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Progress in Cerebrovascular Disease

Management of Cerebral Embolism of Cardiac Origin


SUMMARY Tbe cardiac conditions most commonly associated with cerebral embolism are rheumatic heart
disease (RHD), atherosclerotic heart disease (myocardlal infarction and atrial arrhythmias) and other kinds of
nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF). Tbe natural history of cerebral embolism from these cardiac sources is
reviewed. Virtually all rheumatic hearts producing emboll hare mitral stenosis, but not all of them are in AF.
Of patients with RHD, 10-20% will experience a systemic embolus, and approximately half will hare a recur-
rence, usually early. Of patients with a myocardial infarction, 5-12% will have a clinically apparent systemic
embolus, and one-third to one-half have a recurrence, usually early. As many as 10-20% of patients with non-
rheumatic AF have a systemic embolus. Anticoagulation reduces systemic embolism to 10-20% of the natural
incidence in RHD, and it reduces embollc recurrences to 10-20% of tbe natural recurrence rate. Anticoagula-
tion diminishes tbe incidence of emboll In myocardial Infarction to 25% of the natural Incidence. It is not
known what effect anticoagulation has on the incidence of embolism hi nonrbeumatic AF. Tbe data regarding
the effect of valvulotomy and prosthetic valve placement in RHD are briefly reviewed. Recommendations are
made for tbe use and timing of anticoagulation based on the available data.
Stroke, Vol 11, No 5, 1980

I. Introduction II. Natural History

Cerebral embolism is a common cause of stroke yet A. Cardiac Source of Emboll
it is usually not clinically possible to diagnose it with The criteria used for making a diagnosis of cerebral
certainty. The diagnosis is frequently considered but a embolism vary. Clinically, the diagnosis is usually
number of fundamental questions about cerebral em- made when a patient with RHD, especially with atrial
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bolism remain. Often a definite source for the embolus fibrillation (AF), or coronary artery disease with
cannot be easily confirmed. There is uncertainty about either AF or a recent myocardial infarction, has a
the incidence of embolism in patients with non- stroke with an abrupt onset but without subarachnoid
fibrillating rheumatic heart disease (RHD), and in hemorrhage. More recently, the diagnosis is often
patients with fibrillating non-rheumatic heart disease. considered in patients with chronic sinoatrial disorder*
It is also not clear how likely a stroke is embolic in and a prolapsing mitral valve.8-4 These criteria may
origin when it occurs in a patient with coronary artery exclude elderly patients with ventricular mural throm-
disease but with no obvious evidence of a recent bi in whom a recent myocardial infarction cannot be
myocardial infarction. When the diagnosis of cerebral demonstrated and they may include some elderly
embolism is made, it is not certain whether anti- patients with non-rheumatic AF who actually have a
coagulant therapy should be used and, if so, whether it thrombotic cerebral infarct. The criteria for diagnos-
should be given immediately or after a few weeks ing cerebral embolism in autopsy series usually in-
delay. cludes the finding of an embolic source, the tendency
It has become clear that atherosclerotic disease in to hemorrhagic infarction and multiple arterial
the extracranial cerebral arteries may act as a site of occlusions.
origin for material which can become emboli, and The clinical features of cerebral embolism will be
reach the retina and brain. While this kind of artery- reviewed along with the autopsy, angiographic and
to-artery embolism produces amaurosis fugax and, surgical findings in the brain and in other organs.
almost certainly, transient cerebral ischemic attacks,
its role in producing sudden, major, completed strokes
is less clear. /. Clinical Presentation
This review will examine the natural history of While the usual cerebral embolus manifests itself
cerebral embolism associated with RHD and non- with the abrupt onset of focal cerebral dysfunction,
rheumatic heart disease and will review the effects of approximately 13% of patients have vague prodromal
anticoagulant therapy and cardiovascular surgery on symptoms in the minutes or hours preceding the em-
the morbidity and mortality in patients with cerebral bolism.8"" These symptoms may include a "stuttering"
embolism. Artery-to-artery embolism has separate focal neurologic deficit related to the cerebral territory
treatment implications.1 of the subsequent infarct and may be due to one or
more small preliminary emboli. Fisher suggested that
From the Department of Neurology, University of Missouri- the focal stuttering of symptoms may result from an
Columbia School of Medicine, Columbia, MO 65212. incomplete vascular occlusion resulting in the
Reprints: Dr. Easton, at above address.

