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year of service and convertible to cash at the end of the year.

Maximum total
vacation leave is eighteen (18) days.
5. PARENTAL LEAVE. The Labor Code of the Philippines covers three
(3) different types of parental leaves:
a. MATERNITY LEAVE. Whether married or not, each pregnant
employee is entitled to a maternity leave benefit of 60 days for a normal
delivery or miscarriage, or 78 days for a caesarean delivery, for up to
four (4) pregnancies.
b. PATERNITY LEAVE. All married male employees are entitled to a
seven (7) day paternity leave for the delivery or miscarriage of his
legitimate spouse with whom he must live, for up to four (4) pregnancies.
The paternity leave is the cost of the employer and is not reimbursed by
the Social Security System (SSS).
c. SOLO PARENT LEAVE. In addition to parental leaves at the time of a
child’s birth, the Labor Code of the Philippines included a special leave
for solo-parent employee as described in the Solo Parent’s Welfare Act
of 2000, Republic Act No. 8972. Parental leave of not more than seven
(7) working day every year shall be granted to any solo parent employee
who has rendered service of at least one (1) year.

13TH MONTH PAY. The company grants 13th month pay equivalent to one (1)
month’s basic salary to all employees with at least one (1) year of service. 13th
month pay is mandatory to and must be paid before December 24. Employee who
resigned or retired from the company before the

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