Types of Menu

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There are different types of menu available in food and beverage outlets in open market or in high class

A’ la Carté:
This is a French word and means “According to the Card or Customer’s Order”
It’s a list of all the dishes available in a particular restaurant. In this menu, the guests may select
separately to compile his or her menu and is required to pay only for the food or beverage items
Ø Special characteristic features are: -
· Extensive choice in food and beverages within each course and in categories.
· Each dish is priced separately
· Dishes are cooked as per the order.
· Each dish ordered has a waiting time.
· Customers are billed as per their order.
· Every dish has a short description underneath to explain the dish.
· Dishes are semi-prepared beforehand and finished off at the time of their order.
This type of menu is available in all types of food and beverage outlets except for banquets, flight
catering, institutional catering and welfare catering.
Ø Advantages: -
· Customers have extensive choose to choose from.
· Customers have to pay only for the dishes ordered.
· Need of children, old aged and others can be catered to.
· Freshly cooked food is offered.
Ø Disadvantages: -
· Needs more kitchen space, kitchen and service equipment.
· More Mise – en – place is required to be done.
· Requires more kitchen staff.
· Work load of the kitchen and service staff is not evenly distributed.
· More food wastage is there.
· Food Cost cannot be controlled, as the customer’s preferences cannot be predicted.

Table d’ Hôte:
This is a French word and means “Table of the Host”
In this, the meal is provided at a fixed price and the customer has to pay for the complete meal no
matter him/her consuming the whole meal or not. A limited choice may be given to the customer for
each course or between courses.
Ø Special characteristic features are: -
· Set number of courses.
· Limited choice within each course or amongst courses.
· Set price for all courses.
· Food prepared beforehand and available at a set time.
This type of menu is available in: -
1. Banquets
2. Restaurants where buffet lunch and dinner is available.
3. Guest houses
4. Flight catering
5. Institutional catering such as mess
6. Welfare catering.
7. “Combo Meals” in fast food outlets.
8. “Thali Meals’” in Indian restaurants.
Ø Advantages: -
· Less kitchen space is required
· Limited kitchen and service equipment are required.
· Less Mise – en – place is required to be done.
· Less labor is required, as the numbers of dishes are limited.
· Less food storage space required.
· Food wastage is minimal.
· Food Cost easier to control.
Ø Disadvantages: -
· Choice for the customer is limited.
· Fixed amount has to be paid irrespective of the dishes consumed.
· Need of children, old aged and others cannot be catered to.

Difference between A’ la Carté and Table d’ Hôte Menu

Table d’ Hôte

A’ la Carté
1. This means “Table of the Host”
2. It’s a small menu
3. It has only 3 – 4 courses
4. It is economical as a complete meal
5. It is easy to prepare
6. It is cooked in advance
7. It is cooked in bulk
8. There is very little or no choice
9. It is meant for package guests; like AP and MAP guests
10. American service is ideal
11. The menu is priced as a whole
12. Less Mise – en – place is required.
13. Guest satisfaction level is low.

1. This means “According to the Card”

2. It’s an elaborate menu
3. It has multiple courses
4. It is more expensive if similar meal is chosen
5. It is time consuming
6. It is cooked almost fresh
7. It is cooked in small quantities
8. It has a wider choice
9. It is meant for EP and FIT’s
10. Silver service is ideal
11. The dishes are priced individually.
12. More Mise – en – place is required.
13. Guest satisfaction level is high.

Carte du Jour:
It’s called as “Card of the day”
It is a special menu for a particular day.

Plat du Jour:
It’s called as “Plate of the day”
It is a special dish of a particular day.

Cyclic Menu:
It’s a menu which changes every day for a certain set of days before the cycle ends. In this the menu
changes every day for a particular week or on a fortnight basis. After the completion of the cycle, a
new set of menu is prepared and followed, keeping in mind the seasonal availability of dishes.
Ø Advantages: -
· Effective cost control
· Stocking of unnecessary goods is avoided.
· Less storage space for perishables is required.
· Less food wastage.
· Well planned labor requirement
· Fewer cooking equipment required.
Ø Disadvantages: -
· Choice for the customer is not there.
· Frequency of repetition of dishes is higher.
· Extensive knowledge is required for the preparation and service of number of dishes.

Room Service Doorknob Menu card:

A type of menu card which is hung behind the doorknob of a particular room comprising of all the
available dishes and beverages for breakfast and for the major meals plus snacks with the rates
indicated adjacent to the dishes. The guest may order his/ her choice over the telephone to the room
service personnel and get the items ordered served in the room.

Static Menu-A static menu is a menu that is often laminated for easy cleanup. It is usually separated
into groups such as appetizers, soups and salads, entrees, desserts, etc. Fast food restaurants often have
these types of menus. They are the most common.
A'la Carte Menu-These types of menus feature items sold individually. For example, if a steak is
ordered it will not come with a salad or potato. Those would need to be ordered separately. Higher
class restaurants often use these types of menus.
Du Jour Menu-This kind of menu features an item of the day and changes every day. They are
usually focused on seasonal items. Another name for these menus are "chalkboard menus" because they
are often written on chalkboards.
Cycle Menu-These menus offer specific items for each day. For example, fish may be served every
Friday, Italian every Saturday, etc. The cycles do not have to run weekly but may run bi-weekly,
monthly, etc.

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