prodrome. 9 This is followed later by total occlusion as "hemorrhage in the meninges in some, though not in
the embolus becomes firmly lodged. It also seems every case, may be so extensive as to cause a
possible that there is an initial complete occlusion of moderately sanguinous cerebrospinal fluid (therefore,
the vessel at the site of the lodged embolus but that ini- brain embolism should be included in the apoplectic
tially the collateral flow is marginally capable of disorders causing subarachnoid hemorrhage)."
maintaining perfusion to the distal territory of the Angiography performed in the first one or two days
artery. In the subsequent minutes or hours a thrombus may show occlusion of the internal carotid artery in its
may propagate from the lodged embolus down the en- supraclinoid portion with retrograde clot extension
tire distal artery producing the complete stroke. giving a "tailing off" appearance to the column of
While thrombotic cerebral infarctions frequently contrast material in the more proximal artery. Repeat
occur or begin during sleep, Fisher10 reported that angiography, or angiography delayed several days,
only 22% of his patients with cerebral embolism had may show lysis of the carotid clot with occlusions in
their stroke during the night or on arising in the morn- more terminal branches. Complete lysis of the em-
ing. bolus may subsequently occur and angiography per-
Approximately 12% of patients have a seizure at the formed several days following the embolism may be
onset of an embolic stroke, with one-fourth of them normal. 15 ' 1S
being focal and three-fourths generalized. This seizure Computed tomographic (CT) scanning may
incidence is about 4 times greater than occurs with the visualize the location and extent of cerebral infarction.
onset of a thrombotic cerebral infarction.11 Fisher, The CT scan can support the clinical diagnosis of
however, reports only 1% of patients with cerebral em- cerebral embolism by demonstrating hemorrhagic or
boli have a seizure at onset.10 multiple infarcts. However, embolic injury may
Although headache at the onset of embolic cerebral appear as a single low density area compatible with
infarction is usually not severe, it occurs in ap- pale infarction. Petechial hemorrhages within the area
proximately 25% of patients. As many as 30% of may not visualize as increased density tissue because
patients may have a brief lapse of consciousness with when superimposed on the low density infarct the
the onset of their ictus.7 average tissue density is near that of normal brain.17

2. Neurologic Findings 4. Neuropathology

Most patient's symptoms suggest middle cerebral Fisher and Adams examined the pathology in 373
artery distribution ischemia with hemiparesis, cerebral infarcts "with vascular occlusion" and 18% of
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hemisensory symptoms, dysphasia or hemianoptic them were hemorrhagic.14 They state that nearly 100%
visual loss. Rarely does transient monocular blindness of the hemorrhagic infarcts were embolic in origin.
occur suggesting ophthalmic artery emboli. Clinical Conversely, only 50% of embolic infarcts were hemor-
and pathologic evidence confirm that anterior cerebral rhagic (if that many, since the etiology of the infarct
artery emboli are uncommon compared to middle was undetermined in one-third of cases). Adams and
cerebral artery emboli. Vertebrobasilar circulation Vander Eecken18 later reported that 65% of embolic
emboli may be associated with diplopia, vertigo, atax- infarcts were hemorrhagic. Thus, nearly all
ia, crossed or bilateral sensory or motor findings and hemorrhagic infarcts and many non-hemorrhagic in-
coma. Homonymous visual field defects may result farcts are embolic in origin. The hemorrhages are
from posterior cerebral artery emboli. One series7 usually petechial, involving primarily the grey matter
reports twice as many emboli to the right as to the left of the cerebral hemisphere, but sometimes there is
cerebral hemisphere and only 10% to the brainstem frank hemorrhage with hematoma formation extend-
(although this excludes the posterior cerebral artery ing into the white matter.
distribution) but others report twice as many to the
left cerebral hemisphere as to the right.11'13 A small 5. Source of Cerebral Emboli
number are multifocal or of indeterminate location. A
few patients (10%) will have transient neurologic find- Patients with RHD or atherosclerotic heart disease
ings with resolution in a few hours to a few days.9 The constitute the overwhelming majority of adults with
appearance of multifocal or diffuse symptoms and cerebral emboli arising from the heart. Atrial myx-
signs makes bacterial endocarditis a more likely con- oma," fat emboli,20 septic material, 81 -" tumor,"
sideration. venous clots with a right-to-left cardiac shunt, 2426 con-
genital heart disease, cardiomyopathy,27 non-bacterial
thrombotic endocarditis,28'81 mitral annulus calcifica-
3. Laboratory and Radiographic Findings
tion32' M and prolapsing mitral valves3'4 make up a
Lumbar puncture performed shortly following a small group. Idiopathic AF as an etiology for arterial
cerebral embolism is nearly always normal.10 Wells7 embolization will be discussed with atherosclerotic
states that of 21 patients, except for the patient with AF. Emboli from prosthetic heart valves and in-
bacterial endocarditis, only 2 patients had more than 5 traoperative emboli during cardiac surgery are special
RBC or 5 WBC/cu mm in the cerebrospinal fluid considerations."**
(CSF). While the CSF is usually normal following a a) Rheumatic Heart Disease. RHD has been reported
cerebral embolism, except when associated with as the predominant cause of cerebral embolism in the
bacterial endocarditis, Fisher and Adams14 state, past.7- 40~47 Most patients with rheumatic hearts have

