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c c 

c c  recruitment is the process of attracting qualified applicants for a

specific job. The process begins when applications are brought in and ends when the same
is finished. The result is a pool of applicants, from where the appropriate candidate can be
selected. c
  refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified
people for a job at an organization or firm

c c c c 

ë? ttract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organisation
ë? reate a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the
ë? ¦etermine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its
personnel planning and job analysis activities.
ë? cecruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees.
ë? ncrease the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
ë? Gelp increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly
under qualified or overqualified job applicants.
ë? Gelp reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave
the organization only after a short period of time.
ë? Yeet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its
ë? ^egin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate
ë? ncrease organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and
sources for all types of job applicants.


ë? ½ind the best talents for the vacancies

ë? Yanage the recruitment sources
ë? Yanage the vacancies in the organization
ë? cun the internal recruitment process
ë? ^uilding the strong Gc Yarketing platform
ë? o-operation with local and international universities
ë? Jrovide feedback about the trends in the job market

c c  c  The recruitment and selection is the major function of
the human resource department and recruitment process is the first step towards creating
the competitive strength and the recruitment strategic advantage for the organisations.
cecruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to
arranging and conducting the interviews and requires many resources and time.  general
recruitment process is as follows:

1.? dentify vacancy

2.? Jrepare job description and person specification
3.? dvertising the vacancy
Ñ.? Yanaging the response
5.? Short-listing
6.? rrange interviews
7.? onducting interview and decision making

 is immediately followed by the selection process i.e. the final
interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment

c c c 

1.?   c

   is a recruitment which takes place within the concern or
organization. nternal sources of recruitment are readily available to an organization.
nternal sources are primarily three - Transfers, promotions and ce-employment of ex-
employees. ce-employment of ex-employees is one of the internal sources of
recruitment in which employees can be invited and appointed to fill vacancies in the
concern. There are situations when ex-employees provide unsolicited applications

nternal recruitment may lead to increase in employee¶s productivity as their

motivation level increases. t also saves time, money and efforts. ^ut a drawback of
internal recruitment is that it refrains the organization from new blood. lso, not all
the manpower requirements can be met through internal recruitment. Giring from
outside has to be done.

 ?  !  The employees are transferred from one department to another according
to their efficiency and experience.
× ?    The employees are promoted from one department to another with more
benefits and greater responsibility based on efficiency and experience.

? c  " " c  
 " employees may also be recruited once again in case of
shortage of qualified personnel or increase in load of work. cecruitment such people
save time and costs of the organisations as the people are already aware of the
organisational culture and the policies and procedures.
" ? The dependents and relatives of 
 " #  "  × " employees are
also done by many companies so that the members of the family do not become
dependent on the mercy of others.

2.? $  c
   ‘xternal sources of recruitment have to be solicited from
outside the organization. ‘xternal sources are external to a concern. ^ut it involves lot of
time and money.
 ?  "     dvertisements of the vacancy in newspapers and journals are
a widely used source of recruitment. The main advantage of this method is that it has a
wide reach.
× ? "
     Various management institutes, engineering colleges, medical
olleges etc. are a good source of recruiting well qualified executives, engineers,
medical staff etc. They provide facilities for campus interviews and placements. This
source is known as ampus cecruitment.

 Several private consultancy firms perform recruitment functions
on behalf of client companies by charging a fee. These agencies are particularly
suitable for recruitment of executives and specialists. t is also known as cJ
(cecruitment Jrocess utsourcing)
"? #  $
  Government establishes public employment exchanges
throughout the country. These exchanges provide job information to job seekers and
help employers in identifying suitable candidates.
? Î×   
  Yanual workers can be recruited through contractors who
maintain close contacts with the sources of such workers. This source is used to recruit
labour for construction jobs.
 Yany job seekers visit the office of well-known companies
on their own. Such callers are considered nuisance to the daily work routine of the
enterprise. ^ut can help in creating the talent pool or the database of the probable
candidates for the organisation.
? #  c !  % c
 "  Yany organisations have structured
system where the current employees of the organisation can refer their friends and
relatives for some position in their organisation. lso, the office bearers of trade
unions are often aware of the suitability of candidates. cecruitment Yanagement can
inquire these leaders for suitable jobs. n some organizations these are formal
agreements to give priority in recruitment to the candidates recommended by the trade
? c
 #&  Unskilled workers may be recruited at the factory gate
these may be employed whenever a permanent worker is absent. Yore efficient among
these may be recruited to fill permanent vacancies.

