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M1: Analyze and differentiate between the role of a leader and function of a manager by effectively

applying a range of theories and concepts.

A leader is innovative in nature which means that he continuously seeks for new innovations in his task
whereas the manager is administrative in nature which means he is limited to a certain boundary only. It
suggests that the leader follows situational leadership techniques while the managers’ follows classical
management theory.

A leader helps in developing of an individual which suggests that he is a mentor by nature whereas the
manager helps in maintaining the individual regarding a task which suggests that the leader follows
charismatic leadership model whereas a manager follows transactional leadership model.

A leader focuses on trust whereas a manager focuses on control which depicts that the leader is
relationship oriented whereas the manager is task oriented.

A leader focuses on the horizon of the task whereas the manager focuses on the bottom line of the task
which suggests that the leader focuses on long term goal whereas the manager focuses on short term
goals which suggests that the leaders are action centered in nature while the managers are not.

A leader poses a long term perspective while a manger follows a short term perspectives. This indicates
that the leader is more visionary in nature while the manager is less visionary in nature which indicates
that leaders follow style and contingency theory whereas managers follow classical theory.

A leader is originated in nature but the manager is imitative in nature which suggests that the leader
poses trait theory of leadership while the manager does not.

A leader is original in nature whereas a manager is copy by nature which reflects that the leader follows
situational leadership models whereas the manager follows a management by objective model.

The various theories of leadership and management are discussed below, first the leadership theories:

Transformational Theory of leadership:

The transformational leadership theory is defined as theory of leadership which causes changes in
individual and social system and it creates valuable and the positive change in the followers with the
ultimate goal of developing the followers into leaders. This system of leadership is best suitable in
organization that aims for succession planning in the organization so that there is no shortage of
leadership qualities and abilities in the organization in the future.

Action centered Leadership:

Action Centered leadership focuses on the theory that good managers and leaders should have a proper
control of the three main areas of action centered leadership which are team, task and individuals and
they should also be able to use the elements of the process in a proper way. According to this model a
leader is manager is successful if they are able to achieve results, build morals, improve quality of work
and is able to develop teams and productivity. This model is best suitable for organization where the
productivity and the co-operation between the team are less and the management wants to develop a
co-ordination between all the groups of the organization in order to foster productivity.

Trait Theory of leadership:

The trait theory of leadership is based on the traits and qualities of the leaders which lead to their
effectiveness but it fails to establish the trait that should be common to all leaders. This theory is best
suited for big organizations where there is a huge demand for their products and therefore the
productivity of the workforce has to be controlled strictly.

Contingency theory of leadership:

The contingency theory of leadership is based on the situational approach and it has got no particular
model. The approach is applied accordingly to the situation that the company is facing at any particular
time and can be applied to a variety of situations such as to increase the productivity, or to improve the
co-ordination of the employees of different group, or to make the employees more responsible in their
approach or to facilitate employee retention in the organization.

Now the theories of management are discussed in detail below:

Classical Management theory:

The classical or scientific management theory is based on the beliefs that the worker in an organization
only have physical needs and economic needs and it does not take into account the social needs of the
worker into account and the job satisfaction but it instead lays emphasis on specialization of labor,
centralized leadership, profit maximization and decision making. This theory is best suited to those
organizations where the organization is only concerned about the productivity and not any other needs
of the worker.

Behavioral theory of management:

The behavioral theory of management is also known as the human relations movement as it helps in
addressing the human dimension of work and this theory focuses on the belief that better
understanding of human behaviors at work such as motivation, conflicts and expectations improves the
productivity of the work of the employees. This theory of management is best suited in the
organizations where the main focus of the organization is to achieve the goals of the company by
empowering and motivating the employees.