mitral stenosis and some also have mitral insufficiency In a recently reported clinical series of 783 con-
and aortic valve disease. The thrombi form in the left secutive patients with myocardial infarction, 1.7% had
atrium, which is usually enlarged, but only half of the a stroke.68 However, the stroke rate was 4.7% for the
clots are in the atrial appendage. 5 ' "• 48~61 Oc- third of patients with the largest infarcts as evidenced
casionally, thrombi form on the valve itself. by cardiac enzyme elevation in the plasma. Fulton and
Several authors report that only 55-82% of Duckett70 suggest identifying patients at risk for
rheumatic hearts are fibrillating (or obviously chang- thromboemboli by monitoring plasma fibrinogen con-
ing rhythm) at the time of the embolization.7- "• " Of centration. Additionally, the use of 2-dimensional
Wells' 53 patients with cerebral embolism, half had echocardiography to demonstrate ventricular mural
normal sinus rhythm. However, 7 of these 25 had thrombi in patients following myocardial infarction
bacterial endocarditis as their embolic source, rather may prove useful in identifying patients at risk for
than a primary left atrial thrombus. Even so, AF is systemic emboli.71
not the "sine qua non" for cerebral embolism. While Of considerable importance is the time of oc-
as few as 55-82% of rheumatic hearts that produce currence of cerebral emboli after an acute myocardial
emboli are fibrillating, a fibrillating heart has a several infarction. Bean90 found that 11% occur in the first
times greater chance of releasing emboli than one in week after the infarction, 33% in the second week and
normal sinus rhythm.*7' **• "• M These observations 16% in the third week. The fact that nearly two-thirds
reflect the fact that the majority of rheumatic hearts occur in the first 3 weeks has clear therapeutic im-
with mitral stenosis are in normal sinus rhythm. The plications. Another 24% occur in the fourth week, 6%
presence of AF and low cardiac output increase the in the second month and 8% in the third month. This
risk of systemic emboli whereas the severity of mitral latter group of patients with "delayed" emboli may
stenosis, as judged by valve area, may not correlate have little or no residual evidence of their myocardial
with the occurrence of emboli." infarction even with a history suggesting an embolic
Systemic emboli occur in 9-49% of RHD patients event.
followed over several years, with the average being 2) Atrial Fibrillation. A matter of some importance and
15-20%. 3 S 3 9 ' < 1 "' 4 6 4 8 ' 5 a - M - 6 7 The higher figures controversy is the issue of whether thrombi are prone
come from autopsy series in which a careful search to form in the left atrium of patients with AF not due
was made for embolic infarcts. 48 ' 68 Twenty to 70% of to RHD or other identifiable valvular disease.
these systemic emboli are cerebral, 40% being the Friedberg72 states that emboli are rarely caused by a
average, with the higher figures coming from clinical fibrillating heart without RHD and he advises against
series.42' "• 6 9 Though many of the series reported are anticoagulating such patients. Beer7' reported 295
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small and retrospective, it is clear that cerebral em- autopsies of patients with a clinical diagnosis of
bolism is common in patients with RHD, even when atherosclerotic heart disease without obvious myocar-
they appear to be in a stable sinus rhythm. dial infarction. He found evidence of peripheral em-
b) Atherosclerotic Heart Disease. 1) Myocardial Infarction. boli in 0.8% of those patients known to have been in
It is well known that myocardial infarction causes normal sinus rhythm and in 2.0% in those known to
ventricular mural thrombi to form which may then have been in AF (i.e., 2 emboli in 243 patients without
break away to become emboli in the arterial circula- fibrillation and one embolus in 52 with fibrillation).
tion. Cumulative data from a number of reports in- He concluded that peripheral embolization is uncom-
dicate that approximately 45% (with a range of mon in patients with atherosclerotic heart disease
17-83%) of lethal myocardial infarctions have without myocardial infarction, regardless of the car-
associated mural thrombi.60"*" These thrombi are most diac rhythm. This author excluded another 8 emboli
common when the infarct is large, when it involves the from an atrial source because he discovered atrial in-
septum (particularly a through and through infarct) farction or abnormal heart valves. These patients
and when there is associated congestive heart failure. should not be discarded from the overall statistics
Juergens67 states that three-fourths of myocardial in- when one is managing patients only with clinical data,
farcts with ventricular aneurysm formation have that is, with a clinical diagnosis of non-rheumatic AF.
thrombi in the aneurysm. There is other evidence to suggest that "arterio-
Though some authors report the incidence of sclerotic" and idiopathic AF may cause systemic em-
peripheral emboli following acute myocardial infarc- boli. Aberg6 reported an autopsy study of 506 patients
tion as low as 2-3%, and cerebral emboli in 10-90% of with AF but no valvular disease or congenital heart
them, other studies from autopsied patients with lesions. Half of them had myocardial infarction and
myocardial infarction have shown peripheral infarcts, the other half had other manifestations of
presumably embolic, in from 45% M to 60%M with ap- atherosclerotic or hypertensive heart disease, or some
proximately half of them being cerebral. Although the other illness. Of these patients 13.7% had left atrial,
very high incidence reported by some authors oc- not ventricular, thrombi. Systemic emboli were found
curred in patients who died and in whom the diagnosis in 41.7%, half of these to the brain. Thus, 20% of these
was made by a careful search for infarcts at autopsy, it patients with AF and no valvular disease had cerebral
is clear that the incidence is substantial in this very emboli. Darling et al.43 reported a clinical series of 260
common cardiac disease. Asymptomatic emboli must consecutive patients with arterial emboli of whom 97
be common, perhaps 2-3 times as common as symp- had arteriosclerotic AF. One-third of these 97 patients
tomatic ones. had associated myocardial infarction and two-thirds

