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People and Global Organisations Storyboard

Themes and brief situation overview: Diversity, Managing Change, and Politics & Power.
Brief description of key issue(s): As every individual has their own way of understanding and different expectations, there were few issues that we have
faced which are related to the diversity & equal opportunities, politics & powers of people etc. In this assignment I will discuss how we handled the
situation of conflicts what all are the reason behind those issue. Also I’ll share the theories that I have used to understand and analyse these issue.

Overall Argument (related to the key issue(s): Having different attitude because of different cultural background and environment makes things
Argument/point being made: Specific aspect of group Specific aspect of theory(ies) to be Critical evaluation and/or insight
situation/example related to the used in your analysis: gained from the analysis:
Diversity – stereotypes, prejudices
and discrimination.

LGBT Hate Crimes Project. (2010). There are laws that are not
James Maestas. discriminatory I general but may
applied in ways that give
The First element is everyone Some people discriminate other Stereotypes and prejudice create negative impacts on groups.
must be treated equally which should be highly avoided workplace discrimination. Print
irrespective of their caste, culture as this is social injustice. Two of publication year: 2008 Online At times, incomplete awareness
gender etc. my mates who belong to same publication date: May 2010 about there is also create
community usually dominate obstruction in doing something,
the person of different religion. This is “Stereotypes, Prejudice, and those who are discriminated, do
Discrimination”, chapter 12 from not aware that they are legally
the book Social Psychology protected from discrimination.
Principles (v. 1.0). For details on it
(including licensing), They may also avoid suing a legal
cases due to fear that doing this
Would subject them to
inspection, discredit or reprisal.

Lewin’s 3 Stage Model (1951)

Lewin's 3-Stage Model of Change: In Lewin’s model; Freeze stage

Unfreezing, Changing & Refreezing. comes under the inspection that
The second important element; Few people accept the change (2012, September 12). it’s too rigid as “freezes”
Change may be seen to go against happily; others don’t like any behaviours need to be unfrozen
long-held values and beliefs. new change. They are rigid and “Frontiers in Group Dynamics” again in the near future due to
don’t want to change their Lewin (1947) – Note many quote fast technology.
thoughts. I asked my fellow: this from 1951, but it was published
let’s try a new way to do a earlier in 1947
particular thing but she refused Lewin’s three-step model can be
by saying she won’t be seen as combative on breaking
comfortable. up the equilibrium during
Unfreezing process. It puts too
much focus on the two opposing
forces conflict to get the

Rational v Political Models of


Journal of International Business Its relevancy has increased; a

The next element; everyone has To serve their own purpose Studies Vol. 18, No. 3 (Autumn, more complicated and
to deal with or will be affected by people influencing other with 1987), pp. 1-14 (14 pages) Published humanistic model of person and
power and politics in their group power and play tactics. By: None more standardizing research are
Everyone in our group trying to needed.
manipulate each other to show Chapter 13: Conflict, Power, and
how best I am in certain thing Politics 519 EXHIBIT 13.2 Sources of
Conflict and Use of Rational Versus They assume they have good
Political Model When Conflict Is amount of time, ability of
Low, Rational Model Describes judgement, and other resources
Organization When Conflict Is High, to gauge each choice against the
Political Model Describes others.
Organization Sources of Potential
Intergroup Conflict ·Goal

Recommendations (if applicable) deriving from the analysis:

On the basis on my understanding with my group experience, following is the recommendation;

We have to be ready for any challenges comes to our path as future is uncertain, we must adjust ourselves as per the surrounding
environment. We cannot just rely or believe our gut feeling for taking any decision. A good research and understanding of each aspect must

Introduction to Educational Leadership and Organizational Behavior; Paiit L. Chance, Edward W. Chance

LGBT Hate Crimes Project. (2010). James Maestas.

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