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Span of management

Span of management refers to the number of people who are supervised by a single
manager effectively. It also shows the number of people who report directly to a single
manager. Span of management is also known as span of control. span of supervision,
span authority.
Obviously a manager cannot supervise un limited number of employees. There is a
limit to one capacity to control the work different subordinate.
Two types of span of control 1, Wide 2, Narrow
Wide span of control [organization] result is a large number of workers reporting to
one supervisor. the organization structure is flatter
Narrow span of control result in small number therefore manager can effectively
manage. The organization stricture is taller.[there is a long distances b/n top level mgt
and supervisor].
Factors to be considered in determine the span of control,
-Nature of the work variety./variety of task, complexity of jobs
-Capacity of the employees
-Geographical closeness of subordinates
-Availability of time for supervision
-Capacity of the manager
-Communication techniques/oral, written/

Delegation of Authority
Authority is the right to give order said the power to exact obedience .Authority is
positional power is personal.
Power- is a measure of a person potential to gat others to do what he or she wants them
to do.
is the ability to exert influence in the organization. Power can be international or
Types and source of power
1. Legitmimate power -; from the persons official position e.g. captain has power over
lieutenants, sergeants, soldiers
2. Coercive power -: person ability to create fear in another individual, based on
individual expectation.
3. Reward power; opposite to coercive .ability to grant reward e.g. good grade
4. Expert power; perception of beliefs on an individual that the superior possess
outstanding skill, knowledge and in areas.
5. Referent power; based on the identification of individual with a leader who is held
in high esteem.
Power; Ability to do something Authority; right to do something
-derived from many formal and -legitimate power given by an organization to
Informal source. Members holding position.
-broad concept creates action when - narrow them, authority is one of the major
Authority fails to achieve results. Source of power.
In formal organization there are different types of authority;
Line authority; direct supervisory authority. Management positions have the formal
power to direct and control immediate subordinates.
-represented by chain of command, links superiors and subordinates.
-line authority easily understood by the members of an enterprise.
-in line authority superior has direct command over subordinates.
each members knows receive order to whom and reports.
Staff authority; advisory in nature, giving advice and counsel in staff specialists.
-support provide to the line authority
*staff authority is of many types
-Advisory staff authority; provide specialized counseling to line managers, study,
problems, offers suggestion, prepares plan for the help and use.
e.g. personal mgt role interviewing format, performances evaluation, special bonus plan,
company benefit.
-Service staff authority:- service relationship with the line members
e.g. maintenance department are service department who will providing service to the
production department.
Functional staff authority: - authority delegated to an individual or department over
specific activity.
Responsibility: - is the obligation to perform the task or an activity.
Responsibility may be continuing or it may terminate with the accomplishment of a
single action. Differentiate responsibility and authority; should provide him or her with
the power make and enforce decisions concerning aligned duties, responsibility place the
obligation on the person to perform these duties by using this authority.
Responsibility and authority are equal? Marketing managers are given the responsibility
for increased sales, but they don't have the authority to spend for advertising promotion
or training.
Authority without responsibility has no ultimate purpose or justification for existing,
likewise, responsibility without authority to carry out the assigned duties has no meaning.
Accountability:-people with authority and responsibility are subjected to reporting and
justifying task out comes to those above them in the chain of command. it is a
mechanism at which authority and responsibility brought into alignment.
Delegation authority
Delegation is the assignment of authority to others in order to carry out certain tasks.
To delegate means to grant authority from superior to subordinates to accomplish a
particular assignment. Since management getting work done through others, every
Mangers must delegate some tasks or duties.
Delegation is a two sided relationship; it is a demanding function requires sacrifices from
both the assignor and the assignee
Why managers not delegates
-tendency of desiring to do things personally
-fear of being exposed
-unconscious acceptance of power
-desire to dominate
-unwillingness to accept risks
-attitude that subordinates is incapable of using authority.
Process of delegation:-
1, Allocation of work duties to subordinates: - what the subordinates are supposed to do
distribution and allocation of duties among subordinates must be fair and well balanced
the total task can be divided in to identifiable parts.
2, Delegation of authority and extent of delegating:- to give authorities to subordinates to
make and implement decisions regarding procurement of resources and supervision.
Authority must be clearly stated and if possible in writing so that there is no ambiguity
3, Creation of obligation:- to perform their duties satisfactorily.
Obligation is a personal concern for the task.
Advantage of delegation:-
-It reduced burden on the manager
-Subordinate will get a chance to participate
-Delegation leads to better decision since subordinates are closer to the situation

Principles of delegation:-
1, Delegation has to based on results expected superior should know he expected from
the subordinates be for delegation authority
2, Non delegation of responsibility superior can delegate authority but not responsibility.
Assigning does not relive delegator from being accountable for whatever happens in
3, Authority responsibility should balance each other Authority wit out responsibility will
more the subordinates careless person
Responsibility without authority will more subordinate an inefficient person
4, Unity of command one and only immediate manager
5, Definition of limitations of authorities authority delegated should be defines so may
subordinate understand the limit of authority
6, Scalar principle /chain of command clear line of authority running step by step from
the highest to the lowest of the organization communication chancels has to be clear.

Groups and Committees

Managers deal with group of people give direction to groups we need to understand the
interaction of people in a group setting(study psychology).
#Behaviors' manifested by groups
- Conformity; compliance with existing rules or customs. Groups require members to
conform by obeying group norms, accepting group sanctions, and giving up certain
rights. Individuals conform because of fear, insecurity, and good judgment.
- Aggression; is offensive action that is caused by frustration, annoyance or attack.
Aggression may be either socially acceptable or unacceptable.
- Competition is a struggle between two more individuals or groups. to obtain
encouragement competition may be internal or external.
-cooperation is a joint effort by two more people to attain a common goal and requires
and individual to subordinates his or her self interest. Committees and their
A committee is a group of persons assigned or asked to investigate or act on some matter.
Committees can be permanent and temporary.
A, standing committees are permanent, authority given to make key decision.
Whether to go ahead with a major project and size of next year budget. other committees
have only advisory power to may be taken to solve a problem.
B, Ad Hoc committees are temporary, formed for specific purpose, usually dissolved
after its recommendations have been submitted.
-committees are widely used to provide more information for decision making.
-committees facilitate coordination.
-committees foster support for decision.
-committees can broaden the knowledge of the people who participate.
Plural Executive Committees that been assigned authority to make decision and to
perform management function.
e.g. Corporate board is a plural executive, has power to plan, organize....
Some of them executive committee or management committee or finance committee...
Some of the guidelines of maximizing the effectiveness of committees
-establish the right size of committee
-select the right members
-select the right chair person
-define instructions clearly
-define operating procedures clearly
-provide needed information and staff assistance

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