had only atherosclerotic heart disease and fibrillation. sion. Other investigators cite the low incidence of car-
Thus, nearly 20% of all systemic emboli occurred in dioversion associated emboli and recommend an-
patients with atherosclerotic heart disease with AF but ticoagulating only high risk patients.™1"
without myocardial infarction. They noted that about c) Mitral Valve Prolapse. Recently, several workers
70% of their patients had AF, with atherosclerosis be- described the neurological disturbances in several
ing the most common cause. It is surprising that they patients with a prolapsing mitral valve and the data to
had no patients with RHD and normal sinus rhythm. support their belief that the abnormal valve was the
This may mean that some of their "arteriosclerotic source of emboli.8-4 Whether this common disorder is
fibrillators" in fact had RHD with left atrial thrombi. a substantial cause of cerebral embolism is not yet
Nevertheless, these patients were in the ath- known but it is worth consideration, particularly in
erosclerotic age group (average age 72 years) and young patients without another obvious source of
clinically they had arteriosclerotic AF. ischemic stroke.
In an autopsy study of 333 patients with AF, Hin- d) Cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy may be
ton and co-workers" found embolism to be nearly as associated with systemic emboli particularly if there
common without RHD (59 of 171 or 35%) as with is associated congestive heart failure or cardiac
mitral valve disease (29 of 70 or 41%). In 20% of the arrhythmia. Emboli are more common in those
non-RHD patients they found thrombus in the left patients with idiopathic or alcoholic cardiomyopathy
atrium. where from 35-100% of patients at autopsy have
Wolf and colleagues7* recently provided valuable mural thrombi present.27- "•7" Because of the risk of
prospective epidemiological data from the Framing- systemic emboli, long-term anticoagulation should be
ham Study assessing the risk of embolic stroke in considered in patients with moderate or severe car-
patients with chronic AF. While AF with RHD had a diomyopathy."0
17-fold increased risk of stroke, compared to the
general population, chronic idiopathic AF had a 5.6- 6. Evaluation
fold increase. The nature and extent of the cardiac evaluation in a
Fogarty" found that among 300 consecutive patient with cerebral infarction is largely determined
patients with systemic emboli, 183 had arteriosclerotic by the degree of suspicion that cardiogenic embolism
AF as the source. That is, 61% of all emboli were due may have occurred. Every patient with a stroke should
to arteriosclerotic AF. The basis for his statement is be carefully questioned for a history suggesting RHD,
not clear, however. cardiac arrhythmia and myocardial infarction. Ex-
Fisher10 reported 100 patients with AF and cerebral
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amination of the heart should concentrate on

embolism. The underlying heart disease was non- auscultation for abnormal heart sounds. A chest x-ray
valvular in 83. He also described another group of 48 will determine the heart size and configuration and an
unselected patients with AF, though it is not clear how electrocardiogram will identify rhythm and conduc-
many had non-valvular disease, who were followed tion abnormalities.
prospectively for 4 years. Thirty-five percent of them A more extensive cardiac evaluation should be un-
suffered a typical embolic stroke. Friedman and dertaken in patients in whom the suspicion of em-
associates" also showed that ". . . atrial fibrillation in bolism is high. They include the young, those with a
the absence of myocardial infarction, congestive heart history of heart disease, those with evidence of mul-
failure, or rheumatic heart disease was strongly ti focal or hemorrhagic infarcts and those with seizures
associated with stroke." at onset. Continuous electrocardiographic monitor-
Fairfax and associates2 described 100 patients with ing may demonstrate an intermittent arrhythmia and
chronic sinoatrial disorder. Sixteen of them had an echocardiogram may disclose mitral valve disease,
evidence of systemic emboli and multiple episodes oc- an intracardiac thrombus or tumor and akinetic
curred in 6. Fifteen of the 16 patients had the segments of myocardium.
bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome. An additional 41 In patients with myocardial infarction, the clinical
patients with chronic ventricular bradycardia and and electrocardiographic findings, along with the
atrial flutter or fibrillation had an embolic prevalence results of cardiac enzyme determinations, fluoroscopy
of 7.3%. These authors believe that "impaired atrial and radionuclide scanning, may identify those patients
function appears to be a key factor in predisposing to with large infarcts, ventricular aneurysms, congestive
intracardiac thrombosis, and paroxysmal supraven- heart failure and other factors which predispose to
tricular tachycardia increases the risk of subsequent peripheral embolism.
All things considered, AF without obvious RHD is 7. Prognosis and Embolism Recurrence Rate
a major source of cerebral emboli.
Systemic embolism is a particular risk when the The immediate mortality from cerebral embolism is
atrial rhythm is changing. One to two per cent of about 25-35% and the immediate morbidity in sur-
patients undergoing cardioversion for AF will ex- vivors is approximately the same.7-10' *°- **• ** Thus,
perience an embolus in the first few days." The risk approximately 50-70% of patients die or suffer major
exists whether the AF is rheumatic or idiopathic in morbidity immediately. The need to identify and treat
origin. Bjerkelund and Orning7" noted fewer emboli in prophylactically those patients at risk for cerebral em-
those patients anticoagulated at the time of cardiover- bolism is obvious. Though it is often stated that one-