  #  t aims to describe aspects of a person's character that remain stable
throughout that person's lifetime, the individual's character pattern of behavior,
thoughts, and feelings

There are only three questions the employer really has to answer during the selection
process: ½irstly, do you have the right skills and experience? Secondly, do you have the
required enthusiasm and motivation? ½inally, are you going to fit in, in terms of your
personality, attitude and general work style?

Jersonality has a significant role to play in providing answers to the second and third of
these questions. n most working situations it¶s the personality of your co-workers and
managers that affect the day-to-day success of the organization. f the team doesn't work
well together or a manager can¶t motivate their staff, then productivity and quality of
service will suffer.
There are usually fewer levels of management than there were and management styles
tend to be less autocratic. n addition, the move is towards more knowledge based and
customer focused jobs means that individuals have more autonomy even at fairly low
levels within organizations. The effects of these changes means that your personality is
seen by a potential employer as more important now than it was in the past.


 They are structured assessments that seek
to objectively measure aspects of an individual's mental ability, or elements of their
personality. ndeed, the word 'psychometric' comes from the Greek words for mental
(psyche) and measurement (metron).

There are many different types of psychometric test available to employers.

Jsychometric assessments essentially fall into two groups. There are those that evaluate
a person's ability to comprehend the written word, or their ability to reason with figures,
or to follow directions precisely. nd then there are personality tests, assessing
everything from motivation to values, from personality inclinations to working

Within psychology, personality is explained as those aspects of a person that are

considered relatively fixed and enduring and therefore can be measured using a test.
These aspects, which combine to make us unique, also enable us to distinguish
ourselves from other people and permit a comparison between individuals. Jersonality
is not seen as something we possess but instead how we connect to the environment and
the world around us.

Largely all accredited psychometrics that seek to measure aspects of personality, and
many tests of ability, is conceived by ccupational Jsychologists. This is because
assessments need to be composed carefully to make sure that they are fair to all
candidates undertaking them.

There are typically two key uses for psychometric testing in the work environment:
selection and development.

Jsychometric testing is employed during the recruitment stage to support the

organisation to make the best choice in selecting the most suitable applicants, or to
assist decision-making when selecting candidates for advancement. ¦uring selection for
recruitment, psychometric tests should not be used on their own. They represent just one
approach that employers can use in the selection process.

Jsychometric testing can be very valuable during the recruitment of an individual as

they can help to identify personalities/values/abilities, which are known to contribute to
success in the role. ½or example, measures of cognitive ability are correlated with
success in a managerial position. Such measures can be considerably more predictive
than other selection approaches such as the unstructured interview.

ne of the most frequent problems with using psychometric tests during the recruitment
stage is that tests are often used, but hiring managers often do not comprehend what the
results mean in terms of whether the results should contribute to a yes/no decision or
not. ½or this reason, when designing a recruitment process which uses psychometric
tests, it is always advisable to seek the advice of an ccupational Jsychologist who can
explain how the results should be used. n occupational psychologist can also advise on
ethical test use, including how to explain the use of psychometric tests and good
practice surrounding how to provide feedback to candidates.

Jsychometrics can be extremely powerful when used for personal development.

ommon uses include psychometric testing when you are making a life-changing career
choice. Understanding more about your personality and values can be very informative
when trying to establish what occupation and type of organization will bring out the best
in you. Jsychometrics is also very useful in the context of team development. t can be
useful to have a framework and language to explore similarities and differences between
team members and how this can impact positively and negatively on day-to-day
working relationships.

 # ' # "

 (' ? assessment is a personality test designed to
measure preferences in how people see the world and make decisions.??

The Y^T is the most well-known personality model in the world. Jersonality typing was
first developed by arl Jung in the early 1920's. n its purest form, Jungian personality
typing is perhaps the most complex view of human nature ever described, and even today
it is quite difficult to attempt to understand Jung's writings on personality.

n the 1950's, Yyers and ^riggs resurrected Jungian personality typing, modified it
somewhat, simplified its description, and developed a psychometric called the "Yyers-
^riggs Type ndicator" for measuring their revised system of personality typing. The
Y^T test and associated model has become so famous that today many people refer to
personality typing as the "Y^T ", but in a rigorous sense this is not true; the Y^T is only
one test instrument among several for determining personality types, though it is by far the
most widely used.

n the simplified version, personality typing as defined by Yyers and ^riggs assumes that
much of our personality can be defined by dividing it into four independent preference
areas or scales: energizing, attending, deciding, and living. Within each scale we have a
preference for one of two opposites that define the scale. This makes for a total of 16
different combinations, each of which defines one particular and unique personality
The four scales are:
1.?   )  - Gow a person is energized
2.?  "  - What a person pays attention to
"  - Gow a person decides
Ñ.? Î   - Lifestyle a person prefers
½ollowing are the preferences for each of the four scales:

Œ?   )  - Gow a person is energized:

Õ? $    ( - Jreference for drawing energy from the outside world of
people, activities or things.
Õ?    ( - Jreference for drawing energy from one's internal world of ideas,
emotions, or impressions.

