CLC - LEC - Past Simple - Rules

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Past Simple - rules

Verb to BE (ser/estar)


I was I was not (wasn’t) Was I…?

You were You were not (weren’t) Were you…?

He / she / it was He / she / It was not (wasn’t) Was he / she / it…?
We / you / they were We / You / They were not (weren’t) Were we / you / they...?

TRADUÇÃO: I was – eu era, estava, eu fui, estive; you were – tu eras, foste, estavas, estiveste;
he was – ele era, foi, estava, esteve; we were – nós éramos, fomos, estivemos; you were – vós
éreis, fostes; they were – eles (elas) eram, estavam, foram, estiveram.

Simple Past of the verb to HAVE (ter)


Did I / you / he /
I had I did not have
she / it / we / you /
You had You did not have
they have...?
He / he / It had He / she / It did not have
We / you / they had We / You / They did not have

NB.: O auxiliar did + not costuma abreviar-se para didn't

TRADUÇÃO: I had – eu tinha, tive; you had – tu tinhas, tiveste; he had – ele tinha, teve, etc.

LC_B3_LE_B - Língua Estrangeira B 1

Simple Past of the verb to DO (fazer)


I did I didn't do Did I / you /

he / she / it /
You did You didn't do
we / you /
He / he / It did He / she / It didn't do
they do...?
We / you / they did We / You / They didn't do

TRADUÇÃO: I did – eu fiz, fazia, etc.

E como se forma o passado dos verbos regulares?

 Com os verbos regulares é bastante mais fácil! Acrescenta-se –ed ao infinitivo do

verbo. o E.g. Help---» helped; like ---»liked; watch---»watched.

 No caso de verbos como like, que já terminam em –e, não vamos acrescentar –ed, mas
sim –d, para evitar duas vogais seguidas!

 No caso de verbos terminados em Y:

1) Apenas se acrescenta -ed quando o Y é precedido de vogal:

Eg.: play ---» played

2) O Y passa a i e acrescenta-se -ed quando o Y é precedido de consoante:

Eg.: study ---» studied

- No caso de verbos IRREGULARES:

Estudar a seguinte tabela:

LC_B3_LE_B - Língua Estrangeira B 2

List of verbs

LC_B3_LE_B - Língua Estrangeira B 3

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