half to two-thirds of all patients with cerebral em- 2) Arteriosclerotic Atrial Fibrillation (without myocardial
bolism will die within one year, largely because of infarction). Darling41 reported that in 59 patients with
their serious primary cardiac disease, this estimate is systemic emboli, twenty-five (42%) had subsequent
not well-documented. However, in Daley's long-term emboli. Of the recurrences, 48% occurred within 2
follow up study,41 half of the patients with RHD weeks, 24% between 2 weeks and 4 months, and 28%
without bacterial endocarditis ultimately died of between 4 months and 5 years.
cerebral embolism. Wells noted that advanced age, Therefore, not only do non-rheumatic fibrillators
prodromal symptoms, loss of consciousness and/or embolize, but they have a 42% chance of recurrent em-
seizures at onset, and failure to improve within 48 bolization, usually early.
hours, were factors that correlated with a "poor out-
come." 7 III. Treatment
a) Recurrence Rate of Embolization in RHD. The
A. Anticoagulation
natural recurrence rate of cerebral and systemic em-
bolization is from 30-75% in patients followed for Anticoagulation has been found to be a highly
varying periods of time.7' M- "• "• "• "• **• "• M The 75% beneficial treatment in the prevention of systemic, in-
comes from Carter's clinical series with the longest cluding cerebral, emboli in patients with a cardiac
follow up, from 6 to 12 years.*0 Approximately one- source for emboli.7' *"x- "• **- M-88 Some of the data
half to two-thirds of recurrent emboli occur in the first supporting this treatment are derived from prospec-
year and Szekely noted that 40% occurred in the first tive studies in patients without a previous embolus and
month." Darling,43 in his 10 year follow up study, some from the effect of anticoagulation on prevention
noted a 56% recurrence rate for systemic embolism: of recurrence of emboli. In RHD, the natural
16% in 2-4 days and 18% in 5—14 days. Thus, one- recurrence rate of approximately 50% is reduced to
third of recurrences occurred within 2 weeks of the ini- 5-25%.47- M In patients with lethal myocardial infarc-
tial embolism. tion, the 45% natural occurrence of mural thrombi is
Daley42 reported 194 patients with RHD without halved by anticoagulation and the incidence of clinical
bacterial endocarditis and 115 of them had a total of cerebral embolism is diminished to approximately
201 recurrent emboli. Thirty-two occurred in the first one-fourth of the natural incidence.87' *9"91 Although
week and 41 occurred between the second and fourth there is still controversy about the overall efficacy of
week. Thus, one-third of the total recurrences oc- anticoagulation in the acute phase of myocardial in-
curred in the first month. farction," there is general agreement that the risk of
b) Recurrence Rate of Emboli in Atherosclerotic Heart cerebral embolism is greatly reduced by this therapy.
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Disease. Davies and Pomerance" reported 74 patients While the effect of anticoagulation in patients with
at autopsy with chronic AF, 62% of whom had throm- non-rheumatic AF is not known, in part because these
bi in the left atrial appendage. While they didn't patients are usually not given anticoagulants, 40% of
analyze this group of 46 patients by specific diagnosis, Darling's patients with arteriosclerotic AF and
they did state that only 18 of the 74 patients had systemic emboli, had atrial thrombi present at autop-
RHD. That is, most of the patients with atrial appen- sy.43 This observation suggests that these patients also
dage thrombi had some form of heart disease with AF may benefit from anticoagulation. While there is little
other than RHD. question about the efficacy of anticoagulation in the
I) Myocardial Infarction. As noted previously, Bean™ prevention of cerebral embolism in "at risk patients,"
reviewed a number of reports in the literature which there is considerable debate about when anticoagula-
showed that approximately 45% of patients who die tion should be initiated and how long it should be con-
following a myocardial infarction have thrombi in the tinued. Because it was recognized that cerebral em-
left ventricle. Of the 300 patients in Bean's series, 60 bolism often produced hemorrhagic infarcts, many
had 78 systemic emboli, of which only 8% were clinicians feared that early treatment with anti-
cerebral. That is, 20% of his patients with myocardial coagulant would result in grossly hemorrhagic infarcts
infarction had a systemic embolus and one-third of with worsening of the morbidity and mortality. In
those had a recurrence. He states that an additional 38 1956, Symonds stated that, "anticoagulant drugs
instances of "thrombotic" infarction occurred. Forty- should not be used in case of cerebral embolism, for in
four percent of the emboli occurred in the first 2 weeks these cases hemorrhage into the area of infarction
following the myocardial infarction and the number often occurs, probably as the result of displacement or
had risen to 60% by the end of the third week and to fragmentation of the embolus . . ."."* He gave no evi-
84% by the end of the first month. dence, however, to support his view.
Darling43 reported that in 28 patients with systemic Moyes et al."4 and Wood et al.M have presented ex-
emboli following myocardial infarction, in 7 (25%) perimental evidence related to this problem. Both
subsequent emboli occurred, with 5 of the 7 (71%) studies involved the injection of vinyl acetate into the
recurrences within 14 days of the preceding embolism. carotid artery of dogs followed by anticoagulation
If the patients who had AF with their myocardial in- with warfarin derivatives. Moyes reported that 25% of
farction were added to the myocardial infarction only control animals, and 50% of anticoagulated animals,
group, the recurrence rate for the total group was 21 die in the first 30 hours. Total occlusion of the internal
of 52 patients, or 40%. Half of these recurrences oc- carotid artery was common and the control animals
curred within 14 days of the initial embolus. had no grossly hemorrhagic infarcts. Even though

