pass had insufficient
Handoff Report Process information and required nurses to handwrite some infor-
At this organization, situation, background, assessment, and mation. This led to inconsistencies in handoff information.
recommendation tool was adopted, and staff was instructed Procedures for patient return to room after ancillary testing
to use this tool as the standard practice for communication. were identified as unacceptable for safe patient care. Hos-
The FMEA revealed that not all nurses used the situation, pital information service was notified to evaluate the hall
background, assessment, and recommendation tool for hand- pass for solutions.
off. No standard processes were identified for admission The FMEA process revealed that for 1 remote telemetry
handoff from the time of the decision to admit to patient unit the ED staff was not transferring patients on a cardiac
arrival on the unit. There were multiple differences in monitor as the hospital policy mandated. The medical-
how patient beds were assigned by the charge nurse and surgical unit monitored patients who did not have posi-
how handoff reports were delivered and received that tive cardiac indicators as evidenced through laboratory
would likely lead to miscommunication, missed informa- testing or required treatment interventions that require
tion, omitted information, and missed actions. This was medications. After discussion and literature review, it was
verified by the number of event report submissions to the determined the telemetry admission policy should be
patient safety and quality department that often followed updated to exclude this type of telemetry admission from
a handoff. the monitoring requirements during transfer. There was
The FMEA revealed that certain practices were taken no literature found to support this practice. The policy
for granted as part of the handoff process. One step in was referred to the education department for review and
the handoff process at this organization is for the receiv- updated at an interdisciplinary patient care council.
ing nurse to view the ED electronic medical record prior
to receiving report. Following this process will allow for Hospitalist Admission
questions to be formulated. Not only were all of the nurs- Multiple failed processes were linked to the hospitalist role
ing staff not using the electronic medical record, but also in admission. One practice included admitting patients to
the computer code for access and education during ori- units for convenience because a majority of their patients
entation were not being provided upon hire. Directors were assigned there and physician rounds could be more
and an information support technician were notified im- efficient. This created problems with the telemetry and
mediately to begin steps to remedy the problem. step-down units because patients ‘‘take up’’ a bed without
meeting criteria. Delays in admission can result when this
Transportation for Transfer happens. At the same time, deficiencies in criteria used to
Many multidisciplinary issues related to handoff transitions admit to the telemetry and step-down unit were discov-
were discovered. Patients were transferred to the units ered. Current policy in use had not been updated with
without notification, creating chaos and confusion. Lack inclusive criteria for admission to this higher-acuity unit.
of clarity in the role of transportation in patient handoff Having the requirement for appropriate criteria to admit
created situations that put patients in harm’s way. Some to a unit may have discouraged the practice of admission
of the problems were related to removing oxygen from for convenience. The hospitalist group did not have an
the patient, leaving patients in rooms, or transferring pa- alternative process for evaluation of admissions to ac-
tients to diagnostic studies without notifying a primary commodate increased ED patient volume. Not having an
nurse. Long waits for transportation created delays to ad- alternate process in place affects ED crowding and handoff
mission. It was realized that the ED is not a priority for by delaying admissions. Telemetry criterion was reviewed
transport. Radiology and the operating room are prioritized by a multidisciplinary team and conversations initiated for
first. Length of stay and patient satisfaction are affected changes to the process.
when patients wait for an inpatient room. After discussing
the issues with the director of the transportation depart- Discussion
ment, transportation issues were referred to the handoff The FMEA project served to identify and evaluate risks of
redesign committee. handoff failures and provide a framework for process im-
Transfer hall passes are designed to provide handoff provement aimed at specific risks within a rural, acute care
information for ancillary departments and are sent with hospital. The ED FMEA improved understanding of the
patients as they transition between departments. Infor- strengths and weakness of the current handoff communication

