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419/22, 5:16 PM Dollar General Literacy Foundation - Community Summary DOLLAR GENERAL LITERACY FOUNDATION Logost Welcome Page formation eaten SSimmary, sd Evakaaion informatie - wren Principal ‘Community Summary * aeatosroqued els Please complete the Community Summary below with information relating dlrectly to the community or population your program serves. Use recent and relevant data (.¢., American Community Survey, US Census, NCES, etc) and be specific. * Geographic Clasifcation Peas0 selec ne catagory tat best cescrbes the communty your erganzaton serves. "Education Attainment. Plese provi he pecartge of sls 25 yrs ard ale nthe cmsrunty your omgarzatons servos who do rot have sign soo pom requ * Povey ate at sn oer ae cen ning bone pny nb commun you * Unemployment Rate Whal she wnesloyent rae (peteanage of unemployed worker inthe ner fre inthe community your “Lavage Oe Than Enishi he pack fs epson Pat spek gue he han Els nb conrunty your Please prov he porcorago of stints who qual fr reso reduod lunch at your sche, * Seto ist yey ae ast ese te amet ous See hs esr ey ou panatn lee penis hitpssiww-cybergrants. conpsicybergrants/aa_req formcheck wn

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