Chaos Theory of management:

The chaos theory of management states that every organization faces some chaos or disturbance
activity during operating its business which can be change in public demand, slowdown of the economy
and so on. This theory is best applied on those organizations where the management wants to keep
their employees always ready to face any kind of critical situations in the market without getting de-
Management by objectives:

The management by objectives is a management model which aims to improve the performance of the
organization by clearly defining the objectives which are agreed upon by both the management and the
employees of the company. This model of management is best suited to the small start-up companies
where the management wants to involve the staffs in the decision making process in order to make
them responsible towards their tasks.

M2: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to situations within the work

The strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to situations within the work environment are as

Situational Leadership Model Strengths:

 There is no Single leadership style as therefore there remains an excitement in the employees
regarding the selection of the best possible leadership style rather than following the same
 The group environment remains comfortable and effective as it helps in building better team
 It helps in boosting motivation as it involves the employees sometimes in the decision making
process and they start to feel as an important part of the organization.
 It enhances awareness as the employees monitor closely the situation in order to be aware of
the leadership style that is to be applied.
 It is flexible and intuitive in approach as there are role reversals parts in the case of the decision
making process.


 Lack of understanding of the demographic differences due to the lack of high quality experience
in the employees as they are not used to it.
 Possibility of creating confusion within the group as the situations are interconnected and
interrelated with various other factors.
 It tends to emphasize the short term strategy as it focuses only on the current scenario. This
model is best suited for organizations that want to develop the co-ordination and co-operation
between the employees and the management and also want to improve their decision making
process depending upon the type of situation it faces.

Systems Leadership Model Strengths:

 It provides a glossary of terms with which researchers from different fields can be understood.
 It provides a framework for the presentation and interpretation of phenomenon and realities.
 Clarifies the thought on the complexity and dynamism of the environment and provides a
framework for building ideas.


 The process is lengthy and complicated in nature as it engages various inter-related parameters
in it.
 It is not widely popular due to the acceptances by less number of leaders as it is comparatively a
lesser adapted approach with an element of risk.
 This model is best suited for organizations who want to adopt a unique approach for the growth
of the organization by adopting various long terms innovative visions which will not only help in
the growth of the organization and its stakeholders but will also benefit the society.

Task oriented approach Strengths:

 Clarity of Purpose as the wants and demands of the organizations are specified clearly by the
 Precise Task definition and the employees are well aware of their roles and responsibilities.


 Lack of creativity as it focuses on the usual mode of working.

 Lack of innovation as there is no scope for training and development. This model is best suited
for organizations who want to develop and evolve the productivity of their employees and the
work efficiencies of the employees to achieve high growth rate.

Relationship oriented Approach Strengths:

 It energizes employees as they get their deserving respect from the company.
 It increases the job satisfaction of the employees as their psychological needs get fulfilled.
 Staffs feel empowered and meaningful due to the internal work atmosphere.
 Better understanding of the working environments they get ample time to study the working
environment of the company.


 Lower Performance as there is no pressure of completion of the tasks.

 Increased customer dissatisfaction due to the lack of desired services.  Decreased Profitability
as it does not impose any strict deadlines or pressure to complete the work. This model is best
suitable for organizations that are experiencing a low level of employee retention and the
interpersonal relationship between the management and the employees are not so good and it
requires urgent improvement for proper task co-ordination.

Management by objectives Strengths:

 Encourages face to face communication which increases confidence among the employees.
 Flexible in nature as it changes from time to time.
 Improves management as they adapt to different objectives from time to time.
 Uses a set of targets to achieve their desired goals and objectives on time.
 Requires quantify and monitoring to ensure the smooth running of the entire process.
 Encourages greater participation as the objective is finalized after having the opinion of all the


 Difficult and time consuming to switch from one objective to the other.
 Poor Judgement of the entire process
 Difficulty in measuring objectives as it is changes from time to time. This model is best suited for
an organization when the management feels the necessity to communicate their roles and
responsibilities of each employee to them so that they will be better aware of their roles and
responsibilities within the organization. There is no right or wrong solution to any organizational
situation. Depending on the people involved, culture of the organization and the requirement of
the situation solutions are provided and decisions are taken.

