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Government Polytechnic, Ambad


Department of Computer Engineering
 Dr. A.M. Jinturkar
(Principal) NEWSLETTER
V O L U M E 4 , I S S U E 1 D A T E : 0 1 A P R I L 2 0 2 2

State Level Essay Competition

Under the initiative of “Azadi tra. The event carried out in Pudat from Govenment poly-
ka Amrit Mahitsav” and for two rounds. There were 101 technic, Ambad. The coordi-
creative engagement of stu- entries for the first round. nators Porf. A. V. Wankar
dents, Department of Com- Out of that top 20 partici- and Prof. A. H. Jadhav, coor-
puter Engineering in associa- pants are chosen for the dinators from students Mr.
tion with ACE (Association of second round and finally Aditya Ekhande, Vyanktesh
students) organized a State three winners are chosen. In Kulkarni and Ms. Sadiya Shaikh
Department of Computer Engineering

level essay competition for this competition first prize and all the members of Asso-
diploma students of all given to Ms. Anisha Anant ciation of Computer Engineer-
branches. The event was or- Nemade from Government ing took efforts for the ar-
ganized during 22nd to 31st polytechnic, Aurangabad. rangement and successful exe-
December, 2021. The topics Second prize shared by cution of the event. Principal
for essay were Social media Chaitanya Bhimrao Bhosale of the Institute Dr. A. M. Jin-
and young generation and and Ms. Sanika Kiran Thorat turkar congratulated the win-
Online education and rural from Govenment polytech- ners, participants , students
students. The event got 101 nic, Karad. Third prize and staff of the department
entries from 14 different poly- shared by Ms. Sadiya Anwar for organizing and successful
technic colleges in Maharash- Shaikh and Ms. Riya Dipak execution of this event.
Inside Story Headline
Fresher’s Welcome
This story can fit 150-200 A great way st useful con-
Fresher’s welcome is the nized on to21add November crosoft Publisher
ior students offers
have a sim-
occasion where seniors and tent
2021 to your
andnewsletter is to
conducted ple way toofconvert
a series your games
fun filled news-
One bond
benefit andyour
of using unite to develop and write
through Google meet. your own letter to a Web publication.
enjoyed by all the students.
newsletter articles, or include a calendar So, when you’re finished writ-
celebrate as a promotional
being part of the Event started with welcome And in between the games
tool is that you of upcoming events or a spe- ing your newsletter, convert it
institute. Thecanpurpose
reuse con-
of of first year students by the there were some perfor-
tent from other marketing cial offer that promotes a new to a Web site and post it.
Fresher's Party is to wel- third
product. and second year stu- mances by students. It is
materials, such as press releas-
come new students in a dents. After that an in- followed by experiences
es, market studies, and re- You can also research articles
atmosphere and to formative video about the
or find “filler” articles by ac-
from couple of senior stu-
encourage their creative department
cessing the Worldis shown. Then
Wide Web. dents and finally vote of
While your main goal of dis-
impulses to boost their aYou
fewcanwords of wisdom
write about a varietyare thanks. The extra curricular
tributing a newsletter might be
confidence. So to welcome
to sell your product or service,
of topics but try to keep yourM.
by Prof. S. activity coordinator, Prof.
the first
the key to ayear students
successful news-to Bankar,short.
articles in-charge head of A. V. Wankar, and the
Caption describing
letter is making it useful senior
department, to the
Much of the contentThen
department. new
you put in members of association
picture or graphic.
students organized a virtual
your readers. comers are given an oppor-
your newsletter can also be took efforts for the organi-
fresher’s party, Fresher’s used
your Web site. Mi-
introduce them- zation and successful exe-
2021. This event was orga- selves. Apart from this sen- cution of the event.
“To catch the reader's attention, place an Inside Story Headline
interesting sentence or quote from the story


This story can fit 100-150 If the newsletter is distributed employees or top customers
words. internally, you might comment or vendors.
The subject matter that ap- upon new procedures or im-
pears in newsletters is virtually provements to the business.
endless. You can include sto- Sales figures or earnings will
Fresher’s Welcome
ries that focus on current show how your business is
technologies or innovations in growing.
your field. Some newsletters include a
You may also want to note column that is updated every