34 January/February 2016

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

process and emphasized where improvements could be decongest the department quickly and improve input,
made to reduce risks. throughput, and output.
Findings of the FMEA demonstrated the complexity of
transition and handoff processes. One intention of the Nursing Implications
project was to address the failures of the handoff process Quality improvement projects require effective teams.
in a group of professional nurses responsible for sending The outcome of an FMEA is dependent on having the right
and receiving handoff reports. The desired end result multidisciplinary stakeholders involved. Knowledge, judg-
was to reduce ED crowding through interdepartmental ment, and clinical expertise all play a role in achieving best
cooperation. Supporting an organized and standardized
outcomes and should be considered when choosing a
way for nurses to receive information to prepare for ED
team. Major challenges experienced with the FMEA were
admissions may serve to improve patient transitions to
for the participants to leave their units during a scheduled
the next area of care.
shift and attend the committee meetings. Participant at-
Recommendations were made to form a redesign com-
tendance to the meetings required commitment to find
mittee that will address developing a standardized process
adequate coverage for patient care assignments during
for improving handoff processes and patient safety. The
time away from the department and for directors or charge
steps of the process map served as a valuable detail of fail-
nurses to assist with patient care assignments.
ure modes that had not been identified previously. The
Nurses are positioned to decrease risk and design prac-
FMEA committee members enjoyed a beneficial learning
tice through identification of failures as they are ultimately
experience and professional development. Many group
frontline providers in healthcare delivery. Becoming in-
discussions took place, and a new awareness of each team
volved in an FMEA project is a way to develop accountability
member’s reality became evident. As issues were addressed,
the barriers and tensions softened to an appreciation and for patient outcomes and form a collaborative relationship
understanding of each other’s role on the team. This was with peers and hospital administrators. The clinical nurse
evidenced by comments that were stated on the last day specialist is prepared to provide strong leadership to drive
of the meetings when some team members stated how and implement system-wide quality improvement projects.
different they viewed the other departments as a result Leading an FMEA clearly is influential to nursing processes
of the FMEA. and patient outcomes.
Failure mode and effects analysis is a team function The findings of the handoff FMEA are supported in liter-
and a reliable method to improve patient safety and ature reviewed and comparable to many of the root causes
quality. Through collaboration, an assessment of current of transition of care handoff communication failures listed
practice can be made to ensure continuous learning and in The Joint Commission report for improving transitions of
improvement. Using the FMEA process, the committee care. Some of the communication failures included differ-
members proactively evaluated the risks associated with ences in the expectations of the sender and receiver, timing
patient handoffs. of physical transfer of the patient and handoff were not in
Development of a plan of action for correction of fail- sync as evidenced by patients arriving to the unit without
ures or potential failures and a date for completion were notification, interruptions occurred often on all units, sender
assigned to the responsible person. Process changes will may provide incomplete information or have little knowl-
ultimately be tested through pilot testing between the edge of the patient when reports are sent or received by
sender and receiver units using plan-do-study-act cycles.30 someone other than the primary nurse, inability of the re-
The plan-do-study-act cycle is a model for improvement ceiver to ask questions with a final outcome of inadequate
that tests change by planning it, trying it, observing the information exchange, and EDYtoYcritical care handoff fail-
results, and acting on what is learned. ures when a sender did not have up-to-date information
with laboratory tests or radiology reports at the time of
Lessons Learned handoff. The FMEA revealed failures of multiple expec-
Not inviting a member of the hospitalist team to partici- tations required for successful handoff.
pate in the FMEA was an oversight. It was unfortunate Donabedian’s framework was used in this performance
because the FMEA could have served to educate the im- improvement project to evaluate the structure, process,
portance of handoff and start a conversation for solutions and outcome of handoff communication. Use of this frame-
to future admission backups experienced with increased work was valuable to examine safety and quality of handoff
ED patient volume. When patients are admitted, the ED transitions. Multiple structural elements were shown to
physician admits to the hospitalist service. There may be influence the quality of the processes. High-risk findings
future opportunity to discuss ways that the ED can be led to implementation of redesign processes with the ultimate
alerted to potential admission delays before they happen. goal of improving patient safety, quality, and elimination
Having a plan in anticipation of patient volume serves to of preventable harm. Donabedian’s quality-of-care model

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