these animals were excessively anticoagulated, this view on the following: "Wells (1959) found an in-
report is evidence for avoiding anticoagulant in acute creased number of red cells in the CSF of some
cerebral infarction but the pathogenesis clearly relates patients treated with anticoagulants within 48 hours of
more to cerebral thrombosis than cerebral embolism. their cerebral embolism and noted that in these the
Wood's findings were very similar. In an experiment results 'were bad.' Similar reports of serious bleeding
perhaps more analogous to the human embolism after anticoagulation came from de Morsier and
situation, Sibley*9 produced embolic cerebral infarcts Tissot and Ushiro and Schaller; it seemed likely that,
in 36 dogs by injecting homologous clot fragments if a major infarction of the brain had occurred after
into the internal carotid artery. Six animals from both the embolic episode, it was probably of the hemor-
the control and anticoagulated groups died in the first rhagic type, and unlikely to be helped by anticoagula-
24 hours following the embolism and the infarcts were tion." In fact, Wells' data support immediate an-
pathologically identical in the 2 groups. Only one of ticoagulation and only suggest that anticoagulants
the 12 survivors in the control series died more than 24 might be avoided if the CSF is hemoirhagic. Ushiro
hours after operation while 4 of the 12 survivors in the and Schaller97 supply no evidence that anticoagulation
dicumarol-treated group died more than 24 hours was detrimental for cerebral embolism. In addition,
later. Most of these animals were anticoagulated 24 because of this concern Carter avoided immediate an-
hours prior to producing embolism. Also, the ticoagulation whenever it seemed likely that a major
prothrombin time was more than 3 times the control infarction of the brain had occurred and he therefore
value in 3 of the 4 late deaths and approximately 5 supplied no evidence of his own to support or refute
times control in the fourth. Sibley concluded that an- his view.
ticoagulant should be avoided in the treatment of Since Carter found "the survival rate improved
patients who have suffered recent cerebral infarction significantly in patients with incomplete or fluctuat-
due to embolism. He also suggested that the ing lesions (in whom ischemia is more likely than in-
prothrombin time should be returned to normal as farction) when anticoagulants were used in the early
soon as possible in patients who have a cerebral em- stages," and "in all patients the recurrence rate was
bolism on anticoagulant. Wright and McDevitt,90 on high immediately after the initial cerebral embolism,"
the other hand, reported no excess of hemorrhage or we conclude, as did Marshall,88 that immediate anti-
mortality with anticoagulation. coagulation should be initiated in all patients with
Carter, in 1957, reported on 29 patients with RHD cerebral embolism in whom the CSF is not
and showed that anticoagulation was clearly beneficial hemorrhagic and the neurologic deficit is not massive
and that early treatment was desirable." He also and persistent beyond 24 hours.
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showed that those patients on anticoagulant who died Aside from the concern about converting a white in-
had "no sign of intracranial bleeding, and the in- farct into a hemorrhagic one, bleeding is a risk and oc-
farcted areas were surrounded by the usual small area curs in as many as 20% of patients on prolonged
of hemorrhage." In 1965, Carter updated his findings therapy. 99101 While it is usually minor or transient, es-
in a report of 130 patients with 176 episodes of pecially with short-term therapy,87 several studies
cerebral embolism.40 He confirmed his previous view report a mortality rate of 0.5-1.0%.101'105
that "treatment with anticoagulants has significantly
improved the prognosis of cerebral embolism in rela-
B. Cardiac Surgery
tion to immediate outcome, late survival and
recurrence". Also, Fleming and Bailey48 noted only 5 The role of cardiac surgery in the prevention of
systemic emboli in their 217 patients treated with arterial embolization is becoming clearer. Several
long-term anticoagulation, for an embolus rate of authors'4- "• 41- "• 10*"ni provide evidence to indicate
0.8% per patient-treatment year. that valvulotomy protects against later arterial em-
Our interpretation of these data is that anticoagu- bolization and in a follow-up period of "a few months
lant in experimental animals probably makes cere- to four years," Belcher34 reported late emboli in only
bral infarcts more hemorrhagic but probably doesn't 1% of his 430 patients after operation. Other inves-
affect mortality; meager human studies appear to tigators,58' 47-11S-l13 on the other hand, present data
show a beneficial effect on both morbidity and mor- indicating that valvulotomy provides no protection
tality when anticoagulant is used immediately follow- against subsequent emboli. The operative mortality
ing the cerebral embolization, in spite of anecdotal for the valvulotomy itself is in the range of
reports of patients on anticoagulant dying with grossly 3_9%39. iiriu a n d anot h e r 6 - 2 0 % " - "• "• *>•41- '"• 116
hemorrhagic infarcts. so of patients suffer an intraoperative arterial em-
However, on the issue of immediacy of anticoagula- bolism. Also of note is the belief of some that atrial
tion, Carter concluded that "the results show no appendagectomy at the time of valvulotomy is
significant gain from the immediate use of anti- beneficial in preventing subsequent emboli, at least if
coagulants in patients whose neurological lesion is the appendage is large.34- M Others believe that appen-
persistently complete. If anticoagulants are to be used dagectomy is of limited or no value.41-42 It therefore
in these patients an interval of three weeks should seems that when the operative morbidity and mor-
elapse before commencing treatment." 40 This view tality are added to the equivocal benefit of the sur-
does not seem well founded and is of considerable gery, mitral valvulotomy cannot be generally recom-
clinical importance. Carter appears to have based his mended for the prevention of arterial embolization.

