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OBJECTIVE: A materials engineering consulting position full time with tele-comp

EDUCATION: B. Met. Eng., Metallurgical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti
tute, 1959
SECURITY CLEARANCES: aQa 1962-1964, 2001-2002
aTSa and aCryptoa 1959-1962
aSa or aLa 1964-2001
EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: Over 35 years experience in the research, development, test
and evaluation of materials, welding, fabrication and inspection. This involved
coordinating the development of standards and specifications with international
and national professional and government organizations regarding welding, fabri
cation and inspection. Fifteen years at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission provi
ding materials engineering expertise in a legalistic, regulatory environment reg
arding welding, fabrication, corrosion and inspection of metallic components, su
ch as reactor vessels, piping components and systems. Thirteen years at NAVSEA
concentrating on Navy vessels, both surface ships and submarines. Areas of conce
ntration were in the development of new submarine structural materials (Ti-100,
HY 80/100/130) and their welding, fabrication and inspection. In my last positi
on, I was responsible for the development and maintenance of all Navy ship steel
materials, specifications and structural fabrication documents.
2001 - 2002 Columbia Services Group - Entered training program to become a doc
ument declassifier. Acquired a "Q" clearance and became familiar with some of t
he surveillance conducted by the US.
1999 - 2001 M.Rosenblatt & Son (SAIC) - Consultant position involving corrosion
, welding, fabrication and inspection of Navy and commercial ships and writing
of paint specifications that met the new environmental laws.
1998 - 1999 D Smith Metallurgical Services, Inc. - Self employed contractor to
JJMcMullen rewriting the surface ship fabrication document (NAVSHIPS 0900-000-10
00) as a Technical Publication in the format of the submarine fabrication docume
nt and also incorporating the input from Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock
1996 - 1998 DDL-Omni - Senior Material Engineer/Analyst in the Materials Techno
logy Division. Evaluated corrosion problems of Marine Corps amphibious and spec
ial purpose vehicles and the replacement of the titanium torpedo tube doors of t
he SSN 21 (Seawolf) class.
1980 - 1995 Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Senior Materials Engineer in Nuclea
r Reactor Regulation (NRR). Led on-site inspection teams, reviewed allegations
of wrong doing, etc., reviewed Safety Evaluation Reports, Inservice Inspection
procedures and results, deviations and exceptions to the ASME Code., testified i
n legal proceedings. Manager of Failure Analyses of metal components of nuclear
power plants (vessels, valves, piping, etc.).
1967 - 1980 Naval Sea Systems Command - Materials Engineer in the Materials and
Engineering Office, SEA 03M of the Naval Sea Systems Command (Naval Ship Engine
ering Center, Code 6101 pre-1977). Project Engineer for the research, developme
nt, test and evaluation including corroision of new submarine structural materia
ls (Ti-100 and the HY steels). This involved the development of material specif
ications for all raw material forms (castings, plate, welding consumables, etc.)
and the development of welding, fabrication and inspection procedures for fabri
cation documents of these new materials within the constraints of shipyard capab
1964 - 1996 Ling-Temco-Vought - Welding Engineer developing/qualifying the GTA
with cold wire feed welding procedures for the Lance Missile tanks. Later, devel
oped/qualified the same weld joints with the electron beam welding process.
1962 - 1964 Dow Chemical Corp, Rocky Flats Div. - Developed joining procedures
for nuclear materials
1959 - 1962 US Air Force - Various leadership positions as a Communications Off
icer at an AC&W radar station.
Personal Income Tax Preparation,H & R Block
Boiling Water Reactors, Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Pressurized Water Reactors, Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Procurement for Managers
American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
Section IX (Welding) Welding Procedure and Performance Group
Section XI (Inservice Inspection) Working Group and Sub-Groups
American Welding Society (AWS)
B-4.0 Mechanical Testing of Welds B Chairman and Member
Technical Activities Committee
Local Chapter - Chairman
Microsoft Applications - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Word Perfect, Display Write, d
Base IIIb, Harvard Graphics
NRC - Outstanding Performance Evaluation (step increase)
Assoc. of Senior Engineers and NSRDC Conference papers on naval applications of
Acquired a commercial and instrument pilotas license for single engine land airc

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