Expert Lecture on Importance of Data Structures

business or economic trends,
or make predictions for your
issue, for instance, an advice
column, a book review, a letter
customers or clients. from the president, or an edi-
torial. You can also profile new
Data Structures students of Third Year and while performing opera-
Inside Story Headline
are necessary for designing Second year attended the tions such as storage, re-
Caption efficient algorithms. Com- lecture and gained the trieval or processing of
describing puter engineering students knowledge and experience data. He also explained
picture or should have good shared by the subject ex- about manipulation of large
graphic. This story canoffitit.75-125
knowledge So on 20th be out of
pert. In context.
this lecture Mr. article.
amounts Be of
sure to place
data easilythe
November, 2021 an expert Kishor Bhosale
Microsoft discussed
Publisher includes caption of the image
the different data nearstruc-
Selecting image.
lecture pictures
was organizedor graphicsfor thousands of clip
about the various art imagesdata tures. The coordinator
is an important part
Computer Engineering of adding
stu- from which you can choose
structures used in the pro- Prof. S. M. Bankar took
content to your newsletter. and import into your newslet-
dents. The valuable re- gramming along with the efforts for the arrangement
Think ter. There are also several
sourceabout your article
person for theandex- points like how to use ap- and successful execution of
ask yourself if the picture sup- tools you can use to draw
Data Structures pert lecture was Mr. Kishor propriate data structure so
shapes and symbols.
the lecture.
ports or enhances the message
Bhosale, Backend Develop- that it help programmers to
you’re trying to convey. Avoid Once you have chosen an
er, Credit Su. About 79 save a good amount of time
selecting images that appear to image, place it close to the


Student Association Formation

Every year Department of Computer En- in charge HOD, Prof. A. V. Wankar, Chawel, and Piyush Chopade, Editori-
gineering forms “Association of Computer coordinator and all staff members of the al coordinator Aditya Ekhande and co
Engineering – ACE” committee for con- department congratulated President, -coordinator Pooja Sable. Different
duction of various activities in the depart- Vyanktesh Kulkarni, from Third year, programs and activities are conduct-
ment. President, Vice-President, Secreto- Vice president, Sadiya Shaikh from Se- ed by the committee. The various
ry, Joint Secretory, Treasurer are im- cond year, Joint Secretary Vishal Jadhav activities which are conducted
portant posts assigned to students. The and other elected students for different through the association are Expert
formation of ACE committee for academ- posts and suggested them to take new lectures, Industrial visits, Parents
ic year 2021-22 is done online through program initiatives in upcoming semes- meet, Tree plantation and Teachers
Google form. The applications are invited ter. The other members of the ACE are day celebration etc. and other co-
and the process of election for different Treasurer - Krushna Bhosale, Event man- curricular and extra curricular activi-
posts is carried online. Prof. S. M. Bankar, ager - Ashwini Gire, Speaker - Nikita ties.

Expert Lecture on Preparation of Competitive Exams

Inside Story Headline
The best way to
“To catch the reader's attention,

predict your
place an interesting sentence or

quote from the story here.”

future is to
The competitive exams build lecture was Mr. Sameer Maha- some important tips and suggest-
This story can fit 100-150 words. ternally, you might comment upon
confidence and develop skills jan, procedures
IPoS havingor All India Rank ed to work hard as nowadays, create it. -
new improvements
thematter that appears
students. It helpsinto 810theinbusiness.
UPSC,Sales2018. Total competition is getting tougher
to figures or 71 Abraham Lincoln
newsletters is virtually endless.
think logically and analytically. You day by day. It requires a lot of
earnings ofshow
yearyourand se-
can include stories that focus on
So to encourage the students to cond year attended the lecture
ness is growing. hard work, dedication and most
current technologies or innovations
appear for different competitive and gained
Some the include
newsletters knowledge and
a column importantly, consistent efforts to
in your field.
exams, an expert lecture on experience
that is updatedshared by the
every issue, for ex- crack any competitive exam. The
You may also want to note business
Preparation of Competitive Ex- instance, an advice
pert. In this column,
lecture a book
Mr. Mahajan coordinator Prof. S. M. Bankar
or economic trends, or make pre-
ams was organized on 19th No- review, a letter from the
discussed about how to preparepresident, took efforts for the conduction
dictions for your customers or
vember, or
foran UPSC
You canHe also shared
profile of the expert lecture.
clients. 2021. The valuable re-
new employees or top customers
source person for the expert
If the newsletter is distributed in- or vendors.