£?  "  - What a person pays attention to:

Õ?   ( - Jreference for using the senses to notice what is real.
Õ?   ( - Jreference for using the imagination to envision what is possible -
to look beyond the five senses. Jung calls this "unconscious perceiving".

"  - Gow a person decides:
Õ?  * ( - Jreference for organizing and structuring information to decide in a
logical, objective way.
Õ?   ( - Jreference for organizing and structuring information to decide in a
personal, value-oriented way.

Ñ? Î   - Life style a person prefers:

Õ? m " (m - Jreference for living a planned and organized life.
 () - Jreference for living a spontaneous and flexible life.

Jerception involves all the ways of becoming aware of things, people, happenings, or
ideas. Judgment involves all the ways of coming to conclusions about what has been
perceived. f people differ systematically in what they perceive and in how they reach
conclusions, then it is only reasonable for them to differ correspondingly in their reactions,
interests, values, motivations, skills, and interests.
The Y^T is based on Jung's ideas about perception and judgment, and the attitudes in
which these are used in different types of people. The aim of the Y^T is to identify, from
self-report of easily recognized reactions, the basic preferences of people in regard to
perception and judgment, so that the effects of each preference, singly and in combination,
can be established by research and put to practical use.

Today, the purpose of the Y^T is to make the theory of psychological types
understandable and useful in people's lives. The essence of the theory is that much
seemingly random variation in behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, being due
to basic differences in the way individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment.

The Y^T functions as a tool that helps people in organizations to:

Õ? Understand themselves and their behaviors.
Õ? ppreciate others so as to make constructive use of individual differences.
Õ? Yake a start with personal development.
Õ? See that approaching problems in different ways can be healthy and productive for an

 ? ?
? ?

ë? ‘asy to understand and explain to others.

ë? Jeople enjoy completing it and find it useful.
ë? dopts a positive approach to differences between people - all personality types are
equally favourable.
ë? t is a valid and reliable instrument that works.
ë? s it is so widely used there is a wealth of information and research available for
the Y^T instrument.

    !   #  The Thomas System is a method of assessing the

personality types of individuals. t provides companies and individuals with a unique
method of assessing personality and to assess the contribution the individual can make to
the company, their development needs and how to place people with different personality
types together for:
- mproved teamwork when recognizing different individuals abilities
- personal development through better understanding
- increased productivity when better motivated
- improved company profits.

The Thomas System has been used by companies world-wide for over 70 years; the
method is statistically reliable and has produced consistently beneficial results for
companies world-wide. Jc Y‘ cecruitment is proud to say that we have been a selected
partner to administer the Thomas System since 2001.

The Thomas System assesses the four personality characteristics that we all possess.

The beauty of the system is that it reveals where the individual fits on each of the four
dimensions of the scale and how an individual can fit with others in a working

t also shows how people need to develop - how they could change their personality
profiles to work more effectively in a team and to boost profitability. nvestment in the
Thomas System means that company owners can choose the ³best fit" for their teams,
predict management potential or rule out applicants who will not fit the job or company
Œ ? ?    : ssessment centres can be designed to measure many different
types of job related skills and abilities, but are often used to assess interpersonal skills,
communication skills, planning and organizing, and analytical skills. The assessment
centre typically consists of exercises that reflect job content and types of problems
faced on the job. ½or example, individuals might be evaluated on their ability to make
a sales presentation or on their behaviour in a simulated meeting. n addition to these
simulation exercises, assessment centres often include other kinds of tests such as
cognitive ability tests, personality inventories, and job knowledge tests. The
assessment centre typically uses multiple raters who are trained to observe, classify,
and evaluate behaviours. t the end of the assessment centre, the raters meet to make
overall judgments about people¶s performance in the centre.

Õ? Gave been demonstrated to produce valid inferences for a number of organizational
outcomes (e.g., promotion rates).
Õ? an reduce business costs by identifying individuals for hiring, promotion or
training that possesses the needed skills and abilities.
Õ? Yay be viewed positively by test takers who see the close relationship between the
test and the job.
Õ? an provide useful feedback to test takers regarding needed training and
Õ? ½ocus more heavily on behaviour demonstration than simply assessing
Õ? Use trained raters.