While newer valves and techniques have resulted in 15-20% of patients with non-rheumatic AF will have
low operative mortality,10'- u e recent studies of mitral emboli. Additionally, risk factors may include atrial
valve replacement showed an overall hospital mor- enlargement, the bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome
tality of 5-22%. m - 118 In addition to the operative and congestive heart failure. Among those patients
mortality there is a significant incidence of arterial who have emboli, 1/3 to 1/2 will have a recurrence,
emboli in the late post-operative period. Some studies half of them within the first 2 weeks. We believe that
show that the rate of occurrence of emboli is highest in the senile and coronary artery diseased heart without
the early months and years after valve placement. valvular disease is underestimated as a cause of
Starr reported an occurrence rate of 7% in a 3 year cerebral embolism.
follow up, with half in the first month and the other Anticoagulation reduces systemic embolism to
half in the first year.118 Friedli" reported a 16% oc- 10-20% of the natural incidence in RHD. It also
currence of emboli in 170 patients followed a mean of reduces embolic recurrences to about 10-20% of the
26 months after valve placement with a decreasing in- natural recurrence rate.
cidence of emboli with time. Others have shown that Anticoagulation diminishes the incidence of emboli
the incidence is significantly higher in the longer term in myocardial infarction to 25% of the natural in-
follow up studies. Fishman, for example, reported that cidence.
22% of patients had an embolus in 5 years of follow It is not known what effect anticoagulation has on
up.119 The use of new model valves results in embolic the incidence of embolism in non-rheumatic AF.
rates of 5% over 3 years.120 Thus, it appears that mitral We agree with Marshal,9* based on the evidence
valve replacement cannot be generally recommended available, that any patient with a probable cerebral
as a treatment for the prevention of arterial emboli embolism from any cardiac source should be anti-
even though recent technical improvements are coagulated immediately, provided bacterial endocar-
diminishing the operative and postoperative mortality ditis is unlikely and there is no blood in the CSF and
and morbidity associated with this surgery. no hematoma on CT scan. This recommendation is
based on the high probability of a second embolus oc-
curring, very likely in the next 1-3 weeks. This can be
accomplished by immediate heparin or warfarin ad-
IV. Conclusions and Recommendations
ministration. We give 7,500 units of heparin in-
Cerebral embolism producing the abrupt onset of a travenously followed by 1,000-2,000 units per hour by
major, focal neurological deficit usually has its throm- intravenous drip infusion monitored to maintain the
bus source in a diseased left heart. Headache, seizures activated partial thromboplastin time at twice normal.
Downloaded from http://ahajournals.org by on April 4, 2022