Student Participation and Acievements

Extracurricular activities and competi- Engineering, Government Polytechnic, competition on Indian constitution orga-
tions help students to find opportuni- Ambad and in this competition Shaikh nized by Young Inspirators Network
ties to explore different areas of inter- Sadiya grabbed third Prize. Jadhav Vishal and College of Engineering and Technol-
est, increase self-confidence, build lead- Pralhad, Rahul Ramkrushn Vanve, Vaish- ogy, Jalna. Ajay Bandu Kotambe partici-
ership skills. Students of the Computer navi Rameshwar Burkule took part in pated in speech competition organized
Engineering department participated in the General Knowledge Quiz Competi- by Electrical department, Government
the various State level, Institute level tion on Rajmata Jijau organized by Col- Polytechnic, Ambad and in this event
events and competitions. Wavdhane lege of Engineering and Technology, Jal- Shaikh Sadiya Anwar grabbed the first
Amruta Vashisht, Piyush Sunil Cho- na. Supriya Sudhakar Muley participated prize. Prof. S. M. Bankar, in charge HOD
pade, Vaishnavi Rameshwar Burkule, in Rangoli making competition under and all staff members of the department
Katare Rutuja Sharad participated in “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” , an initiative congratulated the participants and win-
the State level essay competition orga- of the Government of India. Jadhav ners.
nized by Department of Computer Vishal Pralhad took part in the Quiz
Inside Story Headline
Expert Lecture on Big Data Computing
Big story
data canis fitone
of the A great
fifth way to add
semester useful con-
attended this crosoft
ware . Publisher offers on
He focused a sim-
emerging technology in the tent to your
lecture newsletter
and gainedis tothe ple way to convertarchitecture
characteristics, your news-
field benefit
One of computer science.
of using your develop
knowledge and write
and your own
experience letter to a Web publication.
and application of big data
newsletter as aknowledge
promotionalen- articles, or include a calendar So, when you’re finished writ-
So for the shared by the subject ex- computing by giving several
tool is that you of upcoming events or a spe- ing your newsletter, convert it
hancement of can
thereuse con-
students pert. In his expert lecture examples along with videos
tent from other marketing cial offer that promotes a new to a Web site and post it.
online expert lecture on Big Prof.
product.Pratap Mohite elabo- and power point presenta-
materials, such as press releas-
Data Computing is con- rately discussed about all tion. He also discussed the
es, market studies, and re- You can also research articles
by the department the aspects related to Big
or find “filler” articles by ac-
importance of Big data
of Computer Engineering. Data
cessing Computing.
the World Wide HeWeb.
ex- computing in the different
While your main goal of dis-
The expert lecture is con- plained how Big Data
You can write about a variety Com- sectors. Due to this expert
tributing a newsletter might be
ducted on 1st October,
to sell your product or service,
of topicstreats
but tryways
to keep toyour
ana- lecture the students got
the key This lecture isnews-
to a successful deliv- lyze, systematically
articles short. extract exposure to one of the
Caption describing
letter is making it useful to Mo-
by Prof. Pratap information
Much of the content youother-
from, or put in important technology. The
picture or graphic.
hanrao Mohite, HOD &
your readers. wise deal can
your newsletter withalso bedata coordinator Prof. S. M.
Asst. Professor, Hi-Tech used
sets for
toosite. Mi- or
large Bankar took efforts for the
Institute of Technology, complex to be dealt with arrangement and successful
“To catch the reader's attention, place an Inside Story Headline
Aurangabad. Total 64 stu- b y trad ition a l d ata- execution of the lecture.
interesting sentence or quote from the story
dents of third semester and processing application soft-

This story can fit 100-150 If the newsletter is distributed employees or top customers
words. internally, you might comment or vendors.
The subject matter that ap- upon new procedures or im-
pears in newsletters is virtually provements to the business.
endless. You can include sto- Sales figures or earnings will
ries that focus on current show how your business is
Expert lecture on Big Data
technologies or innovations in growing.
your field. Some newsletters include a
You may also want to note column that is updated every

Online Induction Program

business or economic trends, issue, for instance, an advice
or make predictions for your column, a book review, a letter
customers or clients. from the president, or an edi-
torial. You can also profile new
The main purpose of induc- organized on 22nd October in-charge head of the depart-
Inside Story Headline
tion program is to integrate 2021 and conducted through ment. After that Prof S. G.
new students into the insti- Google meet. Total 56 stu- Tayde, in-charge head of de-
tute and make them under- dents attended the program. partment of Science and Hu-
picture or
stand the systems and proce-
This story can fit 75-125
Event started with a wel- article.
be out of context.
manities expressed his views.
Be sure to place the
words. followed by the organi- come note by Prof. A. V. caption After ofthat
the the
near theof stu-
Microsoft Publisher includes
zation. So in order to help Wankar. Then Hon Principal image. dents are answered by facul-
Selecting pictures or graphics thousands of clip art images
newly admitted
is an important partstudents
of adding to Dr. A. M. Jinturkar
from which you can choose addressed ties of the department. At last
settle down quickly
content to your newsletter. in the the students. After
and import into your newslet- that an the program was concluded
new environment, and to informative
ter. video
There are also about the with vote of thanks by Prof. P.
Think about your article and
Online Induction Program give them aif the
ask yourself sense of belong-
picture sup- department
tools you can use is toshown.
draw Then Y. Kamble from department
ing, department has
ports or enhances the message orga- shapes and symbols.
the details about the depart- of Science and Humanities.
nized trying
you’re an Online
to convey. Induction
Avoid mentyou and
Once activities
have chosen an are
selecting This that
appear towas shared
image, by itProf.
place closeS.toM.