Õ? an be costly to create and administer.
Õ? cequire more labour (e.g., assessors, role-players, etc.) to administer than most
other methods.
Õ? cequire more time to administer than most other methods.
Õ? an be difficult to keep calibrated or standardized across time and locations.

£ ?'  
  The content of biographical data instruments varies widely, and
may include such areas as leadership, teamwork skills, specific job knowledge and
specific skills (e.g., knowledge of certain software, specific mechanical tool use),
interpersonal skills, extraversion, creativity, etc. ^iographical data typically uses
questions about education, training, work experience, and interests to predict success on
the job. Some biographical data instruments also ask about an individual¶s attitudes,
personal assessments of skills, and personality.

Õ? an be administered via paper and pencil or computerized methods easily to large
Õ? an be cost effective to administer.
Õ? Gave been demonstrated to produce valid inferences for a number of organizational
outcomes (e.g., turnover, performance).
Õ? re typically less likely to differ in results by gender and race than other types of
Õ? ¦oes not require skilled administrators.
Õ? an reduce business costs by identifying individuals for hiring, promotion or
training that possesses the needed skills and abilities.
Õ? Yay lead to individuals responding in a way to create a positive decision outcome
rather than how they really are (i.e., they may try to positively manage their
impression or even fake their response).
Õ? ¦o not always provide sufficient information for developmental feedback (i.e.,
individuals cannot change their past).
Õ? an be time-consuming to develop if not purchased off-the-shelf.?
º ?   ×  # ognitive ability tests typically use questions or problems to
measure ability to learn quickly, logic, reasoning, reading comprehension and other
enduring mental abilities that are fundamental to success in many different jobs.
ognitive ability tests assess a person¶s aptitude or potential to solve job-related
problems by providing information about their mental abilities such as verbal or
mathematical reasoning and perceptual abilities like speed in recognizing letters of the
Õ? Gave been demonstrated to produce valid inferences for a number of organizational
outcomes (e.g., performance, success in training).
Õ? Gave been demonstrated to predict job performance particularly for more complex
Õ? an be administered via paper and pencil or computerized methods easily to large
Õ? an be cost effective to administer.
Õ? ¦oes not typically require skilled administrators.
Õ? an reduce business costs by identifying individuals for hiring, promotion or
training who possess the needed skills and abilities.
Õ? Will not be influenced by test taker attempts to impression manage or fake
Õ? re typically more likely to differ in results by gender and race than other types of
Õ? an be time-consuming to develop if not purchased off-the-shelf.

Ñ ?  #   ntegrity tests assess attitudes and experiences related to a person¶s
honesty, dependability, trustworthiness, reliability, and pro-social behaviour. These
tests typically ask direct questions about previous experiences related to ethics and
integrity c ask questions about preferences and interests from which inferences are
drawn about future behaviour in these areas. ntegrity tests are used to identify
individuals who are likely to engage in inappropriate, dishonest, and antisocial
behaviour at work.
Õ? Gave been demonstrated to produce valid inferences for a number of organizational
outcomes (e.g., performance, inventory shrinkage difficulties in dealing with
Õ? an reduce business costs by identifying individuals who are less likely to be
absent, or engage in other counterproductive behavior.
Õ? Send the message to test takers that integrity is an important corporate value.
Õ? re typically less likely to differ in results by gender and race than other types of
Õ? an be administered via paper and pencil or computerized methods easily to large
Õ? an be cost effective to administer.
Õ? ¦oes not require skilled administrators.
Õ? Yay lead to individuals responding in a way to create a positive decision outcome
rather than how they really are (i.e., they may try to positively manage their
impression or even fake their response).
Õ? Yay be disliked by test takers if questions are intrusive or seen as unrelated to the

è ? m×+, "  Job knowledge tests typically use multiple choice questions or
essay type items to evaluate technical or professional expertise and knowledge required
for specific jobs or professions. ‘xamples of job knowledge tests include tests of basic
accounting principles, /Net programming, and blueprint reading.

Õ? Gave been demonstrated to produce valid inferences for a number of organizational
outcomes, such as job performance.
Õ? an reduce business costs by identifying individuals for hiring, promotion or
training who possess the needed skills and abilities.
Õ? re typically less likely to differ in results by gender and race than other types of
Õ? Yay be viewed positively by test takers who see the close relationship between the
test and the job.
Õ? Will not be influenced by test taker attempts to impression manage or fake
Õ? an provide useful feedback to test takers regarding needed training and
 " :
Õ? Yay require frequent updates to ensure test is current with the job.
Õ? Yay be inappropriate for jobs where knowledge may be obtained via a short
training period.
Õ? an be costly and time-consuming to develop, unless purchased off-the-shelf.

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