and transient loss of consciousness in this setting in- This regimen is maintained for the first several days
crease the likelihood of cerebral embolism over during which the patient is monitored for hemorrhagic
cerebral thrombosis. There is usually no blood in the complications and evaluated. Then, a warfarin
CSF as occurs with ruptured aneurysms and vascular derivative can be administered and when the
malformations and with most intracerebral prothrombin time is 2 to 2-1/2 times normal, the
hemorrhages. heparin is discontinued.
The most common kinds of heart disease associated If the embolic source is self-limited or treatable,
with cerebral emboli are rheumatic and ath- anticoagulation should be discontinued when the high
erosclerotic (i.e., coronary artery disease). The risk period has passed. For myocardial infarction this
rheumatic heart with a left atrial thrombus invariably is after about 3 months. For a treatable car-
has mitral stenosis, the atrium is commonly enlarged diomyopathy it may be several weeks after cardiac
and 1/2 to 2/3 are fibrillating or changing rhythm. function is normal. Following conversion of non-
The chances of emboli are several times higher with valvular AF it may be a few weeks after sinus rhythm
AF than with normal sinus rhythm. Approximately appears to be successfully maintained.
15-20% of patients with RHD will experience a If the embolic source cannot be eliminated, anti-
systemic embolus, and many will be cerebral. One- coagulation should generally be continued indefi-
third to 3/4 of those who have emboli will have a nitely. This includes any patient with RHD, even if the
recurrence. One-fourth to 1/3 of the recurrences will mitral valve is replaced or the AF is successfully con-
occur in the first 2-4 weeks, with 1/2 to 2/3 in the first verted to normal sinus rhythm. It also includes the
year. patient with non-valvular AF, persistent car-
In the "arteriosclerotic" heart the abnormalities diomyopathy and possibly mitral valve prolapse, who
associated with mural thrombus are largely infarction has had one or more systemic emboli.
and arrhythmias. About 45% of hearts following lethal The role of anticoagulation in the prevention of em-
myocardial infarction have mural thrombi and boli in the at risk patient with no prior history of em-
12-60% of these produce systemic emboli. A 5-12% bolism is less clear. In myocardial infarction, the risk
clinically apparent embolism rate is probably ac- of systemic embolism increases with increasing infarct
curate, with many of them being cerebral.68 Ap- size, congestive failure and ventricular aneurysm for-
proximately 2/3 occur in the first 2-3 weeks after the mation. Consequently, patients with large infarcts
infarct, and 1/4 to 1/3 will recur shortly thereafter. should be started on warfarin and anticoagulation
Arteriosclerotic or idiopathic AF is, in our view, a should be maintained at least during the 3 month high
clear cause of emboli. Limited evidence indicates that risk period. Those with echocardiographically dem-

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Summary of 12th Conference on Cerebrovascular

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Williamsburg, Virginia, March 2-4, 1980


THE 12TH CONFERENCE on Cerebrovascular He reported that there are now available many radio-
Disease was held in Williamsburg, Virginia, March labeled Pharmaceuticals whose action and localization
2-4, 1980. The first session of the Conference was can be traced through the central nervous system.
devoted to a review of functional imaging of the brain Utilization and consumption of metabolites can be
with in vivo biochemistry and perfusion studies. measured using radioactive oxygen in water or in car-
The initial presentation was "Scanning Systems and bon dioxide.
Analytical Methods using Positron Emission Functional mapping of metabolism in the brain
Tomography" given by Dr. Marcus E. Raichle of the using positron emission tomography in animals was
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis discussed by Dr. Martin Reivich of the University
MO. He described current detector isotope strategy of Pennsylvania. He commented that there are very
mentioning that oxygen-15, nitrogen-13, carbon-11 tight spatial links between function and anatomy in
and fluoride-18, which have half-lives of 2, 10, 20 and the rat; stimulating one whisker can cause a localized
110 minutes respectively, were the radioactive sub- increase in blood flow and cerebral metabolism as
stances currently in use. The detector resolution demonstrated by the autoradiographic appearance of
capability is about 6.0 mm at present and the the rat brain. Dr. Reivich discussed his experience
theoretical lower limit of resolution is about 1.5 mm. using fluorodeoxyglucose to study visual, tactile and
Sodium iodide detectors are commonly used but more auditory stimuli and their effect on local cerebral
sensitive detectors, such as those made with bismuth metabolism in man. In 6 human subjects, visual
germanate and cesium fluoride, are being developed. stimuli were applied to the left visual field which im-
Dr. Raichle reported that brain blood volume, mediately produced a higher metabolic rate in the
cerebral metabolism, tissue chemical composition, right visual cortex and when the right visual field was
cerebral blood flow and the permeability of the blood- stimulated, the left visual cortex showed increased
brain barrier can be measured by positron emission blood flow and metabolism. Tactile stimuli to one
tomography. He reviewed the details of measurement hand was accompanied by an increase of blood flow
of cerebral blood flow with a PET scanner and showed and metabolism in localized areas of the cerebral cor-
examples of scans using H2O1S in patients with stroke. tex in the contralateral sensory areas. Auditory

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