Online Art Gallery

Art Gallery is a good medium for students to show case their show cased good drawings and sketches. Prof. A. V.
talents and hobbies. Students of the department show cased Wankar and Prof. A. H. Jadhav coordinated the activity of
good pieces of arts in the Online Art Gallery. Amruta Wav- the Online Art Gallery of the department.
dhane, Isha Kulkarni, Supriya Mule, Bharti Patharkar, Dipali
Kachare, Ashwini Gire, Pratiksha Bhosale and Sadiya Shaikh

Motivation is

Inside Story Headline what gets you

“To catch the reader's attention,

place an interesting sentence or

started. Habit is
quote from the story here.”

what keeps you

going. - Jim Ryun

*** Congratulations ***

for being 1st and 2nd Toppers in Winter-2021 Exam

First year Second year Third year

1) Kulkarni Isha 1) Sadiya Anwar 1) Kotambe Ma-
Dinesh Shaikh hesh Ganesh
2) Raut Adinath
2) Jadhav Nikita 2) Garud Pallavi Narayan
Pralhad Nivrutti 2) Sahane Krushna


To provide excellent human

resources in the field of
words. Program Education Objective (PEOs)
This story can fit 150-200 A great way to add useful con-
tent to your newsletter is to
develop and write your own
crosoft Publisher offers a sim-
ple way to convert your news-
letter to a Web publication.
PEO1:benefit of using
Provide your responsible, environment friendly solutions
socially to computer Engineer-
computer engineering to articles, or include a calendar So, when you’re finished writ-
ing relatedasbroad-
a promotional
based problems adapting professional ethics.
meet contemporary needs of upcoming events or a spe- ing your newsletter, convert it
tool is that you can reuse con-
of industry and society by cial offer that promotes a new to a Web site and post it.
imparting value based quali- tent fromAdapt
PEO2: other marketing
state-of-the-art computer engineering broad-based technologies to work In
materials, such as press releas- product.
ty technical education. multi-disciplinary work environments.
es, market studies, and re- You can also research articles
PEO3: Solve broad-based problemsor find “filler” articlesand
individually by ac-
as a team member Communicating
While your main goal of dis- cessing the World Wide Web.
tributing a newsletter might be You can write about a variety
1. To empower students
to sell your product or service, of topics but try to keep your
by providing interactive
Caption environment in
the field of computer
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
the key to a successful news-
letter is making it useful to
articles short.
Much of the content you put in
picture or graphic.
science. your readers.
PSO1: Computer Software andyour Hardware
newsletter can also be
Usage: Use state-of-the-art technologies for
2. To develop competent used for your
operation and application of computer Web site.
software andMi-
professional to analyze,
design and implementa- PSO2: Computer Engineering Maintenance: Maintain computer engineering related soft-
tion of problems in
“To catch the reader's attention, place an Inside Story Headline
ware and hardware systems.
interesting sentence or quote from the story

the field of computer here.”


Program Outcomes (POs)

3. To create confident
This story can fit 100-150 If the newsletter is distributed employees or top customers
and disciplined youth
words. internally, you might comment or vendors.
with entrepreneurial
upon new procedures or im-
attitude, sense of duty The subject matter that ap-
1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge:
provements to the Apply
business.knowledge of basic mathematics, sci-
and responsibility to- pears in newsletters is virtually
wards society. ence and engineering
endless. You can include sto- fundamentals
Sales figures and
or engineering
earnings will specialization to solve the engi-
ries thatneering problems.
focus on current show how your business is
technologies or innovations in growing.
2. Program analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified
your field.
standards methods. Some newsletters include a
You may also want to note column that is updated every
Editorial Board 3. Design/Development of issue, Solutions: Designan solutions
for instance, advice for well-defined technical prob-
business or economic trends,
lems and assist with
or make predictions for your
the design
column, of
a systems
book components
review, a letter or processes to meet specified
 Mr. S. M. Bankar - needs.
customers or clients. from the president, or an edi-
torial. You can also profile new
Editor in chief 4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and
appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
 Mrs. A. H. Jadhav - Inside Story Headline
describing 5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate
 picture
AdityaorEkhande - technology in context of be
graphic. This story can fit 75-125 out ofsustainability,
context. environment and
article. Bemeasurements.
sure to place the
Final year student
words. Microsoft Publisher includes caption of the image near the
Selecting picturesManagement:
or graphics Usethousands of clip management
art images image.
 Pooja Sablle - 6. Project engineering principles individually, as a team
is an important
member or a leader to manage projectschoose
part of adding from which you can
Second year student and effectively communicate about well-
content to your newsletter. and import into your newslet-
defined engineering activities.
Think about your article and ter. There are also several
ask yourself if the picture sup- tools you can use to draw
shapes and symbols.
7. Life-Long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
ports or enhances the message
you’re trying to convey. Avoid Once you have chosen an
context of technological changes.
selecting images that appear to image, place it close to the


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