D1: Critically analyze and evaluate the different theories and approaches to leadership in given

The different theories and approaches to leadership are as follows:

Trait theory of leadership:

It is based on the traits and qualities of the leaders which lead to their effectiveness but it fails to
establish the trait that should be common to all leaders. This theory is best applied to big organization
where there is a huge demand for their products and therefore the productivity of the workforce has to
be controlled strictly. In this theory of leadership there are certain qualities of a person which help them
to control and manage a situation accordingly in a unique manner which does not match with the
characteristics of any other persons. The trait theory of leadership is followed in organizations such as
Microsoft where the employees of the organization work accordingly in order to fulfil the vision of Bill
Gates who is not only the founder of the company but also their leader.

Style & Contingency theories of leadership:

It is based on the situational approach and it has got no particular model. The approach is applied
accordingly to the situation of the company they are facing. It contains various sub theories in it such as
the Fred Fiedler contingency model, Hersey Blanchard situational model, Path- Goal model and Vroom
Yetton model. The style and contingency theory of leadership believes that the organizational change is
a dynamic process and it can happen at any point of time, therefore the adaption of contingency style of
leadership is very essential for organizations rather than the regular common models in order to handle
the situation perfection according to the need of the hour which also helps the organization to come out
of their comfort zone and rather place themselves in such a position where they can manage the
situation according to its requirements. The style and contingency theory of leadership is best followed
in the Information Technology companies where the dynamics of the market changes very randomly and
therefore in order to adapt to the changes of industry the style and contingency leadership model is

Charismatic Leadership Theory:

It is based on the charismatic quality of the leader to inspire the team members to perform the tasks
they are specified. They command authority towards the team by not virtue of their formal position but
of their virtue of charismatic personality. This leadership is best applied to the organizations where
there is a strong co-ordination between the managers and the workers. The charismatic leader
constantly aim to motivate and inspire their followers by virtue of their charismatic leadership and
always tries to encourage and cheer them in every possible task they do in order to increase their self-
confidence which in turn leads to the efficiency of the task and increase in productivity of the employee.

Situational Leadership theory:

This theory describes that no particular leadership model is suitable for an organization. Therefore the
leadership mode to be applied in an organization depends upon the situation of the company at the
present time. This theory of leadership is best applied to organization where the nature of the task and
resource provided for the task varies from time to time.

The two types of situational leadership theory are

1. Task oriented leadership theory:

The task theory of leadership is practiced in the organization when there is a need to increase the
productivity and efficiency of the organization.

2. Relationship theory of leadership:

The relationship theory of leadership is practiced when there is a need to motivate the employees and
to retain the employees of the organization. The relationship theory of management is followed in
organizations such as IBM and Google where the organization value their employees and aims to
establish a good relationship with them in order to increase their productivity.

Systems leadership Theory:

Systems leadership approach is defined as the leadership across organizational and geo political
boundaries, beyond individual professional discipline, within a range of organizational and stakeholder
cultures, and often without managerial control. This system of leadership is best applied to that
organization who seeks to challenge the regular leadership theories in their businesses and adopt
something new and unique. This theory of leadership helps in promoting creativity and innovation in the
organization and always encourages the employees to think differently while approaching a particular
task and the systems leadership theory also focuses on the welfare of the organization not only the
employees in order to facilitate the growth and development of the organization. The systems theory of
leadership is best applied to those organizations who aims to change the perception of the common
people towards a product or service not just for the promotion of their products but also for the benefit
of the society.

Action centered leadership:

The action center leadership focuses on the theory that good managers and leaders should have a
proper control of the three main areas of action centered leadership which is team, task and individuals
and they should also be able to use the elements of the process in a proper way.

According to this model a leader and manager is successful if they are able to achieve results, build
morals, improves quality of work and is able to develop teams and productivity. The action theory of
leadership is followed in organizations such as Tesco as the human resource of the company are very
high and therefore it is the responsibility of the manager to improve the productivity of the
organization, build a moral in the employees and helps to improve the quality of work by focusing on
team development.

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